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Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2021, 00, 1–9

doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmab041
Original Paper

The Pharmacokinetics of Crushed

Levetiracetam Tablets Administered

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to Neonates
Veshni Pillay-Fuentes Lorente MBChB, PG Dip (Med Dev),1
Adrie Bekker MBChB, MMed (Paed), FCPaed (SA), PhD,2 Gugu T.J.
Kali MBChB, DCH, FCPaed (SA), Cert Neonatol (SA), PhD,2
Lizel G. Lloyd MBChB, DCH, MMed (Paed) FCPaed (SA), Cert
Neonatol (SA),2 Alma W. Van der Merwe BTech,1
Ahmed A. Abulfathi MBBS, MMed (Clin Pharm), FCCP (SA), PhD,1,3
and Eric H. Decloedt MBChB, BSc Hons, FCCP (SA), MMed
(Clin Pharm), PhD1
Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University,
Cape Town 7505, South Africa
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town 7505,
South Africa
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University
of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 600004, Nigeria
Correspondence: Veshni Pillay-Fuentes Lorente, Stellenbosch University, Room 7057, Clinical Building, Tygerberg Campus, Francie van Zijl
Drive, Parow, Cape Town 7505, South Africa. Tel: þ27-21-938-9335. Fax: þ27-21-938-9860. E-mail:

Background: Intravenous phenobarbital remains the first-line therapy in the management of neo-
natal seizures. Shortages of intravenous phenobarbital in South Africa necessitated the addition
of oral levetiracetam as part of management of neonatal seizures.
Objective: We evaluated the pharmacokinetics of crushed immediate-release levetiracetam tablets
administered to neonates to terminate seizures.
Methods: A prospective, observational study of neonates admitted with seizures to Tygerberg
Hospital. Participants received crushed levetiracetam (diluted in saline) given orally or via naso-/
orogastric tube. At steady-state, pharmacokinetic sampling was performed at pre-dose, 1.5, 2.5 and 4
h post-dose. Maximum concentration (Cmax), time to Cmax (Tmax), trough concentrations (Ctrough)
and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC0–12) were calculated using non-compartmental
analysis. Seizure termination and safety profiles were documented.
Results: Nineteen participants were grouped into three dosing ranges: (i) 5–15 mg/kg/12-hourly, (ii)
15–25 mg/kg/12-hourly and (iii) 25–35 mg/kg/12-hourly. Range 1 demonstrated AUC0–12
167.0 6 45.6 h*lg/mL, Cmax 19.19 6 4.12 lg/mL and Ctrough 9.99 6 3.86 mg/mL. Range 2, AUC0–12
316.5 6 108.4 h*lg/mL, Cmax 35.12 6 10.54 mg/mL and Ctrough 19.25 6 8.48 mg/mL. Range 3, AUC0–12

C The Author(s) [2021]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please email:  1
2  Crushed Levetiracetam Tablets

290.9 (range 176.14–405.59) h*lg/mL, Cmax 36.11 (range 27.58–44.64) mg/mL and Ctrough 13.03
(2.98–23.07) mg/mL. Seizures terminated in 17/19 (90%) neonates by day 3 and 19/19 (100%) by day
4 post-levetiracetam initiation.
Conclusion: Crushed levetiracetam has comparable pharmacokinetics to historical data. No phar-
macokinetic differences were observed between oral vs. naso-/orogastric administration. Crushed
levetiracetam tablets can be considered for neonates in low-resource settings where intravenous and

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syrup access is limited.

Intravenous preparations of antiepileptic medications are used in the management of neonatal seiz-
ures. Various established standard of care intravenous antiepileptic medicines are unavailable nation-
ally and internationally due to reasons outside our control. This stock shortage included intravenous
phenobarbitone which is the first-line treatment for paediatric seizures. Due to phenobarbital short-
age, levetiracetam has been identified by the neonatologists at Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town,
South Africa, as a suitable treatment option due to its efficacy and safety profile. However, intraven-
ous levetiracetam and oral syrup is not registered in South Africa. Levetiracetam tablets are being
crushed, dissolved and administered to neonates. There are no data available on the absorption of
crushed levetiracetam tablets administered to neonates via a nasogastric tube. This study character-
ized the pharmacokinetic profile of crushed levetiracetam administered to neonates. We selected
neonates receiving levetiracetam from the neonatal wards at Tygerberg hospital and drew blood to
analyse the levetiracetam concentrations at 4 different time points. We found that the overall expos-
ure of crushed levetiracetam tablets were comparable to the exposures achieved in historical data of
the unaltered formulations. We concluded that crushed levetiracetam tablets can be considered for
neonates in low resource settings where intravenous and syrup access is limited.

