Introduction To Medical Physics (BMB 34103) (BMB 34103) : Lecturer: Siti Afifah Mohshim (STAM)

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Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 2


Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 3

• In nuclear physics, a nuclear reaction is a
process ini which
hi h ttwo nuclei
l i or nuclear
particles collide to produce products
different from the initial particles.

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Figure : Nuclear Reaction

(Lithium-6 – Deuterium Reaction)
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• In the symbolic figure shown to the right,
6Li and
t i reactt tto fform th
the hi
excited intermediate nucleus Be which

then decays immediately into two alpha

• Protons are symbolically represented by
red spheres, and neutrons by blue

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 6

• In principle a reaction can involve more
th ttwo particles
than ti l colliding,
llidi but
b t because
the probability of three or more nuclei to
meet at the same time at the same place
is much less than for two nuclei, such an
event is exceptionally rare.

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 7

• While the transformation is spontaneous in
th case off radioactive
the di ti ddecay, it iis iinitiated
iti t d
by a particle in the case of a nuclear
• If the particles collide and separate without
changing, the process is called an elastic
collision rather than a reaction.

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 8

2.3.1 Nuclear Fission
• Nuclear fission occurs when a heavy
l such
h as 235U,
U splits,
lit or fissions,
fi i
into two smaller nuclei.
• In such a reaction the total mass of the
products is less than the original mass of
the heavy nucleus.

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 9

2.3.1 Nuclear Fission

• The fission of 235U by slow (low-energy)
neutrons can be represented by the
sequence of events :

• where 236U* is an intermediate state that

lasts only for about l0-I2 s before splitting
into nuclei X and Y called fission
Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 10

2.3.1 Nuclear Fission
• Many combinations of X and Y satisfy the
requirements of conservation of energy
and charge.
• In the fission of uranium, about 90 different
daughter nuclei can be formed.
• The process also results in the production
of several (typically two or three) neutrons
per fission event.

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2.3.1 Nuclear Fission

• A typical reaction of this type is :

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2.3.1 Nuclear Fission

A slowly moving neutron causes the uranium nucleus 235 92 U to

fission into barium 141
56 Ba
, krypton 92
36 Kr
, and three neutrons
Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 13

2.3.1 Nuclear Fission

• The reaction begins when 235U absorbs a
slowly moving neutron, creating a
"compound d nucleus,"
l " 236U.
• The compound nucleus disintegrates
quickly into 141Ba, 92Kr, and three neutrons
according to the following reaction:

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 14

2.3.1 Nuclear Fission

A nuclear fission even as described by the

liquid-drop model of the nucleus
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2.3.1 Nuclear Fission

From the figure :
• (a) A slow neutron approaches a 235U nucleus
• (b) The neutron is absorbed by the U nucleus,
changing it to 236U*, which is a 236U nucleus in
an excited state.
• (c) The nucleus deforms and oscillates like a
q drop.
• (d) The nucleus undergoes fission, resulting in
two lighter nuclei X and Y along with several

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2.3.1 Nuclear Fission
• Sequence of events in a nuclear fission

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor

• A nuclear reactor is a type of furnace in
which energy is generated by a controlled
fission chain reaction.

• There are a number of kinds and sizes of

reactors,, and manyy have the same three
basic components: fuel elements, a
neutron moderator and control rods.

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 18

Nuclear Reactor
• Calder Hall, the
world's first
commercial i l nuclear
power station.

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor

• Figure illustrates these components :

A nuclear reactor Consists of fuel elements control

rods and a moderator (in this case, water)
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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor
• The physics of nuclear reactors
– Reactor Core – may be thousands of fuel
element placed close together.
– The fuel elements - contain the fissile fuel
and, for example, may be thin rods about 1
cm in diameter.
– Uranium ( 92 U ) is a common reactor fuel
– The control rods - contain an element, such
as boron or cadmium, that readily absorbs
neutrons without fissioning.
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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor

• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– Whereas neutrons with energies of
about 0.04 eV (or less) readily fission ( 92 U )

; the neutrons released during the

fission process have significantly greater
energies of several MeV or so.

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor
• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– Consequently, a nuclear reactor must contain
some type of material that will decrease or
moderate the speed of such energetic neutrons
so they can readily fission additional ( 235
92 U ) nuclei.

– The material that slows down the neutrons is

ll d moderator
d t (th (thatt iis water).
t )

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor

• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– When an energetic neutron leaves a fuel element
element, the
neutron enters the surrounding water and collides with
water molecules.
– With each collision, the neutron loses an appreciable
fraction of its energy and slows down.
– Once slowed down to thermal energy by the moderator,
a process that
th t ttakes
k lless th
than 10-33 s, the
th neutron
t is
capable of initiating a fission event upon re-entering a
fuel element.

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor
The physics of nuclear
reactors (cont.)
• A chain reaction.
• For clarity, it is assume
that each fission
t twot neutrons

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor

• The physics of nuclear
reactors (cont
– If the output power
from a reactor is to
remain constant, only
one neutron from each
fission event must
trigger a new fission
as in Figure

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 26

2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor
• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– When each fission leads to one additional
fission - no more or no less - the reactor is
said to be critical.
– A reactor normally operates in a critical
condition, because then it produces a steady
t t off energy.

