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Chapter I


Background of the study

The information technology plays a crucial role in

developing modern society and to the social life of the

people to make life easier. Also, it significantly boosted

the government and public administration performance and

productivity. Providing better services to the people by

making important information accessible to the public. Role

of information technology in storing and retrieving all

kinds of records are what the daily operation in all

government offices.

One of the offices in the Sorsogon government that

requires to use a web-based information system for effective

services is the Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management Office (SPDDRMO). Presently, the office is

having difficulties such as in sending notices to the

Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

(MDRRMO) one by one through email, receiving disaster

reports from MDDRMO due to the incomplete content and having

differences when it comes in format of the reports being

sent by the MDRRMO’s to the office. It is hard for the

office to consolidate the information that had been gathered


after the disaster which is needed to be sent to the

National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office


Due to the lack of automated or electronic system that

will aid the needs of the office. The proponent of this

study proposed a web-based information system to provide a

solution and lessen the difficulties that the office


Information system is an integrated set of components

for collecting, storing, processing and for providing

information, knowledge and digital products [1]

. It has five

components that provide value to an organization which are

hardware, software, data, people and process [2]

. It gains

their importance by processing the data from company inputs

to generate information that is useful for managing all the

operations. An information system can help manage a company

and improve its performance .


In addition, businesses strive to gain competitive

advantage, increase their economic indicators, work

productivity and efficiency, reduce costs and get other

benefits through implementation of integrated information

systems . Organizations worldwide rely on them to research


and develop new ways to generate revenue, engage customers

and streamline time-consuming tasks[5].

Furthermore, in the Philippines there are government

offices that implemented different information system for

their operations. Some of these are the development of a

Barangay Office Management System that enables the user to

manage and print barangay citizen’s request and financial

records and reports [6]

. Even the implementation of an

electronic health information system in health centers in

the Philippines to respond to a gap in population health

decision-making that has developed [7]


Since the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable

countries to natural disasters due to its geographical

location. Natural disasters such as storms, floods,

earthquakes, and droughts often occur which bring threat and

disturbance to people. Its frequency and severity are

probable to increase since there are many studies linking

its relationship with climate change [8]


When it comes to disaster, information systems can

strengthen disaster preparedness as people learn about

vulnerable areas. It can provide an opportunity for scenario

prior disaster preparedness. Information systems help people

record, exchange, and process disaster-related


information[9].Disaster information system used the spatial

information and disaster attribute information to make an

efficient performance of functions necessary for disaster

management such as disaster zone management, geological

analysis and automatized calculation of damage area, and

made the efficient disaster management through the

extraction of cadastral information and damage area more

than certain scale by damage area [10]


However, there are currently substantial problems with

availability, access and usage of reliable, up-to-date and

accurate data for disaster management. This is a very

important aspect to disaster response as timely, up-to-date

and accurate spatial data describing the current situation

is paramount to successfully responding to an emergency.

This includes information about available resources, access

to roads and damaged areas, required resources and required

disaster response operations that should be available and

accessible for use in a short period of time. Any problem or

delay in data collection, access, usage and dissemination

has negative impacts on the quality of decision-making and

hence the quality of disaster response .


The key to successful disaster management is

coordination and fast response as well as the collection of

and access of different kinds of data by the use of

information system with these activities and hence a natural

choice for response activities when critical situation

occurs .

All the literatures that are mentioned above has

relevance to the present project which states that

information systems are consists of physical, the software

which is a set of instruction that command the hardware, the


data to help organization to analyze and in decision making,

the people involve and process of information system to

achieve a desire outcome or goal. It helps in making the

information more accurate and use in new ways in order to

process sufficient amount of information and helps reduce

time and efforts. One can be able to keep up to the

situation by adjusting in business process through

information systems. In addition, even the in the Philippine

government contains the different information systems that

has been used in the offices and organizations. It

strengthens the information support for improving the

efficiency and effectiveness in the Philippines by

implementing information system in different kinds of

operations. Similar to the current project, a web-based

information system will be provided for the Sorsogon

Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management (SPDRRMO).

