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(onstructed: 1996

Owner:Public Roads Administration Hedmark.

Designer:Norconsult AS, consultingengineersand
SelbergArkitekter ÁS, architects.
(ontractorofthe substructure: AS Anlegg
Contractor of the supeÍstructuÍe:
Moelven Limtre AS.
Horizontal clearance: 6.5m
Verticalclearanceunderthe bridge:4,5 m abovemean
Loadingclass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Regulationsof 1995.
struduÍalsystem: Five equal,simply supportedspan of
trussbeamswith arched top chords (bowstringtruss).
Btidgedeck Stresslaminatedtimber deck made of
48x223 mm plank.
WoodtÍeatment: Áll wood exceptrailings is creosote

bridge impregnated.The railings are impregnatedwith CCA
combinedwith an oil basedsurfacetreatment.

Woodquantity:600 mr
TotalpricelNOK 15 mill. excl. developmentcosts.The
shareof the superstructureis about NOK 7 mill.

Evenstadbridge is crossingthe river Glomma in

Stor-Elvdal in Hedmark county, some 8o km
north-eastof Hamar. Vith its r8o m length,the
bridge is consideredone ofthe largestwooden
bridges designedfor full traffic loading. Although
shape and material was chosen to harmonise !
with the surroundings,the solution proved to be I
economically competitivewith other materials. I

The project had statusas a public nao project

and the NoK 7,6million developmentcostsw'ere
split betweenthe owner,the superstructure
contractorand sNo.
The staticsystemoíthe bridge consistsoífive
equal,simply supportedspansofglued laminated
truss beamswith curved upper chords.
.... . . ... ,*---,--,i

The bridge deck is a stresslaminatedtimber

plate,supportedby steelcross beamsand steel
suspensionrods. The pavementis asphalt.The
railing consistsof steelposts,which are attached
to the crossbeamsand providedwith longitudinal
wooden rails, and is designedfor an impact
velocity of 6o km,/h.Á]l wood materialis creosote
impregnatedpine, exceptfor the railing,which
is cce impregnatedand provided with an oil
basedsurfacetreatment. assembledat the factory,checkedand disassem-
bled before impregnationand transportationto
The structurewas to a large extentprefabricated the bridge site.At site,each span was completely
at the factory of Moelven Limtre es, situated pre-assembledand then mounted by crane.The
some 16okm north of Oslo. The trusseswere weight of each sectionwas 54 t.
Owner:Public Roads Ádministration oppland.
Designer:InterconsultAS, consultingengineersand
Forinel IndustridesignÁS, architects,Public Roads
Administration Hedmark and Norske Limtrepro-
(ontractorof the substructure:
Public Roads Ádmini_
(ontractorof the superstru(ture:
Moelven Limtre ÁS.
Span:35,0 m
Horizontalclearance:6,5 m
Loadingclass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Reguladonsof 1995.
Structuralsystem:Two, three-hinged,glued laminated
archeswith elevatedbridge deck.
Bridgedeck:Stresslaminatedtimber decL made of
48 x 198mm plank.

Fonhus Woodtreatment:All wood material,exceptfor the
bridge dech is double impregnated,first with CCA

and then with creosotewith reduced absorption.The
bridge deck planks were creosoteirnpregnatedto class
A íINSTA-140).
Totalpti(e:NOK 3 mill. The shareof the superstructure
is aboutNOK 1.8mill.
Fonhus bridge is crossing the river Begnain
Sor-Aurdal in Valdres, some r4o km north of
Oslo, as part ofthe regionalroad Fvzz6.The
two-lane bridge has one main span and is
designedíor full traffic load. An arch bridge
with elevatedbridge deck was chosen due to the
availableheight at the bridge site.The fact that a
previous bridge at the samesite was made of
timber,and becausea wooden structurefits well
into the surroundings,and the bridge deck gives
weatherprotection to the load carrying structure
underneath,made a timber bridge a natural
choice. All wood material,exceptfor the bridge dech
is double impregnated,first with ccl and then
The staticsystemis two, three-hinged,glued with creosotewith reduced absorption.The
laminatedarcheswith elevatedbridge deck.The bridge deck planks were creosoteimpregnated
bridge deck consistsof stresslaminatedtimber to classe (rusre-r4o).
platessupportedby steelcrossbeamsand verti-
cal timber postswhich extend radially from the The structurewas to a large extentprefabricated
arch up to the transversebeams.The wearing at the factory of Moelven Limtre es. Arches,
course is asphalt.The railing is attachedto steel vertical posts and transversebeamswere lifted
posts,which togetherwith the cross beams,form into position by crane and temporarily supported.
an open frame.The longitudinal wooden railing The bridge deck and railings were assembled
is designedfor an impact velocity of óo km,zh. in place.Total constructiontime for the super-
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structurewas about threeweeks,while the

mounting of the main load carrying structure
was finished in one daY.
(onstÍu(ted: 1998
Owner:Public Roads Administration Hedmark.
Designer:InterconsultAS, consultingengineersand
Plan arkitekter,architects.
(ontractorof the substructure:
Public Roads Admini-
Contractor of the supertruCtuÍe:Moelven Limtre AS and
Public Roads Administration Hedmark.
Totallength:32,7 m
Horizontalclearance: 75 m
loadingclass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Regulations1995.
Structuralsystem: Glued laminated,three hinge arches
with a suspendeddeck.
Bildgedeck:Stresslaminatedtimber plate consistingof
48 x223 mm planla with asphaltwearingcourse.
Woodtreatment:Thearchesand the wooden railings

bridge are double impregnated,with CCA and then with
creosotewith reduced absorption.The bridge deck

