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Biochemistry 16) Basic Principals of estimation of

Electrolytes and its significance? (Nov

Long Questions:- 2016)
17) Synthesis of Creatinine and its estimation?
1) Give three examples each for (Nov 2016)
homopolysaccharides and 18) Classify carbohydrates with examples and
heteroploysaccharides and mention their its chemical properties? (Nov 2016)
composition and biological importance? 19) Explain the terms normality and molarity?
(Nov 2009) How do you prepare 1N HCl and 1N
2) Write the principle of spectrophotometry NaOH? (Jun2014)
and discuss the various components? (Nov 20) How will you classify the proteins? Describe
2009) amino acids and their clinical significance?
3) What is the normal level of glucose in the (Jun2014)
blood? How is it metabolized in the muscle 21) What are disaccharides? Write examples?
and liver? Draw different patterns of How will you qualitatively test them and
diabetic curve? (NOV 2018) confirm yours results? (Jun2014)
4) Basic principles of estimation of electrolytes
and its significance? (NOV 2018) Short Questions
5) Classification of Lipids. Give examples?
(NOV 2018)
1) Atomic structure (2009) (Jun2014)
6) Write the principles of calorimetry and its
2) Reducing property of monosaccharides.
compounds? (Nov 2010)
7) What are Disaccharides? Give examples.
3) G.T. Curve (Glucose tolerance test)
How will you qualitatively test them and
confirm your results? (Nov 2010)
4) Lactose. (2009)
8) Classify fatty acids with examples. Write in
detail about essential fatty acids? (MAY
6) Beer’s Lambert's law (2009)
7) Buffers. (2018)
9) Describe about the reactions of Glycogen
8) Structure of DNA. (2018)
Metabolism. Add a note on the Glycogen
9) Calibration curve. (2018)
storage diseases? (MAY 2019)
10) Preparation of normal and molar
10) Describe the functional classification of
solution. (2018)
proteins with examples? (MAY 2019)
11) Hydrolysis of starch. (2018)
11) Explain the principal of photometry?
12) Deviations of Beer’s law. (2018)
Mention the application of
13) Penthouses. (2018)
spectrophotometry and flame Photometry?
14) Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. (2018)
(Dec 2013)
15) Explain Flame Photometry with its
12) How is urea formed? Mention the
applications. (2010)
significance of blood urea estimation? (Dec
16) What is the normal serum creatinine
level in the body? Write its clinical
13) How is uric acid formed in the body? What
significance. (2010)
is the normal serum uric acid level in the
17) Describe a chemical balance. Mention
body and clinical significance? (Dec 2013)
its uses. (2010) Describe urea clearance
1) Classify Amino acids based on their
test. (2010)
structure and give examples for each?
18) Write a note on mucopolysaccharides.
14) Define Clearance? Test and write creatinine
19) Lambert’s Law. (2010)
clearance in detail?
20) Creatinine Clearance Test (2019)
15) Explain Spectrophotometery in detail and
write a note on its application? (Nov2017)
21) Mucopolysaccharides (2019)
22) Amino acids (2019)
23) Beer’s Law and its application? (2017) 4. Benedict’s Qualitative test. (2009)
(2019) 5. What is urea? Mention the normal values in
24) Chemical Reactions of blood and urine? (2009)
Monosaccharides (2019) 6. Biologically important nucleotides. (2009)
25) GOUT (2019) 7. HDL (High-density Lipoprotein) (2009)
26) ERNA (2019) 8. Ph. (2009)
27) 7-Dehydro Cholesterol (2019) 9. Transmittance. (2009)(2010)
28) Glucose Tolerance Test? (2013) 10. Transport proteins. (2009)
29) Chemical balance? (2013) 11. Uses of centrifuge. (2018)
30) Classify the carbohydrates? (2013) 12. Reactions of cholesterol. (2018)
31) Synthesis of creatinine? (2013) 13. Uses of hot air oven and constant
32) What are the phospholipids? Mention temperature water bath. (2018)