Furthermore, the benefits of having a web-based

information system in disaster risk reduction will reduce

the vulnerability of the community when it comes to disaster

caused by natural calamities. The current project will

provide a system prior in collecting, storing, processing

data and providing information in terms of disaster related

that can carry out and manage operations for disaster risk

reduction. It is also easy to manage all the operations with


the help of Web-based Information system for the Disaster

Risk Reduction Management in such as disaster response,

recovery, preparedness.

Gonzales [13]
developed a system entitled “The Barangay

Disaster Preparedness Monitoring Web Application” which is a

web application system that will be used by the Department

of Interior and Local Government in the Philippines. It is

used to standardize data collection of barangay disaster

preparedness information at the barangay level, provide a

more efficient reporting system for the DILG Field Officers

from the cities and municipalities and to have a monitoring

tool and automatic consolidation of data at the national

level. This system uses an open source Relational Database

Management System (RDBMS) and adapts the Philippine Standard

Geographic Code data at the national level. This system will

provide the DILG management a real-time scenario on barangay

preparedness through data visualization.

The Barangay Disaster Preparedness Monitoring Web

Application System is related to the proposed system because

both systems are for disaster preparedness and both use

internet to have a full access of the system. Whereas, the

difference of the two system is that, the Barangay Disaster

Preparedness Monitoring Web Application is used to


standardize data collection of barangay disaster

preparedness information at the barangay level and the

proposed system is focus on municipalities and provincial

disaster preparedness information.

The system of Natt Leelawat et. al [14]


“Disaster Warning System in the Philippines through

enterprise engineering perspective”, the Philippines was

selected to be a case study. Here we focused on warning

system process management from an enterprise engineering

perspective. In understanding warning systems, it is

necessary to know the essence of overall processes. The

objective of this qualitative study is to determine the

system’s essential components by using the design and

engineering methodology for Organizations (DEMO). This

involves both assigning responsibility levels and utilizing

both traditional means such as internet channels to

disseminate warning information. The findings provide a

simple model explaining the disaster-related organization

and communication structure. They also contribute a

practical aspect in the form of suggestions to planners and

decision makers that may assist them in preparing mitigation

plans for projected natural disasters.


The disaster warning system in the Philippines through

enterprise engineering perspective is related to the

proposed system since both systems aims to warn the people

about the incoming natural disaster. The difference of the

system above to the proposed system is that the system

includes decision making.

The system Oh and Lee [15]

developed entitled “Landslide

susceptibility mapping on Panaon, Philippines using a

geographic information system”. Landslide locations were

identified in the study area from the interpretation of

aerial photographs and field survey, and a spatial database

was extracted from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission)

DEM (Digital Elevation Model) imagery, aerial photograph,

topographic map, and geological map

The Landslide susceptibility mapping using a geographic

information system is related to the proposed system since

both systems are about giving awareness to the community

about the disaster. The difference of the system above is

that, first, it focuses on landslide susceptibility while

the proposed system is focus on giving notice about the

incoming disaster and providing reports after the

calamities. Also, it is a geographic information system.


Indonesia Disaster Management Information System

developed by the National Disaster Management Coordinating

Board (Bakornas PB) in the context of the UNDP funded

project on Strengthening Disaster Management Indonesia,

SIPBI is aimed at enhancing Bakornas PB’s decision making

capability besides increasing and ensuring flows of reliable

and up to date information on various disaster events and

related disaster management measures .


The system Indonesia Disaster Management Information is

related to the proposed system for the reason that both

systems are concerning to the disaster preparedness. The

Indonesia Disaster Management Information System has a

feature of enhancing the decision making while the proposed

system allows the reports for calamities and management to

be viewed and sent using internet.

