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PepsiCo Beverage

Sanitation Manual

Revisions to this manual
(Current revision in bold type)
Original manual: August 2010 (Version 1)
First revision: June 2012 (Version 2)
Second revision August 2014 (Version 3)
Third revision August 2017 (Version 4)
Fourth revision April 2019 (Version5)

Copyright © 2019 PepsiCo


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700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.0 Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.2 Audience for This Manual .................................................................................................. 1-3
1.1.3 Approval ............................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.2 PepsiCo Sanitation Requirements .................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3 Background of Beverage Sanitation ................................................................................................. 1-5
1.4 Roles and Responsibilities for Beverage Sanitation .......................................................................... 1-5
1.4.1 Product Development......................................................................................................... 1-5
1.4.2 Facility and Equipment Hygienic Design ............................................................................ 1-6
1.4.3 Operations ........................................................................................................................ 1-6
1.5 Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.6 References..................................................................................................................................... 1-11
Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation Program .................................................................................. 2-1
2.0 Beverage Sanitation Program ...................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.1 Scope and Guidelines of Beverage Sanitation Programs ................................................................... 2-2
2.1.1 Product ............................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 Production and Processing Rooms ..................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 Plant and Plant Site ........................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.4 Plant Employees ................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.1.5 Sanitation Schedules and Procedures ................................................................................ 2-4 Housekeeping Schedule ....................................................................................... 2-4 Master Sanitation Schedule (MSS) ....................................................................... 2-4 Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP)............................................... 2-4
2.2 Beverage Sanitation Schedules ........................................................................................................ 2-4
2.2.1 Example of Master Cleaning Schedule (MCS) ..................................................................... 2-7
2.3 Beverage Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) ............................................................ 2-8
2.3.1 Guidelines for Developing SSOPs ....................................................................................... 2-8 Development of SSOP .......................................................................................... 2-8 Implementation of SSOP ...................................................................................... 2-9 Maintenance of SSOP ........................................................................................ 2-10 Corrective Actions for SSOP ............................................................................... 2-10 Record Keeping for SSOP ................................................................................... 2-10 Example of an SSOP .......................................................................................... 2-11 SSOP Checklist ................................................................................................. 2-13
Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology ............................................................................................ 3-1
3.0 Beverage Microbiology ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1 Factors Affecting the Growth of Microorganisms in Food and Beverage Processing ........................... 3-2
3.1.1 Intrinsic Factors ................................................................................................................ 3-3 Beverage Design: Water Activity ........................................................................... 3-3 Beverage Design: Available Nutrients ................................................................... 3-3 Beverage Design: pH ............................................................................................ 3-3 Acidity and pH .................................................................................................... 3-4
3.1.2 Process Factors ................................................................................................................. 3-5 Beverage Design: Antimicrobial Constituents ....................................................... 3-5

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Table of Contents Beverage Design: Thermal Processing .................................................................. 3-5 Beverage Design: Pressure and Carbonation ........................................................ 3-6
3.1.3 Extrinsic Factors ............................................................................................................... 3-7 Beverage Design Temperature ............................................................................. 3-7
3.2 Source of Microorganisms ............................................................................................................... 3-7
3.3 Relevant Microorganisms................................................................................................................. 3-8
3.3.1 Bacteria ............................................................................................................................. 3-8
3.3.2 Yeast ............................................................................................................................... 3-10
3.3.3 Mold ................................................................................................................................ 3-11 Heat-Resistant Molds ........................................................................................ 3-13
3.4 PepsiCo Sanitation Classification for Beverages ............................................................................. 3-14
3.4.1 Background ..................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.4.2 Classification Assignment and Sanitation Requirements .................................................. 3-16 Category 1 ......................................................................................................... 3-16 Category 2 ......................................................................................................... 3-16 Category 3 ......................................................................................................... 3-17 Category 4 ......................................................................................................... 3-18 Category 4 – Bottled Water ................................................................................ 3-19 Category 4 – Hot Fill, Aseptic, Tunnel Pasteurized, Low-Acid, Other Products .... 3-20
3.5 References..................................................................................................................................... 3-20
Chapter 4: Clearing .................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.0 Cleaning ..................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.1 Objectives of Cleaning ..................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2 General Cleaning Requirements and Procedures.............................................................................. 4-3
4.2.1 General Program Requirements ......................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.2 Equipment, Utensils, and Containers ................................................................................ 4-4
4.2.3 Cleaning Agents................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.3 Cleaning Agents in Detail ................................................................................................................ 4-5
4.3.1 Purpose of Cleaning Agents ............................................................................................... 4-5
4.3.2 Functions Performed by Cleaning Agents ........................................................................... 4-5 Chemical Reactions ............................................................................................. 4-6 Physical Interactions ........................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.3 Types of Cleaning Agents and Their Effectiveness .............................................................. 4-7 Effectiveness of Clearing Agents........................................................................... 4-8 Examples of Various Types of Cleaning Agents .................................................. 4-10
4.3.4 Selection and Application of Cleaning Agents ................................................................... 4-12
4.3.5 Impact of the Soil and Surface on Cleaning Agents .......................................................... 4-13 Food Constituents and Cleaning ........................................................................ 4-14
4.3.6 Impact of Water Chemistry and Quality on Cleaning Agents ............................................. 4-14
4.4 Factors Influencing Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 4-16
4.4.1 T – Time .......................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.4.2 A – Action ........................................................................................................................ 4-16
4.4.3 C – Concentration ............................................................................................................ 4-17
4.4.4 T – Temperature .............................................................................................................. 4-17
4.4.5 W – Water ........................................................................................................................ 4-17
4.4.6 I – Individual ................................................................................................................... 4-18
4.4.7 N – Nature of the Soil ....................................................................................................... 4-18 Common Soils Found in Beverage Plants ........................................................... 4-19
4.4.8 S – Surface ...................................................................................................................... 4-20
4.5 Cleaning Methods.......................................................................................................................... 4-21
4.5.1 Wet Cleaning – Manual and Mechanical........................................................................... 4-21 Manual Cleaning ............................................................................................... 4-22

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Table of Contents Mechanical Cleaning ......................................................................................... 4-25

4.5.2 Dry Cleaning ................................................................................................................... 4-28 7 Key Activities of Dry Sanitation ....................................................................... 4-29
4.6 References..................................................................................................................................... 4-29
Chapter 5: Sanitizing and Sterilizing ....................................................................................... 5-1
5.0 Sanitizing and Sterilizing ............................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.1 Objectives of Sanitizing ................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2 Basic Requirements of Sanitizing ..................................................................................................... 5-4
5.3 Sanitizing Agents............................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.3.1 Types of Sanitizing Agents and Their Effectiveness ............................................................. 5-5 Chemical Sanitizing Agents ................................................................................. 5-5 Chlorine ......................................................................................................... 5-5 Peroxy Acid Compounds ................................................................................. 5-5 Acid-Anionic Sanitizers ................................................................................... 5-6 Carboxylic Acid Sanitizers ............................................................................... 5-6 Iodophors ....................................................................................................... 5-7 Quaternary Ammonia Compounds .................................................................. 5-7 Physical Sanitizing Agents ................................................................................... 5-8 Sanitizing with Heat........................................................................................ 5-8 Summary of Recommended Sanitizing Agents for CIP Systems ............................ 5-9 Summary of Recommended Sanitizers for CIP Systems ...................................... 5-10
5.3.2 Preparation of Chemical Sanitizing Solutions ................................................................... 5-11 Ounces of chlorine compound (calcium hypochlorite at 70% available
chlorine) needed to prepare solution of desired concentration .......................................... 5-11 Fluid ounces of liquid chlorine solution (sodium hypochlorite) needed to
prepare solution of desired concentration ........................................................................ 5-12 Grams of chlorine compound (70 % available chlorine) needed to prepare
solution of desired concentration ..................................................................................... 5-12 Liters of liquid chlorine solution needed to prepare solution of desired
concentration .................................................................................................................. 5-13
5.3.3 Other information regarding sanitizing solutions ............................................................. 5-13
5.4 Factors Influencing Sanitizing ....................................................................................................... 5-14
5.5 Sanitizing Methods ........................................................................................................................ 5-16
5.6 Sterilization (Commercial Sterility) ................................................................................................. 5-16
5.6.1 Verification of Sterilization ............................................................................................... 5-17
5.7 References:.................................................................................................................................... 5-18
Chapter 6: CIP System Design.................................................................................................. 6-1
6.0 CIP System Design ..................................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.1 Background, Scope, and Purpose .................................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................... 6-2 Re-Use Systems – 2, 3, or 4 Tanks ....................................................................... 6-3 Single-Use Systems ............................................................................................. 6-3 Solution Recovery Systems .................................................................................. 6-3 Multi-Use Systems .............................................................................................. 6-3
6.1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.1.3 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 6-4
6.2 Responsibilities of the Supplier........................................................................................................ 6-5
6.2.1 System Responsibility ........................................................................................................ 6-5
6.2.2 Regulatory ......................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.3 Performance Specifications .............................................................................................................. 6-6
6.3.1 Circuit Design ................................................................................................................... 6-6
6.3.2 Bypass Controls ................................................................................................................ 6-7

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6.3.3 Heat Exchangers ............................................................................................................... 6-7 Heating In Line .................................................................................................... 6-7 Heating in the Tank ............................................................................................. 6-7
6.3.4 Chemical Supplier ............................................................................................................. 6-8
6.3.5 Deaerator .......................................................................................................................... 6-8
6.3.6 CIP System Flow ................................................................................................................ 6-8
6.4 Sequence of Operations ................................................................................................................. 6-11
6.4.1 Step 1: Pre-rinse .............................................................................................................. 6-11
6.4.2 Step 2: Wash ................................................................................................................... 6-11
6.4.3 Step 3: Intermediate Rinse ............................................................................................... 6-12
6.4.4 Step 4: Sanitize ............................................................................................................... 6-12
6.4.5 Step 5: Final Rinse .......................................................................................................... 6-12
6.5 Equipment Specifications .............................................................................................................. 6-12
6.5.1 CIP System Components.................................................................................................. 6-13 CIP Basic System Components .......................................................................... 6-13 Optional CIP System Components ..................................................................... 6-17
6.5.2 Spray Devises/ Spray Balls ............................................................................................. 6-19
6.5.3 Operating Requirements for CIP Systems ......................................................................... 6-22
6.5.4 Pipe Flow Rates and Velocities ......................................................................................... 6-22 Stainless Steel Tubing ....................................................................................... 6-23 Schedule 5 Pipe ................................................................................................. 6-23 Schedule 40 Pipe ............................................................................................... 6-23
6.5.5 Pipe Flow Rate and Velocity for SI Units........................................................................... 6-23 Stainless Steel Tubing (SI Unit) .......................................................................... 6-23 Schedule 5 Pipe (SI Unit) ................................................................................... 6-24 Schedule 40 Pipe (SI Unit) ................................................................................. 6-24
6.6 Control Specifications.................................................................................................................... 6-24
6.6.1 Control System ................................................................................................................ 6-24
6.6.2 Control Functions............................................................................................................ 6-24
6.7 Additional CIP System Design Components ................................................................................... 6-26
6.8 Submittals and Manuals ............................................................................................................... 6-27
6.8.1 Approval Drawings .......................................................................................................... 6-27
6.8.2 Operational and Maintenance Manuals............................................................................ 6-27
6.9 Warranties .................................................................................................................................... 6-28
6.10 Materials of Construction .............................................................................................................. 6-28
6.11 Electrical Specifications ................................................................................................................. 6-29
6.12 Paintings and Coatings.................................................................................................................. 6-29
6.13 Inspection and Testing .................................................................................................................. 6-29
6.14 Commissioning, Qualification, and Verification (CQV) .................................................................... 6-30
6.14.1 Preparation and Planning ................................................................................................ 6-30 Step 1 – Alignment ............................................................................................ 6-30 Step 2 - Construction Complete ......................................................................... 6-30
6.14.2 Commissioning ................................................................................................................ 6-30 Step 3 - Mechanical Checkout ........................................................................... 6-30 Step 4 - Control System Checkout ..................................................................... 6-30
6.14.3 Qualification .................................................................................................................... 6-31 Step 5 - Simulated Product Trials ...................................................................... 6-31 Step 6 - Product Trials ....................................................................................... 6-31
6.14.4 Verification ...................................................................................................................... 6-31 Step 7 - Performer Trials and Acceptance .......................................................... 6-31
6.14.5 CIP System Key Process Measures ................................................................................... 6-31
6.15 Training Requirements by Supplier ............................................................................................... 6-31
6.15.1 Manufacturer’s Plant Training (Optional) ......................................................................... 6-31

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6.15.2 Sister Facility with Like Equipment (Optional) ................................................................. 6-32

6.15.3 Classroom Training ......................................................................................................... 6-32
6.15.4 On-Site Training .............................................................................................................. 6-32
6.15.5 Evaluations ..................................................................................................................... 6-32
6.15.6 Follow-up Training .......................................................................................................... 6-32
6.16 Shipping, Marking and Tagging ..................................................................................................... 6-33
6.17 Existing CIP System Checklist ....................................................................................................... 6-33
6.17.1 CIP Requirements ............................................................................................................ 6-33
6.17.2 CIP System Screen and Assessment................................................................................. 6-34
6.17.3 System Functionality ....................................................................................................... 6-37 Part 1 – Circulation ....................................................................................... 6-37 Part 2 – Flow Monitoring ............................................................................... 6-38 Part 3 – Required Instrumentation ................................................................ 6-38
6.17.4 Equipment Design Criteria .............................................................................................. 6-39 Part 1 – Heat Exchanger ............................................................................... 6-39 Part 2 - CIP Tanks ........................................................................................ 6-40 Part 3 – Piping Design ................................................................................... 6-42 Part 4. CIP System Performance .................................................................... 6-42
6.17.5 Required Action Items ..................................................................................................... 6-43
6.18 References..................................................................................................................................... 6-44
Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols ............................................................................................... 7-1
7.0 Sanitation Protocols for Beverage Categories ............................................................................................... 7-2
7.1 Key Elements of the Five-Step Procedure ......................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.1 Description of Five Steps ................................................................................................... 7-3
7.2 CIP Product/ Process Requirements ................................................................................................ 7-4
7.2.1 PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation CIP Protocols ........................................................................ 7-7 A. 5-Step Hot CIP – Alkaline or Acid Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize ................ 7-7 B. 3-Step Hot CIP – Hot Formulated Alkaline Detergent ....................................... 7-8 C. 5-Step Cold CIP – Alkaline or Acid Detergent and Chemical Sanitize ................ 7-9 D. 3-Step Cold CIP – Common Cleaning and Sanitizing Step/Pungent Rinse ...... 7-10 E. 3-Step CIP – Alkaline or Acid Detergent ......................................................... 7-11 F. Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA) ........................................................ 7-12 G. Hot Fill High-Acid Dairy - 7-Step Chemical CIP – Alkaline and Acid
Detergent Cleaning and Hot Water Sanitize ...................................................................... 7-13 H. High-Acid Aseptic - 5-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline Detergent and Water
Sterilize ......................................................................................................................... 7-15 I. High-Acid Aseptic Carton Filler - 5-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline Detergent and
Water Sterilize ................................................................................................................. 7-16 J. High-Acid Aseptic Bottle Filler - 5-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline Detergent and
Water Sterilize ................................................................................................................. 7-18 K. Low-Acid 5-Step Chemical CIP – Alkaline and Acid Detergent ........................ 7-19 L. Low-Acid UHT - 6-Step CIP/SIP – Acid and Alkaline Detergent and Water
Sterilize ......................................................................................................................... 7-20 M. Low-Acid Aseptic Tank - 7-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline and Acid Detergent
and Culinary Steam Sterilize ........................................................................................... 7-22 N. Low-Acid Carton Filler 6-Step CIP/SIP– Alkaline and Acid Detergent and
Water Sterilize ................................................................................................................ 7-24 O. Low-Acid Bottle Filler 7-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline and Acid Detergent and
Water Sterilize ................................................................................................................. 7-25 P. Bottled Water 3-Step Hot CIP – Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize .... 7-27 Q. Bottled Water 5-Step Hot CIP – Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water
Sanitize ......................................................................................................................... 7-28 R. 7-Step Hot CIP – Acid plus Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize
(Post-Production Calcium/Tea Solid Cleaning) ................................................................. 7-29

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Table of Contents S. High-Acid Chilled Distribution non-ESL and ESL - 5-Step CIP – Alkaline
Detergent and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize ............................................... 7-31 T. Low-Acid Chilled Distribution ESL Bottle - 5-Step CIP – Alkaline
Detergent and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize ............................................... 7-32 U. High-Acid Chilled Distribution Ultra-Clean Bottle - 5-Step CIP – Alkaline
Detergent and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize ............................................... 7-33 V. Allergen Cleaning Protocol ............................................................................ 7-34 W. Kosherization Sanitizing Protocol ................................................................. 7-35 X. Non-Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Cleaning Protocol ....................... 7-36
Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation ................................................................ 8-1
8.0 Validation and Verification of Sanitation ..................................................................................................... 8-2
8.1 Objectives of Validation and Verification .......................................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Basic Requirements for CIP Validation............................................................................................. 8-2
8.2.1 Basic Requirements for Automated Sanitation Equipment for External Sanitation
Validation ........................................................................................................................................ 8-3
8.2.2 Verification: Microbiological ............................................................................................... 8-3
8.3 Verification by ATP Analyses (Adenosine Triphosphate).................................................................... 8-4
8.3.1 ATP Strategies ................................................................................................................... 8-4
8.3.2 ATP Precautions ................................................................................................................ 8-4
8.4 Verification by Thonhauser Persulfate Technologies ......................................................................... 8-5
8.5 Allergen Validation Cleaning Programs ............................................................................................ 8-5
8.5.1 Allergen Cleaning Validation Strategies .............................................................................. 8-5
8.5.2 Allergen Validation Requirements ...................................................................................... 8-6
8.5.3 Beverage Cleaning Strategies ............................................................................................. 8-6 Protein-Specific Validation .............................................................................. 8-6
8.5.4 Protein-Specific Test Kit Specifics ...................................................................................... 8-7 Sensitivity Validation ...................................................................................... 8-7
8.5.5 Ongoing Allergen Verification ............................................................................................. 8-7
8.5.6 Suggested Areas for Swabbing ........................................................................................... 8-8
8.5.7 Suggested Allergen Test Kits (ELISA) .................................................................................. 8-8
8.5.8 Suggested Allergen Testing Laboratory ............................................................................... 8-8
8.5.9 Suggested Cleaning Agents for Allergens ............................................................................ 8-9
Chapter 9: Environment, Health and Safety ............................................................................. 9-1
9.0 Environment, Health and Safety ................................................................................................................. 9-2
9.1 Key parts of a Sanitation Safety program ......................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.1 Labeling ............................................................................................................................ 9-2
9.1.2 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) .................................................................................... 9-3
9.1.3 Employee Training and Chemical Handling ........................................................................ 9-3 Receiving ........................................................................................................ 9-3 Storage ........................................................................................................... 9-4 Transfer .......................................................................................................... 9-4 Dilution .......................................................................................................... 9-4 Application ..................................................................................................... 9-5
9.1.4 Functional Storage and Handling Equipment ..................................................................... 9-5
9.1.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ................................................................................. 9-5
9.1.6 First Aid Training .............................................................................................................. 9-6
9.1.7 Chemical Disposal ............................................................................................................. 9-6
9.1.8 Chemical Spill Response .................................................................................................... 9-6
9.2 References....................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals and Suppliers ............................ 10-1

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Table of Contents

10.0 Approval of Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals and Suppliers ........................................................ 10-2
10.1 Local Approval Requirements for New Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals and Suppliers ............... 10-2
10.1.1 PepsiCo Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemical Supplier Requirements .................................. 10-2
10.1.2 Regulatory Requirements for Local Approval of New Sanitizing Chemicals ........................ 10-4
10.2 Corporate Approval Requirements for New Cleaning and Sanitizing Products, Technologies,
and Platforms ............................................................................................................................................. 10-5
10.2.1 Facility Assessment and Trial Protocols for Approval of New Cleaning and Sanitizing
Products, Technologies, and Platforms ........................................................................................................ 10-6 Facility Assessment ...................................................................................... 10-6
10.3 Trial Protocol for the Evaluation of New Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals ................................. 10-10
10.4 CIP Validation Protocols for Approved Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals ................................... 10-11
10.4.1 3-Step Cold CIP Facility Validation Protocol ................................................................... 10-11 Purpose and Scope ......................................................................................10-11 Category 1 and 2 Producing Lines (3-Step Cold CIP) .....................................10-12 Category 3 and Bottled Water Lines (3-Step Cold CIP) ..................................10-13
10.4.2 3-Step Hot CIP Facility Validation Protocol..................................................................... 10-15 Purpose and Scope ......................................................................................10-15 Category 1 and 2 Producing Lines (3-Step Hot CIP) ......................................10-15 Category 3 and Bottled Water Producing Lines (3-Step Hot CIP) ...................10-16
10.5 References................................................................................................................................... 10-17
Chapter 11: Hygienic Design .................................................................................................. 11-1
11.0 Hygienic and Sanitary Design ......................................................................................................... 11-2
11.1 Background .................................................................................................................................. 11-2
11.2 Hygienic Design: Buildings and Infrastructure ............................................................................... 11-2
11.2.1 General Site and External Surfaces Requirements ........................................................... 11-2
11.2.2 External Surfaces ............................................................................................................ 11-3 Production Areas .......................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.3 Internal Surfaces ............................................................................................................. 11-4 Internal Surfaces – Wet Production Areas ..................................................... 11-4 Internal Surfaces – Dry Production Areas ...................................................... 11-4 Internal Non-Production Areas ...................................................................... 11-5
11.2.4 Structures, Platforms and Walkways ............................................................................... 11-5
11.3 Hygienic Design: Equipment .......................................................................................................... 11-5
11.3.1 CIP Tanks........................................................................................................................ 11-6
11.3.2 Process Tanks ................................................................................................................. 11-6
11.3.3 Valves ............................................................................................................................. 11-8 Butterfly Valves ............................................................................................ 11-8 Diaphragm (Membrane) Valves...................................................................... 11-8 Valve Seats ................................................................................................... 11-9 Double Seat Valves ......................................................................................11-10 Metal-to-Metal Valve Seats ...........................................................................11-11 Steam Barriers ............................................................................................11-11 Aseptic Valves ..............................................................................................11-12 Important Remarks about Valves .................................................................11-12
11.3.4 Heat Exchangers ........................................................................................................... 11-13
11.4 Welding /Finishing Quality ......................................................................................................... 11-13
11.4.1 Checklist for Hygienic Welds .......................................................................................... 11-15
11.5 Piping Design/ Avoidance of Dead Legs ....................................................................................... 11-16
11.5.1 Important Points for Hygienic Piping Design .................................................................. 11-21
11.6 Drain Design ............................................................................................................................... 11-22
11.6.1 Important Points for Drain Design ................................................................................. 11-22
11.6.2 Grouped Drains ............................................................................................................. 11-23 Rules for Assembling Grouped Drains ..........................................................11-23

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11.7 Materials of Construction ............................................................................................................ 11-24

11.7.1 Product Contact ............................................................................................................ 11-24 Permitted materials......................................................................................11-24 Materials not permitted ................................................................................11-25
11.7.2 Non-Product Contact ..................................................................................................... 11-25
11.7.3 Gaskets ......................................................................................................................... 11-25
11.8 Head Calculations ....................................................................................................................... 11-26
11.9 Passivation .................................................................................................................................. 11-27
11.10 References................................................................................................................................... 11-28
Chapter 12: Beverage System Components ............................................................................ 12-1
12.0 Beverage System Components ........................................................................................................ 12-2
12.1 Beverage System Components – Overview ...................................................................................... 12-2
12.1.1 Process Support Areas ..................................................................................................... 12-2 Utility Rooms (Refrigeration, Air Compressors, Boilers) ................................. 12-2 CO2 Equipment and Area .............................................................................. 12-2 General Storage / Warehouse Areas .............................................................. 12-3 Air Changes / Air Conditioning ..................................................................... 12-3 Beverage System Components (BSC) Cleaning and Sanitizing Protocols......... 12-4
12.2 Beverage System Components – Cleaning and Sanitizing Protocols ................................................ 12-6
12.2.1 Process Area – Facility ..................................................................................................... 12-6 BSC – 1 Floors, Walls, and Doors .................................................................. 12-6 BSC – 2 and BSC – 16 Lights, Vents, Ledges, and Ceilings ............................ 12-7 BSC – 3 and BSC – 17 Drains ...................................................................... 12-8
12.2.2 Process Area – Equipment ............................................................................................... 12-9 BSC – 4 Conveyors and Conveyor Shields and BSC – 23 Conveyors and
Accumulation Tables ....................................................................................................... 12-9 BSC – 5 Filler (External) and BSC - 6 Syrup Blend System and BSC – 21
Empty Bottle Rinser .......................................................................................................12-10 BSC – 7 Capper/Crowner.............................................................................12-11 BSC – 8 Cap Hopper and Chute/Unscrambler .............................................12-12 BSC – 9 Capper Storage Bin.........................................................................12-13 BSC – 10 Operator Platforms and Rubber Mats ............................................12-14 BSC – 11A. Empty Bottle Water Rinser ........................................................12-15 BSC – 11B. Empty Bottle Air Rinser - Daily if on extended production
intervals. ....................................................................................................................12-16 BSC – 11C. Empty Bottle Air Rinser – End of production .............................12-17 BSC – 12 Syrup Tanks (External) and BSC -13 Pre-/Post-Mix Equipment
(External) ....................................................................................................................12-18 BSC – 14 COP Cleaning of Small Parts: Gaskets, O-Rings, Sample Ports,
Scoops, Ladles, In-Line Strainers, and Other Small Parts Not Part of the CIP System ......12-19
12.2.3 Packaging Area/ Auxiliary Areas – Facility ..................................................................... 12-20 BSC – 15 Floors ...........................................................................................12-20 BSC – 18 Loading Dock Pits/ Outside Waste Dumpsters ..............................12-21 BSC – 19 Indoor Facility Waste Receptacles .................................................12-22
12.2.4 Packaging Area – Equipment ......................................................................................... 12-23 BSC – 20 Depalletizer and Palletizer .............................................................12-23 BSC – 22 Airveyor ........................................................................................12-24 BSC – 24 Case Packer ..................................................................................12-25 BSC – 25 Incline Conveyor ...........................................................................12-26 BSC – 26 Shell Washer ................................................................................12-27 BSC – 27 Bottle and Can Warmers ...............................................................12-28 BSC – 28 Cooling Tunnel, Tunnel Pasteurizer ..............................................12-29 BSC – 29 Water Treatment Area (External) ...................................................12-30 BSC – 30 Bottle/ Can Crusher .....................................................................12-31 BSC – 31 Ingredients Storage Area ...............................................................12-32 BSC – 32 Shrink Wrap .................................................................................12-33

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Table of Contents BSC – 33 Glass Bottle Washer .....................................................................12-33

Chapter 13: Water Treatment Systems .................................................................................. 13-1
13.0 Water Treatment Systems .............................................................................................................. 13-2
13.1 Cleaning and Sanitizing Membrane Systems.................................................................................. 13-2
13.1.1 Background and Guidelines for Cleaning and Sanitizing Membrane Systems ................... 13-2 Inorganic Foulants ........................................................................................ 13-2 Organic Foulants .......................................................................................... 13-3 Microbiological Foulants ............................................................................... 13-3 Cleaning Solutions ........................................................................................ 13-3 Cleaning Procedures ..................................................................................... 13-4 Cleaning System Filters ................................................................................ 13-4
13.1.2 Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems ........................................................................................ 13-4 RO System Performance – Diagnosis of Foulant Type .................................... 13-5
13.2 Ion Exchange Systems................................................................................................................... 13-6
13.3 Electrodialysis Systems ................................................................................................................. 13-6
13.4 Cleaning and Sanitizing Water System Components ...................................................................... 13-6
13.4.1 Media/ Sand Filters ......................................................................................................... 13-6
13.4.2 Carbon Purifiers .............................................................................................................. 13-7 Guidelines for Hot Water Sanitation (detailed suppliers’ procedures must
be followed) ..................................................................................................................... 13-7 Guidelines for Steam Sanitation (detailed suppliers’ procedures must be
followed) ..................................................................................................................... 13-8 Guidelines for Chemical Sanitation (detailed suppliers’ procedures must
be followed) ..................................................................................................................... 13-8
13.4.3 Polishers ....................................................................................................................... 13-11 1.0-micron Filter ..........................................................................................13-11
13.4.4 UV ................................................................................................................................. 13-11
13.4.5 Water Storage Tanks ..................................................................................................... 13-11 Protected Water Storage Tanks ....................................................................13-11 Unprotected Water Storage Tanks ................................................................13-11
13.4.6 Water Distribution Pipes ................................................................................................ 13-11
13.5 Cleaning and Sanitizing Water System Components Frequency ................................................... 13-12
13.6 Water Treatment Sanitation Assessment ..................................................................................... 13-14
13.7 References................................................................................................................................... 13-17
Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning ..................................................................................... 14-1
14.0 Environmental Cleaning ................................................................................................................. 14-2
14.1 Air Quality Management in Processing Areas ................................................................................. 14-2
14.1.1 Syrup Room .................................................................................................................... 14-3
14.1.2 Filler Environment........................................................................................................... 14-3
14.1.3 Fogging ........................................................................................................................... 14-3 Fogging Areas and Frequency ....................................................................... 14-3 Method of Fogging......................................................................................... 14-4 Important Safety Procedures ......................................................................... 14-4 Fogging Procedures ....................................................................................... 14-4 Air-Quality Monitoring .................................................................................. 14-5 After Fogging ................................................................................................ 14-6
14.2 Trends in Microbiological Results .................................................................................................. 14-6
14.3 References:.................................................................................................................................... 14-6
Chapter 15: Sanitation Frequenciees & Changeover ............................................................... 15-1
15.0 Sanitation Frequencies and Changeover ......................................................................................... 15-2
15.1 CIP Frequency ............................................................................................................................... 15-2

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Table of Contents

15.1.1 CIP Frequency for Product Contact (Internal) Surfaces ..................................................... 15-2 Product Contact Surface Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequency (Maximum) ........... 15-3
15.2 CIP Extension Protocols................................................................................................................. 15-5
15.2.1 General Extension CIP Protocol (24-hour intervals) .......................................................... 15-6 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................... 15-6 Step 1: Baseline (Extending from 24 hours to 48 hours) ................................ 15-6 Step 2: Test (Extending from 24 hours to 48 hours) ...................................... 15-6 Step 3: Validation (Extending from 24 to 48 hours) ....................................... 15-7 Step 4: Monitor (Extending from 24 to 48 hours) ........................................... 15-7
15.2.2 Bottled Water CIP Extension Sampling Sites .................................................................... 15-8 Step 1: Baseline Sample Site ......................................................................... 15-9 Steps 2 (Test), 3 (Validation), and 4 (Monthly) Sample Sites..........................15-11
15.2.3 Extended Aseptic Bottle CIP Protocol ............................................................................. 15-12 Prerequisites ....................................................................................................15-12 Step 1: Baseline (Extending from 24 hours to 48 hours) ...............................15-12 Step 2: Test (Extending from 24 to 48-hours) ...............................................15-13 Step 3: Validation (Extending from 24 to 48-hours) ......................................15-13 Step 4: Monitoring .......................................................................................15-13 Steps 1 to 4: Sample Site .............................................................................15-14 Sampling of Empty Sterile Capped Bottles ...................................................15-14 Sampling of Sterile Water .............................................................................15-14 Sampling of Surface Swabs ..........................................................................15-15 Sampling of Air Open Plates .........................................................................15-15 Sampling of Sterile Caps ..............................................................................15-15 Environmental Air Limits: ............................................................................15-16
15.3 Process Downtime ....................................................................................................................... 15-16
15.3.1 Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequencies Following Unplanned Process Downtime* .............. 15-17
15.4 CIP Frequencies .......................................................................................................................... 15-18
15.4.1 External Surface Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequency ..................................................... 15-18
15.4.2 Glass Bottle Washer Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequency ................................................ 15-19
15.5 CIP Changeover Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 15-20
15.5.1 Minimum Sanitation Procedures for Product Changeovers ............................................. 15-21
15.5.2 Changeover Guidelines for Syrup or Batch Tanks .......................................................... 15-22
15.5.3 Changeover Guidelines for Syrup Lines and the Filling Process ...................................... 15-22
Appendix 1: Changes in Version 5 ………………………………………………….……………………APP-1

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction
The PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual has been published to ensure the consistent
implementation of sanitation principles and practices for beverage manufacturing facilities.
The manual provides a single point of reference for key sanitation information for beverage
manufacturing facilities. The purpose of the manual is to provide PepsiCo facilities and
employees specific sanitation information related to the principles of contamination, cleaners,
sanitizers, and cleaning equipment that is required to ensure the manufacturing of safe
products that are produced within a safe environment.
The PepsiCo Food Safety Policies identifies sanitation programs as a critical food safety
element and outlines key requirements for sanitation to ensure all products for PepsiCo are
manufactured under conditions and within facilities that are sanitary and in compliance with
Good Manufacturing Practices. Within the food industry, sanitation is the creation and the
maintenance of hygienic conditions in the manufacturing of safe and wholesome food
products. Food manufacturing companies have both legal and ethical responsibilities in
providing the consuming public with foods that are safe and wholesome. It is the
responsibility of the facility to guarantee that the beverage is produced in the most sanitary
manner possible. Sanitation is the responsibility to:
1. Provide safe and wholesome food processed, prepared, merchandised, and sold in
a clean environment by workers.
2. Prevent contamination with microorganisms that can cause food-borne illness.
3. Minimize the growth of food spoilage microorganisms.
4. Minimize cross-contamination with an allergen during product changeover, and
where relevant, minimizing the use of product advisory labeling.
Sanitation is an applied science that incorporates the principles of design, development,
implementation, maintenance, restoration, and/or improvement of hygienic practices. As
such, the responsibilities are shared amongst various groups including product development,
facility and equipment hygienic design, as well as operations based on the following
Product Development – Products must be designed to be capable of achieving safe and
wholesome standards within the manufacturing environment.
Facility and Equipment Hygienic Design – The facility site, layout, construction, design,
and equipment must be appropriate and hygienically designed for the safe and wholesome
manufacturing of foods. Equipment must be designed to ensure it can be cleaned, inspected,
and verified.
Operations – Procedures and frequencies for cleaning and sanitizing must be established and
validated to include the appropriate resources. In addition, adequate and appropriate training
programs must be in place to support Sanitation.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

1.0 Overview
The PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual has been published to ensure the
consistent implementation of sanitation principles and practices for beverage
manufacturing facilities.

1.1 Purpose
The PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual provides a single point of reference for
key sanitation information for beverage manufacturing facilities. The purpose
of the manual is to provide PepsiCo facilities and employees specific sanitation
information related to the principles of contamination, cleaners, sanitizers, and
cleaning equipment that is required to ensure the manufacturing of safe
products that are produced within a safe environment. Plant personnel will be
able to reference this manual for the following information:
 Principles of a Beverage Sanitation Program
 Principles of Beverage Microbiology and Sanitation Classification
 Principles of Cleaning and Sanitizing Objectives, Agents, Influencing
Factors, and Applicable Methods
 Principles of CIP and SIP System and Hygienic/ Sanitary Designs
 Summary of PepsiCo-Approved Cleaning and Sanitizing Protocols for
Product Contact Surfaces
 Summary of PepsiCo-Approved Cleaning and Sanitizing Protocols for the
facility, environment, and structures (non-product contact surfaces)
 Summary of CIP System Validation and Verification of Control Points
 Summary of Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequencies Including Protocols,
Optimizations, and CIP Extensions
 Principles of Environment, Health, and Safety Protocols for Facility
 Summary of PepsiCo’s Sanitation Chemical and Supplier Approval

1.1.1 Scope
The structure of the PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual is as follows:
 Chapter 1: Introduction
 Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation Program
 Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology
 Chapter 4: Cleaning
 Chapter 5: Sanitizing and Sterilizing
 Chapter 6: CIP System Design
 Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols
 Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation
 Chapter 9: Environment, Health, and Safety

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

 Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals and

 Chapter 11: Hygienic and Sanitary Design
 Chapter 12: Beverage System Components
 Chapter 13: Water Treatment Systems
 Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning
 Chapter 15: Sanitation Frequencies and Changeover
 Appendix – List of changes in Version 5

1.1.2 Audience for This Manual

The primary users of this manual include the following beverage plant
 Sanitation Team
 Food Safety/Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Team
 Quality Control and Quality Assurance
 Production
 Maintenance
 Engineering

1.1.3 Approval
This manual has been approved by PepsiCo Global Food Safety, which includes
representatives from each PepsiCo sector. Additional input into the manual
was provided by key PepsiCo beverage sanitation chemical suppliers and
Commercial Food Sanitation, LLC. Please direct any questions or comments
regarding this manual to Becky Michaels (

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

1.2 PepsiCo Sanitation Requirements

The PepsiCo Food Safety Policies identifies Sanitation Programs as a critical
food safety element. The following outlines the PepsiCo Food Safety Policy
(12000.0000) and the Global Sanitation Standard (FS.STD.000007)
requirements for Sanitation:
 All products for PepsiCo shall be manufactured under conditions and
within facilities that are sanitary and in compliance with Good
Manufacturing Practices.
 Standard Sanitation Operating Procedures (SSOPS) and a Master
Sanitation Schedule (MSS) must be developed, documented and
implemented at each manufacturing site.
 The procedures must ensure that product, process and facility-specific
sanitation requirements are met. Additionally, sanitation procedures are
to be effectively executed and records maintained.
 The person who has overall responsibility for sanitation shall be
designated for each manufacturing facility.
 Sanitation chemicals must be suitable for use in food processing plants
and accepted by the appropriate business division. Safety Data Sheets
(SDS) must be maintained and available for all cleaning and sanitizing
chemicals (800# access to the SDS is acceptable).
 All chemicals must be clearly labeled and stored in secured areas with
limited access.
 Sanitation procedures must address the cleaning and sanitizing of all
areas of the manufacturing location including but not limited to the
– Product contact surfaces
– External equipment surfaces
– Walls, floors and drains in manufacturing areas
– Ingredient, packaging and finished product warehouses
– Ventilation systems and ductwork
– Laboratories
– Locker rooms and toilet facilities
– Outside buildings and grounds
– Waste receptacles
Note: Detailed cleaning SSOPs should be in place for all of these
procedures. The SSOPs shall include the 7 Key Activities of Wet
Sanitation and 7 Key Activities of Dry Sanitation.
 The procedures shall define the frequency of cleaning of these areas,
operating methods employed, verification actions and persons
responsible. Records shall also be maintained to verify appropriate
cleaning has taken place in each area.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

1.3 Background of Beverage Sanitation

Sanitation - The word sanitation is derived from the Latin word sanitas,
meaning “health.” Within the food industry, sanitation is the creation and the
maintenance of hygienic conditions in the manufacturing of safe and
wholesome food products.
Sanitation is the application of science:
 To provide safe and wholesome food processed, prepared, merchandised,
and sold in a clean environment by workers.
 To prevent contamination with microorganisms that can cause food-
borne illness.
 To minimize the growth of food spoilage microorganisms.
 To minimize cross-contamination with an allergen during product
changeover, and where relevant, minimizing the use of product advisory
Food manufacturing companies have both legal and ethical responsibilities in
providing the consuming public with foods that are safe and wholesome. It is
the responsibility of the facility to guarantee that the beverage is produced in
the most sanitary manner possible.
Sanitation problems can have serious negative effects on consumer acceptance
of the beverage on the market. Poor sanitation can lead to taste problems,
appearance discrepancies, or spoilage. The way to avoid sanitation problems is
to keep the beverage plant, the production and processing equipment, and the
beverage ingredients in a sanitary manner at all times.
Good manufacturing practices and adherence to sanitation guidelines ensure a
safe product and a clean plant.

1.4 Roles and Responsibilities for Beverage Sanitation

Sanitation is an applied science that incorporates the principles of design,
development, implementation, maintenance, restoration, and/or improvement
of hygienic practices. As such, the responsibilities are shared amongst the
following areas.

1.4.1 Product Development

Products must be designed to be capable of achieving safe and wholesome
standards within the manufacturing environment.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

1.4.2 Facility and Equipment Hygienic Design

 Facility site, layout, construction/infrastructure, and design must be
appropriate for the safe and wholesome manufacturing of foods.
 Facility shall be equipped with adequate sanitary facilities and
accommodations including, but not limited to water supply, plumbing,
sewage disposal, toilet facilities, hand-washing facilities, and rubbish
 Food processing and handling equipment should be selected and/or
designed to ensure that it can be effectively cleaned, inspected, and
verified. A sanitary design review on each piece of equipment should be
maintained on file.
 Equipment should be selected and/or hygienically designed to minimize
the ingress and growth of microorganisms and prevent unsanitary
conditions during processing.
 Construction materials must be compatible with the product,
environment, cleaning/sanitizing compounds, cleaning/sanitizing
methods, and local building codes.
 For additional reference see Chapter 6: CIP System Design and
Chapter 11: Hygienic and Sanitary Design.

1.4.3 Operations
 Process and sanitation equipment must be maintained in good condition
to ensure safe and wholesome food manufacturing.
 Adequate and appropriate training should be provided to ensure effective
knowledge of GMPs, cleaning and sanitizing, and safe use of
cleaning/sanitizing agents where appropriate.
 The frequency for cleaning and sanitizing must be established and
validated to ensure safe and wholesome food manufacturing.
 Appropriate resources should be made available for process cleaning and
sanitizing, to include people, time, equipment, cleaning/sanitizing agents
and sanitation tools.
 Compounds recommended for cleaning and sanitizing must be
compatible with the equipment and manufacturing environment. The
cleaning and sanitizing agents must be approved for food contact use,
meeting local regulatory standards and regulatory standards for the
country of product distribution.
 Containers that are used to transport cleaning and sanitizing agents
must be properly labeled.
 Procedures for cleaning and sanitizing within the MSS and the SSOP
must be written clearly and validated with ongoing verification.
 The MSS shall specify the frequency and responsibility for the sanitation
of all equipment, structures, and the surrounding environment which
may impact food products.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

 The SSOP shall provide documented steps that must be followed to

ensure adequate cleaning of product contact and non-product contact
surfaces (for more information, see Note in 1.2).
 Appropriate corrective actions shall be taken when it has been
determined that procedures, implementation, or maintenance of the MSS
or SSOP may have failed to prevent direct contamination or adulteration
of product.

1.5 Glossary of Terms

ACID A substance whose molecules yield hydrogen ions (H+) in water
under other suitable conditions. For practical purposes, you
may consider any chemical with a pH of less than seven an
acid. Example: Phosphoric acid
ACIDURIC BACTERIA Bacteria that are tolerant in an acid environment.
AEROBE Microorganisms that require air (oxygen) for growth.
ALKALI The opposite of acid. Alkalis are substances which yield
hydroxyl ions (OH-) in solution or under suitable conditions.
For practical purposes, you may consider any chemical with a
pH over seven an alkali. Example: Sodium Hydroxide
ANAEROBE Microorganisms that grow without air (oxygen).
ANIONIC SURFACTANT A surface-active agent that has an active, negative ion called
the anion.
ANTISEPTIC A substance that prevents or inhibits the growth of
ASCOSPORES Spores that are specific to fungi classified as ascomycetes and
contained in an ascus or produced within an ascus.
ASEPTIC Free from microorganisms of disease, fermentation or
AUTOMATION The automatic control of a cleaning cycle by the use of electrical
switches, mechanical timers or microprocessors, and air-
operated valves.
BACTERIA Microscopic, single-celled forms of life that reproduce simply by
each cell dividing into two.
BACTERICIDE An agent that destroys bacteria; applies especially to chemical
agents that kill both pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria,
but not necessarily bacterial spores. The term pertains to
substances which are applied to living tissue and inanimate
BACTERIOSTAT An agent that merely inhibits or prevents the growth of
BIOCIDE A substance that kills living organisms, pathogenic and non-

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

BIODEGRADABILITY The capability of organic matter to be decomposed by biological
BIOFILM A complex film that includes outer layers of dead
microorganisms that may protect the inner living
microorganisms from sanitizers.
B.O.D. (BIOCHEMICAL Refers to the quantity of oxygen utilized in the oxidation of
OXYGEN DEMAND) organic matter in wastewater by microorganisms in a specific
period of time (usually five days) and at a specific temperature
(usually 20C or 68F).
BUDDING A form of reproduction of many yeasts and molds involving the
formation of a small protrusion from a mother cell. The
protrusion (bud) gradually increases in size and separates,
forming another cell.
CATIONIC SURFACTANT A surface active agent that has an active, positively charged ion
called a cation.
CHELATING AGENT Organic chemicals added to cleaners to prevent the
precipitation of hard water salts.
CLEAN IN PLACE (CIP) The cleaning of equipment by recirculation of cleaners without
disassembly of the equipment being cleaned.
COAGULATION Formation of clot or gelatinous mass.
C.O.D. (CHEMICAL A measurement of the quantity of oxidizable components in
OXYGEN DEMAND) water. This includes biodegradable and non-biodegradable
organic matter and oxygen consuming capacity of inorganic
COLIFORM BACTERIA Rod-shaped, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming organisms
pertaining to the bacteria that inhabit the intestines (especially
the colon) of mammals. It is the commonly used bacterial
indicator of sanitary quality of foods and water.
COLONY Mass of cells visible to the naked eye, usually on an agar plate
resulting from reproduction of a single bacterial or yeast cell or
mold spore.
COLONY-FORMING UNIT One bacterial cell that has multiplied into a visible colony.
CONTAMINATION Entry of undesirable organisms or materials into a substance.
CULINARY STEAM Steam that is free of entrained contaminants, is relatively free
of water in liquid form and is suitable for use in direct contact
with food products, other comestibles, or product contact
surfaces. The key requirements are using a 2-micron filter,
stainless steel piping after the filter to the point of use and
limits on the type of boiler feed water chemicals that are
allowed to be used.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

DETERGENT An agent to clean or remove soil - any of numerous synthetic

water soluble or liquid organic preparations that are chemically
different from soaps but resemble them in the ability to
emulsify oils and hold dirt in suspension.
DISINFECTANT An agent capable of killing 100% of most infectious
microorganisms but not necessarily capable of killing bacterial
DISPERSION OR A condition in which aggregates of soil are broken up into small
DEFLOCCULATION individual particles which are easily suspended and rinsed.
DISSOLVING A condition in which insoluble soil particles react chemically
with cleaning agents to produce water-soluble products.
EMULSIFICATION The breaking up of an oil film or fats into small globules and
holding them in suspension in solution.
FUNGI (MOLD) Microscopic plants containing no chlorophyll. Yeasts, molds,
rust, mildews, smuts and mushrooms.
FUNGICIDE Any agent used for killing or controlling fungi.
GERMICIDE An agent capable of destroying microorganisms, especially
pathogenic organisms.
MICROORGANISMS Microscopic forms of life including bacteria, yeasts, molds,
rickettsiae, viruses, protozoa, and algae.
NONIONIC SURFACTANT A surface active agent that contains neither positively nor
negatively charged (ionic) functional groups. Does not ionize in
PATHOGENIC Capable of producing disease, infection and illness.
PEPTIZING The condition in which colloidal solutions are formed from
soils, such as proteins, which are only partially soluble.
pH A means of expressing the relative degree of acidity or alkalinity
of a solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being
neutral. Descending numbers from 7 indicate increased
acidity. Ascending numbers from 7 indicate an increase in
PLATE COUNT Fundamental method of isolating microorganisms for
quantitative determination.
POLLUTED Physically impure or unclean. May contain fecal material.
Usually refers to the presence of coliform bacteria.
PRESERVATIVE A chemical agent intended for use in inhibiting the growth of
microorganisms in or on raw materials, manufactured products
or containers and equipment. Has the ability to control the
growth of low-level microbial contamination.
SANITATION Practical application of sanitary measures.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

SANITIZATION Application of any effective method or substance to a clean

surface for the destruction of pathogens, and of other
organisms as far as is practicable. Such treatment shall not
adversely affect the equipment, the product, or the health of the
consumer and shall be acceptable to the health authority.
SANITIZER A chemical agent that reduces the number of microbial
contaminants on food contact surfaces to safe levels from the
standpoint of public health requirements.
SAPONIFICATION The process of converting a fat into soap by treating it with an
SEQUESTERING The ability to prevent deposition of undesirable mineral salts on
surfaces being cleaned.
SOAP A cleaning and emulsifying agent made usually by action of
alkali on fat or fatty acids and consisting essentially of sodium
or potassium salts of such acids.
SPORE A reproductive structure that is adapted for dispersal and
surviving for extended periods of time in unfavorable
conditions. Spores form part of the life cycles of many bacteria,
plants, algae, fungi and some protozoans.
SPOREFORMERS A microorganism capable of producing spores under adverse
STERILIZATION Any process, chemical or physical, which will destroy all living
SUSPENSION A condition in which insoluble soil particles are held in a liquid
and prevented from settling and forming deposits.
TOTAL DISSOLVED The term refers to all of the soluble constituents in water,
SOLIDS (TDS) including hard water salts, iron, manganese, various chlorides,
phosphates and sulfates - in general, all inorganic matter found
in water.
VEGETATIVE CELLS Stage of active growth of the microorganisms.
VIABLE Living.
WETTING AGENT A surface agent which when added to water causes it to
penetrate more easily into or to spread over the surface of
another material by reducing the surface tension of the water.
YEAST Unicellular fungus which generally reproduces by budding.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 1: Introduction

1.6 References
 International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) Sanitation Manual,
 Ecolab, Making the Right Choice, Cleaners, 2003
 Ecolab, Making the Right Choice, Clean-in-Place (CIP) Systems, 2003
 Food Plant Sanitation, Hui, Y.H.; et al 2003

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation Program

An effective beverage sanitation program will cover all areas and phases of a plant’s
operation. This requires a commitment from plant ownership and management to take an
active role in supporting sanitation efforts. The main components of a successful sanitation
program include:
 A staff trained in the fundamentals of good sanitation, supported by continuing
education programs and a firm commitment to operate in a "good manufacturing
practices" environment.
 Proper tools for the employees - primarily cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, hot
water, and basic house cleaning equipment.
 Sanitation procedures which include frequency, chemical strength, temperatures,
flow rates and microbiologic testing support.
There are four key areas that a facilities sanitation program needs to target:
1. Product – Ensure thorough cleaning and sanitizing of all surfaces that come in
contact with the beverage or any of the ingredients used in its production.
2. Production and Processing Rooms - Ensure surfaces are free of soils, odors, and
microbiologic contamination, and areas are maintained dry and fresh as possible.
3. Plant and Plant Site - Ensure that every aspect of the beverage plant reflects
excellent cleaning and sanitizing practices covering the entire facility with
consideration to plant construction and infrastructure.
4. Plant Employees – Ensure employees are properly trained, motivated and have
the necessary facilities, tools, and equipment.
To fulfill the requirements of a successful sanitation program, the facility must implement
the appropriate sanitation schedules and procedures. This shall include the daily
Housekeeping Schedule and the Master Sanitation Schedule (MSS), Periodic Infrastructure
Cleanings (PIC), Periodic Equipment Cleanings (PEC), as well as Sanitation Standard
Operating Procedures (SSOPs).
Housekeeping Schedule - The Housekeeping Schedule will assign specific cleaning tasks
that are to be completed by a member of the cleaning crew every day in order to keep the
facility consistently neat and clean.
Master Sanitation Schedule (MSS) - The Master Sanitation Schedule addresses all
equipment, structures, and grounds that impact food and beverage products, and assigns
the cleaning tasks to be conducted. MSS tasks may be assigned for completion daily, weekly,
monthly or quarterly. These assignments include PEC and PIC. Some plants may also
incorporate the Housekeeping Schedule into the MSS for one overall program, as opposed to
two separate programs.
Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) - The Sanitation Standard Operating
Procedures provide documented steps that must be followed to ensure adequate cleaning of
product contact and non-product contact surfaces. The SSOP is one of the prerequisite
programs of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Programs (HACCP) for ensuring food
safety. SSOPs are generally documented steps that must be followed to ensure adequate
cleaning of product contact and non-product contact surfaces. The SSOP should be
developed specifically for a processing operation and should address the purpose and
frequency of doing a task, who will do the task, a description of the procedure to be
performed that includes all the steps involved, and the corrective actions to be taken if the

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

task is performed incorrectly.

2.0 Beverage Sanitation Program

2.1 Scope and Guidelines of Beverage Sanitation Programs
To be effective, a sanitation program must cover all areas and phases of plant
operation. This requires a commitment from plant ownership and management
to take an active role in supporting sanitation efforts. The beverage plant
should adhere to basic fundamentals relating to manufacturing, producing,
packaging, storing and distributing of food and beverage products.
Construction should take into account the needs of plant sanitation programs,
as well as the requirements of good manufacturing practices.
There are three main components to a successful sanitation program:
 A staff trained in the fundamentals of good sanitation, supported by
continuing education programs and a firm commitment to operate in a
"good manufacturing practices" environment.
 Proper tools for the employees - primarily cleaning and sanitizing
chemicals, hot water, and basic house cleaning equipment.
 Sanitation procedures which include frequency, chemical strength,
temperatures, flow rates and microbiologic testing support.
There are four key areas that a facilities sanitation program needs to target.
These include the product, production and processing rooms, plant and plant
site, and plant employees.

2.1.1 Product
Sanitation programs for production and processing equipment should ensure
thorough cleaning and sanitizing of all surfaces that come in contact with the
beverage or any of the ingredients used in its preparation including primary
All manufacturing equipment and its surrounding manufacturing environment
(not only product contact areas) shall be cleaned at a frequency that
demonstrates control. These other areas include underneath conveyors,
platform areas, etc. This applies to Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 as well.

2.1.2 Production and Processing Rooms

Rooms used for production and processing purposes require cleaning and
sanitizing programs that:
 Ensure clean surfaces, free of soils and microbiologic contamination
 Discourage access to odors, organisms, and insects
 Maintain areas as dry and fresh as possible, at all times

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

2.1.3 Plant and Plant Site

Sanitation programs should ensure that every aspect of the beverage plant
reflects excellent cleaning and sanitizing practices covering the entire facility.
This includes plant structure and facade, signs, offices, trucks, cases, beverage
coolers, vendors, dispensers, and all other items that move into and out of the
Compatible materials shall follow sanitary design principles, and new line
installations shall consider possible sanitation and allergen cross-
contamination from adjacent lines or processes, shared equipment/pipes, etc.
In planning the construction of a new plant, or expanding an existing plant,
consider the following sanitation needs:
 Construction materials and design should conform to Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
 If possible, construction should eliminate areas where insects or rodents
could find shelter.
 Floors should be sloped to direct the flow of water or effluent toward
 Hot water, steam and treated water lines should be piped to each
processing room, and to those areas where needed for cleaning purposes.
 Areas with controlled access should be made available for storing
squeegees, mops, floor waxers, scrubbers, foam generators, and other
sanitation tools.

2.1.4 Plant Employees

Programs should include properly trained and motivated employees who are
supplied with the necessary cleaning and toilet facilities, sanitation tools,
safety wear, and clean uniforms. A sanitary plant can be recognized by the
 A clean, neat, appearance throughout
 A fresh atmosphere; dry, well ventilated, free of odors
 Proper lighting with clear identification of rules and safety precautions
 Employees in clean, neat, uniforms
Training for employees on the basic needs of sanitation should include:
 Reasons for proper dress code (especially safety)
 Why smoking and eating are not allowed in the processing and
production areas
 Why other sanitation regulations (either regulatory or plant management
guidelines) should be followed
A sanitary plant is a result of careful planning and close supervision. Most of
all, it reflects a commitment on the part of management and plant employees to
adhere to those good manufacturing practices befitting a food operation.
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

2.1.5 Sanitation Schedules and Procedures

To fulfill the requirements of a successful sanitation program, the facility must
implement the appropriate sanitation schedules and procedures. This shall
include the daily housekeeping and sanitation schedules as well as the
sanitation operating procedures. The cleaning and sanitizing procedure or
SSOP tells personnel how to properly clean and sanitize the equipment and the
manufacturing environment.
Note: Different SSOPs must include different sanitation tools, chemicals,
equipment, written procedures, and logs.
The Housekeeping Schedule and the Master Sanitation Schedule (MSS) provide
a documented program for the frequency at which each task is to be completed
and assign each task to individuals on the cleaning crew. Housekeeping Schedule

The Housekeeping Schedule will assign specific cleaning tasks that are to be
completed by a member of the cleaning crew every day. Master Sanitation Schedule (MSS)

The Master Sanitation Schedule addresses all equipment, structures, and
grounds that impact food and beverage products, and assigns the cleaning
tasks to be conducted. MSS tasks may be assigned for completion daily,
weekly, monthly or quarterly. These assignments include PEC and PIC. Some
plants may also incorporate the Housekeeping Schedule into the MSS for one
overall program, as opposed to two separate programs. Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP)

The Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) provides documented
steps that must be followed to ensure adequate cleaning of product contact and
non-product contact surfaces, and manufacturing environments. There must
be SSOPs in place for everything that is cleaned and sanitized at the facility.
The written procedure ensures the job is done consistently every time by the
properly trained individual doing the task.
Important Note: SSOPs must be unique to each plant/location.