their functions? (2013) 14. Biuret test (2018)
33) Classify plasma lipoproteins and 15. How will you prepare standard and working
mention there functions? (2013) solution in your Lab? (2018)
34) Disaccharides and there identification in 16. How will you keep Glassware’s clean in
the urine? (2013) your Lab--? (2018)
35) Beer’s Lamberts Law? (2013) 17. Principle of Spectrophotometry. (2018)
36) Classify carbohydrates? Give examples 18. Good Cholesterol. (2018)
and write the biological importance of 19. Molecular Weight. (2018)
them? 20. Valency. (2018)
37) Molecular weight and significance? 21. Define Valency with examples. (2010)
(2017) 22. Classify Nucleotides. (2010)
38) Function of cholesterol? (2017) 23. 3 (three) simple methods for testing
39) Hyperuricemia? (2017) ALBUMIN in the urine. (2010)
40) Incubator? (2017) 24. Give the structure of ATP. (2010)
41) Functions of Albumin? (2017) 25. HDL – cholesterol. (2010)
42) Turbidimetry? (2016) 26. Write the structure of uric acid and describe
43) Structure of DNA? (2016) the level in blood and its clinical
44) Glucose tolerance test? (2016) importance. (2010)
45) Ammonia estimation? (2016) 27. Triglycerides. (2010)
46) Biological importance of Lipids? (2016) 28. Substances which will interfere glycolytic
47) Synthesis of Cholesterol? (2016) pathway? Explain? (2010)
48) Renal Clearance Tests? () 29. Concepts of molecular weight? (2010)
49) Buffers? (Jun2014) 30. Dilution Tests (2019)
50) Automatic absorption spectrophometry? 31. Define Normality and Molarity (2019)
(2014) 32. Maintenance of laboratory glass wares
51) Double typical structure of DNA? (2019)
(2014) 33. Benedict’s Test (2019)
52) Hydrogen ion concentration? (2014) 34. Enzymatic method of blood sugar estimation
53) Common laboratory glassware and their (2019)
uses? (2014) 35. Define Molecular weight and valency
54) Laws of absorption? (2014) (2019)
55) Describe the chemical balances and 36. Transmittance (2019)
write its uses? (2014) 37. Glycolipids (2019)
38. Normal values of creatinine, urea and
VERY SHORT QUESTIONS ammonia in blood. (2019)
39. Prostaglandins. (2019)
1. Molarity and molality. (2009)
40. Equivalent weight? (2013)
2. Principle of Turbidimetry (2009)
41. Volumetric Flasks? (2013)
3. Biologically important derivatives of
42. Benedict’s test? (2013)
cholesterol. (2009)
43. Functions of Proteins? (2013)
44. Reagent blank? (2013)
45. Name the blood buffers which are useful in
the maintenance of blood PH? (2013)
46. Essential fatty acids? (2013) (2016)
47. Functions of Cholesterol? (2013)
48. Primary and secondary Standards? (2013)
49. Normal levels of creatinine in serum and
urine? (2013)
50. Name the different types of glass ware used
in biochemistry lab? (2017)
51. Uses of centrifuge?
52. Non- Proteins nitrogenous substance?
53. How to prepare 100ml of 0.5 N NaOH from
2 NaOH? (2017)
54. Why a reagent blank is to be used?
55. Normal GTT
56. Function of Nucleic acids? (2017)
57. Blood buffers? (2017)
58. Methods of Glucose estimation? (2017)
59. Principal and uses of flame photometry?
60. Anticoagulants? (2016)
61. Pre Analytical Valuables? (2016)
62. Pyrimidine bases? (2016)
63. Normal value of uric acid and its
significance? (2016)
64. Atomic weight and Atomic number? (2016)
65. Valency? (2016)
66. CPK? (2016)
67. Cuvettes? (2016)
68. Tests for Ketones Bodies in the urine?
69. Biuret test? (2014)
70. Tests for creatinine? (2014)
71. Difference between DNA and RNA? (2014)
72. Uses of blanks in colorimetery? (2014)
73. Turbidimetry? (2014)
74. Uses of centrifuge?
75. Maximum Urea clearance? (2014)
76. Reactions of Cholesterol? (2014)
77. Epimerism with example? (2014)
78. Uses of Hot air oven and constant
temperature water bath? (2014)

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