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Test 05

A. Choose The Correct Answer

01. Jackson, _____ capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state
a. The
b. Where is the
c. Is the
d. It is the

02. Valley Forge National Park commemorates the time that Washington _____ in Valley
Forge with his troops
a. Spend
b. Spent
c. Was spent
d. Has been spent

03. In New England ______ picturesque fishing villages and manufacturing towns
a. Has
b. Many
c. About
d. There are

04. In 1774 delegates from all the colonies ______ attended the First Continental Congress
a. Georgia
b. The exception was Georgia
c. Except Georgia
d. Except that Georgia was

05. It is the recommendation of the US Public Health Service _____ children be vaccinated
against a variety of diseases

a. Suggestion to all
b. That all
c. To all
d. Suggests that all

06. The pirate Jean Lafitte offered his services to the US Government in the War of 1812,
_____ in 1815, and received a full pardon from President James Madison
a. Fought in the Battle of New Orleans
b. The Battle of New Orleans was
c. He fought in the Battle of New Orleans
d. The Battle of New Orleans

07. Although fish do not have outer ears, _____ have a simple inner ear on either side of
the head
a. There are varieties
b. They are varieties
c. Some varieties
d. Which varieties

08. Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, ______ in 1607
a. It was founded
b. Colonists arrived there
c. Was established
d. Founded.

09. ______ through a telescope, Venus appears to go through changes in size and shape
a. It is seen
b. Seeing
c. When seen
d. It has seen

10. The various types of bacteria are classified according to _____ shaped
a. They are
b. Having
c. How they are
d. Whose

11. Beavers have been known to use logs, branches, rocks, and mud to build dams that are
more than a thousand ______
a. Foot in length
b. Feet long
c. Long feet
d. Lengthy feet

12. ______ stone tools and animal remains found with human fossils, anthropologists have
determined that Neanderthal Man was a successful hunter
a. When the
b. The
c. Both the
d. From the

13. ______ as the most important crop in Hawaii is sugar cane

a. It ranks
b. It is ranked
c. What ranks
d. The rank

14. Under the educational plan proposed by the school board of Rocklyn Country, ______
unhappy with a particular school, they could simply move their children to another
a. Were parents
b. When parents

c. Parents who were
d. Parent were

15. In the Us, more than 60 percent of all high school students who ______ continue their
a. Do not
b. Graduate
c. Will
d. Can

B. Choose The Wrong One

16. J. Edgar Hoover has served as director of the FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972
a. Has served
b. Director
c. From
d. His death

17. Denver is call the “Mile High City” because it is at an altitude of 5,280 feet, or 1 mile,
above sea level
a. Call
b. It is
c. An altitude
d. Feet

18. A neutrino is a subatomic particle it has no electrical charge

a. Subatomic
b. It
c. Has
d. No

19. While the Sun is the major source of ultraviolet rays, it is not the source only
a. While
b. The major
c. It is
d. Source only

20. Gamma globulin, a protein found in blood plasma, is used to prevent such infectious
disease for measles and viral hepatitis
a. Found in
b. Is
c. For
d. And

21. Together Rogers and Hammerstein wrote nine musicals, the first of whose was
a. Together
b. Musicals
c. First
d. Whose

22. A dam stops the flow of water, creating a reservoir and raise the level of water
a. Stops
b. Flow
c. Raise
d. Level

23. Authors Samuel Morison won two Pulitzer Prizes, one in 1943 for a biography of
Columbus and the other in 1960 for a biography of John Paul Jones
a. Authors
b. Won

c. A biography
d. The other

24. The United States is the world’s largest cheese producer, making more than two million
tons of cheese annual
a. World’s
b. Making
c. Tons
d. Annual

25. According to the 1978 Bakke decision by the Supreme Court, an university may not use
admission quotas to obtain a racially balanced student body
a. An
b. Use
c. Quotas
d. A racially

26. The system for helping slaves escape to the North was called the Underground
Railroad, though it was neither underground or railroad
a. For helping
b. Though
c. Was
d. Or

27. Unlike light from other sources, which travels in all direction, the light from a laser is
highly directional
a. Unlike
b. Which
c. Direction
d. Highly directional

28. Natural gas is composed of hydrocarbon molecules that breaks apart into hydrogen and
carbon atoms when heated
a. Is
b. That breaks
c. Apart
d. When heated

29. Nuclear powers production in the US is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory

a. Powers
b. Is
c. Controlled
d. The

30. Diamonds are evaluated on the basis of their weigh, purity, and color
a. Are evaluated
b. The basis
c. Their
d. Weigh

31. Ships are able to move through canals by means locks, rectangular areas with variable
water level
a. Move through
b. By means
c. Rectangular
d. Variable

32. Harvard University was established just after sixteen years the Pilgrims arrived
a. Was
b. Just

c. After sixteen years
d. Arrived

33. Patients suffering from encephalitis have an inflame of the brain

a. Suffering
b. From
c. Inflame
d. The brain

34. About twenty-eight million Americans suffer serious hearing loss, and the likely cause
in more than a third of the cases are too much exposure to loud noise
a. Loss
b. Likely
c. Are
d. Exposure

35. Because helicopters are capable of hovering in midair, they are particularly useful for
rescue missions, military operates, and transportation
a. Because
b. Of hovering
c. Particularly
d. Operates

36. Many states do laws regulating production processes for different types of food
a. Do
b. Production processes
c. Types
d. Products

37. For photosynthesis to occur, a leaf requires carbon dioxide, water, and lightness
a. For
b. To occur,
c. Requires
d. Lightness

38. Ester Forbes won the 1943 Pulitzer Prize in American history for her biographer of
Paul Revere
a. Won
b. In
c. Her
d. Biographer

39. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution specially to guarantee the certain
individual rights
a. Was added
b. Specifically
c. The certain
d. Rights

40. The longer a noise lasts, the damaging it becomes

a. Longer a noise
b. Lasts
c. Damaging
d. Becomes

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