Norway planks were creosoteimpregnatedto classA (INSTA-
Woodquantity:120 m'
Iotalprice:NOK 3,0 mill. The shareof the superstruc-
ture is about NOK 1.6mill.
Gronsvebakkenbridge crossesthe Flagstadriver asphalt.The railing consistsof steelposts,which
some five km north eastof the ciry of Hamar in are attachedto the cross beamsand provided
Hedmark county.The two lane bridge is part of with longitudinal wooden rails, and is designed
a regional road. In order to provide access for an impact velocity of 6o lanÁ. The arches
under the bridge,the structuralheight under- and the wooden railings are double impregnated,>
neaü the bridge deckhad to be kept as low as
possible.In addition to fulfilling this require-
ment,the chosen designharmoniseswell with
the local surroundings and proved to be cost
competitivewith other materials

The staticsystemof the bridge consistsof two

glued laminated,three hinged archeswith a sus- -F o c b e r e dfto r
90n90one \ AsíolI slttedekke
pended deck.The reaction forces are taken F=2000 \

directly into the ground without a horizontal


tension tie.The bridge deck is a stresslaminated

timber plate supportedby steelcross beamsand aEtZZJmm konsl.uRstonslre
o e k k e b r e d dceo ? 8 0 ö f e r d l g
suspendedby steeltension ties.The Pavementis oppspent

first with ccA and then with creosotewith

reduced absorption.The bridge deck planla
were creosoteimpregnatedto classe (rxsre-
r4o).The combined arch and bridge abutment
is founded on river gravel.

The structurewas to a large extentprefabricated

at the factory of Moelven Limtre as.Arches,
vertical tension ties and transversebeamswere
lifted into position by crane and temporarily
supported.The bridge deck and railings were
assembledin place.Total constructiontime for
the superstructurewas about threeweeks,while
the lifting of the main load carrying structure
was finished in one day.
Constructed: 1993
Ownel:Public Roads Administration NordrTrondelag.
Designer:RG-prosjekt AS and Ivar Bovim,
consultingengineersand Arnestad-Heggenhougen-
Hage arkitektkontorAS, architects.
Main(ontractor:Public Roads Administration Nord-
(ontractorofthe supeÍstructuÍe:
Splitkon ÁS
Totallength:60 m
Span:40m (mainspan)
Horizontalclearance:1.0 m
Verticalclearanceunderthebridge:3 m at high water
loadingdass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Regulationsof 1986
Structuralsystem:Two, three-hingedarchestilting
towardseach other with a partly elevatedsuspended
Bildgedeck Longitudinal and transversetimber beams

Holmen with plank pavementin the middle and steelgratingin
the driving uacks.

Woodtreatment: Creosoteimpregnation.
Iotal price:NOK 2,0 mill.

Holmen footbridgeis crossingthe river Namsen All glued laminatedmaterialis creosoteimpreg-

close to the main road E6 in the village of natedpine ofthe quality r4o. The bridge deck
Namsskoganin Nord-Trondelag county in the consistsof longitudinal glued laminatedbeams
middle part of Norway. In addition to aesthetic with wooden pavementboards in the middle
considerations,an important reason for choos- and steelgratingin the driving tracks.The
ing a wooden bridge was the fact that Namssko- bridge is designedfor heavy maintenancevehi-
gan is a typical forest community and that wood cles.
materialwas consideredto harmonisewith the
surrounding nature. The glued laminatedtimber componentswere
manufacturedin the factory of Splitkon e/s, sit-
The staticsystemof the bridge consistsof two uatedsomeroo km north-westoíoslo. The
glued laminatedthree-hingedarcheswith a arch and beam elementswere transportedto the
partly elevatedbridge deck.The archeswere bridge site by lorries. The archesand the beams
given a parabolic shapeand a sectionaldepth, were divided into elementswith a maximum
which decreasestowards apex.The archestilt length of 14,6m and a maximum height of r,8 m.
slightly towards each other in order to increase The bridge elementswere lifted into position
the real as weli as the visual stability. and mounted by crane.

Constructed: 1995
0wner:Public Roads Administration Rogaiand.
Designer:Multiconsult AS, consultingengineers.
(ontractorof the 5upeÍst]uctuÍe:
Moelven Limtre AS.
Span:24,0 m (main span).
Horizontal 2,8m
Verticalclearanceunderthe bridgel5,0m
loadingclass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Regulationsof 1995.
Structuralsystern:Three hinged arch,connectedto the
bridge deck at crown.
BridgedecklOne layer of transversetimber and one
layer of longirudinal plank pavement.
WoodtÍeatment: CCÁ impregnatedwith an oil based

lV-Stienfootbridge Totalprice:NOK 900.000

IV-Stien footbridgeis located in Sandnesin the to the bridge site by lorries. The archesand the
south-westernpart of Norway. The bridge is beamswere divided into two parts,each about
crossingthe main road n39.One of the reasons 13m for the arch elementsand 16m for the
for choosing a wooden bridge was the possibility straightbeam elements.
to disassembleand re-use the bridge at an other
location in caseof a future upgradingof the r39 The arch elementswere lifted into position by
to four lanes.From an aestheticpoint of view, a crane,while the bridge deck,including railings,
rock cutting at both sides of the road and the was completedon the road and then lifted into
nearby pinewood, made a timber arch structure position by crane.This was possiblebecausethe
a natural choice. road was new and notyet open for traffic.