2.2 Beverage Sanitation Schedules

Sanitation schedules are set up in two different stages. The first is the
Housekeeping schedule and the second is a MSS. The Housekeeping Schedule
and the MSS make up the requirements of a Master Cleaning Schedule (MCS).
In some instances, the Housekeeping Schedule and the MSS are placed into
separate documents. However, it is acceptable for these documents to be
combined into one document as long as the key requirements and frequencies
are clearly defined.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

The Housekeeping Schedule provides daily cleaning which focuses on keeping

the facility consistently neat and clean. The daily cleaning tasks are assigned to
the appropriate department and are completed in a way that prevents
contamination. The intent of daily cleaning is to ensure that work and support
areas remain clean during working hours. The water that is used for daily
cleaning in wet production areas is restricted and used in a way that does not
contaminate raw materials, work-in progress, or production equipment with
droplets, mist, or direct contact.
The MSS includes cleaning tasks that may be assigned for completion daily,
weekly, monthly or quarterly. The schedule addresses all equipment,
structures, and grounds that impact food products and should include the
following components:
 Frequency of cleaning activities
Note: The equipment manufacturers may provide recommendations on
cleaning frequencies, but each process and product category is different.
Therefore, the selected cleaning frequency needs to be specific to the kind
of product being made, the unique equipment being used, and the
manufacturing environment.
 Personnel responsible
 Post-cleaning evaluation techniques
 Documented corrective actions
The tasks outlined in the MSS are divided into two general areas which include
periodic cleaning and maintenance.
Note: The MSS must include PIC and PEC tasks.
Periodic cleaning addresses structures and equipment interiors, including
product contact surfaces that may only be cleaned during times when the area
is not in production. This cleaning requires personnel who have been trained
and may demand the assistance of maintenance or production personnel to
allow proper disassembly of equipment. The cleaning tasks should comply with
applicable safety laws, regulations, and equipment cleaning procedures. During
periodic cleaning of food contact surfaces and facility equipment, the following
requirements should be met:
 Cleaning and sanitizing of food contact surfaces are effective at
destroying microorganisms and removing contaminants.
 Equipment and utensils are cleaned and sanitized on a predetermined
schedule to prevent contamination.
 Product handling equipment and product zones are cleaned at a specific
frequency that demonstrates control and prevents residue from being
transferred to products.
 All manufacturing equipment and its surrounding manufacturing
environment (not only the product contact areas) shall be cleaned at an
established frequency that demonstrates control.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

 Gaskets that present cracks and cervices must have more intensive
evaluation about maintenance intervals and material application.
Sanitation must collaborate with maintenance and communicate if
anything mechanical needs attention, even if it falls outside of a
preventive maintenance (PM) activity/event.
 Spray balls, pipes, clamps, couplings and connections must be
completely disassembled to allow proper cleaning and inspection.
The second general area of the MSS is maintenance cleaning. Maintenance
cleaning ensures that appropriately trained personnel from the maintenance
department conduct cleaning activities, where appropriate, and that
maintenance activities and repairs do not create a source of potential
contamination or compromise product safety.
Whenever possible, maintenance activities should be scheduled around
sanitation events to ensure a detailed cleaning is performed by sanitation on
the equipment/area being worked on. If PIC and PEC frequencies are
established alongside PM frequencies, this can provide an efficient and robust
During maintenance, cleaning personnel should meet the following
 Maintenance debris created during repairs should be quickly removed.
 Small items that could contaminate the product must be accounted for
including nuts, bolts, washers, wire pieces, tape, etc.
 No grease smears or excess lubricant should be left on the equipment.
 Clean tools and cloths are to be used within product zones.
 The use of cleaning utensils that may create debris such as wire
brushes, sponges, and scrub pads should only be used if absolutely
necessary. When used, the area must be inspected after use to identify
and eliminate any remaining debris that could contaminate the product.
 Food contact surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and re-sanitized by
trained employees.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation Program

2.2.1 Example of Master Cleaning Schedule (MCS)

Personnel Post-Evaluation/
Activity Frequency* Shift/ Date Completed/ Initials
Responsible Corrective Actions
Trash Cans Emptied Daily
Floor Swept Daily
Floors Cleaned Daily
Area Organized Daily
Doorways Cleared Daily
Clean Compactor Room Weekly
Clean Chemical Storage Area Weekly
Clean PPE Storage Area Weekly
Clean Ingredient Area Weekly
Clean Water Treatment Area Weekly
Clean Dry Ingredient/Scale Area Weekly
Clean Floor Drains/Wall Lights Weekly
Tanks Sanitized Weekly
Tanks Hot Cleaned Weekly
Pipes and Exterior of Tanks Cleaned Weekly
Floor Scrubber – Recycling Room Weekly
Boil Out Warmers Weekly
Clean Out Overhead Netting Weekly
Rodent Run Areas Monthly
CIP Drained / Inspected Monthly
Walls Cleaned Monthly
Sweep/ Mop Yellow Edges Monthly
Clean Under Lube Tank Monthly
Sweep/ Mop Along Walls Monthly
Wipe Down Spiral Lifts From Packer Monthly
Wipe Down Tops of Electric Boxes Monthly
Overhead Piping Cleaned Quarterly
Wipe Down All Fans Quarterly
Clean Air Conveyors Quarterly
Sanitize Lube Lines Quarterly
Sweep Under Bottle Conveyor Quarterly
Wipe Down T Beams Under AC Quarterly
Lights Cleaned Semi-Annual
Ceilings Cleaned Semi-Annual
Heaters Cleaned Semi-Annual
*The frequency and the cleaning method need to match the SSOP for that specific task.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

2.3 Beverage Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP)

The SSOP is the common name given to the sanitation procedures in food and
beverage production plants. The SSOP is a critical element of the PepsiCo Food
Safety Policies, and is one of the prerequisite programs of Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point Programs (HACCP) for ensuring food safety.
SSOPs are documented steps that must be followed to ensure adequate
cleaning of product contact and non-product contact surfaces. These cleaning
procedures must be detailed enough to make certain that adulteration of
product will not occur, and should include photos.
SSOPs shall be documented and reviewed at minimum yearly or when changes
occur that may impact sanitation procedures. SSOPs, in conjunction with the
MSS and Pre-Operational Inspection Program, form the entire sanitation
operational guidelines for food- and beverage-related processing.
The SSOPs shall be developed for specific equipment and/or manufacturing
environments. They shall address but are not limited to the following:
 The purpose and frequency of doing a task
 Who will do the task
 A description of the procedure to be performed that includes all the steps
 The corrective actions to be taken if the task is performed incorrectly

2.3.1 Guidelines for Developing SSOPs Development of SSOP

The SSOPs shall describe all procedures to be conducted at a defined
frequency, before and during operations where relevant, and must be sufficient
to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).
The SSOP shall be signed and dated by the individual with the overall on-site
authority of the facility. The signature shall signify that the facility will
implement the SSOP as specified and maintain the SSOP in accordance with
described requirements.
Procedures in the SSOP that are to be conducted prior to operations shall be
identified as such, and shall address the cleaning of food contact surfaces of
facilities, equipment, and utensils. Additionally, all manufacturing equipment
and its surrounding manufacturing environment shall be cleaned at an
established frequency (for specific areas, see 2.1.1).
The SSOP shall specify the frequency with which each procedure in the SSOP
is to be conducted and identify the employees responsible for the
implementation and maintenance of such procedures.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation
Program Implementation of SSOP

Each facility shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the SSOP before
the start of operations (Example: procedures for verification of allergen
 Established procedures of pre-operational sanitation must result in clean
facilities, equipment and utensils prior to starting production.
 Clean facilities, equipment and utensils are free of any soil, tissue debris,
chemical or other injurious substance that could contaminate a food
 The sanitary procedures must include the cleaning of product contact
surfaces of facilities, equipment and utensils to prevent direct product
contamination or adulteration.
 It is important that the procedures include (1) a description of equipment
disassembly, reassembly after cleaning (with photos), use of acceptable
chemicals according to label directions and cleaning techniques and (2)
the application of sanitizers to product contact surfaces after cleaning.
 Sanitation shall conduct a post-cleaning inspection which identifies any
gaps or misses from a sanitation standpoint while the sanitors have time
to correct and re-clean those areas. Quality Control (QC) or a designated
person shall then inspect to pass/accept for production start-up the
cleaned and sanitized equipment along with surrounding manufacturing
environment. Any identified gaps/misses will be documented and
corrected before releasing the equipment and the room for production
Each facility shall conduct all procedures in the SSOP at frequencies specified.
Each facility shall monitor the implementation of procedures in the SSOP.
CIP protocols and software settings (for automated systems) including step
times, concentration, and temperature, shall be available, current, and secured
for all products and changeovers. Each plant and each line shall also have a
written CIP protocol, including product-specific protocols and product
changeover protocols. These protocols shall include time, temperature, and
concentration for each step. It is important that operators shall not and do not
change these protocols
For automated CIP systems, only the person having overall accountability for
facility sanitation shall have the key to modify the settings. For manual CIP
systems, the actual readings from the CIP log book for each line shall always be
available and be within the range specified in the plant CIP protocol. The CIP
operator shall sign the actual readings for each CIP. There shall be evidence
that the person who has overall accountability for CIP has reviewed each log
and corrective actions have been taken whenever minor deviations have

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation
Program Maintenance of SSOP

Each facility shall routinely evaluate the effectiveness of the SSOP and the
procedures for preventing direct contamination or adulteration of products. The
SSOP shall be reviewed and revised at minimum yearly or when the equipment
or manufacturing environment/process changes. These changes shall be
documented and the SSOP updated to include these changes. Corrective Actions for SSOP

Each facility shall take appropriate corrective action(s) when the facility,
through internal or external audits, determines that the SSOP procedures or
the implementation, or the maintenance of the SSOP has failed to prevent the
direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).
Corrective actions include procedures to ensure appropriate disposition of
product(s) that may be contaminated, to restore the sanitary conditions and
prevent recurrence of direct contamination or adulteration of product(s),
including appropriate reevaluation and modification of the SSOP and
procedures specified therein.
The corrective actions must be recorded and the appropriate employees must
be trained to ensure the corrective action is sustainable. Record Keeping for SSOP

Each facility shall maintain records sufficient to document the implementation
and monitoring of the SSOP and any corrective actions taken.
The person responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the SSOP
procedures shall verify the records with initials and date.
Records may be maintained on computers, provided that the facility
implements appropriate controls to ensure the integrity of the data.
Records shall be maintained for 6 months or per company or regulatory
It is recommended that all sanitors be retrained on their respective SSOPs at
minimum yearly or when the equipment or manufacturing
environment/process changes. This training shall be documented.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation
Program Example of an SSOP

Company Name:

Equipment Name (SSOP No. Automatic labeling machine

XXXX - optional)

Purpose Cleaning and sanitizing of labeling machine to reduce

microbial contaminants in the packaging room and keep
machine in good working condition.

Frequency Daily for routine cleaning.

Weekly for complete breakdown of machine for cleaning
inside parts.

Responsible Packaging line supervisor or his/her designee

Safety Equipment Required Safety glasses, rubber gloves

Sanitation Tools Required Clean cloth

Clean bucket
Clean spray bottle

Chemistry Required Cleaner: Mandate

2-4 oz. / gal
Sanitizer: QUAT
200 ppm

Procedures For daily cleaning:

1. Remove all debris and physical matter using a
Important Note! 2. Wipe with a clean cloth dipped in a mild soapy
It is highly detergent.
recommended that 3. Rinse the detergent and then mist lightly with a
SSOP procedures 200 ppm quaternary ammonium compounds
include photos (QUAT) solution.
depicting key 4. Let air-dry.
activities in each 5. Inspect machine to make sure it is clean.
step and photos of For weekly breakdown:
the desired clean 1. Call maintenance to lock out all electrical sources
state. and remove all access panels.
2. Remove all particulate matter from inside and
outside panels and all exposed machine parts.
3. Spray with alkaline soapy detergent solution. Let
it work for 15 minutes.
4. Rinse with clean water.
5. Let air-dry.
6. Mist lightly with a 200 ppm QUAT solution.
7. Let air-dry.
8. Inspect machine to make sure all parts are clean.
9. Call maintenance to put machine back together.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

Corrective Action If particulate matter is found on any area of the machine

upon inspection, repeat cleanup procedure as detailed above
for that particular area.
If machine fails to start after weekly breakdown, call
maintenance. Do not attempt to fix machine.
Written By:

Authorized By:

Revision History & Date:

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation
Program SSOP Checklist

The following checklist may be used as a guide in evaluating the effectiveness
of the SSOP:
For each question, check “Yes,” “No” or “NA” (for Not applicable).
SSOP Checklist Questions Yes No NA
1. Is the SSOP signed and dated by the
responsible plant person?
□ □ □
2. Does the SSOP provide sufficient
instructions to accomplish a task (example:
□ □ □
proper use of chemical with concentration,
time required, and number of people)?
3. Does the SSOP provide sufficient
instructions on the tools required to
□ □ □
accomplish a task, as well as disassembly
guidance. where required?
4. Does the SSOP address sanitation of food-
contact surfaces before production begins
□ □ □
(pre-op), where required?
5. Does the SSOP address practices during
production that might contaminate
□ □ □
products (operational)?
6. Does the SSOP identify the employee(s)
responsible for implementing and
□ □ □
monitoring sanitation procedures?
7. Does the SSOP tell how often to do pre-op
sanitation procedures?
□ □ □
8. Does the SSOP require at least daily
monitoring of pre-op and operational
□ □ □
sanitation procedures, where required?
9. Are records kept of monitoring pre-op and
operational sanitation procedures on each
□ □ □
production day, where required?
10. Do the monitoring records indicate that
monitoring was done as often as specified
□ □ □
by the SSOP?
11. Can each SSOP monitoring record be linked
to a day’s production (are the records
□ □ □
properly dated)?

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 2: Beverage Sanitation

SSOP Checklist Questions Yes No NA

12. If a deviation is noted, do corrective action
records show that corrective procedures
□ □ □
were taken to demonstrate:
 Restored sanitary conditions.
□ □ □
 Actions were taken to prevent the
deviation from happening again. □ □ □
 Actions were taken to ensure that no
potentially contaminated product was □ □ □
sold or distributed.
13. Have the cleaning and sanitizing
procedures within the SSOP been
□ □ □
14. Is the effectiveness of the procedure
verified each time it is executed and by
□ □ □
what means?
15. Does the procedure have a revision date?
□ □ □

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

A microorganism is a living organism that is microscopic, too small to be seen by the naked
human eye. In beverages, the microorganisms of concern can be spoilage organisms or
pathogenic organisms. Many factors influence the growth of microorganisms in foods and
beverage processing including intrinsic factors such as water activity, available nutrients,
and pH. In addition, antimicrobial constituents, the beverage processing parameters, as well
as storage temperatures can impact the growth of microorganisms. In Cold filled
applications, the most significant sources of microbiological contamination are mold, yeast,
and bacteria. The majority of the contamination occurs from the proportioner/ blender and
all equipment downstream to the filler. Cleaning and sanitizing plays a crucial role in the
successful production of cold filled products that are not thermally processed. For thermally
processed, hot filled beverages, thermal-resistant organisms or spores may be found in some
raw materials, packaging, and the plant environment.
Products in PepsiCo beverage portfolios typically undergo challenge studies in order to
predict their product shelf life stability when produced under a controlled manufacturing
environment. The results of the microbiological studies and their prediction of stability are
conveyed to PepsiCo product developers, engineers, and operations in terms of sanitation
risk ranking. These include Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, and Category 4. The
Sanitation Classification is used to define the manufacturing requirements to produce
safe and wholesome food products. The categories are defined as follows:
 Category 1 includes products that are the most robust of the PepsiCo family. These
products have no growth potential, are inhibitory, microcidal to relevant spoilage
organisms and have no pathogenic growth potential. Examples of Category 1
products include CSDs such as Colas, 7-Ups (preserved), and Mirindas.
 Category 2 includes products that are more sensitive to microbiological
contamination/spoilage than Category 1 products. These products have low potential
of slow-growing spoilage organisms (measured in months) and no pathogen growth
potential. An example of a Category 2 product is the Lipton Unsweetened Tea
Fountain BIB formulation.
 Category 3 includes the most sensitive products in the PepsiCo family that can be
routinely produced using conventional cold fill technology. Category 3 products have
micro spoilage growth potentials (as measured in weeks), relying on strict
manufacturing hygiene and/or production run times. There is no pathogen growth
potential. Some examples of Category 3 products include CSDs without preservation
(i.e. 7-Up unpreserved), Tropicana Twisters preserved cold-fill, Lipton Brisks, Lipton
Iced Teas, and Pepsi Natural.
 Category 4 includes products that are too sensitive to be routinely produced in
PepsiCo plants using conventional cold filled processing technology. Typically,
Category 4 products require alternative product processing such as pasteurization,
ozonation or other means such as hot fill, low-acid, or aseptic processing. Category 4
products have spoilage potential with fast growth potential (measured in days) for
yeast, mold and bacteria. There is no pathogen growth potential although pathogens
could survive if the product is not processed adequately. Category 4 microbiological
limits as well as cleaning and sanitation requirements are specific to each Category 4
product and associated process. Some examples of Category 4 products include
Bottled Water, Gatorade hot fill, Tropicana hot fill, and Low-Acid beverages.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

3.0 Beverage Microbiology

A microorganism is a living organism that is microscopic, too small to be seen
by the naked human eye. The micrometer is the unit of measurement of
microorganism size, and the Colony-Forming Unit per Volume (CFU/volume) is
the unit for enumeration of an individual unit. Microorganisms are incredibly
diverse and ubiquitous. They can be naturally found in all parts of the earth’s
biosphere wherever there is sufficient water and nutrients available for growth.
Some microorganisms are used by man in the production and preservation of
foods, such as in pickling and preserving vegetables, fermentation in the
production of yogurt, cheese, and bread and by producing by-products such as
alcohol in beer manufacturing. Microorganisms can be destructive and cause
food to spoil when allowed to grow unchecked in food products. It is estimated
that about a quarter of the world’s food supply is lost as a result of
microbiological spoilage. In the United States alone, this represents an
economic loss of $1 billion per annum. In beverages, the microorganisms of
concern can be spoilage organisms or pathogenic organisms. Some pathogenic
microorganisms growing in foods produce toxins which can also cause illness.

3.1 Factors Affecting the Growth of Microorganisms in Food

and Beverage Processing
Microbes of general relevance to food include bacteria, yeast, and mold. An
understanding of the interactions between microorganisms and foods can be
appreciated only if we realize that food, by its composition dictates the
resulting flora and the processing that we use to control or eliminate their
growth. The factors that affect the growth of microorganisms in food, and then
consequently the associations that develop, also determine the nature of
spoilage and any health risk posed.

Figure 3-1. Influences on microbial growth in food.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

3.1.1 Intrinsic Factors

Intrinsic factors include physical and chemical properties of the food. Beverage Design: Water Activity

All living organisms require water in order to survive and grow. With respect to
beverages, the limitation of water activity (the available amount of water for
biological use) is not a tool that can be used to inhibit the growth of microbes
in products. The water activity of CSD syrups and fountain concentrates as
well as finished products including juice, CSD, NCB, and bottled water are all
within the water activity range that can support microbiological growth.
However, the control and reduction of unnecessary water in the process
environment will help to limit the growth of microbes which may contribute to
the spoilage of beverages.

Figure 3-2. Water activity of foods Beverage Design: Available Nutrients

The limitation of nutrients can be utilized to control the growth of pathogens
and spoilage organisms in bottled water (i.e., Aquafina). Only specialized
microorganisms requiring small amounts of nutrients can survive and grow
(i.e. mold). Thus it is important to process and purify raw water to eliminate
contaminating microbes and to ensure that equipment is cleaned and sanitized
so that microbes are not introduced into the bottling operation.
Most beverages contain a sufficient amount of available nutrients (i.e. sugar)
that would be able to support the growth of spoilage and pathogenic
organisms. For these beverages, other control factors must be utilized. Beverage Design: pH

Most microorganisms prefer a neutral pH of 6-7.5 with some exceptions. Yeasts
are able to grow in a more acid environment compared to bacteria. Mold can
grow over a wide pH range but prefer only slightly acid conditions.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

Figure 3-3. pH and microbial growth.

Carbonated and Non-Carbonated Beverages have a pH range of 2.5-4.0. Due to
the high acid content, only aciduric bacteria, yeast, and mold are of spoilage
relevance. Yeasts account for most spoilage problems due to their high
tolerance of acid and their ability to grow anaerobically. Mold is more
problematic to hot filled beverages as a result of post-thermal process
contamination or from specific heat-resistant molds that produce ascospores
that can survive through pasteurization temperatures.
Most vegetative pathogens, with the exception of some organisms like
Escherichia coli 0157:H7 are not able to grow below pH < 3.8. Hence, spoilage
organisms are the primary concern in high acid beverages. For juice beverages,
where raw agricultural commodities are used and can be a source of
pathogens, it is a requirement to have additional control measures such as
pasteurization to reduce the level of vegetative pathogenic microorganisms by 5
logs (i.e. pasteurization of Orange Juice).
Low-acid foods refer to shelf-stable food products with pH >4.6 and Aw > 0.85
in a hermetically sealed packaging. The combination of high pH, high Aw, and
low oxygen tension favors the growth potential of anaerobic heat-resistant
spore-forming toxigenic pathogens such as Clostridium botulinum. Stringent
thermal processing and aseptic packaging are required to minimize food safety
potentials. Other heat-resistant anaerobic bacteria include mesophilic aerobic
sporeformers, aciduric flat sour sporeformers, thermophilic flat sour
sporeformers, thermophilic anaerobic sporeformes, and sulfide spoilage
sporeformers. Acidity and pH

Although acidity and pH are not identical, there is a general positive correlation
between the two. Acidity is the concentration of organic and mineral acids (e.g.
citric or sulfuric acid) in a substrate such as foods and beverages. pH is a

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

measure of the hydrogen ion concentration and is reported on a log scale of 0

to 14 where numbers lower than 7 are acidic and higher than 7 are alkaline.

3.1.2 Process Factors Beverage Design: Antimicrobial Constituents

Antimicrobials or preservatives, such as Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate,
and other synergistic agents such as Sodium Hexametaphosphate (SHMP) and
chelators (EDTA) may be utilized to control the growth of spoilage organisms in
non-thermally processed beverages and soft drinks. The use of preservation
strategies are validated against known relevant organisms as well as the
maximum or expected number of organisms in a production environment. The
growth rate potential of spoilage organisms relative to product formula is
utilized to define the cleaning frequencies as well as processing qualification
requirements to manufacture a product of a defined stability (see 3.4 PepsiCo
Sanitation Classification for Beverages).
It is important to note that preservation strategies are not the only tool to keep
microbes in check. Microbes, over time, have a tendency to adapt and may
overcome preservatives. It is important to have effective cleaning and sanitation
programs with defined frequencies for cleaning and periodic validation to break
the growth adaptation cycle of microbes. Beverage Design: Thermal Processing

The use of high temperature to preserve food is based on the destructive effect
on microorganisms. Heat is lethal to microorganisms, but each species has its
own particular heat tolerance. PepsiCo Process Authorities, Food
Microbiologists, and Process Engineers have defined the optimum time and
temperature to minimize relevant microorganisms in processing. The time and
temperature for processing are often expressed as D and Z Values, or rate
change conversions - as demonstrated in the figures on the following page.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

D Values: D Value = Time to reduce number of microorganism by 90%.

Figure 3-4. Time for processing.

Z Value = temperature change required to change the D value by a factor of 10.

Figure 3-5. Temperature for processing.

The following are terminologies used for thermal processing of foods:

 Pasteurization employs the use of heat to destroy vegetative pathogenic
 Commercial sterilization employs the destruction of relevant
microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food under normal non-
refrigerated conditions of storage and distribution and viable
microorganisms (including spores) of public health significance.
 Aseptic processing and packaging is the filling of a commercially
sterilized cooled product into pre-sterilized containers, followed by
aseptic hermetic sealing, with a pre-sterilized closure, in an atmosphere
maintained free of microorganisms. Beverage Design: Pressure and Carbonation

Modified atmosphere (especially with use of CO2) can be used to slow down the
growth of microorganisms. Growth of bacteria can be inhibited by as little as
5% CO2.
However, CO2 will have limited effect on Yeast and Mold. Pressurized CO2
(carbonation) has been demonstrated to be bactericidal. The growth of Yeast is
inhibited when the degree of carbonation is >2 bar. At 20 ºC, 3 volumes of
carbonation exert 2.6 bar. Most carbonated beverages are carbonated with
2.0 to 4.0 gas volumes of CO2.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

3.1.3 Extrinsic Factors Beverage Design Temperature

All microorganisms in general have optimal temperature growth ranges:
 Psychrophilic microorganisms have an optimum growth range around
0°-20°C (optimum of 15°C), whereas Psychrotrophic microorganisms
have an optimum temperature growth greater than 20°C and they are
able to grow at refrigeration temperature 0°-7°C and visible growth at
7°± 1°C/7-10 days.
 Mesophilic are those that are “middle living” and have an optimum
growth range of 30°– 37 °C.
 Thermophilic are those that are “heat loving” and have an optimum
growth range of 50°-60 °C.
Most pathogens are mesophilic organisms. The storage temperature for
perishable foods can be used to minimize their growth potentials by “keeping
food hot” at > 60°C (140°F) or by keeping foods cold at < 4.4°C (40°F) or by
stopping growth at 0°C (32°F).
Low temperature for storage and distribution also can be used to improve
product quality. Extended Shelf Life (ESL) Juice utilizes clean processing and
packaging in conjunction with refrigerated distribution and storage to increase
the product shelf life.

3.2 Source of Microorganisms

The ingredients used in the production of carbonated beverages, such as sugar
syrup, flavor concentrates, water and dry ingredients are rarely the source of
spoilage mold, yeast and bacteria. Flavor components typically contain high
levels of alcohol, propylene glycol or preservatives. Finished syrups are highly
acidic and contain preservatives. Juice components are either frozen,
aseptically packaged, or preserved.
By far, the most significant source of spoilage mold, yeast and bacteria is the
soft drink bottling plant environment and equipment. The majority of the
contamination occurs from the proportioner/blender and all equipment
downstream to the filler. Areas where micro buildup is common are in the
proportioner/blenders, carbonator, and deaerators.
Cleaning and sanitizing plays a crucial role in the successful production
of soft drinks that are cold filled and not thermally processed.
For thermally processed, hot filled beverages, thermal-resistant organisms or
spores may be found in some raw materials (liquid sugar, granulated sugar,
powder milk, cocoa powder, whey powder, etc.), packaging (recycled paper
layered board) and the plant environment (air). Knowledge about potential
sources of these organisms in the raw material and facility environment is
essential to minimizing and managing risks.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

3.3 Relevant Microorganisms

Microbial spoilage from bacteria, yeast, and mold can occur in beverages. This
spoilage can result in physical and organoleptic changes in beverage products,
which may include off-flavors, sediment, turbidity, ropiness, gas production,
and filamentous visible growth.

3.3.1 Bacteria
Bacteria are single-celled organisms, ubiquitous, and capable of rapid growth.
Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission or simple division of the cell
and its contents. The doubling time, or generation time, can be as short as
20 minutes. Since each cell grows and divides at the same rate as the parent
cell, this could translate to an increase from one to 10 million cells in 11 hours
under favorable conditions.
Note: Bacterial populations are expressed as colony-forming units (CFUs) per
gram or milliliter.
Some bacteria have the ability to form resisting cells known as endospores.
The spore forms in times of environmental stress, such as lack of nutrients and
moisture needed for growth, and thus is a survival strategy. Spores have no
metabolism and can withstand adverse conditions such as heat, disinfectants,
and ultraviolet light. When the environment becomes favorable, the spore
germinates, giving rise to a single vegetative bacterial cell. Some examples of
spore-formers important to the food industry are members of Bacillus and
Clostridium genera.
Clostridium botulinum spores are a concern for hermetically sealed processed
foods. The spores are very heat-resistant and require very high processing
conditions, such as retorting or canning to minimize their risk. In food
products with pH >4.6, if not adequately processed and under anaerobic
conditions, the heat-resistant spores may survive and grow with the potential
of producing a heat-stable neurotoxin, which can be potentially fatal if
consumed in foods.
Bacillus cereus is a spore-forming bacterium that can be frequently isolated
from soil and some food. Bacillus foodborne illnesses occur due to survival of
the bacterial endospores when food is improperly cooked and improperly
refrigerated, allowing endospores germination with resulting growth and
production of heat-resistant enterotoxins. Unlike C. botulinum, the toxins
produced are not fatal, but may lead to two types of illness, diarrheal and
emetic (vomiting) syndrome. B. cereus can grow at pH values of between 4.3
and 9.3, and can grow at water activity values down to 0.91, and often are
associated with improper refrigeration of starchy foods such as rice and
Aciduric bacteria/ Acetic Acid bacteria (such as Acetobacter and Gluconobacter),
and Lactic Acid bacteria (such as Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc) are of concern

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

for non-carbonated beverages, juices, tea, and flavor concentrate. They are
resistant to preservatives and can grow at a low pH.
Some bacteria, such as Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris (Thermo-acidophilic
Bacteria -ACB), produce heat-resistant spores and can be a concern for
beverage and juice products requiring thermal processing, with the spores
being able to survive through pasteurization temperatures. Spoilage of a
beverage with ACB may result in a unique, “medicinal/cough drop” off-flavor
and odor due to guaiacol production.

Figure 3-6. Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris.

Bacteria can be classified by shape or morphology:
Cocci: (spherical shape) 0.4 - 1.5 µm

Rods: Bacilli (straight rod) or Spirilla 0.25 - 1.0 µm width by 0.5 - 6.0 µm length
(spiral rod)

Another method of classification is by the color of dye uptake or staining:

Gram Positive (Purple) or Gram Negative (Red).

Figure 3-7. Bacterial colonies on a Petri dish (left) and membrane

filtration plate (right).
Bacterial contamination of non-thermally processed beverages, although rare,
may be attributed to a number or combination of factors:
 Poor cleaning and sanitizing
 Misformulation
 Insufficient preservation or adaptation to preservation system
Thermal-resistant bacterial contamination may be attributed to:

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

 Poor cleaning and sanitizing

 Raw material/packaging contamination
 Insufficient thermal processing parameters
Bacteria Associated with Beverage Spoilage
Acetic acid bacteria Vinegary off-flavors
(Species of Acetobacter and Gluconobacter)
Lactic acid bacteria Foaming and/or buttery or fermented off-
(Species of Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc and flavors
Thermotolerant, acidophilic spore-forming Medicinal “cough syrup,” antiseptic, smoky
bacteria off-flavors
(Species of Alicyclobacillus)

3.3.2 Yeast
Yeasts are members of a higher group of microorganisms called fungi. They are
single-cell organisms of spherical, elliptical or cylindrical shape, ranging in size
from 1 to 5 µm in width, and from 5 to 30 µm in length. Their size varies
greatly but yeasts are generally larger than bacterial cells. Yeasts may be
divided into two groups according to their method of reproduction:
 Budding: called Fungi Imperfecti or false yeasts
 Budding and spore formation: Ascomycetes or true yeasts
Unlike bacterial spores, yeasts form spores as a method of reproduction. Yeasts
are widely distributed in nature, common in fruits, grains, and other foods
containing sugar. They can be found in soil, air, skin, and intestinal tracts of
humans, animals and insects.
The spoilage of beverages by yeast may result in visible sedimentation, gas
production, and deformation of packaging due to increased gas pressure,
off-odor, color, or flavor.

Figure 3-8. Yeast colonies on membrane filtration plates.

Yeast accounts for most of the spoilage problems in the soft drink industry due
to their high acid tolerance and ability to grow anaerobically. Yeast
contamination in non-thermally processed beverages is usually a result of poor
cleaning and sanitizing practices. The types of yeast that may be found include

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Zygosaccharomyces, Saccharomyces, Dekkera, Candida, Torulopsis, Pichia,

Hansenula, and Rhodotorula. Some yeast, such as Zygosaccharomyces, are
preservative resistant and have been known to cause significant spoilage in the
Yeasts Associated with Beverage Spoilage
Zygosaccharomyces Responsible for off-tastes and pressure increases. Z.
bailii, Z. lentus and to a lesser extent Z. rouxii resist
weak acid preservatives such as benzoate and sorbate.
All species of the genus may grow in juice concentrates
to cause fermentation spoilage.
Saccharomyces Responsible for foaming, off-flavors, and strong
pressure increases. In addition to these factors, several
species may also produce sediment in beverages.
Dekkera naardenensis Responsible for sediments and floating particles.
(formerly genus Brettanomyces)
Candida stellata Responsible for pressure increases.
(formerly genus Torulopsis)
Candida pelliculosa Responsible for foaming and pressure increases.

3.3.3 Mold
Molds are commonly found in soil, air, water and foods. Molds are filamentous,
multi-celled fungi with an average size larger than both bacteria and yeasts (10
x 40 µm). Each filament is referred to as a hypha. The mass of hyphae that can
quickly spread over a food substrate is called the mycelium. This
characteristic makes them quite visible to consumers as contaminants.
Mold contamination is most frequently the result of airborne spores, although
contamination from equipment or raw ingredients may also result in mold
growth and spoilage. Spores are the primary means of reproduction in these
fungi and are easily carried by air currents into the processing area. Molds
appear in the beverage plant environment in a variety of forms and colors:
fuzzy, powdery, wet, velvet-like, black, white, green, pink or yellow.
Some molds produce cottony colonies which grow profusely out of the
substrate, while others produce flat colonies.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

Figure 3-9. Various mold colonies on Petri plates.

Mold can survive in carbonated beverages, but cannot grow due to the lack of
oxygen and the preservative effect of CO2. Mold can cause spoilage of bottled
water, non-carbonated beverages or when carbonation is lost due to loss of
packaging integrity. Mold contamination can produce off-tastes and odors.
Molds are generally associated with a musty characteristic. Visual problems
can also be caused by mold contamination. Off-colors, floating masses, and
product breakdown can occur.
In returnable packaging, the presence of Fusarium (spider mold) can present
challenges to the bottler in removing it from containers for reuse.

Figure 3-10. Fusarium.

Mold, although prevalent in a bottling facility (due to the moisture and sugar),
is not usually a problem in carbonated beverages. Mold spoilage of non-
carbonated beverages is more common than in carbonated drinks and may
appear either as an amorphous “tissue-like” substance below the surface or as
floating masses on the liquid’s surface.

Figure 3-11. Mold spoilage.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

Examples of Molds Associated

with Beverage Spoilage
Alternaria sp. Off-flavors
Aspergillus sp. Black mold, off-flavor
Botrytis sp. Off-flavors
Byssochlamys sp. Off-flavors, visible masses and fibers
Fusarium sp. Off-flavor
Phytophthora sp. Off-flavors
Sclerotinia sp. Off-flavors

Molds are everywhere in our environment. Molds need very little to survive and
flourish - air, moisture and food. High water levels are not necessary for growth
as most species propagate with only 40%-60% relative humidity. Molds can be
found in areas such as floors, walls and ceilings. They can propagate in reclaim
and rework areas of a plant.

Figure 3-12. Mold colonies

A mold colony does not comprise discrete organisms, but an
interconnected network of hyphae called mycelium. The mycelium may
contain spores.
Molds are spread by spores. Mold spores can become airborne, spreading on
and inside wall cavities, through ventilation systems and into an entire
beverage facility. When conditions are favorable, widespread contamination can
occur in a short time. Heat-Resistant Molds

Historically, the food industry has paid much more attention to bacteria than
molds. However, with the advent of hot filled beverages, contamination due to
various molds; and in particular thermally resistant organisms or heat-

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

resistant molds (HRM), is an ever-increasing problem as they may survive the

normal pasteurization temperature and can be a source of spoilage.
Heat-resistant molds are characterized by the production of ascospores or
similar structures with heat resistance, in some instances, comparable to
bacterial spores. Several molds that have been implicated with high-acid
beverage product spoilage: Byssochlamys fulva, Byssochlamys nivea,
Neosartorya fischeri, Talaromyces flavus, Paecilomyces variotii, and
Eupenicillium brefeldianum. These molds also have the potential to grow in low-
acid products. The most common heat-resistant mold associated with beverage
spoilage is the Byssochlamys genus. These molds can survive heat treatments
used in beverage processing, which results in cloudiness and various off-tastes.
In some cases, the germination of ascospores may result in visible growth of
mycelia on beverage products.
It is interesting to note that heat-resistant mold spores require heat activation.
As a beverage is passed through the heat processing step, the heat may
activate the spores from their dormant state and revive after the beverage has
been sealed and cooled.

Figure 3-13. Heat-resistant mold.

3.4 PepsiCo Sanitation Classification for Beverages

3.4.1 Background
Laboratory-based microbiological tests (challenge studies) are typically used to
make the critical decisions regarding food safety and product shelf life, when
the growth, survival and inactivation of microorganisms in foods are
reproducible responses.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

Predictive microbiology is a description of the responses of microorganisms to

particular intrinsic and extrinsic conditions such as pH, water activity,
preservation systems, and temperature. Predictive microbiology, which
quantitatively describes the combined effect of specific environmental
conditions, can be used to predict growth, survival or inactivation of
microorganisms. In product development, predictive microbiology may allow a
food business to evaluate the safety and stability of new formulations and
identify those which may give a desired shelf life. Predictive microbiology
requires the training and judgment of an experienced food microbiologist with
an understanding of the limitations of use.
Products in PepsiCo beverage portfolios typically undergo challenge studies in
order to predict their product shelf life stability when produced under a
controlled manufacturing environment. Product formulations are challenged
with relevant microorganisms by direct inoculation into product to measure
their survivability and growth potential, taking into account the typical
microbiological load and population distribution.
The results of the microbiological studies and their prediction of stability are
conveyed to PepsiCo product developers, engineers, and operations in terms of
sanitation risk ranking. These include Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, and
Category 4. The sanitation classification is used to define the manufacturing
requirements to produce safe and wholesome food products.
Category Relevant Spoilage Organisms Vegetative Pathogenic
1 Robust products with no growth No Growth Potential
potential - may also be inhibitory
and/or microcidal.
2 Robust products. Select spoilage No Growth Potential
organisms may survive or have
potential for slow growth (as
measured in months).
3 Products with micro growth No Growth Potential
potentials (as measured in weeks),
relying on strict manufacturing
hygiene and/or production run
4 Products with rapid micro growth Potential Growth for low-
potentials (as measured in days), acid
relying on alternative processing
such as thermal processing, aseptic
packaging, and excellent hygiene

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

3.4.2 Classification Assignment and Sanitation Requirements

For all categories (1 – 4), sanitation requirements should be captured in
applicable Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs), the Master
Sanitation Schedule (MSS), Periodic Infrastructure Cleanings (PIC), and
Periodic Equipment Changes (PEC).
In addition to the product category sanitation requirements listed below, be
sure to include the following areas as part of the sanitation cycle: under
walking platforms, under floor mats, under conveyor belts, inside cooling
tunnels, etc.
For CIP verifications, use the chemical vendor to provide the plant with an
annual verification/validation ensuring all CIP circuits and parameters are
working/functioning properly and save the documented record as compliance
evidence. Category 1
Category 1 includes products that are the most robust of the PepsiCo family.
These products have no growth potential, are inhibitory, microcidal to relevant
spoilage organisms and have no pathogenic growth potential. Examples of
Category 1 products include CSDs such as Colas, 7-Ups (preserved), and
To maintain a successful manufacturing environment for Category 1 products,
minimize process adaptive spoilage growth potentials:
 It is required that the manufacturing system and all direct product
contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized at least once each week (not
to exceed 7 days) at a minimum.
 All indirect product contact surfaces and external surfaces are also
required to receive a PepsiCo-approved sanitation procedure at a
frequency not to exceed once each week (not to exceed 7 days).
 All seals, gaskets, vent tubes, replacement valves, etc. must receive
inspection and COP prior to installation; damaged parts and gaskets
should be replaced.
 Appropriate measures must be taken between flavors, sugars and diets
to prevent cross-contamination.
 Effectiveness of the CIP must also be verified using in-plant testing to
include sensory testing, visual inspection, and microbiological or ATP
Further details and requirements can be found in Chapter 7: Sanitation
Protocols and Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation. Category 2
Category 2 products are more sensitive to microbiological contamination/
spoilage than Category 1 products. These products have low potential of slow-
growing spoilage organisms (measured in months) and no pathogen growth

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

potential. An example of a Category 2 product would be the Lipton

Unsweetened Tea Fountain BIB formulation.
To maintain a successful manufacturing environment for Category 2 products,
minimizing process adaptive spoilage growth potentials:
 It is required that the manufacturing system including all direct
product contact surfaces and external surfaces within the processing
areas are cleaned and sanitized prior to production (within 24 hours).
Other products may be run on this line within this time period.
 All indirect product contact surfaces and external surfaces are
cleaned and sanitized prior to production (within 24 hours).
 All external surfaces outside of the processing areas are required to
receive PepsiCo-approved sanitation procedures at a minimum
frequency of once each week (not to exceed 7 days).
 All seals, gaskets, vent tubes, replacement valves, etc. must receive
inspection and COP prior to installation; damaged parts and gaskets
should be replaced.
 Appropriate measures must be taken between flavors, sugars and
diets to prevent cross-contamination.
 Effectiveness of the CIP must also be verified using in-plant testing to
include sensory testing, visual inspection, and microbiological or ATP
Further details and requirements can be found in Chapter 7: Sanitation
Protocols and Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation. Category 3
Category 3 includes the most sensitive products in the PepsiCo family that can
be routinely produced using conventional cold fill technology. Category 3 are
products with micro spoilage growth potentials (as measured in weeks), relying
on strict manufacturing hygiene and/or production run times. There is no
pathogen growth potential. Some examples of Category 3 products include
CSDs without preservation (i.e., 7-Up unpreserved), Tropicana Twisters
preserved cold-fill, Lipton Brisks, Lipton Iced Teas, and Pepsi Natural.
To maintain a successful manufacturing environment for Category 3 products,
minimizing process adaptive spoilage growth potentials:
 The facilities to produce Category 3 products must be qualified per line
by demonstrating successful completion of three consecutive run-and-
hold production qualification runs after meeting all start-up
requirements. Further details and requirements can be found in the
Category 3 Beverage Requirement documents.
 Category 3 production lines must have automatic CIP systems with a
continuous recording of parameters.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

 The start-up requirements include certification through 12 weeks of

meeting micro specification as well as meeting the minimum CIP system
and sanitation requirements.
 Ongoing, the Category 3 sanitation certification must be maintained by
testing samples of filler valve final rinse waters taken during each CIP.
 It is required that the manufacturing system including all direct product
contact surfaces and external surfaces within the processing area are
cleaned and sanitized immediately (within 4 hours) prior to production
using an approved PepsiCo procedure.
 The cleaning and sanitizing must result in less than
15 CFU (yeast)/100 mL in rinse water samples taken from filler valves
prior to production.
 The concentration of the detergent and the external equipment
temperatures during the sanitizing step must be manually verified and
recorded during each sanitation campaign. For automated CIP systems
with data acquisition systems, manual verification is still required with
each CIP. Heat strips may be attached to the printed report from the
 All external surfaces outside of the processing areas are required to
receive a sanitation procedure at the same frequency as the internal CIP
 All seals, gaskets, vent tubes, replacement valves, etc. must receive
inspection and COP prior to installation; damaged parts and gaskets
should be replaced.
 Production on a Category 3 line is not to exceed 24 hours between
approved sanitations unless documented approval is on record to extend
the production interval beyond 24 hours.
 Appropriate measures must be taken between flavors, sugars and diets
to prevent cross-contamination.
 Effectiveness of the CIP must also be verified using in plant testing to
include sensory testing, visual inspection, and microbiological or ATP
Further Sanitation details and requirements can be found in Chapter 7:
Sanitation Protocols and Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation.
For additional information see Category 3 Beverage Documents. Category 4
Category 4 includes products that are too sensitive to be routinely produced in
PepsiCo plants using conventional cold filled processing technology. Typically,
Category 4 products require alternative product processing such as
pasteurization, ozonation or other means such as hot fill or aseptic processing.
Category 4 products have spoilage potential with fast growth potential
(measured in days) for yeast, mold and bacteria. There is no pathogen growth
potential although pathogens could survive if the product is not processed
adequately. Category 4 microbiological limits as well as cleaning and sanitation
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology

requirements are specific to each Category 4 product and associated process.

Some examples of Category 4 products include Bottled Water, Gatorade hot fill,
Tropicana hot fill, and Low-Acid beverages. Category 4 production lines must
have automatic CIP systems with a continuous recording of parameters. Category 4 – Bottled Water

CIP system and sanitation requirements must be met and the line must be
qualified to produce Category 4 Bottled Water. CIP circuitry must be
established to provide filler-only sanitation. Reference the PepsiCo Bottled
Water Technical Reference Manual. Category 4 production lines must have
automatic CIP systems with a continuous recording of parameters.
To maintain a successful manufacturing environment for Bottled Water:
 Bottled Water is required to be produced on a manufacturing system in
which all direct product contact surfaces as well as external surfaces are
cleaned and sanitized immediately (within 4 hours) prior to production
using approved PepsiCo procedures. Further details and requirements
can be found in the PepsiCo Bottled Water Technical Reference Manual.
 The concentration of the detergent and the external equipment
temperatures during the sanitizing step must be manually verified and
recorded during each sanitation campaign. For automated CIP systems
with data acquisition systems, manual verification is required once per
 All external surfaces within the processing areas are required to receive
one CIP sanitation procedure completed within 4 hours of the start of
 All external surfaces outside of the processing areas are required to
receive a sanitation procedure at the same frequency as the internal CIP
 All seals, gaskets, vent tubes, replacement valves, etc. must receive
inspection, COP and ozone rinse prior to installation; damaged parts and
gaskets should be replaced. Tools must receive COP and ozone rinse
prior to use on filling equipment.
 Production is not to exceed 72 hours between approved sanitations on
non-dedicated lines unless documented approval by PepsiCo
Corporate/designate is on record to extend the production interval
beyond 72 hours.
 Treated water flush of the rinser and filler must be performed prior to
changing over to Category 1, 2 or 3 products.
 Effectiveness of the CIP must also be verified using in-plant testing to
include sensory testing, visual inspection, and microbiological or ATP
Further details and requirements can be found in Chapter 7: Sanitation
Protocols and Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 3: Beverage Microbiology Category 4 – Hot Fill, Aseptic, Tunnel Pasteurized, Low-Acid,

Other Products
There are various requirements to maintain a successful manufacturing
environment for Category 4 Hot Fill, Aseptic, Tunnel Pasteurized, Low-Acid and
other products. These requirements are product and process specific. Further
details and requirements can be found in Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols and
Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation.

3.5 References
 International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) Sanitation Manual,
 Diversey Beverage Microbiology References, 2008.
 Compendium of Methods For the Microbiological Examination of Foods, 4th
Edition, 2001.
 Modern Food Microbiology, James M. Jay 1978.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Chapter 4: Cleaning
Cleaning is a process which that soils and prevents the accumulation of food residues that
may decompose or support the growth of spoilage, disease-causing organisms, or the
production of toxins. The cleaning process is comprised of four key attributes including Food
Safety, Microbiological Restriction, Quality, and Production Performance. Responsibility for
cleaning and maintaining all areas of the beverage facility shall be assigned through
maintenance and cleaning schedules. Plant equipment and utensils shall be designed to be
adequately cleanable and properly maintained.
The cleaning agents used must be properly labeled, have food-contact approval
documentation, and be stored in secured areas. Cleaning agents must be effective in the
penetration, dislodgement, and dispersion of the soil through chemical reactions or physical/
chemical interactions. There are many classifications of cleaning agents including:
 Alkalis - Soil displacement by emulsifying, saponifying and peptizing.
 Acids - Mineral deposit control and removal; water softening.
 Surfactants - Wetting and penetrating soils; emulsification and dispersion of soils
and prevention of soil re-depositions.
 Complex Phosphates - Soil displacement by dispersion of soil; water softening,
prevention of soil depositions.
 Polyelectrolytes - Dispersion of precipitates formed during the formation of deposits
when hard water comes out of solution during the application of heat.
 Chelating Compounds - Water softening; mineral deposit control. Prevention of re-
 Oxidizing Agents - Improves peptizing action of alkalis and provides bleaching and
dissolving properties.
The primary constituent of all cleaners is water, therefore water quality must be understood
and cleaning agents must be tailored to the water supply. For effective cleaning, water
parameters must be managed accordingly. These parameters include Turbidity, Total
Dissolved Solids, pH, Iron and Manganese salts, Silica, Microorganisms, and Water Hardness
(Temporary and Permanent).
There are several factors that can influence the effectiveness of cleaning. These factors are
critical in successful cleaning and can be summarized in the following acronym, TACT WINS
where Time, Action, Concentration, Temperature, Water, Individual, Nature of the Soil, and
Surface each have a role.
There are two primary types of cleaning methods, manual cleaning and mechanical cleaning.
The simplest form of manual cleaning is the use of a bucket and brush which provides
excellent chemical contact and allows for direct physical agitation of the soil. Foam and gel
cleaning, applying a concentrated detergent to an exterior surfaces, is also common.
Mechanical Cleaning includes Clean Out of Place (COP), which requires the disassembly of
equipment, and Clean in Place (CIP). CIP brings the cleaning solutions to the equipment and
is most effective for large, multi-line facilities.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

4.0 Cleaning
4.1 Objectives of Cleaning
Cleaning is a process that will remove soils and prevent accumulation of food
residues that may decompose or support the growth of spoilage, disease-
causing organisms, or the production of toxins.
Objectives of the cleaning process are comprised of the following attributes:
1. Food Safety – pathogens, toxins, or allergen
 Cleaning liquid egg/batter systems at a defined frequency to prevent
the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and the production of heat-
stable enterotoxins.
 To minimize allergen cross-contamination when switching from one
allergen-containing beverage to either a beverage without an allergen
or a beverage with a different allergen.
2. Microbiological Restriction- when buildup of spoilage organisms in the
equipment results in an end product that is out of microbiological
 Removal of biofilm.
 When the growth rate of microorganisms exceeds design standards for
3. Quality – Removal of residual compounds which may contaminate the
product to be produced or when switching over to other products.
 Changeover quality attributes (i.e. pungent beverage to less pungent
 Changeover from products that are physically or organoleptically non-
compatible with current product being produced.
 Removal of biofilms.
 Breaking the adaptive cycle of microorganisms.
4. Production Performance - when physical restriction, pollution hampers
the optimal technical performance of the process.
 Fouling of plate heat exchangers.
 Physical restriction of pipes and filling nozzles.
 Buildup on surface of tanks and vessels (i.e. soap stones, calcium

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

4.2 General Cleaning Requirements and Procedures

There are several basic requirements and procedures that should be followed
for successful cleaning. Written procedures should be established and followed
for cleaning and maintaining equipment, including utensils and storage
vessels, used in all areas of the manufacturing location including processing,
packaging, and holding of food and ingredients.
At a minimum, cleaning procedures should include the following items:

4.2.1 General Program Requirements

 Assign responsibility for cleaning and maintaining all areas of the
manufacturing location including but not limited to:
– Product contact surfaces
– External equipment surfaces
– Walls, floors and drains in manufacturing areas. Be sure to include
all the areas around the manufacturing equipment such as inside
electrical boxes/cabinets, inside framework/housing, etc.
– Ingredient, packaging and finished product warehouses
– Ventilation systems and ductwork. Be sure to include overhead pipe
systems and exposed conduit/electrical cables which can accumulate
product/dust buildup.
– Laboratories
– Locker rooms and toilet facilities
– Outside buildings and grounds
– Waste receptacles
 Establish maintenance and cleaning schedules. Whenever possible,
schedule maintenance PM work around a sanitation PIC or PEC cleaning
since this can minimize the amount of equipment downtime.
 Develop and validate SSOPs. These should contain complete descriptions
of the methods and materials used to clean and maintain equipment
and, when necessary, instruction for disassembling and reassembling
each piece of equipment to ensure proper cleaning and maintenance (see
Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols).
 Appropriate Validation and Verification procedures should be established
and followed; the appropriate records should be kept (see
Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of Sanitation).
 Inspect equipment for cleanliness immediately before use, if practical.
 Establish the maximum time that may elapse between the completion of
processing and equipment cleaning based on PepsiCo sanitation
requirements for flow, concentration, time and temperature.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

4.2.2 Equipment, Utensils, and Containers

 All plant equipment and utensils should be designed and constructed of
such material and workmanship as to be hygienically designed,
adequately cleanable, and properly maintained.
 All cleaning of plant equipment and utensils should be done properly to
avoid the contamination of food, food-contact surfaces, or food-packaging
materials as per the facilities SSOP.
 Cleaned portable equipment with food-contact surfaces and utensils
should be stored in a location that protects food-contact surfaces from
 Food-contact surfaces shall be made of compatible materials and
designed to withstand the processing environment, the action of food,
and if applicable, cleaning compounds and agents.
 Equipment that is not located in manufacturing or food-handling areas
and does not come in contact with food should have a hygienic design
and be constructed so that it can be kept in a clean condition.
 Equipment, utensils, and ingredient/ product containers should be
maintained in an acceptable condition through appropriate cleaning as
 Equipment, utensils, and ingredient/ product containers used to convey,
hold, or store raw materials, work in process, rework, or food should be
constructed, handled, and maintained during manufacturing or storage
in a manner that protects against contamination.
 A color code or other type of classification must be used to identify and
separate cleaning utensils based on their intended usage and allergen
profile (if applicable).

4.2.3 Cleaning Agents

 Cleaning agents shall be food grade (with food-contact approval
documentation), PepsiCo approved, and properly labeled.
 All cleaning agents must be stored in a secure compartment away from
production and food storage areas when chemicals are not in use.
 The facility must follow verification procedures and maintain records of
chemical concentration testing, retesting and Corrective Actions.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

4.3 Cleaning Agents in Detail

The components of commercial cleaning are complex and include modification
of the soil and the water. The end result is the penetration, dislodgement and
dispersion of the soil. Effective dispersion will prevent the soil from re-
depositing on the surface prior to its removal. Although energy is put into the
system (generally, in the form of heat and scrubbing), cleaning compounds
decrease the external energy requirements by chemical treatment.
Before the basic characteristics of cleaning compounds can be considered, the
fundamental phenomenon involved in the cleaning process needs to be

4.3.1 Purpose of Cleaning Agents

 Bringing the detergent solution into intimate contact with the soil to be
removed by means of good wetting and penetrating properties.
 Displacement of the solid and liquid soils from the surface to be cleaned
by saponifying fats, peptizing the proteins, and dissolving minerals.
 Provide physical removal using brushes, water pressure and turbulence.
 Holding of the soil in the solution by dispersion, deflocculation or
 Preventing re-deposition of the dispersed soil onto the clean surface by
providing good rinsing and dispersion.

4.3.2 Functions Performed by Cleaning Agents

The functions performed by cleaning agents can be broken down into two basic
1. Chemical reactions between the cleaner and soil
2. Physical/chemical interaction between the cleaner and the soil
Many components of the cleaning compound are combined to utilize both
chemical reactions and physical interactions with soils for their effective

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning Chemical Reactions

Reaction Description
Dissolving The reaction that produces water soluble materials
from water insoluble soil.
Saponification Action of alkali on fats resulting in the formation of
water-soluble soaps.
Precipitation The formation of solids in solutions by reaction with
cleaners, hardness, and heat that can cause films
and scales.
Sequestration The action of an inorganic compound attaching itself
to the water hardness particles, which inactivates
them so they will not combine with other material in
the water and precipitate out.
Chelants Differ from sequestrants in that chelants will form a
ring structure with the bound ion and are therefore
less likely to reenter solution. Also, chelants are
typically used at stochiometric quantities, whereas
sequestrants are used at sub-stochiometric
quantities, i.e., threshold treatment.
Synergism A chemical used as a builder with a soap or
detergent, which results in a combined detergency
which is greater than the chemical and the soap if
they were used independently. Physical Interactions

Interaction Description
Deflocculation The action in which groups or clumps of particles are
of Dispersion broken up into individual particles and spread out
suspended in the solution.
Emulsification A process where fats are broken up into tiny globules
and are suspended in the cleaning solution.
Penetration The action of liquids entering porous materials
through cracks, pin holes, or small channels, which
lowers the interfacial tension or surface tension.
Peptization Physical formation of colloidal solutions from partially
soluble materials.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Suspension The action in which insoluble particles are held in

solution and not allowed to settle out onto the
utensils and surfaces.
Rinsability The ability of water to drain completely from a surface
and in the process, carry detergent and solids with it
thereby minimizing the amount of solids remaining
on the surface. The action which will break the
surface tension of the water in the solution and
permit the utensil or surface to drain dry (sheeting
Wetting The ability of water to form a film on a surface.

4.3.3 Types of Cleaning Agents and Their Effectiveness

The chemicals used as cleaning compounds can be grouped into seven different
Class of Major Functions
Soil displacement by emulsifying, saponifying
and peptizing (sodium or potassium hydroxide).
Mineral deposit control and removal; water
Wetting and penetrating soils; emulsification and
Surfactants dispersion of soils and prevention of soil re-
Complex Soil displacement by dispersion of soil; water
Phosphates softening, prevention of soil depositions.
Dispersion of precipitates formed during the
Polyelectrolytes formation of deposits when hard water comes out
of solution during the application of heat.
Chelating Water softening; mineral deposit control.
Compounds Prevention of re-depositions.
Improves peptizing action of alkalis and provides
Oxidizing Agents
bleaching and dissolving properties.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning Effectiveness of Clearing Agents

The relative effectiveness of cleaning agent components in meeting all of the
various functions is found in the Table below. Depending on the soil (such as
fats, proteins, or minerals) or function (such as wetting), the appropriate
cleaning agent can be chosen by using the effectiveness guidelines within the
table. It is important to note that wetting is when a chemical agent is added to
the liquid cleaning solution to lower the solution’s surface tension and thus
increasing its ability to spread across or penetrate a soil.
Cleaning Agent Fats Protein Minerals Wetting
Strong Alkali 4 4 0 0
Mild Alkali 2 1 0 0
Strong Acids 0 3 4 0
Mild Acids 0 2 3 0

Surfactants 3 2 2 4
Complex Phosphates 1 1 2 1
Polyelectrolytes 0 0 0 0
Chelating Compounds 0 0 3 0
Oxidizing Agents 0 4 0 0
Cleaning Agent Effectiveness
4 = Excellent, 3 = High, 2 = Medium, 1 = Low, 0 = None
Note: Gums have been shown to be removed by solvents and in some cases acetic acids;
Solvents are flammable.

Cleaning agents/detergents for beverage equipment should be obtained from a

reputable supplier, with specific experience in supplying the beverage industry.
Most cleaners that are suitable will be based on sodium or potassium
hydroxide, with the addition of additives to assist, such as wetting, dispersing,
chelating and sequestering.
Hot caustic (sodium hydroxide) at the appropriate temperature is a powerful
cleaning agent, and can be an important sanitation tool when dealing with pulp
products. The caustic will essentially burn pulp residues off stainless steel
Even though hot caustic (sodium hydroxide) is an efficient cleaning and
sanitizing agent, a disadvantage is that it is extremely dangerous and hard to
rinse. Caution should be used to make sure that all caustic is removed from

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

the lines, and that the rinse water used to remove it checks out negative to
phenolphthalein (no color change).

Because hot caustic (sodium hydroxide) is so dangerous, it is not
recommended as a sanitizing agent unless it is being executed by fully
trained sanitation staff, and all safety precautions are in place.

 If the cleaning agents used are primarily sodium or potassium hydroxide,

solution strength should be 1.5 – 2.0%. When handling this chemical,
appropriate safety precautions should be followed to avoid injury to
personnel. All employees involved in handling caustic should wear proper
and necessary safety equipment (Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)),
including all safety glasses, face shields, gloves, and protective clothing.
 Cleaning of filling tanks and lines in a CSD/water plant can use caustic
concentration less than 1.5 - 2.0%, however, specific procedural
guidelines established by corporate and the sanitation supplier must be
 With automated CIP systems, caustic-containing cleaners can be used
up to strength of 2.5%, as these systems can be designed to handle this
concentration safely.
 The combination of chlorine/alkaline detergents can be used for
cleaning, however, the product used should be a formulated detergent.
Chlorine and alkaline detergents should not be purchased separately and
For other plant purposes, commercial cleaners or trisodium phosphate solution
can be used for Cleaning Out of Place (COP). In almost all cleaning operations,
a warm solution offers the best cleaning action.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning Examples of Various Types of Cleaning Agents

Category Approximate Examples of Comments
Concentration Chemicals in
this Category

Potable 100% Usually contains Solvent and carrier for soils, as well as
water dissolved air and chemical cleaners. Hard water leaves
soluble minerals deposit on surfaces. Residual moisture
in small amounts may allow microbial growth on washed
surfaces. Promotes rusting of iron.

Strong 1%-2.5% Sodium Use water with a minimum flow rate of:
alkalis hydroxide 1.5 m/sec (or 2 m/sec if at ambient).
(caustic) and Detergents for fat and protein. Precipitate
orthosilicate water hardness. Produce alkaline pH.
Highly corrosive. Difficult to remove by
rinsing. Irritating to skin and mucous

Mild alkalis 1%-10% Sodium Detergents. Buffers at pH 8.4 or above.

carbonate and Helps soften water. Mildly corrosive. High
sesquicarbon-ate concentrations are irritating to skin.

Inorganic 0.5% Hydrochloric, Produce pH 2.5 or below. Remove

acids sulfuric, nitric, precipitates from surfaces. Very corrosive
phosphoric to metals, but can be partially controlled
through addition of amines. Irritating to
skin and mucous membranes.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Examples of Various Types of Cleaning Agents (cont’d)

Category Approximate Examples of Comments
Concentration Chemicals in this

Organic acids 0.1% - 2.0% Acetic, hydroxyacetic, Remove inorganic precipitates and
lactic, gluconic, citric, other acid-soluble substances from
tartaric surfaces. Moderately corrosive, but
can be mediated through addition of
organic nitrogen compounds.

Anionic 0.15% or less Soaps, sulfated Wet surfaces. Penetrate

wetting alcohols and crevices and woven fabrics.
agents hydrocarbons, Effective detergents. Emulsifiers
aryl alkyl polyether for oils, fats, waxes, and
sulfates/ pigments. Compatible with acid
sulfonates or alkaline cleaners and may be
synergistic. Some foam
excessively. Not compatible with
cationic wetting agents.
Non-ionic 0.15% or less Polyphenoxyether, Excellent detergents for oil.
wetting agent ethylene oxide -fatty Used in mixtures of wetting
acid condensates, agents to control foam.
amine-fatty acid May be sensitive to acids.
Sequestering Variable - Polyphosphates, Form soluble complexes with
agents dependent on ethylenediaminetetr metal ions such as calcium,
water hardness aacetic acid, sodium magnesium, and iron to prevent
gluconate film formation on equipment.
Phosphates are inactivated by
protracted exposure to heat, and
are unstable in acid solution.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Examples of Various Types of Cleaning Agents (cont’d)

Category Approximate Examples of Comments
Concentration Chemicals in this

Abrasives Variable Volcanic ash, Removal of dirt from surfaces

seismotite, pumice, with scrubbing. Can be used
feldspar, silica flour, with detergents for difficult
steel wool, metal or cleaning jobs. During
plastic “chore balls,” scratching of surfaces,
scrub brush particles become embedded
in equipment and later appear
in food. Some might damage
skin of workers.
Chlorinated 1% Di- and Used with alkaline cleaners to
cleaners trichloroisocyan-uric increase peptizing of proteins
acid, and minimize milk deposits.
dichloro hydantoin Not germicidal (pH too high).
Concentrations may vary
depending on the alkaline
cleaner and conditions of use.
Enzymes 0.3%-1% Proteases, lipases, Digest organic molecules.
etc. Inactivated by heat.
Sometimes microbially

Note: This table is intended to provide general background information on the

various types of cleaning agents available. Refer to Chapter 7 Sanitation
Protocols for specific PepsiCo requirements.

4.3.4 Selection and Application of Cleaning Agents

To achieve acceptable cleaning in a beverage operation, it is necessary to give
consideration to the following:
1. Selection of the cleaning compound for the job.
2. Determination of the concentration needed to economically accomplish
the desired cleaning.
3. Selection of external factors to facilitate cleaning. Example: Time and
4. Method of application of the cleaning compound.
5. Cleaning compound selection depends upon a number of interrelated
factors, which include:
 The method of cleaning available, i.e., manual/mechanical.
 The type and amount of soil on the surface.
 The nature of the surface to be cleaned and equipment design

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

 The quality of water available.

 The physical nature of the cleaning compound.
When cleaning is done by hand, it is evident that strong acids and alkalis
cannot be used without a tremendous amount of attention paid to ensuring the
sanitarian is not harmed in the process. Therefore, detergent strength is
generally reduced and greater reliance is made on external energy. Generally,
superior results can be achieved by use of circulation cleaning, either in place
(CIP) or out of place (COP). In circulation techniques, optimum concentrations
of cleaning compounds can be more readily utilized.
The composition of the cleaning compound and concentration required will
depend upon the nature and amount of soil on the surface. The amount of soil
on the surface is reduced by more frequent cleaning of the equipment.