K E Y W O R D S : pharmacokinetics, neonatal seizures, crushed levetiracetam

INTRODUCTION seizure control was greater in neonates receiving

The medicine of choice in the management of neonatal levetiracetam (RR 0.37; 95% CI 0.17–0.80, p < 0.01)
seizures as first-line therapy remains phenobarbital [1, [10]. No adverse events were reported in the levetir-
2]. Neonates are defined as newborns up to 28 days of acetam arm. In a study evaluating oral levetiracetam
life. In February 2018, there was a shortage of intraven- as add-on therapy in paediatric patients who failed
ous phenobarbital at a national level in South Africa. In phenobarbital and phenytoin with ongoing seizures,
response, the neonatologists at Tygerberg Hospital, a ter- 95.3% of patients responded [11].
tiary teaching hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, Oral levetiracetam is rapidly absorbed, has bioavail-
opted to incorporate levetiracetam into the neonatal seiz- ability of 100%, linear pharmacokinetics and minimal
ure management algorithm. Oral levetiracetam was intro- hepatic metabolism with no induction or inhibition of
duced as third-line therapy after first-line therapy of oral hepatic enzymes [12]. Levetiracetam is a pyrrolidone
phenobarbital in combination with midazolam, followed derivative thought to exert its pharmacological action
by second-line therapy with midazolam, lignocaine or by binding to the synaptic vesicle protein 2A and inhib-
phenytoin infusion. Immediate-release levetiracetam tab- iting presynaptic exocytosis of the synaptic vesicle [13].
lets are registered and marketed in South Africa, but not Similar levetiracetam pharmacokinetics was demon-
the intravenous and syrup formulations. The oral tablets strated in a 3-way crossover study of 10 adult healthy
are cheaper and easily accessible with significantly fewer volunteers, administered levetiracetam with enteral nu-
cost implications than the intravenous formulation. tritional formulas (ENF) and without ENF [14]. In
Intravenous and oral syrup formulations of children the clearance of levetiracetam is 30% higher
levetiracetam are effective in terminating neonatal and the exposures are 30–40% lower compared with
seizures and well-tolerated [3–9]. In a randomized adults [12]. Levetiracetam clearance is lower in neo-
controlled trial of neonates (n ¼ 100) randomized nates than children which are attributed to a lower
to intravenous levetiracetam or phenobarbital, glomerular filtration rate and plasma esterase activity
Crushed Levetiracetam Tablets  3

[15]. To our knowledge, there are no available data on Health Research and Ethics Committee guidelines of
crushed levetiracetam in neonates. We sought to gather Stellenbosch University [16]. All participants meeting
more information and assess whether the current inclusion criteria received crushed levetiracetam be-
standard practice by the neonatology team of adminis- tween 10 and 30 mg/kg/12-hourly either orally or via
tering levetiracetam at a dosing range between 10 and a naso- or orogastric tube as per the attending neona-

