Homework Week 4 - Writing PDF

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Homework Week 4 - Writing


One of the most important inventions that the human
being has made is fire.
Main idea- Making and controlling fire meant a before and
after for the development of the human being, thanks to fire
man has been able to heat himself, generate light, cook, make
small utensils and even defend himself from attacks, and today
its use in the industry.
The first detail: is that when the first humans discovered fire,
their life became easier.
The second detail: it is that they could have light and at the
same time feel protected.
The third detail: they used it to prepare their food, they had
discovered something that helped to soften it and that when
eating their food they were easy to chew and digest, since
before knowing the fire they ate their food raw.
And finally the fourth detail: it is that today fire is what
allows many industries and factories to start up that require
this type of combustion in order to function, in addition to
being the basis of many products, for example oil products
such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, fuel oil and Liquefied
Petroleum Gas.

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