4.3.5 Impact of the Soil and Surface on Cleaning Agents

Cleaning compound composition, concentration, and cleaning method are
dependent upon the type of soil on the surface to be cleaned. Soils from food
will vary as a function of the composition of the food and processing conditions.
Food constituents are markedly different in their solubility characteristics and
in their susceptibility to cleaning as shown below.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning Food Constituents and Cleaning

The surface of the material must also be considered in cleaning compound
selection, i.e., stainless steel, aluminum, and painted surfaces. In these cases,
the compatibility of the material with the cleaning compounds must be

Component Solubility Ease of Changes Induced

on Surface Characteristics Removal by Heating
Solid Surface
Sugar Water soluble Easy – better with Carmelization more
warm water difficult to clean
Fat/ Oils – Water insoluble Difficult Polymerization, more
not in Alkali soluble difficult to clean
Protein Water insoluble Very difficult Denaturation, much
Chlorinated more difficult to
Alkali soluble clean
Strong Alkali
Slightly soluble
in acids
Gums Water insoluble Very difficult Leaves film on
Salts Water soluble Easy
Monovalent Acid soluble
(i.e. NaCl)
Polyvalent Water insoluble Difficult Interactions with
(i.e. CaPO4) Acid soluble other constituents,
more difficult to
Minerals Water insoluble Difficult Forms insoluble
Acid soluble (depending on complexes

4.3.6 Impact of Water Chemistry and Quality on Cleaning Agents

The primary constituent of all cleaners is water. Basic water requirements
common to beverage operations are that they must be free of disease-producing
organisms, toxic metal ions, and objectionable odors and tastes. Pure water
presents no problems, but no establishment has an ideal water supply.
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Therefore, cleaning compounds must be tailored to the individual water supply

and type of operation. PepsiCo requires that water used for sanitation purposes
be treated or potable, based on the CIP requirements outlined in Chapter 7:
Sanitation Protocols. Treated water requires the water be treated using the
mandatory minimum treatment steps. Potable water is based on the WHO
drinking water guidelines and requires micro testing to be performed on a
weekly basis.
For effective cleaning, certain water impurities are of major concern and others
need to be managed appropriately.
1. Turbidity (or suspended matter) must be kept to a minimum to avoid
deposits on cleaning equipment surfaces.
2. Total Dissolved Solids must be kept to a minimum to avoid deposits on
equipment when water dries.
3. pH - The pH of water used to mix detergents is not important because
the cleaning solution will assume the pH of the detergent used.
Carbonated water (CO2) and residual CO2 present problems, as they will
neutralize alkaline detergents. Antimicrobial activity of chemical
sanitizers is, in many cases, related to the pH of the final sanitizing
solution and pH of the water can be a factor.
4. Iron and Manganese salts at concentrations above 0.2 ppm will cause
color deposits on equipment surfaces.
5. Silica is not of major concern in potable water or beverage treated water
sources. However, high silicates in waters or cleaners can leave insoluble
films on equipment.
6. Microorganisms are present in potable water and most water used for
sanitation. Care is taken to ensure that the water is safe and pathogen
free. Many microorganisms, however, can be found in water supplies.
Many of these can cause spoilage of food products and should be taken
into consideration, particularly when used for chemical sanitizing and
final rinsing of equipment surfaces.
7. Water hardness due to salts of calcium and magnesium present a major
problem in the use of cleaners by reducing their effectiveness and by
forming surface deposits. Detergents may contain water-conditioning
agents (chelants) which can control hard water films.
 Temporary Hardness is due to calcium and magnesium
bicarbonates. Simply heating water will result in precipitation and
buildup of scale and deposits.
 Permanent Hardness is due to calcium sulfates, calcium chloride,
magnesium sulfate, and magnesium chloride, which are not
precipitated by heat, but can react with alkaline cleaning solutions to
cause deposits and scale.
8. The beverage industry's utilization of potable water, for the final
sanitation step (rinse), assures that equipment is not exposed to

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

microbial levels any greater than those associated with the potable water
supply. Potable water can contain low levels of bacteria, yeast or mold.

4.4 Factors Influencing Cleaning

There are several factors that can influence the effectiveness of cleaning. These
factors are critical in successful cleaning and can be summarized in the
following acronym, TACT WINS where Time, Action, Concentration,
Temperature, Water, Individual, Nature of the Soil, and Surface each have a



Figure 4-1. TACT WINS.

4.4.1 T – Time
Generally speaking, the longer the cleaning solution is allowed to contact the
soil, the better.
Note: Different chemicals have different contact times. Consult chemical
vendors/suppliers to ensure optimum contact time is allowed. Industry
guidelines are between 10-15 minutes before rinsing off.
Soil is usually removed more rapidly at the beginning of the cleaning process,
when the soil is being removed from the surface layers of soil, than the end.
The reason for this is at the end of the cleaning cycle it is usually more difficult
to break the bonds between the soil and the surface being cleaned.

4.4.2 A – Action
Action greatly enhances soil removal. Action can either be manual from
scrubbing or mechanical from turbulent flow generated in a CIP (Clean in
Place) system or COP (Clean out of Place) tank. During CIP, flow rates are to be
measured to ensure the appropriate action is taking place.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Figure 4-2. Manually cleaning parts

Over a COP tank (left) and Return flow on a CIP system (right).

4.4.3 C – Concentration
In general, as the concentration of the cleaner is raised, cleaning becomes more
effective. Essentially, there is more chemical available to break the bonds
holding the soils to the surface. There is a point, however, when an increase in
concentration provides no added benefit, and, in fact may cause precipitate
formation and reduce the efficiency of the detergent. Here it is always
important to confirm the supplier’s recommended use concentrations by
referring to the technical data sheets that are provided by the supplier.

4.4.4 T – Temperature
There is a law in chemistry stating that a molecule’s speed doubles every time
the temperature is raised 10 ºC; likewise in cleaning. Cleaning efficiency is
greatly enhanced at elevated temperatures (140 ºF/60 ºC). But here again,
there are limits to how high the temperature can be raised. At temperatures
above 165 ºF/72 ºC there can be problems with the breakdown of sodium
hypochlorite (NaOCl) and denaturing of proteins soils. High temperatures can
also cause deposits to burn onto the food-contact surface. On the other hand,
there are detergents that are formulated to be used at 185 ºF/85 ºC. It is
always important to confirm the correct temperature based on the supplier’s
recommendation or corporate operating instructions.

4.4.5 W – Water
Salts, primarily calcium and magnesium carbonate, are responsible for water
hardness. Their presence, in water with high concentrations of these salts, can
greatly reduce the performance in the detergent. In addition, when hard water
is heated, these salts will precipitate, which will result in the formation of a
difficult-to-remove scale. The use of detergents with specially formulated water
conditions and sequestrants (chemicals capable of binding calcium or
magnesium) will help control water hardness. It is also a good preventive

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

practice to periodically assure that there is a proper match between the plant’s
water hardness and the type of detergent and concentration being used.

4.4.6 I – Individual
The people who do the work are the heart of any sanitation program. It is
important to make sure that individuals understand the procedures, have the
proper chemicals, equipment and time for an effective and efficient sanitation

4.4.7 N – Nature of the Soil

Soil can simply be defined as “matter out of place.” In the beverage industry,
the soils we encounter reflect the composition of the beverages produced. In
other words, the soils remaining after a root beer run are flavor oils and other
components in the root beer. Below is a chart that describes the common soils
encountered in beverage facilities. Additionally, it provides recommendations
for removal and prevention.

Figure 4-3. Protein films inside a batch tank (left) and Iron stains inside a
storage tank (right).

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning Common Soils Found in Beverage Plants

Film/Deposit Description Cause Removal Prevention

Carbohydrates Hazy/dulling of 1. Low Hot alkaline Regular and

and the surface temperature water proper cleaning
Sugars 2. Improper
3. Poor pre-

Protein Blue-rainbow 1. Using a non- Chlorinated 1. Adequate

hue, varnish chlorinated alkaline pre-rinse
like, "apple cleaner detergent 2. Proper
sauce" 2. Inadequate cleaning
pre-rinse 3. Chlorinated
3. Improper alkaline
cleaning detergent

Flavor Oils 1. Hanging 1. Low temp Proper temp Regular and

water 2. Improper proper cleaning
droplets detergent coupled with
Correct acidified rinse
2. Greasy 3. Regular use of concentra-
appearance acids in place tion of
3. Odor of oil of alkaline detergent

Minerals White 1. Dropping out Acid wash 1. Wash

(Ca and Mg) (waterstone) 2. Failure to Alkaline
Chalky/gray use acid detergent
detergents with good
3. No acid rinse conditioning
4. Detergents 2. Soften water
can't handle

Iron Red to 1. Water supply Acid wash 1. Regular

brown/black 2. Use of effective
chlorine in acid rinse
high-iron 2. Water
water treatment
3. Proper

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

4.4.8 S – Surface
Most processing equipment in beverage facilities is type 304 stainless steel.
304 stainless steel is resistant to typical detergents and sanitizers we use for
cleaning and sanitizing. Softer metals – brass, aluminum and bronze – are
much more susceptible to corrosion, pitting and general chemical attack.
Detergents specially formulated with corrosion inhibitors and other protective
agents should be used with these soft metals.
The smoothness or roughness of the surface will also influence the integrity of
cleaning. For example, surfaces that are pitted or excessively rough, will harbor
small niches and become problematic. These surfaces may appear visually
clean but may not be microbiologically clean or allergen free.

Figure 4-4. Excessive pitting introduces microbiological niches.

Proper cleaning not only depends on the selection of the right chemicals, but
also requires an understanding of the various factors that affect the overall
performance. TACT WINS can be viewed as the two circular graphs on the next
page. All the factors need to come together, but there also needs to be balance.
To a certain extent, it is possible to compress one factor then expand another.
For example, if the time component needs to be compressed, it is possible to
increase the temperature and concentration to compensate for the shorter time
component. However, PepsiCo approved sanitation protocols must always be
followed as defined in Chapter 7 Sanitation Protocols.

Time Time

Action Action


Figure 4-5. Increasing the temperature and concentration of components

to compensate for less time in cleaning.
Note: Refer to PepsiCo approved sanitation protocols as defined in Chapter 7.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

4.5 Cleaning Methods

4.5.1 Wet Cleaning – Manual and Mechanical

Wet cleaning is the cleaning of manufacturing equipment and surrounding
environment using water and chemistry. Sanitation procedures for wet
cleaning must follow these 7 Key Activities of Wet Sanitation. 7 Key Activities of Wet Sanitation

Activity Description Details
1 Secure,  Remove all packaging materials, raw materials, debris.
disassemble, dry  Gather all necessary sanitation tools and chemicals.
clean  Follow all safety guidelines.
 Dry wipe all electrical panes/components and then cover to
protect from moisture.
 Disassemble/move equipment as necessary.
 If necessary, use dry techniques to remove larger soils.
2 In-sync, top down  Pre-rinse to remove all visible residue (food-contact, top and
pre-rinse undersides of conveyors, floors, walls, exterior areas).
 Select high-pressure, low-pressure or manual (damp towel)
based on surface and nature of soil.
 Pre-rinse from top down.
 Inspect all areas with a flashlight - look for hiding spots or
any missed soils and residues.
 Collect and dispose of dislodged soils/debris.
3 Apply detergent and  Apply cleaner starting from the bottom and moving to the top.
scrub Verify concentration and document.
 Scrub surfaces. Foam contact alone may not be sufficient to
effectively clean.
 Allow for minimum contact time per SSOP for all areas.
4 Post rinse and self-  Rinse all chemical and soils from the surfaces.
inspect  Rinse top down.
 Use caution not to recontaminate clean surfaces by splatter
or generating mist.
 Inspect with a flashlight looking for any missed soil residue.
Be sure to include areas such as the undersides of conveyors.
 It may be necessary to repeat the clean and rinse steps.
5 Prepare for formal  Have QC/supervisor gather inspection equipment: flashlight,
inspection high-polished metal mirror.
 Complete inspection and document on log.
6 Post-sanitation/pre-  Reassemble as needed.
op inspection  Complete ATP swabbing.
 Reclean areas that fail.
7 Sanitize and  Apply no-rinse sanitizer from top down.
assemble  Verify concentration.
 Allow to completely dry.
 Prepare for production.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning Manual Cleaning

The simplest method of cleaning is accomplished manually with a bucket and
Note: Scrub pads can also be used, but the right roughness is important. If the
pads are too soft, they may not remove the soils effectively, but if they are too
rough, they can scratch and pit the equipment, making unsanitary niches.
Manual cleaning provides excellent chemical contact and allows for direct
physical agitation of the soil. A proper brush is critical for effective sanitation
and shall include a specific size and shape and be constructed with materials
that are compatible for the specific application. The block of the brush shall be
of a durable material that will be resistant to heat and chemicals, and also
moisture proof (i.e., no wood). The use of nylon or another synthetic blend
ensures that the brush will retain its shape and have good wear resistance
while providing a sanitation tool that does not serve as a harbor for
In manually cleaning, it is also important that the cleaning detergent solution
be changed regularly and surfaces adequately rinsed.
Other points about using the bucket and brush:
1. Wash, rinse, sanitize, and air-dry brushes between every use. Ensure
sanitation tools are inspected and documented as cleaned and sanitized
after every use. Brushes shall be inspected for loose bristles. Tools
should be stored in a designated area.
2. There should be a color coding system for brushes. For example, black
brushes for drains and white brushes for product contact surfaces.
3. Hang similar color brushes together when not in use.
4. Check condition of brushes regularly. Replace worn and matted brushes
as needed.
5. The use of sponges, green pads, or rags is generally not recommended
because they can harbor microorganisms if not maintained
6. If green pads are utilized, they should be only used once then discarded.
7. Wire bushes should never be used on food-contact surfaces.
The disadvantages of manual cleaning are that it is time consuming and the
thoroughness of the cleaning depends on the individual. Foaming and Gel Cleaning

Applying a concentrated detergent to exterior surfaces, through the use of a
foam or gel, is the most common method of environmental cleaning. This
procedure allows for maximum contact of detergent on surfaces while saving
time, as well as the amount of water and chemicals used for cleaning.
Foaming and gel detergents contain specialized surfactants built with either
acid or alkali. Frequently the alkali detergents will also contain chlorine.
Chlorine at an alkaline pH is extremely effective in “burning off” organic soils
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

such as protein. The correct proportioning of detergent, air and water is

necessary to produce stable foam that will cling to vertical surfaces without
premature breaking or tearing of the foam/gel layer. A stable foam/gel that
clings to a surface allows maximum contact time.
Foam or gel cleaning can be very useful in reducing the time and labor of
cleaning equipment exteriors, free-standing equipment, non-product contact
surfaces and the general environment. Proprietary detergents, alkaline,
chlorinated alkaline, and acids, are formulated with self-foaming or gelling

Figure 4-6. Cleaning with foam.

In general, foam or gel cleaning systems provide the following benefits:
 Holding the chemical cleaner on the surface enables chemicals to
penetrate soil and provide for an effective cleaning.
 Allows easier cleaning of vertical and slanted surfaces.
 Minimizes chemical and water costs.
 Provides visible evidence of detergent on the equipment being cleaned.
During a foam or gel cleaning, it is critical not to allow the foam, or gel to dry
on the surface. Streaking may result with the surface therefore necessitating
that it be re-cleaned. Depending upon the concentration of the foam cleaning
solution, the products used, and the nature of the soil, the time the foam
remains on the surface may vary. See the Note in Section 4.4.1 for more
information. At minimum, foam should remain on the surface for 10 minutes.
Also, keep in mind that the nozzle type is very important. To avoid foaming
issues, the nozzle should be supplied by the manufacturer of the equipment.
The following are some general application tips when foaming:
1. Foam Up, Rinse Down: Foam from the bottom to the top. Foaming from
the bottom to top will reduce the amount of foam lost from a surface in
the event of “sloughing.” Sloughing occurs when excessive foam has been
applied and the sheer weight of the foam causes it to detach from the

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

surface. When rinsing from the top water cascades and aid the rinsing.
Make sure the undersides of equipment are being reached.
2. Avoid the “Fire Hose Effect” in Rinsing: If rinsing with water pressure
too high, soils and microorganisms are aerosolized and redeposit on
clean equipment.
3. Work Small Sections: In order to avoid the foam from drying, work in
small sections.
4. Foam Should Not Be Too Wet or Too Dry: The wetness or dryness of
the foam can be adjusted with the amount of air. The best foams are a
compromise between wet and dry foams. Ideal foam will hang on the
surface the longest amount of time.
5. Maximum Hose Length to about 60 feet: At lengths longer the 60 feet,
the foam will tend to collapse in the hose.
6. Be aware of Surfaces (i.e. Aluminum): Chlorinated alkaline or caustic
foam products can damage aluminum or other soft metals.
7. Avoid Foaming of Hot Surfaces: When a surface is hot, water will flash
out of the foam matrix and cause extreme filming, which can be very
difficult to remove.
8. No Advantage of Using Hot Foam Solutions: If hot foam solutions are
used, they dry quickly and cause streaking. Hot foaming also causes
more condensate in the area.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

There are several different types of systems that can be used for foaming. These
include foaming units that are portable, wall mounted, or centralized systems.
Below are examples of the different types of foaming systems that are available:

Figure 4-7. Portable Foam System (left) and Wall-Mounting Foam System

Figure 4-8. Central Foaming Stations. Mechanical Cleaning Clean Out of Place (COP)

COP means "clean out of place" and requires the disassembly of equipment
after rinsing so that all parts and pipe sections can be placed in a recirculation
COP tank for chemical and physical cleaning action.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

COP techniques are widely applied to reduce cleaning labor costs and provide
most effective cleaning of complicated equipment parts. This procedure is
based on the use of a recirculation tank equipped with a high-volume
recirculation pump. Processing equipment adaptable to this type of cleaning
includes the following:
 Filler valves
 Gaskets
 Pump housing and impeller
 Fittings and auxiliary equipment
Note: Any piece of equipment that can be put inside the COP tank, should
be placed there for cleaning, especially if the equipment has small openings
that cannot be manually cleaned. Examples include blade/slicer heads,
heat-resistant product contact belts, support rollers, etc.
 Short sections of pipes or hoses are not applicable for CIP

Figure 4-9. COP System.

Time must be taken to thoroughly rinse all parts and fittings before they are
placed in the wash tank. The amount of product soil introduced to the COP
tank wash solution must be kept to a minimum to attain the cleaning results
desired. In addition, all equipment placed in the COP tank should be totally
disassembled for proper cleaning.
COP utilizes a practice referred to as the overflow technique. During COP, soils
may float to the surface. If the tank were drained, these soils would redeposit
onto parts and equipment. In order to prevent the re-deposition of the soils, the
COP tank is allowed to overflow for 5 – 10 minutes. Good judgment must be
used in order to prevent expensive wasting of water. Timers on water valves
can help prevent unnecessary water wasting
Detergent concentration depends on the equipment and type of soil involved.
As with any other recirculation cleaning operation, physical action is very
important when using a COP tank. Agitation provided by the high-volume
recirculation pump is adequate for the many small pipes and parts normally
cleaned using this type of equipment.
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Chemicals in the COP tank should be titrated as needed to ensure the

appropriate concentration. This is especially true if the tank is allowed to
overflow or water levels are not consistent.
In COP, the major mistake made by most operators is overloading the tank. All
parts placed in a COP tank – pipes, tees, gaskets and valves must have
adequate room for the detergent solution to circulate around and through.
Make sure that all parts are fully immersed in the cleaning solution
understanding that some parts will retain air pockets if not placed properly in
the tank. All surfaces to be cleaned should remain in contact with the cleaning
solution during the cleaning and rinsing cycles. Clean In Place (CIP)

Clean-in-Place (CIP) equipment is especially valuable for large syrup rooms and
multi-line plants that require the use of systems and processes that permit
cleaning “in place.” That is, bringing the cleaning solutions to the equipment.
CIP uses fixed pipes (lines), spray devices, valves, tanks, sensors and controls,
to provide “closed circuit” cleaning and improve the efficiency and repeatability
of the cleaning and sanitizing process. Since such systems are easily
automated, using PLCs (programmable logic controllers) or desktop computers
can reduce even the most complicated plant operation to a simple function. CIP
systems offer key advantages:
1. Automated, step-by-step procedures can be used to assure that an entire
sanitation program is followed with correct flows and holding times. This
can address syrup room sanitation alone, or can address efficient
sanitation from the syrup room, through the entire packaging line.
2. Process controls will hold temperatures at the correct point for hot
sanitizing at the required temperatures, and will ensure the correct
holding time), with less chance of high or low heat zones (since the re-
circulating solution is maintained at a constant temperature).
3. CIP systems result in reduced waste of chemicals and water. This is
especially important when the plant pays a surcharge on wastewater or
has a wastewater treatment plant installed.
4. Fail-safe features assure that:
 Full sanitation cycles will be performed faithfully, prior to putting a
tank or line back in operation.
 Sanitation programs in operation cannot cross-contaminate normal

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning

Figure 4-10. CIP System.

4.5.2 Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is the cleaning of manufacturing equipment without the use of
water in order to maintain a dry environment. In the PepsiCo system, beverage
plants may use dry cleaning procedures to clean manufacturing equipment
that produces dry product such as Gatorade Powders.
Dry cleaning procedures must always follow the Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) instructions.
All equipment manufacturers must provide clear guidelines on how to clean the
equipment. In the absence of written instructions, the OEM must give
guidelines to develop the appropriate sanitation procedures.
During dry cleaning, air pressure is typically used to clean the equipment. It is
critical that the compressed air used for cleaning is sanitary and has no
condensate. The presence of condensate can contaminate the equipment.
Sanitation procedures for dry cleaning must follow these 7 Key Activities,
shown in Section

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 4: Cleaning 7 Key Activities of Dry Sanitation

Activity Description Details
1 Pre-Sanitation preparation  Remove all packaging
materials, raw materials,
 Gather all necessary
sanitation tools and
 Follow all safety guidelines.
2 Disassemble equipment  Disassemble/move
equipment as necessary.
3 Dry clean  Brush off or vacuum to
remove gross soils.
4 Detail clean  Using a clean, dry cloth,
thoroughly wipe dry to
remove all soils.
5 Self-inspection  Visually inspect to ensure
all soils have been removed.
6 Post-sanitation/pre-op inspection  Have the QC/supervisor
gather inspection
equipment: flashlight and
high-polished metal mirror.
 Visually inspect.
 When ATP swabbing is
completed, reclean any
areas that fail.
7 Sanitize and assemble  Reassemble and apply a no-
rinse sanitizer and allow to
completely air-dry before

4.6 References
 International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) Sanitation Manual,
 Diversey Beverage Microbiology References, 2008
 Ecolab, Making the Right Choice, Cleaners, 2003
 Ecolab, Making the Right Choice, Clean in Place (CIP) Systems, 2003
 Food Plant Sanitation, Hui, Y.H.; 2003

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

Chapter 5: Sanitizing and Sterilizing

Sanitizing is the process of using a sanitizer as a substance that reduces, but not necessarily
eliminates, the microbial contaminants on inanimate surfaces to levels that are considered
safe from a public health standpoint. Sanitizers are effective in destroying vegetative cells of
microorganisms of public health significance. Sanitizing has the aim of eliminating relevant
organisms (i.e. potential spoilage or pathogenic organisms) in the process equipment that
have not been quantitatively removed by the proceeding cleaning procedure.
For any sanitizing application method that is used, intimate contact of the proper sanitizer
concentration with all surfaces for the prescribed period of time is required to assure
complete effectiveness. In addition, a sanitizer must be applied to a clean surface.
There are a large number of chemical sanitizing agents available for use. However, all are not
suitable for use on food-contact surfaces as they may corrode, stain, or leave a film on the
surface. Others may be highly toxic or expensive. Examples of sanitizing agents typically
found in the beverage industry include chlorine, peroxy acid compounds, acid-anionic
sanitizers, carboxylic acid sanitizers, iodophors, and quaternary ammonia compounds. In
addition to chemical sanitizers, physical sanitizing agents, such as the use of heat, can be
very effective. Hot water has the advantage of being relatively inexpensive, easily available,
nontoxic, non-corrosive, and effective on microorganisms while providing excellent heat
penetration into hard to reach areas.
Chemical sanitizing solutions should be prepared based on instructions from the chemical
supplier. This is especially true in the case of formulated chemicals.
There are several factors that can influence the action of a sanitizing agent. These include
the following:
 A clean and thoroughly rinsed surface
 Direct contact with the microorganism
 Appropriate temperature and concentration
 The correct contact time
 The composition of the water used to carry the sanitizing agent
 The type of microorganisms that are being targeted
 The number of microorganisms present
 Equipment design that can support heat sanitizing
Sanitizers can be applied in a number of different ways; therefore, the application method
being used may help dictate the sanitizing agent. Internal sanitation, using circulation-CIP
equipment, is the most effective way of sanitizing beverage processing equipment. Sanitizers
can be applied via a central sanitizer system which consists of a centralized sanitizer
preparation system and a distribution system to carry the prepared use solution to the point
of use.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

5.0 Sanitizing and Sterilizing

5.1 Objectives of Sanitizing
Sanitizing is the process of using a sanitizer as a substance that reduces, but
not necessarily eliminates, the microbial contaminants on inanimate surfaces
to levels that are considered safe from a public health standpoint. Sanitizers
are effective in destroying vegetative cells of microorganisms of public health
significance. Food-contact sanitizers include sanitizing rinses for equipment,
utensils, and containers used in dairies, food processing and beverage plants,
as well as in eating and drinking establishments. In contrast to sanitizing,
sterilizing and disinfecting have different outcomes. The following definitions
provide insights to these terms.
Sanitizer A substance that reduces the microbial contaminants
to safe levels as determined by public health
Sanitization Application of any effective method or substance to a
clean surface for the destruction of pathogens, and of
other organisms as far as is practical. Such
treatment shall not adversely affect the equipment,
the product, or the health of the consumer and shall
be acceptable to the health authority.
Sterilizer An agent that will destroy or eliminate all forms of life,
including all forms of vegetative bacteria, bacterial
spores, fungi and viruses.
Disinfectant An agent that will kill 100% of most infectious
bacteria, although not necessarily capable of killing
bacterial spores.
Cleaner- A product that possesses the properties of both a
Sanitizer cleaner and a sanitizer. It is considered to be a
representation of value against microorganisms of
public health significance greater than that provided
by an ordinary soap or detergent. Prior to use in a
beverage facility, the effectiveness of these products
must be demonstrated by validation protocols and be
approved for use.
The term sterilized conveys an absolute meaning; a sterilized item cannot
support life in any form. A sterilized item can support growth if it should
become re-contaminated. A sterilized item is not necessarily sterilized forever. A
sterile item is free of all living/ surviving microbes at the time it is sterilized.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

Disinfecting is the process of killing pathogenic organisms and does not destroy
spores. The main difference between a sanitizer and a disinfectant is that at a
specified use dilution, the disinfectant must have a higher kill capability for
pathogenic bacteria as compared to that of a sanitizer.
Sanitizing has the aim of eliminating relevant organisms (i.e. potential spoilage
or pathogenic organisms) in the process equipment which have not been
quantitatively removed by the proceeding cleaning procedure.
However, studies have shown that it is difficult, if not impossible, to sanitize a
dirty surface. If a cleaning cycle has not been effective in removing soils from
surfaces, sanitizing chemicals will not be effective in eliminating residual
microorganisms. Bacteria may form a biofilm, in which the outer dead layers of
microorganisms may protect the inner living microorganisms from sanitizers.
In addition, organisms produce a slime layer that provides a protective barrier
for inner microorganisms.

5-1. Example of Biofilm.

The formation of a biofilm occurs in five distinct stages as follows:
1. Initial reversible attachment of free swimming microorganisms to surface
2. Permanent chemical attachment, single layer, bugs begin making slime
3. Early vertical development
4. Multiple towers with channels between, maturing biofilm
5. Mature biofilm with seeding / dispersal of more free-swimming

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

5-2. Five stages of biofilm development.

Biofilms can be quite resistant to some sanitizers as compared to cells freely
dispersed in solution (up to 1,000 times more resistant). Biofilms are typically
removed by mechanical cleaning or scrubbing action. However, this requires
that the location of the biofilm be known.
Biofilms can be effectively removed and their possible development controlled
with regular and thorough cleaning. All organisms have the potential for
developing biofilms. The cleaning and sanitizing agents must reach the
locations where the biofilms are potentially forming. If a piece of equipment has
a poor sanitary design and maintenance resulting in areas where it is difficult
for cleaning and sanitizing to take place, then the cleaning and sanitizing agent
will not be effective. Most importantly, the equipment and cleaning surfaces
must be cleanable, enabling effective sanitation of potential niches and
harborage areas. It is these difficult to clean areas that are at risk for biofilm
development. Therefore, regular thorough and effective cleaning and thorough
sanitizing will typically control biofilm formation.

5.2 Basic Requirements of Sanitizing

Many methods of applying sanitizers to clean and rinsed surfaces are available.
In order for a sanitizer to be effective, there are two basic requirements:
1. For any sanitizing application method that is used, intimate contact of
the proper sanitizer concentration with all surfaces for the prescribed
period of time is required to assure complete effectiveness.
2. A sanitizer must be applied to a clean surface. In general, equipment
should be sanitized just prior to start-up. However, as a best practice for
equipment that may stay idle for periods of time, the sanitizing step
should immediately follow after the cleaning step to leave the surface
with minimal microbial contamination.

5.3 Sanitizing Agents

The goal of a sanitation program is to reduce microorganisms to a level that will
provide a safe product for the consumer, as well as maintain its desirable

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

flavor, odor and visual characteristics. Sanitation within the beverage industry
can be accomplished through the application of anti-microbial chemical agents,
or through the use of heat. Therefore, both chemical and physical sanitizing
agents can be used to sanitize food-contact surfaces, the choice will depend on
the particular application and the effectiveness required.

5.3.1 Types of Sanitizing Agents and Their Effectiveness Chemical Sanitizing Agents

There are a large number of chemical sanitizing agents available for use.
However, all are not suitable for use on food-contact surfaces as they may
corrode, stain, or leave a film on the surface. Others may be highly toxic or
expensive. The below sanitizing agents are those typically found in the beverage
industry. Chlorine
Chlorine is the most frequently used sanitizing agent in beverage plants. It is
effective against a wide variety of bacteria, fungi, and viruses including
bacteriophage, and therefore, it has broad antimicrobial activity. Chlorine’s
bactericidal properties are thought to include the reaction of certain oxidizable
groups in vital enzyme systems. One weakness of chlorine is that it cannot
penetrate into cracks in gaskets, or hard to reach areas, unless the equipment
is flooded and the problem areas are identified and corrected. Aside from this,
chlorine is an excellent sanitizing agent with good kill efficiency.
Chlorine should be used at a pH of approximately 6 - 8. It is not affected by
hard water salts unless they cause an upward drift in the pH of the use
solution. In addition, chlorine is effective at fairly low temperatures and is not
as temperature sensitive as other common sanitizers. Chlorine has the
advantage of being relatively inexpensive and is often preferred because it does
not foam.
The disadvantages of chlorine sanitizers include the potential for toxic gas
formation and can be corrosive to many metals. Chlorine products will degrade
with age and therefore need to be prepared more frequently than other
Inorganic chlorine is readily available in two basic forms - calcium
hypochlorite, usually at strength of 70 percent available chlorine, and sodium
hypochlorite, usually at strength of 15 percent available chlorine. Chlorine gas
may offer economic advantages, but requires special precautionary measures. Peroxy Acid Compounds

Peroxy acid sanitizers are strong, fast-acting sanitizers whose function is based
on oxidation properties. Peroxy acids have low foam characteristics, similar to
chlorine, while offering a broad range of temperature activity. The sanitizer

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leaves no residues and is generally non-corrosive to stainless steel and

aluminum in normal surface application. Peroxy acids provide broad
bactericidal activity and can be used in a broader pH range than other acid-
type sanitizers, with activity up to pH 7.5.
Among disadvantages of peroxy acid sanitizers, they lose their effectiveness in
the presence of some metals such as water containing copper, titanium or
cobalt greater than 0.2 ppm. Peroxy acids may also be corrosive to some metals
including brass, copper, milled steel and galvanized steel. This corrosivity can
be accelerated by the presence of high chlorides in the water (> 75 ppm) as well
as high temperatures. Acid-Anionic Sanitizers

Acid-anionic sanitizers are a combination of anionic surfactants and acids with
a double action in that they sanitize equipment surfaces and provide an acid
rinse that helps to prevent mineral buildup on equipment surfaces. Typically,
acid-anionic sanitizers have no rinse applications. One of the primary
advantages of acid-anionic sanitizers is their stability in both concentrated and
dilute solutions. In addition, they are non-corrosive to stainless steel unless the
water is high in chlorides.
Major disadvantages of acid-anionic sanitizers include their poor efficacy,
foaming and the relatively high cost. In addition, these sanitizers are effective
only at low pH levels with optimum activity at pH 2-3, with activity decreasing
rapidly above pH 3. Furthermore, acid-anionic sanitizers have limited
antimicrobial activity as they are more effective against gram-positive than
against gram-negative bacteria. They are effective against bacteriophage but
have poor activity against yeasts and molds. As a result of the low pH
requirements of this sanitizer, they can be corrosive in the presence of high
chloride levels. Carboxylic Acid Sanitizers

Carboxylic acid sanitizers are also known as fatty acid sanitizers. These
sanitizers can be composed of free fatty acids, sulfonated fatty acids and other
organic acids. In addition, they may contain a mineral acid with phosphoric
being the preference. Similar to acid-anionic sanitizers, carboxylic acid
sanitizers provide sanitizing activity with an acid rinse at the same time.
However, they provide significantly lower foam characteristics and can be used
in either mechanical or CIP applications.
There are a number of advantages in using fatty acid sanitizers. They possess
broad bactericidal activity, including both gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria and bacteriophage. They are stable solutions, in the presence of
organic matter, and at high temperatures. Fatty acid sanitizers are also non-
corrosive to stainless steel, have good shelf life, and are relatively cost-effective.

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Some disadvantages of carboxylic acid sanitizers include being less effective

against yeasts, having limited activity against molds, and not being effective
above pH 3.5 – 4.0. In addition, it has been demonstrated that carboxylic acid
sanitizers show poor performance at low temperatures and in general will lose
some activity below 50°F. Furthermore, these sanitizers can be corrosive to
non-stainless steel and may damage some plastics and rubber materials (at
temperatures above 100°F). Iodophors
Iodophors are compounds that contain iodine complexed with a surfactant
carrier and an acid. The surfactant carrier provides a soluble, stable medium
for the iodine and in the diluted form controls the release of iodine. The
surfactant carrier also aids in penetration into organic soils.
Iodophors are known to provide broad antimicrobial activity including yeasts
and molds. They provide a weak acid rinse for mineral control and are less
irritating to the skin than chlorine. In addition, Iodophors offer low toxicity and
have a broader effective pH range than chlorine. In general, they are more
effective at pH 2-5 and offer acceptable sanitizing efficacy at slightly alkaline
pH, depending on the formulation and conditions. Iodophors are less corrosive
than chlorine when used below 120 °F and their activity is not lost as rapidly
as chlorine in the presence of organic matter, especially at low pH.
There are some disadvantages to using Iodophors. For example, they may be
more adversely affected by water hardness than chlorine and they have poor
activity against bacteriophage. In addition, Iodophors can result in sensory
staining. The efficacy of Iodophors is adversely affected by low temperatures
and they cannot be used above 120 °F or on hot equipment. This would cause
the iodine to vaporize, which would be very corrosive to the equipment. For this
reason, Iodophors are not commonly used as a beverage CIP sanitizer. Quaternary Ammonia Compounds

Quaternary Ammonia Compounds (QACs or “Quats”) are synthetic surface-
action agents. There are a variety of QACs available for use. These include
benzalkonium chloride, substituted benzalkonium chlorides, dual quats, and
twin chain quats. QACs have a number of advantages such as being relatively
odorless, colorless, and non-corrosive. They are stable to heat and relatively
stable in the presence of organic matter.
QACs possess some detergency because of their surfactant activity. They are
active against microorganisms including yeasts and molds while offering some
residual antimicrobial activity in no-rinse applications.
QACs are generally considered less effective against gram-negative bacteria
than against gram-positive bacteria. However, certain QAC formulations
address this. QACs are less effective against bacteriophage, and because they

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

are cationic molecules, they are incompatible with soaps and anionic
detergents. For this reason, surfaces must be rinsed thoroughly between the
cleaning and sanitizing steps to prevent the inactivation of the QAC. QACs are
not as effective at low temperature as is chlorine or peroxyacetic acid. QACs are
not recommended for beverage CIP because when used in mechanical
operations they can cause foaming problems. Physical Sanitizing Agents Sanitizing with Heat

Heat has a number of advantages over the use of chemical sanitizing agents
and, for this reason, is often the first choice of the beverage bottler. Hot water
sanitizing is one method of using heat to sanitize equipment. Moist heat from
hot water or steam is more efficient in microorganism control than dry-heat air.
Hot water is an effective, nonselective sanitization method for food-contact
surfaces. Hot water has the advantage of being relatively inexpensive, easily
available, nontoxic, and effective on microorganisms. It is generally non-
corrosive and provides excellent heat penetration into hard to reach areas such
as behind gaskets, and in threads, pores and cracks (an advantage over
chemical sanitizers).
There are some disadvantages of using hot water as a sanitizer. It is
comparatively slow and requires a lengthy process involving heat, hold, and
cool down as compared to a chemical sanitation. Hot water can also lead to
film formation or heat fixing any remaining soils, making further cleanup much
more difficult. Hot water can also shorten equipment life due to thermal
expansion and contraction, which may cause stress to the equipment. For this
reason, the temperature should be brought to ambient slowly to avoid
equipment damage. In addition, hot water in the system can create
condensation problems within the plant production environment.
When using hot water as a sanitizer, suitable precautions to keep all
unauthorized personnel away from the area being sanitized should be enforced
at all times. Employees with sanitation responsibilities should have suitable
protective glasses and clothing.
For Low-Acid and Aseptic processes, hot water, culinary steam, or hot air is
used to sanitize and/or sterilize the product contact surfaces. Hot water and
culinary steam can be used up to 125°C and Hot air can be used up to 360°C.
See Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols for specific PepsiCo requirements.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and
Sterilizing Summary of Recommended Sanitizing Agents for CIP

Category Typical use Effectiveness against: Comments

Yeast / Bacteria Bacterial Incompatible Effective Other
Mold Spores with: at neutral
Heat 85°C, Best Best Good Must check Yes Surface must
15 minutes site-specific be clean first.
(minimum) material Non-corrosive,
compatibility effective, easily
Chlorine 100 ppm Good Good Poor Soft metal, Yes Surface must
(maximum phenols, be clean first.
residual), 20 amines, acids, Must surpass
minutes temps above chlorine
(minimum 50°C demand then
time) establish

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and
Sterilizing Summary of Recommended Sanitizers for CIP Systems

Category Typical use Effectiveness against: Comments
Yeast/ Mold Bacteria Bacterial Incompatible Effective at Other
Spores with: neutral pH?
First- generation Based on Good Good Fair Copper, iron, Yes Surface must be clean
peroxyacetic supplier- and some first. Safety exposure
acids recommended gasket materials limits and fire hazard.
concentration Gaskets and related
and temp. material should be Viton
or equivalent
construction. Surfaces
fluoroelastomers, butyl
rubber, or
polychloroprene should
be replaced with Viton.
Acid anionic 400 ppm Fair Good Poor Cationic No Surface must be clean
surfactants-- (maximum)** surfactants, first. Difficult to test
dodecyl alkaline cleaners residual concentration.

* Not recommended for CIP due to one or more of the following reasons: 1) does not meet definition of
sanitizer—must result in a five-log (99.999%) reduction of the organism of interest in 30 seconds or less
under the conditions of test, 2) staining, 3) poor rinsability, 4) potential adverse sensory effects on the
** Consult the chemical representative for recommended concentration.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

5.3.2 Preparation of Chemical Sanitizing Solutions

Chemical sanitizing solutions should be prepared based on instructions from
the chemical supplier. This is especially true in the case of formulated
In some cases, the facility may use calcium or sodium hypochlorite as the
chlorine source. If no preparation instructions are provided by the supplier, the
following guidelines can be used to prepare the chlorine solution:
Preparation of chlorine solutions:
The most common types of chlorine available are calcium hypochlorite, a
granular material of approximately 70 percent available chlorine, and sodium
hypochlorite, a liquid usually available at 15 percent available chlorine. Ounces of chlorine compound (calcium hypochlorite at 70%

available chlorine) needed to prepare solution of desired
Volume needed: 1 Gallon 100 Gallons 1,000 Gallons
ppm chlorine: (ounces of calcium hypochlorite needed)
50 ppm 0.010 0.95 9.5
100 ppm 0.019 1.90 19.0

The following formula can be used to determine ounces of chlorine needed

based on available chlorine content of compound. The factor of 0.0133 converts
from mg/l to ounces per gallon (U.S.):
Gallons solution needed X ppm chlorine desired X 0.0133 = oz.
needed % available chlorine in compound used:
Gallons of solution desired 100
Chlorine desired in ppm 100 ppm
% available chlorine in compound 70 %
100 X 100 X 0.0133 = 1.90 ounces
70 %

Note: If Imperial gallons are used, multiply the above ounces of chlorine
compound to be used by 1.2.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and
Sterilizing Fluid ounces of liquid chlorine solution (sodium

hypochlorite) needed to prepare solution of desired
Volume needed (Gallons):
10 % 15 %
Volume needed 100 1,000 100 1,000
ppm chlorine: (fluid ounces of sodium hypochlorite needed)
50 ppm 6.4 64 4.3 43
100 ppm 12.8 128 8.5 85

The following formula can be used to determine fluid ounces of chlorine needed
based on available chlorine content of chlorine stock. The factor of 128
converts gallons (U.S.) to fluid ounces (U.S.):
Gallons solution needed X ppm chlorine desired X 128 = fluid ounce needed
% available chlorine in stock solution expressed in ppm:
Gallons of solution desired 100
Chlorine desired in ppm 100 ppm
% available chlorine in stock solution 15 %
100 X 100 X 128 = 8.5 fluid ounces
150,000 ppm (15%) Grams of chlorine compound (70 % available chlorine)

needed to prepare solution of desired concentration
Volume needed 1 Liter 100 Liters 1,000 Liters
ppm chlorine: (grams of calcium hypochlorite needed)
50 ppm 0.071 7.143 71.43
100 ppm 0.143 14.28 142.8

The following formula can be used to determine grams of chlorine needed

based on available chlorine content of chlorine compound. The factor of 0.1 is
to convert relationship of both ppm and chlorine % to grams of compound

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

Liters of solution needed X ppm chlorine desired X 0.1 = grams needed

% available chlorine in compound used:
Liters of solution desired 1,000
Chlorine desired in ppm 100 ppm
% available chlorine in stock solution 70%
100 X 100 X 0.1 = 142.8 grams needed
70% Liters of liquid chlorine solution needed to prepare solution

of desired concentration
Percent (%) available chlorine in liquid chlorine solution used:
10 % 15 %

Volume needed 100 1,000 100 1,000


ppm chlorine: (fluid ounces of sodium hypochlorite needed)

50 ppm 0.050 0.5 0.033 0.33

100 ppm 0.100 1.0 0.066 0.66

The following formula can be used to determine liters of chlorine needed based
on available chlorine content of chlorine stock.
Liters solution needed X ppm chlorine desired liters desired = liters needed
% available chlorine expressed in ppm:
Liters of solution desired 1,000
Chlorine desired in ppm 100 ppm
% available chlorine in stock solution 15%
1000 X 100 X ppm = 0.66 liter of 15% sodium hypochlorite
150,000 (15% )

5.3.3 Other information regarding sanitizing solutions

Sodium hypochlorite offers no problem with precipitation. It can be added
directly to the tank or equipment.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

With most water supplies, calcium hypochlorite generates little sediment. If

trial and error indicates that some precipitate is forming, then the solution
should be diluted to approximately 4 percent, settled, and poured off into the
vessel being sterilized. Again, since chlorine is a strong sanitizing agent, safety
is extremely important.
Preparation instructions for most sanitizing agents and chemical cleaners will
be supplied by the manufacturer along with the material. In the case of
trisodium phosphate, a solution of 8 - 24 grams / liter (1 - 3 ounces / gallon)
will result in an acceptable cleaning solution.
Note: Observe all safety precautions indicated by the manufacturer in mixing
cleaning compound and sanitizing agents. Particular care is important when
caustic is used; it not only causes burns and injury, but is difficult to rinse.
Some countries have rules regarding the registration of sanitizers with the local
regulatory agency. In such cases, the product must be used as per the label
directions. For example, in the U.S. any use of these registered products not
consistent with the label directions is a violation of federal law.
Cleaning chemicals and detergents are not regulated like sanitizers. However,
they must be safe and effective for their intended use. The cleaning chemical
supplier should provide a letter of guarantee for the cleaning products that
they sell.

5.4 Factors Influencing Sanitizing

Maximizing the effectiveness of a sanitizing agent is critical. There are several
factors that can influence the action of a sanitizing agent. These factors
 A Clean Surface – Soil on the surface can chemically inactivate the
sanitizer as well as physically protect the microbial cell from direct
contact with the sanitizer. The surface must be cleaned and thoroughly
rinsed. The surface must be free of soil and residual detergent, which
could also chemically inactivate the sanitizer.
 Contact – In order for a sanitizer to be effective, it must come into direct
contract with the cell wall of the organism. Harborages such as pits,
crevices, and cracks, as well as soil residue can prevent this intimate
contact from occurring. Therefore, the presence of any residual soil can
chemically or physically impair the efficacy of sanitizers. Soils may shield
microorganisms from the necessary direct contact with the sanitizer.
 Product Temperature and Concentration – In general, sanitizers are
accelerated by a rise in temperature, thus increasing their efficacy. As
the temperature of the sanitizer is lowered, either by using cold makeup
water or using the sanitizer on cold equipment surfaces or in a cold
environment, the efficacy of the sanitizer may decrease. As the

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

concentration of the sanitizer is increased, the activity increases as well.

However, it is critical that the manufacturer’s instructions are followed.
 Contact Time – Carefully read the sanitizer label for the appropriate
contact time and use the sanitizer as per the manufacturer’s
 Proper pH – Maintaining the proper pH is very important for sanitizers,
especially when using acid-based and chlorine sanitizers. A good practice
is to prepare a use solution of the sanitizer in the normal makeup water
and test the solution pH to ensure that it falls within the optimum pH
range for the specific sanitizer in order to ensure the maximum desired
efficacy. Below is a table indicating various sanitizers and optimum pH
solution to use.
Sanitizer and Optimum pH
Sanitizer Optimum pH
Chlorine* In general, more effective as pH is reduced
Iodophor In general, more effective at pH 2-5, but is
also acceptable near neutral pH
Neutral Quat Neutral pH
Acid Quat Acidic pH
Acid Anionic pH < 3.0
Carboxylic Acid pH < 3.5
Peroxyacetic Acid Use solutions typically pH 3 – 4.5; effective
up to pH of 7.5
* It is important to note that dangerous chlorine gas can be generated when chlorine is
exposed to an acidic pH, therefore supplier label directions should be strictly followed.
 Composition of the Water – Water hardness and impurities such as
metal ions and other organics and inorganics can impact the
effectiveness of sanitizers. Depending on the composition, water can
make the sanitizer chemically inactive or buffer the pH and diminish the
sanitizer’s efficacy.
 Type of Microorganism – Not all sanitizers are equally effective against
all microorganisms or the various forms of the microorganisms.
Microorganism cells in the spore state or in a biofilm are much more
resistant than cells in the vegetative and freely suspended state.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

 Number of Microorganisms Present – A sanitizer is only capable of

reducing the number of bacteria, which means the higher the initial
number present, the higher the number of possible survivors. At any
time, high numbers of microorganisms present can overwhelm the
sanitizer. Sanitizers are very effective at doing the job they are designed
to do; sanitizers are not a replacement for good housekeeping and
Hygiene. Sanitizers should always be used according to the label
 Heat Sanitizing – Heat is an effective sanitizing tool. However, the
equipment design must be such that condensate accumulating within
the equipment after heat exposure does not build up and can be released
appropriately. In addition, condensate accumulations can negatively
impact the environment of the plant.

5.5 Sanitizing Methods

Sanitizers can be applied in a number of different ways; therefore, the
application method being used may help dictate the sanitizing agent. Internal
sanitation, using circulation-CIP equipment, is the most effective way of
sanitizing beverage processing equipment. CIP sanitizing is only as good as the
condition of the system components. A clogged spray ball or low flow, for
example, will not provide complete coverage and will negate the effectiveness of
a CIP program.
Sanitizers can be applied via a central sanitizer system which consists of a
centralized sanitizer preparation system and a distribution system to carry the
prepared use solution to the point of use. The sanitizer solution is distributed
via piping and drop hoses to the locations where it will be used. This
significantly increases the ease of use and helps ensure that the sanitizer will
be used, and, most importantly used at the proper concentration.

5.6 Sterilization (Commercial Sterility)

Whenever the term “sterilization” appears in this manual, it always refers to
“Commercial Sterility.” Sterilization is defined as any process, chemical or
physical, which will destroy all living organisms. Sterilization is a treatment
aimed at destroying all vegetative microbic forms present in a surface or inside
a food, together with almost all spores. After sterilization, the remaining spores
should not be in a position to germinate again.
Absolute sterility (total absence of microorganisms) does not exist, as the
destruction of microorganisms follows a logarithmic path. Commercial sterility
of equipment used for aseptic processing and packaging of food means the
condition achieved by application of heat, chemical sterilant(s), or other
appropriate treatment that renders the equipment free of viable
microorganisms having public health significance, as well as microorganisms of

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

non-health significance, capable of reproducing in the food under normal non-

refrigerated conditions of storage and distribution.
Commercial sterility can be obtained using heat, chemicals, radiation, or a
combination of these agents. Heat is the most widely used agent for achieving
commercial sterility. “Wet” sterilization uses a solution of water and chemical
sterilants, (i.e. hydrogen peroxide H2O2) for Tetra Pak or peroxyacetic acid (PAA)
for most other aseptic systems), that is heated into a stream and distributed
onto equipment surfaces. This burst of super-hot water vapor heats
microorganisms until their proteins denature while the hydrogen peroxide
molecules attack viruses and other pathogens. To remove any lingering
hydrogen peroxide, the interior is usually rinsed with a second burst of pure
“Dry” sterilization uses chemical sterilants, (i.e. hydrogen peroxide), that are
vaporized with air. These gases are then distributed onto equipment surfaces.
The “dry” term is used because no condensation or no liquid phase exists
during the sterilization process. UV lamps can also be used as a source of dry
sterilization. UV light is different compared to other sterilants in that it kills
microorganisms by destroying their DNA.
Commercial sterilization can be verified through the use of microbial spore
tests. These tests are used to design and validate sterilization/sanitation
processes. The tests are applied to equipment or packaging surfaces, or can be
applied as inoculated strips of inert materials such as plastic packaging, or
metal foil strips with adhesive hangers. Heat-resistant spores are used to
evaluate the efficacy of a heat or chemical sterilization cycle. Usually
concentrations of 103- 106 spores are used. Sometimes a cocktail or mixture of
organisms will be used to verify commercial sterilization or to verify the
uniformity of the application of the sterilant(s) used. The following table
highlights the verification requirements for various sterilization areas.

5.6.1 Verification of Sterilization

Sterilization Area Sterilant Success Criteria
Sterile Air and Nitrogen Filters Steam 5 log reduction
Surge Tank Steam The minimum Low Acid: 121.1°C
(250°F) for 30 min.
Surge Tank Steam 5 log reduction
Filler Sterile Zone H2O2 or Low Acid: 4 log reduction
Peroxyacetic Acid High Acid: 3 log reduction

 For Low-Acid Foods: 5 log reduction for food contact surfaces, 4 log
reduction for non-food contact surfaces
 For High-Acid Foods: 4 log reduction for food contact surfaces, 3 log
reduction for non-food contact surfaces.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 5: Sanitizing and

5.7 References:
 International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) Sanitation Manual,
 Diversey Beverage Microbiology References, 2008
 Ecolab, Making the Right Choice, Sanitizers, 2003
 Food Plant Sanitation, Hui, Y.H.; et al 2003
 Inside Aseptic, Process Engineering GEA Procomac 2008

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

Chapter 6: CIP System Design

A detailed Clean in Place (CIP) Design Aid is provided to describe the functionality and
performance of CIP systems within beverage manufacturing facilities. The intention is to
present additional information to beverage manufacturing facilities that might need or want
more information when reviewing CIP requirements with their supplier. The chapter is not
intended to be a CIP build specification but to provide additional information and description
about components of various CIP systems and how CIP systems work.
The cleaning and sanitizing of large processing equipment require the use of systems and
processes that bring cleaning and sanitizing solutions to the equipment. CIP is a method of
cleaning the interior surfaces of pipes, vessels, process equipment, filters and associated
fittings. CIP systems use fixed pipes (lines), spray devices, valves, tanks, sensors and
controls, to provide a “closed circuit” cleaning and sanitizing process.
CIP systems offer significant advantages over other cleaning methods, including reduced
labor as well as energy and water savings while providing better results due to the ability to
use higher temperatures and concentrations than open systems. The “automatic”
programming feature of most CIP systems provides a degree of repeatable performance not
found in other cleaning and sanitizing methods. In addition, since the processing equipment
does not need to be taken apart and reassembled for each CIP, the risk of recontamination is
greatly reduced.
A CIP system has five basic components including a CIP Circuit, CIP Supply Tank, CIP
Pump, Drain Valve, and CIP Return Pump. A completed CIP “circuit” (also known as the
cleaning path) has water flowing through the installed pipes from the supply tank through
the supply pump to the vessel or lines being cleaned and then back to either the drain or the
supply tank for circulation.
There are a number of different types of CIP systems that can be utilized. All CIP systems
require about the same amount of supply-return piping, pumps, cleaning hook-up stations
and sprays. The major difference is in the design, operation and control of the circulation
unit (CIP unit) at the beginning. CIP systems fall into four categories including Re-Use
Systems – 2, 3, or 4 Tanks, Single-use Systems, Solution Recovery Systems, and Multi-Use
When purchasing a new CIP system the beverage facility shall provide the CIP system
manufacturer with all necessary system requirements. The CIP system manufacturer (or
supplier) shall design, furnish, commission, qualify and verify a CIP system complete with all
equipment necessary to provide effective internal sanitation through all circuits associated
with the supplied CIP system in order to meet the beverage facility’s requirements.
The CIP design aid provides key insights on the CIP supplier responsibilities for system
design, the CIP system performance specifications, the sequence of CIP operations, the CIP
equipment and control specifications, the CIP supplier’s obligations for system drawings,
manuals, warranties, materials, inspections, testing, and training, the CIP system
commissioning, qualification, and verification, and the existing CIP system check.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.0 CIP System Design

A detailed Clean in Place (CIP) Design Aid is provided to describe the
functionality and performance of CIP systems within beverage manufacturing
facilities. The intention of this chapter is to present additional information to
beverage manufacturing facilities that might need or want more information
when reviewing CIP requirements with their supplier. This chapter is not
intended to be a CIP build specification but to provide additional information
and description about components of various CIP systems and how CIP
systems work.

6.1 Background, Scope, and Purpose

6.1.1 Background
The cleaning and sanitizing of large processing equipment require the use of
systems and processes that bring cleaning and sanitizing solutions to the
equipment. This concept is known as CIP. CIP is a method of cleaning the
interior surfaces of pipes, vessels, process equipment, filters and associated
fittings. CIP systems use fixed pipes (lines), spray devices, valves, tanks,
sensors and controls, to provide a “closed circuit” cleaning and sanitizing
CIP systems offer significant advantages over other cleaning methods,
including reduced labor as well as energy and water savings while providing
better results due to the ability to use higher temperatures and concentrations
than open systems. The “automatic” programming feature of most CIP systems
provides a degree of repeatable performance not found in other cleaning and
sanitizing methods. In addition, since the processing equipment does not need
to be taken apart and reassembled for each CIP, the risk of recontamination is
greatly reduced.
A CIP system has five basic components including a CIP Circuit, CIP Supply
Tank, CIP Pump, Drain Valve, and CIP Return Pump. A completed CIP “circuit”
(also known as the cleaning path) has water flowing through the installed pipes
from the supply tank through the supply pump to the vessel or lines being
cleaned and then back to either the drain or the supply tank for circulation.
There are a number of different types of CIP systems that can be utilized. All
CIP systems require about the same amount of supply-return piping, pumps,
cleaning hook-up stations and sprays. The major difference is in the design,
operation and control of the circulation unit (CIP unit) at the beginning. In
general, CIP systems fall into four categories.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design Re-Use Systems – 2, 3, or 4 Tanks

Separate tanks are used for fresh water and each cleaning solution needed to
complete the CIP. They continually use the same wash solution from CIP
circuit to CIP circuit. The wash solution must be boosted for each use to
maintain the specified concentrations. The tank must be drained regularly
(every month) to remove the accumulated soil and they must be cleaned with
spray balls. Then they should be refilled with fresh water and fresh detergents.
A fresh sanitizing solution is prepared for each CIP cycle (all objects submitted
to CIP) and discharged to the drain. Single-Use Systems

A fresh cleaning or sanitizing solution is prepared for each cleaning cycle and
then discharged to the drain.
For allergen CIP cleanings, a fresh solution shall also be used. Solution Recovery Systems

A recovery tank is used to recover the wash solution and post-rinses which are
then used for the second and third pre-rinses on the next CIP circuit. This type
of system can be used in connection with a multi-tank (re-use) or single-use
CIP system. It is recommended to recover only the 2nd rinsing water if the
1st rinsing water is very dirty.
Allergen CIP rinse water shall not be reused in CIP circuits that have different
allergen profiles. Multi-Use Systems

Through the use of 3 or 4 tanks and extra valves, CIP systems can be set up to
operate either as a reuse or single-use with or without solution recovery. By
using different programming techniques, selected programs can run in any of
the different modes.

6.1.2 Scope
When purchasing a new CIP system, the beverage facility shall provide the CIP
system manufacturer with all necessary system requirements. The CIP system
manufacturer (or supplier) shall design, furnish, commission, qualify and verify
a CIP system complete with all equipment necessary to provide effective
internal sanitation through all circuits associated with the supplied CIP system
in order to meet the beverage facilities requirements. Additionally, the CIP
system should be able to perform a CIP at its own tanks. In summary, a CIP
tank should be able to perform an auto CIP.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.1.3 Purpose
Effective Internal Sanitation is accomplished through utilization of a multiple
step procedure in closed-loop systems. Recirculation and balanced flow
throughout CIP circuits are required at optimum flow velocities and flow rates
in each circuit section.
All product lines, where liquid product or raw material passes through, shall be
submitted to a CIP process including syrup tanks, formulation tanks, blenders,
proportioners, deaerators, pasteurizers, fillers, aseptic tanks and their lines
with all components. The list below provides some examples:
1. Syrup and ingredient tanks and their associated piping and valving,
including product contact level gauging hardware and piping.
2. All product contact surfaces of syrup and ingredient receiving, processing
and distribution systems, including pumps, valves, meters, strainers,
pipes and hoses.
3. Filler and beverage processing systems including, proportioners, chillers,
deaerators, carbonators, pumps, piping, and divert panels, when part of
mix processing system.
4. Filler valve caps/harness devices are required for each filler to facilitate
recirculation through filler valves, air-activated snift cams are required
where filler snift is not designed or capable of automated
5. Sweetener silo/ sweetener receiving line/ distribution line to syrup room
– this capability should be included in any redesign, new HFCS or
sucrose system, or new plant builds.
6. Central Deaeration system/ water distribution system (these systems
may require modification in order to be CIP capable).
7. Bottled Water fillers used for production shall be equipped with an
isolated and dedicated supply and return line for the CIP circuit. The
filler is to be isolated from all other mix/ beverage processing equipment
during the CIP process. The filler CIP is to be done separately from mix
processing equipment when the filler is being prepared for bottled water
production. The CIP system shall be piped such that the production
equipment can be cleaned via one of three different circuits:
a The production line dedicated syrup transfer piping, the mix
processor, the filler CSD product pipe, the filler and, if existing, the
filler CIP return tank.
b The production line dedicated syrup transfer piping, the mix
processor and the filler CSD product pipe up to, but not including,
the bottled water supply connection for the filler.
c The filler CSD product pipe from, and including, the bottled water
supply connection to the filler, the filler and, if existing, the filler CIP
return tank.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

Note: When the deaerator is not part of the mix processor, it must be designed
to be CIP capable with check valves in place, functional and included in the
preventive maintenance program. If CO2 is used/ scavenged from the mix
processor (product side), the deaerator must be included in the CIP circuit or
fresh CO2 must be utilized (Reflux/ scavenged CO2 transfers yeast, mold, and
bacterial microorganisms into the deaerator).
All other conditions not covered on section 6.1.3 above should be submitted to
the Region/ Sector Quality/ Commercialization contacts responsible for
evaluation and validation.

6.2 Responsibilities of the Supplier

6.2.1 System Responsibility

The supplier must represent that it is totally familiar with the requirements of
the beverage industry and that its equipment is fit for the service intended. The
supplier assumes total responsibility for all CIP project scope-related
engineering and design to guarantee that the equipment will operate in concert
with all other system components, whether new, existing, or another supplier’s
equipment, to ensure that overall system performance will be in accordance
with PepsiCo’s intended use.
The supplier shall coordinate its supply with all other applicable suppliers, the
engineer/architect, and PepsiCo to integrate its equipment into the overall
system. Integration includes, but is not limited to the required flow schematics,
associated CIP circuit schematics, electrical supply, controls, utilities, raw
materials, products, and operator interfaces with all systems affecting the
equipment being supplied. The supplier shall become totally knowledgeable of
the operations of the facility and other suppliers’ equipment. The supplier must
further understand that all scope definitions, specifications, drawings,
sketches and instructions furnished by PepsiCo or its engineer/architect are
for advisory purposes only. Any use of the aforementioned advisory materials
shall not relieve the supplier of its system performance responsibilities and
The supplier shall provide prompt written notification of any issues the
supplier may have with these specifications or with other suppliers which may
prevent it from fully integrating its equipment into the total system. Cost-
effective alternative materials or methods will be considered by PepsiCo. The
supplier must provide evidence that the alternative materials or methods are
equal to, or better than those specified. Alternatives must be approved in
writing by PepsiCo.

6.2.2 Regulatory
The supplier shall provide design, materials of construction, manufacture,
inspection and performance testing in conformance with all applicable local,

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

state and national statutes, regulations and codes in effect at the time of sale
and in conformance with the requirements of IAMFES 3-A Sanitary Standards
#605-04, Accepted Practices for Permanently Installed Product and Solution
Pipelines and Cleaning Systems. Any code deficiencies in existing equipment
affecting the supplier’s equipment/ operation/ system shall be noted by the
supplier and brought to the attention of PepsiCo.