Gabrielle Iglesias [17]

developed The Adoption of Geo-

information and geographic Information Systems for Natural

Disaster Risk Management by Local Authorities. The timely

availability of relevant information is vital for the

operations of local authorities. In the case of dealing with

natural disasters like earthquakes and floods, geo-

information and geographic information systems (GIS) can be

used to improve and organize response and consequently


minimize their impact. The paper explores the adoption and

use of geo-information and GIS applications within an

organizational context bound by legal mandates and official

procedures. The paper relies on a sociotechnical approach in

exploring and understanding this process. This interaction

is captured in the organizational routine concept that is a

template for understanding mandates and reflects the

agreement on the role of the geo-information in

organizational activities. Empirically, the paper is based

on two local authorities adopting a GIS for natural disaster

risk management: Naga City in the Philippines having a flood

hazard concern, and Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City in Nepal

having an earthquake concern. The case studies show that the

socio-technical interaction of GIS technology for natural

disaster management with other organizational needs leads to

a continuous re-design cannot be possibly based on pregiven

and final users’ needs.

The Geographic Information system is significantly

related to the proposed system for the reason that it has

the same activity and objectives which is more focused in

natural disaster like flood, earthquake, and etc. It also

gathered information in every disaster that happens in the

specific area, the significant of making a report of natural

disaster can document the situation about the encountered


disaster on affected area. The difference of Geo-information

and geographic Information Systems to the proposed system is

that, it has a feature of capturing, manipulating and

presenting all types of geographical data.

The system entitled “Disaster early warning and

information system based on multiple terminals” is an

invention that discloses a disaster early warning and

information system based on multiple terminals. A disaster

early warning system stores dynamic monitoring data

meteorology, geology and environment data in a monitoring

database and performs trend prediction and analysis on

meteorological disasters through combination of correlation

disaster database, information database data and a

prediction method. In terms of disaster issuing, an early

warning information issuing system is the core of a

meteorological disaster early warning information system.

When the early warning system, based on monitoring

information acquisition and prediction analysis, obtains a

disaster alarm through early warning analysis, the early

warning information issuing system issues early warning

information to media and people in an early warning area

through corresponding hardware and networks in the forms of

short messages, faxes, videos, audio and the like so as

timely and accurately send the early warning information to


the areas which the disaster may spread to, such that

personnel in a receiving can take prevention measures timely

and personnel casualty and property loss can be reduced to

the maximum [18]


The aforementioned system is entitled Disaster early

warning and information system based on multiple terminals

is similar to the proposed system since it also about

disaster early warning. The difference is that, the system

above issues early warning with faxes, videos and audio

while the proposed system will give disaster notice in the

form of short messages. Moreover, the disaster early warning

and information system based on multiple terminals is only

focused on early warnings while the proposed system includes

generating reports.

The development of a regional flood information system

in the Hindu Kush Himalayas function as a decision support

tool for decision makers to alert vulnerable communities in

a timely and accurate manner. This article provides an

example of how regional cooperation has been achieved and is

being promoted in the Hindu Kush Himalayas through the

development of a regional flood information system [19]


The regional flood information system is related to

the proposed system since it focuses on natural calamity and


same as the proposed system, it notifies the vulnerable

community or municipality on time to be prepared and alert

as early as possible. However, its function is more on

decision support tool for decision makers while the proposed

system is for generating reports and disaster notice.

The system developed by Baumgartner et. al[20] named The

Disaster Risk Management and financing system, and

corresponding method thereof is a computer-based disaster

management and management forecast system and method for

forecasting the impact of disaster mitigation and financing

means based on location-dependent natural disaster impacts,

wherein measuring parameters of historical disaster events

are captured in order to determine the impact of natural

disaster events and critical values of parameters of natural

disaster events are triggered to generate forecasts of the

impacts of disaster events within a geographic area.

The Disaster Risk Management and financing system, and

corresponding method is related to the proposed system

because same in our system, it is also for disaster risk

reduction management that monitors impact of disaster

mitigation. The system above is computer-based, includes

financing, and methods for forecasting while the proposed


system is web-based, reporting, and sending notices about

the natural disaster.

