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Replacement of the temperature transducer EDT in ELCORplus

1. Disconnect the EVC battery from the processor board.

2. Disassemble the modem battery (if installed).

3. Remove the cover of SLOT 0 blocking removal of the cover of the transducers terminals.

4. Remove the transducer terminal cover (the srew is located under the seal).

5. Check which terminals belongs to the temperature transducer. Once it is identified,
disconnect the wires from the terminal, release the cable from the cable gland and remove
the temperature transducer.
Remark: On my test sample the temperature transducer is connected to the bottom
terminals, but it´s not a rule.

6. The cable from the cable gland should be released using two wrenches 14 mm.

7. You can remove the original transducer now.

8. Install the new one in opposite order of the above-described operations.

Install the cable shielding correctly into the cable gland, as described in the user manual of
ELCOR/ELCORplus on page 58 (5.5.1 Connecting Cables).

Here is the meaning of the wires.

GND Green
U+ Brown
D- Yellow
D+ White

9. Once the transducer is properly connected to the terminals, you have to finalize the
installation using TELVES software.

a. Connect the EVC battery.

b. Switch the user and metrological switch located on the processor board to ON
position. The metrological switch is located under the seal.

c. Readout the parameters from the EVC and click on the temperature transducer.

Click on „New address“ button and enter the serial number of the newly connected
temperature transducer. Click OK.

Enter the new address. The address should be the same as mentioned in the
„Address“ field.

Click OK.

d. Run the diagnostic (Setup/Status (diagnostics) of device/From device).
Click on Device test. Click on Clear Summary status.

e. The device should indicate just W32, W34 and W35 warnings. The rest should be
f. Move the Metrological switch back to OFF position.
g. The replacement should be done now.

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