6.3 Performance Specifications

6.3.1 Circuit Design

All circuits must be designed for circulation. A minimum velocity of 1.5 meters
per second (1.5 m/sec) shall be maintained in the CIP system as the general
design standard. The solution velocity must be at least 1.5 m/sec in pipes
having nominal diameters of 76.2 millimeters (mm) or smaller. For pipes with
diameters larger than 76.2 mm, the flow rate shall be the smaller of the
following, 6.67 liters per second (L/sec) (106 gallons per minute (G/min)), or
the flow rate required per this specification for the balance of the circuit being
cleaned. Typical cases where this would apply are (1) the common
ingredient/CIP supply and outlet pipes for a syrup batching tank can require,
at 1.5 m/sec, a higher flow rate than the syrup tanks spray balls will allow
(3.79 L/sec) (60 G/min), and (2) the beverage pipe between the beverage
processor and the filler often has a nominal diameter of 101.6 mm (11.36 L/sec
@ 1.5 m/sec) (180 G/min @ 1.5 m/sec)), while the maximum flow rate allowed
by the processor and filler is typically much lower. The capacity of CIP pumps
shall be adequate for the maximum circuit demand.
The flow through CIP return pumps in circuits which include a tank (e.g. syrup
batch tank) is not continuous. The capacity of supply, booster and return
pumps must be equal to or greater than the highest demand required by any
circuit the CIP system will clean.
Where a flow rate less than 1.5 m/sec is allowed, the CIP system and process
must still clean and maintain the equipment to PepsiCo’s Category sanitation
standards. In some instances, such as the main treated water header and
where the filler infeed pipe increases in diameter upstream of the filler,
1.5 m/sec may not be achievable; however, the CIP system must be designed to
clean these pipes to the Category standard as appropriate. When different
paths exist, it is necessary to do separate cycles to assure the correct
cleaning/enough flow rate for each different path.
It is important to pay special attention to the return fittings on the CIP system.
These return systems use a pump to send the cleaning solutions back to the
CIP system. A small leak in the return lines prior to the return pump can cause
air to be introduced into the line. This will cause the return pump to cavitate
and not return the solution back to the CIP system effectively. The mixing of
chemicals and residual cleaners and sanitizers left in the tank prior to
production can cause what is known as “bath tub rings.”
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

Other conditions that may impact the performance of a CIP system and are not
covered in this section should be further evaluated and validated.

6.3.2 Bypass Controls

Bypass controls may be required where flows are greater than the equipment
can accommodate. When the maximum acceptable flow rate in one segment of
a circuit is less than the minimum flow rate to ensure adequate cleaning
performance in another segment of the same circuit, then a partial flow bypass
may be required around the low flow rate segment.

6.3.3 Heat Exchangers

There are 2 ways to heat the solutions at a CIP Station: Heating In Line and
Heating in the Tank. Heating In Line

Separate heat exchangers at each supply line.
The heat exchanger should be sized for a maximum heat-up time of 20 minutes
from ambient to 850 C, but the maximum rise allowable by equipment
manufacturers shall not be exceeded. Supplier shall obtain data in written
form from vendors and provide it to PepsiCo at CIP design review. The system
should be capable of reaching and maintaining the necessary return
temperature measured at the beginning of the CIP return line within 20
minutes of heating. The system shall not increase the temperature of any of the
equipment being cleaned more rapidly than the temperature allowed by the
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
If the loop is cooled down by the heat exchanger (by supplying ambient water to
the steam side of the heat exchanger), then the heat exchanger should have the
capacity to reduce the temperature of the solution to ambient as quickly as
possible without exceeding the OEM’s limit for the rate of temperature change.
An optional heat-up method, preheating an adequate volume of water or
solution prior to charging the system, is an acceptable method to reduce ramp-
up and total downtime for CIP.
The disadvantage of this system is the need for bigger heat exchangers to heat
up the cold solution in 20 min, before sending it to cleaning equipment. So, CIP
timing is greater, and the efficiency of the CIP the station is less. Heating in the Tank

Separate heat exchangers are recommended for separate chemical tanks
(caustic, acid and hot water). Solution is heated when tank is not in use, so it
is ready for cleaning.
The recommended preparation time for one tank (from 20ºC to target ºC) is
between 1 and 1.5 hours, and it must not exceed 2 hours.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

If there are more than two lines in the CIP station, it is recommended to heat
the solutions in the tank rather than in-line (it is more costly to have big heat
exchangers on each line).
Both options are shown in Section 6.5.1.

6.3.4 Chemical Supplier

The chemical supplier shall specify effective chemical concentrations and usage
parameters. Chemicals must be safely handled, used, and stored according to
instructions provided by the chemical supplier. Appropriate safety equipment
shall be used during handling. Cleaning and sanitizing solutions containing
chlorine in concentrations greater than 100 ppm shall not be used in order to
prevent pitting, corrosion, and premature failure of stainless steel components.
The maximum allowable chlorine concentration to be used on the equipment
should be validated by the supplier.

6.3.5 Deaerator
When the deaerator is not part of the mix processor, it shall be designed to be
CIP capable.

6.3.6 CIP System Flow

The design flow rates shall be documented on the Piping and Instrumentation
Diagram (P&ID) for each distinct flow rate segment of piping and each piece of
equipment for each associated CIP circuit.
Any section of piping is considered a single segment if, during solution
 It does not contain a pipe section or a vessel which is not continuously
and completely flooded.
 The flow rate is the same throughout the segment.
The velocity or velocities corresponding to the design flow rate shall be noted
for each distinct flow rate segment of piping. The design shall be within the
equipment manufacturer’s operating limits. Effectiveness shall be determined
by microbiological analysis at critical points as specified by PepsiCo.
The flow through the CIP system is critical in creating the required mechanical
action necessary for successful sanitation. Correct flow velocity is defined by
creating adequate turbulence to clean instrument pockets and dead ends.
There are two key types of flow: turbulent flow and laminar flow. Turbulent
flow is characterized as having instantaneous flow that has random vortices
with the majority in the direction of the flow. In contrast, laminar flow exhibits
overall velocities and pressures that are more consistent than in turbulent
flow. As a result, turbulent flow allows for a much more effective cleansing
action than laminar flow patterns. In addition, the minimum flow velocity
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

required through all parts of the CIP process is 1.5 m/sec. Turbulent flow
occurs at flow velocities of 1.5 – 2.0 m/sec. For protein-containing beverages,
the Reynolds number should be greater than 100,000 for hot surfaces such as
with UHT, HTST, and the hold tube during CIP cycles.

Figure 6-1. CIP Flow Patterns.

The efficiency of the flowing characteristics will also impact the effectiveness of
Below are three examples of flow characteristics that can impact sanitation.
The arrows represent relative flow velocity within the pipe.

Figure 6-2. Very efficient, turbulent flow that is approaching plug flow.

Figure 6-3. Insufficient flow that does not provide enough scrubbing.

Figure 6-4. Very poor, partial flow that has entrained air.
Other velocities might be appropriate, depending upon soil/product type
characteristics, design and construction of the processing equipment, etc.
Validate the cleaning effectiveness of lower velocities with methods such as
microbiological swabs, visual inspections, etc.
Adequate flow velocity is required to clean dead ends. Dead ends are defined as
areas within piping that have poor flow and are difficult to clean. Dead ends of
differing lengths and configurations will require different minimum flow
velocities to ensure adequate sanitation. Most situations are dealt with by
limiting dead ends and using minimum flow velocities of 1.5 m/sec. Examples
of dead ends are shown in Figure 6-5.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

Dead End

CIP flow CIP flow

Air Trap Dead End

Soil Trap

Figure 6-5. Examples of Dead Ends.

If possible, dead ends should be removed at the joint, and the remaining short
end should be capped. The dead end can also be shortened to < 1.5 times the
diameter (< 1.5 x diameter). The dead end must be removed.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.4 Sequence of Operations

The sequence of operations includes a typical 5-Step CIP process which
includes pre-rinse, wash, intermediate rinse, sanitize, and final rinse. The
following information provides an in-depth overview of CIP system procedures
for a sample 5-Step CIP protocol.
Note: Refer to Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols for specific PepsiCo CIP

6.4.1 Step 1: Pre-rinse

Ambient treated or potable water (or recovered water) from the rinse tank is
pumped through the circuit to the drain. This rinse water will continue until
the proof of return switch acknowledges that the circuit is intact. If the proof of
return switch has not been activated in the appropriate time, the pump will
stop and an alarm will sound. Once the circuit has been confirmed by the proof
of return instrument, the heat exchanger can be used to slowly elevate the pre-
rinse temperature, thus shortening the time required to wait for the wash cycle
to reach temperature. This rinse will last up to 10 minutes. During this step a
metered (timed) amount of CO2 evacuation chemical (or caustic) will be
introduced and returned to the CIP system drain. A recirculated temper-up
cycle may be desired before the wash cycle starts if the wash tank temperature
is over 43C. This water will return to the rinse tank, and the wash cycle will
take over when the temperature has reached 60C. Burst rinsing can be
incorporated where applicable and effective for conservation and reduction of
rinse times.

6.4.2 Step 2: Wash

The chemical probe will become activated to ensure the proper chemical
strength during this circuit. The wash tank outlet valve will open and the pump
will begin to circulate wash solution. The heat exchanger is on and will heat
the solution. The drain valve will remain open until a set period of time has
elapsed which indicates the wash solution has reached the return point of the
system. The drain valve will close; the wash tank inlet valve remains open to
act as a balance tank. The wash solution will increase to 60C and hold for five
minutes on the filler circuits at temperature. It will then stop, sound an alarm
to disengage the filler cam. The chemical strength will be maintained during
the cycle. For forward flow through snift valves, the snift/air actuated snift
cams and CIP rail must be installed to ensure snifts are open for an adequate
time during each cycle (additional rail length is needed - contact the filler
supplier for the specific rail length). For CIP circuits, the detergent contact time
at correct temperature should be uninterrupted. For fillers, time starts once
the operator acknowledges the snift valve/CIP cam is disengaged.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.4.3 Step 3: Intermediate Rinse

The water that was used for tempering will be used for this step. If the water at
the required temperature is not available, the cycle must be placed on hold
while the water recirculates through the heat exchanger and immediately back
to the system (not through the circuit) until the required temperature is
reached. Then the system continues into forward flow, the wash solution
returns to the wash tank for a timed period until the tank is full, then diverts
to the drain. Rinsing to drain continues until the conductivity sensor confirms
that the wash chemical has been completely flushed from the system, then the
drain closes and flow through the system is stopped. The rinse tank fills with
clean water, which then recirculates through the heat exchanger back into the
rinse tank to reach the required temperature.

6.4.4 Step 4: Sanitize

After the required temperature is reached, the CIP system begins forward flow
through the circuit. The water temperature at the discharge of the heat
exchanger is increased to the maximum exposure temperature of the circuit
but not to exceed the manufacturer’s maximum limit until the water
temperature measured at the return to the CIP system reaches the required
temperature. The return temperature must then be continuously maintained at
or above the required temperature for the specified length of time.

6.4.5 Step 5: Final Rinse

The system continues in circulation with the heat off. Treated water is supplied
to the steam side of the heat exchanger to cool down the equipment and piping
at the greatest velocity which does not exceed the limits of the equipment
manufacturer. Circulation continues until the rinse water temperature
measured on the return to the CIP system is low enough to be safely handled
by the operator.
Important Note: When performing CIP on tanks/silos, it is very important to
consider the temperature differentials between the product temperature and
the different CIP circuits. This should be validated with the equipment supplier
to prevent the tank/silo from implosion/collapsing.

6.5 Equipment Specifications

In a completed “CIP” circuit, water flows through installed pipes from the
supply tank through the supply pump to the vessel or lines being cleaned and
then back to either the drain or to the supply tank for circulation. CIP systems
can be used to clean both tanks and lines. Simple CIP systems may be
manually operated using manual valves and switches. Water, either hot or
cold, detergents and sanitizers are added to the supply tank as needed for each
step of the CIP program.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.5.1 CIP System Components

The following components make up a CIP system:

Figure 6-6. Components of CIP. CIP Basic System Components

1. Supply Tank – The supply tank provides water to the supply pump
during the rinse steps of a program. The tank also provides a means for
controlling the amount of water added in a cleaning cycle. Additional
tanks may be used to supply the cleaning solution or for recovering
solutions for rinsing. The following guidelines should be considered for
supply tanks:
a Tanks should be sized to meet operational requirements (future lines
should be taken into account to size the tanks). Tank size can be
calculated as follows; Lengths of longest line to be cleaned X number
of CIP lines in CIP Station + 10% margin.
b Constructed of Type 304 L stainless steel with #2B finish, 12 gauge
with welded tops (316 L for Concentrate Tanks).
c Dished or flat-pitched bottom with an outlet at the lowest point.
d Tanks are to have internal spray devices. The supplier must warranty
that there is enough flow to assure the tank cleaning. Some references
Q = 200 liters/minute x ((Pi x D2)/4) for vertical tanks. Where D is
the tank diameter.
Q = 300 liters/minute x ((Pi x D2)/4) for horizontal tanks. Where D is

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

the tank diameter.

Note: The frequency for verification of spray device functionality and
effectiveness shall be determined and documented based on risk and
historical performance. Spray device checks shall be included as part
of the MSS and PEC cleanings at a frequency that demonstrates
e The spray devices are to have no more than 5 psi drop at 100 gpm.
f Fresh Water and Solution Return Tanks are to be fitted with inlet
spray balls – designed to ensure a clean and sanitary system to
prevent bioloading and recontamination of cleaned systems (every
g Tank inlets must be above maximum volume level.
h Tanks should be fitted with an overflow control system to ensure the
tank inlet is always above the maximum level.
i Anti-siphon inlets should be included as required by local regulatory
j All gaskets are to be approved material and compatible with the CIP
chemicals used, including ozone.
k The flow during CIP of a tank should be adjusted to ensure the water
does not pool in the tank.
l In the tank, insulation of hot tanks is recommended.
2. Water Valve/ Level Control – The water controls enable the system to
control water addition and levels in the supply tank. An analog level
transducer or a three-probe electrical system is usually used to control
the addition of water and as a “fail safe,” shutdown in the case of low
3. Supply Pump – The supply pump supplies the rinse, cleaning and
sanitizing solutions to the vessel or line circuit being cleaned. Pumps are
to be sized according to the flow and pressure requirements of the
system. The pump speed is controlled by a flow meter according to the
required cleaning speed of each circuit.
4. Heating System – The heating system heats and controls the solutions
at the desired temperatures. This can be accomplished by use of a heat
exchanger such as a shell and tube system or a plate heat exchanger
sized for the equipment (no direct steam heating of solutions is
permitted). The heat exchanger shall have stainless steel tubes and tube
connections. The heating system design will be based upon the CIP
requirements. If the heating source is steam, the supplier should supply
the receiver and pump for condensate return–pre-piped on the skid. If
the heat source is to be a hot water system, the supplier should size and
supply the hot water heating unit. The supplier should evaluate the
existing boilers and piping to determine if each is adequate. The supplier
should also evaluate process piping required from the steam header to

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

the CIP System as well as the condensate return from the CIP System
back to the condensate return header.
5. Return Temperature RTD and CT Probe – The temperature probe
measures and records the time and return temperature of the cleaning
and sanitizing solutions. A circular temperature recording chart is often
used. Conductive meter is important to check the concentration of return
Temperature monitoring is required for all Category 3 and 4 products.
For the sanitizing step, heat strips or thermal scans must be used to
validate the temperatures for each CIP circuit. PepsiCo hot sanitize
specifications require that the external surfaces must reach the target
temperature of 85°C and be held for a consecutive 15 - 20 minutes. CIP
controller must be programmed to begin the timer once the external
surface reaches 85°C, not once the Return RTD sees 85°C.
6. Drain Valves – Drain valves provide control to the direction of flow
through the circuit. Valves are automatic, sanitary, and typically air
operated. All drain valves are to be of a sanitary design and 316L
stainless steel construction.
Any discharge from the CIP system is to be piped to the drain. The drain
system must be capable of handling a maximum flow without flooding.
The CIP System must be located adjacent to adequate drains or a defined
solution must be provided for achieving acceptable drainage.
7. Detergent Feed (Dosing) Systems – The dosing system controls the
supply of cleaners and sanitizers utilizing pumps that deliver the proper
amount and type of chemicals to the cleaning and sanitizing solutions.
The control of concentrations can be based on time or pulse feed or by
8. Controller – The controller controls the functions of the pipes, valves,
and other components while managing the flow times, amounts,
direction through the lines, pressures and safety systems.
9. The Circuit – The circuit includes all the spray devices, lines, valves,
flow controls, necessary hookups, the CIP skid and return pumps to
provide complete, uniform coverage of all surfaces of the equipment or
lines being cleaned. The CIP skid simply supplies water, cleaners and
sanitizers to the circuit. In order to function properly, the circuit must
return what was supplied back to the skid for circulation to take place.

The CIP skid is a standalone piece of equipment composed of tanks,

pumps, chemical injection system, valves, heat exchangers, control
system, and instrumentation required to mix, heat, and deliver cleaning
solution to the equipment being cleaned. Some guidelines to CIP skids
are as follows:
 All tanks and supply pumps local to the CIP tanks are to be mounted
on a heavy-duty skid.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

 Single or double seat valves are recommended. Butterfly valves are

not recommended since risk of leakage is greater.
 Skid materials should consist of 304 stainless steel Schedule 40,
3” square frame with adjustable +/- 3” legs is preferred but
Schedule 10, 2” or 3” round (as needed), with adjustable +/- 3” legs is
 The skid shall be designed to provide 12” clearance above the floor to
allow for GMPs, inspection, and cleaning.
 Pumps must be mounted to allow for easy removal and/or service on
the pump head.
 An operator catwalk is needed to enable access to tank
 In most instances, a separate Chemical Dispensing Skid will be the
preferred approach so as to minimize worker contact with sanitation
chemicals while maximizing worker access to the operation and
maintenance points of the CIP skid.
 Choose sealing rubbers (e.g. gaskets, o-rings, etc.) that are compatible
with the chemicals being used in the CIP circuit and the temperatures
Provisions for an eye wash station and shower wash station within 10 feet of
the CIP system should be considered.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design Optional CIP System Components

Figure 6-7. Optional Components.

1. Variable Speed CIP Pump – When a flow meter is used in conjunction
with a variable speed CIP pump, not only can the proper flow rate be
achieved, it can be used to monitor and record flows. Volumes of water
used in rinsing, washing, and sanitizing can be specified for each
program by the controller. These flow-based CIP systems are very
flexible and can provide cost advantages. It is important to note that
existing CIP systems may have throttling valves for flow control.
However, new CIP systems most commonly use variable speed supply
pumps to control flow rates. Valve throttling should be avoided. In
high-speed cleaning, a solution and restriction valve, depending on
design, can generate foam and reduce the CIP efficiency.
2. Air Blow – An injection fitting with a 1-micron filter is used to “blow” or
empty the supply piping at the end of selected steps. Very careful
manual cleaning, sanitizing and frequent changing of the filter is
needed to prevent contamination of the equipment from the air supply.
3. Strainer – An in-line strainer is often used in the supply line. This
traps foreign materials such as gasket fragments that can plug spray
devices. They generally use a fine stainless steel wire mesh.
For CIP Systems that are used for cleaning and sanitizing equipment
after the production of fiber-containing products, for example, juice

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

with pulp, a filter is required on the return line to ensure the fiber
particles do not contaminate the CIP circuit. In addition, the automatic
draining of tanks used for fiber containing products should be done
periodically. The facility must have a 100-mesh filter/strainer in the
pressure side, after the CIP pump to ensure that residues or gaskets or
other components cannot return to the line.
Check strainers at minimum weekly after each production run and
cleaning. For allergen cleanings, the strainer shall be checked after
every CIP allergen clean. Strainer checks shall be included as part of
the MSS and PEC cleanings at a frequency that demonstrates control.
4. Supply Temperature – Resistance Temperature Detection (RTD)
Probe – A temperature probe, just beyond the heat exchanger, is a
component of the heating system used to control the temperature of the
outbound cleaning solutions. By using this RTD, the supply
temperature can be recorded easily. This can then be compared to the
return temperature probe, which measures the minimum temperature
to which the equipment was exposed. If there is a significant difference
between the supply and return temperatures, it is easy to identify
issues such as the refrigeration being left on.
5. Sampling Port – A small sampling port is located on the CIP (or return)
to easily collect samples of the cleaning and sanitizing solutions for
testing concentrations. A manual valve can be used or an electric or
air- operated valve and sample holder can be used to collect samples.
6. Supply Pressure Sensor – Monitoring and recording of CIP supply
pressures are very useful and found on most CIP systems. A two-pen
circular chart, recording both the return temperature and supply
pressure, is often used. Pressure fluctuations indicate poor hydraulics;
high pressures indicate a blockage such as a plugged spray device,
while an open circuit would have low pressures.
7. Flow Meter – A flow meter in the supply side is used in setting up and
controlling the flow and volumes in each specific piece of equipment or
circuit. A flow meter, either a vane type or vortex type, is often used. A
flow meter is also required at the return line. If it needs to be installed
at the pressure side, a flow switch (minimal requirement) is requested
at the return line to ensure that the same flow is going is the same
returning and is not filling any tank in the way.
Note: When performing manual velocity checks, the most difficult
circuit to clean shall be selected, and the flow requirement applies to
the largest diameter pipe. The length of the circuit and the soil loading
necessities should also be considered. If the CIP system is equipped
with an in-line flow meter on the return line, the flow meter must be
calibrated at a frequency sufficient to demonstrate control. Velocity
checks should be performed annually, at minimum.
8. Return Check Probe – A probe, located in the return line to confirm
the return of solutions, is used as a safety measure. If no return is

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sensed in the first rinse, the CIP program stops and indicates an error.
If an error is made in connecting the CIP system to the equipment being
cleaned, the program will stop after the first water rinse, preventing
chemicals from coming in contact with the wrong equipment.
9. Conductivity Probe – A conductivity probe can be used to measure,
control, and record the conductivity of the cleaners and sanitizers. It
can be placed in the return line or in the supply (wash) tank. If placed
in the return line, it can also be used to monitor, and control rinses,
minimizing water usage or to control product recovery.
10. pH Probe – A pH probe is an additional sensor and can provide
benefits. Most pH probes use a glass electrode and therefore, must be
located in a side stream to prevent the possibility of glass
contamination. If a pH probe is used, it must be calibrated daily and
maintained. Conductivity measurement is superior to pH.
11. Data Acquisition/ Printer – Recording of return temperatures and
times may be required. Two-pen circular charts recording return
temperature and supply pressures have been used for many years.
Modern controllers, PC computer systems and sensors provide a means
of recording a complete picture of each program. Alarms can be
sounded and recorded during the program to alert the operators of
potential problems. The results can be compared to the established
standard values. This provides documentation that can be part of a
quality or food safety program. Summary reports can be generated and
made available to management as needed. In addition, costs can be
monitored by recording the amounts of chemicals, water and steam

6.5.2 Spray Devises/ Spray Balls

There are two general types of spray devices available for the spray cleaning of
tanks and processing equipment, these include fixed (static) and rotating
The use of spray balls that are fixed, non-rotating and low pressure are
optimum for spraying cleaning solutions used in CIP systems and are the most
commonly used spray devices for the beverage manufacturing process. There
are several advantages to using these types of spray balls:
1. There are no moving parts, no maintenance and minimal repair costs.
2. They require the simple attachment of cleaning solution supply pipes.
3. They provide a good spray pattern, covering a wide area without jetting
or misting.
4. With the correct positioning, spray balls will provide no spray
interferences resulting in the cleaning of all target areas even with
difficult installations.
Rotating sprays are used less frequently in sanitary applications due to the
periodic maintenance required and the possibility of particulate shedding.
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

Figure 6-8. Fixed CIP Spray Ball (left) and

Rotating CIP Spray Head (right).
As a general rule, the spray ball must ensure a thin cleaning solution film,
around 2-3 mm within all the walls. This thin cleaning solution film, running
down the walls, creates the required mechanical action to remove the soil. If
the flow is too strong, the spray ball will not go through the cleaning solution at
the tank walls, but instead will pulverize the cleaning solution and the tank
without any cleaning effect.

Spray balls have different spraying patterns. In addition, there are different
sizes that are available to ensure the spray pattern is sufficient to cover the
walls. Pressure at the spray ball must be sufficient to reach the wall, typically
1.5 to 3 bars. It is important to note that in certain cleaning applications, a
rotating spray device may still be required.
The spray balls are related to the horizontal sizes of tanks more than tank
volumes. This area defines the amount of spray balls, the model and the flow
required. As a general rule, the spray ball must ensure a thin cleaning solution
film, around 2-3 mm in all the walls. This thin cleaning solution film, running
down by the walls will create the required mechanical effect to remove the dirt.
If the flow is too strong, the spray ball will not go through the cleaning solution
at the tank walls, but will pulverize the cleaning solution and the tank without
any cleaning solution effect. The design and amount of spray balls must take
into consideration if there is an agitator, the angles of the paws, and if it is
neck-hanged or foot-supported.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

Figure 6-9. Different Spray Patterns.

Figure 6-10. Different Spraying Patterns (left)

and Different Spray Ball Sizes (right).
Spray balls should be inspected regularly to ensure they are working properly.
Spray balls that are blocked by mineral deposits or other soil can cause
shadows, which are areas that are not cleaned by detergents.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

Figure 6-11. Example of a Blocked Spray Ball.

6.5.3 Operating Requirements for CIP Systems

CIP systems must be properly maintained, functioning correctly, and allow for
efficient and effective cleaning of product contact surfaces. CIP systems should
be operated under the following critical requirements:
 Operational, recording thermometers and flow measurements are used to
monitor the CIP system.
 Minimum requirements for time, temperature, and flow rate are
established and documented.
 Chemical concentration requirements are established and documented.
 CIP records and recording charts are maintained and current.
 CIP records and recording charts are reviewed to determine if defined
time, temperature, flow rate and chemical concentration requirements
are applicable to the respective process.
 CIP operators are trained on the use of cleaning compounds, sanitizers
and proper operation of CIP equipment.

The CIP paperwork related to cleaning effectiveness shall be documented to

include, but is not limited to, all the bullet points above.

6.5.4 Pipe Flow Rates and Velocities

The following tables shall be used to determine both velocity of flow in feet per
second and flow rate in gallons per minute for achieving optimum sanitation

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design Stainless Steel Tubing

Line Size @ 5 fps (feet per second) @ 100 gpm
2 inch 42.8 gpm 11.68 fps
2.5 inch 68.8 gpm 7.27 fps
3 inch 100.8 gpm 4.96 fps
4 inch 179.6 gpm 2.78 fps
6 inch (304 SS) 416.1 gpm 1.20 fps
6 inch (316 SS) 409.2 gpm 1.22 fps Schedule 5 Pipe

Line Size @ 5 fps (feet per second) @ 100 gpm
2 inch 61.7 gpm 8.10 fps
2.5 inch 92.2 gpm 5.42 fps
3 inch 136 gpm 3.67 fps
4 inch 229.9 gpm 2.17 fps
6 inch 502.5 gpm 1.00 fps Schedule 40 Pipe

Line Size @ 5 fps (feet per second) @ 100 gpm
2 inch 52.3 gpm 9.56 fps
2.5 inch 74.6 gpm 6.70 fps
3 inch 115.2 gpm 4.34 fps
4 inch 198.4 gpm 2.52 fps
6 inch 450.3 gpm 1.11 fps
The formula to determine flow velocity is as follows: V= gpm X 0.3208/A
V= velocity ft/sec
gpm= gallons per minute
A= Inside Diameter in square inches (cross-sectional area of pipe)

6.5.5 Pipe Flow Rate and Velocity for SI Units Stainless Steel Tubing (SI Unit)

Line Size @ 1.5 m/sec @ 6.31 L/sec
(meters per second) (liters per second)
50.8 mm 2.70 L/sec 3.56 m/sec
63.5 mm 4.34 L/sec 2.22 m/sec
76.4 mm 6.36 L/sec 1.51 m/sec
101.6 mm 11.33 L/sec 0.847 m/sec
152.4 mm (304 SS) 26.25 L/sec 0.366 m/sec
152.4 mm (316 SS) 25.82 L/sec 0.372 m/sec

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design Schedule 5 Pipe (SI Unit)

Line Size @ 1.5 m/sec @ 6.31 L/sec
(meters per second) (liters per second)
50.8 mm 3.89 L/sec 2.47 m/sec
63.5 mm 5.82 L/sec 1.65 m/sec
76.4 mm 8.58 L/sec 1.12 m/sec
101.6 mm 14.5 L/sec 0.661 m/sec
152.4 mm 31.7 L/sec 0.305 m/sec Schedule 40 Pipe (SI Unit)

Line Size @ 1.5 m/sec @ 6.31 L/sec
(meters per second) (liters per second)
50.8 mm 3.30 L/sec 2.91 m/sec
63.5 mm 4.71 L/sec 2.04 m/sec
76.4 mm 7.27 L/sec 1.32 m/sec
101.6 mm 12.5 L/sec 0.768 m/sec
152.4 mm 28.4 L/sec 0.338 m/sec

6.6 Control Specifications

6.6.1 Control System

The function of the control system is to accept operator inputs to direct and
perform the functions necessary to meet the detailed cleaning requirements.
The control system should be PLC-based and consistent with the facility’s
current systems.
Password-controlled access at Operator Interface Terminals (OITs) and process
conditions are to be displayed in the language that is requested by the plant.
The supplier shall recommend the appropriate OIT to satisfy both the operator
control functions, circuit condition status, and reporting display of all process
signals being monitored including, elapsed and total time, steps in the process,
alarm conditions, flow rates, return temperature, and conductivity.

6.6.2 Control Functions

Typical input control functions include a number of operating parameters.
These include:
1. Cycle selection - This will be accomplished via a control panel keypad to
select the tank or circuit to be cleaned. The selection will appear as an
electronic LCD display with numeric readout for the active circuit.
2. Timing selector - Off-auto-hold keypad selections control timing. In the
hold position, the cleaning functions continue, but timing is frozen. In
the off position, the cleaning is stopped, no solution is circulated and all

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valves are closed. The selection must be in the auto position to start a
cleaning cycle.
3. Run - This selection starts the cleaning cycle for the duration of the
4. Cycle bypass - This selection enables cycles to be bypassed. Typically
the supervisor or maintenance personnel use this switch for testing the
programming function.
5. Step number/time remaining - This digital display will show the
operator the step number (e.g., 3-post-rinse) and time remaining (e.g.,
175 seconds) as the system progresses through each cycle.
6. Printer/ Recorder - This unit will be provided to record the return and
feed temperatures, flow rates, supply pressure, temperature, and
conductivity. The unit shall also record the circuit being cleaned, the
time elapsed for each step in the procedure, and the alarm conditions.
Process inputs to the recorder shall be electronic. At a minimum, the
recorder must have electronic display of process signals being monitored
and printed reporting capability. Recorders must have remote capability
for up to 152 meters from the CIP system.

Printed reporting capability shall include, but is not limited to, the
 Graphical strip format incorporating alarms, temperature, flow,
pressure and conductivity by time
 Chemical usage report
 CIP summary report of operating parameters for each executed
 Report of any alarm conditions that occur during each executed
 Circuit being cleaned/ sanitized
 Elapsed time for the procedure
 Date and time for each procedure
7. Alarm Conditions - Alarm conditions will set an audible alarm and
visual alarm light (or display of alarm) when alarm conditions exist (low
water level, timing hold on cycles due to low temperature, high
temperature cutoff, etc.). Hold conditions shall be displayed.
Acknowledgment shall stop an audible alarm and correction of the alarm
condition shall remove the fault and visual display. Additionally, loss of
volume and loss of flow shall cause an alarm condition and an indication
of CIP system fault. The system shall reset to the beginning of the
current step and reset the timer to time zero at correction of fault
During rinsing and cleaning steps, if the temperature, concentration, or
flow at the return is out of the required minimum specification, the CIP
time measurement must remain on pause until the parameters come

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

back within the required values. Once the parameters are within the
required specifications, the CIP time measurement can resume from
where it left off.
However, during the sanitation or sterilization step, if temperature,
concentration, or flow at the return are outside of the required minimum
specification, the CIP cycle must be reset to zero, and started from time
8. Flow Monitoring - CIP flow and velocity monitoring devices shall be
installed at critical CIP circuit positions to enable monitoring to ensure
design performance is achieved and sustained. Critical points include:
CIP returns, filler infeed, CIP feeds as listed on P&ID. Devices shall be
installed per manufacturer instructions on position, distance from
fittings, valves, and equipment. For information on manual velocity
checks, see the Note under item 7 on page 6-18.
Note: In addition to feed and return flow monitoring it is required that
the filler collection CIP return pipe flow (non-intrusive meter and
temperature) be monitored if any portion of the CIP solution bypasses the
filler and returns directly to the CIP system.
In addition to the normal operating controls specified above, the system shall
also have program change capabilities, via password access, for the duration of
any step, the number of steps for cleaning, and the temperature for cleaning.

6.7 Additional CIP System Design Components

Careful consideration should be given as to the number of CIP system units or
skids needed to support the manufacture of beverages.
Category 4 beverages represent the most sensitive beverages in the PepsiCo
portfolio and encompass many different types of filling technologies. These
sensitive beverages may utilize raw materials that naturally possess very high
microbial loads. Separate CIP system units or skids will be needed to separate
the "raw" side of the process from the "processed" or "aseptic" side of the
process. Thus, there shall be separate CIP system units or skids for each of the
process areas, such as the "raw" side, separated from the thermalized or
pasteurized section, separated from UHT, and separated from aseptic storage
and aseptic filler.
Regulations may also dictate this separation such as those products required
to meet PMO (Pasteurized Milk Ordinance). PepsiCo policy for the manufacture
of certain beverages will include requirements for separate CIP system units or
skids. Further separation may be needed within the "raw" side in order to
effectively manage the incoming microbial loads of raw materials. Consultation
with PepsiCo SMEs is strongly encouraged to ensure that all of the needed
design elements are in place early for project scope development.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.8 Submittals and Manuals

Note that electronic versions of the CIP manuals and drawing schematics are

6.8.1 Approval Drawings

Supplier shall submit certified approval drawings before manufacturing, which
shall include outline, assembly drawings, and where applicable, process flow
diagrams, piping, and instrument diagrams.
Note: It is recommended that CIP routes or circuits be marked on P&ID in
different colors.

6.8.2 Operational and Maintenance Manuals

After approval but before start-up, the supplier shall provide four copies in CD
format (sustainable action) or three-ring binders of a comprehensive manual
that includes, but is not limited to, the following sections:
1. Installation Instructions shall describe the requirements for the complete
and proper installation and checkout of the supplier’s equipment
including the various interfaces to the rest of the system.
2. Operating Instructions shall describe all safety considerations, functions
of the equipment in each operating mode, and each manual step the
operators must take, including the observations to be made, to start,
run, change over and shut down the equipment. This section shall
include the recommended methods and schedules for cleaning and
sanitizing and all special equipment, chemicals and procedures
necessary for operation. Correct settings for each baseline device will be
recorded in the “Baseline Information” section. The operating manual
design, format, and content shall be previewed and determined in
conjunction with PepsiCo.
3. Maintenance Instructions shall describe the mechanical maintenance,
troubleshooting and repairs for major components and sub-systems;
lubrication and preventive maintenance schedules for all components,
including third-party components; and an electrical system maintenance
and repair guide including wiring diagrams, descriptions of operation
and fully annotated Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) program
4. Spare Parts Lists of the required and recommended parts shall include
pricing and sources.
5. After start-up and verification of system operation, updated
piping/electrical drawings and schematics, PLC program, description of
operation, and any other changes are to be reissued to the buyer from
the supplier.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.9 Warranties
The guidelines below should be followed to ensure appropriate warranties:
1. Any equipment or parts thereof indicating irremediable or injurious
defects, improper fabrication, excessive repairs, or lack of compliance
with the requirements of this specification shall be subject to rejection.
Any components shall also be subject to rejection if such conditions are
discovered after acceptance at the supplier’s manufacturer’s plant.
2. Any equipment or parts proving defective or failing to meet the
requirements of this specification within 18 months from date of
manufacture completion, shipment, agreed-upon proper storage or 12
months of service shall be replaced free of charge by the manufacturer.
Labor costs associated with such replacements shall also be borne by the
3. Equipment shall carry a minimum one-year in-service warranty covering
defective parts, material, workmanship, engineering and performance.
Suppliers shall identify anticipated replacement frequency of the
consumable parts.
4. The supplier shall be responsible for correcting all defects and shortages
in its equipment at the supplier’s cost as necessary to achieve the project
scope performance requirements.

6.10 Materials of Construction

1. Equipment shall be of sanitary design. There shall be no hidden crevices
or pockets in which mold, yeast or bacteria can accumulate. Equipment
shall be designed to provide complete liquid re-circulation for sanitizing
and shall withstand the sanitizing chemicals and temperatures normally
utilized in CIP system circuits.
2. All metal surfaces in contact with product shall be stainless steel grade
304 or better. All non-metallic materials in contact with product shall be
food grade and shall not contribute any flavors, odors or other
contaminants to the product. All gaskets and seals shall be EPDM, Viton
or equivalent. The Supplier shall validate and warrant gasket material
compatibility under all usage conditions in this application.
3. Any pressure vessel shall meet the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Division I (or equivalent). Welds shall be full
penetration, ground smooth and polished. All welds and weld areas shall
be carefully examined visually, inspected by magnetic particle or liquid
penetrant methods, and shall be free from undercutting, arc strikes or
any evidence of poor workmanship. Repairs shall be by qualified welding
procedure. All pressure vessels shall be hydrostatically tested with water
to a minimum 1.5 times the maximum design pressure for at least 30
minutes without any signs of leakage. Testing shall meet all code

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

4. To the greatest extent possible, all tanks, equipment, and control panels
shall be skid-mounted, fully assembled, and tested prior to shipment.
Equipment shall be mounted to allow for easy removal and servicing.
Construction of all equipment shall allow adequate clearance (305 mm
minimum) above floor for ease of maintenance and cleaning. An operator
catwalk shall be supplied for safety and to enable access to tank tops/

6.11 Electrical Specifications

All equipment, components, systems and methods shall comply with PepsiCo’s
specifications for electrical equipment, including design, installation, materials
and components, grounding, identification, and service.
The control system shall be housed in a NEMA 4X, stainless steel panel
suitable for wash-down conditions, mounted on the skid and wired to all
sensors, motors, etc. All level, temperature, flow rate, conductivity, timers, and
valve and pump controls shall be included in this panel with the exception of
field-mounted sensors.
One voltage source (plant-specific) shall be supplied to system, control power
requirements will be derived from this single source, i.e. 480 v/120 v, etc.,
control transformers are vendor’s responsibility.
The vendor shall identify appropriate existing power source panel for supply to
CIP System and condensate return pump.

6.12 Paintings and Coatings

Wetted equipment, coatings, and surface finishes shall be certified for use in
producing potable water. Surfaces in contact with the product shall not be
painted or chrome-plated.
Stainless steel, aluminum, and plastic shall not be painted. Instruments,
valves and motors shall receive manufacturers’ standard finish. Touch-up
paint as required shall be furnished in suitable containers.
Painted surfaces for equipment shall be appropriately selected by the plant.

6.13 Inspection and Testing

The supplier shall submit a complete, detailed log of all factory tests and shall
certify the results. The supplier shall notify PepsiCo not less than five days
prior to the date the system or any system component is ready for test or
inspection. Prior to any witnessed test, a preliminary test run and complete
mechanical and electrical check shall be made.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.14 Commissioning, Qualification, and Verification (CQV)

The supplier shall support the commissioning, qualification, and verification of
the CIP system by following the procedures outlined in the steps below. The
supplier shall demonstrate that the equipment is capable of performing as
specified, designed, and intended. It shall be the supplier’s responsibility to
inspect its own and other supplier’s equipment and gather data for all systems
which may affect their performance. The supplier shall provide suggestions to
PepsiCo and other suppliers on improving equipment performance.

6.14.1 Preparation and Planning Step 1 – Alignment

Test procedures, schedules, roles and responsibilities for the CQV process shall
be proposed by the supplier and agreed to by PepsiCo. Step 2 - Construction Complete

The installation shall be checked against the P&ID, mechanical drawings and
specifications to confirm that pipe sizes and materials, valve types and
placement, electrical connections, pump capacities, instrument types and
placement, sample port locations, nameplates and pipe markings, and all other
component attributes are correct. Operation and Preventive Maintenance
(O&M) manuals shall be reviewed for completeness including start-up and
operating instructions, control narrative/logic, cleaning and preventive
maintenance instructions, P&ID and electrical schematic, valve chart and
sequencing logic, and all vendor data.

6.14.2 Commissioning Step 3 - Mechanical Checkout

Static checks shall confirm that piping and equipment interfaces are aligned
and sound, pump rotations are correct, and equipment powers on and off.
Dynamic checks shall confirm the structural and hydraulic integrity of the
system by hydrostatic testing, and that pumps and valves are energized and in
correct position. Step 4 - Control System Checkout

Operation of all gauges, meters, counters, timers, safeties, alarms, flow rates,
flow velocities, program controls, steps, cycle times, temperature controls,
pump controls, recorders, valves, chemical concentrations, and rinsing
effectiveness shall be confirmed. Sequencing of valves/alarms/lights shall be
simulated to check logic and interlocks upon start-up and shut-down,
gauges/transmitters/sensors shall be calibrated, and alarm points set and
documented in the O&M manual.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.14.3 Qualification Step 5 - Simulated Product Trials

The Supplier shall test and validate that the CIP system is operational and
flows are balanced as designed for all circuits. Flow rates and velocities shall be
measured and documented on the P&ID or PFD at each critical point shown on
the typical drawing attached. Step 6 - Product Trials

The complete system is operated to confirm continuous flow is maintained
through each system circuit with an absence of pump cavitation, correct
chemical concentrations and temperatures are maintained through all steps,
minimum contact times are measured and documented, and the complete
sequence is completed without alarms, faults, or holds.

6.14.4 Verification Step 7 - Performer Trials and Acceptance

PepsiCo plant personnel shall verify that the system meets specifications by
operating the system independently and meeting product category sanitation
requirements as applicable. The CIP system shall operate as designed and
microbiological efficacy sustained for a period of 90 days with at least three
runs of each CIP procedure prior to release of final payment.

6.14.5 CIP System Key Process Measures

The following are key process measures that the CIP system must meet:
1. Circulation present throughout circuit with continuous flow and an
absence of pump cavitation.
2. Flow rate and flow velocity per circuit design at critical points - measured
and documented.
3. Correct chemical concentrations.
4. Correct temperatures maintained through cycle.
5. Correct contact times achieved.
6. Absence of alarms, faults, and holds.
7. Minimum requirement meets PepsiCo product category sanitation
requirements as applicable.

6.15 Training Requirements by Supplier

6.15.1 Manufacturer’s Plant Training (Optional)

At the time of final equipment inspection prior to shipment, the supplier shall
provide training to plant supervisory and maintenance personnel that includes
a facility tour of the manufacturing process. The tour shall introduce service,

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

parts, engineering and other post-start-up support functions the supplier


6.15.2 Sister Facility with Like Equipment (Optional)

The supplier shall provide an outline of expected learning’s and written tests
for PepsiCo’s new plant management to administer, and a trainer that
accompanies plant personnel to visit, observe, maintain and sanitize like
equipment in a sister PepsiCo facility. The trainer shall be responsible for
inspecting the sister plant equipment and operation, identifying
differences/updates in the equipment and operation, and facilitating the new
plant personnel training for 2 to 6 days.

6.15.3 Classroom Training

The supplier shall provide training in a classroom setting that addresses the
theory, operation, and troubleshooting of its equipment/operation/system for
all personnel in supervisory, operating, maintenance, electrical,
sanitizing/cleaning systems and other functions as required. Outlines of
expected learning’s and test to be administered by plant management shall be

6.15.4 On-Site Training

The supplier shall provide hands-on training before, during and after start-up
that addresses all areas of operation of its equipment/operation/system for all
supervisory, operating, maintenance, electrical and sanitizing/cleaning
systems personnel.

6.15.5 Evaluations
The supplier shall provide outlines of expected learning’s and written tests to
be administered by plant management for all functions and personnel
attending the above training. In addition, the service and training personnel
shall be responsible for providing a formal and confidential evaluation of all
personnel attending the training sessions to the PepsiCo Plant and Project

6.15.6 Follow-up Training

The supplier shall solicit feedback from trained personnel using a formal
questionnaire. Follow-up training shall address initial training issues,
deficiencies, etc. The supplier shall provide post-start-up follow-up site visits
by engineering, service, and/or technical training personnel at a minimum of
one-month-, three-month-, six-month-, one-year-, and two-year-time frames
after start-up to ensure plant personnel are operating, maintaining, and
sanitizing the equipment correctly. The supplier shall provide follow-up
training, as necessary, to insure desired performance.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.16 Shipping, Marking and Tagging

All items shall be suitably packed and protected from damage during shipment.
Prior to shipment and after all tests and inspections are completed, surfaces
subject to corrosion shall be protected from long-term storage corrosion. No
commercial solvents are allowed. All openings shall be covered either with
wooden covers or plastic or metal plugs.
Skids shall be shipped with all piping and valves as fully assembled as possible
and properly supported. Fragile components shall be placed in separate
containers and shipped with the system.
All loose valves, fittings and other material shall each have a metal tag with
identifying number securely attached. All such components shall be piece and
match marked to aid in field assembly. Valves and sensors shall be marked
with their identifying function. Spare parts shall be packaged for long-term
Durable nameplates of corrosion-resistant material shall be securely attached
at an accessible point on the equipment and stamped with the following
information at a minimum:
 Manufacturer’s Name
 Size and Model of Equipment
 Serial Number
 Date of Manufacture
 Hydrostatic Test Pressure, if applicable
 Design Capacity, Pressure and Temperature
The supplier will work with the plant, PepsiCo, and the engineer/architect to
produce indelible placards (Blue Boards) to be affixed adjacent to each device
listing the verified baseline settings and step-by-step operating and
maintenance instructions.

6.17 Existing CIP System Checklist

The information provided in section 6.16 is to be used to evaluate existing CIP
systems at beverage facilities.

6.17.1 CIP Requirements

The following are key parameters that must be evaluated when assessing an
existing CIP system for beverage applications:
1. Circulation throughout each circuit with continuous flow and absence of
2. Minimum flow rates and velocities achieved at critical points of circuit
design – measured and documented.
3. Chemical concentrations documented and maintained at correct level
throughout CIP cycle.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

4. Temperatures documented and maintained at correct level throughout

CIP cycle.
5. Contact times documented and achieved throughout CIP cycle.
6. Inclusion of audible and visual alarms, faults and holds in CIP OIT and
Programming per the CIP System Specification.
7. Automated recording and printing of CIP operating parameters per
Section 5 CIP System Specification.

6.17.2 CIP System Screen and Assessment

The CIP Screen is intended to provide a basic scope of critical system gaps.
When a CIP vendor is contacted for development of scope and cost of work, the
assessment must be based upon the detailed CIP Specification.
Plants with existing CIP systems must comply with required criteria as
applicable. (The screen can be used to ensure new systems compliance and
existing system gaps).
Important Note: Plants must complete all of the checklists from here through
section at least annually as part of an internal audit to determine if
CIP system changes are required

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1. Vendor for existing system(s): ____________ ____________ ____________

2. Date(s) of installation: __________ ___________ __________
3. System design – Which filling lines included in CIP?
Are the lines cleaned in parallel or consecutively? _____________
Describe Operational Capability:
Typical Time to complete:
Syrup Tank: 3-step ________ 5-step Chemical _______ 5-step Hot _______
Filling Line: 3-step ________ 5-step Chemical _______ 5-step Hot
4. Does this location have an RO Treatment System? YES_____ NO _____
If YES, see Item 11 in Required Action Items Section 6.17.5.
5. Does this location produce Bottled Water? YES _____ NO _____
If YES, see Item 12 in Required Action Items Section 6.17.5.
Describe CIP System and Condition:
Yes No
  6. Is there a conductivity sensor on the CIP return line to
measure the conductivity of the returning CIP solution?
  7. Are all the conductivity sensors functioning?
8. When was the conductivity sensors calibrated last?_________

  9. Are the valves on the line opened and closed automatically?

  10. Are the opening and closing of the valves on the CIP supply
and CIP return lines controlled by the PLC?

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CIP System Screen and Assessment (cont’d)

  11. Are all the valves and sampling ports of sanitary design?

  12. Are there any O-rings (seals) cracked?

  13. Are there any dead ends?

  14. If a dead end cannot be eliminated, is the dead end opened

and closed during CIP?
  15. Are there pipes with different diameters?

  16. Are the filler valves capped during CIP?

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6.17.3 System Functionality Part 1 – Circulation

It must be verified that the CIP procedure includes cleaning and sanitizing with
circulation through the circuits listed below. Check the appropriate box to
indicate that the existing CIP system is operational with flow through the
circuit. Any items checked as “no” require further action; see Item 2 in Section
6.17.5 Required Action Items.
Yes No
  1. Water Distribution Piping; includes the central deaerator,
supply piping from water treatment to proportioner, water
softener/RO piping and syrup room water piping/
distribution piping.
  2. The Filler Room (self-contained CIP); circuit includes
aerator/ proportioner/ carbonator and filler. A filler
harness/valve cups must be installed to collect the CIP
water from fill valves and direct the water to CIP return
system. Harness and valve cups do not leak when installed
and in operation. See Item 3 in Section 6.17.5 Required
Action Items if the filler is not equipped with recirculation.
  3. The Filler Room (centralized CIP); circuit includes
deaerator/ proportioner/ carbonator and filler. A filler
harness/valve cups must be installed to collect the CIP
water from fill valves and direct the water to CIP return
system. Harness and valve cups do not leak when installed
and in operation. See Item 3 in Section 6.17.5 Required
Action Items if the filler is not equipped with recirculation.
  4. The Syrup Room; includes Syrup Tanks, Mix/Dissolution
Tank and Syrup wand.
  5. The Sweetener System; hard-piped and CIP capable if a
new installation/CIP able if not new.
  6. The RO Water System; validation handled by RO Design
and Operation Specification. (See Bottled Water and/or RO
System Specification - CIP hard-piped to RO system).
  7. The Rinse Water; Final Rinse Water introduced into circuit
after the CIP tanks.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design Part 2 – Flow Monitoring

A minimum flow velocity of 1.5 m/sec is required at the largest pipe diameter
for each CIP circuit and a minimum of 0.063 L/sec/valve flow rate for fillers.
Temporary flow devices shall be utilized at critical CIP circuit positions to
validate compliance with minimum velocity requirements. Typical device
locations are shown on typical P&ID drawings. Measured velocities and flow
rates must be recorded on the circuit drawings for each location. If the velocity
or flow rate at any of these locations is less than the minimum requirement,
the CIP system must be upgraded to meet these requirements. See Item 4 in
Section 6.17.5 Required Action Items.
Yes No
  1. The Mag Meter – Sanitary flow meter located in CIP supply
and return lines. (Meter needs to be suitable for very low
conductivity water and be non-intrusive. Mag meter is the
preferred technology). Note: sanitary Vortex meter may be
used but is not preferred.
List any other meter type _____________________________
  2. The Non-intrusive very low conductivity meter and
temperature monitoring at filler collection CIP return pipe
if any portion of the CIP Solution bypasses the filler. Part 3 – Required Instrumentation

Required instrumentation for the CIP system is listed below. Check the
appropriate box to indicate that the instrumentation is operational and is
located appropriately. Any items checked as “no” require further action, see
Item 5 in Section 6.17.5 Required Action Items.
Yes No
  1. The RTD temperature probe is located in CIP supply and
return piping.
  2. The Pressure gauge or transmitter is located at CIP pump
  3. The Conductivity meter, which alarms on high and low
conductivity, is located in CIP return line.
  4. There is an Operator Interface panel for program selection
and operational status. If the operator interface is absent,
see item 8 in Section 6.17.5 Required Action Items.
  5. The Recorder to document and hard copy CIP operational
parameters is in the CIP System Specification. If there is
the recorder for system operation is absent, see Item 9 in
Section 6.17.5 Required Action Items.

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6.17.4 Equipment Design Criteria Part 1 – Heat Exchanger

The CIP heat exchanger should have the capability to heat ambient water to a
temperature of 85°C within 20 minutes (within OEM equipment limits) to
satisfy product category sanitation CIP requirements as appropriate. The heat
exchanger must be capable of continuously providing and maintaining 50°C -
60°C during the cleaning step and 85°C during the sanitize step at CIP flow
rates to each of the CIP circuits. If the existing heat exchanger is not capable of
accomplishing these criteria, the exchanger must be modified. In this case, see
Item 6 in Section 6.17.5 Required Action Items. In addition, the following items
should be considered:
Yes No
  1. Is the CIP detergent heated by an external heat exchanger?

  2. Is there a temperature sensor to measure the detergent

temperature in the CIP tank?
  3. Is there a temperature sensor after the heat exchanger to
measure the temperature of the detergent?
  4. Is the temperature sensor a platinum thermometer?

  5. Is the temperature control system in good working order?

  6. Is there a temperature sensor on the CIP return line to

measure the temperature of the returning CIP solution?
  7. Are the temperature sensors functioning?

  8. When were the temperature sensors last calibrated?

  9. Are the temperature set points programmed into the PLC?

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design Part 2 - CIP Tanks

CIP tanks are to be designed and fitted with overflow and anti-siphon
protection, materials compatible with cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, with
installed spray devices to maintain a clean and sanitary in operation tank
1. Tanks have spray devices in them; sprays have no more than 5 psi drop
at 6.31 L/sec. (The spray ball supplier should warranty that there is
sufficient flow to assure the tank is cleaned.)
2. Fresh Water and Solution Return Tanks fitted with inlet spray balls –
designed to ensure clean and sanitary system to prevent bioloading and
recontamination of cleaned systems.
3. Tank inlets above maximum volume level.
4. Tanks fitted with overflow control system to ensure tank inlet is always
above maximum level.
5. Anti-siphon inlets as required by local code.
6. All gaskets are EPDM / Viton or equivalent, and compatible with
chemicals used, including ozone.
7. Insulation of CIP tanks:
 Glass-wool is recommended to ensure efficient tank insulation.
 Acid, caustic and hot water tanks must be fully insulated.
 For countries with temperatures >0ºC in all seasons, recovered water
and fresh water tanks can be non-insulated.
8. CIP Tank Self-Cleaning
 The self-cleaning of the CIP station should be done periodically by
acid solution (the suppliers’ recommended protocol should be
 The general frequency guideline for self-cleaning is every 1,000-object
cleanings of the CIP station (or minimum once per month).

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

If the existing tanks do not meet all of these criteria, see Item 13 in Section
6.17.5 Required Action Items. In addition, the following items should be
Yes No
  1. Is the detergent concentration in CIP tank controlled by
conductivity and not by titration?
  2. Is the concentration of detergents determined before every
  3. Is there a conductivity sensor on the external heat exchanger
circuit of the alkali and acid tank?
  4. Is there a level sensor system on the CIP tanks?
  5. Are the bottoms of the CIP tanks conical in shape?
Part 2-CIP Tanks (cont’d)
  6. Is there a drain valve at the bottom of each CIP tank?

  7. Is the CIP solution during CIP taken from a point above the
  8. Is there a vortex breaker in each CIP tank?

  9. Is there a spay ball to clean every CIP tank?

  10. Are the spray balls in CIP the tanks blocked?

  11. Are there any spray shadows?

12. What is the spray rate of the spray ball?______________

13. What is the desired flow volume to clean the tanks?_______

Version 5 April 2019 Page 6-41 of 44

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design Part 3 – Piping Design

All process piping must be of sanitary design with no dead ends or leaks,
including filler center columns, syrup and syrup transfer lines, all water lines,
beverage processing equipment, and product lines. Dead ends and leaks
should be identified in each circuit and the piping modified to eliminate dead
ends and leaks. If any dead ends or leaks exist in the piping, see Item 7 in
Section 6.17.5 Required Action Items. Part 4. CIP System Performance

Yes No
  1. The Microbiological testing is completed and charted per
product category sanitation requirements. Microbiological
Specifications met. If no, STOP PRODUCTION of products
on line not meeting specifications, see Item 10 in Section
6.17.5 Required Action Items.
  2. The Sustainability – Micro Data shows history of meeting
requirements (3 months). If no, see Item 10 in Section
6.17.5 Required Action Items.
  3. The Sustainability Data shows Action Plans and re-
evaluation where micro criteria is not met. Hold log is up
to date, and hold tags are available. If no, see Item 10 in
Section 6.17.5 Required Action Items.
  4. Is each CIP run automatically recorded electronically so
that all the CIP parameters are available for review after
the CIP?
  5. Are the CIP parameters recorded manually during each
  6. If the CIP parameters are recorded electronically, are they
reviewed on a daily basis?

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

6.17.5 Required Action Items

1. A CIP system must be installed to meet PepsiCo CIP Standards.
Generate a scope of work using the CIP System Specification
Document and the typical P&ID.
2. CIP system does not provide recirculation of flow through all required
circuits. Circuits requiring modification are indicated with a “no”
checkmark. Contact the OEM of the filler and/or existing CIP system
to generate the scope of work.
3. A filler harness must be installed to collect the CIP water from filler
valves and directing the water to CIP return system. Contact the OEM
of the filler or a third-party fabricator for assistance in the design of
the filler harness.
4. The CIP system must be upgraded to meet minimum velocity and flow
monitoring requirements. Contact the OEM of existing CIP system to
evaluate modifications and generate scope of work.
5. CIP system must include the instrumentation indicated. New
instrumentation, which must be installed, is indicated with a “no”
checkmark. Contact the OEM of the existing system to generate the
scope of work.
6. A new CIP heat exchanger is required. It must be designed to meet
product category sanitation Hot CIP requirements. The exchanger
must be designed to heat ambient water to a temperature of 85°C
within 20 minutes. The heat exchanger should also be capable of
continuously providing a minimum of 85°C water at CIP flow rates to
each of the CIP circuits. Contact the CIP vendor for assistance.
7. All piping must be modified to eliminate dead ends and leaks. The
scope of work must be generated for required piping changes.
8. Operator Interface panel for program selection is required and
programmed to meet operating parameters for each CIP step with
faults and alarms. Contact OEM for current OIT system and
9. Recorder to document and hard copy CIP operational parameters
must exist. Contact OEM for recorder compatible with existing
10. Refer to the appropriate Beverage Sanitation CIP Protocol, starting in
Section 7.2.2.
11. RO water is required for CIP on any bottled water filler. RO water is
strongly recommended for CIP for all other product platforms. Contact
the OEM for the scope of work.
12. Bottled Water Filler is required to be equipped with an isolated and
separate CIP circuit. Final rinse water is to be introduced post CIP
tanks. Rinse water capability is to include both unozonated and
ozonated RO Water. See the PepsiCo Bottled Water Technical Reference
Manual. Contact the OEM for the scope of work.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 6-43 of 44

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 6: CIP System Design

13. CIP tanks are required to be maintained in a clean and sanitary

condition during use to prevent cleaned system re-contamination,
fitted with seals and gaskets that are compatible with chemicals used
including ozone, have overflow prevention and anti-siphon devices
installed to prevent back-flow. Contact the OEM for modifications and
the scope of work.

6.18 References
 International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) Sanitation Manual,
 Ecolab, Making the Right Choice, Cleaners, 2003
 Ecolab, Making the Right Choice, Clean in Place (CIP) Systems, 2003
 Food Plant Sanitation, Hui, Y.H.; et al 2003

Version 5 April 2019 Page 6-44 of 44

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

The most important sanitation program in the beverage plant deals with the cleaning and
sanitizing of those surfaces that come in contact with syrup, beverage, or ingredients used in
their preparation. Proper sanitation, performed at the recommended frequency, will
minimize, and most likely completely eliminate the potential for bacteria, yeast, and mold
reproduction and growth.
The "Five-Step Procedure" or variations of such are typically used for cleaning and sanitizing
beverage processing equipment. All surfaces must come in contact with each CIP step. This
means tanks, filler bowls, etc. should be filled completely, with vents open, to assure full
contact. In syrup tanks with spray jet headers, the spray header should be sufficient to
assure good contact. For snift valves and filling tubes/valves, special procedures are
available to assure complete sanitation.
The five key steps include pre-rinse, clean, intermediate rinse, sanitize, and final rinse.
1. Pre-Rinse – Requires that all surfaces be rinsed with adequate water until syrup
and beverage residues are removed. This step also improves the effectiveness of
the cleaner. The pre-rinse always goes to drain because of the high level of
product and soils removed by the rinse. As a good water reuse practice, the Final
Rinse water can be reused in the Pre-Rinse Step.
2. Clean – A clean surface is required for effective sanitizing. Product residues can
provide growth and harborage sites for microorganisms and form a protective film
around microorganisms, preventing the sanitizing step from working. The pre-
rinse removes loose soil and only softens some residues that are difficult to
remove. Therefore, the cleaning step is critical.
3. Intermediate Rinse – All soil, cleaner residue, and any remaining residue must
be rinsed from the surface to prepare for sanitizing.
4. Sanitize – Sanitizing is the treatment of a cleaned surface to reduce the microbial
contaminants to safe levels as determined by public health requirements.
Effective sanitizing can be accomplished using heat or chemicals.
5. Final Rinse - When a chemical solution has been used as the sanitizing agent,
rinse until all traces of chemical have been removed. When hot sanitizing has
been used, the equipment should be gradually cooled to avoid damage. All
PepsiCo CIP protocols require that Final Rinse Applications use Treated Water.
The exception is Bottled Water in which product water is to be used.
Sanitation protocols have been defined for each PepsiCo product/process produced on
beverage manufacturing equipment. More than one CIP protocol may be used for the same
product/process. In addition, the same CIP protocol may be used for multiple products/
processes. Products/ Processes are defined as: Cold Fill, Hot Fill, Aseptic Carton and Bottle
(Juice/ Gatorade), Aseptic Carton and Bottle (Low-Acid Beverages), Tunnel Pasteurized,
Chilled Juice, Bottled Water, and Calcium-/Tea-Solid-Containing-Beverage (Post-Production
The beverage manufacturing equipment that is used to produce the respective product/
process is provided in the “PepsiCo Beverage CIP Summary Matrix” and is defined as Raw
Side (Blending Tanks), Pasteurizer/ UHT, Downstream Equipment, Aseptic Tank/ Holding
Tank, and Filler (Internal). There are 24 CIP Protocols that can be used for the product/
process and equipment listed in the PepsiCo Beverage CIP Summary Matrix.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-1 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

7.0 Sanitation Protocols for Beverage Categories

The most important sanitation program in the beverage plant deals with the
cleaning and sanitizing of those surfaces that come in contact with syrup,
beverage, or ingredients used in their preparation.
Proper sanitation, performed at the recommended frequency, will minimize,
and most likely completely eliminate the potential for bacteria, yeast, and mold
reproduction and growth. In many cases, the "Five-Step Procedure" is used for
beverage processing equipment.
Important Note: Cleaning and sanitizing are not only applicable to the product
contact areas involved in CIP cleaning. The beverage manufacturing
environment also must be cleaned and maintained in sanitary conditions at a
frequency that demonstrates control. All cleanings for these areas shall be
performed and documented as specified in the Master Sanitation Schedule
(MSS), Periodic Infrastructure Cleanings (PIC) , and Periodic Equipment
Cleanings (PEC). Following the 7 Key Activities of Wet Sanitation ensures a
clean environment in the following areas: underneath conveyor belts,
mezzanine platforms, floor/grate framework, electrical compartments, etc.

