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LECTURES BY Muriel G. and George W. Singer Professor of Trans-
lational Medicine; Professor of Microbiology; and
CLEVELAND Director, Human Microbiome Program, New York
University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY

Our missing microbes: Short-term antibiotic

courses have long-term consequences
ecent years have seen dramatic increases Interacting with each other and with us
R in the prevalences of chronic diseases such
as type 1 diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux dis-
in complex ways, our bacteria are a diverse
community to which we can apply the term
ease, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease,4
2 3
microbiome. They are acquired in a standard,
and, notably, obesity.5 I propose the hypothesis choreographed process,10 and their composi-
that much of this increase may be due to loss tion comes to resemble that of adults by the
of diversity in the bacteria that make our guts age of 3.11
their home.6 While multiple causes contribute, Before modern times, microbes were trans-
much of the blame may be attributed to the ferred from mother to child during vaginal
use—and overuse—of antibiotics. birth, from the mother’s breast during nurs-
ing, through skin-to-skin contact, and from
■ FAT AND GETTING FATTER the mother’s mouth by kissing. Now, wide-
Today, nearly 40% of US adults are obese, and spread cesarean delivery, bottle-feeding, ex-
nearly three-fourths are either obese or over- tensive bathing (especially with antibacterial
weight.7 More alarming, the prevalence of soaps), and especially the use of antibiotics
Hypothesis: obesity is also high and getting higher in chil- have changed the human ecology and altered
dren and adolescents,8 having increased from transmission and maintenance of ancestral
Much of the microbes, which affects the composition of
10.0% in 1988–1994 to 17.8% in 2013–2016.
rise in chronic And not just in the United States. Trends in the microbiota. The microbes, both good and
diseases is weight have been going up around the world, bad, that are usually acquired early in life are
with a lag of about 30 years between develop- especially important, since they affect a devel-
due to loss opmentally critical stage.12
ing countries and industrialized countries.5
of microbial Loss of microbial diversity in the mother
■ OUR BACTERIA, OURSELVES appears to be cumulative over succeeding gen-
diversity erations.13 For example, in a study in Japanese
I believe that the bacteria we carry are not families, Urita et al14 found a decline in the
random, but rather have coevolved along with prevalence of Helicobacter pylori colonization
us, passed down from generation to generation from 68.7% in the first generation to 43.4% in
in a state of dynamic equilibrium between the second generation and 12.5% in the third.
microbes and host. Evidence supporting this Clemente et al15 studied the intestinal micro-
comes from a study by Ochman et al,9 who biota in a previously uncontacted group of
analyzed the DNA from fecal samples from Yanomami people in the Amazon jungle and
different hominid species (including Homo found they had the highest diversity of bacte-
sapiens) and found that the phylogenic rela- ria ever reported in a human group. By com-
tionships among the bacteria mirrored those parison, the research team calculated that we
among the apes. in the United States have already lost 50% of
Medical Grand Rounds articles are based on edited transcripts from
our microbial diversity, and 2 other groups, the
Medicine Grand Rounds presentations at Cleveland Clinic. They are Guahibo (another Amerindian group) and ru-
approved by the author but are not peer-reviewed.
ral Malawians, were in between. More recent
doi:10.3949/ccjm.85gr.18005 studies are confirming these observations.16,17

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■ USE AND OVERUSE OF ANTIBIOTICS long-lasting effects on the expression of genes