Daus [21]
developed a System for multi-phase management

of a natural disaster incident is a computerized system for

multi-phase management of a natural disaster incident. The

computerized system incorporates a pre-incident risk

reduction management module, a crisis response management

module, and a restoration and rehabilitation management

module to correspond to these three distinct phases of

managing a natural disaster incident. This multi-phase

natural disaster management system can be utilized by

private entities, community groups, state, national, and/or

international agencies to assist prevention or reduction of

damage to human and natural resources in a particular

disaster incident.

The System for multi-phase management of a natural

disaster incident is related to the proposed system for the

reason that it also manages the natural disaster incident

and it has different kinds of module which is included in

the reports of our proposed system. The system above is

utilized by private entities, community groups, state,

national, and/or international agencies while the proposed


system will only be utilized by the authorized person in the


Sahana: Disaster Management System is a system

developed by Careem [22]

. Sahana is a free and open

source software (FOSS) application that aims to be a

comprehensive solution for information management in relief

operations, recovery and rehabilitation. This development

addresses the alignment and humanitarian applications, it

then describes the anatomy of the Sahana system.

The aforementioned system is related to the proposed

system for the reason that it is about disaster

preparedness. The difference is that, the above-mentioned

system is a Free and Open source software which allows the

user to freely run the program for any purposes and can be

modified. Beside that, it manages the relief operations,

recovery and rehabilitation while the proposed system is

focused on providing disaster awareness and generating


Fajardo and Oppus [23]

developed a system entitled

“Mobile Disaster Management System using the android

technology”. Since the use of smart phones is gaining

interest in people, the disaster management was implemented

as a smart phone application using Google’s Android


operating system. The disaster management system Android

application known as MyDisasterDroid determines the optimum

route along different geographical locations that the

volunteers and rescuers need to take in order to serve the

greatest number of people and provide maximum coverage of

the area in the shortest possible time.

The Mobile Disaster Management System using the android

technology is related to the proposed system since it is

helpful in managing the operations in disaster preparedness

by determining the location of where the volunteers and

rescuers would serve the greatest number of people that will

be affected from the incoming disaster. The difference is

that, aside from it is an android application, the system-

above is a management system which is very helpful before

and during the disaster while the proposed system is used

only before which will provide a disaster notice and after

which is the reporting of what happened during the disaster.

The system developed by Carpio [24]


“Information System on Environmental Crisis and its

Protection and Prevention in the Municipality of Bulan”

focused mainly in promoting environmental awareness among

the community of Bulan through the use of their system. The

system provides information in a more entertaining way


pertaining to the environmental programs, projects and

activities likewise its funding resources of the LGU-Bulan.

This system can also measure the functional performance of

the LGU in term of monitoring like a table for number of

trees planted every year.

The system above is similar to the proposed system

since it is promoting environmental awareness for the

community. Providing information about Protection and

Prevention in terms of environmental crisis. The difference

is that there is some information in the abovementioned

system that differs from the proposed system like projects

and funding resources.

The system entitled “Automated File Management System

of the Bureau of Fire Protection in the Municipality of

Irosin” developed by Godila [25]

is mainly focused to

automated file management system in terms of data recording,

retrieving, storage, security and issuance of fire safety

certificate/clearance. From the manual system, the

researchers created an automated system to upgrade the

traditional method used by the Bureau of Fire Protection-


The aforementioned system is similar to the proposed

system for the reason that aside from it is a big help to


the personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection to provide

services to the community it is also the same in terms of

recording and retrieving of data. The difference is that,

the system of Godila is only focused on fire protection

while the proposed system includes calamity and accidents.

The system of Gino [26]

entitled “Web-based

Geographical Information System of Sorsogon City” determines

the present practices of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of

Sorsogon City in disseminating information about the

barangay in the East and West Districts in terms of map,

history, demography, officials and services. Moreover, the

study dealt with the problems encountered by the respondents

in the identified variables, the solutions proposed to solve

the problems met and the systems that could improve the

present practices.