7.1 Key Elements of the Five-Step Procedure

All surfaces must come in contact with each step. This means tanks, filler
bowls, etc. should be filled completely, with vents open, to assure full contact.
In syrup tanks with spray jet headers, the spray header should be sufficient to
assure good contact.
For snift valves and filling tubes/valves, special procedures are available to
assure complete sanitation. The following identifies each step in the Five Step
1 2 3 4 5
Pre-Rinse Clean Int. Rinse Sanitize Final Rinse

Figure: 7-1. Five Step Procedure

The type of water that is used in the Five Step Procedure is as follows:
 Treated Water requires the water be treated using the mandatory
minimum treatment steps. This is the same water that is used in the
product being produced on the line after the CIP.
 Potable Water meets the WHO drinking water guidelines and requires
micro testing to be performed on a weekly basis.
 Sterile Water is obtained by means of thermal sterilization or filter

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

7.1.1 Description of Five Steps

1. Pre-Rinse: Rinse all surfaces with adequate water until syrup and
beverage residues are removed. In most cases, ambient temperatures are
used and gradually ramped up to the required detergent temperature.
This step also improves the effectiveness of the cleaner. Warm water is
required for some protein-containing beverages. The pre-rinse always
goes to drain because of the high level of product and soils removed by
the rinse. As a good water reuse practice, the Final Rinse water can
be reused in the Pre-Rinse Step.
Note: If the CIP cleaning is for an allergen line, the final rinse water shall
be discarded to avoid cross-contamination to the next non-allergen
production run.
2. Clean: The clean step is an important element in the sanitation process.
It is difficult to sanitize equipment that is not completely rinsed and
cleaned. Product residues can provide growth and harborage sites for
microorganisms. These residues can also form a protective film around
microorganisms that prevents sanitizing solutions from contacting and
killing these microbes. While pre-rinse (Step 1) removes loose soil, it may
only soften some residue that is difficult to remove.
Clean with an approved detergent at the manufacturer's recommended
concentration. Effective flow rates are also critical to mechanically
remove soils.
3. Intermediate Rinse: For sanitation to be effective, you must rinse all
soil, cleaner residue, and any remaining residue from the surface. This
step prepares the lines for sanitizing. Rinse with adequate water until the
cleaning solution is removed. Traces of cleaning solution turn the
phenolphthalein indicator red.
4. Sanitize: Sanitizing is the treatment of a cleaned surface to reduce the
microbial contaminants to safe levels as determined by public health
requirements. Effective sanitizing can be accomplished using heat or
5. Final Rinse: Rinse with treated water. When a chemical solution has
been used as the sanitizing agent, rinse until all traces of chemical have
been removed. When hot sanitizing has been used, the equipment should
be gradually cooled to avoid damage. As a good water reuse practice,
the Final Rinse water can be reused in the Pre-Rinse Step. For lines
with allergen-containing products, the final rinse water cannot be
reused on non-allergen lines. The recommendation is to have a
separate CIP system for lines with allergen-containing products.
Note: It is recommended to titrate the final rinse water to ensure all
traces of chemical/sanitizer/pH are at acceptable levels and no
additional rinsing is required prior to start-up.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

All PepsiCo CIP protocols require that Final Rinse Applications use Treated
Water. The exception is Bottled Water in which product water is to be used. For
specific CIP requirements, see 7.2.2 PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation CIP Protocols.

7.2 CIP Product/ Process Requirements

Sanitation protocols have been defined for each PepsiCo product/ process that
is produced on its respective beverage manufacturing equipment. Each
protocol is provided within section 7.2.1. More than one CIP protocol may be
used for the same product/ process. In addition, the same CIP protocol may be
used for multiple products/ processes. Products/Processes are defined as
 Cold Fill
 Hot Fill
 Aseptic Carton and Bottle (Juice/ Gatorade)
 Aseptic Carton and Bottle (Low-Acid Beverages)
 Tunnel Pasteurized
 Chilled Distribution
 Bottled Water
 Calcium-/Tea-Solid-Containing-Beverage (Post-Production Cleaning)
The beverage manufacturing equipment used to produce the respective
product/ process is provided in section 7.2.1 PepsiCo Beverage CIP Summary
Matrix and is defined as follows:
 Raw Side (Blending Tanks)
 Pasteurizer/ UHT
 Downstream Equipment
 Aseptic Tank/ Holding Tank
 Filler (Internal)
The procedures that correspond to each CIP protocol within the PepsiCo
Beverage CIP Summary Matrix are defined in section 7.2.2 PepsiCo Beverage
Sanitation CIP Protocols. There are 21 CIP Protocols that can be used for the
product/ process and equipment listed in the PepsiCo Beverage CIP Summary
These sanitation protocols include:
A. 5-Step Hot CIP (Alkaline or Acid Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize)
B. 3-Step Hot CIP (Hot Formulated Alkaline Detergent)
C. 5-Step Cold CIP (Alkaline or Acid Detergent and Chemical Sanitize)
D. 3-Step Cold CIP (Common Cleaning and Sanitizing Step/Pungent
E. 3-Step CIP (Alkaline or Acid Detergent)
F. Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA)

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

G. HF (Hot Fill) HA (High-Acid) Dairy 7-Step Chemical CIP (Alkaline and

Acid Detergent) and Hot Water Sanitize
H. HA (High-Acid) Aseptic 5-Step CIP/SIP (Alkaline Detergent & Water
I. HA (High-Acid) Aseptic Carton Filler 5-Step CIP/SIP (Alkaline Detergent
& Water Sterilize)
J. HA (High-Acid) Aseptic Bottle Filler 5-Step CIP/SIP (Alkaline Detergent
and Water Sterilize)
K. LA (Low-Acid) 5-Step Chemical CIP (Alkaline and Acid Detergent)
L. LA (Low-Acid) UHT 6-Step CIP/SIP (Acid and Alkaline Detergent and
Water Sterilize)
M. LA (Low-Acid) Aseptic Tank 7-Step CIP/SIP (Acid and Alkaline
Detergent and Culinary Steam Sterilize)
N. LA (Low-Acid) Carton Filler 6-Step CIP/SIP (Acid and Alkaline Detergent
and Water Sterilize)
O. LA (Low-Acid) Bottle Filler 7-Step CIP/SIP (Acid and Alkaline Detergent
and Water Sterilize)
P. Bottled Water 3-Step Hot CIP (Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water
Q. Bottled Water 5-Step Hot CIP (Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water
R. 7-Step Hot CIP Acid plus Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize
(Post-Production Calcium/Tea Solid Cleaning)
S. High-Acid Chilled Distribution non-ESL and ESL – 5-Step CIP –
Alkaline Detergent and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize
T. Low-Acid Chilled Distribution ESL Bottle– 5-Step CIP – Alkaline
Detergent and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize
U. High-Acid Chilled Distribution Ultra-Clean Bottle– 5-Step CIP – Alkaline
Detergent and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize
V. Allergen Cleaning Protocol
W. Kosherization Sanitizing Protocol
X. Non-Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Cleaning Protocol

Important Note: The following CIP cleaning guidelines (from -
are just guidelines, and additional cleaning modifications may be required at
different plants. Individual plants shall document and validate their cleaning
CIP and SSOP procedures. All SSOPs shall be included in the documentation
following the 7 Key Activities of Wet Sanitation.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

7.2.1 PepsiCo CIP Summary Matrix


HA non-ESL/ESL 5-Step CIP (Alkaline Detergent & Steam or High Temp Water Sanitize)
HF HA Dairy 7-Step Chemical CIP (Alkaline and Acid Detergent) and Hot Water Sanitize

LA Aseptic Tank 7-Step CIP/SIP (Acid & Alkaline Detergent & Culinary Steam Sterilize)

HA Ultra-Clean 5-Step CIP (Alkaline Detergent & Steam or High Temp Water Sanitize)
LA ESL Bottle 5-Step CIP (Alkaline Detergent & Steam or High Temp Water Sanitize)
7-Step Hot CIP Acid + Alkaline & Hot Water Sanitize Post Prod. Calcium/Tea Solid Cleaning
HA Aseptic Bottle Filler 5-Step Hot CIP/SIP (Alkaline Detergent & Water Sterilize)
HA Aseptic Carton Filler 5-Step CIP/SIP (Alkaline Detergent & Water Sterilize)

LA Carton Filler 6-Step CIP/SIP (Acid & Alkaline Detergent & Water Sterilize)

LA Bottle Filler 7-Step CIP/SIP (Acid & Alkaline Detergent & Water Sterilize)
3-Step Cold CIP (Common Cleaning and Sanitizing Step/Pungent Rinse )

Bottled Water 3-Step Hot CIP (Alkaline Detergent & Hot Water Sanitize)

Bottled Water 5-Step Hot CIP (Alkaline Detergent & Hot Water Sanitize)
LA UHT 6-Step CIP/SIP (Acid & Alkaline Detergent & Water Sterilize)
HA Aseptic 5-Step CIP/SIP (Alkaline Detergent & Water Sterilize)
5-Step Cold CIP (Alkaline or Acid Detergent & Chemical Sanitize)
5-Step Hot CIP (Alkaline or Acid Detergent & Hot Water Sanitize)

LA 5-Step Chemical CIP (Alkaline & Acid Detergent)

3-Step Hot CIP (Hot Formulated Alkaline Detergent)

Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA)

3-Step CIP (Alkaline or Acid Detergent)

Product/ Process Equipment

Cold Fill (Category 1 & 2) All X X X X X
Cold Fill Preserved (Category 3) All X X X X
Hot Fill Juice Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Hot Fill Juice Pasteurizer & Downstream Equipment X X
Hot Fill Gatorade Raw Side (Blending Tanks), Pasteurizer,
& Downstream Equipment X X* X
Hot Fill High-Acid Dairy Raw Side (Blending Tanks), UHT, &
Downstream Equipment X
Hot Fill Lipton Raw Side (Tea Extraction, Blending
Tanks), Pasteurizer, & Downstream X X* X X
Hot Fill Sobe Raw Side (Blending Tanks), Pasteurizer,
& Downstream Equipment X X* X
Aseptic Carton Juice Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Aseptic Carton Juice Pasteurizer & Downstream Equipment X
Aseptic Carton Juice Filler (Internal) X
Aseptic Carton Gatorade Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Aseptic Carton Gatorade Pasteurizer & Downstream Equipment X
Aseptic Carton Gatorade Filler (Internal) X
Aseptic Bottle Juice Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Aseptic Bottle Juice Pasteurizer & Downstream Equipment X
Aseptic Bottle Juice Filler (Internal) X
Aseptic Bottle Gatorade Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Aseptic Bottle Gatorade Pasteurizer & Downstream Equipment X
Aseptic Bottle Gatorade Filler (Internal) X
Tunnel Pasteurized Juice Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Tunnel Pasteurized Juice Filler (Internal) X X
Tunnel Pasteurized Gatorade Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Tunnel Pasteurized Gatorade Filler (Internal)
Aseptic Carton Low-Acid Beverages Raw Side (Blending Tanks and Before
Aseptic Carton Low-Acid Beverages UHT X
Aseptic Carton Low-Acid Beverages Aseptic Tank X
Aseptic Carton Low-Acid Beverages Filler (Internal) X
Aseptic Bottle Low-Acid Beverages Raw Side (Blending Tanks and Before
Aseptic Bottle Low-Acid Beverages UHT X
Aseptic Bottle Low-Acid Beverages Aseptic Tank X
Aseptic Bottle Low-Acid Beverages Filler (Internal) X
Chilled Distribution Raw Side (Blending Tanks) X X X
Chilled Distribution Pasteurizer X X X X
Chilled Distribution Downstream Equipment (Carton) X X
Chilled Distribution Downstream Equipment (Bottle) X X X X
Bottled Water Holding Tanks and Filler X X X X
Ca- or Tea-Solid-Containing-Beverages Pasteurizer & Downstream Equipment X

* Approval is required by Corporate/ Global Sanitation/ Quality Manager for changes to Lipton or Sobe CIP procedures; CIP circuit verification and qualification are required prior to approval.

*Approval is required by Corporate/Global Sanitation/Quality Manager for changes to Lipton or Sobe CIP procedures; CIP circuit verification & qualification are required prior to approval.
Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-6 of 36
PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

7.2.2 PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation CIP Protocols A. 5-Step Hot CIP – Alkaline or Acid Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize
Step Procedure Compound* Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature* Time*
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Ambient or ramp up to 5 - 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose soil.
treated or potable water through the Potable Water detergent temperature clear effluent or Longer times may be needed
system at ambient temperatures or conductivity near depending on pipe length,
ramping up to detergent temperature. treated water or concentration of soil.
potable water. Higher temperatures of
50 – 65°C are recommended for
juice-containing products
2. Clean  Clean with an approved alkaline Approved  Alkaline detergent: 20 min generic Remove residue.
 For organic detergent cleaner or an equivalent formulated 50 – 70°C caustic
soils, use formulated detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per  Acid detergent: 10 min (or as Using formulated detergent,
an alkaline recommended concentration and supplier ambient recommended for shorter contact time of
formulated temperature. Pump the cleaner through recommendation. formulated detergent 10 min is possible. However,
detergent. all the process equipment at a rate of For alkaline by supplier) when using generic caustic, time
1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. detergent, is 20 min.
 For mineral Concentration and minimum concentration
or tea soils, temperature must be as per table or the (where not
use an acid manufacturer’s recommendation. available), use For higher levels of juices, higher
detergent. caustic alkaline detergent temperature
 Clean with formulated acidic detergent
at the supplier’s recommended 1.5% - 2.0%. and time may be required.
concentration and temperature. Pump
the cleaner through all the process
equipment at a rate of 1.5 m/sec.
3. Intermediate Rinse with treated or potable water to Treated or Preferably at 5 - 10 min, visually Remove cleaner.
Rinse remove the detergent. Test the rinse water Potable Water temperatures listed in clear effluent or
to verify that you have removed all the Step 2 so as not to conductivity near
detergent. waste time heating treated water or
equipment in Step 4. potable water.

4. Sanitize Sanitize with hot treated or potable water. Hot Treated or 85°C 15 min Sanitize equipment.
Keep the minimum equipment surface Potable Water
temperature at 85°C for consecutive 15
min. Verify the temperature on external
equipment surfaces.
5. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water. Treated Water is 25 – 45°C 5 - 10 min Required to cool the equipment to
required safe handling/operating temps.

* Depending on the type of chemicals used and the supplier, the temperature and concentration may vary. Supplier specifications and recommendations shall be followed.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-7 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols B. 3-Step Hot CIP – Hot Formulated Alkaline Detergent

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by Treated or Ambient or ramp 5 – 10 min, Remove beverage and loose
pumping treated or potable water Potable Water up to detergent visually clear soil. Longer times may be
through the system at ambient temperature effluent or needed depending on pipe
temperatures or ramping up to conductivity near length, concentration of
detergent temperature. treated water or soil.
potable water.

Higher temperatures of
50°C – 65°C are
recommended for juice-
containing products.

2. Clean Clean and Sanitize with an Approved 85°C 15 min Remove residue and
approved formulated alkaline Alkaline Sanitize equipment.
detergent cleaner. Pump the cleaner Detergent from
through all the process equipment - Diversey
at a rate of 1.5 m/sec for a - Ecolab
minimum of 15 min. Concentration
- See Approved
and minimum temperature must be
chemistry list for
as per table or the manufacturer’s
recommendation and verified on the
external surface of the equipment.
3. Final Rinse with treated water to remove Treated Water is Ambient until 5 - 15 min Rinse equipment to remove
Rinse the detergent. Test the rinse water required equipment is detergent and cool
with appropriate indicator to verify tempered down to equipment to safe
absence of detergent by using safe handling handling/ operating
phenolphthalein or other pH test. temperatures or temperatures (if necessary).

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-8 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols C. 5-Step Cold CIP – Alkaline or Acid Detergent and Chemical Sanitize
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Ambient or ramp up 5 - 10 min, Remove beverage and loose soil.
treated or potable water through the Potable Water to detergent visually clear Longer times may be needed
system at ambient temperatures or temperature effluent or depending on pipe length,
ramping up to detergent temperature. conductivity near concentration of soil.
treated water or
potable water. Higher temperatures of
50 – 65°C are recommended for
juice-containing products.

2. Clean  Clean with an approved alkaline Approved  Alkaline detergent: 20 min generic Remove residue.
detergent cleaner or an equivalent formulated 50 – 70°C caustic
 For organic Using formulated detergent,
formulated detergent at the detergent as per  Acid detergent: 10 min (or as shorter contact time of 10 min is
soils, use supplier
supplier’s recommended ambient recommended for possible. However, when using
an alkaline recommendation.
formulated concentration and temperature. formulated generic caustic, time is 20 min.
Pump the cleaner through all the For alkaline detergent by
detergent. detergent, For higher levels of juices,
process equipment at a rate of supplier)
 For mineral 1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. concentration higher alkaline temperature and
or tea soils, Concentration and minimum (where not time may be required.
use an acid temperature must be as per table or available), use
detergent. the manufacturer’s recommendation. caustic
1.5% - 2.0%.
 Clean with formulated acidic
detergent at the supplier’s
recommended concentration and
temperature. Pump the cleaner
through all the process equipment at
a rate of 1.5 m/sec.

3. Intermediate Rinse with treated or potable water to Treated or Preferably at 5 - 10 min, Remove cleaner.
remove the detergent. Test the rinse Potable Water temperatures listed in visually clear
Rinse effluent or
water to verify that you have removed all Step 2 so as not to
the detergent. waste time heating conductivity near
equipment in Step 4. treated water or
potable water.
4. Sanitize Sanitize with an approved /registered Approved/ 25 – 45°C 20 min Sanitize equipment.
sanitizer at the supplier’s recommended registered
concentration and temperature. sanitizer used per
/label claim
5. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water. Verify all Treated Water is 25 – 45°C 5 - 10 min, Required to rinse the equipment
chemical sanitizer has been removed by required visually clear until all traces of sanitizer have
testing water clarity and aroma. (Note: effluent or been removed.
Any specific local regulations for rinsing conductivity near
internal areas should be followed.) treated water or
potable water.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-9 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols D. 3-Step Cold CIP – Common Cleaning and Sanitizing Step/Pungent Rinse
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by Treated or Ambient or ramp 5 – 10 min, Remove beverage and loose
pumping treated or potable water Potable Water up to detergent visually clear soil. Longer times may be
through the system at ambient temperature effluent or needed depending on pipe
temperatures or ramping up to conductivity near length, concentration of
detergent temperature. treated water or soil.
potable water.

2. Clean/ Clean and Sanitize with an Approved Acid Ambient 20 min Remove residue and
Sanitize approved formulated acid detergent Detergent sanitize equipment.
cleaner or acid sanitizer. Pump the Or
solution through all the process
equipment at a rate of Approved Acid
1.5 m/sec. Concentration and Sanitizer
minimum temperature must be
per the manufacturer’s

3. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water to remove Treated Water is Ambient 5 – 10 min, Rinse equipment to remove
the detergent/ sanitizer. Test the required visually clear detergent/ sanitizer.
rinse water with appropriate effluent or
indicator to verify absence of conductivity near
detergent/ sanitizer. treated water or
potable water.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-10 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols E. 3-Step CIP – Alkaline or Acid Detergent

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by Treated or Ambient or ramp 5 - 10 min, Remove beverage and loose
pumping treated or potable Potable Water up to detergent visually clear soil. Longer times may be
water through the system at temperature effluent or needed depending on pipe
ambient temperatures or conductivity near length, concentration of
ramping up to detergent treated water or soil.
temperature. potable water.
Higher temperatures of
50 – 65°C are recommended
for juice-containing

2. Clean  Clean with an approved Approved  Alkaline detergent: 20 min generic Remove residue.
alkaline detergent cleaner or 50 – 70°C
formulated caustic
 For organic  Acid detergent: Using formulated detergent,
an equivalent formulated detergent as per
soils, use ambient 10 min (or as shorter contact time of
detergent at the supplier’s supplier
an alkaline recommended for 10 min is possible.
recommended concentration
formulated recommendation.
and temperature. Pump the formulated However, when using
detergent. For alkaline
cleaner through all the detergent by generic caustic, time is 20
 For mineral process equipment at a rate detergent,
or tea soils, supplier) min.
of 1.5 m/sec for a minimum concentration
use an acid of 10 min. Concentration and (where not For higher levels of juices,
detergent. minimum temperature must higher alkaline temperature
available), use
be as per table or the caustic and time may be required.
1.5% - 2.0%.
 Clean with formulated acidic
detergent at the supplier’s
recommended concentration
and temperature. Pump the
cleaner through all the
process equipment at a rate
of 1.5 m/sec.

3. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water to Treated Water is Ambient 5 - 10 min, Remove cleaner.
remove the detergent. Test the required visually clear
rinse water to verify that you effluent or
have removed all the detergent. conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-11 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols F. Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA)

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Potable Ambient 5 - 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose soil.
treated or potable water through the Water clear effluent or Longer times may be needed
system at ambient temperatures or conductivity near depending on pipe length,
ramping up to detergent temperature. treated water or concentration of soil.
potable water.

2. Clean Clean with the generated cleaning Generated Ambient Per vendor Remove residue.
solution at the vendor’s recommended cleaning solution recommendation
concentration. Pump the cleaner per vendor
through all the process equipment at recommendation
a rate of 1.5 m/sec.

3. Sanitize Sanitize with generated sanitizing Generated Ambient Per vendor Sanitize equipment.
solution per vendor recommendation. sanitizing solution recommendation
per vendor

4. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water. Test the Treated Water is Ambient 5 - 10 min, visually Required to remove sanitizer.
rinse water to verify that you have required clear effluent or
removed all the sanitizer. (Note: Any conductivity near
specific local regulations for rinsing treated water or
internal areas should be followed.) potable water.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-12 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols G. Hot Fill High-Acid Dairy - 7-Step Chemical CIP – Alkaline and Acid Detergent
Cleaning and Hot Water Sanitize
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Warm Treated or 60 – 70°C preferred 5 - 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose
warm 60 – 70°C treated or potable Potable Water clear effluent or soil.
water through the system. conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.

2. Clean Clean with NaOH at 2.5% or with an Approved 75 – 80°C 30 min Remove residue.
equivalent approved formulated formulated
detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per
recommended concentration and supplier
temperature. Pump the cleaner through recommended
all the process equipment at a rate of Concentration
1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 30 min. (where not
Concentration and minimum available, use
temperature must be as per table or the NaOH at 2.5%)
manufacturer’s recommendation.

3. Intermediate Rinse with hot treated or potable water Hot Treated or 60 – 70°C 5 - 10 min, visually Remove cleaner.
Rinse to remove the detergent. Test the rinse Potable Water clear effluent or
water to verify that you have removed conductivity near
all the caustic. treated water or
potable water.

4. Acid Wash Wash with Nitric Acid at 2.0 % Nitric Acid at 70°C 30 min Remove mineral deposits.
Concentration and 70 °C or an 2.0 % or an
equivalent approved formulated equivalent
sanitizer at the supplier’s recommended approved
concentration and temperature. formulated acidic

5. Intermediate Rinse with hot treated water. Hot Treated Water 60 – 70°C 5 - 10 min, visually Required to remove acid wash.
Rinse is required clear effluent or
conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.

6. Sanitize Sanitize with hot treated or potable Hot Treated or 85°C 15 min Sanitize equipment.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-13 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

water. Keep the minimum equipment Potable Water

surface temperature at 85°C for
consecutive 15 min. Verify the
temperature on external equipment

7. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water. Treated Water is 25 – 45°C 5 - 10 min Required to cool the equipment
required to safe handling/operating
Important Note: After CIP, check for absence of milk allergen using Neogen test kit Reveal for Total Milk Allergen.
For the pasteurizer, continuously measure the rise in heating media temperature. Schedule Intermediate CIP when the temperature of the heating media rises more than 5°C (@ > 0.5 °C/
hour) OR 8 °C (@ < 0.5 °C/ hour). Otherwise, schedule CIP once in 24 hours. Intermediate CIP will have shorter times (10-15 minutes) for step number 2 and step number 4 to bring down
the approach temperature. This is a new product/ process for PepsiCo which contains a low percentage of dairy in a juice drink. The CIP program provided is intended to be a starting
place for the respective facility producing this product. The CIP program was demonstrated to be effective for cleaning and sanitizing in current facilities, however, new facilities that are
implementing this CIP program must independently validate that the program is effective.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-14 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols H. High-Acid Aseptic - 5-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline Detergent and Water Sterilize
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by Treated or Ambient or ramp up 5 - 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose soil.
pumping treated or potable water Potable Water to detergent clear effluent or Longer times may be needed
through the system at ambient temperature conductivity near depending on pipe length,
temperatures or ramping up to treated water or concentration of soil.
detergent temperature. potable water.
Higher temperatures of 50 – 65°C
are recommended for juice
containing products

2. Clean Clean with an approved alkaline Approved 50 – 70°C 20 min generic Remove residue.
detergent cleaner or an formulated caustic Using formulated detergent,
equivalent formulated detergent detergent as per
10 min (or as shorter contact time of 10 min is
at the supplier’s recommended supplier recommended for possible. However, when using
concentration and temperature. recommended formulated generic caustic, time is 20 min.
Pump the cleaner through all the Concentration detergent by
process equipment at a rate of (where not For higher levels of juices, higher
1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 10 available, use temperature and time may be
min. Concentration and Caustic 1.5% - required.
minimum temperature must be 2.0%)
as per table or the
manufacturer’s recommendation.

3. Intermediate Rinse with treated or potable Treated or Preferably at 5 - 10 min, visually Remove cleaner.
water to remove the detergent. Potable Water temperatures listed in clear effluent or
Rinse conductivity near
Test the rinse water to verify that Step 2 so as not to
you have removed all the waste time heating treated water or
detergent. equipment in Step 4. potable water.

4. Sterilize Sterilize with hot treated or Hot Treated or 125°C 20 min Sterilize equipment.
potable water. Temperature is Potable Water
verified on the external surface of
the equipment.

5. Final Rinse Rinse with sterilized water Sterilized Water 25°C Approximately 5 - 10 min To cool down the filler to filling

Important Note: An additional acid cleaning step may be required (followed by rinsing) before the alkaline cleaning step in cases where the CIP follows a calcium-
added juice or tea product. Food-grade phosphoric, nitric, or citric acid is used at a concentration of 0.5%–2.0% at 55 – 65°C for approximately 10 minutes.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-15 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols I. High-Acid Aseptic Carton Filler - 5-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline Detergent and Water
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Ambient or ramp up 5 - 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose soil.
treated or potable water through the Potable Water to detergent clear effluent or Longer times may be needed
system at ambient temperatures or temperature conductivity near depending on pipe length,
ramping up to detergent temperature. treated water or concentration of soil.
potable water.
Higher temperatures of 50 – 65°C
are recommended for juice
containing products

2. Clean Clean with an approved alkaline Approved 50 – 70°C 20 min generic Remove residue.
detergent cleaner or an equivalent formulated caustic Using formulated detergent,
formulated detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per 10 min (or as shorter contact time of 10 min is
recommended concentration and supplier recommended for possible. However, when using
temperature. Pump the cleaner recommended formulated generic caustic, time is 20 min.
through all the process equipment at Concentration detergent by For higher levels of juices, higher
a rate of 1.5 m/sec for a minimum of (where not supplier) temperature and time may be
10 min. Concentration and minimum available, use
temperature must be as per table or Caustic 1.5% -
the manufacturer’s recommendation. 2.0%)

3. Intermediate Rinse with treated or potable water to Treated or Preferably at 5 - 10 min, visually Remove cleaner.
remove the detergent. Test the rinse Potable Water temperatures listed in clear effluent or
water to verify that you have removed Step 2 so as not to conductivity near
all the detergent. waste time heating treated water or
equipment in Step 4. potable water.

4. Sterilize Sterilize with hot treated or potable Hot Treated or 125°C for filler 20 min for filler Sterilize equipment.
water. Temperature is verified on the Potable Water
external surface of the equipment.

5. Final Rinse Rinse with sterilized water. Sterilized Water 25°C (Approximately) 5 - 10 min To cool down the filler to filling

Important Note: An additional acid cleaning step may be required (followed by rinsing) before the alkaline cleaning step in cases where the CIP follows a calcium-
added juice or tea product. Food-grade phosphoric, nitric, or citric acid is used at a concentration of 0.5%–2.0% at 55–65°C for approximately 10 minutes.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-16 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols
Machine sterilization uses a combination of heat and hydrogen peroxide to sterilize the filling chamber prior to production. Hydrogen peroxide vapor is introduced
into the sterile chamber and condenses on interior surfaces of the machine.
Note: This is referred to as CHP (condensing HP). Plants can also use VHP for the machine sterilization, where no condensation of H 2O2 occurs; aseptic blow molders
use this technology.
The temperature of the chamber is raised using heated sterile air that evaporates the hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide vapors are removed from the air stream by
means of water scrubbing.

Consult the Processing Authority (PA) for bottle, cap, and machine sterilization. Additionally, follow the equipment vendor recommendations because equipment
performance is dependent on operating as per the vendor’s recommendations.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-17 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols J. High-Acid Aseptic Bottle Filler - 5-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline Detergent and Water
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Potable Ambient or ramp up 5 - 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose
treated or potable water through the Water to detergent clear effluent or soil. Longer times may be
system at ambient temperatures or temperature conductivity near needed depending on pipe
ramping up to detergent temperature. treated water or length, concentration of soil.
potable water.
Higher temperatures of 50 –
65°C are recommended for
juice containing products

2. Clean Clean with an approved alkaline Approved 75 - 85°C 20 min generic Remove residue.
detergent cleaner or an equivalent formulated caustic Using formulated detergent,
formulated detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per 10 min (or as shorter contact time of 10 min
recommended concentration and supplier recommended for is possible. However, when
temperature. Pump the cleaner through recommended formulated detergent using generic caustic time is 20
all the process equipment at a rate of Concentration
by supplier) min.
1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. (where not
Concentration and minimum available, use For higher levels of juices,
temperature must be as per table or the Caustic 1.5% - higher temperature and time
manufacturer’s recommendation. 2.0%) may be required.

3. Intermediate Rinse with treated or potable water to Treated or Potable Preferably at 5 - 10 min, visually Remove cleaner.
remove the detergent. Test the rinse Water temperatures listed clear effluent or
Rinse conductivity near
water to verify that you have removed in Step 2 so as not
all the detergent. to waste time treated water or
heating equipment potable water.
in Step 4.

4. Sterilize Sterilize with steam. Steam 125°C 20 min Sterilize equipment.

5. Final Rinse Rinse with sterilized water. Sterilized Water 25 °C 5 - 10 min To cool down the filler to filling
(Approximately) temperature.

Important Note: An additional acid cleaning step may be required (followed by rinsing) before the alkaline cleaning step in cases where the CIP follows a calcium-
added juice or tea product. Food-grade phosphoric, nitric, or citric acid is used at a concentration of 0.5%–2.0% at 55–65°C for approximately 10 minutes.
The filler internal sterilization is done with steam but the other machine parts in the filler block (e.g. Microbiological Isolator) are sterilized with chemicals (e.g. PAA,
Oxonia, etc.) followed by rinsing with sterile water as per the Aseptic Bottle Filler supplier specifications.
Consult PA for bottle, cap, and machine sterilization. Additionally, follow the equipment vendor recommendations because equipment performance is dependent on
operating as per the vendors recommendations.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-18 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols K. Low-Acid 5-Step Chemical CIP – Alkaline and Acid Detergent

All low-acid processes are unique and need to be validated per product per process (each process needs to be evaluated
independently); the below protocol is just a guideline.

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment

Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Warm Treated or 50 – 65°C 5 – 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose
warm treated or potable water through Potable Water clear effluent or soil.
the system. conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.
2. Clean Clean with NaOH at 2.0 – 2.5 % or an Approved 70 – 80°C 20 – 30 min Remove residue.
equivalent approved formulated alkali formulated
detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per
recommended concentration and supplier
temperature. Pump the cleaner through recommended
all the process equipment at a rate of Concentration
1.5 m/sec. (where not
available, use
Caustic 2.0% -

3. Intermediate Rinse with hot treated or potable water Hot Treated or 65 – 75°C 5 – 10 min, visually Remove cleaner.
to remove the detergent. Test the rinse Potable Water clear effluent or
Rinse conductivity near
water to verify that you have removed
all the caustic. treated water or
potable water.
4. Clean Clean with Nitric/ Citric Acid 1 – 2% or Nitric/ Citric Acid 65 – 75°C 20 – 30 min Remove mineral deposits.
an equivalent approved formulated at 1-2 % or an
acidic detergent at the supplier’s equivalent
recommended concentration and approved
temperature. Pump the cleaner through formulated acidic
all the process equipment at a rate of detergent
1.5 m/sec.

5. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water. Treated Water 25 – 50°C 5 – 10 min Required to remove acid.

Note: Sprayball size, location, and design are critical for tank cleaning. Q = 200 liters/minute x ((Pi x D2)/4) for vertical tanks and Q = 300 liters/minute x ((Pi x
D2)/4) for horizontal tanks where D is the tank diameter. The number of spray balls must be defined by a company specialized at this matter. The pressure
requirement for rotary sprayballs is different than the requirement for non-rotary spray balls.

Acid first (before alkali step) generally works better when UHT is handling high temperatures (greater than 125°C and high levels of protein), whereas alkali first
(before the acid step) generally works better for lower temperatures and lower levels of proteins. Validate the CIP and SIP protocols for new types of low-acid

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-19 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols L. Low-Acid UHT - 6-Step CIP/SIP – Acid and Alkaline Detergent and Water Sterilize
All low-acid processes are unique and need to be validated per product per process (each process needs to be evaluated independently); the below protocol is just a

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/

Temperature Time Comment
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping warm Warm Treated or 50 – 65°C 5 – 10 min, Remove beverage and
treated or potable water through the system. Potable Water visually clear loose soil.
effluent or
near treated
water or
potable water.

2. Clean Clean with Nitric Acid 1 – 2% or an equivalent Nitric Acid at 1-2 % or 65 – 75°C 20 – 30 min Remove mineral deposits.
approved formulated acidic detergent at the an equivalent approved
supplier’s recommended concentration and formulated acidic
temperature. Pump the cleaner through all the detergent
process equipment at a rate of 1.5 m/sec.

3. Intermediate Rinse with hot treated or potable water to Hot Treated or Potable 65 – 75°C 5 – 10 min, Remove acid.
remove the acid. Test the pH of the rinse water Water visually clear
to verify all of the acid is removed. effluent or
near treated
water or
potable water.

4. Clean Clean with NaOH at 2.0 – 2.5% or an Approved formulated 70 – 80°C 20 – 30 min Clean surface.
equivalent approved formulated alkali detergent detergent as per
at the supplier’s recommended concentration supplier recommended
and temperature. Pump the cleaner through all Concentration (where
the process equipment at a rate of 1.5 m/sec. not available, use
Caustic 2.0% - 2.5%)

5. Post-Rinse Rinse with hot treated or potable water. Hot Treated or Potable 85°C 5 - 10 min Required to remove
Water alkali.

6. Sterilization Hot treated water Hot Treated Water 121.1°C 30 min Sterilize product contact
surfaces. Measured at
return line.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-20 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols
Note: AIC (Aseptic Intermediate Cleaning) is required to remove the scale formed on the internal surface of the UHT where the temperature of the heating media
increases by more than 5 °C (@ > 0.5 °C/ hour) OR 8 °C (@ < 0.5 °C/ hour). AIC is carried out under production conditions such that production temperature, flow
and pressures are maintained during AIC. The product is purged out with hot water (same Temperature as product sterilization) followed by a 20 minute alkali step
(same Temperature as product sterilization) followed by Step 6 as described above. The above steps may be followed for shorter duration. However, the sterilization
step must be followed completely.
It is not recommend to have more than one AIC in the line during the planned production time. Mostly fat is removed from line and very little minerals. Using the
AIC for a longer time period results in an increased mineral buildup and more of a challenge for the final CIP to clean the line.

Normally AIC is not carried out with acid. This is because the aggressive nature of the acid at these elevated temperatures will affect the plant’s equipment.
Acid first (before alkali step) generally works better when UHT is handling high temperatures (greater than 125 °C and high levels of protein), whereas alkali first
(before the acid step) generally works better for lower temperatures and lower levels of proteins. Validate the CIP and SIP protocols for new types of low-acid
products. The CIP station for UHT equipment shall not be the same that for raw side.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-21 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols M. Low-Acid Aseptic Tank - 7-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline and Acid Detergent and
Culinary Steam Sterilize
All low-acid processes are unique and need to be validated per product per process (each process needs to be evaluated independently); the below protocol is just a

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/ Comment

Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping warm treated Warm Treated or Potable 50 – 65°C 5 – 10 min, Remove beverage and loose
or potable water through the system. Water visually clear soil.
effluent or
near treated
water or potable
2. Clean Clean with NaOH at 2.0 – 2.5 % or an equivalent Approved formulated 70 – 80°C 20 – 30 min Remove residue.
approved formulated alkali detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per supplier
recommended concentration and temperature. Pump recommended
the cleaner through all the process equipment at a Concentration (where
rate of 1.5 m/sec. not available, use
Caustic 2.0% - 2.5%)

3. Intermediate Rinse with hot treated or potable water to remove the Hot Treated or Potable 65 – 75°C 5 – 10 min, Remove cleaner.
detergent. Test the rinse water to verify that you have Water visually clear
Rinse effluent or
removed all the caustic.
near treated
water or potable
4. Clean Clean with Nitric/ Citric Acid 1 – 2% or an equivalent Nitric/ Citric Acid at 70 – 80°C 20 – 30 min Remove mineral deposits.
approved formulated acidic detergent at the 1-2 % or an equivalent
supplier’s recommended concentration and approved formulated
temperature. Pump the cleaner through all the acidic detergent
process equipment at a rate of 1.5 m/sec.

5. Post-Rinse Rinse with treated or potable water. Treated or Potable Water 25 – 50°C 5 – 10 min, Required to remove acid.
visually clear
effluent or
near treated
water or potable
6. Sterilization Culinary Steam Culinary steam 121.1°C 30 min Sterilize product contact
surfaces. Measured at
return line.

7. Cooldown Cooldown equipment with sterile water or a jacketed Sterile Water is required < 25°C (Approximately) Sufficient time To cool down the aseptic
tank with chilled water circulation or combination of to cool down tank to ambient
both. equipment temperature.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-22 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols
Note: Sprayball size, location, and design are critical for tank cleaning. Q = 200 liters/minute x ((Pi x D2)/4) for vertical tanks and Q = 300 liters/minute x ((Pi x
D2)/4) for horizontal tanks where D is the tank diameter. The number of spray balls must be defined by a company specialized at this matter. The pressure
requirement for rotary sprayballs is different than the requirement for non-rotary spray balls.
- If steam barrier is below the product surface in the aseptic tank, then there is potential of product burn-on. In those cases, an acid step before the caustic step
should be considered and validated

- For aseptic tanks, the CIP circuit should be separate from that of the UHT or any "raw side" so as not to contaminate the "aseptic system." Acid first (before the
alkali step) has been found to be more effective in removing some product soils. Validate the CIP and SIP protocols for new types of low-acid products.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-23 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols N. Low-Acid Carton Filler 6-Step CIP/SIP– Alkaline and Acid Detergent and Water
All low-acid processes are unique and need to be validated per product per process (each process needs to be evaluated independently); the below protocol is just a

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Time Objective/

Temperature Comment
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Potable 25– 65°C 5 - 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose
treated or potable water through the Water clear effluent or soil by raising temperature
system. conductivity near gradually from 25 to 65 °C.
treated water or
potable water.
2. Clean Clean with formulated alkaline Approved 70 – 80°C 20 – 30 min Clean surface.
detergent SU 159 at 4 - 6 % or an formulated alkali
equivalent approved formulated alkali detergent as per
detergent at the supplier’s supplier
recommended concentration and recommended
temperature. Pump the cleaner through Concentration
all the process equipment at a rate of (equivalent to SU
1.5 m/sec. 159 at 4.0 – 6.0 %)

3. Intermediate Rinse with hot treated or potable water Hot Treated or 70 – 80°C 5 min, visually clear Remove alkali.
to remove the alkali. Test the rinse Potable Water effluent or
Rinse conductivity near
water to verify that you have removed
all the alkali. treated water or
potable water.
4. Clean Clean with formulated acidic detergent Pascal at 1-2 % or 70 – 80°C 20 – 30 min Remove mineral deposits.
Pascal 1 – 2 % or an equivalent an equivalent
approved formulated acidic detergent at approved
the supplier’s recommended formulated acidic
concentration and temperature. Pump detergent
the cleaner through all the process
equipment at a rate of 1.5 m/sec.

5. Post-Rinse Rinse with warm treated or potable Warm Treated or 50 – 65°C 5 - 10 min, visually Required to remove acid.
water. Potable Water clear effluent or
conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.
6. Sterilization Hot Water Treated Water 121.1°C 30 min Sterilize product contact

Note: Acid first (before the alkali step) has been found to be more effective in removing some product soils. Validate the CIP and SIP protocols for new types of low-
acid products.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-24 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols O. Low-Acid Bottle Filler 7-Step CIP/SIP – Alkaline and Acid Detergent and Water
All low-acid processes are unique and need to be validated per product per process (each process needs to be evaluated independently); the above
is just a guideline.

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/ Comment

Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping treated or Treated or Potable 25 – 65°C 5 - 10 min, Remove beverage and loose soil
potable water through the system. Water visually clear by raising temperature
effluent or gradually from 25 to 65 °C.
conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.

2. Clean Clean with formulated alkaline detergent SU 159 at SU 159 at 4 - 6% or an 80°C CIP Intermediate: Clean surface.
4 - 6 % or an equivalent approved formulated alkali equivalent approved 20 min *
detergent at the supplier’s recommended formulated alkali CIP Full: 30 min *
concentration and temperature. Pump the cleaner detergent
through all the process equipment at a rate of
1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 20 min. Concentration
and minimum temperature must be as per table or
the manufacturer’s recommendation.

3. Post-Rinse Rinse with hot treated or potable water to remove Hot Treated or Potable 80°C 5 min, visually Remove alkali.
the alkali. Test the rinse water to verify that you Water clear effluent or
have removed all the alkali. conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.

4. Clean Clean with formulated acidic detergent Pascal Pascal at 1-2 % or an 70 – 80°C CIP Intermediate: Remove mineral deposits.
1 – 2 % or an equivalent approved formulated acidic equivalent approved 20 min *
detergent at the supplier’s recommended formulated acidic CIP Full: 30 min *
concentration and temperature. Pump the cleaner detergent
through all the process equipment at a rate of
1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 20 min. Concentration
and minimum temperature must be per table or
manufacturer recommendation.

5. Post-Rinse Rinse with treated or potable water. Treated or Potable 50°C 5 - 10 min, Required to remove acid.
Water visually clear
effluent or

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

conductivity near
treated water or
potable water.

6. Sterilization Hot Water Treated Water 121.1°C 30 min Sterilize product contact
surfaces. Measured at return

7. Cooldown Cool Down equipment with sterile water or a Sterile Water is required < 25°C (Approximately) Sufficient time to To cool down the filler to
jacketed tank with chilled water circulation or a cool down ambient temperature.
combination of both. equipment

* The minimum wash time depends on the composition of and the ingredients in the beverage. The minimum wash times provided are based on CIP protocols for existing
products. Acid first (before the alkali step) has been found to be more effective in removing some product soils.. Validate the CIP and SIP protocols for new types of low-acid

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-26 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols P. Bottled Water 3-Step Hot CIP – Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize
Refer to the PepsiCo Bottled Water Technical Reference Manual for additional CIP details.

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment

Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Potable Ambient or ramp up 5 – 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose
water through the system at ambient Water to detergent clear effluent or soil.
temperatures or ramping up to detergent temperature conductivity near
(RO Water for
temperature. treated water or
Purified Water)
potable water.

2. Clean Clean and Sanitize with an approved Alkaline Detergent 85°C 15 min Remove residue and Sanitize
alkaline detergent cleaner. Pump the 3000 – 5000 ppm equipment.
cleaner through all the process Contact Global
equipment at a rate of 1.5 m/sec for a Sanitation
minimum of 15 min. Concentration and Authority for
minimum temperature must be as per approved
table or the manufacturer’s chemistry
recommendation. Verify the temperature
on external equipment surfaces.

3. Rinse Rinse with product water to remove the Product water for Ambient until 5 - 15 min Rinse equipment to remove
detergent. Test the rinse water with natural mineral equipment is detergent and cool the
phenolphthalein to verify that you have water and tempered down to equipment to safe handling
removed all the caustic. deozonated safe handling temperature.
product water for temperatures
purified and
processed water

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-27 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols Q. Bottled Water 5-Step Hot CIP – Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize
Refer to the PepsiCo Bottled Water Technical Reference Manual for additional CIP details.

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment

Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated or Potable Ambient or ramp up 5 – 10 min, visually Remove beverage and loose
water through the system at ambient Water to detergent clear effluent or soil.
temperatures or ramping up to temperature conductivity near
(RO Water for treated water or
detergent temperature. Purified Water) potable water.

2. Clean Clean with an approved alkaline Alkaline Detergent 50 - 60°C 10 – 15 min Remove residue.
detergent cleaner. Pump the cleaner
through all the process equipment at a
rate of 1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 10 -
15 min. Concentration and minimum
temperature must be as per table or the
manufacturer’s recommendation. Verify
the temperature on external equipment

3. Rinse Rinse with water to remove the Treated or Potable Ambient to ramp up 5 - 10 min, visually Rinse equipment to remove
detergent. Test the rinse water to verify Water for hot water clear effluent or detergent.
that you have removed all the caustic. sanitize conductivity near
(RO Water for treated water or
Purified Water) potable water.

4. Sanitize Sanitize with hot water. Verify the Hot Treated or 85°C 15 min Sanitize equipment.
temperature on external equipment Potable Water
(RO Water for
Purified Water)

5. Final Rinse Rinse with product water. Product water for Ambient until 15 min Rinse until equipment is
Use product water for natural mineral natural mineral equipment is tempered down to safe
water water and tempered down to handling temperature.
deozonated safe handling
Use deozonated product water for product water for temperatures
purified and processed water purified and
processed water

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-28 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols R. 7-Step Hot CIP – Acid plus Alkaline Detergent and Hot Water Sanitize (Post-
Production Calcium/Tea Solid Cleaning)
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/ Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping treated or Treated or Potable Water Ambient or ramp up to 5 - 10 min, Remove beverage and loose soil. Longer
potable water through the system at ambient detergent temperature visually clear times may be needed depending on
temperatures or ramping up to detergent temperature. effluent or pipe length, concentration of soil.
conductivity near
Higher temperatures of 50 – 65°C are
treated water or
recommended for juice-containing
potable water.

2. Clean Clean with an approved acid cleaner at the supplier’s Approved formulated acid 50 – 70°C 10 min (or as Remove Calcium scale/ tea solids or
recommended concentration and temperature. Pump cleaner as per supplier recommended by apple juice residue.
the cleaner through all the process equipment at a recommended supplier)
For higher calcium levels of juices,
rate of 1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. Concentration (where not
higher temperature or time may be
Concentration and minimum temperature must be as available, use Phosphoric,
per table or the manufacturer’s recommendation. Nitric, or Citric acid at 0.5%
to 2.0%)

3. Intermediate Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping treated or Treated or Potable Water Ambient or ramp up to 5 - 10 min, Remove beverage and loose soil. Longer
potable water through the system at ambient detergent temperature visually clear times may be needed depending on
temperatures or ramping up to detergent temperature. effluent or pipe length, concentration of soil.
conductivity near
Higher temperatures of 50 – 65°C are
treated water or
recommended for juice-containing
potable water.

4. Clean Clean with an approved alkaline detergent cleaner or Approved formulated 50 – 65°C 20 min generic Remove residue.
an equivalent formulated detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per supplier caustic
Using formulated detergent, shorter
recommended concentration and temperature. Pump recommended
10 min (or as contact time of 10 min is possible.
the cleaner through all the process equipment at a Concentration (where not
recommended for However, when using generic caustic,
rate of 1.5 m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. available, use Caustic 1.5%
formulated time is 20 min.
Concentration and minimum temperature must be as - 2.0%)
detergent by
For higher levels of juices, higher
per table or the manufacturer’s recommendation.
temperature and time may be required.

5. Intermediate Rinse with treated or potable water to remove the Treated or Potable Water Preferably at 5 - 10 min, Remove cleaner.
detergent. Test the rinse water to verify that you have temperatures listed in visually clear
effluent or

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-29 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols

removed all the detergent. Step 2 so as not to waste conductivity near

time heating equipment treated water or
in Step 4. potable water.

6. Sanitize Sanitize with hot treated or potable water. Keep the Hot Treated or Potable 85°C (as measured by 15 min Sanitize equipment.
minimum equipment surface temperature at 85°C for Water external verification)
consecutive 15 min. Verify the temperature on
external equipment surfaces.

7. Final Rinse Rinse with treated water. Treated Water is required 25 – 45°C 5 - 10 min Required to cool the equipment to

* The minimum wash time depends on the composition of and the ingredients in the beverage. The minimum wash times provided are based on CIP protocols for
existing products.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-30 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols S. High-Acid Chilled Distribution non-ESL and ESL - 5-Step CIP – Alkaline Detergent
and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated / Potable Ambient or ramp up to 5 - 10 minutes to Remove beverage and loose soil.
treated or potable water through the system Water detergent temperature visually clear effluent Longer times may be needed
at ambient temperatures or ramping up to or conductivity near depending on pipe length,
detergent temperature. treated water or concentration of soil.
potable water.
Higher temperatures of 50 – 65°C are
recommended for juice containing
products for efficient pre-rinsing.

2. Clean Clean with an approved generic caustic or Approved 50 – 70°C or as 10 min (or as Remove residue.
an approved formulated detergent at the formulated recommended by recommended for
supplier’s recommended concentration and detergent as per supplier formulated detergent
temperature. Pump the cleaner through all supplier by supplier) Based on product and pulp content,
the process equipment at a rate of 1.5 recommended higher temperature and longer contact
m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. concentration. time may be required.
Concentration and minimum temperature 20 min generic caustic
Generic caustic use
must be as per table or the supplier’s
recommendation. 1.5% - 2.0%

3. Intermediate Rinse with treated / potable water to Treated / Potable Ambient or detergent 5 – 10 minutes to Remove cleaner.
remove the detergent. Test the rinse water Water temperature. visually clear effluent
Rinse to verify that you have removed all the or conductivity near
detergent. treated water or
potable water.

4. Sanitize Sanitize with high temperature treated / Treated / Potable 96oC for pipes / 15 mins for pipes / Sanitize equipment.
potable water or culinary steam. Water pasteurizers pasteurizers
Temperature is verified on the external 99oC for pipes / 10 mins for pipes /
surface of the equipment. pasteurizers pasteurizers
104oC for tanks / fillers 30 mins for tanks /

104oC for tanks / fillers

Culinary steam 20 mins for tanks /

5. Final Rinse Rinse with sterilized water. Sterilized Water Ambient 5 - 10 min To cool down the filler to filling

Important Note: An additional acid cleaning step may be required (followed by rinsing) before the alkaline
cleaning step in cases where the CIP follows a calcium-added juice or tea product. Food-grade phosphoric,
nitric, or citric acid is used at a concentration of 0.5%–2.0% at 55–65°C for approximately 10 minutes.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-31 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols T. Low-Acid Chilled Distribution ESL Bottle - 5-Step CIP – Alkaline Detergent and
Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated / Potable Ambient or ramp up to 5 - 10 minutes to Remove beverage and loose soil.
treated or potable water through the system Water detergent temperature visually clear effluent Longer times may be needed
at ambient temperatures or ramping up to or conductivity near depending on pipe length,
detergent temperature. treated water or concentration of soil.
potable water.
Higher temperatures of 50 – 65°C are
recommended for juice containing
products for efficient pre-rinsing.

2. Clean Clean with an approved generic caustic or Approved 50 – 70°C or as 10 min (or as Remove residue.
an approved formulated detergent at the formulated recommended by recommended for
supplier’s recommended concentration and detergent as per supplier. formulated detergent
temperature. Pump the cleaner through all supplier by supplier) Based on product and pulp content,
the process equipment at a rate of 1.5 recommended higher temperature and longer contact
m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. concentration. time may be required.
Concentration and minimum temperature 20 min generic caustic
Generic caustic use
must be as per table or the supplier’s
recommendation. 1.5% - 2.0%

3. Intermediate Rinse with treated / potable water to Treated / Potable Ambient or detergent 5 – 10 minutes to Remove cleaner.
remove the detergent. Test the rinse water Water temperature. visually clear effluent
Rinse to verify that you have removed all the or conductivity near
detergent. treated water or
potable water.

4. Sanitize Sanitize with high temperature treated / Treated / Potable 121.5oC for pipes / 30 mins for pipes / Sanitize equipment.
potable water or culinary steam. Water pasteurizers pasteurizers
Temperature is verified on the external 125oC for pipes / 20 mins for pipes /
surface of the equipment. pasteurizers pasteurizers

107oC for fillers 45 mins for fillers

Culinary steam
121.5oC for A-tank 30 mins for A-tank
125oC for A-tank 20 mins for A-tank

5. Final Rinse Rinse with sterilized water. Sterilized Water Ambient 5 - 10 min To cool down the filler to filling

Important Note: An additional acid cleaning step may be required (followed by rinsing) before the alkaline
cleaning step in cases where the CIP follows a calcium-added juice or tea product. Food-grade phosphoric,
nitric, or citric acid is used at a concentration of 0.5%–2.0% at 55–65°C for approximately 10 minutes

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-32 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols U. High-Acid Chilled Distribution Ultra-Clean Bottle - 5-Step CIP – Alkaline Detergent
and Steam or High Temperature Water Sanitize
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment
Temperature Time
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse the soil to the drain by pumping Treated / Potable Ambient or ramp up to 5 - 10 minutes to Remove beverage and loose soil.
treated or potable water through the system Water detergent temperature visually clear effluent Longer times may be needed
at ambient temperatures or ramping up to or conductivity near depending on pipe length,
detergent temperature. treated water or concentration of soil.
potable water.
Higher temperatures of 50 – 65°C are
recommended for juice containing
products for efficient pre-rinsing.

2. Clean Clean with an approved generic caustic or Approved 50 – 70°C or as 10 min (or as Remove residue.
an approved formulated detergent at the formulated recommended by recommended for
supplier’s recommended concentration and detergent as per supplier. formulated detergent
temperature. Pump the cleaner through all supplier by supplier) Based on product and pulp content,
the process equipment at a rate of 1.5 recommended higher temperature and longer contact
m/sec for a minimum of 10 min. concentration. time may be required.
Concentration and minimum temperature 20 min generic caustic
Generic caustic use
must be as per table or the supplier’s
recommendation. 1.5% - 2.0%

3. Intermediate Rinse with treated / potable water to Treated / Potable Ambient or detergent 5 – 10 minutes to Remove cleaner.
remove the detergent. Test the rinse water Water temperature. visually clear effluent
Rinse to verify that you have removed all the or conductivity near
detergent. treated water or
potable water.

4. Sanitize Sanitize with high temperature treated / Treated / Potable 104oC for pipes / 15 mins for pipes / Sanitize equipment.
potable water or culinary steam. Water pasteurizers pasteurizers
Temperature is verified on the external
surface of the equipment.
Culinary steam 104oC for fillers 20 mins for fillers
104oC for A-tank 30 mins for A-tank

5. Final Rinse Rinse with sterilized water. Sterilized Water Ambient 5 - 10 min To cool down the filler to filling

Important Note: An additional acid cleaning step may be required (followed by rinsing) before the alkaline cleaning step in cases where the CIP follows a calcium-
added juice or tea product. Food-grade phosphoric, nitric, or citric acid is used at a concentration of 0.5%–2.0% at 55–65°C for approximately 10 minutes.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-33 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols V. Allergen Cleaning Protocol

Following the production of an allergen-containing product, a specified allergen cleaning step is required. Depending on the product/ process that
is produced and the equipment type, the PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Protocol should first be identified based on the protocols defined above.
Once the Sanitation Protocol has been selected, the cleaning step in the original protocol should be replaced with an allergen cleaning step for the
removal of allergens that may still be present in the line.
The below allergen cleaning step is a guideline for allergen cleaning. It is important to note that the effectiveness of any allergen cleaning step must
first be verified based on the specific product and allergen that is being cleaned. The effectiveness can be verified via the use of Neogen ELISA test
kits. The test kits are specific to the allergen and may not be available for all allergens. The sampling protocol utilizes filler valve rinse water
Brushes and buckets used for cleanup after the production of allergen-containing products must be color coded and segregated for use only for
allergen cleanups. Special attention must be given to potential contamination areas such as seals, gaskets, sight glasses, product screens and
sample ports.
It is recommended to have different color coding tools for the different allergens. Additionally, after the allergen cleaning is complete, cleaning tools
and brushes should be inspected for cleanliness and loose bristles. Tools’ cleaning verification using the allergen test kit is also recommended to
ensure tools are properly cleaned.

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment

Temperature Time
Allergen Clean with an approved Approved 50 – 70°C 10 min (or as Remove allergenic residues.
Cleaning chlorinated alkaline detergent chlorinated recommended for
cleaner or an equivalent formulated alkaline formulated
detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per detergent by For higher levels of juices,
recommended concentration and this table or supplier) higher temperature and
temperature. Pump the cleaner supplier time may be required.
through all the process equipment recommended
at a rate of 1.5 m/sec for a Concentration
minimum of 10 min. Concentration
and minimum temperature must
be as per table or the
manufacturer’s recommendation.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-34 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols W. Kosherization Sanitizing Protocol

Prior to the production of Hot Filled Kosher products, a Kosherization step is required. The Kosherization step replaces the Sanitizing step of the
selected PepsiCo Sanitation Protocol used for CIP of the product that is being produced. A single Kosherization is sufficient if the line has been idle
for a minimum of 24 hours. If the minimum 24 hours of idle time has not been met, the Kosherization step must be completed twice (i.e. Double
If a line requires an Allergen and/ or Non-GMO cleaning prior to the production of a Kosher product, the Allergen or Non-GMO Cleaning Protocol
(Protocol S or U) can be used; however, the minimum temperature of the cleaning step (chlorinated alkaline detergent) must meet the
Kosherization requirements of 96 – 99°C. Prior to conducting this combined Allergen/ Non-GMO/ Kosherization CIP, the plant must verify with the
supplier that the detergent is capable of use at the elevated temperature.

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment

Temperature Time
Kosherization Sanitize with Hot Treated or Hot Treated or 96 – 99°C 10 minutes Sanitize the equipment with
Potable Water at temperatures of Potable Water supplied by the Only 5 minutes is Hot Water for Kosherization
96 – 99°C. Verify the temperature thermal system. required through of the line.
on external equipment surfaces. Please refer to the the filler.
Rabbinical Society
for the specific

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-35 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols X. Non-Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Cleaning Protocol

Prior to the production of Non-GMO-containing products, a Non-GMO cleaning step is required. The Non-GMO cleaning step replaces the Cleaning
step of the selected PepsiCo Sanitation Protocol used for CIP of the product that is being produced.
Brushes and buckets used for cleanup after the production of Non-GMO-containing products must be color coded and segregated for use only for
Non-GMO cleanups. Special attention must be given to potential contamination areas such as seals, gaskets, sight glasses, product screens and
sample ports.
The Non-GMO cleaning protocol have the same requirements that have been defined for Allergen cleaning ( Protocol V).

