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Unit 1 test 5th form

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1 Read, look and circle.

She needs to pour / stir the water.

He needs to stir / heat the water.

He needs to stir / mix the soup.

She needs to cut / chop the carrots.


She needs to mix / add the nuts and raisins.

They add / pour the vegetables to the pan.

Score: /5

2 Match the pictures and the instructions.

1 a Add some sugar to the butter

in the pan.

b Add the butter to the pan.

c Mix together the sugar, the
raisins and the flour.

3 d Pour everything into a cake tin.

e Add a little oil to the bowl.

4 f Heat the oven and cook the cake.

Score: /5
3 Read and tick (✔) the ingredients Katy needs.

Hi, I’m Katy. This is my recipe for Banana Choc Glory! You need some
chocolate chips. Put them in a dish. Next, mix a little sugar into the
cream and add this. Then chop a few bananas – two is okay. Add
them and stir into the cream. Finally, add the raisins and the nuts on
the top. It’s really delicious!

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Score: /7


4 Complete the sentences.

Is there any f l o u r in the cupboard?

Are there any ? Yes, there

Do we need for this recipe?
I need a lot of .

He needs some for the cake.

Now add the
and stir.

Score: /5

5 Read and complete.

much many little few need does

1 How much sugar do you need ?

2 We need a oil for the pizza.

3 How raisins do you need?

4 I need a biscuits. I’m hungry!

5 What he need to do next?

6 How butter does she need for the cake?

Score: /5

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