The Web-based Geographical Information System of

Sorsogon City is related to the proposed system since it is

web-based and it disseminates information about their

services. Also, it is created to solve the problems met by

the personnel. The difference is that it is providing

information that are not related to calamities.

The Online Information System in the Municipality of

Irosin, developed by Bon [27]

is designed for easy and

hassle-free transactions among the residents of the

municipality of Irosin. The system provides comprehensive

way towards easy access of information of the profile of the

residents of the municipality of Irosin.

The Online Information System in the Municipality of

Irosin is related to the proposed system for the reason that

both systems are accessible anywhere and anytime with an

easy and hassle-free transactions that is helpful for

employees to do their duties even if they are not physically

present from the office. The difference is that, it mainly

focuses on resident profile while the proposed system is

focus on generating reports.

The system entitled “Social Network Analysis of a

Disaster Behavior Network: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach”

developed by Rodrigueza [28]

aims to understand human

behavior during disasters through agent-based modeling and

social network analysis. Generated disaster behavior models

and compted social network centrality measures using ORA-

Netscenes shows that can play an important role during

disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) operations.

The above-mentioned system is related to the proposed

system since it is used for disaster risk reduction and

management. To help the personnel during disasters to make


their operations reliable by gathering disaster-related

information from the people during the disaster-events. The

difference is that, it focuses on the behavior of the people

during the disaster and it is network-based while the

proposed system is for generating reports and it is web-


Company Profile

The Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Office (SPDRRMO) is a local office of National

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (NDRRMO) in

the province. It is the very aim of Sorsogon Provincial

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (SPDRRMO) to

uphold the welfare and safety of the general public abode in

the Province of Sorsogon and spearhead the faithful

compliance of the measures of reducing the risk caused by

natural and man-made disaster. It is also committed to its

sworn duty and responsibility of ensuring efficient

preparedness, prevention, mitigation and response action.

Moreover, the vision of the Office is a Safer, Adaptive

and Disaster-Resilient Sorsogon towards sustainable


Figure 1.0

Existing Sorsogon Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office


The Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Office are the ones who sends notices to the

Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

about the incoming natural disaster in the form of short

message and audio. After receiving the notice, the Municipal

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management employees will make


actions about the barangay that are located in their

municipality, the employees will warn the people especially

those who are easily get affected of the typhoon to be alert

and evacuate as early as possible to prevent casualties.

After every disaster notice that Sorsogon Provincial

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office sent to every

municipality, it must have a corresponding calamity report.

Also, any kind of accident must have an incident report to

be sent to the office of the Sorsogon Provincial Risk

Reduction Management.

Beside the calamity and incident report, Municipal

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office also provides

activity reports for the earthquake drills, School Disaster

Preparedness and Response, and Disaster Response and Climate

Change Training. Then, the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management Office will prepare an accomplishment report

that includes the calamity, incident, and activity of every


Purpose and Description

The purpose of this capstone project is to help in

providing effective solutions for the problems encountered

and will give significance to the following:


Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Office. The result of this project will benefit

the SPDRRMO. This will help the office in terms of sending

notice, receiving reports, creating and consolidating


Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Office. The result of this project will benefit the MDRRMO.

To lessen the amount of time in creating disaster reports is

the purpose of this project, therefore it will help the

client make their job faster and easier.

Employees. The result of this project will benefit the

employees of the SPDRRMO and MDRRMOs. To be easier for them

to do their job with proficiency.

Community. The result of this project will benefit the

community since this would give the community an information

and awareness of the disaster preparedness.

Researchers. This project will benefit the researchers

since they will be able to understand and resolve the

present problems and be knowledgeable of the establishment.

Future Researchers. This project will benefit the

future researchers for the reason that they can gather


information about the SPDRRMO. Understanding how the present

researchers solved the problems encountered by the SPDRRMO.

Objectives of the study

The main objective of this capstone project is to

develop a web-based information system for Disaster Risk

Reduction in the Province of Sorsogon.