The staticsystemof the bridge consistsof two

glued laminatedthree hinged archesthat are
connectedto the bridge deck at crown. All wood
materialis cca impregnatedpine provided with
an oil basedsurfacetreatrnentand with the
quality r4o (glulam).The transversebeamsand
the braces are made of hot dip galvanisedsteel

The glued laminatedtimber componentswere

manufacturedat üe factory of Moelven Limtre
es. The arch and beamelementswere transported
to Sandnesby train, and from the railway station
0wner:Public Roads Administration Sor-Trondelag.
Designer:Dr.IngA. Aas-JakobsenAS, consulting
engineers,Plan Arkiteker AS, architects, Public
Roads Administration Hedmark and Norske Limtre-
(ontractorofthe substructure:Public Roads Administra-
tion Sor:Trondelag.
(ontÍacto] Moelven Limtre AS.
of the 5upertruCtuÍe:
Span:18,8m (main span).
Horizontalclearan(e:4.0 m
loadingdass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Regulationsof 1995.
Sttucturalsystem:Three-hinged,glued laminated
archeswith a suspended,partly elevatedbridge deck.
Bddgedeck Stresslaminatedtimber plate,supported
by steelcross beamsand vertical steelsuspensionties.

bridge Woodtreatment:All wood material, except for the
bridge ded<,is double impregnated, fust with CCA
and then with creosote with reduced absorption. The
Norway bridge deck planks v/erecreosoteimpregnatedto class
Woodquantity:45 ml
Iota!price:NOK 1,6mill. The share of the superstruchire
is about NOK 1,0mill.

Knutshaugbridgeis part of a regionalroad and absorption.The bridgedeck plania were creosote

is crossingthe nationalroad Rv7r4 on the island impregnatedto classe (rNsre-r4o).
of Hitra, some r5o km west of the city of Trond-
heim. The bridge site exposedto strongwinds, The structurewas to a large extentprefabricated
and it is the first timber bridge in Norway which at the factory of Moelven Limtre es. Arches,

hasbeenbuiltin sucha marineenvironment. vertical posts and transversebeamswere lifted
It has,thus,beenfocusedon design,detailing, into position by crane and temporarily support-
impregnationand surfacetreatmentof both ed.The bridge deck and railings were assembled
wood and steelelements. in place.Total constructiontime for the super-
structurewas about two and a half week.while
The staticsystemis three-hinged,gluedlaminated the mounting of the main load carrying struc-
archeswith a suspended,partly elevatedbridge ture was finished in one day.
deck.The abutmentforces are taken directly
into the foundation.The bridge deck is a stress i.
laminatedtimber plate,supportedby steelcross 5500
beamsand vertical steelsuspensionties.The
wearing course is asphalt.The railing is attached
to steelposts,which togetherwith the cross
beams,form an open frame.The longitudinal
wooden railing is designedfor an impactvelocity
of 6o km./h.All wood material,exceptfor the
bridge deck,is double impregnated,first with
cca and then with creosotewith reduced
Owner:Public Roads Administration Hedmark.
Designer: Norconsult AS, consultingengineersand
SelbergArkitekter AS, architects.
(ontractorof thefoundation:JohannKjeldmarkAS.
(ontractorof the supe]st]uctuÍe:
Moelven Limtre AS.
Span:2x40 m
Horizontafdearancet2.2 m
Loadingclass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Regulationsof 1995,exceptfor a reduced main-
tenancevehicle (4 t) and snow load on roof.
Structutalsystem: Two inclined, two span,trussbeams,
connectedat the top chord and with the bridge deck at
bottom chord.
Bildgedeck:Timber cross beamsand longitudinal
beamsand transverseplank pavement.
Woodtr€ a tment: materialof lower chords is

0sfootbridge double impregnatedwith CCA and with creosotewiü

reducedabsorption.All otherwood materialis creosote

0s,Norway ímpregnatedwith reduced absorption.

Totalprice:NOK 4 mill. The shareof the superstructure
is about NOK 2 mill.
Os footbridgeis crossingthe river Glomma at
Os in Osterdalen,some z5o km north-eastof the
city of Hamar.The bridge,which has a total
length of 8o m, is divided into two equal span
with one pillar in the middle of the river..W'ood
was the preferred structuralmaterialdue to the
harmony with the local nature as well as for

The staticsystemconsistsoftwo single span

beams.Each beamis made of two inclined trusses
that are connectedat the top chord and that,
togetherwith the bridge deck"is forming a trian-
gular cross section.The bridge deck is built up
in traditional manner by timber cross beams,
timber longirudinal beamsand transverseplank
pavement.The bridge is provided with a protec-
tive roof which allows for the design of a light then with creosotewith reduced absorption.All
maintenancevehicle only. The roof is made up other wood materialis creosoteimpregnated
of horizontal. wooden boards with a vertical with reduced absorption.
spacingthat lets the light and wind through but
protectsthe bridge deck and structureagainst The structurewas to a large extentprefabricated
rain and snow.The wood material of the lower at the factory of Moelven Limtre as. The trusses
chords is double impregnated,first with cce and were assembledat the factory,checkedand dis-
assembledbefore impregnationand transporta-
tion to the bridge site.At site each truss span was
completelypre-assembledand then mounted by
crane.The bridge deck,roof and railings were
completedin place.Total constructiontime for
the superstructurewas about two weeks,while
the mounting of the main load carrying structure
was finished in one day.