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30 mg/kg/12 h via nasogastric tube, produced adequate tologist’s instructions. The crushing process was uni-
absorption and systemic exposures. In this study, we form as per standard of care practice in the neonatal
evaluated the neonatal pharmacokinetics of crushed lev- wards. The 250 mg scored tablet of levetiracetam was
etiracetam tablets 10–30 mg/kg/12-hourly using non- halved and 125 mg (one half) crushed and diluted in
compartmental analysis (NCA). 5 ml of saline water, from which the required dose
was extracted. When administered through a naso- or
METHODS orogastric tube, 5 ml saline was used to flush the tube
The study was conducted at Tygerberg Hospital from afterwards. The remaining levetiracetam mixture was
August 2018 to July 2019. The study received ethical discarded. Administration of levetiracetam was
approval from the Stellenbosch University Human observed by a study team member. The half-life of lev-
Research Ethics Committee and complied with Good etiracetam is between 5 and 7 hours in children [12].
Clinical Practice and the Declaration of Helsinki. We Steady state would have been reached at 5 half-lives
screened all patients admitted to the neonatal wards which is 25–35 hours post-initiation of levetirace-
in whom the attending neonatologist prescribed and tam. Pharmacokinetic sampling was done at steady
initiated levetiracetam. The inclusion criteria were state at 4 time points: pre-dose, 1.5, 2.5 and 4 hours
neonates of all weights and gestational ages receiving post-dose, by a medical doctor from the study team
levetiracetam to abort seizures. Signed informed con- trained to undertake repeated neonatal sampling. Five
sent by the parent/caregiver was obtained. Neonates minutes variation around the pharmacokinetic sam-
were excluded if they were considered critically ill as pling time was permissible. The limited time points
per the discretion of the attending clinician, had a were selected to capture the minimum and maximum
haemoglobin <7 g/dL and if the pharmacokinetic concentrations while remaining within blood draw
sampling blood volumes exceeded the limit of daily restrictions. Figure 1 illustrates the sequence of events
blood draws permitted in neonates as outlined in the in the study. Demographic data such as gestational

Fig. 1. Timeline representing sequence of study events.

4  Crushed Levetiracetam Tablets

age, sex and weight were recorded. Important clinical That is, it uses linear interpolation between data
findings of the gastrointestinal system were captured, points when levetiracetam concentration is increas-
together with the diagnosis, Apgar scores, daily ing (absorption phase) but logarithmic interpolation
Thompson scores and electrolyte abnormalities. when concentrations are decreasing (elimination
The Apgar score assigns a value of 0, 1 or 2 to heart phase). The choice of linear up/log down method

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rate, reflex irritability, colour, muscle tone and re- was to overcome the inherent limitations of using ei-
spiratory effort. It is a universally accepted tool ther method alone, that is, linear trapezoidal method
used to assess a neonate at birth. A score of 7 and overestimates AUC during elimination phase, where-
above is associated with good health. The as the log trapezoidal method underestimates the
Thompson score is a clinical tool which assesses AUC during the absorption phase. Therefore, the
central nervous system function in a neonate fol- linear up/log down method is considered more ac-
lowing hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). curate for AUC assessment.
As HIE worsens the Thompson score increases. Descriptive statistics were generated using
Concomitant medication information was recorded PhoenixV WinNonlin and GraphPad Prism 8 (San
with respect to dose, dosing interval and route of Diego, CA, USA). Normality testing of the data was
administration. The timing of medication adminis- conducted using the Shapiro–Wilk test. Parametric t-
tration was recorded to assess possible drug-to-drug tests were used for normally distributed data and
interactions with levetiracetam. Medical records non-parametric testing for non-normally distributed
were evaluated daily for adverse events possibly data. We used published data evaluating levetirace-
related to levetiracetam by a study member and in- tam pharmacokinetics in 21 children between ages 4
consultation with the attending clinicians. Adverse and 12 years old dosed levetiracetam 10–30 mg/kg/
events such as irritability, somnolence and hyper- 12-hourly as a comparator to our findings [18]. The
activity were evaluated daily. Blood samples means between both data sets were compared using
(0.5 mL) were collected in EDTA tubes and centri- unpaired T-tests. A p value of <0.05 was used to de-
fuged at 4000 rpm within 30 min of blood drawing termine statistical significance between our study
to extract plasma. Plasma samples were stored at findings and the historical data. The dosing per body
80 C until the batched analysis using the ARKTM weight range is 10–30 mg/kg/12-hourly and we
levetiracetam assay, a user defined, homogenous en- grouped participants into three dosing ranges: (i) 5–
zyme immunoassay [17]. The Siemens Dimension 15 mg/kg/12-hourly, (ii) 15.01–25 mg/kg/12-hourly
EXL 200 was used to carry out the assay. All sam- and (iii) 25.01–35 mg/kg/12-hourly.
ples were analysed at the Clinical Pharmacology
Laboratory at Stellenbosch University. NCA was RESULTS
performed using PhoenixV WinNonlinV version 8.1 Twenty-three participants were screened, 4 were
(Certara USA, Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA). excluded and 19 participated in the study. The rea-
Maximum plasma concentration (Cmax), time to sons for exclusion were withdrawal of levetiracetam
Cmax, (Tmax), trough plasma concentration therapy (n ¼ 1), vasculopathy precluding pharmaco-
(Ctrough) and area under the curve from time zero kinetic sampling by clinicians with relevant expertise
to 12 h (AUC0–12) were calculated. (n ¼ 1) and parents declined participation (n ¼ 2).
AUC0–12 was extrapolated using the pre-dose Participant characteristics are described in Table 1.
concentration as the 12-hour concentration since The median 5-min Apgar score was 7 (IQR 6–9). Of
participants were dosed 12-hourly. AUC0–12 was cal- the 15/19 (79%) patients with HIE, 8/15 (53.3%)
culated using linear up/log down option therefore were cooled. The highest median Thompson score
AUC0–12 was calculated using linear trapezoidal and the score at discharge were 11 (IQR 8–16) and
method for increasing concentrations and the log 4 (IQR 1.5–5.8), respectively. Five patients (5/19;
trapezoidal method for decreasing concentrations. 26%) received phenobarbitone and levetiracetam; 6/
The linear up/log down is a combination of linear 19 (32%) received midazolam, phenobarbitone, lig-
and log trapezoidal method of AUC assessment. nocaine and levetiracetam; 4/19 (21%) received
Crushed Levetiracetam Tablets  5

