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Catherine Mae V. Macaraya Strategy Implementation “the sum total of ll actvities end choices requires forthe execution of » strategic clon. WHO are the people to carry out che strategic plan? WHAT must be done to align company operations in the imended direction? HOM Is everyone going to work together to do what s needed? | Developing Programs, Budgets and Procedures PROGRAM - a collection of tacies where a tactic isthe individual action taken by the organization as an element of the affortto ‘accomplish a plan. I's purpose is tomake a strategy action-oriented. Timing Tactics: When to Compete Market Location Tactics: Where to Compete TIMING TACTIC - deals with when a compeny implements a MARKET LOCATION TACTIC - deals with where a company sretegy implemerts a strategy. FIRST MOVER - firs: company to manufacture andzellanew OFFENSIVE TACTIC- usually shez place in an eztablichec Product or service competitor's market location LATE MOVERS - may be able to imitate the techrological DEFENSIVE TACTIC- usually takes place in the firms own advances of others, keep risks down by waiting until a new current market position as a defense against possible attack technological standard by arial DEFENSIVE TACTICS ORNS OF SYNERGY Catherine Mae V. Macaraya “STRUCTURE FOLLOINS STRATEGY. changes in corporate start land to changes in arganizational structure Stages of Corporate Development |. SIMPLE STRUCTURE “flexible and dynamic |, FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE -encrepreneur is replaced by @ team of managers |i), DIVISIONAL STRUCTURE “management of diverse product lines in numerous industries decentralized decision making IV, BEYOND SBU's -matix cnemork Organizational Life Cycle describes how organizations grow. develop and deciine PHASES of Metrix structure development temporary cross-functional task forces *productforand management VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION -composed of series of project groups or collaborations linked by constantly changing nor-hierarchal, cobwebblike electronic networks CELLULAR/MODULAR STRUCTURE ‘composed of cells whicn con operate alone but which can interact with other cells to produce a more potent and competent business mechanism BLOCKS TO CHANGING STAGES internal clack of resources lock of ebility refusal of top managementto delegate +Excernel “economic cardition slabor shortages “lack of market grawsh (Entrepreneurs) loyalty to comrades ~ask oriented “tingle mindecness working in Isolaion MATROC STRUCTURE -advance type of organizational structures functonel and product forms ere combined simultaneously at the same level of the organization NETWORK STRUCTURE ‘virtual elimination of in-house busines: functions Packagers Designers J Supplies Corporate Headquarters (Grker) eseennnan, Manufacturers Distributors J Promotion Aovertning “agencies Catherine Mae V. Macaraya REENGINEERING AND STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Reengineering -the radical redesign of business processes to achieve major geins in cost, service or ume effective pragram ta implement a turnarsund stratezy PRINCIPLES: “organize around outcomes have those who use the output of the process perfom the process subsume information-processing work into real work shat produces information teat geographically dispersed resources as though they were centralized “link parallel acivitiag instead of integrating their razulte put the decision point where the workis performed and build control capture information once and at the source the process SIX SIGMA. Sik Sigma analytical method for achieving near perfect results on 2 production line -emphesis is on recucing product variance in order to boost quality end efficiency Lean Six Sigma “includes the removal of unnecazcery steps in any process andi fixing thaze that remain PROCESS: 1, DEFINEa process where results are poorer than average 2IMEASURE the process to decermine current performance 2 ANALYZE the information to pinpoint where things are going wrong IMPROVE the process ang eliminate the eror SEESTAELISH controls to prevert future deface from occurring DESIGNING JOBS TO IMPLEMENT STRATEGY Job design ‘he study of individual tasks in an attemptto make them more relevantte the company and to the employees Job enlerge: combining tasks to give a worker more of the same type of duties to perform Job roxation: moving workers through several jobs to increase variety Job characteristics -using task characteristics to improve employee matvation Job enrichment

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