More than 73 billion antibiotic doses are pre- involved in immunity and enhances the effect
scribed worldwide yearly,18 or about 10 doses of a high-fat diet in terms of weight gain.30 If the
for every man, woman, and child on Earth, and antibiotic exposure is limited to early life, the ef-
the numbers are rising. In the United States fect on the microbiota is transient, but the mice
262 million courses were prescribed in 2011, or still gain weight. If the microbiota from the mice
842 per 1,000 population.19 Children receive a who received penicillin is transferred to germ-
mean of 2.7 courses by age 2, and 10.9 by age free mice, the recipients also become fat, indi-
10. More than 50% of women receive antibiot- cating that the bacteria, not the antibiotics per
ics during pregnancy or perinatally. This is in se, cause the weight gain.
addition to an unknown level of exposure from In other experiments,31 a series of short,
agricultural use of antibiotics. therapeutic doses of antibiotics early in life
Repeated antibiotic exposure is common modeled after those given to children to treat
in early life, varies widely by country, and is their acute infections caused long-term chang-
often not medically justified.20 In the United es in the composition of the microbiome and
in metabolism.
States, antibiotic use varies by region, with
A single course of a macrolide antibiotic
the heaviest use in the South.19,21 It also var-
also had long-term effects on the microbial
ies widely among prescribers.22 Jones et al23
population and on the host’s ileal gene expres-
examined antibiotic prescribing for acute re-
sion, T-cell populations, and secretory immu-
spiratory infections in US veterans and found
noglobulin A expression.32 These effects were
that the top 10% of physicians gave an antibi-
seen only in mice that had a microbiome to
otic more than 90% of the time. Physicians in
begin with, not in germ-free mice, indicating
Sweden prescribe about 60% fewer antibiotics
that the antibiotics had their effect through
than we do in the United States.21,24
the changes in the microbiome, not directly.
Observational data indicate that people
But when germ-free mice received a fecal
who receive antibiotics have a higher risk of
transplant of an impaired microbiome, it was
chronic diseases later in life, eg: For decades,
sufficient to affect immunity.
• Type 2 diabetes (odds ratio 1.21, 95% confi-
In nonobese diabetic mice, treatment with the meat
dence interval 1.19–1.23 with 2 to 4 cours-
antibiotics early in life altered the gut micro-
es, and odds ratio 1.53 (1.50–1.55) with 5 industry
biome and its metabolic capacities, intestinal
or more courses, up to 15 years after25
gene expression, and T-cell populations, ac- has added
• Obesity: US states with the highest preva-
celerating the onset of type 1 diabetes.33
lence of antibiotic use also have the high- In a study in Danish children,34 the likeli- antibiotics
est prevalence of obesity26 hood of inflammatory bowel disease increased to animals’
• Kidney stones: prior antibiotic exposure in with early-life antibiotic exposure: the more
a large UK study was associated with in- feed to make
courses the child received, the greater the
creased kidney stone risk, for exposures up likelihood of disease. This observation led them gain
to 5 years earlier.27 researchers to wonder if an antibiotic-altered
The meat industry has exploited the weight weight
microbiome affects the outcome of inflamma-
effect for decades, adding subtherapeutic doses tory bowel disease in the next generation.35
of antibiotics to animals’ feed to make them Germ-free female mice who received micro-
gain weight.28 biota from mice who had received antibiotics
passed the altered microbiome to their pups.
■ FINDINGS FROM STUDIES IN MICE Mice lacking the gene for interleukin 10 are
Laboratory studies of the relationship between genetically susceptible to colitis, and when
antibiotic exposure and disease phenotypes in this experiment was done in mice lacking this
mice have yielded interesting findings. gene, the offspring developed markedly more
Mice exposed to antibiotics had more colitis. This indicated the mothers could pass
body fat at 10 weeks (32.0%) than control down their altered microbiome to the next
mice (22.9%).29 generation and that it would affect their risk
Low-dose penicillin, started at birth, induces of disease.

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■ WHAT CAN WE DO? the development of chronic diseases.

All physicians must adhere to the principles of In the future, as we discover more about the
antibiotic stewardship,36 not only to prevent microbiome and the optimal mix of bacteria to
the development of resistant strains of patho- carry, this information may find practical ap-
gens and the overgrowth of potentially dan- plication in medicine. A pediatrician, for ex-
gerous species such as Clostridium difficile, but ample, may want to analyze a child’s microbi-
also, possibly, to prevent the loss of diversity ome and, if it is abnormal, administer specific
in the human microbiome and thus discourage organisms to reshape it. ■

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