TABLE 1 Participant characteristics

Characteristics N ¼ 19

Gestational age (weeks), 38 (37–41)

median (IQR)

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Post-natal age (days), 8 (7–13)
median (IQR)a
Preterm, n (%) 5 (26)
Sex, n (%)
Male 9 (47) Fig. 2. Levetiracetam exposures (AUC0–12) in our study
Female 10 (53) compared with a previous study by Fountain, et al. (our
Birth weight (g), 3040 (2840–3310) study;representation of means from Fountain, et al.; pink
median (IQR) dotted lines represent standard deviations from Fountain,
Current weight (g), 3060 (2780–3700) et al.) AUC0–12, area under the curve from 0 to 12 h;
median (IQR)a b.i.d., administered twice a day.
Diagnosis, n (%)
Hypoxic ischaemic 15 (79)
Meningitis 1 (5)
Otherb 3 (16)
Route of administration, n (%)
Naso- or orogastric tube 14 (74)
Oral 5 (26)
Dose of levetiracetam, n (%)
5–15 (mg/kg/12-hourly) 8 (42)
15–25 (mg/kg/12-hourly) 9 (47) Fig. 3. Concentration–time curves of dosing band 1.
25–35 (mg/kg/12-hourly) 2 (11)

IQR, interquartile range.

At the time of pharmacokinetic sampling.
Other: diagnosed with congenital abnormalities, choanal stenosis, hya-
line membrane disease and myelomeningocele.

midazolam, phenobarbitone and levetiracetam; 3/19

(16%) received midazolam, phenobarbitone, pheny-
toin and levetiracetam and 1/19 (5%) received
phenobarbitone, lignocaine and levetiracetam. On
discharge, 4/19 (21%) patients received levetirace-
tam and phenobarbitone, 13/19 (68%) were dis- Fig. 4. Concentration–time curves of dosing band 2.
charged with levetiracetam only and 2/19 (11%)
were not discharged with any anticonvulsant therapy. concentration-time profiles for dosing band 1 and 2
Seizures aborted in 21% (4/19) participants by day are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Table 2
1, 58% (11/19) by day 2, 90% (17/19) by day 3 and shows comparison between AUC0–12, Cmax, Ctrough
100% (19/19) by day 4. No adverse events such as and Tmax in the current study and historical data.
hyperactivity, somnolence and irritability were AUC0–12, Cmax and Tmax were not significantly differ-
reported. ent in participants receiving levetiracetam via naso- or
AUC0–12 in our study was comparable to AUC0–12 orogastric tube compared with participants receiving
described in historical data (Figure 2) [18]. Individual levetiracetam orally (Table 3).
6  Crushed Levetiracetam Tablets

p valued

Our study demonstrated that the pharmacokinetics
of crushed levetiracetam tablets administered to neo-
Dose range 3 (25–35 mg/kg/12 h)