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tion Hedmark.
(onttactorof the supeÍstÍudule:
Moelven Limtre AS and
Public Roads Administration Hedmark.
Horizontal clearan(e:
loadingclass:Public Roads Administration Design
Load Regulationsof 1995.
Structutalsystem: Simply supportedplate with three
Bridgedeck:Stresslaminatedtimber deck with an
asphaltwearing course.
Woodtreatment:All wood material,exceptfor the
railings,is impregnatedwith creosote.The railings

Rotnafootbridge are CCA impregnatedand provided with an oil based


Totatptite:NOK 600.000.The shareof the superstruc-
tureis aboutNOK 260.000.
,PPaitaR tFt !R,i t :i,rEn4,.t,

of horizontal timber rails attachedto vertical

..'l steelposts.The steelposts are fixed to the bridge
deckby meansoffoot platesand boltsthrough
the bridge slab.All wood material,exceptfor the
railings,are impregnatedwith creosote.The rail-
ings are cce impregnatedand provided with an
oil basedsurfacetreatment.
-l]1]4]l. 'Ú1f9j:!:'Ú

The glued laminatedbeamsas well as the planks

Rotna footbridgeis crossingthe river Rotna in for the bridge deck were prefabricatedand
Grue, some r+okm north-eastof Oslo. The deiivered ready for assemblyat site.The beams
bridge representsa very simple timber structure were lifted into position by craneand the restwas
which, compared to similar steeland concrete assembledon úe beamsin place.Construction
concepts,proved to be,not only technically a time for the superstructurewas about one week.
very good solution,but also to be advantageous
2! '1ól
with respectto economy and aesthetics. 1[ /ó!,


The structureconsistsof a stresslaminated

timber deck,strengthenedby three integrated
glued laminatedbeams.The deck elementsand
the beamsare stressedtogetherto form three
interactingT-cross sections.The solution reduces
the structuralheight significantlycompared to a
designwith separatebeams.The railings consist
Owner:Public Roads Administration Ostfold.
Designer: GEAS AS, architectsand consultingengineers.
Maincontractor:ove Skár A,/S,constructioncomPany.
Contra(torofthe superstructure:Splitkon AS
Totallength:64,6 m
Span:20,6 m (mainspan).
Loadingc|ass:Public Roads AdministratíonDesign
Load Regulationsof 1995.
stÍuduraIsystem: Four span,simply supported,con-
tinuos glued laminatedtrusswith the deck at the
bottom chord.
Bridgedeck One layer of timber with tongue and
groove and one layer ofplank pavement,both placed
at an angleto the longitudinal axis.
Woodtreatment:Creosoteimpregnatedpine exceptfor

Skovbole the bridge deck which is CCA impregnated.
Totalprice:NOK3,6 mill. The shareof the superstruc-

Norway ture is about NOK2.7 mi]rl.
Skovbole footbridgeis locatedin the city of
Fredrikstadin the south-easternpart of Norway.
The bridgeis crossingthe nationalroad Rvro9.
The timber bridge conceptwas the result of a
competitionon conceptualideas for footbridges.
In addition wood materialwas considered a
natural choice in Fredrikstadwith its traditions
in exportof sawtimberand as an appointed
town for environmentalimprovements.

The staticsystemofthe bridge is a four span,

simply supported,continuous glued laminated
trusswith the deck at the bottom chord. The
bridge deck is made up of one layer of timber
with tongue and groove and one layer ofplank
pavement,both placed at an angleto the longi-
rudinal axis.All wood materialis creosote
impregnatedpine exceptfor the bridge deck
which is cce impregnated.The quality of the
glulam materialis r3o.

The glued laminatedtimber componentswere

manufacturedin the factory of Splitkon e,/s,
situatedsome roo km north-west of Oslo.
Owner:Public Roads Administration Hedmark.
Designet: Interconsultas,consultingengineersand
SnohettaarkitekterAS. architects.
(ontractorofthe substructure:
Pubiic Roads Administra-
tion Hedmark.
(ontradoroÍthe5upe]stluctuÍe: Moelven Limtre AS.
Span:32,0m (mainspan).
Horizontalclearan(er4,0 m
Verticalclearanceunderthebridge:5,2 m
Loadingclass:PublicRoads Administration Design
Load Regulations1995.
stÍu(ura|system: Glued laminatedtrusswith arched
bottom chord and partly fixed ends.
Bridgedeck:Partly elevated,stresslaminatedtimber
plate,supportedby steelcross beamsand vertical steel

bridge Woodtteatment:The trussesare double impregnated,
first with CCA and then with creosotewith reduced

absorption.The bridge deck planks were creosote
impregnatedto classA (INSTA-140).
Woodquantity:80 m3
Iotalprice:NOK 2,5 mill. The shareof the superstruc-
ture is about NOK 1.6mill.
Skubbergsengabridge is crossingthe national
road Rvz in Eidskog,some r5 km eastof the city
ofKongsvinger.The one lanebridgeis part ofa
local road and is designedfor full traffic load.
The bridge is crossingthe main road at a right
angleand is given an arched shapein order to
form a visual attractionin an otherwisesome-
what monotonouslandscape.The chosensolu-
tion proved to be cost competitivewith other

The staticsystemis a one span,glued laminated

trusswith an archedbottom chord. The bridge
deck is partly elevated.The structureis simply
supportedfor dead load and has fixed ends for 0lkkebíedd! co l.370 Í€ r dig
other loads,as the upper chords are tied to the oppspennl(91stk. ptonkl