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Minimum Objective/Comment

Temperature Time
Non-GMO Clean with an approved Approved 50 – 70°C 10 min (or as Remove GMO residues.
Cleaning chlorinated alkaline detergent chlorinated recommended for For higher levels of juices,
cleaner or an equivalent formulated alkaline formulated higher temperature and time
detergent at the supplier’s detergent as per detergent by may be required.
recommended concentration and this table or supplier)
temperature. Pump the cleaner supplier
through all the process equipment recommended
at a rate of 1.5 m/sec for a Concentration
minimum of 10 min. Concentration
and minimum temperature must
be as per table or the
manufacturer’s recommendation.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 7-36 of 36

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

Chapter 8: Validation and Verification of

Validation encompasses collecting and evaluating scientific data and technical information to
demonstrate that the cleaning and sanitizing system and process are effective for their
intended purpose.
Verification is defined as those activities that determine that the cleaning and sanitizing
system is operating according to design on an ongoing basis. Chemical titration, visual
inspection, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) swabbing and microbiological verification ensure
that cleaning and sanitizing objectives have been consistently met.
For certain applications, verification can be achieved by ATP analyses. ATP is an organic
molecule that is used by living cells as their main source of energy. ATP is naturally present
in all organic material. Thus, most foods will contain some level of naturally occurring ATP.
The presence of ATP on a surface indicates that the surface may not have been adequately
cleaned and has the potential to harbor and support bacterial growth. When using ATP, a
baseline acceptability correlation between ATP results (Relative Light Units (RLU)) and
microbiological criteria (CFU for TPC or Yeast/Mold) must be established.
When validating allergen cleaning programs, there are three basic control strategies for a
facility allergen control plan, including the dedication of equipment and process, segregation
of equipment and process, and labeling. Segregation of processes encompasses separation of
allergen profiles by dedication of product and processes or by effective allergen changeover
practices to include validated allergen cleaning programs. A “visually clean” standard must
be achieved as the aim for cleaning (in view of the absence of globally accepted critical
limits). Allergen validation requires the CIP circuit be capable of demonstrating visually clean
standards for product changeover. Once this is validated, protein-specific qualitative or
quantitative control test – Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) - can be used for
the final validation step to ensure that the target allergen protein has been effectively

Version 5 April 2019 Page 8-1 of 9

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

8.0 Validation and Verification of Sanitation

8.1 Objectives of Validation and Verification
Validation encompasses collecting and evaluating scientific data and technical
information to demonstrate that the cleaning and sanitizing system and
process are effective for their intended purpose.
A validated system ensures that all aspects of the system have been subjected
to full successful testing, with each separate test certified once it has been
Verification is defined as those activities that determine that the cleaning and
sanitizing system is operating according to design.

8.2 Basic Requirements for CIP Validation

The basic requirements for successful validation of the CIP system are as
 Assemble a cross-functional team or use a third-party expert to evaluate
installation of equipment against design specifications.
 Complete a minimum 4 CIPs, which include 48 hours of dormant time. A
dormant line allows time for microbes to grow and facilitates the
detection of "hot spots" or areas that require improvements in the
cleaning process. Do not use any chemical or heat sanitation during the
dormant time.
 Validate the following:
 Valve actuation and time for each circuit of the CIP system.
 Volume flow rate, fluid velocity via flow meter or ultrasonic sensors
through each CIP circuit.
 Fluid temperature for each CIP circuit.
 Rinse time: circuit turnover volume, monitoring return conductivity,
and obtaining samples for verification (i.e. pH).
 Rinse volume: volumetric flow rate, circuit hold-up volume, and rinse
 Adequate spray coverage (flow rate = +/- 20% spray coverage) with
drain rate = spray rate.
 Air blow timing to drain the CIP skid.
 Disassemble and visually inspect potential areas where soil
accumulation may occur.
 Automate printable CIP reports that include (1) duration of each
separate/stage, (2) temperature, (3) conductivity, and (4) flow.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 8-2 of 9

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

 Perform microbiological validation by using indicator organisms (TPC,

Yeast, Mold, and Coliform) specific to each beverage category/platform.
Collect samples using swabs and rinse water at key points across the CIP
 If any CIP fails to meet the success criteria, the minimum 4 CIPs must be
repeated after corrective actions are taken.

8.2.1 Basic Requirements for Automated Sanitation Equipment for

External Sanitation Validation
Automated Sanitation Equipment (ASE) can be installed to provide an
automated external sanitation process. Validation is critical to ensure that the
spray devices have been installed to achieve complete surface area coverage.
Contact the Corporate or Sector Sanitarian for the appropriate method.

8.2.2 Verification: Microbiological

Ongoing microbiological verification ensures that cleaning and sanitation
objectives have been consistently met.
Global microbiological sampling plans have been defined and posted by
beverage platform:
 Carbonated and Non-carbonated Soft Drinks and Fountain Beverages,
 Bottled Water, 18000.9008
 Hot Fill, 18000.9004
 Tunnel Pasteurization, 18000.9006
 High Acid Chilled Juices, 18000.9005
 High Acid Aseptic, 18000.9007
 Low Acid Aseptic, 18000.9010

Version 5 April 2019 Page 8-3 of 9

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

8.3 Verification by ATP Analyses (Adenosine Triphosphate)

ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is an organic molecule that is used by living
cells as their main source of energy. Animal, plant, bacterial, yeast, and mold
cells produce and break down ATP in order to drive a number of biological
ATP is naturally present in all organic material. Thus, most foods will contain
some level of naturally occurring ATP. The ATP sanitation test utilizes a
chemical process known as bioluminescence to detect residual ATP as an
indicator of surface cleanliness. The presence of ATP on a surface indicates
that the surface may not have been adequately cleaned and has the potential to
harbor and support bacterial growth.
One advantage of ATP testing is in the speed of analyses (measured in
seconds), allowing personnel to conduct pre-operational inspection and time to
re-clean the line or equipment. Another advantage is that ATP can be used to
detect biofilms – the presence of dead cellular matter which may not be
identified through traditional microbiological analyses.

8.3.1 ATP Strategies

Establish a baseline acceptability correlation between ATP results (Relative
Light Units (RLU)) and microbiological criteria (CFU for TPC or Yeast/Mold):
 Conduct reference point swab analyses of traditional micro
swabs/water samples to ATP samples.
 Conduct correlation coefficient analysis to ensure equivalency of
hygiene standards can be achieved.

8.3.2 ATP Precautions

 ATP detection sensitivity begins at > 10E3 CFU. Micro standards of
<1000 CFU/g may not be detectable. ATP is usually evidence of gross
 ATP equipment using photomultiplier is preferred over photodiode due
to increased sensitivity.
 ATP analyses may be quenched by sanitizing chemicals. ATP analyses
should not be conducted with rinse water containing sanitizers.
 Not all food ingredients (such as sugar) contain ATP. Usually
unprocessed organic food ingredients may contain ATP (i.e. orange
juice/pulp). ATP should be verified against the food substrate if it is to
be used as an indicator of residual matter.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 8-4 of 9

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

8.4 Verification by Thonhauser Persulfate Technologies

Thonhauser offers a variety of in-line and off-line technology products to verify
the effectiveness of:
 Internal CIP (SmartAdd)
 External cleaning processes (SmartGel)
These technologies utilize a patented Persulfate technology (PST) to provide
quick and easy color measurements to determine if organic residues are still
present after cleaning and sanitizing surfaces.
The SmartAdd solution can be used to pinpoint specific contamination sources
via sampling ports, valves, sight glasses, etc. For robust CIP circuits,
SmartAdd can be used to optimize the contact times within the CIP program for
chemical, water, and time savings.
The SmartGel solution can be used to determine the effectiveness of the
external cleaning, whether performed manually or by an automated spray
system. Visual color change pinpoints the areas not being effectively cleaned.
For more information, see:
Thonhauser GmbH
Address: Perlhofgasse 2, 2372 Giesshuebl / Vienna, Austria, E.U.
Phone: +43 2236 320 272
Contact: Dr. Tino Reikerstorfer (Dir. Technology)
Dr. Daniel Herzog (Dir. Development)
Mr. Philip Thonhauser (President)
AFCO/Thonhauser USA, Inc.
Address: 5121 Coffey Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201, USA
Phone: 800-345-1329
Contact: Matt LaCava (Business Manager)

8.5 Allergen Validation Cleaning Programs

There are three basic control strategies for a facility allergen control plan:
(1) dedication of equipment and process, (2) segregation of equipment and
process, and (3) labeling.
Segregation of processes encompasses separation of allergen profiles by
dedication of product and processes or by effective allergen changeover
practices to include validated allergen cleaning programs.

8.5.1 Allergen Cleaning Validation Strategies

A “visually clean” standard must be achieved as the aim for cleaning (in view of
the absence of globally accepted critical limits). Validation should be below

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

acceptable analytical limits of detection.

8.5.2 Allergen Validation Requirements

The CIP circuit must first be capable of demonstrating visually clean standards
for product changeover. This may require adjustment of CIP parameters to
include (1) adjustment in chemical type or concentration, (2) resident time for
rinse or detergent, (3) additional CIP steps, and (4) manual cleaning of hard to
clean areas. Only production equipment that has been cleaned and qualified to
“visibly clean” can be verified with allergen test kits (swabs or flush/rinse test).

8.5.3 Beverage Cleaning Strategies

 Utilize a single-flush strategy; use fresh rinse water and rinse to
drain in as the first CIP step. Do not use CIP recovery system tank
for initial flush. Do not re-circulate the initial rinse water.
 Initiate a program of soaking/scrubbing gaskets.
 Remove and manually clean gaskets and other components that are
difficult to clean.
 Increase degree of brushing for small parts.
 Use separate set of gaskets and mandrels for allergenic products
 Develop a gasket replacement program.
 Dismantle equipment and manually clean components that are
difficult to CIP clean (i.e. dissemble back side of pump housing for
manual cleaning or use of COP tanks for equipment parts).
 Use of non-specific protein tests, such as Charm Sciences
AllerGiene, supplementary to visual inspection. Protein-Specific Validation

Once the CIP circuit can has been demonstrated to be consistently visually
clean, use protein-specific a qualitative or quantitative control test – Enzyme-
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) - for the final validation step to ensure
that the target allergen protein has been effectively removed.
 Conduct the allergen cleaning for allergen profile changeover (clean
the line when changing the allergen profile).
 Target specific hard to clean area (such as pump housing, gaskets,
and filler nozzles) for ELISA swab analyses.
 Collect final rinse water in bottles for analysis; 100% of first
revolution representing all filler nozzles.
 If the qualitative test kits are not sensitive enough for detection or
have interference with the food matrix, final rinse water samples
should be analyzed quantitatively through external laboratory (i.e.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

FARRP) to verify absence of allergen.

 If rinse water cannot be used and verification is conducted by finished
product, all finished product shall be held and not released prior to
acceptable test results.
 Allergen validation shall be conducted at a minimum of 3 times upon
initial commissioning or line start-up AND re-validated at a minimum
of 2 times per year.
 If after conducting cleaning validation, there is still visible or
detectable residual allergen, contact appropriate food safety teams to
define appropriate risk communication strategies.

8.5.4 Protein-Specific Test Kit Specifics Sensitivity Validation

Allergen qualitative test kits (+/-) must be verified to be sensitive to the food
matrix that is tested:
 Calculate the percentage of allergen protein in the control sample
(product containing allergen).
 Verify that the allergen kit sensitivity is sufficient to detect the level of
protein in the control sample.
 Conduct positive and negative control tests with the kits to verify
detect ability within the food matrix.
 If rinse water is used to verify, internal test kit controls are sufficient
for verification.
 If there is interference or if the qualitative test kits cannot be used,
quantitative testing of swabs and rise water can be analyzed via
PepsiCo approved/qualified laboratories.

Utilize allergen qualitative test kits to sample specific sights (swabs) and
samples (rinse water). Proceed with allergen verification in a similar fashion as
CIP qualification - testing each circuit one loop at a time from beginning to end.
For allergen cleaning validation, sanitizing chemicals should not be used in the
last cleaning step as they may interfere with allergen test kits.

8.5.5 Ongoing Allergen Verification

If required, allergen verification may be conducted with validated qualitative
test kits after each allergen cleaning for product changeover in addition to
meeting visually clean standards. In this case, products shall not be produced
until acceptable standards are met. The process line or specific equipment
must be re-cleaned and re-validated before the production can start.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

8.5.6 Suggested Areas for Swabbing

Swabbing points need to be inclusive and representative of the various surface
types in the process stream: stainless steel, PTFE Teflon, urethane-faced
belting, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and polycarbonate, etc., as
well as different types of equipment and equipment niches.
For the initial validation, as many points as possible need to be swabbed in
order to give a more complete assessment of line cleaning. If possible, take
multiple swabs, of different areas, at each location.
Areas to be swabbed should include:
 Hard to clean areas
 Scarred work surfaces or other areas where buildup tends to
accumulate during processing
 Conveyor nooks and crannies
 Parts of equipment that cannot be disassembled for cleaning
 Equipment where two pieces of tubing, belting, etc. meet or are
 Filler tubes and chutes
 Elbows of piping and tubing
 Any area where food residue buildup is known to occur

8.5.7 Suggested Allergen Test Kits (ELISA)

ELISA Systems
U.S. 877-599-5583
Lansing, MI
Marshall, MI

8.5.8 Suggested Allergen Testing Laboratory

Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP)
The FARRP Laboratory
University of Nebraska
143 Food Industry Complex
Lincoln, NE 68583-0919
Telephone +1 402-472-4484

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 8: Validation and
Verification of Sanitation

8.5.9 Suggested Cleaning Agents for Allergens

The effectiveness of cleaning is dependent on (1) mechanical work or velocity,
(2) time, (3) concentration of chemicals, (4) type of soil. To facilitate the removal
of proteins, the following guidance may be used:
 Chlorinated Alkali (with NaOCl): Excellent
 Alkali/Caustics with H202: Excellent
 Caustics: Fair – Excellent
 Detergents/Surfactants: Fair – Excellent
 Acid: Poor

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 9: Environment, Health
and Safety

Chapter 9: Environment, Health and Safety

Every beverage plant should have a written environment, health and safety program. For
company-owned beverage plants, the minimum PepsiCo requirements are described in the
PepsiCo Environment, Health and Safety framework. Plant employees and staff with
sanitation responsibilities must be properly trained, given appropriate sanitation tools and
have established safe working procedures. Employees should have clearly defined and
understood roles as well as procedures and guidelines covering each functional area of plant
The key parts of a Sanitation Safety program include:
1. Proper Labeling - All containers, including not only the original drums or
containers, but also secondary containers and solution make-up vessels and
piping must be labeled. Labels must contain information about health effects, fire
and reactivity, first aid and required PPE.
2. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - Every sanitation or process chemical that
is used or stored in the plant should have an MSDS in a central location with
immediate access. Employees handling or using chemicals should be trained to
read and interpret the MSDS.
3. Employee Training - All employees with sanitation responsibilities must be fully
trained in the need for sanitation, the special skills needed in performing their
jobs, and the safe handling of chemicals and equipment. Employees who are
responsible for Receiving, Storage, Transfer, Dilution, and Application of
sanitation chemicals must be appropriately trained and training records must be
maintained to verify competency and supervisor sign-off.
4. Storage and Handling Equipment - Functional storage, transfer and dispensing
equipment, including pumps, hoses, mixers, etc. must be routinely checked to
ensure they are labeled appropriately, are in good condition, and are accurate and
5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - All MSDS and label instructions
regarding PPE must be followed. The PPE must be in compliance with local laws/
codes and worn by all employees as required based on the work they are
6. First Aid Training – All employees must be familiar with the first aid instructions
on the label and MSDS of the chemical they are working with. In addition, they
must be aware of the location of first aid equipment and know who at the facility
is formally trained in providing first aid.
7. Chemical Disposal - Disposal of sanitation chemicals must follow the label
instructions or the MSDS.
8. Chemical Spill Reponse - A chemical response plan should be developed for the
facility and the procedures should be periodically reviewed. Spill kits with
instructions, absorbents, reactants and PPE should be made readily available.
Dispose of all contaminated materials according to the manufacturer's
instructions and the local regulations. For large spills, outside emergency
response personnel (police and fire department HAZMAT teams) should be

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 9: Environment, Health
and Safety

9.0 Environment, Health and Safety

Every beverage plant should have a written environment, health and safety
program. For company-owned beverage plants, the minimum PepsiCo
requirements are described in the PepsiCo Environment, Health and Safety
framework. Plant employees and staff with sanitation responsibilities must be
properly trained, given appropriate sanitation tools and have established safe
working procedures. Employees should have clearly defined and understood
roles as well as procedures and guidelines covering each functional area of
plant operation.
Safe handling and application of sanitation chemicals is critical to achieving
safe and high-quality beverage products, while optimizing equipment life,
minimizing downtime, and maintaining the plant environment. Most
importantly, safe handling and application of sanitation chemicals minimizes
employee risk and prevents costly accidents.

9.1 Key parts of a Sanitation Safety program

All containers, including not only the original drums or containers, but also
secondary containers and solution make-up vessels and piping must be
properly labelled.
 Availability of Material Safety Data Sheets - Employees should be
trained to read and interpret the Material Safety Data Sheet
 Employee training regarding proper chemical handling, including
receiving, storage, transfer, dilution, and application as well as
maintaining records to verify competency and supervisor sign-off
 Functional storage, transfer and dispensing equipment, including
pumps, hoses, mixers, etc.
 Required personal protective equipment
 First aid training
 Training on proper and safe disposal of sanitation chemicals
 Spill response

9.1.1 Labeling
 All chemical drums, totes, pails or other containers must be properly
labeled prior to shipment into the plant. Labels must contain
information about health effects, fire and reactivity, first aid and
required personal protective equipment. Employees should be trained
to read and interpret labels before handling any product.
 All secondary containers must also be labeled. Never transfer a
chemical from a drum into an unlabeled container.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 9: Environment, Health
and Safety

 Transfer hoses, solution make-up tanks, and piping should be labeled

to indicate what chemicals are being used and what direction the
solution is flowing.

9.1.2 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Every sanitation or process chemical that is used or stored in the plant should
have a Material Safety Data Sheet. Routine employee training should be
conducted so all persons handling or using chemicals know how to read and
interpret the MSDS. All MSDS documents must be available at the facility in a
central location that has immediate access. Key parts of the MSDS include:
 Emergency medical contact information
 Reactivity data
 Supplier name and location
 Spill or leak procedures
 Product identification and hazard ratings
 Health hazard data
 Description of hazardous components
 Fire and explosion data
 Protective measures
 First aid
 Physical information including pH, solubility, boiling point, etc.

9.1.3 Employee Training and Chemical Handling

All employees with sanitation responsibilities must be fully trained in the need
for sanitation, the special skills/ attention needed in performing their jobs, and
the safe handling of chemicals and equipment (quite often at high heat). In
addition, the training should include all plant personnel, in terms of the special
requirements needed for working in a food operation. Receiving
 Have the proper equipment for handling drums and other large
containers to prevent back and leg injuries.
 If chemicals are received in bulk, ensure that bulk receiving and
storage procedures are in place and employees are trained. During
bulk receiving of chemicals, there is a risk of pumping chemicals into
the wrong tank or overfilling tanks. Be sure that all hoses and hook-
ups are properly labeled and that the labels are well maintained.
Pipes must be clearly marked and receiving tanks inspected to ensure
they have sufficient capacity to receive the chemical.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 9: Environment, Health
and Safety Storage
 Sanitation chemicals must be stored in a location separate from raw
materials, packaging components, and finished products.
 Sanitation chemicals should be stored in a locked area with limited
 Store all chemicals in a dry, cool environment. Keep out of sunlight.
If possible store away from production areas.
 Segregate incompatible chemicals so, for example, acid is not stored
next to caustic or chlorine.
 Storage area should be adequately ventilated. Some chemicals are
volatile and odors may permeate the storage area.
 Storage area must be kept neat and orderly.
 Ensure all caps are closed tightly to minimize escape of vapors.
 Maintain at least 18 inches of clearance from walls and all sprinkler
heads. Transfer
 Hand drum pumps are not recommended, since they increase the risk
of spills, personal contact, and cross-contamination. Wherever
possible, install automatic, remote transfer equipment for
concentrates and use dilutions.
 All transfer pumps must be clearly labeled. If possible, transfer
pumps should be dedicated to specific materials. Transfer pumps
that were used for processing fluids (oils, grease, etc.) should never be
used for sanitation chemicals.
 If chemicals are classified as flammable, ensure appropriate handling
and transfer procedures are in place. Dilution
 Always dilute chemicals into water. Never add water into a
concentrated chemical.
 Wherever possible, add chemicals to cold or ambient temperature
water. Avoid adding chemicals to hot water; the dilution reaction may
cause “splash back.” The diluted solution can be heated after the
dilution is made.
 Slowly add concentrated chemicals to water, to minimize heat
 Always prepare the recommended concentration. Do not make
solutions that are stronger than recommended – they may lead to

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 9: Environment, Health
and Safety

equipment damage or personal injury.

 Do not mix different chemicals together in dilution unless instructed
to do so by the supplier or by an immediate Supervisor. Never mix
chlorine and acid, or caustic and acid.
 Never pour chemicals into a container that is higher than about
waist-high. Application
 Follow all directions for applying chemicals, whether manually, by
spray, foam or CIP.
 Manual application – do not clean any equipment which is still
operating. Be sure all “lock out-tag out” procedures are followed. If
entering tanks, check for confined space entry procedures.
 Spray and foam application – make sure other personnel are not in
the area that is being sprayed or foamed. Cover all electrical outlets
or sensitive production controls and equipment.
 CIP – Make sure all hookups are correct and all tanks are empty and
ready for CIP.
 Ensure all lines are flushed immediately after use.

9.1.4 Functional Storage and Handling Equipment

 All storage and handling equipment must be labeled.
 Routinely check for leaks in bulk tanks, fittings, pumps and hoses.
Report and repair.
 Inspect dilution equipment for accuracy and reliability.
 Keep hoses, pumps and other materials off the ground.
 Minimize cross-contamination by keeping pumps and hoses dedicated
to specific chemicals.
 If hot water is used for equipment sanitizing, use signs or other
means to notify plant personnel to avoid touching hot equipment.

9.1.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 Follow all MSDS and label instructions regarding personal protective
equipment. Attire for all employees should be identified in a risk
assessment and be in compliance with local laws/ codes. This can
include goggles, face shield, rubber boots and rubber clothing,
ventilation equipment, etc.
 Do not take shortcuts on supplying or using PPE. Protect against eye
damage or blindness, lung damage, skin burns or irritation, slips and

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 9: Environment, Health
and Safety

 Always wear safety goggles with side shields.
 Always wear shoes with slip-resistant soles.

9.1.6 First Aid Training

 Be familiar with first aid instructions on the label and MSDS.
 Know the location of eye wash fountains and safety showers.
 Know the location of first aid equipment.
 Know the location of exits.
 Know who is trained on first aid.

9.1.7 Chemical Disposal

 Follow guidelines on label or MSDS for chemical disposal.
 Do not flush chlorine into drains if acid products (beverages or
cleaning chemicals) are also going down the drain at that time.
 Do not flush chemicals if it’s suspected that another chemical has
already been retained in the drain.

9.1.8 Chemical Spill Response

 Develop and periodically review written procedures for a chemical
response plan.
 If a chemical is accidentally ingested, immediately obtain MSDS for
health hazard and first aid information.
 Spill kits with instructions, absorbents, reactants and personal
protective equipment should be made available.
 Suggested spill kit items that should be kept on hand at all times:
- Absorbent materials such as: clay, absorbent pads or spill
- Neutralizing materials such as: acid or caustic neutralizers
- Cleanup Tools:
 Scoop or dust pan
 Broom or brush
 Bucket with a lid for spill and absorbent residue
 Chemical waste stickers
- Personal Protective Equipment
 SCBA or Respirator
 Apron or rain suit
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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 9: Environment, Health
and Safety

 Boots
 Hand protection
 Eye and Face protection
 If a spill or leak occurs, ensure personnel who are working in the
immediate vicinity are evacuated promptly.
 Protect floor drains or other potential avenues of environmental
release as much as possible.
 Decontaminate the spill area following the cleanup. Report any spills
to management and if required to the local authorities.
 Dispose of all contaminated materials according to the manufacturer's
instructions and the local regulations.
 For large spills, outside emergency response personnel (police and fire
department HAZMAT teams) should be contacted.

9.2 References
 International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) Sanitation
Manual, 2005
 PI Operational Practices Manual – GMP and Sanitation, 2005

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning and

Sanitizing Chemicals and Suppliers
Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals that are used for food contact surfaces must always be
classified as “food grade.” It is highly recommended that these chemicals be purchased from
our global sanitation partners, Ecolab and Diversey. These suppliers have extensively
demonstrated their commitment to quality and product support to PepsiCo.
Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals for product contact surfaces can be purchased from other
suppliers only if the chemicals are equivalent to products and technologies that are currently
provided by Ecolab and Diversey and have been approved for use by PepsiCo. In this case,
approval of these suppliers and the chemicals they supply can be executed locally without
approval from Corporate (or designated individual/ function). However, prior to approval, the
chemical supplier must demonstrate full compliance to PepsiCo’s Cleaning and Sanitizing
Chemical Supplier Requirements (section 10.1.1 and 10.1.2).
New cleaning and sanitizing products, technologies, and platforms that are not currently
approved for use must be referred to Corporate for guidance and cannot be approved by the
local business unit. These new products, technologies, or platforms must be approved by
corporate (or designated individual/ function). Prior to approval, data must be collected and
available to ensure its efficacy and regulatory requirements. This would include a thorough
investigation of the technology as well as in-depth comparisons with the existing sanitation
program. When approving new cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, the approval protocol that
must be followed includes a facility assessment as well as completion of a sanitation program
implementation checklist (see section This information will be used to determine
whether the facility is capable of supporting a trial of the new cleaning or sanitizing
Facilities may wish to implement alternative approved processes for sanitation that represent
opportunities utilizing increased capabilities to save time, energy and water. The facility
must validate that it is able to successfully meet the requirements needed for the alternative
sanitation process by conducting a CIP Validation. CIP validation protocols for approved
cleaning and sanitizing chemicals will be created as needed. It is the responsibility of the
local business unit to initiate the validation protocol with its respective plants as needed. CIP
Validation Protocols have been developed for 3-Step Cold CIP and 3-Step Hot CIP. These
validation protocols are provided in sections 10.4.1 and 10.4.2 respectively.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

10.0 Approval of Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals

and Suppliers
10.1 Local Approval Requirements for New Cleaning and
Sanitizing Chemicals and Suppliers
Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals that are used for food product contact
surfaces must always be classified as approved for food contact use. It is highly
recommended that these chemicals be purchased from our global sanitation
partners, Ecolab and Diversey. These suppliers have extensively demonstrated
their commitment to quality and product support to PepsiCo. In addition,
Ecolab and Diversey are part of a global agreement with PepsiCo as negotiated
by PepsiCo’s Global Strategic Supply Management Group. For any commercial
questions or service/ quality issue resolution with our global sanitation
partners, contact the SSM team.
Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals for food product contact surfaces can be
purchased from suppliers other than Ecolab and Diversey, however it is not
recommended. Cleaning and sanitizing chemicals can be purchased from other
suppliers only if the chemicals are equivalent to products and technologies that
are currently provided by Ecolab and Diversey and have been approved for use
by PepsiCo. In this case, approval of these suppliers and the chemicals they
supply can be executed locally without approval from Corporate (or designated
individual/ function).
It is important to note that new cleaning and sanitizing products, technologies,
and platforms that are not currently approved for use must be referred to
Corporate for guidance and cannot be approved by the local business unit.
Corporate (or designated individual/ function) approval requirements for new
sanitation products, technologies, and platforms are provided in section 10.2.
Prior to locally approving a cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier, the
supplier must meet all of PepsiCo’s cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier
requirements outlined in section 10.1.1. In addition, the cleaning and
sanitizing chemicals must meet the regulatory requirements provided in section

10.1.1 PepsiCo Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemical Supplier

When purchasing cleaning and sanitizing chemicals for food product contact
surfaces from suppliers other than Ecolab and Diversey, the following
requirements must be assessed. The cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier
must demonstrate that it is in compliance with these requirements. Both

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

Ecolab and Diversey have been previously evaluated by the Global Sanitation
Team and have demonstrated full compliance to these requirements.
1. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier have a robust raw
material approval and maintenance process?
2. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier require its suppliers
to provide full disclosure of raw materials via a declaration for each
material that is purchased?
The declaration must include:
 Chemical/ Ingredient Name
 CAS#
 % Composition
 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)/ European Safety Data Sheet
 Chemical/ Ingredient Specification and Certificate of Analysis
 Hazard Declarations or Ratings
 Toxicity and Biodegradability Data
3. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier require its suppliers
to indicate all chemicals/ ingredients known to be banned at the
following concentration levels:
 All ingredients present at a concentration of 0.1% or greater in the
material as sold
 All chemical impurities in the material at a concentration of 0.01% or
greater (unless a lower concentration limit is specified by the
sanitation chemical supplier or PepsiCo)
4. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier conduct a thorough
risk analysis of all raw materials that will be brought into its system?
The following assessments must be conducted:
 Regulatory assessment (at either a local or global level)
 Assess all raw materials against known lists of chemical
carcinogens and other chemicals known to be banned or have
limited use levels
 Confirm approval status and level globally and for the country of
 Inventory assessment for each country that will be supplied
5. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier have raw material
specifications for all raw materials that will be brought into their system?
Does the supplier confirm that their suppliers adhere to the raw material
specifications (via sign-off and ongoing checks)?

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

6. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier perform in-depth

analyses on its products to confirm the effectiveness prior to
7. If the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier uses Brokers to
purchase raw materials, does it approve the manufacturing sites for
each raw material purchased through the Broker?
8. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier have a process to
constantly evaluate and monitor chemical/ ingredient suppliers?
9. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier have a formal
process in place for evaluating and integrating raw materials from
global acquisitions?
10. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier have a formal
process in place to provide regulatory and risk assessment information
to its customers for all chemical/ingredients in a timely manner and
upon demand?
11. Does the cleaning and sanitizing chemical supplier have a documented
Food Defense program for its company?

10.1.2 Regulatory Requirements for Local Approval of New Sanitizing

For a sanitizing chemical to be approved for use in a PepsiCo Beverage Plant,
the material must be approved as a sanitizer in the country in which it is to be
used and the material must be registered as a sanitizer in the United States
according to Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations Part 178.
The approval of a sanitizing chemical will require review of vendor
documentation if:
 The material has been approved for use in the country in which the
material is to be used but for which no U.S. registration exists, and/or:
 The ingredients of the claimed sanitizer are standard or can be directly
compared with ingredients of already approved sanitizers as found within
Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 178.
The approval of any chemical as a sanitizer should be denied until such time
1. A product is registered within the country in which the product is to be
used (if required).
2. A quantitative test is available for use in beverage plants to establish:
 Concentration of active ingredients
 Residuals
3. Material has been tested for:
 Efficacy (99.999% kill in 30 seconds under conditions of use)

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

 Suspension test - Association of Official Analytical Chemists

(AOAC) Chapter 9, 15TH edition, 1990
 Carrier Test - Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC)
Chapter 9, 15th Edition, 1990
 Toxicity
 Acute exposure
 To include (LD 50)
 Defined effects of overexposure
 Chronic exposure analysis
 To include test on mutagenicity/carcinogenicity
 Defined effects of overexposure
 Chemical definition, including but not limited to flashpoint, melting
point, boiling point, appearance and state, solubility characteristics,
pH, impact of water hardness, volatiles of concern.
 Chemical stability, including but not limited to fire hazard
(extinguishing media, special firefighting procedures), volatility and
explosion hazard, hazardous polymerization, incompatibilities,
hazardous decomposition products, shipping and storage conditions
defined, spill or release handling requirements, disposal
 Irritant analysis, including but not limited to eyes, skin, inhalation,
ventilation requirements, and protective equipment requirements.
 Compatibility with materials of construction.
It is important to note that cleaning chemicals and detergents are not regulated
like sanitizers. However, they must be safe and effective for their intended use.
The cleaning chemical supplier should provide a letter of guarantee for the
cleaning products that it sells.

10.2 Corporate Approval Requirements for New Cleaning and

Sanitizing Products, Technologies, and Platforms
As indicated in section 10.1, cleaning and sanitizing chemicals can be
purchased from other suppliers only if the chemicals are equivalent to products
and technologies currently provided by Ecolab and Diversey and have been
approved for use by PepsiCo. In this case, these suppliers can be approved
locally. Plants should leverage chemical representatives as much as possible
for training, correct use of chemicals, dilutions/titrations, and additional
New sanitation products, technologies, and platforms that are not currently
approved for use must be referred to Corporate (or designated individual/
function) for guidance. Corporate would take lead in these initiatives to confirm

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

the efficacy of the product/technology, supplier requirements (if offered by a

supplier other than Ecolab or Diversey) and the regulatory requirements. It will
be the responsibility of the local business unit to provide information that will
support the intended use of the new cleaning and sanitizing chemical by
providing a facility assessment and conducting a trial in alignment with
Corporate and the supplier.
Some examples of products, technologies, and platforms that would require
Corporate (or designated individual/ function) approvals include, but are not
limited to, the following:
 Replacing a Hot CIP sanitation with a Cold CIP
 Electrochemical Activated Water CIP

10.2.1 Facility Assessment and Trial Protocols for Approval of New Cleaning
and Sanitizing Products, Technologies, and Platforms
Prior to approving new cleaning and sanitizing products, technologies, and platforms,
data must be collected and available to ensure its efficacy. This would include a
thorough investigation of the technology as well as in-depth comparisons with the
existing sanitation program.
When approving new cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, the approval protocol that must
be followed includes a facility assessment as well as completion of a sanitation program
implementation checklist. This information will be used to determine whether the facility
is capable of supporting a trial of the new cleaning or sanitizing chemical. Facility Assessment

1. Prior to conducting a trial of a new sanitation chemical, an assessment of
the facility where the trial will take place must be completed. The
information below must be provided in order to ensure the facility is
capable of supporting a trial of the new sanitation chemical:
Identify which location/ line will be part of the trial and what products
are produced on the line.
2. Provide the following information for the line that will be used for the
 Provide the last 3 months of micro data to include water treatment
system, sugar system, environmental air plates, rinse water data and
equipment swabs. Data for yeast, mold, and acid bacteria must be
provided (to be used as a baseline for the trial).
 Provide the current sanitation SOPs for the line participating in the
trial to include current sanitation chemical used, concentration,
contact time and temperatures for both internal and external cleaning
and sanitizing.
 Provide the internal CIP intervals – i.e. 24 hours, 48 hours, etc.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
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 Provide the external cleaning / sanitizing intervals – i.e. 24 hours, 48

hours, etc.
 Indicate whether manual disassembly of parts is required. If so,
indicate why and at what interval?
 If this is a Category 3 or bottled water line, are the minimum CIP
equipment requirements in place such as recirculation cups /
 Is micro testing performed by plant personnel onsite?
 Are micro technicians / sanitation operators / supervisors trained
and certified by PepsiCo courses?
3. Complete a Sanitation Chemical Implementation Checklist. This can be
completed by plant personnel and then again by the sanitation chemical
supplier (or both as a joint effort).
The information obtained during the facility assessment and sanitation
chemical implementation checklist must be thoroughly reviewed prior to
beginning a trial of the new sanitation chemical at the facility.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and
Suppliers Sanitation Chemical Implementation Checklist

Before beginning a trial of a new sanitation chemical, the following information
must be gathered:
1. Location of Trial:
2. CIP System (Name): Producing Line:
3. CIP Options:
A. _____ Bev Prep & Filler ____ via CIP Skid _____ via Beverage Processor
B. _____ Bev Prep Only ____ via CIP Skid _____ via Beverage Processor
C. _____ Filler Only
D. _____ Syrup Tanks and Dissolution Station
E. _____ Batch tanks ____ via CIP skid
F. _____ Balance/Supply tanks ____ via CIP skid _____ with filler circuit
4. CIP Water Supply (capture all that may apply):
A. _____ LTS _____ Total Hardness (if applicable)
B. _____ RO _____ Total Hardness (if applicable)
C. _____ De-O3 _____ Total Hardness (if applicable)
5. CIP Water Supply Selection:
A. _____ Manual (via divert panel or piping change)
B. _____ Automatic (via manual selector switch)
C. _____ Automatic (via PLC interface)
6. CIP Solution Heat Source:
A. _____ Steam
B. _____ Natural Gas
C. _____ Electric
7. CIP Heat Exchanger:
A. _____ Plate & Frame
B. _____ Tube & Shell
C. _____ No Exchanger / Direct Heating of Solution

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8. CIP Programming (Bev Prep & Filler or Balance / Supply tanks & Filler):
A. Initial Rinse _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
B. Wash/Sanitize _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
C. Wash/Sanitize _____ Chemical Concentration
D. Cooldown _____ Time _____ Temp (at completion)
E. Final Rinse _____ Time _____ CIP Bypassed (Y/N) _____ De-O3 (Y/N)
9. CIP Programming (Bev Prep Only):
A. Initial Rinse _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
B. Wash/Sanitize _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
C. Wash/Sanitize _____ Chemical Concentration
D. Cooldown _____ Time _____ Temp (at completion)
E. Final Rinse _____ Time _____ CIP Bypassed (Y/N) _____ De-O3 (Y/N)
10. CIP Programming (Filler Only):
A. Initial Rinse _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
B. Wash/Sanitize _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
C. Wash/Sanitize _____ Chemical Concentration
D. Cooldown _____ Time _____ Temp (at completion)
E. Final Rinse _____ Time _____ CIP Bypassed (Y/N) _____ De-O3 (Y/N)
11. CIP Programming (Syrup Tanks or Batch Tanks):
A. Initial Rinse _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
B. Wash/Sanitize _____ Time _____ Target Temp _____ Max Temp
C. Wash/Sanitize _____ Chemical Concentration
D. Cooldown _____ Time _____ Temp (at completion)
E. Final Rinse _____ Time _____ CIP Bypassed (Y/N) _____ De-O3 (Y/N)
12. Modify PM 30 (Preventive Maintenance program, manual or automated)
system for the following:
A. Quarterly visual inspections in syrup / batch / balance / supply tanks for
chemical buildup, corrosion, and syrup / product residual
B. Quarterly visual inspections on filler valves for chemical buildup, corrosion, and
syrup / product residual

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
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10.3 Trial Protocol for the Evaluation of New Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals
In addition to confirming that a facility is capable of supporting a trial,
additional verification from the sanitation chemical supplier is required to
ensure that:
1. The CIP supply water is compatible with the new sanitation chemical.
2. The facilities CIP skid and process are capable of supporting the
requirements of the new sanitation chemical.
3. Adequate programming support can be provided to the facility to support
the trial.
After verification from the sanitation chemical supplier, the plant can begin a
trial; the protocol below must be followed:
 Conduct an initial double CIP using the new cleaning and sanitizing
chemical program followed by the current CIP program:
 Collect micro data following both CIP’s as per existing program.
 Confirm that the new CIP program has comparable results to the
current CIP program.
 Ongoing, micro data for yeast, mold, and acid bacteria must be
collected for the next 12 weeks (submitted weekly to Corporate or
designated individual/ function) to validate the new CIP program is

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

10.4 CIP Validation Protocols for Approved Cleaning and

Sanitizing Chemicals
CIP Validation protocols for approved cleaning and sanitizing chemicals will be
created as needed. It is the responsibility of the local business unit to initiate
the validation protocol with its respective plants as needed.
As CIP validation protocols for newly approved cleaning and sanitizing
chemicals become available, they will be included within the PepsiCo
Sanitation Manual during the next revision.

10.4.1 3-Step Cold CIP Facility Validation Protocol Purpose and Scope

The purpose and scope is to implement alternative processes for sanitation that
provide opportunities to save time, energy and water. Following completion of
the 3-Step Cold (i.e. Chemical) CIP Process Validation:
 Category 1 and 2 lines may substitute 3-step Cold CIP for their
current 5-step program.
 Category 3 and Bottled Water lines can use the 3-step Cold CIP for
additional CIPs needed after the initial 5-Step Hot or approved 3-Step
Hot to maintain the sanitation performance of the producing lines and
syrup tanks weekly (not to exceed 7 days).
Note: 3-Step Cold CIP is not approved for juices, Gatorade, or any other
Category 4 product (except bottled water).
It is important to note that facilities are not required to move to a 3-Step Cold
CIP. They can continue to use their existing 5-Step Hot or Cold CIP if that is
their preference. The 3-Step Cold CIP has been approved as an additional
option for the facilities if they choose to use it. However, the facility must take
the responsibility to ensure that the 3-Step Cold CIP is acceptable by following
the validation protocol. In some cases, a facility’s line configuration may be
such that the 3-Step Cold CIP may not be acceptable. It is up to each facility to
decide if it wants to pursue the 3-Step Cold CIP and validate that it works for
their lines.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and
Suppliers Category 1 and 2 Producing Lines (3-Step Cold CIP)

Filler Process (3-Step Cold CIP: Cat 1+2)
The below process will be required for all producing lines.
Supplier Chemical
Ecolab (North America and Mexico) Octave (acid sanitizer, single use)
Ecolab (Global) Advantis 210 + Oxonia Active 150
Ecolab (North America, Latin America, Advantis LT Base/ Activator
and Asia Pacific)
Diversey Divosan Plus (acid sanitizer, single use)
Diversey Diverflow OSA-N (acid detergent, reclaim/reuse)

 Plant must notify Region/ Sector Quality when first 3-Step Cold CIP will
be performed.
 Vendor must analyze the CIP supply water to verify compatibility with
the chemical.
 If not already qualified for 3-Step Hot, plant/vendor must complete
“Sanitation Chemical Implementation Checklist” (section
 Vendor must support programming setup for each location.
 Once setup is complete, the plant will perform one 3-step Cold CIP for
the producing line and pull rinse water samples.
 Immediately after completion of the 3-Step Cold CIP, a 5-Step Hot or 5-
Step Cold CIP for the producing line will be required also pulling rinse
water samples.
 Rinse water results must be provided to Region/ Sector Quality for
review. If rinse water results are comparable to previous 5-Step Hot or 5-
Step Cold CIP micro results and meet category requirements, then the
plant may proceed with using a 3-Step Cold CIP following BU Approval.
 Rinse water testing for the 3-Step Cold CIP will be performed as part of
the normal micro process and will be evaluated by the plant.
Syrup Tank Process (3-Step Cold CIP: Cat 1+2)
The validation process will focus on syrup tank sanitations. The below process
will be required for one syrup tank to validate the 3-Step Cold CIP process for
all syrup tanks.
Supplier Chemical
Ecolab (North America and Mexico) Octave (acid sanitizer, single use)
Ecolab (Global) Advantis 210 + Oxonia Active 150
Ecolab (North America, Latin America, and Advantis LT Base/ Activator
Asia Pacific)
Diversey Divosan Plus (acid sanitizer, single use)
Diversey Diverflow OSA-N (acid detergent,

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and Sanitizing Chemicals and

 Vendor must analyze the CIP supply water to verify compatibility with
the chemical.
 If not already qualified for 3-Step Hot, plant/vendor must complete
“Sanitation Chemical Implementation Checklist” (section
 Vendor must support programming setup for each location.
 Complete a 3-Step Cold CIP on one syrup tank and perform ATP swab
testing on rinse water and 3 random locations of syrup tank wall.
 ATP results must be provided to Region/Sector Quality for review. If
ATP results are comparable to the baseline established for that tank
then the plant may proceed with using a 3-Step Cold CIP following BU
 Return to current ATP swab sampling plan outlined in the
Microbiological Sampling Plan document. Category 3 and Bottled Water Lines (3-Step Cold CIP)

Filler Process (3-Step Cold CIP: Cat 3 and Bottled Water)
The below process will be required for all producing lines.
Supplier Chemical
Ecolab (North America and Mexico) Octave (acid sanitizer, single use)
Ecolab (Global) Advantis 210 + Oxonia Active 150
Ecolab (North America, Latin America, Advantis LT Base/ Activator
and Asia Pacific)
Diversey Divosan Plus (acid sanitizer, single use)
Diversey Diverflow OSA-N (acid detergent, reclaim/reuse)
 Plant must notify Region/ Sector Quality when first 3-Step Cold CIP will
be performed.
 Vendor must analyze the CIP supply water to verify compatibility with
the chemical.
 Vendor must verify CIP skid and process performance unless already
performed for 3-Step Hot qualification.
 If not already qualified for 3-Step Hot CIP, plant/vendor must complete
“Sanitation Chemical Implementation Checklist” (section
 Vendor must support programming setup for each location.
 Once setup is complete, the plant will perform one 3-step Cold CIP for
the producing line and pull rinse water samples.
 Immediately after completion of the 3-Step Cold CIP, a 5-Step Hot or
approved 3-Step Hot CIP for the producing line will be required also
pulling rinse water samples.
 Rinse water results must be provided to Region/ Sector Quality for
review. If rinse water results are comparable to previous 5-Step Hot or
approved 3-Step Hot CIP micro results and meet category requirements,

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and Sanitizing Chemicals and

then the plant may proceed with substituting a 3-Step Cold CIP following
Region/ Sector approval.
 The 3-Step Cold CIP can be used for any additional CIPs needed for
the week after the initial 5-Step Hot or approved 3-Step Hot CIP
that begins that week. This will also include filler-only CIPs for
Aquafina. After 7 days, a 5-Step Hot or approved 3-Step Hot CIP
must be performed.
 Rinse water testing for the 3-Step Cold CIP will be performed as part of
the normal micro process. Each week the plant will be required to
forward the micro results from all CIPs performed online to Region/
Sector Quality for review and tracking. The plant will be required to
submit weekly reports for 1 month to Region/Sector Quality, and then
proceed with normal submissions.
Syrup Tank Process (3-Step Cold CIP: Cat 3 and Bottled Water)
The validation process will focus on syrup tank sanitations. The below process
will be required for one syrup tank to validate the 3-Step Cold CIP process for
all syrup tanks.
Supplier Chemical
Ecolab (North America and Mexico) Octave (acid sanitizer, single use)
Ecolab (Global) Advantis 210 + Oxonia Active 150
Ecolab (North America, Latin America, and Asia Advantis LT Base/ Activator
Diversey Divosan Plus (acid sanitizer, single use)
Diversey Diverflow OSA-N (acid detergent,
 Vendor must analyze the CIP supply water to verify compatibility with
the chemical.
 Vendor must verify CIP skid and process performance unless performed
for the 3-Step Hot qualification.
 If not already qualified for 3-Step Hot, vendor must complete “Sanitation
Chemical Implementation Checklist” (section
 Vendor must support programming setup for each location.
 Complete a 3-Step Cold CIP on one syrup tank and perform ATP swab
testing on rinse water and 3 random locations of syrup tank wall.
 ATP results must be provided to Region/ Sector Quality for review. If ATP
results are comparable to the baseline established for that tank, then the
plant may proceed with substituting a 3-Step Cold CIP following BU
 The 3-Step Cold CIP can be used for any additional CIPs needed for
the week after the initial 5-Step Hot or approved 3-Step Hot CIP
that begins that week. This will also include filler-only CIPs for

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and

Aquafina. After 7 days, a 5-Step Hot or approved 3-Step Hot CIP

must be performed.
 Return to current ATP swab sampling plan outlined in the
Microbiological Sampling Plan document.

10.4.2 3-Step Hot CIP Facility Validation Protocol Purpose and Scope

Each line and CIP system is required to follow the process of validation prior to
implementing a 3-Step Hot CIP. Once it is validated that 3-Step Hot CIP results
are the same or are better for cleaning/sanitizing a particular production line
compared to the current 5-Step Hot CIP process, the plant can switch to the 3-
Step Hot process.
It is important to note that facilities are not required to move to a 3-Step Hot
CIP. They can continue to use their existing 5-Step Hot CIP if that is their
preference. The 3-Step Hot CIP has been approved as an additional option for
the facility if they choose to use it. However, the facility must take the
responsibility to ensure that the 3-Step Hot CIP is acceptable by following the
validation protocol. In some cases, a facility’s line configuration may be such
that the 3-Step Hot CIP may not be acceptable. It is up to each facility to decide
if it wants to pursue the 3-Step Hot CIP and validate that it works. Category 1 and 2 Producing Lines (3-Step Hot CIP)

Filler and Syrup Tank Process (3-Step Hot CIP: Cat 1+2)
The below process will be required for all producing lines.
Supplier Chemical
Ecolab (North America and Mexico) Advantis 330
Ecolab (Global) Advantis 210
Ecolab (Global) Advantis LT Base
Diversey Divoflow 185

Validation of Category 1 and 2 producing lines can be completed be simply

conducting the 3-Step Hot CIP for three consecutive plant runs on the same
line. Following each run, the filler rinse water yeast counts are to be compared
with the 5-Step Hot CIP data. If the yeast counts are the same or less than
those from the 5-Step Hot CIP, the 3-Step Hot CIP has been successfully

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 10: Approval of Cleaning
and Sanitizing Chemicals and
Suppliers Category 3 and Bottled Water Producing Lines (3-Step Hot

Filler Process (3-Step Hot CIP: Cat 3 and Bottled Water)
The below process will be required for all producing lines.
Supplier Chemical
Ecolab (North America and Mexico) Advantis 330
Ecolab (Global) Advantis 210
Ecolab (Global) Advantis LT Base
Diversey Divoflow 185

 Plant must notify Region/ Sector Quality when first 3-Step Hot CIP will
be performed.
 Vendor must analyze the CIP supply water to verify compatibility with
detergent at elevated temperatures.
 Vendor must verify CIP skid and process performance.
 Vendor must support programming setup for each location.
 Vendor must complete “Sanitation Chemical Implementation Checklist”
 Once setup is complete, the plant will perform one 3-Step Hot CIP (85°C
Temperature at external shell) for CFP and collect rinse water samples
from 25% of the filler valves.
 Immediately after completion of the 3-Step Hot CIP, a 5 Step Hot CIP for
CFP will be done. Again collect rinse water samples from the same 25%
of the filler valves.
 If rinse water results are comparable to previous 5-Step Hot CIP micro
results AND meet category A requirements, then the plant may proceed
with substituting a 3-Step Hot CIP in place of current 5-Step Hot CIPs
on that producing line. Same process of validation to be followed for
Aquafina filler CIP.
 Rinse water testing for the 3-Step Hot CIP will be performed as part of
the normal micro process. Each week, the plant will be required to
forward the micro results from all CIPs performed online to Region/
Sector Quality for review and tracking. The plant will be required to
submit weekly reports for 1 month, and then proceed with normal
monthly submissions.

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and Sanitizing Chemicals and

Syrup Tank Process (3-Step Hot CIP: Cat 3 and Bottled Water)
The validation process will focus on syrup tank sanitations. The below process
will be required for one syrup tank to validate the 3-Step Hot CIP process for all
syrup tanks of similar design.
Supplier Chemical
Ecolab (North America and Mexico) Advantis 330
Ecolab (Global) Advantis 210
Ecolab (Global) Advantis LT Base
Diversey Divoflow 185

 Vendor must analyze the CIP supply water to verify compatibility with
detergent at elevated temperatures.
 Vendor must verify CIP skid and process performance.
 Vendor must support programming setup for each location.
 Vendor must complete 3-Step Hot Implementation Checklist.
 Complete a 3-Step Hot CIP (85°C at external shell temperature) on one
syrup tank and perform ATP swab testing/rinse water.
 If ATP/rinse/swab results are comparable to the baseline established for
that tank, then proceed with substituting a 3-Step Hot CIP for all your
current 5-Step Hot CIPs on all syrup tanks.
 On an ongoing basis, follow the Microbiological Sampling Plan document.

10.5 References
 Diversey, Supplier Approval Program, 2009
 Ecolab, Supplier Approval Program, 2009

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design

Chapter 11: Hygienic and Sanitary Design

Hygienic and Sanitary Design details are provided to ensure that important design principles
are taken into account whenever new equipment is installed within a PepsiCo beverage
manufacturing facility. These principles should also be used to review all new projects and
equipment installation details with the equipment manufacturer.
To ensure safe food and adequate sanitation programs, the equipment used for processing
and handling beverages must be designed, fabricated, constructed, and installed according
to sound sanitary design principles. This ensures the equipment can be adequately cleaned
and sanitized, and that surfaces are resistant to daily exposure to corrosive products and
cleaning/sanitizing chemicals. Equipment that does not meet basic sanitary design
principles, or is installed or used improperly cannot be adequately cleaned and sanitized.
With regard to a manufacturing facility, there are three organizations which offer guidance
on the design, installation and operation of hygienic equipment and processes. In Europe
there is the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), in the U.S., the 3-A
Sanitary Standards, Inc. and National Sanitation Foundation offer similar information.
Standards for sanitary fabrication, construction, and design of food equipment have been
developed by these different organizations. While there are subtle differences between these
standards, the primary intent of each organization is the application of sound sanitary
principles in food equipment manufacture.
EHEDG is a consortium of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes
and public health authorities, with the objective of promoting hygiene during the processing
and packing of food products. European legislation requires that handling, preparation,
processing, packaging, etc. of food is done hygienically, with hygienic machinery in hygienic
premises (the food hygiene directive, the machine directive and the food contact materials
directive). EHEDG provides practical guidance on hygienic engineering aspects to help
comply with these requirements.
3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. is an independent corporation in the U.S. dedicated to
advancing hygienic equipment design for the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries.
3-A leads the development of standards for equipment and accepted practices for processing
systems, oversees licensing of the 3-A Symbol for sanitary design integrity and administers
the Third Party Verification (TPV) inspection programs required for the 3-A Symbol

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design

11.0 Hygienic and Sanitary Design

Buying and installing beverage processing equipment built to EHEDG or 3-A
design guidelines will ensure that all equipment can be adequately sanitized.
This Hygienic and Sanitary Design Aid is provided to describe the important
sanitary design principles of any equipment or installation to be done. By only
applying these basic design principles, adequate cleaning and sanitization of
equipment can be reached. Otherwise, even though the cleaning principles are
good, it is not possible to get clean equipment and safe product.

11.1 Background
In PepsiCo Beverage Plants, to ensure the hygienic design, attention must be
given to external and internal surfaces. Surfaces mainly can be subdivided into
two categories:
• Product Contact Surfaces
• Non-Product Contact Surfaces
A food product contact surface is a surface in direct contact with product or
ingredients or their residues. Because these surfaces, if contaminated, can
directly result in product contamination, rigid sanitary design criteria must be
met. Non-product contact surfaces are those that are part of the equipment
(e.g., legs, supports, housings) that do not directly contact products. As
contamination of non-product contact surfaces can cause indirect
contamination of the product, these surfaces cannot be ignored with regard to
sanitary design.
In addition to external and internal surfaces, the following subjects are critical
and will be explained in this Chapter:
• Material selection
• Welding and finishing quality
• Piping Design/ dead legs
• Drain design
• Passivation

11.2 Hygienic Design: Buildings and Infrastructure

11.2.1 General Site and External Surfaces Requirements

The general clean site design requirements are as follows:
The site must have adequate security fencing to prevent unauthorized entry of
people or animals to minimize external contamination threat.
All landscaped and paved areas must be designed to slope to drain away from
the buildings.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design

Standing water anywhere on-site in excess of 24 hours is prohibited. The

required falls and drain sizes will depend on the site contours, invert levels and
layouts and local climatic conditions, but building architects and civil
engineers shall demonstrate the adequacy of the drainage design.
Site design must allow for segregation of raw material intakes, product
dispatch and waste material storage and treatment. Adequate provision must
be made for storage of waste material. Bulk raw material intakes must have
adequate containment and drainage arrangements to deal with any spillage.
Bulk dry goods intakes should preferably be covered and any hoses or tubes
fitted with lockable caps.
The overall site layout should aim to:
Segregate areas for low-risk and high-risk activities in relation to possible
product hygiene. Areas can also be segregated following the Hygienic Zoning
plant zones:
• Non‐ manufacturing areas
• Transition areas
• Basic GMP areas
• Primary pathogen control areas
• Sensitive/high hygiene areas
Provide adequate areas throughout the entire process for collection of waste
material and any rework activities to minimize the risk of contamination.
11.2.2 External Surfaces
All surfaces should be constructed from non-combustible materials.
Walls and roofs, including associated fittings, must be constructed of suitable
impervious material to withstand climatic conditions and water ingress, and
designed to avoid areas where birds can nest or insects can penetrate the
All external surfaces and insulation must be maintained to be free of holes,
tears or loose insulation.
All external doors and windows should be well sealed to prevent pests from
entering the facility.
Storm drains should be piped directly to a below-grade storm drain system. Production Areas
All production areas must be adequately sized so that plant and equipment can
be laid out with adequate space all around to permit cleaning.
Wherever practical, wet operations should be separated from dry operations.
To minimize the risk of cross-contamination, plant layout should be designed
to minimize material movements throughout the plant.
In all production areas, it is important that adequate space and provision is

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design

made to contain, store and remove or treat reject material generated in the
Any pallet storage area should leave a minimum 18” (450mm) from walls and
14” (350mm) between pallet rows.
Materials must be stored off the floor on pallets or slip sheets, and if racking is
used, then the lowest rack must leave a free space of 18” (450mm) from the
Adequate space should be allowed for sorting and storage of reject material,
and space should be provided for the removal of any outer protective packaging
on pallets prior to their transfer to the process or packing areas.
Adequate lighting needed to support the work performed in the area, including
inspection, must be provided (luminance of 500 LUX).
All light fittings, bulbs, lamps and tubes shall be protected against falling, and
shall be shatter-resistant, housed in shatter-resistant fixtures or otherwise
protected against breakage.
11.2.3 Internal Surfaces
Internal surfaces should be smooth and constructed so as not to form any
horizontal ledges.
They must use materials which are non-toxic, odorless and resistant to the
normal method of cleaning and cleaning chemicals. Further, they must be
easily cleaned and generally light in color so that any dirt or contaminant can
be easily seen. Where required, the design should ensure the surfaces can
withstand high-pressure hosing.
Finishing material should be in line with PepsiCo recommendation.
Wall and floor junctions shall be designed for easy cleaning – e.g. using a
suitable curved coving.
Where there is a roof void, adequate access must be provided to allow
inspection and cleaning. Internal Surfaces – Wet Production Areas
Floors must be constructed with suitable falls to drain so that no standing
water occurs within the process area.
Avoid condensation in wet production areas.
Floor finishes must be according to required hygiene Level (i.e. acid resistant
tile or epoxy). Internal Surfaces – Dry Production Areas
Powder handling and filling areas must be suitable for washing down, and
therefore, finishes must be to the same standard as wet areas stated above.
For dry production areas which are not normally washed, the surface finish
must still be smooth and resistant to the materials in contact and to the
cleaning method used.
All dry areas must have adequately designed ventilation, and local extraction
facilities where required, to prevent condensation on any surface, odors and
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the buildup of any dust or contaminants. Internal Non-Production Areas

Adequate changing and storage facilities must be provided to ensure
segregation of work clothes and outside clothes where required.
Hand wash stations must be provided as and where required.
Toilets must not open directly into production areas.

11.2.4 Structures, Platforms and Walkways

If any building structural steelwork is to be left exposed internally, it should be
designed to eliminate ledges and dust traps. It should also have a clearance of
at least 100mm from the internal wall to permit cleaning behind it.
Structural access platforms should be designed so as not to form traps,
recesses or pockets. If platforms are made of hollow sections, the ends shall be
closed and sealed. Columns must be sealed to the floor.
Platforms should leave a space of 15cm around vessels and equipment to allow
for inspection and cleaning.
Walkways should be designed for cleaning or have removable sections which
can be cleaned.

11.3 Hygienic Design: Equipment

Any equipment intended for product contact situations shall be designed,
constructed and installed to meet the following principles:
• Cleanable to a microbiological level over its entire life. Designed to
prevent bacterial ingress, survival, growth and reproduction on both
product contact and non-contact parts.
• Materials of construction will be completely compatible with the product,
environment, cleaning and sanitizing.
• Accessible for inspection, cleaning, maintenance and sanitization without
the use of tools.
• Must be self-draining to eliminate product or liquid collection in
equipment or associated pipework. This includes eliminating any dead
• Avoid hollow components, or where impractical, these must be
hermetically sealed.
• Equipment and surfaces including welds should be free of niches, pits,
cracks, etc.
• All ancillary enclosures provided with the equipment (control panels,
electrical panels, etc.) are designed, constructed and installed to similar
principles as above.

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• To the greatest extent possible, all equipment and control panels shall be
skid-mounted, fully assembled, and tested prior to shipment. In addition,
all CIP components shall be of a sanitary design. Equipment shall be
mounted to allow for easy removal and servicing. Construction of all
equipment shall allow adequate clearance (305 mm minimum) above
floor for ease of maintenance and cleaning. An operator catwalk shall be
supplied for safety and to enable access to tank tops/ manholes.

11.3.1 CIP Tanks

CIP tanks are to be designed and fitted with overflow and anti-siphon
protection. Materials should be compatible with cleaning and sanitizing
chemicals and installed spray devices to maintain a clean and sanitary tank
farm. Adhere to the following:
• The principles of a Beverage Sanitation Program.
• Tanks have spray devices in them. (The spray ball supplier should
warranty that there is sufficient flow to assure the tank is cleaned.)
• All gaskets EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) or Viton or
equivalent, and compatible with chemicals are used (use ozone resistant
material where ozone is used).
• CIP Tank Self Cleaning must be considered in design of CIP tanks.
• The self-cleaning of the CIP station must be done periodically by acid
solution (even for an acid tank so as to be able to clean inside of the
overflow pipe).
• The recommended frequency for self-cleaning is every 1,000 object
cleanings of station.
• The fresh water tank does not need to be cleaned (however, care should
be taken to keep the tank empty when not in use).
• CIP tanks can be cleaned altogether or one by one according to their
status. If all of them are cleaned at the same time, cleaning should be in
the order of hot water/acid/caustic to keep hygienic flow.
• Tanks shall be made of Stainless Steel min 304 L.
• Concentrated chemical tanks shall be made of Stainless Steel 316 L.

11.3.2 Process Tanks

All pressure vessels shall be hydrostatically tested with water to a minimum
1.5 times the maximum design pressure for at least 30 minutes without any
signs of leakage.
All entry points must have covers or caps.
Interior and Exterior tank surfaces must be self-draining.

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CIP cleaning must provide full coverage; no shadowing from agitators allowed.

Spray ball Covered

Full coverage

Figure 11-1. Spray ball full coverage (left) and covered (right).