290.9 (176.14–405.59)e
nates are similar to the unaltered oral levetiracetam

36.11 (27.58–44.64)e

13.03 (2.98–23.07)e
formulation when dosed between 5 and 25 mg/kg/

1.5 (1.5)e,f
12-hourly. We found similar pharmacokinetics in

Downloaded from by University of KwaZulu user on 25 March 2023

participants receiving levetiracetam either via naso-
or orogastric tube or orally.

There are limited data on the pharmacokinetics

Cmax, maximum plasma concentration; Tmax, time to maximum concentration; AUC0–12, area under the curve from time 0 to 12 h; Ctrough, trough plasma concentration.

of crushed oral levetiracetam in children and

neonates. One study evaluated oral levetiracetam in
0.5 (0.5–3)e
73.2 6 19.2

20.6 6 5.8

participants <2 years old administered in a solid or

433 6 94

crushed form, but included just two neonates and


only reported trough concentrations [19]. Glauser,

et al. [20] administered a single-dose of 20 mg/kg

levetiracetam oral solution to infants and children up

TABLE 2 Pharmacokinetic parameters of levetiracetam in our study compared with historical data

p value



to 4 years old. In this study [20], levetiracetam

Dose range 2 (15–25 mg/kg/12 h)

AUC0–24 was evaluated, but the differences in the

study design and NCA metrics evaluated makes it
0.5 (0.5–3.0) 2.5 (2.0–3.3)e,f
35.12 6 10.54
316.5 6 108.4

19.25 6 8.48

unsuitable for comparison with our study. We used

Current data

the pre-dose concentration as the 12-hour concentra-

tion to extrapolate AUC0–12 because the levetirace-
tam studies available for comparison to our study
reported AUC from time of dose to 12 hours after
57.1 6 14.9

15.6 6 5.3
322 6 71

dose. We did not expect levetiracetam concentra-


tions at pre-dose to be significantly different from

those at 12 hours post-dose because blood samples

were collected at steady-state and levetiracetam dosed

12 hourly. We were able to calculate AUC0–12 and
p value



therefore compared our study findings to a pharmaco-

Median (range); all other data expressed as mean (6standard deviation).

Dose range 1 (5–15 mg/kg/12 h)

kinetics study by Fountain, et al. [18]. Fountain, et al.

[18] administered levetiracetam at 10, 20 and 30 mg/
0.5 (0.25–3.0) 1.5 (1.5–2.5)e,f
19.19 6 4.12
167.0 6 45.6

9.99 6 3.86

kg/12-hourly during a titration period of 6 weeks. The

resulting AUC0–12 was similar to our study at corre-

sponding doses. Some patients in our study received

Compared with historical data by Fountain, et al. [18].

concomitant phenobarbital which has a cytochrome

Too small sample to compare to historical data.

P450 enzyme inducing effect. However, levetiracetam


is predominantly metabolized by enzymatic hydrolysis

24.8 6 8.3
145 6 44

8.4 6 3.8

and is not dependent on the cytochrome P450 system


for metabolism. Hence levetiracetam concentrations

Compared with historical data.

Non-normally distributed data.


are unlikely to be affected by phenobarbital or any of

T-test used to assess data.

the other concomitant anti-epileptics administered.