concreteabutmentsby steeities afterthe

mounting of the bridge.The bridge deck consists
of stresslaminatedtimber platessupportedby
steelcross beamsand vertical steelsuspension impact velocity of 5o km.zh.All wood material,
ties.The wearing course is wooden. The railing exceptfor the bridge deck,is double impregnated,
is attachedto steelposts,which togetherwith first with cca and then with creosotewith
the cross beams,are forming an open frame. reducedabsorption.The bridge deck plan-kswere
The longitudinal steelrailing is designedfor an creosoteimpregnatedto classe (Insre-r4o).
The structure was to a large extent prefabricated
at the factory of Moelven Limtre es. The trusses
were assembled in the factory, checked and dis-
assembled before impregnation and transporta-
tion to the bridge site where they were reassem-
bled and lifted into position one by one. Total
construction time for the superstructure was
about three weeks, while the mounting of the
trusses was finished in one day.
Yearof completion:
Owner:City of Lahti
Designer:SuomalainenInsinóoritoimisto oy
Mainconttactor:Vierumáen Teollisuusoy
Spans:13,5+ 13,5+ 13,0m
Effectivewidth:3,0 m
underthebridge:4,8 m
Loadings:4 kN/m'
Sewice vehicle 40 + 20 kN, axle spacing2,0 m
Structuralsystem:Glued laminatedtimber girder
Bridgedeck:Glued laminatedtimber slabs
Woodtteatment: Saltimpregnation+ painting
(Bridgedeck creosoteimpregnation)
Woodquantity:30 mr
Iotalprice:FIM 630.000(EUR 106.000) Shareofthe
superstructure FIM 330.000(EUR 56.000)

Mukkulankatu overpassis locatedin the city
of Lahti roo kilometresnorth from Heisinki.
The bridgeis on an outdoor recreattonroute
passinground the city. A timber bridge is
deemedto be a very appropriatealternative
in this surrounding.

The staticalsystemconsistsof a three-span

continuous girder with two glued laminated
main beams,which also form part of the railing.
The material of the girders is salt-impregnated
KREOSOOTTIXYLLASTYS and painted pine with the quality of r4o (corre-
spondsto cL32 accordingto prEN rr94).The
deck consistsofglued laminatedand creosote-
impregnatedwood elementswith the same

The timber componentswere manufacturedin

the íactoryof Vierumáen Teollisuus oy about
20 kilometresfrom the bridge site.The assem-
bling work of the superstructurewas performed
on the factory.The ready bridge unit was trans-
ported by a lorry to the erection site and lifted
to its final position by mobile cranesin two
hours.The traffic under the bridge was cut off
only betweentwo and four o'clock at night.
Consequently,all expensiveoperationsin traffic
arrangementswere avoided.
Yearof completion: 1997

ti Owner;City of Espoo
i{l IÉ- Designer:SiltatekniikkaOy Viadukt
Maincontractot: Finnish Road Administration
Contractor ofthesuperstructuÍe:
S p a n : 3 3 ,m3
Effectivewidth:4 m
Loadingclass:klVTieL 91
(lighttrafficloading/Finnish Road Administration)
structuÍa|system: Glued laminatedtimber arch
Bridgedeck:Glued laminatedtimber slabs
Woodtreatment:Salt impregnadon+ parntingor creosote
Wood quantity:75
FIM 820.000
FIM ó83.000

Ollas overpassis locatedin the city of Espoo
some 20 kilometreswest from the centreof
Helsinki. In designthe aestheticand ecological
aspectswere deemedvery important due to the
neighbouringcultural landscape.For thatreason
timber was a natural choice as building material.

The staticalsystemofthe bridgeconsistsoftwo

glued laminatedarcheswith a partially elevated
deck.The material of the archesis salt impreg-
nated and painted pine with the quality of r4o
(correspondsto cL32 accordingto prox rr94).
The materialof the deck elements,transverse
beamsand the bracesis creosoteimpregnated
pine of the samequality r4o. The lighting posts
and the main parts of the railings are wood as

The timber componentswere manufacturedin

the factory of Vierumáen Teollisuus oy rzo km
north from Helsinki and transportedby lorries
to the erection site.The transportationelements
of the archeswere 33,8m long and 5,2m high.

arrangementsin the transportation.The longest
transportationelementsof the deck were 34 m

The wooden elementswere lifted directly from

the lorries to theirfinai positionby mobile
cranes.The benefitof the arrangementis that
the traffic under the overpasswas cut off for
short periods only.
Yearof completion:1996
0wner:Finnish Road Administration
Maincontractor: FírrnishRoad Administration
Manufacturer of the timberstÍuftures:Vierumáen
Teollisuus Oy
Span:13,8 m
Effectivewidth:4,0 m
(light traffic loading/Finnish Road Administration)
structuÍa| system:King-post truss

Bridgedeck 50 x 150 structurallumber
Iimbergrade:Glued laminatedtimber L40
Structurallumber T30 ii:
Woodtreatment:Salt impregnation+ painting
Woodquantity:19 m' ,1
Totalprice:FIM 450.000(EUR 76.000)
Shareof the timber structuresFIM 53.000

Sinettájoki ge
footbrid (EUR 9.000)

5 4 0 . . 3 6 0 x 1 4L0= 4 9 8 0
L=305 h|2 ó93



4) 360..40Jx265 L=4J00
J60x2l5 L:15160

Sinettájokifootbridgeis located some 30 kilo_

metresnorth from Rovaniemi, the capital of
Finnish Lapland.The bridgecrossesrhe river
alongsideto the main road in a small village.The
bridge was adaptedto the Lapp village environ-
ment by choosing a traditiona]kiÍIg-posttruss
as the structuralsystem.

A similar type of bridge did exist in the same

place from 1879until 1928aÍIditwas desisnedin
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Yearof completion: 1997
Owner:Finnish Road Administration
Designer: Nuvo Innovation Oy
Maincontractor:Finnish Road Administration
(ontractoroftimbe]structu]e5:vierumáen Teollisuusoy
S p a n : 1 5m
Effectivewidth: Z5 m
Loadings: Lk 1
(Road traffic loading/Finnish Road Administration)
Pavement: Asphalt
Woodtteatment: Creosoteimpregnation
Woodquantity:30 ml
Totalprice:FIM 644.000(EUR 108.000)
Share ofthe timber structures
FrM 142.000(EUR 24.000)

compositebridgeshave been
the main topic of the timber bridge research
projectsexecutedat Helsinki University of
Technology since 1992.Tirva Bridge is one of
the practical realizationsofthe projects.The
bridge is locatedin Valkeala r5o km northeast
from Helsinki in the surroundings of great
natural beauty.