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor

• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– The reactor is subcritical when, on average,
the neutrons from each fission trigger less
than one subsequent fission.
– In a subcritical reactor, the chain reaction is
not self-sustaining and eventually dies out.

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2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor
• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– When the neutrons from each fission trigger
more than one additional fission, the reactor is
– During a supercritical condition, the energy
released by a reactor increases.
– If left unchecked the increasing energy can
lead to a partial or total meltdown of the
reactor core, with the possible release of
radioactive material into the environment
Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 29

2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor

• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– Clearly
Clearly, a control mechanism is needed to keep the
reactor in its normal or critical state.
– This control is accomplished by a number of control
rods that can be moved into and out of the reactor
– If the reactor becomes supercritical, the control rods
are automatically
t ti ll moved d ffarther
th iinto
t th
the core tto
absorb the excess neutrons causing the condition.
– In response, the reactor returns to its critical state.

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 30

2.3.2 Nuclear Reactor
• The physics of nuclear reactors (cont.)
– Conversely, if the reactor becomes subcritical,
the control rods are partially withdrawn from
the core.
– Fewer neutrons are absorbed, more neutrons
are available for fission, and the reactor again
t to
t its
it critical
iti l state.
t t

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 31

2.3.3 Nuclear Fusion

• Define as : When two light nuclei combine
t form
to f a heavier
h i nucleus,
l th
the process iis
called nuclear fusion.
• Because the mass of the final nucleus is
less than the sum of the masses of the
original nuclei, there is a loss of mass,
accompanied by a release of energy.

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 32

2.3.3 Nuclear Fusion
• Deuterium and tritium
are fused together
g to
 4
form a helium 2 He 
• The result is the
release of an
enormous amount of
energy, mainly carried
by a single high-
energy neutron 0 n  

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 33

2.3.3 Nuclear Fusion

• Two isotopes of hydrogen, 1 H
(deuterium, D) and 13 H (tritium, T),
fuse to form 24 He and a neutron
according to the following reaction :

1 H 13H  24He 01n

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From the figure above :
• When fission occurs,, a massive nucleus
divides into two fragments whose binding
energy per nucleon is greater than that of
the original nucleus.
• When fusion occurs, two low-mass nuclei
combine to form a more massive nucleus
whose binding energy per nucleon is
greater than that of the original nuclei.
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2.3.4 The α, p Reaction
• The first nuclear reaction was observed by
R th f d iin 1919 iin an experiment
Rutherford i t iin
which he bombarded nitrogen gas with α
particles from a radioactive source.

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2.3.4 The α, p Reaction

• A reaction in which an α particle interacts
with a nucleus to form a compound
nucleus which, in turn, disintegrates
immediately into a new nucleus by the
ejection of a proton is called an α,p
• The first letter
letter, α,
α stands for the
bombarding particle and the second letter,
p, stands for the ejected particle, in this
case a proton.
Intro To Medical Physics_STAM 41

2.3.4 The α, p Reaction
• Rutherford's original transmutation
ti can beb written
itt as:
Z X  24He AZ31Y 11H  Q
• For example ;
7 N  24He178 O 11H  Q

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2.3.4 The α, p Reaction

• where Q generally represents the energy
l d or absorbed
b b dd during
i a nuclear
• If Q is positive, energy has been released
and the reaction is called exoergic.
• If Q is negative
negative, energy has been
absorbed and the reaction is endoergic.

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2.3.4 The α, p Reaction
• Q is also called nuclear reaction energy or
di i t
ti energy and d iis equall tto th
difference in the masses of the initial and
final particles.
• Therefore,
 931.5Mev 
Q = (minitial – mfinal)  1u 
 
 931.5Mev 
= Δ m  1u

Intro To Medical Physics_STAM

2.3.4 The α, p Reaction

• As an example :
Mass of Initial Mass of Final Particles
Particles (amu) (amu)
N-14 =14.003074 O-17 = 16.999133

He 4 = 4.002603 H-1
H 1 = 1.007825

Total = 18.005677 Total = 18.006958

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2.3.4 The α, p Reaction
• The total mass of final particles is greater
than that of the initial particles.
 931.5Mev 
Q = (minitial – mfinal )  1u

 931.5Mev 
 
=Δm  1u 
 931.5Mev 
= (18.005677 amu - 18.006958 amu)  
 931.5Mev   1u 
 
= (- 0.001281 amu )  1u 
= - 1.19 MeV

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2.3.4 The α, p Reaction

• Thus the above reaction is endoergic, that
i att lleastt 1
is, 1.19
19 M
V off energy mustt b
supplied for the reaction to take place.
• This minimum required energy is called
the threshold energy for the reaction and
must be available from the kinetic energy
of the bombarding particle.

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2.3.5 The α, n Reaction
• The bombardment of a nucleus by α
ti l with
ith th
the subsequent
b t emission
i i off
neutrons is designated as an α,n reaction.
• An example of this type of reaction is

• This was the first reaction used for

producing small neutron sources.

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2.3.5 The α, n Reaction

• A material containing a mixture of radium
lli h
has b
been commonly l usedd as
a neutron source in research laboratories.
• In this case, the α particles emitted by
radium bombard the beryllium nuclei and
eject neutrons.

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