Ctrough (mg/mL)

Patients in the Fountain, et al. study received concomi-

Cmax (mg/mL)

(h*mg /mL)
PK parameters

tant sodium valproate and carbamazepine therapy and


Tmax (h)

reported similar levetiracetam exposures between the

groups. In dosing range 2, the Cmax in our study was
lower and statistically different from that found in


Crushed Levetiracetam Tablets  7

TABLE 3 Comparison of pharmacokinetic parameters between participants receiving levetiracetam via

naso- or orogastric tube vs. participants receiving the drug orally
Pharmacokinetic parameter Naso- or orogastric tube Oral administration, P valuea
administration, n ¼ 14/19 n ¼ 5/19

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AUC0–12 (h*lg/mL) 220 (157.5–355.4) 213.8 (154.0–348.8) 0.90
Cmax (lg/mL) 23.8 (18.8–41.3) 26.4 (19.3–34.2) 0.84
Tmax (h) 1.5 (1.5–2.5) 2.5 (1.5–2.9) 0.46

All values expressed as medians and interquartile ranges. Maximum plasma concentration (Cmax), time to maximum plasma concentration (Tmax) and
area under the curve 0–12 h (AUC0–12).
The study was not powered to specifically compare naso- or orogastric administration vs. oral administration.

Fountain, et al. This could be explained by the dosage to suspected choanal stenosis, possibly contributing
variation within dosing range 2. This was in contrast to the seizures. Khan, et al. retrospectively investi-
with the first dosing range, where majority of the par- gated the administration of levetiracetam loading
ticipants received 10 mg/kg/12-hourly. The Tmax doses in 22 neonates. Following the loading dose,
values reported in our findings were in keeping with 32% achieved complete seizure cessation immediate-
the Tmax ranges reported by Fountain, et al. and others ly, 64% by 24 hours, 86% by 48 hours and 100% by
[18, 20, 21]. 72 hours [4]. The steady state of levetiracetam is
Trough concentrations do not correlate with reached within 36–48 hours; this could explain why
efficacy and have high variability [22–24]. Giroux, 79% of our participants achieved seizure cessation
et al. [23] found plasma concentrations between 5 day 2 on levetiracetam as the current practice is
and 40 mg/mL with 60% of the responders obtaining not to give an oral loading dose.
trough concentrations between 6.85 and 40 mg/mL.
Similarly, Sheinberg, et al. [24] reported a Ctrough Limitations
range between 2.5 and 38.5 mg/mL. All participants Our study had a few limitations. Firstly, due to
in our study fell within this range. Chhun, et al. [25] restricted blood sampling, we were unable to do a
investigated the appropriate dosing regimen in chil- full pharmacokinetic profile and we had extrapolated
dren required to attain the adult target concentration the AUC0–12. Secondly, we lacked a control group.
of 6–20 mg/ml. The probability of attaining the tar- Furthermore, we did not have other levetiracetam
get trough range of 6–20 mg/mL is 44% when dosed formulations within our facility to use as a compari-
at 10 mg/kg/12-hourly, 90% at 20 mg/kg/12-hourly son. Thirdly, dosing range 3 did not include an ad-
and 66% at 30 mg/kg/12-hourly . This explains why equate representation of participants, therefore we
most of the participants in the current study fell could not draw conclusions from the participants
within the 6–20 mg/mL target range. receiving levetiracetam doses >25 mg/kg/12-hourly.
The majority of participants had cessation of seiz- Fourthly, our limited sampling strategy that was
ures by day 3 after levetiracetam initiation which is largely around the absorption phase did not allow
in keeping with previous efficacy studies of levetira- for a population pharmacokinetic modelling to be
cetam in neonates [26–28]. In a prospective study of used to reconstruct a full pharmacokinetic profile.
intravenous levetiracetam in 16 neonates as first line Lastly, adverse events could have been under-
therapy, seizure cessation occurred on average at reported, because the most common side effects in
96 hours [6]. Another study reported 75% of neo- the paediatric population, such as irritability, somno-
nates with seizure cessation by 72 hours after initi- lence and hyperactivity as reported previously, are
ation of levetiracetam [29]. In our study, two difficult to assess in neonates [30]. Our study was
participants had abortion of seizures by day 4: one of not powered to evaluate efficacy of crushed levetira-
the two participants was diagnosed with intracranial cetam tablets in neonatal seizures. Hence, pros-
haemorrhage and the other with hypoxia secondary pective controlled studies should be conducted to
8  Crushed Levetiracetam Tablets

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and caregivers of the participants. 15. Merhar SL, Schibler KR, Sherwin CM, et al.
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