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Homework for Unit 3 Lesson 1 and 2

Dialogue of pain conversation

Watch video via this link and then choose a correct word in the box provided
to complete each sentence.


unbearable severe improve work feel sharp take hurt

At a Medical Center

Donna: Oouwww, my back,….oouwww..(feeling painful in her back)

At a medical clinic

Sherine: Hi Donna, I am a nurse, my name is Sherine. Please sit down.

Donna: oh, actually it hurts more if I sit down.

Sherine: Ok, stay standing then. Tell me where do you have pain?

Donna: I have pain here in my lower back.

Sherine: Ok, how much pain do you have? How would you rate the pain out of
hurt and a number is really hard to
Donna: Ooh…,….oouwww.., it really 1………………
unbearableand five means somewhere in a
Sherine: Well, ten would be 2. ………………
middle, a moderate kind of pain.

Donna: Ahh..say 8 out of 10.

severe Tell me, when did your pain start?
Sherine: So it’s pretty 3……………...
Donna: It started this morning.

Sherine: Ok, and does it stay for a long time or it comes and goes.

Donna: It’s intermittent, it comes and goes.

Sherine: Ok, is it the first time that it happens?

Donna: No.. I have back pain for years and sometimes it’s worse.

Sherine: For years, then you have chronic pain. Tell me, what does the pain
feel like?

Donna: Ummm a sudden, 5 …………….pain

Sherine: Ok, a sharp pain

Sherine: Do you feel the pain really ache which means it starts in your lower
back and moves to another part of the body.

Donna: Umm no it’s just in my lower back.. oouwww ssss …(having very bad
pain in her back)

่ เติม
Sherine refers Donna to the doctor (ไม่มี content ในวิดโี อนะคะ เป็ นแบบฝึ กหัดเพิม
ทีอ่ าจารย์ต้องการให้นิสิตฝึ กการใช้คาศัพท์)

Doctor: It looks like you have severe back pain. I will give you some painkillers
then. Do you have any other medical conditions?

Donna: No I don’t.
taRe diclofenac
Doctor: Ok, I will give you diclofenac and paracetamol. 6…………..
with meal, three times a day. When you have worse pain which diclofenac
can’t help on its own, you can take paracetamol along with diclofenac. This
improve your pain.
should help 7…………
work then come to see me. I will do a further
If these two drugs don’t 8.……………,
investigation of your back pain then. Hope you get better soon.

Donna: Thank you very much. You have been very helpful.

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