The staticalsystemof the bridge is a simple-span

compositestructureconsistingof threewooden
main girders and a concreteslab.Each of the
main girders consistsof three glued laminated
timber beamsbolted together.The underside of
the main girders is curved.The height of the
girders is increasedtoward supportsby gluing
additionalwoodenlaminatesin progressive
stepsto the underside of the beams.Thus the
shear capacityis increasedas well. In addition, a composite structure together with glued-in
the curved shapeof the girders has a positive rods of 16 mm and transverse dowels of ztmm
influence on the appearanceofthe bridge.The The railings consist of steel frame and wooden
samewooden laminatesare used to accomplish trellis.
Yearof completion: 1999
0wner:Finnish Road Administration
Main(ontractor: Y lT Corporation
Designel:Insinoöritoimisto Rantakokko & Co oy
Spans:21,0+ 42,0+ 42,0+ 42,0+ 21,0m
Effectivewídth11'0+ ]'0 m
loadings: Lk1, EkllTiel9l
(Trafficloading/Finnish Road Administration)
Structuralsystem:Glued laminatedking-post trussin
three middle spans,
Concrete- glued laminatedtimber compositegirders
in two side spans
Bridgedeck Concrete- steel- glued laminatedtimber
Timbergrade: L40
Woodtreatment:Salt impregnationor creosoleimpreg-
nation,structuralcovering of the king-post trusses
Woodquantity:985 m'

bridge Totalprice:FIM 20.600.000(EUR 1.465.000)
Shareofthe superstructure FIM 16.800.000

FinIand íEUR2.826.000)
Main road no. 5 crossesthe VihantasalmiStrait The bridge type regardsthe traditions of timber
r8o kilometresnorth from Helsinki. The old bridges applying simultaneouslythe newest
steelbridge remainedtoo narrow due to the technology.
improvementof the road. \7ood was chosen as
the materialfor the new bridge.The decision Each of the main girders and the diagonalsof
was done in order to emphasizethe significance the king-post trussesin the three main spans
of the area as the raw materialsource for the consist of two glued laminatedtimber members
forest industry.The use of wood material also each.The bridge deck consistsofa concreteslab
stressesthe ecologicalaspects,which are and longitudinal glued laminatedtimber beams
deemedvery important in the surrounding supportedby transversesteeltrusses.The struc-
province.'V'ood is also very attractivein the tural system in the two side spans consists of
gracefullake district of the bridge site. concrete-gluedlaminatedtimber composite
girders.The pedestrianand birycle lane of the
It was decided to arrangean idea competitionin bridge will be carried out as a wooden cantilever
order to find new innovations for timber bridges. structure.
Thirty-one designteamswere interestedin the
competition.Five teamswere finally invited to The bridge is planned to be completedin 1999.
make their proposals.As a result eleven designs The deck area of the bridge will be the largestas
were proposed.The structuralsystemofthe regardedto the timber bridges on main roads in
winning proposal was a king-post truss in three the Nordic Countries.
main spans.Later two side spanswere added.
Constructed! 1997
Owner:Municipatity of Haninge.
Designer: ELU Konsult AB (substructure), Svenska
Trábroar AB (superstructure)
ContÍador: SvenskaVág AB
Supplielof superstructute:
SvenskaTrábroar AB
Tota||engthofsupe]struduÍe: 168m
Span:One 13.5m span,seven 17m spans,one 35 m
main span
Horizontalclearance:3.5 m
Loadings:Auniformly distributedload of 4 kN/m'or
two axle loads,80 and 40 kN of a maintenancevehicle.
stÍuduralsystem:The main span and the two adjacent
spansare supportedby two steelpylons and solid bar
stays.Six spansare supportedby abutmentsand bents.
Pylons:Steel box 500x800 mm at the foot,500x300
mm at the top. Up to the bridge deck the cavity is filled
up with concrete.
Bridgedeck Continous stress-laminateddeck,495 mm

thick. The wearing surface is a 50 mm thick asphalt
pavementon a welded bitumen mat.

Sweden Timber:GradeK30. Deck abovethe trafficroute,rail
ings and claddingpanels is preservative-treatedEuro-
pean redwood (pine).Deck outside the traÍficroute is
Europeanwhitewood (spruce),without preservative
Woodquantity:305 m'
The bridge crossesthe Gudöbroleden in Haninge, The deck surfaceis protectedby a welded
south of Stockholm.The length of the bridge is bitumen insulation mat and 5o mm asphalt
168m. The stress-laminateddeck consistsof pavement.The edgesofthe deck have a panel
butt-jointedlaminations of tzmlength, with a cladding.The timber surfacesof railing, cladding
cross-sectionof 7zx 495mm'. The laminations and deck are painted with three coatsof an oil-
are untreatedEuropeanwhitewood,exceptin the basedsemitransparentcoating.The deck is
part above the traffic route that is preservative- sloping z 0/ocrosswisefor draining.
treatedEuropean redwood.The bridge is
designedaccording to the SwedishRoad
Administrationsdesign code Bro 94,for
pedestrianbridges. 2 SI R0STFRI
SPAX 6x100/5]0LPE
Ll0 sT sr4rDts005/ sYLt
The zr m heigh steelpylons support the 35m T117VFZI']ELLAN
long mid-span and the two adjacentr7 m spans.
The other spans,which have a length of ry.5and 22
(lAtK 110)
17m, aÍesupportedby 6 steelbents'4 of üem in OtH tAGIRPAII
V-shape.The bridge deck is assembledon the
abutmentsand bents.The stressingbars are ^t- sPÁNNN6
Dywidagz6.5 mm, spaced8oo mm apart. L