Figure 11-2. Not drainable (left) and drainable designs (right).

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11.3.3 Valves
Only Food Grade Sanitary Valves are to be used.
Sanitary valve design must meet 3A, EHEDG or equivalent design.

Butterfly Aseptic Single Tank outlet Double seat Single seat

valve Seal valve valve valve valve

Hygienic Control valve Stainless Steel valves NOT allowed

for food

Figure 11-3. Types of valves. Butterfly Valves

Butterfly types can be hygienic and cleanable in place if designed according to
EHEDG guidelines. However, as they are not hermetically sealed, they are not
recommended to use in product or CIP lines. Diaphragm (Membrane) Valves

Diaphragm valves were originally designed as an alternative where hermetic
sealing was required. They have been widely adopted for aseptic duties because
the diaphragm seal provides a permanent hermetic body seal as well as a seat

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Figure 11-4. Diaphragm valves.

However, diaphragm valves were not designed specifically for hygienic and
aseptic application, since there can be crevice and/or leak formation risk. Valve Seats

The valve body has a seat for the closing plug at the end of the stem. The plug
is lifted from and lowered on to the seat by the stem, which is moved by a
pneumatic actuator.
The valve seat is also available in a changeover version. This valve has three to
five ports. When the plug is lowered the liquid flows from inlet 2 to outlet 1,
and when the plug is lifted to the upper seat, the flow is directed through outlet
3, according to the drawings below.

Figure 11-5. Valve seats.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design Double Seat Valves

Mixproof valves are valves which safely exclude the intermixing of incompatible
fluids between separate product lines by forming a neutral area between the
product lines. The neutral area must be drainable to atmosphere; cleanable
and designed in such a way that leaks cannot result in the buildup of pressure.
Specific design must be selected with respect to the hygienic and safety
requirements of the application. For aseptic application, in addition to the
steam seal barrier, the neutral area must be flushed with an antimicrobial
barrier medium.

Figure 11-6. Double seat valves.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design Metal-to-Metal Valve Seats

Although some suppliers have offered these types for hygienic duties, a clear
category that is normally unsafe for hygienic or aseptic duties is that based on
metal-to-metal seat seals. Such seals are not bacteria-tight and therefore
should be used only where bacteria tightness is not required. Steam Barriers

The steam barrier is a system designed to allow the use of non-septic valves
(such as modulating valves) on a sterile area: the moving part of the valve
actuator is contained in a chamber sterilized by steam flow, to protect it from
the external contamination. The chamber dimensions are designed to be bigger
than the actuator stroke, in order to grant that it never gets in contact with the
external contamination.
The steam flow of the steam barrier can be adjusted by using two needle
valves, one placed on the inlet and one on the outlet of the steam barrier. In
the coldest point (the outlet), there is always present a temperature transducer,
which checks the proper functioning of the steam barrier and gives an alarm if
the temperature drops under a preset value. The use of culinary steam is
required for steam barriers.

Figure 11-7. Steam barriers.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design Aseptic Valves

Figure 11-8. Aseptic valves. Important Remarks about Valves

• All butterfly valves, single seat valves, double seat valves or aseptic
valves are equipped with a control unit with double feedback.
• Seat valves are required in all process piping and CIP piping applications;
butterfly valves can only be used for lockout procedures.
• Valve seats are usually sprung closed and opened by powered actuators,
so that in the event of power failure, the valve fails in the closed position.

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11.3.4 Heat Exchangers

• Must have the ability to check and maintain differential pressure
between the product and media. Product pressure must be higher than
media pressure.
• Hygienic piping design must be implemented (no dead legs, etc.).
• Must have food-grade, sanitary equipment (valves, sensors, materials).

Figure 11-9. Heat exchangers.

11.4 Welding /Finishing Quality
Poor welding can easily compromise the hygienic integrity of a plant by
providing rough surfaces and cracks where product may be retained and/or
which may prove impossible to clean by the CIP process. So, welding is really
critical for all installations where product passes. Welds shall be full
penetration, ground smooth and polished.
All welds on stainless steel shall be carried out in a neutral atmosphere (argon
or nitrogen) using stainless steel 316 solder, by suitably qualified welders.
PepsiCo reserves the right to validate the skills of the welders. These welds
shall not show any signs of asperity likely to lead to deposits of any sort. Their
internal and external appearance shall be even, with neither solidus arrest nor
hard-facing. A weld test or samples (up to a limit of 5% of the welds done) may
be requested at any moment of assembly without this request leading to any
additional cost whatsoever.
Any welding to be done near in-use production zones shall be subject to the
prior authorization of the person in charge of the area. The corresponding
safety measures shall be taken into account. It is recommended that weld work
be inspected since it is very common to find burnt, rough/bad welds in product
contact areas.
It is very difficult to achieve the highest standards of quality and safety using
manual welding, because certain welding positions often lead to faulty welds
due to restricted access. That is why automated welding is recommended

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whenever possible. Repeatability and consistency of welds can’t be guaranteed

with manual methods.


Figure 11-10. Welds.

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11.4.1 Checklist for Hygienic Welds

• Pipework and fittings in 316 L should have an internal surface
roughness of 0.8 µm Ra max.
• TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding should be used as the welding process
to have adequate hygienic welds.
• Orbital welding machines should be used wherever possible. Manual TIG
may be needed for some cases.
• The pipe system should be designed such that butt welds are the only
construction requiring welding. Prior to final installation, pre-assembly of
sections should be done in controlled conditions.
• Internal surface must be gas shielded during welding, ideally with argon
purge gas, although nitrogen is acceptable.
• The weld must exactly fill the gap between pipe ends/fittings.
• Pipe ends must be clean in the fusion zone and should be cleaned with a
stainless steel brush and solvent to remove dirt and grease.
• Pipe diameters should be the same or specialized tools should be used to
expand the smaller one.
• Misalignment must be limited to less than 20% of the wall thickness.
• All welds and weld areas shall be carefully examined visually, inspected
by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods. They may be removed
from installation for inspection if agreed to in advance.
Visual check can indicate the quality of welds very clearly, as in the example

Figure 11-11. Oxygen Content in Purge Gas and Discoloration Level.

Only welds 1 to 5 (above) are acceptable for the Food Industry.

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Borescope testing of welds on piping should be done to see the quality of welds.
Borescope is an optical device consisting of a rigid or flexible tube with an
eyepiece on one end, and a lens on the other linked together by an optical
system in between.

Figure 11-12. Typical Borescope equipment (left) and Borescope image of

a weld (right).
If a weld cannot be inspected because it is an unreachable closure weld then it
shall be subject to radiographic inspection.

11.5 Piping Design/ Avoidance of Dead Legs

For pipework in contact with product, pipework should be designed to be free
draining and to avoid dead legs. A minimum installed slope for all piping of
1:100 is to be adopted. Piping must be designed to eliminate any dead legs/
dead ends. Dead ends are defined as areas within piping that have poor flow
and are difficult to clean. A dead leg is likely to occur where a pocket or dead
area is introduced into a piping system by poor design or by the insertion of an
instrument, valve or fitting whose length is greater than the diameter of the
pipe in which it sits. Where dead legs are unavoidable, adequate flow velocity
and time is required to clean dead ends.
The examples on the next pages illustrate installations where a dead leg has
been introduced to the pipework system. Where dead legs are unavoidable,
Figure 11-13 shows the most appropriate layout.

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Figure 11-13. Dead leg layouts.

Pipe diameter transitions should ideally be done in vertical sections of pipe

when concentric reducers can be used. Where this is not possible, long version
eccentric reducers should be used to avoid potential shadow zones as
illustrated in Figure 11-14.

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Figure 11-14. Long version eccentric reducers should be used to avoid

potential shadow zones as illustrated.
To avoid dead areas, the use of Tees with closed ends should be avoided. Swept
Tees can be used to overcome this as shown in Figure 11-15, but can hinder
drainage if installed horizontally.

Figure 11-15. Swept Tees.

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Use the correct type of valve to avoid dead areas when diverting flow as in
Figure 11-16.

Figure 11-16. Correct valve type avoids dead areas when diverting flow.
The installation of pressure and temperature transmitters into piping can
introduce dead legs.
Swept Tees may be used with caution and the choice of instrument may also
help if using surface mounted temperature instruments. Figure 11-17 shows
how a temperature sensor may be hygienically installed in a pipe:

Figure 11-17. Temperature sensor hygienically installed in a pipe.

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Figure 11-18. Example of hygienic connection for different instruments.

A circuit piece of equipment (exchanger, pump, etc.) cannot absorb the whole
CIP flow rate useful for cleaning the circuit; therefore a bypass of this piece of
equipment must be planned.
There are 3 risks linked to the bypass:
1. The flow rate in the bypassed piece of equipment is too low.
To monitor this risk, it is necessary to set up a flow meter or to ensure
that the laws of hydraulics guarantee that the flow rate is enough,
even in case of malfunction of the equipment or of its bypass valve.
2. The flow rate in the equipment piping after the bypass is too low. To
monitor this risk, the piping diameter must be adapted to the flow rate
required in the equipment, and if this is not possible, the piping
assembly must be guaranteed as short as possible.
3. Stagnation of product in a dead end is created by the bypass. To avoid
this risk, bypass without dead-end must be used.
So, particular attention must be paid (as in Figure 11-19) to designing by-
passes around pumps.

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Figure 11-19. By-pass around pump.

11.5.1 Important Points for Hygienic Piping Design

• Piping routes should be chosen to minimize the possibility of any leaks or
condensation contaminating product. Insulation should be inert and
• Where pipework will contain various different fluids, including CIP,
hygienic design double block and bleed valve systems are the preferred
• Where pipes penetrate walls, suitable arrangements must be made for
providing a cleanable seal.
• Sufficient space must be left between walls and pipes to allow cleaning
behind and between pipes. On pipe hangers, a minimum space of 1”
(25mm) must be left between each pipe to allow cleaning.
• All in-line instrumentation should use hygienically designed sensors and
installation must permit CIP of sensors. No dead leg >1” (25mm) nominal
pipe size 1” (25mm) and greater, or pipe diameter for pipes < 1” (25mm)
is acceptable where sensors need to be installed in piping.
• Pipe size change: Pipe size changes should ideally be in the vertical.
Where pipe size changes must occur in the horizontal, the piping system
should be designed so as to avoid gas pockets.

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• Following installation, all pipework and equipment shall be cleaned and

passivized to the required specification to eliminate all ferric and other
impurities from interior surfaces prior to production of saleable product.
• Sanitary fittings must be used, No ANSI flanges allowed.

Figure 11-20. Sanitary Fillings.

11.6 Drain Design

Basic principle: no splashes shall be allowed onto the floor!

Figure 11-21. Drains.

11.6.1 Important Points for Drain Design

• The overall building drainage layout should be designed so that waste
flows away from high-risk areas, e.g., process areas where ingredients
are added to open vessel to low-risk areas, e.g., non-production areas.
• All drains handling sweet effluent should be of stoneware or PVC with
adequate support to prevent breakage. Drain covers should be stainless
• Drains should be a minimum of 30 cm in diameter and sloped at 1:50
• All bleeders and drain outlets shall be collected while keeping a
mandatory physical break between the bleeding point and the drain.
Conduction of fluids from the bleeders to the drains must be designed so

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as to avoid splashes and the introduction of undesirable liquids into the

• Floor drains must have removable grates for inspection and cleaning, be
double contained and have integrated sediment traps.
• Process drains should be trapped to avoid back-flow.
• There should be no interconnection within the premises between the
floor drainage system and the sewage system of the toilets.
• Connections from the drain collection pits to the drainage system should
prevent rodents, insects, etc. from entering the manufacturing areas
through the drains.
• Drain inspection chambers should be provided 25 meters apart
• The vapors and fumes shall be led towards the outside and treated so as
to avoid damage to property and personnel.
• Manifolds of the mixproof valve type shall be designed with recovery
troughs for the leakage and diversion to drain. These troughs shall be
easily removable. The same applies to the liquids collected under swing
bend panels.
• Drains shall not be routed above filling lines in cases where production
happens overhead.
• Drainage is not required in warehouses except where combustible
materials are stored. In warehouse areas where liquids are stored, access
to a drain should be available.

11.6.2 Grouped Drains

Drains are a common point to all installations. The cleaning (and disinfecting)
of the drains is not carried out by automatic functioning.
This piping is in direct contact with the cleaning solutions only during
pulsations of the valves, and no mechanical effect is obtained in the pipes
because the duration of pulsation is very short.
So the risk is to have bacteriological contamination caused by the drains. Rules for Assembling Grouped Drains

In all cases there must be a physical break between the process piping and the
drainage piping.
• The two sets of piping mustn’t be welded together. The break is most
often created by having a funnel on the piping into which the process
piping drains.

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Figure 11-22. Process piping and drainage piping.

• The piping coming from the process must be as short as possible. This
portion of piping must drain naturally by gravity (slope). It is cleaned
only during the pulsation of the valve.
• Waste collection piping must be able to be disassembled and drained;
and must be regularly manually cleaned.

11.7 Materials of Construction

Equipment shall be of sanitary design. There shall be no hidden crevices or
pockets in which mold, yeast or bacteria can accumulate. Equipment shall be
designed to provide complete liquid recirculation for sanitizing and shall
withstand the sanitizing chemicals and temperatures normally utilized in CIP
system circuits.

11.7.1 Product Contact

• All surfaces shall be smooth, non-toxic, non-absorbent and constructed
of corrosion-resistant material. They will be removable or readily
• Materials must be inert both to the product, cleaning and disinfectant
agents, and any lubricants or process aid used. Permitted materials

• All metal surfaces in contact with product shall be stainless steel grade
304 L (except Gatorade from Pasteurizer to filler) or better. Components
including valves, pumps, etc. that are in contact with product shall be
made of 316 L.
– Stainless steel AISI 304L (pH 6-8, Cl <50ppm, moderate

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– Stainless steel AISI 316L wider pH, Cl <100pm, up to 150ºC (300ºF),

gives enhanced weldability for pipework and vessels.
• All non-metallic materials in contact with product must be food grade
and must not contribute any flavors, odors or contaminants to the
• All gaskets and seals shall be EPDM, Viton or equivalent.
• Food-grade adhesives and lubricants.
• Approved glass containers for products. Materials not permitted

• Splintering / breakable Glass
• Wood
• Dissimilar materials that may cause electrolytic corrosion by exposure to
product or cleaning materials
• Aluminum
• Paint shall be avoided in process rooms except where absolutely

11.7.2 Non-Product Contact

• All surfaces, unless sealed must be accessible or removable for cleaning,
and be impervious to moisture.
• All materials must be suitable for the purpose intended and conform to
the requirement of cleanability and corrosion resistance.
• Permitted materials will include all above, and primarily in addition
include mild or cast steels and copper alloys. Protection against
corrosion will be a major factor in the selection and finish specification of
these materials. The use of paint and epoxy finishes for this purpose will
be usual.
• By default, all metal finishes in process areas should be AISI 304
stainless steel as a minimum. Other materials are allowed in other areas.
• Use of glass is not permitted.
• Painted equipment, such as pump casings, shall have 2 coats of epoxy
paint applied which is impact resistant, odor free and suitable for
abrasive free cleaning.

11.7.3 Gaskets
Gaskets for connectors, valves or plate heat exchangers shall be made of EPDM
or Nitrile. The latter material is recommended for products containing fat. On
low-temperature piping and in piping used by concentrated solutions of acid or

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alkali, peroxide, or steam, the gaskets shall be made of Viton or PTFE. (Valve
seals for Gatorade product to be Viton.)
The Supplier shall validate and warrant gasket material compatibility under all
usage conditions in this application.

11.8 Head Calculations

The NPSHr is a pressure drop within the pump inlet. The NPSHr for any given
pump depends only on the quantity of flow. The following factors contribute to
low pressure at the inlet:
• Low static height (a suction lift is even worse)
• High inlet friction
Under certain operating conditions, as the pump attempts to pull water into
the eye of the impeller, it can create a negative pressure (vacuum). If the
pressure created drops to the water’s vapor pressure, the water will begin to
boil. Obviously, this is more likely to happen if the pump is pumping hot water
than if it is pumping cool water.
To avoid cavitation, we must select the pump to ensure that the water does not
fall below its vapor pressure.
Atmospheric Pressure + Static Height – Inlet Friction – NPSHr must be greater
than the Vapor Pressure of the water at the temperature being pumped where
the definitions are as follows:
• Atmospheric pressure: The pressure from the atmosphere is a positive
force of 14.7 PSIA. The factor to convert PSI to feet of water is 2.31, so
the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 X 2.31 = 33.96 feet.
• Static height: This is the height of the water level above the pump inlet.
The greater this height, the more positive force is exerted on the water.
(Note that if the pump must lift water from a reservoir, the static height
becomes a negative value.)
• Inlet friction: Strainers, piping, valves and other accessories all cause a
pressure drop, contributing to a lower pressure.
The Figure 11-23 shows an impeller being subjected to cavitation.

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Figure 11-23. Impeller being subjected to cavitation.

11.9 Passivation
Passivation is an important surface treatment that helps to assure the
successful corrosion-resistant performance of stainless steel (304 or 316) used
for product and ingredient contact surfaces.
Passivation is the process of making the material "passive," usually by the
deposition of a layer of oxide on its surface, forming a hard non-reactive
surface film that inhibits further corrosion. This layer is usually an oxide and
only a few nanometers thick.
All stainless steel used in production and processing systems must be
passivated prior to being put into service for the first time or after any
modification involving welding, grinding or cutting. It is recommended that
plants passivate manufacturing equipment at some frequency (i.e. quarterly or
during a specific PEC cleaning), even if no new welding has taken place.
The total piping system or part thereof, shall be functionally complete and
tested before passivation. All flushing, pressure testing and cleaning for the
system shall be successfully completed.
Compatibility of all system components with the chemicals being used must be
verified before the commencement of passivation. This includes gaskets, valve
seals and packing, control trim and any other materials that may form part of
the completed system. If necessary and if it is possible, remove these
components and replace with compatible materials.
Stainless steel is treated at the steel manufacturer with an acid pickling bath
and rinsed with water. On exposure to air or aerated water, a thin chromium
oxide film (8-10 Angstroms thick) is formed on the surface. This thin
chromium oxide film gives stainless steel its anti-corrosive properties. The
resistance to corrosion is referred to as being passive.
Important Note: During any passivation, all equipment surface area and welds
shall be completely air-dry so the chromium oxide film is formed. Allow
sufficient time for this to occur instead of starting up equipment immediately.

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During fabrication and handling, the stainless steel surface becomes damaged
or fouled with foreign matter. To return the stainless steel back to its passive
state (passivation), the chromium oxide film must be restored and foreign
matter must be removed. Passivation procedures are in effect cleaning
procedures used to repair defects in the oxide film (i.e. rough grinding or
scratches that have occurred in assembly prior to sanitary service) and
removes substances (i.e. dust, dirt, iron particles, rust, weld splatter, heat tint,
oil grease, adhesives and inclusions) that can lead to damage of the protective
oxide film.
An alkaline detergent removes any dirt, grease, oil or adhesives that can
prevent the passivation chemicals from acting on the stainless steel surface.
Without the cleaning step, the passivation chemical step may be rendered
ineffective. A thorough rinse is also necessary to remove the caustic ensuring
that there is no mixture of acid with base solutions. The passivation chemicals
are generally made of nitric, phosphoric or citric acid to dissolve the iron
Within PepsiCo, passivation is a multistep process (rinse, wash, rinse, acid,
rinse). The steps are as below:
• Clean the surface of the metal with an alkaline cleaner to remove any oils
or grease.
• Rinse it.
• Use nitric or citric acid with the following temperatures, concentration
and time.
Product Percent Duration (complete Temp ( ºC / ºF)
(weight %) immersion-minimum

Citric acid 4-10 4 60-70 (140 – 160)

Citric acid 4-10 10 50-60 (120 – 140)
Citric acid* 4-10 20 20-50 (70 – 120)
Nitric acid 20-25 30 20-30 (70 – 90)
Nitric acid 20-25 20 50-60 (120 – 140)
Nitric acid 45-55 30 50-55 (120 – 130)
*Citric acid is a more preferred method, since nitric acid has more safety
• Do final rinse, check pH to make sure that acid has been completely
• Drain the system and allow it to air-dry for a minimum of 24 hrs.
• Prior to using the equipment in the process, conduct a 3-Step CIP.

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Sometimes it is not possible to use the above method, because of materials

(gaskets, etc.). In these cases supplier recommendation can be asked for
passivation method and Sector/ Bu Quality Department’s approval should
be taken for that particular method.
For example, below is the Passivation method recommended by one HF PET
Filler Supplier:
• Passivation with citric acid;
– Concentration: 4 to 10%
– Reaction time: max. 60 minutes
– Temperature: Ambient temperature
Also, Ecolab and Diversey are recommending some special
chemicals/programs for passivation. Below is an example of Ecolab passivation
Description Chemical Conc Temp. Time Remarks
(%) (ºC/ ºF) (min)

Passivate AC300 10 (v/v) 60-70 60 Nitric acid–

(140 – 160) 2.28% active
2.25% active
Final rinse Water -- Ambient 15-20 pH matches
inlet water.

Acid solutions are hazardous and must only be handled by trained authorized
personnel wearing the appropriate protective equipment. All equipment and all
mixing operations shall be located in a designated safe area. All necessary
safety ropes or isolation barricades to enclose all working areas shall be
installed prior to the commencement of passivation operations. In the interest
of safety, a supply water connection shall be installed locally in the event of a
chemical spillage.
Effectiveness of the cleaning and passivation can be determined by Water
Immersion test, High Humidity Test or Salt Spray test as defined in ASTM A
967-99. Following passivation, a 3-Step Hot CIP (minimum) shall be conducted
on the passive equipment prior to production.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 11-29 of 30

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 11: Hygienic & Sanitary Design

11.10 References
• EHEDG Guidelines
• Ecolab, Sanitation Procedures
• PWF Engineering Standards
• Dairy Hand Book/ Tetrapak
• GEA, Process Engineering/ Valves
• Krones, Cleaning Procedures Manual
• QTG Passivation Specification
• ASTM, A 967-99, Standard Specification for Chemical Passivation
Treatments for Stainless Steel Parts, (

Version 5 April 2019 Page 11-30 of 30

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Chapter 12: Beverage System
Manual Components

Chapter 12: Beverage System Components

Equipment and functional areas within the process, packaging, and auxiliary areas of a
beverage manufacturing facility require sanitation and housekeeping activities at a specified
 Utility Rooms (Refrigeration, Air Compressors, Boilers) – Utility rooms should be
maintained clean and free of debris. Servicing of refrigeration systems, air
compressors, boilers, and other plant utility systems, should be in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions.
 CO2 Equipment and Area – CO2 manifolds, regulators, and storage areas should be
maintained clean and with unobstructed access. The area should be free of debris.
Liquid CO2 storage tanks and controls should be maintained in accordance with the
supplier's recommendations. The area surrounding the CO2 system should be clean,
dry with a flow of fresh air, and completely free of debris. CO 2 production plants for
generating carbon dioxide should be maintained and sanitized in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
 General Storage / Warehouse Areas – General storage areas require good
housekeeping with particular emphasis on floor scrubbers, brooms, squeegees, etc.
The warehouse area is exposed to considerable forklift traffic and pallet loading. The
entire warehouse area should be cleaned daily (preferably with a mobile scrubber)
and on a weekly basis scrubbed with a suitable floor wax applied (anti-skid).
 Air Changes / Air Conditioning – Frequent changes of air, particularly in the
processing and production areas, are important in reducing sanitary concerns. Such
conditions also help reduce infestation from insects and rodents, in addition to
creating a healthy working environment for employees.
Cleaning and sanitizing procedures have been defined for various functional areas of a
beverage plant including the process area (facility and equipment), packaging and auxiliary
areas of the facility, and packaging equipment. These procedures provide insights into the
chemicals and materials to be used for cleaning and sanitizing purposes. In addition, the
procedures define specific points that are important for that particular functional area. The
respective Beverage System Components (BSC) have been defined with the corresponding
sanitation protocol.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-1 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Chapter 12: Beverage System
Manual Components

12.0 Beverage System Components

12.1 Beverage System Components – Overview
Beverage system components include the equipment and functional areas that
are within the process, packaging, and auxiliary areas of a beverage
manufacturing facility. The equipment and associated areas require sanitation
and housekeeping activities at a specified frequency. Chapter 12 will focus on
the housekeeping activities and cleaning/ sanitizing protocols for beverage
system components and Chapter 15 will focus on the specified frequencies.

12.1.1 Process Support Areas

Functional areas that support the production line have few personnel, limited
traffic, and, in most cases, are basically dry areas. In such areas, it is normally
sufficient to sweep floors clean on a daily basis, along with rinsing, dusting,
and general housekeeping activities as needed. Examples of process support
areas include Utility Rooms and CO2 Equipment. Utility Rooms (Refrigeration, Air Compressors, Boilers)

Servicing of refrigeration systems, air compressors, boilers, and other plant
utility systems, should be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Utility rooms should be maintained clean and free of debris. It is particularly
important that nothing flammable be stored in the boiler room. Utility rooms
should have completely unobstructed floors, free flow of air, and easy but
secure access. CO2 Equipment and Area
CO2 manifolds, regulators, and storage areas should be maintained clean and
with unobstructed access. The area should be free of debris. Handling of CO2
cylinders (which are pressure vessels) should be as careful as possible; be sure
that protective devices are available for all valving. No form of heat should be
applied to the regulators, manifold, or CO2 cylinder.
Liquid CO2 storage tanks and controls should be maintained in accordance
with the supplier's recommendations. All servicing procedures and sanitation
instructions should be followed. The area surrounding the CO2 system should
be clean, dry with a flow of fresh air, and completely free of debris.
CO2 production plants for generating carbon dioxide should be maintained and
sanitized in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The area should
be exposed to full ventilation, and be free of debris, dust, and stored materials.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-2 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Chapter 12: Beverage System
Manual Components General Storage / Warehouse Areas

General storage areas require good housekeeping with particular emphasis on
floor scrubbers, brooms, squeegees, etc. The warehouse area, in particular, is
exposed to considerable forklift traffic and pallet loading. Ongoing
sweeping/clearing of debris should be done on an as needed basis. The entire
warehouse area should be cleaned daily (preferably with a mobile scrubber)
and on a weekly basis scrubbed with a suitable floor wax applied (anti-skid).
Warehouse areas shall be included in the PIC schedule and floor scrubbers
monitored as part of the PEC program.
Floor scrubbers shall be cleaned and sanitized at a frequency that
demonstrates control, according to the frequency of their use and the
sensitivity of the plant environment (e.g., daily, weekly, etc.).
For yard areas, it is important to keep the area clean and empty of any stored
materials or scrap materials. Care must be taken to assure that all runoffs of
transmission and lubricating oils, greases, etc., go to a normal discharge area
with suitable traps. Transmission and lubricating oils, fuel, tank leakage, and
other plant leakage should not be allowed to enter storm sewers. Air Changes / Air Conditioning

Frequent changes of air, particularly in the processing and production areas,
are important in reducing sanitary concerns. A fresh, clean, and dry room
discourages growth of microorganisms. Such conditions also help reduce
infestation from insects and rodents, in addition to creating a healthy working
environment for employees. Air conditioning is not normally needed in beverage
plants, except in offices; however, it can be used in syrup rooms, particularly if
high-risk products are produced (such as products containing juice or pulp,
and sensitive products with no preservatives).
The procedures that follow will give a general overview of the various functional
areas of a beverage plant. These procedures will concentrate on the chemicals
and materials to be used as well as the specific points that are important for
that particular functional area. The following table lists the Process and
Packaging Areas within a beverage plant that have a defined cleaning and
sanitizing protocol. The cleaning and sanitizing protocols are defined in
Section 12.2. The protocols will define the steps required for sanitation
including system preparation, cleaning, rinsing, sanitizing, etc. For external
surfaces only, final rinse is not required when using peroxyacetic acid
sanitizers at recommended no-rinse concentrations.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-3 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Chapter 12: Beverage System
Manual Components Beverage System Components (BSC) Cleaning and

Sanitizing Protocols
Process/Packaging Area Protocol Reference #

Process Area – Facility

Floors, Walls, and Doors BSC - 1
Lights, Vents, Ledges, and Ceilings BSC - 2
Drains BSC - 3
Process Area - Equipment
Conveyors and Conveyor Shields BSC - 4
Filler (External) BSC - 5
Syrup Blend System (External) BSC - 6
Capper/Crowner BSC - 7
Cap Hopper and Chute/Unscrambler BSC - 8
Capper Storage Bin BSC - 9
Operator Platforms and Rubber Mats BSC - 10
Empty Bottle Rinser - Water or Air BSC – 11A –11C
Syrup Tanks (External) BSC - 12
Pre-/Post-Mix Equipment (External) BSC - 13
COP Cleaning of Small Parts BSC - 14
Packaging Area/ Auxiliary Areas – Facility
Floors BSC - 15
Lights, Vents, Walls, Ledges, and Ceilings BSC - 16
Drains BSC - 17
Loading Dock Pits/ Outside Waste Dumpsters BSC - 18
Indoor Facility Waste Receptacles BSC - 19
Packaging Area – Equipment
Depalletizer and Palletizer BSC - 20
Unscrambler BSC - 8
Empty Bottle Rinser BSC - 21
Airveyor BSC - 22
Conveyors and Accumulation Tables BSC - 23
Case Packer BSC - 24
Incline Conveyor BSC - 25
Shell Washer BSC - 26
Bottle and Can Warmers BSC - 27
Cooling Tunnel/ Tunnel Pasteurizer BSC - 28
Water Treatment Area (External) BSC - 29
Bottle/ Can Crusher BSC - 30
Ingredients Storage Area BSC - 31
Shrink Wrap BSC - 32

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-4 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Chapter 12: Beverage System
Manual Components

Glass Bottle Washer BSC - 33

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components

12.2 Beverage System Components – Cleaning and Sanitizing Protocols

See for information regarding cleaning and sanitizing SSOPs.
12.2.1 Process Area – Facility BSC – 1 Floors, Walls, and Doors

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse with high-pressure Water Remove soils from areas.

2. Clean Using a foaming device, Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the area thoroughly.
cover all areas with an supplier-recommended
alkaline cleaner and allow concentration.
the foam to loosen and
emulsify the soils. Do not
allow foam to dry. If foam
dries, reapply foam before

3. Intermediate Rinse all surfaces Water Remove loosened soil and

Rinse thoroughly with a high- chemical residue.
pressure water system.

4. Sanitize Sanitize the surfaces with Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using supplier-
approved sanitizing supplier-recommended supplier recommended method.
solution. concentration.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-6 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 2 and BSC – 16 Lights, Vents, Ledges, and Ceilings

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Examine all areas for dirt and Remove dirt and debris
Preparation debris and wipe off surface from areas.
dirt with soft cloth.
Open light covers and remove
dead insects. Set Light covers
aside for external cleaning.

2. Clean Prepare solution of Alkaline Approved alkaline cleaner as per Avoid contact with
cleaner in a plastic spray supplier-recommended electrical surfaces/light
bottle or stainless bucket and concentration. bulbs.
hand clean vents, ledges and
ceiling tiles with brush
designated for non-food
contact surfaces, cloth or
non-abrasive pad. A soft
pad/cloth should be used for
light covers.

3. Final Rinse Wipe/ Rinse areas with damp Allow areas to air-dry.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-7 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 3 and BSC – 17 Drains

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Remove drain covers and Prepare drains for
Preparation place debris in trash cleaning.

2. Clean Brush inside of drain with a Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Clean the area
designated drain brush supplier-recommended thoroughly.
using an alkaline cleaner. concentration.

3. Intermediate Rinse with water. Water Ensure the drain is

Rinse flowing.

4. Sanitize Sanitize the drain with Approved drain sanitizer as per As per Administer using
approved drain sanitizer. supplier-recommended supplier supplier-recommended
concentration. method. Replace drain
covers following sanitizing

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-8 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components

12.2.2 Process Area – Equipment BSC – 4 Conveyors and Conveyor Shields and BSC – 23 Conveyors and Accumulation
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the conveyors
Preparation motors, and sensors with and shields prior to
plastic wrap. cleaning.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse conveyor and conveyor Water Remove soils from

shields thoroughly with high- system.
pressure water.

3. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the conveyors and
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended framework thoroughly
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration. inside and out prior to
loosen and emulsify the soils. CIP. Hand scrub guide
Do not allow foam to dry. If rails with “green pad”
foam dries, reapply foam Approved acid cleaner as per while wearing rubber
before rinsing. supplier-recommended gloves.

Twice monthly, the alkaline

foam should be replaced with
acid foam. Only use acid
foam if conveyors and
framework are all stainless

4. Final Rinse Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
with a high-pressure water chemical residue.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-9 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 5 Filler (External) and BSC - 6 Syrup Blend System and BSC – 21 Empty Bottle
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the filler
Preparation motors, and sensors with (external) prior to
plastic wrap. cleaning.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse filler thoroughly with Water Remove soils from

high-pressure water. system.

3. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the filler and
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended framework thoroughly
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration. inside and out prior to
loosen and emulsify the soils. Approved acid cleaner as per CIP. Be sure to remove
Do not allow foam to dry. If supplier-recommended sealing rubbers, hand
foam dries, reapply foam concentration. clean and place in a
before rinsing. sanitizing solution after
Twice monthly, the alkaline rinsing.
foam can be replaced with
acid foam.

4. Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and

Intermediate with a high-pressure water chemical residue.
Rinse system.

5. Sanitize Sanitize the filler (external) Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using
with approved sanitizing supplier-recommended supplier supplier-recommended
solution. (If no rinse concentration. method.
concentrations are used, then
rinsing is not required,
otherwise rinsing is a must.)

For BSC - 6 Syrup Blend System, see above.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-10 of 33
PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 7 Capper/Crowner

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the capper prior
Preparation motors, and sensors with to cleaning.
plastic wrap. Remove caps
from hopper and chute.

2. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the capper
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended thoroughly inside and out
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration. prior to CIP. Be sure to
loosen and emulsify the soils. foam inside and
Do not allow foam to dry. If underside of framework.
foam dries, reapply foam
before rinsing.

3. Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and

Intermediate with a high-pressure water chemical residue.
Rinse system.

4. Sanitize Sanitize the capper with Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using
approved sanitizing solution. supplier-recommended supplier supplier-recommended
(If no rinse concentrations concentration. method.
are used, then rinsing is not
required, otherwise rinsing is
a must.)

5. Final Rinse Rinse with fresh water. Water Inspect for any mold

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-11 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 8 Cap Hopper and Chute/Unscrambler

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Remove all packaging Prepare the cap hopper
Preparation materials. and chute/unscrambler
prior to sanitizing.

2. Sanitize Wipe surfaces with sanitizing Approved sanitizing agent. Remove all plastic dust
cloth. Use a long slim brush and residue.
to push the cloth to clean the Cap hopper and
chute, if necessary. Allow chute/unscrambler
equipment to air-dry. must be kept clean and
dry and never directly
foamed or sprayed.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-12 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 9 Capper Storage Bin

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the capper prior
Preparation motors, and sensors with to cleaning.
plastic wrap. Remove caps
from capper storage bin.

2. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the capper storage
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended bin thoroughly inside and
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration. out prior to CIP.
loosen and emulsify the soils.
Do not allow foam to dry. If
foam dries, reapply foam
before rinsing.

3. Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and

Intermediate with water hose. Do not use chemical residue.
Rinse high-pressure water

Dry with compressed air.

4. Sanitize Wipe inside of capper storage Approved sanitizing agent. Inspect filter on cap
bin with sanitizing cloth and airveyor system and
allow to air-dry. change if necessary.
Filters must always be
clean for the system to
operate properly and to
stay sanitary.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-13 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 10 Operator Platforms and Rubber Mats

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. Pre-Rinse Rinse platforms and rubber Water Remove soils from
mats thoroughly with high- system.
pressure water.

2. Clean Using a foaming device, Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the platforms and
cover all areas with an supplier-recommended rubber mats thoroughly.
alkaline cleaner and allow concentration.
the foam to loosen and
emulsify the soils. Do not
allow foam to dry. If foam
dries, reapply foam before

3. Intermediate Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
Rinse with a high-pressure water chemical residue.

4. Sanitize Sanitize the platforms and Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using
rubber mats with approved supplier-recommended supplier supplier-recommended
sanitizing solution. concentration. method.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-14 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 11A. Empty Bottle Water Rinser

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. Pre-Rinse Remove any downed Water Remove soils from
packages from system. system.
Cover any water-sensitive
items. Rinse all interior and
exterior surfaces thoroughly
with high-pressure water.
2. Clean Using a foaming device, Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the interior and
cover all interior and exterior supplier-recommended exterior of rinser
surfaces with an alkaline concentration. thoroughly.
cleaner and allow the foam
to loosen and emulsify the
soils. Do not allow foam to
dry. If foam dries, reapply
foam before rinsing.
3. Intermediate Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
Rinse with a high-pressure water chemical residue.
4. Sanitize Sanitize interior and exterior Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using
of surfaces with approved supplier-recommended supplier supplier-recommended
sanitizing solution. concentration. method.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-15 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 11B. Empty Bottle Air Rinser - Daily if on extended production intervals.
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. Set up Remove any downed NA Set up.
packages from system. De-
energize the deionizers and
turn off air flow. Remove
guards, ducts and inspect.
2. Vacuum Using a vacuum system with NA As needed to Remove soils from rinser.
a HEPA filtered exhaust, thoroughly
remove all fiber dust and remove soils.
particulate from all areas.
3. Sanitize Wipe all surfaces of the Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using a clean
chamber, removed guards supplier-recommended supplier cloth or pre-moistened
and ducts with an approved concentration. wipe.
no rinse sanitizer. Allow to
4. Reassemble Inspect surfaces to ensure NA Reassemble and place
air-dry. Reassemble guards unit back in service per
and ducts. Place unit back OEM instructions.
in service.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-16 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 11C. Empty Bottle Air Rinser – End of production

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. Set up Remove any downed packages from NA Set up for wet cleaning.
system. De-energize the deionizers and
turn off air flow. Cover any water-
sensitive items. Remove pre- and HEPA
2. Pre-Rinse Rinse all interior and exterior surfaces Water Remove soils from
thoroughly with high-pressure water. system.
3. Clean Using a foaming device, cover all interior Approved alkaline 10 - 15 min Foam the interior and
and exterior surfaces with an alkaline cleaner as per supplier- exterior of rinser
cleaner and allow the foam to loosen and recommended thoroughly.
emulsify the soils. Do not allow foam to concentration.
dry. If foam dries, reapply foam before
4. Intermediate Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with a high- Water Remove loosened soil and
Rinse pressure water system. chemical residue.
5. Sanitize Sanitize interior and exterior of surfaces Approved sanitizing As per Administer using
with approved sanitizing solution. Run solution as per supplier supplier-recommended
gripper belt until free of moisture. supplier-recommended method.
6. Reassemble Inspect surfaces to ensure clean and air- NA Reassemble and place
dry. Reassemble filters, guards and unit back in service per
ducts. Place unit back in service. OEM instructions.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-17 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 12 Syrup Tanks (External) and BSC -13 Pre-/Post-Mix Equipment (External)
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the syrup tanks
Preparation motors, and sensors with (external) prior to
plastic wrap. cleaning.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse outside of tanks Water Remove soils from

thoroughly with high- system.
pressure water.

3. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the tanks starting
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended from the bottom of the
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration. tank and work towards
loosen and emulsify the soils. Approved acid cleaner as per the top.
Do not allow foam to dry. If supplier-recommended
foam dries, reapply foam concentration.
before rinsing.
Twice monthly, the alkaline
foam can be replaced with
acid foam.

4. Final Rinse Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
with a high-pressure water chemical residue.

For BSC -13 Pre-/Post-Mix Equipment (External), see above.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-18 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 14 COP Cleaning of Small Parts: Gaskets, O-Rings, Sample Ports, Scoops,
Ladles, In-Line Strainers, and Other Small Parts Not Part of the CIP System
Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. Clean Place all disassembled small parts Approved alkaline cleaner 15 min Foam the equipment starting
in an alkaline cleaning solution as per supplier- from the bottom of the tank and
for manual cleaning. recommended work towards the top.
After soaking in alkaline cleaning concentration.
solution remove parts and hand
brush thoroughly using a
dedicated food contact/
equipment brush.

2. Intermediate Transfer parts into an empty Water Use fresh water to rinse at all
Rinse dedicated food contact/ times. Rinse parts until all
equipment bucket and rinse with Alkaline solution is no longer
treated water or rinse directly with present.
a treated water hose or sink.

3. Sanitize Place all disassembled small parts Approved sanitizing 5 min or as Administer using supplier-
in a sanitizing solution for solution as per supplier- per supplier recommended method.
soaking. recommended If parts are allowed to air-dry on
After soaking in sanitizing concentration. rubber mat, once dry, examine
solution remove parts and allow to all areas for dirt and debris
air-dry on a clean and sanitized prior to reinstallation into
rubber mat or table, or parts may equipment. If any visual soil is
be immediately returned to present, repeat above steps
equipment for air-dry. prior to reinstalling equipment.
Ensure hands are clean and/or
gloves are new prior to handling
parts for assembly.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components

12.2.3 Packaging Area/ Auxiliary Areas – Facility BSC – 15 Floors

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Remove all packaging materials Prepare the floors prior to
Preparation and scraps. Sweep area cleaning.
thoroughly removing all debris.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse floors with water to the Water Remove soils from areas.

3. Clean Dampen the floor with 60 °C Approved alkaline cleaner as per Clean the area
(140 °F) water and clean using supplier-recommended thoroughly.
Alkaline wash. Allow the cleaner concentration.
to loosen and emulsify the soils.
Manually scrub the floor with a
dedicated non-food contact/
non-equipment/ environmental
cleaning stiff-bristle brush to
remove soil and rinse with
ambient water.

4. Rinse the area to the drain. Water Remove loosened soil and
Intermediate chemical residue.

5. Sanitize - Sanitize the floor with an Approved sanitizing solution as Administer using
Optional approved sanitizing solution. per supplier-recommended supplier-recommended
concentration. method

For BSC 16 (Lights, Vents, Walls, Ledges and Ceilings) see section
For BSC 17 (Drains), see section

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 18 Loading Dock Pits/ Outside Waste Dumpsters

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Time Objective/Comment
1. System Inspect area and sweep with Prepare the area prior to cleaning.
Preparation a dedicated non-food
contact/ non-equipment/
environmental cleaning
broom and scoop debris to a
trash container using a
dedicated shovel.

2. Clean Rinse the area thoroughly Water Do not use chemicals in this area
with a hot water hose. to prevent contamination of
storm drains.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 12-21 of 33

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 19 Indoor Facility Waste Receptacles

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Empty all trash from Prepare the waste
Preparation receptacles into outside receptacles prior to
waste dumpster. cleaning.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse the outside and Water Remove soils from waste
inside of the waste receptacles.
receptacle with a water

3. Clean Loosen any debris from the Approved alkaline cleaner as per Clean the area
waste receptacle with a supplier-recommended thoroughly.
dedicated non-food contact/ concentration.
environmental cleaning
Using a foaming device,
cover all areas inside and
outside the waste receptacle
with an alkaline cleaner.

4. Intermediate Rinse the area to the drain. Water Remove loosened soil and
Rinse chemical residue.

5. Sanitize - Sanitize the floor with an Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using
Optional approved sanitizing supplier-recommended supplier supplier-recommended
solution. concentration. method.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components

12.2.4 Packaging Area – Equipment BSC – 20 Depalletizer and Palletizer

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the Depalletizer
Preparation motors, and sensors with plastic area prior to cleaning.
Remove all packaging materials
and scraps. Sweep area
thoroughly using a dedicated
non-food contact/ non-
equipment/ environmental
cleaning brush to remove all wood
chips and other debris.

2. Clean Manually scrub or foam the Approved alkaline cleaner as per Clean the area
depalletizer with an alkaline supplier-recommended thoroughly.
cleaning solution using a non- concentration.
abrasive pad while wearing
rubber gloves.

3. Final Rinse Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with Water Remove loosened soil and
a water hose. chemical residue.

For BSC – 21 Empty Bottle Rinser, see section

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 22 Airveyor

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the airveyor prior
Preparation motors, and sensors with to cleaning.
plastic wrap.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse airveyor thoroughly Water Remove dust and debris

with high-pressure water. form the airveyor.

3. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Foam the airveyor inside
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended and out. Be sure to foam
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration. neck guides and rails
loosen and emulsify the soils. thoroughly. Hand clean
Do not allow foam to dry. If with “green pad” while
foam dries, reapply foam wearing rubber gloves.
before rinsing.

4.Intermediate Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
Rinse with high-pressure water chemical residue.

5. Sanitize Sanitize airveyor with Approved sanitizing agent. Allow to air-dry.

sanitizing cloth.

For BSC – 23 Conveyors and Accumulation Tables, see section

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 24 Case Packer

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the Case Packer
Preparation motors, and sensors with area prior to cleaning.
plastic wrap.

2. Clean Foam with alkaline cleaner Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 – 15 min Clean the area
and using a dedicated food supplier-recommended thoroughly.
contact surfaces/ equipment concentration.
brush, scrub any areas that
have soil buildup.

3. Final Rinse Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
with high-pressure water. chemical residue.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 25 Incline Conveyor

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the Incline
Preparation motors, and sensors with Conveyor prior to
plastic wrap. cleaning.
Remove all containers and
any other debris from drip

2. Clean Foam conveyor, frame and Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 – 15 min Clean the area
drip pans with alkaline supplier-recommended thoroughly.
cleaner. concentration.

3. Final Rinse Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
with high-pressure water. chemical residue.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 26 Shell Washer

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the Incline
Preparation motors, and sensors with Conveyor prior to
plastic wrap. cleaning.
Drain washer and remove all
debris from tanks.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse with high-pressure Water Remove gross soil.


3. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 – 15 min Clean the area
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended thoroughly.
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration.
loosen and emulsify the soils.
Do not allow foam to dry. If
foam dries, reapply foam
before rinsing.

4. Final Rinse Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
with high-pressure water. chemical residue.

Check all nozzles for

plugging. If plugged, clean
or replace.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 27 Bottle and Can Warmers

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Drain warmers. Prepare the warmer prior
Preparation to cleaning.

2. Pre-Rinse Rinse with high-pressure water. Water Remove soil.

3A. Clean Using a foaming device, cover all areas Approved alkaline cleaner Clean the area
(Foam) inside and cover with an alkaline as per supplier- thoroughly.
cleaner and allow the foam to loosen recommended
and emulsify the soils. concentration.
Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with
high-pressure water after foaming.

3B. Clean Refill warmer with fresh water and add Approved Alkaline Boil- 1 hour (Boil- Alkaline Boil-Out on a
(Boil-Out/ Alkaline Boil-Out cleaner while water is Out as per supplier- Out) weekly basis and Biocide
Biocide) still cool. Start re-circulation and turn recommended is a daily treatment.
temperature control to the highest level concentration.
and re-circulate for 1 hour. Turn off Approved Biocide as per
pump and re-set temperature control. supplier-recommended
Empty water and rinse with high- concentration.
pressure water. Inspect for debris and
odor. If present, repeat Boil-Out Step.
Refill warmer with fresh water and use
approved Biocide.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 28 Cooling Tunnel, Tunnel Pasteurizer

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. Wash Using caustic or acid detergent Caustic or acid cleaner as per supplier- 20 min total Clean the cooling tunnel.
for scale removal, wash cooling recommended concentration. in each
tunnel for 20 minutes total in Acid Cleaner as per supplier- section
each section split evenly recommended concentration.
between spray bar and spray
balls. Drain at the end of the Temperature of 49 – 63 °C (120 – 145 °F)

2. Rinse Using potable water, rinse Potable Water 2 min total Rinse the cooling tunnel.
cooling tunnel for 2 minutes Temperature of 27 – 49 °C (80 – 120 °F) in each
total in each section split section
evenly between spray bar and
spray balls. Drain at the end of
the step.

3. Sanitize Sanitize using an approved, As per supplier-recommended 10 min total Sanitize the cooling
registered sanitizer such as concentration at ambient temperature. in each tunnel.
chlorine, peracetic acid or section
QUAT in the cooling tunnel for
10 minutes total in each
section split evenly between
spray bar and spray balls. Fill
cooler with water at the end of
the step.
 Water biocide treatment shall be maintained between 0.5-4.0 ppm free Cl.
 Sodium hypochlorite at a pH of 6 to 8.
 Chlorine dioxide at a pH of 6 to 10.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components

 Peracetic acid maintained between 20 - 50 ppm or quaternary ammonium per chemical supplier label
declaration. BSC – 29 Water Treatment Area (External)

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the area prior to
Preparation motors, and sensors with cleaning.
plastic wrap.

2. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Clean the area
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended thoroughly.
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration.
loosen and emulsify the soils. Approved acid cleaner as per
Do not allow foam to dry. If supplier-recommended
foam dries, reapply foam concentration.
before rinsing.
Monthly, the alkaline foam
should be replaced with acid

3. Final Rinse Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and
with a high-pressure water chemical residue.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 30 Bottle/ Can Crusher

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Cover all electrical panels, Prepare the area prior to
Preparation motors, and sensors with cleaning.
plastic wrap.

2. Clean Using a foaming device, cover Approved alkaline cleaner as per 10 - 15 min Be sure to foam the floor
all areas with an alkaline supplier-recommended area thoroughly during
cleaner and allow the foam to concentration. the foaming of equipment.
loosen and emulsify the soils.
Do not allow foam to dry. If
foam dries, reapply foam
before rinsing.

3. Rinse all surfaces thoroughly Water Remove loosened soil and

Intermediate with a high-pressure water chemical residue.
Rinse system.

4. Sanitize Sanitize the surfaces with Approved sanitizing solution as per As per Administer using
approved sanitizing solution supplier-recommended supplier supplier-recommended
only if odors still exist after concentration. method.
cleaning step.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 31 Ingredients Storage Area

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Immediately after production, Prepare the area prior to
Preparation remove pieces of plastic and cleaning.
any other extraneous
material that may be present
around the area.
Completely cover the shrink
wrap unit so no water will
come in contact with
electrical parts during

2. Clean Manually wash the Approved alkaline cleaner as per Where rubber gloves
ingredients storage area with supplier-recommended during cleaning.
an approved alkaline cleaner concentration.
using a dedicated food
contact/ equipment brush.

3. Final Rinse Rinse thoroughly with a Water Remove loosened soil and
water hose. chemical residue.
Allow area to air-dry.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter12: Beverage System Components BSC – 32 Shrink Wrap

Step Procedure Compound Minimum Objective/Comment
1. System Manually wash the Approved alkaline cleaner as per Where rubber gloves
Preparation ingredients storage area with supplier-recommended during cleaning.
an approved alkaline cleaner concentration.
using a dedicated food
contact/ equipment brush.

2. Clean Prepare solution of alkaline Approved alkaline cleaner as per Avoid contact with
cleaner in a plastic spray supplier-recommended electrical surfaces/light
bottle and spray the cleaner concentration. bulbs.
on and wipe it off with a non-
abrasive pad or non-fibrous

3. Final Rinse Wipe/ Rinse areas thoroughly Allow areas to air-dry.

with a damp cloth. BSC – 33 Glass Bottle Washer

Manufacturer’s instructions on sanitizing rinse sections of the glass bottle washer should be on hand and
followed carefully. This should include sanitizing of strainers, pumps, valving and pipes of rinse water system.
Rinse compartments of the bottle washer should be hosed free of debris daily. If fresh water rinses do not
contain chlorine, then water with a chlorine level of 1.0 mg/l of free chlorine, should be circulated from the
final rinse jets back to the pre-rinse jets and to drain. Refer to Chapter 15: Sanitation Frequencies and
Changeover for additional information on sanitation procedures for the Glass Bottle Washer.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

Chapter 13: Water Treatment Systems

Proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures and frequencies for water treatment systems are
critical for maintaining the equipment over time. Each component of the water treatment
system has unique characteristics that impact the cleaning and sanitizing requirements.
 Membrane Systems must have appropriate cleaning programs to ensure that a
reversibly fouled membrane may be restored to as near baseline as possible. Reverse
Osmosis (RO) systems are cleaned and sanitized based on the manufacturer’s
recommended procedure and frequency, which typically follow a generic CIP
sequence. RO system performance can be impacted by organic, inorganic, or
microbiological fouling. In particular, particulate fouling, colloidal fouling, biological
fouling, mineral scaling, and membrane degradation can impact the performance of
an RO system. In each case, careful monitoring and interpretation of critical
performance criteria allows correct identification of the foulant type and maintenance
of optimum membrane performance. The proper cleaning and sanitizing procedure
must be implemented. For severe foulings, double cleanings should be considered.
 Ion Exchange Systems are cleaned and sanitized based on the manufacturer’s
recommended procedure and frequency. Anion and cation resins can be sanitized
using peracetic acid. Caution must be exerted with regard to use of strong oxidants,
which may be used on cation resins only if directed by the manufacturer’s
 Electrodialysis Systems are cleaned and sanitized based on the manufacturer’s
recommended procedure and frequency. Scale and light metal deposits are removed
using hydrochloric acid, whereas organic foulants are removed using sodium
chloride. Chlorine may be used to disinfect the membranes and hydraulic piping, and
the use of CIP systems are recommended.
The cleaning and sanitizing requirements for Water Treatment System Components
include media/ sand filters, carbon purifiers, polishers, 1.0-micron filters, and UV.
 Media/ Sand Filters – The media, including sand, gravel support, and underdrain,
are sanitized monthly using 100 ppm free chlorine. New charges of media/ sand
require disinfection with a 100 ppm free chlorine solution. Annual sanitation is
acceptable if weekly micro data is within specification and chlorine residual is
maintained exiting the media filter.
 Carbon Purifiers – Steam or hot water is used for sanitizing carbon purifiers; the
respective procedures are defined. Sanitizing occurs on a monthly basis or more often
if unable to achieve the microbiological limit.
 Polishers – Procedures for cleaning and sanitizing polisher housing can vary and it is
recommended that the manufacturer’s instructions are followed. Sanitizing occurs at
changeout. Replacement of filter occurs every 30 days or when the differential
pressure is greater than 5 psi.
 1.0-micron Filter – Procedures for cleaning and sanitizing 1.0-micron filter housing
can vary and it is recommended that the manufacturer’s instructions are followed.
Sanitizing occurs at changeout.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

 UV - Procedures for cleaning and sanitizing UV can vary and it is recommended that
the manufacturer’s instructions are followed. In addition, the quartz sleeve is to be
cleaned when the transmittance falls below 60% and at changeout.
 Water Storage Tanks – Procedures for protected and unprotected water storage
tanks are defined and recommended to occur at least annually (protected storage)
and once per month (unprotected storage) or more frequently based on micro
 Water Distribution Pipes – The procedures for water distribution pipes are defined
and should occur at least once per year or more frequently based on the micro

13.0 Water Treatment Systems

13.1 Cleaning and Sanitizing Membrane Systems

13.1.1 Background and Guidelines for Cleaning and Sanitizing

Membrane Systems
Once the membrane system has equilibrated, and reached baseline
performance, membrane cleaning programs are critical to ensure that a
reversibly fouled membrane may be restored to as near baseline as possible.
Pretreatment technology selection must guard against irreversible degradation
of the membrane, and minimize potential for fouling.
Fouling, to varying degrees, will always occur. The foulants can be broadly
classified as (1) Inorganic in nature (hardness scaling, metal oxide formation,
etc.), (2) Organic in nature (usually referring to the levels of natural organic
matter in the water supply, colloidally suspended components, precursor
material, etc.), or (3) Microbiologic in nature (bacterial slimes, biofilms that
form over time, etc.).
Organic fouling typically occurs much more quickly and closer to the
membrane surface, than Inorganic fouling. As a result, foulant “layers” can be
This is a critical concept, since different cleaning approaches are used for each,
and the order in which the cleaning chemicals are used will affect the efficiency
of the process.
Foulant layers must be removed through effective sanitation procedures to
ensure the integrity of the membranes. The following guidelines are to be
followed to remove foulants. Inorganic Foulants
Since the inorganic foulant layer is usually the layer the chemicals contact
first, the first cleaning solution should be one recommended by the supplier for

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

removal of this type of foulant (oxides of iron and manganese, inorganic silica,
hardness deposition, etc.).
To accomplish this, the first cleaning solution is acidic, adjusted to
approximately pH 2.5.
Cleaning solutions are often supplied with additives that will increase the
efficiency of the cleaning process.
These include wetting agents, polyphosphates, anionic surfactants, and often
proprietary blends of these compounds. No proprietary compounds should be
used unless their components are disclosed as acceptable for the intended
use in a food/beverage plant. Organic Foulants

Once the inorganic foulant layer is removed, the organic foulant layer remains.
The second cleaning solution is alkaline, and typically in the pH range of 8 to
11 (this will be determined by the supplier based on the material of
construction of the membranes).
Thin film composites and polyamide membranes, in general, can withstand
wider extremes of both pH and temperature than the cellulose acetate types. Microbiological Foulants

Microbiologic fouling usually occurs over longer periods, and specific solutions
to address this must be used as detailed by the supplier.
During all sanitation procedures for removing foulants, thorough rinsing
should follow each cleaning/sanitizing step. The specific conditions for
cleaning/sanitizing membrane systems must be specified by the supplier of the
equipment and must be fully understood by plant personnel prior to
commissioning. Items that must be taken into consideration include the
chemicals being used, the cleaning/sanitizing temperatures, the order of
addition, and the frequency of cleaning.
It is important to never clean two stages at a time. In most cases, the cleaning
pump pressure will not be adequate; even if it is capable, dirt will only be
pushed from the first stage to plug the second stage. The following “cleaning
tips” apply to water treatment membrane systems used in the beverage
industry: Cleaning Solutions

 Heat cleaning solutions only to the maximum allowable temperature
prescribed by the manufacturer (do not overheat).
 Always clean with a low pH cleaner first followed by a high pH clean.
Colloidal fouling takes place immediately; therefore, it is the first layer of

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

fouling at the membrane surface. Scale, however, forms gradually on top of

the colloidal particles.
 If the cleaning solution becomes turbid immediately, divert the first 15% of
the solution to drain. This will avoid recirculating foulant back onto your
 Use the recommended gallons of cleaner per element. This will ensure the
proper dilution of foulant. Remember to calculate extra chemical for
additional piping and cartridge filter volumes.
 Do not use standard cleaning solutions for biological fouling. This must be
cleaned with chemicals that are designed for this purpose only. Cleaning Procedures

 Always use recommended flow rates per vessel, even if it means cleaning
fewer vessels at a time.
 Never clean above 60 psi (pressure drop across any vessel). Higher
pressures cause increased permeation; the flow of water through the
membrane is the greatest binding force of colloidal fouling. Cleaning at
higher pressures will hold the foulants at the surface of the membrane.
 For severe fouling, consider double cleanings. Cleaning System Filters

 Use at least a 10 micron pre- or post-filter on the cleaning system.
 Filters will retain colloidal fouling components that are removed from the
membrane and prevent them from being redeposited.

13.1.2 Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems

When cleaning and sanitizing RO systems, always refer to the supplier’s
procedure and frequency for both cleaning and sanitizing.
 Each RO system should be equipped with a CIP system.
 Know the foulant to determine the most effective CIP process (see the next
 Clean one stage at a time to prevent fouling of later stages.
 Follow a generic CIP sequence:
– Initial rinse with permeate.
– Alternate chemicals (acid/alkaline/sanitizer) with permeate rinses in
– ACID step always first.
– ALKALINE step always follows acid step.
– SANITIZER to follow alkaline only if required.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment
Systems RO System Performance – Diagnosis of Foulant Type

Method Where in the System Symptoms Cleaning/Sanitizing Procedure
RO - Typically in the front  Reduced  Physical/mechanical removal
Particulate end of the first stage. permeate of sand and particles off ends.
Fouling flow and  Particulate fouling can quickly
increased become irreversible causing
differential the leading membranes to be
pressure. replaced; pretreatment is the
best protection against fouling.
RO Colloidal Typically most severe in  Reduced  Removed by using an alkaline
Fouling the first stage. permeate cleaning solution. May require
flow and more than one cleaning.
RO Biologic Can occur anywhere.  Rapid  Removed chemically via a
Fouling pressure clean-in-place system.
covered with
flow declines
RO Mineral Typically in the last  Significant  Mineral scaling is removed by
Scaling stages where losses in cleaning with an acid-based
concentrations of scale- permeate cleaner.
forming ions and pH are flow and salt
higher. rejection.
Increases in
RO Typically in the first  Significant  Usually not applicable, due to
Membrane stages, but may increases in the gravity of the situation.
Degradation propagate throughout, permeate
depending on the flow and loss
nature of the chemical of salt
attack. rejection.
May be due to oxidant Decreases in
attack, pinpoint differential
corrosion from metallic pressure.
oxides, solubilization of
the membrane by
organic contaminants,
hydrolysis of the
membrane due to pH

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

extremes (mostly CA).

13.2 Ion Exchange Systems

Refer to the supplier’s procedure and frequency for both cleaning and
sanitizing the ion exchange systems. Peracetic acid solutions have been used
successfully for both anion and cation resins. At higher concentrations,
peracetic acid can cause off-gassing within the ion exchange system. Therefore,
depending on the concentration, the system should be properly vented. Refer to
the manufacturer’s recommended instructions.
Strong oxidants, like permanganate and hypochlorite, have been used in dilute
solutions on cation resins, but should only be used according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. They should not be used on anion resins.

13.3 Electrodialysis Systems

Refer to the supplier’s procedure and frequency for both cleaning and
sanitizing the EDR systems. Periodic cleaning with 2 - 5% hydrochloric acid is
often recommended to remove scale and light metal deposits. Removal of
organic foulants is often accomplished by using a 3 - 5% sodium chloride
solution adjusted to pH 8-10 with sodium hydroxide. A solution of 10-50 mg/l
chlorine is often adequate to disinfect the membranes and hydraulic piping,
but this must be confirmed by the supplier. Clean-in-place systems are
available and recommended.

