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Tugas kelompok

Nama : Yusuf Apriliyanto Nugroho/31

Vincentius Bintang K/ 30

Rivaldo Gerardus Simbolon/24

1. Statement : Study at home is better than going to school.

Agree : Yes, because studying at home can be more relaxed.
Disagree : studying at home makes it difficult for me to understand the material.
2. Statement : Bullying is so prevalent in most school.
Agree : Yes, most children must have felt it
Disagree : Bullying is not a good thing to do because it can damage the child's
3. Statement : Online gaming should be banned.
Agree : agree, because online games can interfere with children's learning
Disagree :I don't agree, games can make money if you enter esports
4. Statement : Smoking should be banned in pucblic places.
Agree : I agree because smoking in public places is not allowed because it can
disturb people around them who can't smell cigarettes
Disagree : I don't agree, because smoking must be everywhere
5. Statement : Homeword should be deleted.
Agree : Yes, because homework can be replaced by studying at home
Disagree : I don't agree, because homework is important to train children's thinking
at home

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