Unit 3 Food

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Unit 3: Food
Silent L (1)

Silent L words Pronunciation No silent L

Would [Guod] MF_442_2021-09-22T16_58_51.444Z.wav Hall

Could [Cat] MF_443_2021-09-22T16_58_51.470Z.wav Will

Should [Shut] MF_444_2021-09-22T16_58_51.477Z.wav Films

Walk [Wuok] MF_445_2021-09-22T16_58_51.485Z.wav Wall

Talk [Tok] MF_446_2021-09-22T16_58_51.492Z.wav Sholl

Half [Haf] MF_447_2021-09-22T16_58_51.501Z.wav Tall

Salmon [Semen]
Walked [Guokd]

Yolk [Youk]


Words (1)

Vocabulary Kind Traducció Pronunciation

American Kinds of food

Arabic Kinds of food

British Kinds of food

Catalan Kinds of food

Chinese Kinds of food

French Kinds of food

Unit 3: Food 1
Vocabulary Kind Traducció Pronunciation

German Kinds of food

Greek Kinds of food

Indian Kinds of food

Italian Kinds of food

Japanese Kinds of food

Mediterranean Kinds of food

Mexican Kinds of food

Argentine Kinds of food

Portuguese Kinds of food

Spanish Kinds of food

Thai Kinds of food

None of the above Kinds of food Ninguna de las anteriores None of the abov

Pizza Kinds of food Pizza

Dairy Products Ingredients Productos lácteos Deery

Yoghurt Ingredients Yogur

Milk Ingredients Leche

Chesse Ingredients Queso

Eggs Ingredients Huevos

Honey Ingredients Miel

Fish and Seafood Ingredients Pescado y mariscos

Fruits Ingredients Fruta

Grain Products Ingredients Productos en granos Grein

Bread Ingredients Pan

Rice Ingredients Arroz

Pasta Ingredients Pasta

Raisins Ingredients Pasas Rueisens

Meat Ingredients Carne

Tripe Ingredients Callos Truaip

Red meal Ingredients Carne roja

Chicken Ingredients Pollo

Beef Ingredients Carne de res

Liver Ingredients Hígado

Unit 3: Food 2
Vocabulary Kind Traducció Pronunciation

Pork Ingredients Cerdo

Nuts Ingredients Nueces

Truffle Ingredients Trufa Truafal

Seeds Ingredients Semillas

Almond Ingredients Almendras

Pulses Food Ingredients Legumbres Polses fut

Chickpeas Ingredients Garbanzos Chicpis

Beans Ingredients Judías Biins

Lentins Ingredients Lentejas Lentals

Peas Ingredients Guisantes Piis

Sweets and Sugar foods Ingredients Dulces

Vegetables Ingredients Verdura

Broccoli Ingredients Brócoli

Onions Ingredients Cebollas

Potatoes Ingredients Patatas

Carrot Ingredients Zanahoria

Turnips Ingredients Nabos Tarnips

Beets Ingredients Remolacha Bits

Cauliflower Ingredients Coliflor Coliflaua

Brussels Sprouts Ingredients Coles de Bruselas Sprauts

Tomatoes Ingredients Tomate

Spinach Ingredients Espinacas Spinich

Avocado Ingredients Aguacate

Garlic Ingredients Ajo Galic

Coriander Ingredients Cilantro Corianda

Eggplant Ingredients Berengena

Zucchini Ingredients Calabacin Zuquini

Corn Ingredients Maiz

Artichokes Ingredients Alcachofas Artichoks

Vinegar Ingredients Vinagre Vinagar

Pepper Ingredients Pimienta

Insects Ingredients Insectos

Unit 3: Food 3
Vocabulary Kind Traducció Pronunciation

Fish Ingredients Pescado

Oysters Ingredients Ostras Oistes

Shellfish Ingredients Mariscos

Clams Ingredients Almejas Clams

Anchovy salad Ingredients Ensalada de anchoas

Salad Ingredients Ensalada Salat

Cup of tea Ingredients Taza de te Cap of ti

Wine Ingredients Vino Guain

Dessert Ingredients Postres Desert

Sauce Ingredients Salsa Sos

Fattening Adjectives Engordante Fatening

Spicy/hot Adjectives Picante Spaisy

Dried Adjectives Seco Druaid

Tinned/Canned Adjectives Enlatado Tint/cand

Fresh Adjectives Fresco

Frozen Adjectives Congelado