The pretensioningforce is 372kN. The stays

are solid bars. M161.2C0 l'lUTTtR
0wner:Municipalityof Sodertálje,Járna district
Designer: Prisma Arkitekter, ELU Konsult AB (sub-
structule),Maltinsons Trá KB and Trátek (super-
(ontractor:Södertálje Bro&Vág AB
5upplietof supetstÍuctu]e:
Martinsons Trá KB
Totallengthof superstructure:80.4 m
Span:15+25 +25 + 1.5m
Horizontalclearance:2.8 m
Verticafclearanceunderthebridge:5.15 m
loadings:Auniformly distributedload of 4 kN/nt' or
two axle loads,80 and 40 kN of a maintenancevehicle.
Structuralsystem:A centralpylon, two 25 m cable-
stayedspansand two 15 m simply supportedspans.
Bridgedeck:Stressedll The wearingsurfaceis a 50 mm
thick asphaltpavementon a welded bitumen mat.
Timber:Glulam of preservative-treatedEuropean red-
wood (pine),gradeL40. The railing has steelpostsard

Járnafootbridge pales of uncoatedand untreatedlarch.

Woodquantity:82 m'

This footbridgeat SaltáKvarn,Járna,some 5o km
south of Stockholm,crossesthe motorway n4.

The stressed-tdeck is built up of zt5 mm glulam

sections.The height of the three deck beamsis
63omm.The pre-stressing bars aÍeM24spaced
9oo mm apart.The four parts of the structure,
15m and z5 m long respectively,were entirely
assembledat the factory and delivered to the
site completewith railings.

The pylon is built up of two rz-sided polygonal

hollow glulam sections(Comwood)with an outer
diameterof 6oo mm and a wall thicknessof
64 mm. The height of the pylon is rr.5m.
The staysare solid bars 3z mm dia. (upper)and
40 mm dia. (lower stays).Up to a height of 3 m
above the deck,the staysare protectedwith
plastic tubes.

The entire structureis cca-treated European

redwood exceptthe railing that is untreated
larch.The structure,exceptthe railing,is finished
with threecoatsof a semi-transparent coating.
(onstructed: 1997
0wner:Municipality of Borlange
Designer:Martinsons Trá KB and Trátek
Martinsons Trá KB
SuppIierof superstructure:
Iotallength:20.5 m
Span:20.0 m
Loadings:Standardtraffic loads given in Bro 94: three
axle loads of250 kN each and in addition a 12 kN/m
uniform lane load on the first,3 m wide lane.The three
axle loads ofthe adjacentlane are 170kN each and the
uniform lane load 9 kN/m. The axle loads are spaced
1.5m and 6 m apartrespectively.
Bridgedeck The upper plate ofthe box. It is protected
by a welded bitumen insulation mat and a 90 mm
thick asphaltpavement
Timber:Glulam of Europeanwhitewood (spruce),

bridge gradeL40, withoutpreservativetreatment.
Woodquantity:97 mr

This bridge is crossingthe brook Lusbácken at
Borlánge,in the province of Dalarna.It is the
first stressed-boxbridge constructedin Sweden.
The whole superstructurewas delivered to the
site in four parts,including the railing.

The structureis designedusing finite element

analysis.In ultimate limit stateand with a residual
compressivestressof o.35N/mm"due to pre-
stressing,the designtensilestressperpendicular
to grain,is limited to o.z N/mm".The mean steel,but claddedwith wood, preservativetreated
deflectionof the four wheels spacedr.5m apart pine, to give the bridge a timber look.
is limited to I/ 4ooof the span of the bridge.
The protectionby designis givenhighestpriority.
The upper and lower platesof the box are 2r5mm The bridge deck is sloping 2.50lo
glulam,the rz webs consist of glulam beams draining.All timber surfacesare finished with
t65x99o mm. The pre_stressingbars aÍeM24 three coatsof an alkyd oil-based semi-transpar-
spaced9oo mm apartin the upper plate and ent coating.There is a roomy spacebetweenthe
16oomm apartin the lower plate.To meetthe timber structureand the concreteabutmentto
requirementsof Bro 94,the railings are made of allow for ventilationand insoection.
Owner:SwedishRail Administratron
Designer:SCC Ludügson Ingenjörsbyrá AB (substruc-
ture),Martinsons Trá KB and Trátek (supersÜucture)
(ontractor:SIAB AB
Martinsons Trá KB
5upp|ierof superstructure:
Totaflengthof supelstru(ture:
Spanofthe archesz17.7m
Horizontalclearance:5.0 m
Loadings:Three axle loads of250 kN eachspaced1.5m
and 6 m apartrespectivelyand a 12 kN/m uniform
lane load.
Structuralsystem:Two three-hingedarches.
Bildgedeck Stress-laminatedplate
Timber:Arches,struts,crossbeamsand railings are
CCÁ-treated glulam gradeL40 ofEuropean redwood
(pine).Bridge deck ofEuropean whitewood (spruce),
gradeL40, without preservativetreatment.
Woodquantity:74 m'