13.4 Cleaning and Sanitizing Water System Components

Note: See for information regarding cleaning and sanitizing SSOPs.

13.4.1 Media/ Sand Filters

Sanitize media/ sand, gravel support, and underdrain (backwash, fill with
100 ppm free chlorine; drain; filter to waste until chlorine levels in influent and
effluent are equal). For new charges, disinfect sand, gravel, and underdrain
with 100 ppm free chlorine solution for 4 hours retention. Guidelines for
Cleaning and Sanitizing Media/ Sand Filters are as follows (detailed suppliers’
procedures must be followed where applicable):
The following procedure is based on pressure-type media filters. Adjust as
required for gravity filters.
1. Backwash the media filter prior to sanitizing.
2. Close all valves on media filter, including the inlet water valve.
3. Open the vent valve and allow the filter to depressurize. Leave the vent
valve open.
4. Open the bottom drain valve on the media filter and drain enough
water so that the top manhole cover can be removed.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

5. Remove the top manhole and continue to drain water from the filter
until the water level is a few inches below the top of the manhole cover
6. Measure the distance (in inches) between the media bed level and the
manhole opening.
7. Add the required amount of pre-dissolved chlorine solution into the
water above the media.
8. Slowly begin adding water to the filter by manually operating the face-
piping valves. Raise the water level in the vessel until it is even with
bottom of the top manhole. Thoroughly mix water and chlorine, to
promote a uniform concentration.
9. Allow 10 minutes for the chlorine to contact the upper portion of the
10. Open the drain valve on the media filter and slowly drain the solution
until the water level is approximately 2 – 3 inches (5-8 cm) above the
media. Then close the drain valve.
11. Allow a 30-minute contact time.
12. Replace the top manhole cover.
13. Using the filter’s face-piping valves, slowly refill the filter with water.
14. Close the vent valve after all of the air has been removed from the top
vessel and allow the filter to be re-pressurized.
15. Flush the media filter through bottom drain until water samples are
free of chlorine. If using treated water from the clearwell, flush until
the chlorine residual is equal to the clearwell residual.
16. Place the face-piping valves on media filter in the rinse/rewash mode
and flush the excess chlorine out of the filter.

13.4.2 Carbon Purifiers

Sanitize with steam or hot water (> 85° C/ 185° F) and be sure that both tank
and liner are certified to withstand the appropriate temperatures for hot water
and steam prior to sanitization. Chlorine cannot be used as the sanitizer. Guidelines for Hot Water Sanitation (detailed suppliers’

procedures must be followed)
1. Isolate the carbon filter and drain it.
2. Remove the manhole cover and fill the carbon purifier with water to
approximately 4 inches above the level of the carbon.
3. Slowly introduce hot water until the temperature in the tank is 85° C
as measured in the effluent stream (this step typically takes
30 minutes to 2 hours).
4. Maintain this temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes.
5. Allow unit to cool to 32° C (90° F) (this step typically takes 2 to 8
hours). This is very important as rapid cooling may cause stress

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

fractures on the filter vessel, churning/abrasion of the carbon and

generation of carbon fines.
6. Slowly fill the carbon with treated water and then backwash in the
usual manner and return to service. Guidelines for Steam Sanitation (detailed suppliers’

procedures must be followed)
1. Isolate the carbon filter and drain it.
2. Remove manhole cover and attach the low-pressure steam line to the
inlet side of adsorber and open the steam valve.
3. Control steam rate with the pressure relief valve on the steam line.
Never cut back on steam flow rate with the drain valve as it may over
pressure the carbon filter vessel. Avoid blowing the steam through the
carbon filter at high velocity.
4. Continue steaming for 2 hours.
5. Allow unit to cool to 32° C (90° F) (this step typically takes 2 to 8
hours). This is very important as rapid cooling may cause stress
fractures on the filter vessel, churning/ abrasion of the carbon and
generation of carbon fines.
6. Slowly fill the carbon with treated water and then backwash in the
usual manner and return to service. Guidelines for Chemical Sanitation (detailed suppliers’

procedures must be followed)
In the event that hot water or steam are not available for sanitation, the facility
must contact its Sector QC representative for approval to use a chemical
sanitation procedure. The carbon tower supplier must be contacted to provide
a recommended procedure. Sector QC must approve the use of the
recommended procedure. The following is an example procedure intended as a
reference only. Preliminary procedure for chemical sanitation
1. Collect 500 mL of treated water after the carbon tower in a clean
1,000 mL beaker. Run the water to waste for approximately
30 seconds prior to taking the sample.
2. Determine the capacity of the carbon tower by using the following
[tower’s sideshell (ft)] x [diameter (ft)]2 x 0.7854 x 7.48 = volume of tower

Example: For a 48" ø x 60" sideshell tower, the volume is:

5 ft x (4 ft)2 x 0.7854 x 7.48 = 470 gal

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

3. Determine the quantity of phosphoric acid required to lower the pH of the

500 mL water sample to a level of 2.0. This is done in the laboratory by
adding acid to a 500 mL sample of treated water while testing the sample
using pH paper or a pH meter.
4. Determine the quantity of phosphoric acid required to sanitize the
carbon tower using the formula below:
mLs of acid required x volume of carbon tower (gal) = gallons of acid required
500 mL of water

Example: 0.8 mL x 470 gal = 0.75 gal or 2.85 L

500 mL
 The actual amount of acid required to lower the pH of the water in
the carbon tower may be as much as twice the amount calculated
due to neutralization, which may occur when the solution flows
through the activated carbon. The amount of acid required to
reduce the pH of the water to 2.0 will be the same, but when the
solution is run through the carbon, some of the acid may be
neutralized due to lime or alkalinity within the carbon bed.
Therefore, a larger amount of acid (up to double) may be required
to actually lower the pH of the water in the carbon tower into a pH
range of 2.0 to 2.3.
 Trace amounts of phosphoric acid remaining in the carbon will not
affect the carbon bed or finished beverage product.

Do not use phosphoric acid in the presence of a strong chlorine
sanitizing solution. Noxious fumes may result.
Note: 8 to 20 ppm chlorine is not a problem. Procedure for chemical sanitation

The acid will be added to the water above the carbon (in the tower itself). The
water will be mixed with acid, the pH of the water above the carbon lowered,
and then the water will be drained down into the carbon.
At no time during this procedure should the carbon surface be exposed to the
atmosphere. It should always be covered by water to prevent additional
microbiological issues from developing within the carbon bed.
Important Note: Be very careful when adding the phosphoric acid to the
water. Use goggles and acid-resistant clothes.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

1. Vent the tower. Allow the tower to be depressurized before continuing

to the next step.
2. Open the bottom drain.
3. Allow the tower to drain until the water level drops below the top
4. Remove the top manway.
5. Close the drain valve.
6. Slowly begin to add phosphoric acid to the water in the carbon tower,
using some type of paddle to mix the water/acid solution.
7. Continue to add acid and mix until the pH of the water solution above
the carbon bed is between 2.0 to 2.3. (Samples need to be taken and
the pH tested.)
8. Once the pH of the water above the carbon has reached the 2.0 to 2.3
range, open the drain valve and allow the water level to drop until it
reaches approximately 3 to 6 inches above the carbon bed. If, during
this step, the effluent pH from the carbon tower (coming from the drain
valve) drops to 2.0 to 2.3, then go on to Step 13; otherwise continue to
the next step.
9. Slowly open the service valve (generally done manually) and refill the
top head portion of the carbon tower with fresh water.
10. Repeat Steps 6, 7, and 8.
11. Continue to follow the above procedure until an effluent pH between
2.0 to 2.3 is reached.
Note: Some neutralization will occur as the acidified water passes
through the carbon.
12. When the target pH in the effluent (pH = 2.0 – 2.3) is reached, close the
drain valve.
13. Refill the top head portion of the carbon filter with fresh water.
14. Once again, add acid slowly while mixing until the pH of the water
solution is between 2.0 and 2.3.
15. Reinstall the top manway.
16. Open the carbon filter vent and completely fill the carbon tower until
water exits the vent.
17. Close the vent.
18. Hold the acid solution in the carbon tower for at least 4 hours,
overnight if possible.
19. After the holding time, backwash the carbon tower for approximately
30 minutes.
20. Rewash the carbon tower until an effluent pH of above 5.0 is reached.
Note: Once the pH of the water is above 4.5, the water does not contain
any free acid.
21. The tower is now ready to be placed in service.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

13.4.3 Polishers
The cleaning and sanitizing procedures for the housing will vary with polisher
type. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation. Clean and sanitize the
housing at changeout. 1.0-micron Filter

The cleaning and sanitizing procedures for the housing will vary with the
1.0-micron filter type. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation. Clean and
sanitize the housing at changeout.

13.4.4 UV
The cleaning and sanitizing procedures for UV treatment systems can vary and
the manufacturer’s recommendation should always be followed.

13.4.5 Water Storage Tanks Protected Water Storage Tanks

Water storage tanks that are protected commonly use Chlorine and Ozone to
provide microbial protection. The tanks should be inspected annually for
residual particle deposits and for corrosion. Unprotected Water Storage Tanks

The optimum design considerations for unprotected water storage tanks
include being CIP capable with a top-mounted spray ball, fully drainable tank,
UV re-circulation of contents, vent protected with HEPA filter, and capability
for hot water or chemical sanitation. Careful design and maintenance must be
employed as there is no chemical residual to control biofilm. Unprotected water
storage tanks are to be sanitized routinely to control biofilm accumulation.

13.4.6 Water Distribution Pipes

It is a recommended best practice to leave water with 6-8ppm chlorine in the
lines during downtime or over weekends. This can be executed using the
following procedures:
 Conduct an interrupted CIP: rinse, clean, rinse, fill with 6-8ppm chlorine
and hold (e.g. weekend) then complete the 5-step by draining, sanitizing and
rinsing prior to start-up.
 Complete the 5-step CIP and then fill the piping with 6-8 ppm chlorine and
hold, rinse the piping prior to start-up.
 In some instances, peracetic acid is used in place of chlorine.
 Completely drain the process equipment after a 3- or 5-step sanitation. No
water will result in no microbial activity.

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

13.5 Cleaning and Sanitizing Water System Components

Method Frequency Description
Media/ Sand Filters Monthly and with each  Sanitize the media/ sand filter every
new charge; Annually if month with 100 ppm chlorine; also
the conditions described sanitize each new charge with
to the right are 100 ppm chlorine.
satisfied.  If weekly micro samples are measured
immediately downstream of media/
sand filters (TPC < 500 cfu/ mL and
total coliform 0 cfu/ 100 mL) AND a
chlorine residual is maintained
through the sand filter, sanitation
may be less frequently.
 At a minimum, sanitation is required
annually where weekly micro data are
within specification.

Carbon Purifier Monthly, ensure the  The plant raw water supply is
conditions described to “potable.”
the right are satisfied.  The plant complies with the water
“minimum mandates.”
 A written protocol is in place with
microbiologic action limits and clearly
defined procedures, roles and
 Micro measured on water after carbon
purifier and prior to UV are within the
following limits:
– 500 cfus/1 mL for Total Plate
count bacteria (treated water after
carbon filter)
– 0 cfu/ 100 mL for Total Coliform

Polisher Per Supplier  Replace the disposable polisher the

recommendations and sooner of every 30 days, or where the
sanitize at changeout. differential pressure is greater than
5 psi.

1.0-micron Filter Per Supplier  Replace disposable spools the sooner

recommendations and of 1) when the differential pressure is
sanitize at changeout. greater than 5 psi, or 2) based on
micro results, or 3) quarterly.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 13-12 of 17

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

Method Frequency Description

Membrane Systems Clean in Place (CIP) The normalized baseline parameters
once every three include permeate flow, percent rejection,
months or whenever and differential pressure.
there is a 10% deviation
from the normalized
baseline parameters.

UV Clean the quartz sleeve

when transmittance
falls below 60% and at

Protected Water Inspect for residual

Storage Tanks deposits and for
corrosion at least
annually. The
sanitation frequency
recommended is
annually (after
inspection) or more
frequently based on
micro results.

Unprotected Water Sanitation is

Storage Tanks recommended to occur
once per month or more
frequently based on the
micro results.

Water Distribution Sanitation is

Pipes recommended to occur
at least once per year or
more frequently based
on the micro results.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 13-13 of 17

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

13.6 Water Treatment Sanitation Assessment

The following water treatment sanitation assessment tool can be used to assess
the critical sanitation areas of a facility’s water treatment system in order to
optimize routine operations to ensure best practices are being followed and to
investigate microbial counts that are higher than an action limit.
1 Are the Water Treatment doors self-closing and constructed of a
cleanable material?
2 Is there any separation of door frame and wall junctures in the Water
Treatment Area?
3 Is the lighting adequate to perform work tasks?
4 Is ventilation properly sized to eliminate condensation, heat or gases
in the Water Treatment Area?
5 Is there a master cleaning schedule for the internal and external
cleaning and sanitizing (where required) of the equipment in the
Water Treatment Area?
6 Is the sanitizing of the well (if source) and well heads included in the
Master Cleaning and/or Sanitizing schedule?
7 Is the water treatment equipment process included in the Master
Cleaning and/or Sanitizing Schedule for the Water Room?
8 Is there a master cleaning schedule for the facility items (walls, floors,
drains, ceilings, lights, vents, etc. in the Water Treatment Area?
9 Is there a written cleaning procedure for walls, floor, ceilings, vents,
lights and doors for the Water Treatment Area?
10 Is there a written internal cleaning and/or sanitizing procedure for
each piece of equipment in the Water Treatment Process?
11 Is there a written external cleaning procedure for each piece of
equipment in the Water Treatment Process?
12 Are the chemicals identified in the cleaning procedures for the water
treatment area used for their intended purpose?

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

Water Treatment Sanitation Assessment (cont’d)

13 Is the Deep Bed Media Filter(s) or equivalent scheduled for
regeneration (if required)?
14 Is the following equipment included in the Master Cleaning and/or
Sanitizing Schedule for the Water Treatment Area?
 Source Water holding tank (if applicable)
 Deep Bed Media Filter(s) or equivalent pretreatment system
 Carbon Tower
 Polisher (5 micron) prior to the RO System
 UV Light
 RO System
 Polisher Micro Filtration (1 micron) prior to the Ozone System
 Ozone Storage Tank
 Dedicated water line to the filler
 Process piping between each piece of equipment
15 Are the following included in the Master Maintenance Schedule for
the Water Treatment Area?
 Well (if applicable)
 Source Water holding tank
 Deep Bed Media Filter(s) or equivalent
 Pretreatment system
 Carbon Tower
 Polisher (5 micron) prior to the RO System
 UV Light
 RO System
 Polisher Micro Filtration (1 micron) prior to the Ozone System
 Ozone Storage Tank
 Ozone Generator
 Pumps and strainers
16 Are there written logs for external equipment cleaning for the Water
17 Are sight glasses drained except when to establish tank level or when
sensor probes prohibit the draining on the Source Water Storage

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

Water Treatment Sanitation Assessment (cont’d)

18 Are there sanitary Microbiological sample ports prior to and after the
 Source Water Holding Tank
 Media Filtration System(s)
 Carbon Tower(s)
 5.0 micron polisher
 Reverse Osmosis
 Polisher (1.0 micron)
19 Are there dead legs in the RO System?
20 Is the RO Cleaning Equipment automated?
21 Is the chemical fed to the ROCIP based on time / conductivity?
22 Is the RO CIP flow rate monitored continuously?
23 Are RO CIP charts attached to the RO CIP log sheets?
24 Are RO CIP piping schematics available?
25 Are there dead legs in the dedicated water line?
26 Are the Water Treatment floors smooth and sloped to drain?
27 Are the surfaces of floors, walls, doors, ceilings, and lights clean in
the Water Treatment area?.
28 Is there any standing water, objectionable odors or chemical buildup
in the Water Treatment Area?
29 Are the Water Treatment walls smooth?
30 Are the Water Treatment doors in good repair?
31 Are there shields on the lights in product-sensitive zones or are they
shatterproof in the Water Treatment Area?
32 Are lights operational and in good repair in the Water Treatment
33 Do the records indicate the velocity of the cleaning solutions in the
RO Cleaning? (Should be 30 to 40 gpm per 8 inch vessel.)
34 Do the logs reflect actual times for the Water Room Equipment?
35 Do the logs reflect actual temperatures for the Water Room

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 13: Water Treatment

Water Treatment Sanitation Assessment (cont’d)

36 Do the logs reflect an actual operator signature or initials on the
record for the Water Room Equipment?
37 Are CIP logs attached to cleaning and sanitizing reports if the process
is automated for the Water Room Equipment?
38 Are there any leaks in the following areas?
 Well header or surge tank
 Raw Water Holding Tank
 Media Filtration System(s)
 5.0-micron polisher
 RO System
 1.0-micron polisher
 Dedicated water line
39 Are RO CIP program manuals available?
40 Are RO CIP programs with step times available?
41 Are RO CIP program manuals up to date?
42 Are RO CIP piping schematics up to date?
43 Is the RO CIP System free of rust and stains?
44 Is the RO CIP System clean?
45 Is the 1.0-micron polisher clean?
46 Is the dedicated water line clean?
47 Is finished product or concentrate stored away from chemicals in the
Water Process Area?
48 Are Chemical tanks labeled, stored, and covered in the Water Process
49 Is all piping properly labeled in the Water Process Area?

13.7 References
 PI Water Quality Tool
 PepsiCo Global Treated Water Manual

Version 5 April 2019 Page 13-17 of 17

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning

Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning

Airborne contamination can be controlled in a beverage manufacturing environment through
hygienic design, maintaining GMPs and ensuring employee practices are in line with
environmental guidelines. In addition, fogging to control airborne contamination can be
treated as an additional line of defense after the effective implementation of appropriate
control procedures, including air filtration systems, GMPs, upkeep of floors and drains,
controlling traffic through the processing area, maintaining slight positive pressure, effective
sanitation programs, and prohibiting the use of compressed air without appropriate
 Air Quality Management in the Processing Area ensures that the environmental
air micro counts are consistently within the specifications for the respective
categories of products. Minimum requirements are positive air pressure in the syrup
room and filler environment.
 Fogging will control microorganisms in an enclosed area. Atomized chemicals or
chemical vapor will suffocate and kill microorganisms present. Whenever fogging is
conducted, the effectiveness must be verified through microbiological testing.
 Fogging frequency is determined by weekly environmental air counts at the plant.
Generally, plants should fog critical areas once a month. However, plants with very
high environmental counts must fog critical processing areas once a week.
 Air-Quality Monitoring is used to validate the effectiveness of fogging. Air-quality
monitoring must be performed both before and after the fogging activity. Minimum
air-sampling test frequencies have been provided. In cases where high microbiological
counts have been recorded, sampling points or frequencies should be increased.
 Fogging Procedures have been provided for equipment placement and operation.
After fogging is complete, the target area must remain isolated until the area is free of
fogging vapors. To effectively remove the fogging residues and vapors after fogging,
perform a wet cleaning of outer equipment surfaces. Prior to start-up, perform the
required CIP on all processing equipment in the area. Following fogging, it is
important to monitor air quality.
Regular monitoring and review of trends in the environmental microbiological results will
provide insights into the effectiveness of fogging and determine the appropriate fogging

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning

14.0 Environmental Cleaning

There are several ways that airborne contamination can be controlled in a
beverage manufacturing environment. Hygienic design, maintaining GMPs and
ensuring employee practices are in line with environmental guidelines are
critical factors in minimizing airborne contamination. The following guidelines
should be considered as the first line of defense against airborne
1. Use air filtration systems that are properly and regularly maintained.
2. Appropriate GMP practices must be followed, such as avoiding
indiscriminate use of water hoses and spraying water on the floor to
rinse off spillage during production, to minimize any source of air
3. Floors should be kept dry and drains should be free flowing.
4. The control of traffic throughout the process area is important as well as
keeping critical rooms/areas under slight positive air pressure.
5. Prohibit the use of floor fans in the processing area.
6. Ensure effective, regular and thorough cleaning and sanitizing protocols
to control any potential growth in a production area.
7. Prohibit the use of compressed air without <0.2 micro point-of-use filters
at every location where compressed air contacts product or food contact
surfaces and ensure there are no compressed air leaks (compressed air is
known for being a contamination source).
Fogging should be treated as another line of defense for controlling airborne
contamination and used after the above guidelines have been effectively
implemented (fogging should not be used in place of the guidelines).

14.1 Air Quality Management in Processing Areas

The primary objective in managing air quality in the processing area is to
ensure that the environmental air micro counts are consistently within the
specifications for the respective categories of products (as given in
microbiological guide books and Quality manuals). Depending on the location
of the plant, surrounding areas, and weather conditions, different HVAC
engineering designs may be required to meet the required specifications.
However, some of the key minimum considerations include:
1. There should be positive air pressure in the syrup room.
2. There should be positive air pressure in the Filler environment ( either
filler enclosure or filler room).

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning

14.1.1 Syrup Room

 ISO class 100,000 or better ( generally achieved with 20 micron filters )
 Separated from other storage areas with self-closing doors and piping
openings minimized
 Minimum 5 air changes per hour with 20% fresh air

14.1.2 Filler Environment

 Minimum of 5 air changes per hour and 20% fresh air is recommended
for all categories of products.
 In addition to the above requirement, for hot fill lines, HEPA filtration
with 12 air changes per hour is recommended.
 For Category 3 and Bottled Water filler must be ISO class 10,000 or
 For Aseptic lines, microbiological Isolators are designed for ISO class 100
or better.

14.1.3 Fogging
Fogging is a method of controlling microorganisms in an enclosed area,
whereby atomized chemicals or chemical vapor completely fills the area to
suffocate and kill the microorganisms present. Whenever fogging is conducted,
the effectiveness must be verified through microbiological testing to ensure the
applications are warranted.
Fogging usually involves the following phases:
1. The target area is covered to create a sealed environment.
2. The fogging agent is released into the target area.
3. The target area remains sealed for a set period of time while the fogging
agent percolates through the space to terminate any microorganism
infestation in the target area.
4. The target area is ventilated to remove the gases released by fogging and
to make the area safe for human activity. Fogging Areas and Frequency

Fogging frequency is determined by weekly environmental air counts at the
plant. Generally, plants should fog critical areas once a month. However,
plants with very high environmental counts must fog the following critical
processing areas once a week:
 Blow Molding hall
 Air conveyor passage
 Filling hall
 Syrup room
 Other critical processing areas

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning

As a best practice, fogging should also extend to areas surrounding processing

Within PepsiCo, fogging has been found to be effective in controlling
environmental HRMs in Hot Fill plants, especially for Gatorade. Method of Fogging

Fogging machines, chemicals, and appropriate procedures are provided by both
Ecolab and Diversey. Refer to the supplier instructions for applications and
procedures. Important Safety Procedures

Prior to fogging, it is important to perform the following safety procedures.
 Carefully read the safety instructions in the OEM technical manual.
 Prominently display “STAY OUT” signs at all entrances to fogging target
areas. It is critical that NO PERSONNEL enter a target area once fogging
 Personnel involved in preparing the solution must wear all necessary
personal protective equipment while making the chemical mixture, as
recommended in the OEM technical manual.
 Cover all electronic components to avoid any water/fogging droplet
contact. Fogging Procedures

Note: The first time fogging is implemented at a facility, the equipment
manufacturer should demonstrate the proper fogging operation.
Personnel assigned to the fogging task MUST wear the proper respirator before
entering the target area.
1. Place the fogging equipment in locations within the target area that will
achieve maximum exposure. This equipment should be placed at
different locations within the target area to ensure all areas of the room
are covered.
2. See the supplier technical manual for fogging procedures and to
determine the required amount of solution and fogging time. Examples of
fogging chemicals and equipment from Diversey and Ecolab include:
 Diversey - Divosan Active (mix 140 mL in 11.4 Liters (tank
When using a Tornado Fogging machine, the time for fumigation of
50,000 cubic feet of area is 3.3 total hours.
 Ecolab - Vortexx at 0.2% to 1.3% solution (mix 3 oz. to 14 oz. per 8
gallons of water per 1000 cubic feet of room volume). When using a
Culture Fogger, 2 quart, 4 nozzles, the output will be dependent upon
the air pressure that is chosen (10-60 psi) and the specific fogging

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning

equipment used. In addition, the way the equipment is set up and the
specific area being treated will impact the output.
3. Set the fogging equipment to start operation with a predefined start-up
delay that allows sufficient time to evacuate the target area. Allow at
least 2 hours of contact time during fogging.
4. To obtain and maintain the maximum fogging effectiveness, properly seal
the target area by closing all ventilation systems, locking doors/
windows, and sealing door openings. Air-Quality Monitoring

To validate the effectiveness of fogging, you must perform air-quality
monitoring before and after the fogging activity.
 Use an air sampler that is in operating condition and within valid
calibration (see the Microbiology Guidebook for recommended air
 See the OEM manual for the proper sampling technique using an air
 Air sample size must be 100 liters for quality monitoring.
 Use a stopwatch to verify automatic time-cycle termination.
Global microbiological sampling plans have been defined and posted by
beverage platform. Please see the appropriate plan for air plate microbiological
 Carbonated and Non-carbonated Soft Drinks and Fountain Beverages,
 Bottled Water, 18000.9008
 Hot Fill, 18000.9004
 Tunnel Pasteurization, 18000.9006
 High-Acid Chilled Juices, 18000.9005
 High-Acid Aseptic, 18000.9007
 Low-Acid Aseptic, 18000.9010

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PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 14: Environmental Cleaning After Fogging

After fogging is complete, the target area must remain isolated for at least
2 hours to allow the fog to dissipate. Personnel assigned to the fogging task
MUST wear the proper respirator until all vapors have dissipated. Do not open
the target area for use until the area is free of fogging vapors.
To effectively remove the fogging residues and vapors after fogging, ensure the
following guidelines are met:
 Perform a wet cleaning of outer equipment surfaces, including tanks,
filler, pasteurizer, cooling tunnel, etc.
 Prior to start-up, perform the required CIP (according to the CIP
guidelines in Chapters 7 and 12 of this manual) on all processing
equipment in the area.
Following fogging, it is important to monitor air quality.

14.2 Trends in Microbiological Results

Regular monitoring and review of trends in the environmental microbiological
results will help to:
 Determine the effectiveness of fogging and other cleaning activities
 Determine the appropriate fogging frequency

14.3 References:
 PI Quality Manuals, Food Safety and Sanitation Section

Version 5 April 2019 Page 14-6 of 6

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 15: Sanitation
Frequencies and Changeover

Chapter 15: Sanitation Frequencies and Changeover

The cleaning and sanitizing frequency of internal and external surfaces is defined as the
maximum production time allocated between two CIPs. Frequency is determined based on
the product, process type, and equipment. CIP frequency is also dependent on many factors
and must be reevaluated periodically by the plant to confirm the program’s effectiveness in
maintaining a sanitary environment.
The maximum CIP frequency for product contact (internal) surfaces has been established for
each PepsiCo product/ process produced on the respective equipment. The baseline CIP
frequency for all production lines in all sanitation categories (including new systems) is
24 hours.
CIP frequencies can be extended by a single 24-hour interval (or 12-hour interval in some
cases) at a time with validation from successful micro data. CIP extensions enable a facility
to increase the production run time between CIP intervals. Prior to beginning a CIP extension
process, the facility must meet the respective prerequisite requirements. A general extension
CIP protocol has been defined for PepsiCo products as well as specific protocols for Bottled
Water and Aseptic processes. The overall extension process includes four key steps:
 Baseline – Micro data must be established as a baseline prior to production, after every
24 hours of production, and at the end of production.
 Test – CIP extension is tested in 24-hour intervals with micro data being compared to the
 Validation – Extended CIP runs will be evaluated to ensure the micro data remains
consistent and within specification in order to maintain the extended production status.
Leverage chemical representatives to assist with validations as much as possible to
ensure all circuits are functioning at optimal efficiency. For extended runs,
microbiological data determines when cleaning frequencies shall take place.
 Monitor – Once a facility reaches the maximum production length, regular monitoring is
When a process is held idle for a certain period of time (e.g., the filler stops), a new CIP may
be required prior to restarting the production to maintain the equipment’s sanitary
condition. CIP frequencies for product contact (internal) surfaces of equipment following
unplanned downtime are defined for each PepsiCo product/ process produced on the
respective equipment. In these cases, the commercial sterility of the filling environment has
not been compromised; however the product is in contact with the filling valves for an
extended period of time.
The maximum CIP frequency for non-product contact (external) surfaces has been
established to reduce the likelihood of contamination within the production area.
CIP Changeover Guidelines are to be followed when changing from one product type to
another for minimizing any flavor, color, or other carryover effects. To minimize carryover
effects when producing beverage products, the proper sequencing of production is very
important. For example, flavor products should be produced from light, non-pungent
products to dark, pungent products. Diet products are to be produced before sugared
products, and caffeine-free products before caffeine containing ones.
Depending on the product type, minimum sanitation procedures may be required to
minimize carryover effects. In some cases, a water flush may be sufficient and in other cases
a full CIP may be required. The minimum sanitation procedures for select product
changeover types have been defined.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 15-1 of 22

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 15: Sanitation
Frequencies and Changeover

15.0 Sanitation Frequencies and Changeover

15.1 CIP Frequency
Cleaning and sanitizing frequency of internal and external surfaces is defined
as the maximum production time allocated between two CIPs. Frequency is
determined based on the product and process type. Specific equipment items
are to be cleaned on specific frequency schedules, depending on the risk of
contamination, the amount of soil buildup, etc. These frequencies must be re-
evaluated periodically (e.g. once per year) to confirm the program’s effectiveness
in maintaining a sanitary environment.

15.1.1 CIP Frequency for Product Contact (Internal) Surfaces

The maximum CIP frequency for product contact (internal) surfaces has been
established for each cleaning and sanitizing protocol defined within
Section 7.2.2. The frequencies are based on the product/ process produced on
the respective equipment. The baseline CIP frequency for all production lines
(including new systems) is 24 hours. CIP frequencies can be extended by a
single 24 hour interval at a time with validation from successful micro data (for
new systems, validation can occur during qualification runs).
For the purpose of this section, continuous production is assumed between
CIPs. Frequent production starts and stops can result in significant soil and
microbiological buildup on the equipment which may be difficult to clean. The
sanitation protocol effectiveness and efficacy must be proven for a minimum of
12 CIP cycles and a minimum of 3 months before increasing the time between
CIPs. However, the maximum allowable times between CIPs must not be
exceeded and any extensions or deviations must be validated appropriately
with prior authorization from Region/ Sector Quality.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 15-2 of 22

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 15: Sanitation
Frequencies and Changeover Product Contact Surface Cleaning and Sanitizing

Frequency (Maximum)
Product/ Process Equipment Maximum Time Between
Cold Fill (Category 1) Blending Tanks and Not to Exceed 168 Hours
Downstream Equipment
Cold Fill (Category 2) Blending Tanks and Prior to Production (Within
Downstream Equipment 24 hours) max 168 Hours
Cold Fill Preserved Blending Tanks and Prior to Production (Within 4
(Category 3) Downstream Equipment Hours) max 120 Hours
Hot Fill Juice Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Pasteurizer and 48 hours
Downstream Equipment
Hot Fill Gatorade Raw Side (Blending 48 hours
Pasteurizer and 168 hours
Downstream Equipment
Hot Fill High-Acid Dairy Raw Side (Blending 24 hours (More frequent
Tanks), UHT and intermediate cleaning may be
Downstream Equipment required)
Hot Fill Lipton Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Tanks), Pasteurizer and
Downstream Equipment
Hot Fill Sobe Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Tanks), Pasteurizer and
Downstream Equipment
Aseptic Carton Juice Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Pasteurizer and Aseptic 72 hours
Tetra Filler 72 hours
Combi-Block Filler 44 hours
Aseptic Carton Gatorade Raw Side (Blending 48 hours
Pasteurizer and Aseptic 72 hours
Tetra Filler 72 hours
Combi-Block Filler 44 hours
Aseptic Bottle Juice Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Pasteurizer and 120 hours
Downstream Equipment

Version 5 April 2019 Page 15-3 of 22

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 15: Sanitation
Frequencies and Changeover

Product/ Process Equipment Maximum Time Between

Aseptic Bottle Gatorade Raw Side (Blending 48 hours
Pasteurizer and 120 Hours
Downstream Equipment
Tunnel Pasteurized Juice Blending Tanks and 24 hours
Tunnel Pasteurized Blending Tanks and 48 hours
Gatorade Filler
Aseptic Carton Low-Acid Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Beverages Tanks and Before UHT)
UHT 24 hours (AIC may be required
more frequently)
Aseptic Tank 72 Hours*
Tetra Filler 24 hours (AIC may be required
more frequently)
Combi-Block Filler 24 hours
Aseptic Bottle Low-Acid Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Beverages Tanks and Before UHT)
UHT 24 hours
Aseptic Tank 72 hours
Filler 72 hours
Chilled Juice Raw Side (Blending 24 hours
Chilled Juice Pasteurizer and 48 hours
Downstream Equipment
Bottled Water (Dedicated Downstream Equipment 168 Hours
Bottled Water (Non- Downstream Equipment 72 Hours
Dedicated Line)
Calcium or Tea Containing Pasteurizer and Acid CIP Step once in every
Beverages Downstream Equipment 168 Hours
* Begin with 24 hours and validate any extensions with approval from Support Center or Sector

Version 5 April 2019 Page 15-4 of 22

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Chapter 15: Sanitation
Frequencies and Changeover

The following guidelines are to be considered when determining the CIP

frequency for any beverage processing equipment:
 Blending Tanks refer to NCB blending tanks or CSD syrup tanks.
 Downstream Equipment includes the filler supply tank, filler, return
cooler, etc.
 Dairy product may need intermediate cleaning at a greater frequency due
to the potential for soil buildup.
 Follow all MSDS and safety precautions and requirements when using
cleaning and sanitizing chemicals.

15.2 CIP Extension Protocols

CIP extensions enable a facility to extend the production run time between CIP
intervals. Prior to beginning a CIP extension process, the facility must meet the
respective prerequisite requirements. The overall extension process includes
four key steps:





Figure 15-1. Extension protocols.

 Baseline – Micro data must be established as a baseline prior to
production, after every 24 hours of production, and at the end of
 Test – CIP extension is tested in 24-hour intervals with micro data being
compared to the baseline.

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 Validation – Extended CIP runs will be evaluated to ensure the micro

data remains consistent and within specification in order to maintain the
extended production status.
 Monitor – Once a facility reaches the maximum production length,
regular monitoring is required.
Note: All current micro testing protocols must be maintained. Additional micro
testing is required to demonstrate capability for extending production cycles.

15.2.1 General Extension CIP Protocol (24-hour intervals)

A facility can extend the production cycles at 24-hour increments. The
extension qualification is by line, not by plant. Prerequisites
 Plant must have 12 weeks of consecutive CIP effectiveness data that is
in-specification (e.g. rinse water micro data).
 Plant must have 1 active member with Sanitation and Microbiology
certification or demonstrated proficiency.
 Implementing the process must be approved in writing by Region/ Sector
Quality. Step 1: Baseline (Extending from 24 hours to 48 hours)

 After receiving approval, the plant will generate baseline data per
production line.
 Initial rinse water samples will be collected and tested at the end of 24-
hours of production or just prior to CIP the following day on four
separate days.
 The results must be forwarded to the Region/ Sector Quality for review.
 If all four sets of data represent consistent in-specification results, the
plant will receive approval to extend one production by 24 hours.
 Final rinse water (the last step of the CIP) micro results must also be in-
specification before moving to Step 2.
 The same process is to be followed for additional extensions (e.g.
extending from 48 hours to 72 hours, the initial rinse water samples
would be collected at the end of 48 hours of production or just prior to
CIP the following day). Step 2: Test (Extending from 24 hours to 48 hours)

 Initial rinse water data will be collected at the end of 48 hours of
production or just prior to CIP the following day. No further extensions
are to be scheduled until the rinse water results have been reviewed and
approved by the Region/ Sector Quality.
 If the 48-hours rinse water data is acceptable, the plant will be given
approval to begin productions at a 48-hour interval.
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 Final rinse water micro results must also be in-specification before

moving to Step 3.
 The same process is to be followed for additional extensions (e.g.
extending from 48 hours to 72 hours, extending from 72 hours to 96
hours, etc.). Step 3: Validation (Extending from 24 to 48 hours)

 Initial rinse water data will be collected at the end of 48 hours of
production or just prior to CIP the following day for the next three
productions. This data, in addition to the data collected in Step 2, will
complete four consecutive sets of initial rinse water data needed to
validate the process.
 The results must be forwarded to the Region/ Sector Quality for review
and approval.
 Final rinse water micro results must also be in-specification before
moving to Step 4.
 The same process is to be followed for additional extensions (e.g.
extending from 48 hours to 72 hours, extending from 72 hours to 96
hours, etc.). Step 4: Monitor (Extending from 24 to 48 hours)

 Once per month per line, initial rinse water data will be collected at the
end of 48 hours of production or just prior to CIP the following day.
 This data is to be recorded in the micro tracking tool along with the
weekly final rinse water data. Notation should be added to the header
field to identify this data set as a 48-hours data set.
 Results will be reviewed monthly by the Region/ Sector Quality per the
applicable data submission process due by the 10th of each month.
 Regular final rinse water should be tested as per the microbiological
sampling protocols followed during production.
 After 3 months of in-specification initial rinse water data at the extended
interval, the plant can request an additional 24-hour increment
 The same process is to be followed for additional extensions (e.g.
extending from 48 hours to 72 hours, extending from 72 hours to 96
hours, etc.).

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15.2.2 Bottled Water CIP Extension Sampling Sites

The “General Extension CIP Protocol (24-hour Intervals)” can be applied to
Bottled Water producing lines with the following exceptions:
 Final product sample data from the end of the production cycle is to be
used in place of initial rinse water data in Steps 1 - 4.
 Step 4 shall include 12 weeks of monitoring final product. After 12
consecutive weeks of in-specification final product sample data, the line
can be eligible for an additional 24-hour CIP extension (up to 168 hours
for dedicated Bottled Water lines and 72 hours for non-dedicated lines).
 Sample Sites for micro testing are specified below for Bottled Water CIP
 Final rinse water samples must meet Category 4A microbiological
– Average is less than or equal to 15 cfu yeast per 100 mL; 5 cfu mold
per 100 mL.
– 90% of filler valves must be less than or equal to 15 cfu yeast per
100 mL; 5 cfu mold per 100 mL.
– No filler valves exceed 50 cfu yeast per 100 mL; 10 cfu mold per
100 mL.
– No Coliform in any of the water samples.
The following tables outline the additional micro test sites within the filling
room or enclosure for extending Bottled Water CIP intervals. Swab sites may
utilize either traditional buffered swabs or ATP swabs.

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Frequencies and Changeover Step 1: Baseline Sample Site

Note: Plants are not limited to the sample points described below. Whenever
necessary, plants should take samples at additional points to help validate the
Site Frequency Test Method Limits
Conveyor /airveyor 1 – Immediately following Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
prior to filler sanitation, prior to start membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
of production filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab
1 – At the completion of
the currently approved ATP unit Per baseline data
production cycle
Valve snifts 3 – Immediately following Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
sanitation, prior to start membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
of production filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab
3 – At the completion of
the currently approved ATP unit Per baseline data
production cycle
Exterior of filler 1 – Immediately following Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
sanitation, prior to start membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
of production filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab
1 – At the completion of
the currently approved ATP unit Per baseline data
production cycle
Cap transfer 1 – Immediately following Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
sanitation, prior to start membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
of production filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab
1 – At the completion of
the currently approved ATP unit Per baseline data
production cycle
Cap transfer plates 1 – Immediately following Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
sanitation, prior to start membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
of production filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab
1 – At the completion of
the currently approved ATP unit Per baseline data
production cycle
Capper head 1 – Immediately following Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
sanitation, prior to start membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
of production filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab
1 – At the completion of
the currently approved ATP unit Per baseline data
production cycle

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Step 1: Baseline Sample Site (cont’d)

Site Frequency Test Method Limits
Discharge of rinser 1 – Prior to start of Air sampler See
(Not Applicable for production
Direct Blow Filling) 1 – After each 24 hours of
1 – At the completion of
In feed of the filler 1 – Prior to start of Air sampler See
(Not Applicable for production
Direct Blow Filling) 1 – After each 24 hours of
1 – At the completion of
Back side of the 1 – Prior to start of Air sampler See
filler production
(Not Applicable for 1 – After each 24 hours of
Direct Blow Filling) production
1 – At the completion of
Conveyor/ neck 1 – Prior to start of Air sampler See
guide area out of production
blow molder before 1 – After each 24 hours of
filling room production
(ONLY Applicable for 1 – At the completion of
Direct Blow Filling) production

Full goods 1 – Prior to start of Air sampler See

conveyor/ airveyor production
prior to 1 – After each 24 hours of
filling room exit production
1 – At the completion of
production Environmental Air Limits (Step 1)

The plant must have an environmental air microbiological sampler that is
capable of sampling 100 L of air.
Prior to production  Yeast < 10 cfu/ 100 L
 Mold < 10 cfu/ 100 L

At each 24-hour interval  Yeast < 10 cfu/ 100 L

 Mold < 10 cfu/ 100 L

At completion  Yeast < 10 cfu/ 100 L

 Mold < 10 cfu/ 100 L

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Frequencies and Changeover Steps 2 (Test), 3 (Validation), and 4 (Monthly) Sample Sites

Site Frequency Test Limits
Conveyor / airveyor 1 – At the completion Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
prior to filler of longest production membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
cycle filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab

ATP unit Per baseline data

Valve snifts 3 – At the completion Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
of longest production membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
cycle filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab

ATP unit Per baseline data

Exterior of filler 1 – At the completion Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
of longest production membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
cycle filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab

ATP unit Per baseline data

Cap transfer 1 – At the completion Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
of longest production membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
cycle filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab

ATP unit Per baseline data

Cap transfer plates 1 – At the completion Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
of longest production membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
cycle filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab

ATP unit Per baseline data

Capper head 1 – At the completion Swab, Yeast < 5 cfu/ swab
of longest production membrane Mold < 5 cfu/ swab
cycle filtration Acid Bacteria < 5 cfu/ swab

ATP unit Per baseline data

Discharge of rinser 1 – At the completion Air sampler See
(Not Applicable for of production
Direct Blow Filling)

In feed of the filler 1 – At the completion Air sampler See

(Not Applicable for of production
Direct Blow Filling)

Back side of the 1 – At the completion Air sampler See

filler of production
(Not Applicable for
Direct Blow Filling)

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Steps 2, 3, 4 Sample Sites (cont’d)

Site Frequency Test Limits
Conveyor/ neck 1 – Prior to start of Air sampler See
guide area out of production
blow molder before 1 – After each 24
filling room hours of production
(ONLY Applicable for 1 – At the completion
Direct Blow Filling) of production

Full goods 1 – At the completion Air sampler See

conveyor/ airveyor of production
prior to
filling room exit Environmental Air Limits (Steps 2, 3, 4)

Taken at completion  Yeast < 10 cfu/ 100 L
 Mold < 10 cfu/ 100 L

15.2.3 Extended Aseptic Bottle CIP Protocol

A facility can extend the Aseptic Bottle production cycles at 24-hour intervals
(not to exceed 120 hours total production time for high-acid juices; for low-
acid, extension is product dependent and must be approved by Support Center.
In some cases it can be increased to 72 hours).
Note: For juices, CIP is required every 24 hours on batch tanks. Prerequisites
 Plant must have a CIP system which meets the sanitary design criteria,
including a fully automatic system with no dead legs. Where COP is
required, it is documented and performed at the correct frequency.
 Plant must have 12 weeks of consecutive CIP effectiveness data that is
in-specification including finished product and aseptic surge tank data (if
 Plant must have 1 active member with Sanitation and Microbiology
certification or demonstrated proficiency.
 Implementing the process must be approved in writing by Region/ Sector
Quality. Step 1: Baseline (Extending from 24 hours to 48 hours)

 After receiving approval, the plant will generate baseline micro data per
production line.
 Baseline micro data will be collected and tested at the end of production
for four Aseptic Bottle sanitations (e.g. for going from 24 hours to
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48 hours: collect data at the end of day 1 for 24 hours of production

before moving to 48 hours).
 The results must be forwarded to the Region/ Sector Quality for review.
 If all four sets of data represent consistent in-specification results, the
plant will receive approval to extend one production by 24 hours.
 The same process is to be followed for additional extensions (e.g.
extending from 48 hours to 72 hours, the baseline micro data would be
collected after the initial CIP and at the end of 48 hours of production). Step 2: Test (Extending from 24 to 48-hours)

 The extended CIP test will begin by extending Aseptic Bottle production
from 24 to 48 hours. The plant will collect data at the end of the 48-hour
production and compare to the baseline micro data.
 The extended run results must be forwarded to the Region/ Sector
Quality for review and approval. No further extensions are to be
scheduled until approval is granted.
 If results are consistent and within specification, the plant may enter
validation, Step 3.
 The CIP extension is only applicable for continuous production runs.
 The same process is to be followed for additional extensions (e.g.
extending from 48 hours to 72 hours, the micro data would be collected
at the end of the 72-hour production). Step 3: Validation (Extending from 24 to 48-hours)

 Extended CIP runs will be evaluated for 12 weeks. The plant will collect
data at the end of each production for these 12 weeks. Data must
remain consistent and within specification in order to maintain the
extended production status.
 The results must be forwarded to the Region/ Sector Quality for review.
 Validation must be completed prior to the plant requesting additional 24-
hour increment extensions.
 The same process is to be followed for additional extensions (e.g.
extending from 48 to 72 hours, or extending from 72 to 96 hours, etc.).
 For high-acid juices, total CIP extensions will not exceed 120 hours of
production. For low-acid products, extension will not exceed 72 hours
depending on the product type. Step 4: Monitoring

 Once the plant reaches the maximum production length (either 72 hours
or lower plant-specific intervals determined by the data), monthly
monitoring is required.
 The monthly micro data must be submitted to the Region/ Sector Quality
for review no later than the 10th of the following month.

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The following table outlines the microbiological sampling points that are
required for each step of the extension process. Note: For information on
additional sampling points see the Note in Steps 1 to 4: Sample Site

Site Frequency (After Procedure Limits
CIP and SIP are
Empty Sterile Immediately prior to Take a sample TPC < 1 cfu/ bottle
Capped Bottles starting production numerically equal to Yeast < 1 cfu/ bottle
and at the end of the Sterilizer or the
production Rinser nozzles Mold < 1 cfu/ bottle
number (see below).
Sterile Water At the end of See below TPC < 1 cfu/ml
production Yeast < 1 cfu
Mold < 1 cfu

Surface Swabs At the end of See below TPC < 1 cfu

production Yeast < 1 cfu
Mold < 1 cfu

Air Open Plates At the end of See below TPC < 1 cfu
production Yeast < 1 cfu
Mold < 1 cfu

Sterile Caps At the end of See below TPC < 1 cfu/cap

production Sampling of Empty Sterile Capped Bottles

The empty sterile capped bottles may be withdrawn from the exit tunnel
thereby inhibiting the opening of the filling valves from the filler supervision.
Sample a minimum of 15 bottles (the recommendation is to sample the same
number of nozzles of rinsers or sterilizers). For analysis of the bottles, the more
reliable method consists in directly pouring.
An alternative method is to internally rinse the bottles with sterile water
(100 mL). The rinsing solution is subsequently filtered by means of a 0.45 um
sterile membrane. After filtration, the membrane has to be positioned upon the
appropriate growth media. All the mentioned operations must be done working
under a laminar flow. Sampling of Sterile Water

Sterile containers (disposable or autoclavable) must be used for the sampling.
Sterile water will be taken in duplicate (minimum 4 x 250 ml) from neck
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rinsing nozzles at the end of production (eventually also to the beginning), after
the “PRODUCTION” mode has been selected, using the dedicated switch on the
filler control board. Sampling of Surface Swabs
The following sampling points must be tested for surface swabs:
Note: For information on additional sampling points, see the Note in
1. Caps chute
2. Filler exit star-wheel base frame
3. Filler inlet star-wheel
4. Capper exit star-wheel
5. Filling valves (5 samples)
6. Filler bottle support base frame and drain
7. Filler dummy bottle loading/unloading system
8. Filler bottle neck support
9. Filler rear manipulation gloves
10. Filler exit star-wheel
11. Filler exit area
12. Base frame under capper
13. “Pick and place” star-wheel
14. Capper heads (5 samples)
15. Filler front manipulation gloves
16. Rinser grippers and nozzles (5 samples)
17. Rinser inlet area
18. Rinser star-wheels base frame
19. Rinser exit star-wheel
20. Rinser – filler transfer star-wheel
21. Rinser front manipulation gloves
22. Rinser rear manipulation gloves Sampling of Air Open Plates
The following sampling points must be tested for the air open plates:
Note: For information on other sampling points see the Note in
1. Base frame under capper
2. Filler inlet star-wheel base frame
3. Base frame under dummy bottles loading/unloading system
4. Rinser – filler transfer star-wheel base frame
5. Rinser inlet star-wheel base frame Sampling of Sterile Caps
Sterile caps have to be withdrawn from the caps elevator and placed in a sterile
bag. Sampling includes 20 caps (1 cap per sterile bag). Analysis of the caps is
performed using the “Membrane Filtration Technique” in which the liquid is
filtered by means of a 0.45 um sterile membrane. The membrane is then

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arranged on Petri plates containing the appropriate growth media. Environmental Air Limits:

At completion  Yeast < 1 cfu/ 100 L
 Mold < 1 cfu/ 100 L

15.3 Process Downtime

When a process is held idle for a certain period of time (i.e. the filler stops), a
new CIP may be required prior to restarting the production in order to maintain
the sanitary condition of the equipment. CIP frequencies for product contact
(internal) surfaces of equipment that have stopped for a period of time are
defined for each cleaning and sanitizing protocol within section 7.2.2. The
frequencies are based on the product/ process produced on the respective
Downtime may occur due to unplanned circumstances (for example, there is a
mechanical problem with the filler). If unplanned downtime occurs and
maintenance work is performed and requires the filler to be shut down, CIP
should be performed prior to start-up. If mechanical work was performed on
the filler, sensitive areas should be foamed or manually cleaned. If an
unplanned downtime occurs and no maintenance work is performed, follow the
cleaning and sanitizing frequencies outlined in the below table for unplanned
process downtime.

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15.3.1 Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequencies Following Unplanned

Process Downtime*
Product/ Process Equipment Downtime After Which
CIP is Required
Up to Maximum Production
Cold Fill (Category 1 and2) Filler (Internal)
Time Between CIPs
Cold Fill Preserved Up to Maximum Production
Filler (Internal)
(Category 3) Time Between CIPs
Hot Fill Juice Filler (Internal) After 4 Hours
Hot Fill Gatorade Filler (Internal) After 4 Hours
Hot Fill High-Acid Dairy Filler (Internal) After 2 Hours
Hot Fill Lipton Filler (Internal) After 4 Hours
Hot Fill Sobe Filler (Internal) After 4 Hours
Aseptic Carton Juice Tetra Filler After 2 Hours
Aseptic Carton Juice Combi-Block Filler After 24 Hours
Aseptic Carton Gatorade Tetra Filler After 2 Hours
Aseptic Carton Gatorade Combi-Block Filler After 24 Hours
Up to Maximum Production
Aseptic Bottle Juice Filler (Internal)
Time Between CIPs
Up to Maximum Production
Aseptic Bottle Gatorade Filler (Internal)
Time Between CIPs
Tunnel Pasteurized Juice Filler (Internal) After 2 Hours
Tunnel Pasteurized
Filler (Internal) After 4 Hours
Aseptic Carton Low-Acid
Filler (Internal) After 2 Hours
Aseptic Bottle Low-Acid Up to Maximum Production
Filler (Internal)
Beverages Time Between CIPs
Up to Maximum Production
Bottled Water Filler (Internal)
Time Between CIPs
* The commercial sterility of the filling environment has not been compromised; however, the
product is in contact with the filling valves for an extended period of time.
Planned downtime should be addressed as part of the normal CIP frequency
protocol. For example, if a plant’s production occurs over two shifts and
production is stopped during the shift changeover, once production is resumed,
the total time between CIPs would include this downtime.
Product contact surfaces must remain safe guarded from environmental
contamination during downtime. For example, doors and windows must
remain closed.

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Frequencies and Changeover

15.4 CIP Frequencies

15.4.1 External Surface Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequency
For the 7 Activities of Wet Sanitation for external surfaces, see Section 4.5.1.

Process/ Packaging Area Recommended Minimum Sanitation Frequency*

Process Area – Facility
Floors, Walls, and Doors Daily (in blending areas);
Weekly (less-sensitive areas)
Lights, Vents, Ledges, and Ceilings Weekly
Drains Weekly
Process Area - Equipment
Conveyors and Conveyor Shields Daily (filler to cooling tunnel); Weekly (other)
Filler (External) Daily
Aseptic - Filler Isolator Prior to sterilization
Syrup Blend System (External) Weekly
Capper Daily
Cap Hopper and Chute Daily wipe; Weekly cleaning
Capper Storage Bin Weekly
Crowner Daily
Crowner Hopper and Chute Daily: Clean with damp cloth every 4 hours during
Crown Storage Bin Weekly
Operator Platforms and Rubber Mats Weekly
Full Bottle Rinser Water rinsers: Daily wipe; Weekly cleaning
Air rinsers: Daily vacuum; Post-production cleaning
Syrup Tanks (External) Weekly
Pre-/Post-Mix Equipment (External) Daily
COP Cleaning of Small Parts Daily or when disassembling small parts
Packaging Area/ Auxiliary Areas – Facility
Floors Weekly
Lights, Vents, Walls, Ledges, and Ceilings Weekly
Drains Weekly
Loading Dock Pits/ Outside Waste Dumpsters Monthly
Indoor Facility Waste Receptacles Bi-Weekly
Packaging Area – Equipment
Depalletizer and Palletizer Weekly
Empty Bottle Rinser Weekly
Airveyor Weekly
Conveyors and Accumulation Tables Weekly
Case Packer Weekly
Incline Conveyor Weekly
Shell Washer Weekly
Bottle and Can Warmers Weekly
Cooling Tunnel Weekly
Water Treatment Area (External) Weekly
Bottle/ Can Crusher Weekly
Ingredients Storage Area Weekly
Shrink Wrap Weekly

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Frequencies and Changeover

15.4.2 Glass Bottle Washer Cleaning and Sanitizing Frequency

Maintenance Pre- Caustic Hot Rinse Pre-Final Final Discharge
Task Rinse Soak(s) Rinse Rinse Zone

Draining of Weekly Six Months* Weekly Daily Daily NA


Strainers Each Shift Each Shift Each Shift Each Shift Each Shift NA

Sanitation Daily After Daily Daily Daily Daily

(50 ppm Caustic
chlorine) Draining

Lubricate Machine - As Per Glass Bottle Washer Supplier Recommendations

Clean Spray Every 2 Every 2 Every 2 Every 2 Every 2 NA

Jets Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks

Calibrate NA Monthly NA NA NA NA
Temp Gauges

Calibrate pH NA NA NA Monthly NA NA

Clean Heat NA Annually NA NA NA NA


Overhaul Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually NA

Spray Nozzles

* Or When Carbonate Level is > 1% or when Caustic solution is brownish or visibly dirty (whichever is

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Frequencies and Changeover

15.5 CIP Changeover Guidelines

Established guidelines are to be followed when changing from one product type
to another for minimizing any flavor, color, or other carryover effects. To
minimize carryover effects when producing beverage products, the proper
sequencing of production is very important. For example, flavor products
should be produced from light, non-pungent products to dark, pungent
products (e.g. Lemonade before Grapefruit and then Apple followed by Fruit
Punch, Grape, and finally Root Beer). Diet products are to be produced before
sugared products and caffeine-free products before caffeine-containing ones.
The following general guidelines can be used:
 Light-color products to dark-color products
 Least-aroma products to greatest-aroma products
 Bland products to pungent products
 Diet products to sugar products
Depending on the product type being produced, minimum sanitation
procedures may be required to minimize carryover effects. In some cases, a
water flush may be sufficient, and in other cases a full CIP may be required.
The minimum sanitation procedures for select product changeover types have
been defined.
Plants should have a changeover matrix in place for employee training and
review. This enables employees to properly perform the correct type of cleaning
between changeovers and to understand the protocol for scheduling production
runs in the right sequence.

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15.5.1 Minimum Sanitation Procedures for Product Changeovers

Product Type Minimum Procedure Product Type Minimum
Clear to Cloudy Water Flush Cloudy to Clear HW Flush or 3-Step
Light to Dark Color Water Flush Dark to Light Color HW Flush or 3-Step
Low to High Aroma Water Flush High to Low Aroma HW Flush or 3-Step
Bland to Pungent Water Flush Pungent to Bland HW Flush or 3-Step
Diet to Sugar Water Flush Sugar to Diet HW Flush or 3-Step
Non-Fortified to Water Flush Fortified to Non- HW Flush or 3-Step
Fortified Fortified CIP
Non-Calcium to Water Flush Calcium to Non- 3-Step Acid CIP
Calcium Fortified Calcium Fortified
Non-Pulp to Pulp Water Flush Pulp to Non-Pulp 3-Step CIP
100% Juice to Water Flush Juice Beverage to 3-Step CIP
Juice Beverage 100% Juice
Non-Allergen to Water Flush Allergen to Non- Allergen Cleaning
Allergen Allergen Step
Kosher to Non- Water Flush Non-Kosher to Kosherization Step
Kosher Kosher
Non-GMO to GMO Water Flush GMO to Non-GMO Non-GMO Cleaning
Halal to Non- Halal Water Flush Non-Halal to Halal HW Flush or 3-Step
The requirements listed above are minimums for changing over from one
product type to another. If specific production equipment requires a higher
cleaning regime, use the higher level that is specified (e.g. use the 3- or 5-Step
CIP procedures instead of a Water Flush).
When a line produces Category 1, 2, and 3 products, the facility can migrate
back and forth between producing the different Category products within the
same CIP interval. In general, lower Category products do not contribute to a
higher micro load in the line. However, the highest Category CIP protocol must
always be used. Changing from a high Category product to a lower Category
product and then back to a higher Category product does not mean a new CIP
is required as long as the productions are still within the established CIP
frequency. Exceptions to this include the following:
 If the products being produced have specific requirements for pungency
or other cleaning requirement due to the product type.

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 Every time Bottled Water is produced on a non-dedicated production

line, it requires a CIP utilizing the Dedicated Filler Only CIP circuit.
Refer to Chapter 7: Sanitation Protocols, for sanitation protocols per product/
process and equipment type.

15.5.2 Changeover Guidelines for Syrup or Batch Tanks

 A minimum of a 5-minute system flush or validated Burst rinse program,
at a minimum temperature of 10 °C, after each pungent flavor is
required. Most pungent flavors will require the use of a 3-step Pungent
CIP utilizing either a detergent or chemical sanitizer to oxidize the flavor.
 To prevent cross-contamination during the CIP, remove door gaskets and
manually clean, open sampling ports, etc.
 The effectiveness of the CIP must be verified using in-plant testing to
include sensory testing, visual inspection, and microbiological or ATP

15.5.3 Changeover Guidelines for Syrup Lines and the Filling

 A minimum of a 5-minute system flush, at a minimum temperature of
10 °C, combined with a complete gas purge of the system after each
pungent flavor is required.
 Flushing time (t=0) begins after visually clear flow is observed.
 Flushing must be at a velocity equal to or greater than 1.5 m/sec (5 ft. /
sec) and 3.8 L/ min/ open valve (1 gallon / minute / open filler valve).
 Flexible syrup hoses are to be considered part of the syrup line and have
the same requirement.
 The system should be free of process deadlegs.
 The flow should contact all internal surfaces.
 At each step in the procedure, the carbo-cooler, filler, syrup and product
filter screens, bowls and other vessels on the filling line must be flooded
to ensure complete removal of previous flavor residuals and vapors.
Additionally, during the sanitation process, open any petcock, valve, line
or jumper required to ensure complete removal of previous product
 Effectiveness of the CIP must be verified using in-plant testing to include
sensory testing, visual inspection, and microbiological or ATP analyses.
 Some lines and process equipment may require more robust procedures
including 3-Step or 5-Step CIP procedures.

Version 5 April 2019 Page 15-22 of 22

PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Appendix 1

Appendix 1: Changes in Version 5

The PepsiCo Beverage Sanitation Manual Version 5 (this manual) has many
substantive text changes from the previous version; they are listed below. Page
numbers, section numbers and names refer to this manual unless otherwise
Note: Minor corrections to the previous version are not listed in this table.
Page # Section/ Location Change

Throughout Footer Changed issue date to APRIL 2019 – VERSION 5.

Chapter 7

7-1 Abstract Updated the number of protocols.

7-5 7.2 CIP Added 3 new protocols: High Acid Chilled

Product/Process Distribution non-ESL & ESL; Low Acid Chilled
Requirements Distribution ESL; High Acid Chilled Distribution
Ultra Clean

7-6 7.2.1 PepsiCo CIP Added 3 new protocols: High Acid Chilled
summary Matrix Distribution non-ESL & ESL; Low Acid Chilled
Distribution ESL; High Acid Chilled Distribution
Ultra Clean. Changed Chilled Juice to Chilled
Distribution under Product/Process

7-29 – 7-31 S Added 3 new protocols: High Acid Chilled T Distribution non-ESL & ESL; Low Acid Chilled
Distribution ESL; High Acid Chilled Distribution U Ultra Clean. Changed Chilled Juice to Chilled
Distribution under Product/Process

7-32 – 7-34 V Existing protocols with new numbers due to the W addition of the 3 new protocols above. X

Version 5 April 2019 APP 1-1 of 1

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