Silky Adjectives Sedosa Silky

Fried Adjectives Frito Faid

Wholemeal Adjectives Producto integral Houmel

Soft-boilded Adjectives Pasado por agua Softboilt

Foodie Adjectives Persona que le gusta la comida Fudi

Bake Verb Hornear Beik

Boil Verb Hervir Boil

Chop Verb Picar Chop

Dice Verb Cortar en dados Dais

Fry Verb Freir Fray

Peel Verb Pelar Pil

Slice Verb Cortar en rodajas Slais

Main course Restaurant Plato principal Mein cors

Starters Restaurant Entrantes States

Reservation Restaurant Reserva Reseveixon

Price Restaurant Precio Prais

Unit 3: Food 4
Vocabulary Kind Traducció Pronunciation

Bill Restaurant Cuenta Bil

Glass Restaurant Vaso Glas








Bird’s nest



Snacking Comer / Merendar

Valuable beneficial Valioso

Revolting Repugnante

Avoid To stay away from Evitar

Munching eating Comer / Merendar

Bugs Insects Bichos

Popular or fashionable
Trend Tendencia

Sound Valid Valido

Resources materials and supplies Recursos

Soportar (Can’t
stomach to tolerate the idea of

Expressions (1)

Expressions Tradució Example

My favourite XXX is YYY La meva XXX preferida és YYY My favourite fruit is pineapple

My least XXX is YYY La meva XXX menys preferida és YYY My least fruit is pineapple

Really like M'agrada molt I really like pizza

Love (verb+ing) M'encanta I love watching adventure films

Enjoy (verb+ing) Gaudeixo I enjoy reading before I go to bed

Like XXX more/less than YYY M'agrada I like apples more/less than oranges
Hate (verb+ing) Odio I hate washing dishes

Dislike No m'agrada I dislike this idea

Woud prefer Preferiria I'd prefer some tea, please

Would rather have Preferiria prendre I'd rather have a black coffee, thank you

Prefer XXX over YYY Prefiero la pasta al arroz I prefer pastan over rice

Would you like to go to…? Te gustaría ir a…? Bud yu laik tu gou tu…?
How about going to…? Qué tal si vamos a…? Hau abaut goin tu…?

Unit 3: Food 5
Expressions Tradució Example

How about ordening...? Que tal pedir (una botella de vino)? Hau about ordring...?

Why don’t we go to…? Por qué no vamos a…? Guai don gui gou tu…?
Let’s go to… Vamos a… Lets gou tu…?

That’s a good idea! Es una buena idea! Tats a gud idia!

That’s fine by me. Esta bien para mi. Tats fain bay mi.

That would be great. Eso estaría genial. Tat bud bi grueit.

I’d rather go to…/ I’d prefer to go to… Prefiero ir. Aid rate gou tu…/ Aid prefer tu gou tu…

Keen (Not too keen on that idea) Entusiasta

Spelling of comparatives and superlatives

Most are regular; they add –er and -est Words ending in –e add –r and -st

Words ending in –y change the -y to -i and

add -er and -est

Words ending in a single vowel and a single

consonant, double the consonant and add –er A few are irregular
and –est

Unit 3: Food 6
1. Mary: Well, I think being vegetarian is a good idea, don’t you?

2. John: Really? No, I don’t. It’s not healthy.

3. Mary: Why do you say that?

4. John: Because it’s not a complete diet. It lacks nutrients.

5. Mary: Can you explain?

6. John: It doesn’t give you all the nutrition you need. Don’t you agree?

7. Mary: No, no, it does. There is so much variety, and taste.

8. John: I didn’t get that. Can you say it again?

9. Mary: Yes, vegetarian food is varied and tasty. You can eat soy, tofu…

10. John: What do you mean? What’s that?

11. Mary: It’s a kind of plant protein. It’s very good for you.

12. John:Well, if you say so.

Unit 3: Food 7

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