This bridge crossesthe railway between The two archesare built up of two members
Falkoping andJonkopíng,near Mullsjö in each.These members,spaced20 mm, are glulam
the province of Vástergötland. r4o with a cross-sectionof 866xzr5 mm".
The railing posts,made of glulam r4o x r8o mm',
The bridge deck consistsof zr5 mm glulam fulfrll the requirementsof Bro 94 regarding
supportedby cross-beamsat a distanceof loading 9 kN/m, o.55m above pavement.
33-3.8m. The deck has a fold, it is sloping cross-
wise in both directions to give the asphaltpave- The structureis cce-treated European redwood
ment a uniform thicknessas demandedby the exceptthe deck that is made of untreatedEuro-
owner ofthe bridge.The pre-stressingbars are pean whitewood.All timber surfacesare finished
mz4 spaced9oo mm apart. with three coatsof an alkyd oil-based semi-
Constructed: 199ó
0wner:Svanbo,/Nibbarsboroad association
Designer:SvenskaTrábroar AB and ELU Konsult AB
5upp|ierof supertructuÍe:SvenskaTrábroar AB
TotaIIengthofsupeÍstruduÍe: 73 m
Span:6.95 m
4.0 m
loadings:Three aíe loads of250 kN each and in addi-
tion a 12 kN/m uniform lane load. The axle loads are
spaced1.5m and 6 m apartrespectively.
Stlucturalsystem:Stress-laminatedplate on two sup-
Bridgedeck 305 mm thick stress-laminateddeck.The
wearingsurfaceis a 60 mm thick asphaltpavement.
Timber:European whitewood(spruce),grade K30,
without presewativetreatment.Railing of preservative
treatedEuropean redwood (pine)

bridge Woodquantity:10 m'


This 7.3m long and 4.2m wide road bridge The deck surfaceis protectedby an asphalt
crossesthe streamGisslarboáLrr, near Nibbarsbo insulation and pavement The edgesof the deck
in the province of Vástrnanland.It replacesan have a panel cladding.The timber surfacesof
old steelbeam bridge with timber deck The railing, cladding and deck are painted with three
laminations,with a cross-sectionof Tzx3o5nrrf , coatsof an oil-based semitransparentcoating.
are made of untreatedEuropean whitewood. The deck is sloping r.5o/ocrosswise for draining.
The moisture contentprior to assemblingwas
rz0l0.The bridge is designedto the loading
requirementsof a road bridge accordingto
Bro 94,the designcode of the SwedishRoad

The bridge is assembledon the old abutments

using preassembled,nailed panels.The stressing
bars are Dywidag 20 mm, spaced8oo mm apart.
The pretensioningforce is z3o kN.
(onstructed: 1997
0wner:Municipality of Ronneby.
Designet:SvenskaTrábroar AB
Contrador:NCC Anlággning AB
5uppIierof superstruduÍe:SvenskaTrábroar AB
LengthofsupetstÍuduÍe: 29.1m
Span:28.0 m
Horizontafclearance:2.5 m
loadings:A uniformly distributedload of 4 kN,/m' or
alternativelya 40 kN rnaintenancevehicle.
stÍudulaIsystem: Two Howe trussessupportingcross-
beamsand servingas railings.
Bridgedeck:50 mm open plank deck on longirudinal
Deams /z x 1./(tmm -
Timber:The ffussesare made ofglulam ofpreservative-
treatedEuropean redwood (pine),gradeL40.
The bridge dech railing pales and coveringsare
pleservaüve-tleatedEuropean redwood gradeK30.

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This footbridgecrossesthe streamRonnebyán

at Ronneby Brunn in Ronneby, Sweden.

The structuralsystemconsistsof two Howe-

trusses,crossbeamssupportingthe longitudinal
deck beamsand stabilizingthe trussesand a
timber deck.The upper and lower chords of
the trussesare made of glulam,grade r4o. The
diagonalbraces are made of glulam or timber.
The vertical web-tensionmembersof steelare flashing.The deck consistsof longitudinal timber
pre-tensioned. beamsand transversedeckplanks. All timber
membersare preservative-treatedaccording to
The upper chords are protectedby a wooden Nordic classA, the surfacesare treatedwith two
roo{ the lover chords by a coatedsteelsheet coatsof an oil-based semitransparentcoating.
Owner:Borgárdetsroad association
Designer:SvenskaTrábroar ÁB
(ontractor:Svenska Trábroar ÁB
Supp|ietof supertructure:SvenskaTrábroar AB
Span:10.2 m
Horizonta! clearance:
3.5 m
loadings:Threeaíe loads of250 kN each and in addi_
tion a 12 kN/m uniform lane load. The axle loads are
spaced1.5m and 6 m apartrespectivd The design
maximum deflecionis l/247 of the span.
Structuralsystem:Stress-laminatedplate on three sup-
Bridgede*: 395 mm thick stress-laminateddeck.The
wearingsurfaceis a 60 mm thick asphaltpavement.
Timber:Europeanwhitewood (spruce),gradeK30,
without preservative treatment.Railing of preservative

treated European redwood (pine)

bridge Woodquantity:31 m'



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This bridge crossesthe streamBorgiirdes- The stressingbars are Dywidag26.5mm, spaced

süömmen at Svárdsjö, in the province of Dalarna" 955mm apart.The pretensioningforce is 373kN.
The length of the bridge is zr m, the two spans
are ro.2m each.The stress-laminateddeck The deck surfaceis protectedby an asphalt
consists of glued, butt-jointed laminations with insulation and pavement.The edgesof the deck
a cross-sectioloÍ7zx395 mm".The laminations have a panel cladding.The timber surfacesof
are untreated European whitewood. The moisture railing cladding and deck are paintedwith three
contentprior to assemblingwas rz 0/0. The bridge coatsof an oil-based semitransparentcoating.
is designed to the loading requirements of a road The deck is sloping r.50/ocrosswisefor draining.
bridge according to Bro 94,the design code of
the SwedishRoad Administration. , 3515_

The bridge is assembledon the abutments.

During the assembling,prior to the prestressing,
the laminationsare held in place with nails
when the predrilled holes are aligned.

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