Specifically, it aims:

1. To determine the information requirements of the

Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and


2. Features of the Web-based Information System of


2.1 Calamity Report

2.2 Incident Report

2.3 Activity Report

2.4 Accomplishment Report

2.5 Announcement

3. Test and Evaluate the developed system in terms of:

3.1 Functionality

3.2 Usability

3.3 Reliability

3.4 Security

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and

operationally for better understanding of this study.

Mitigation. Means minimizing the effects of disaster.

All mitigation measures are important as they save lives and

reduce the cost of response to and recovery of the


Consolidate. Refers to bringing together or to unite

things that are separate. It is also to make something

stronger by some action and event.

Web-based information system. Refers to an information

system which uses internet web technologies for delivering

information and services to users.

Unstructured Interview. An unstructured interview or

non-directive interview is an interview without any set

format but in which the interviewer may have some key

questions formulated in advance. It allows question based on

the interviewee’s response and proceeds like a friendly,

non-threatening conversation
Chapter II


This chapter presents the software development

methodology used in this study, scope and delimitation,

sources of data and data-gathering techniques.

Software Development Methodology

The researchers chose to employ the waterfall

development method which is a rigid linear model that

consists of sequential phases focusing on distinct goals.

Each phase must be 100% complete before the next phase can

start. Waterfall model is very suitable to the project since

the project has clear objectives and stable requirements

that deals with sending the reports. Moreover, this

methodology lets the researcher-developer and customer agree

on what will be delivered early in the development

lifecycle. This makes planning and designing more


Furthermore, waterfall model illustrates the software

development process in a linear sequential flow. This means

that any phase in the development process begins only if the

previous phase is complete. In this waterfall model, the

phases do not overlap.


With that in mind, the researchers employed the

waterfall model to have a clear view of what will be the

outcome of the project, low financial costs, and have a

detailed documentation of the project. Without a doubt, the

waterfall model is best for small and short project same as

the web-based information system that the researchers are

trying to develop with unchangeable requirements.

Figure 2.0

Waterfall Model Diagram


The figure above is a representation of the different

phase of the Waterfall model. The sequential phases in

waterfall model are the following:

Requirement Gathering and Analysis. All possible

requirements of the system to be developed are captured in

this phase and documented in a requirement specification


In this phase, the researcher conducted an unstructured

interview to the office of Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management, particularly in GIS division in

order to get the important and needed information in

developing the system. This kind of interview often progress

in the manner a normal conversation would, however it

concerns the research topic under review. It is a relatively

formless interview style that is use to establish rapport

and comfort with the participant, and it is extremely

helpful when researchers are discussing sensitive topic.

During the interview, the researchers asked the GIS

officer questions such as, what is the main focus of

SPDRRMO? How do you process all the reports? what are the

difficulties that you encounter in receiving reports from

different MDRRMOs through emails? and what kind of system is


needed to solve those difficulties? and other questions that

are related in developing the system.

System Design. This phase is where the researchers

study the specification document and the system design is

prepared. This system design helps in specifying hardware

and system requirements and helps in defining the overall

system architecture.

In this phase, the researcher-developer prepared a

prototype of the system that are presented in the office of

Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

to let the GIS division check if the proposed system meets

the required features that the office needed.

Implementation. With inputs from the system design, the

system is first developed in small programs called units,

which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is

developed and tested for its functionality, which is

referred to as unit testing.

In this phase, the researcher-developer developed small

units and its functionality before going to the next phase.

Integration and Testing. All the units developed in the

implementation phase are integrated into a system after


testing of each unit. Post integration the entire system is

tested for any faults and failure.

In this phase, the researcher-developer integrated and

tested the units developed in the previous phase to see the

functionality and to point out if ever there are faults.

Deployment of system. Once the functional and non-

functional testing done, the product is deployed in the

customer environment or released into the market.

In this phase, the product has been deployed to the

respective environment ensured that the product met the

needs of the client, it works well and it is secured.

Maintenance. There are some issues which come up in the

client environment. To fix those issues, patches are

released. Also, to enhance the product some better versions

are released. Maintenance is done to deliver these changes

in the customer environment [29]


In this phase, the researcher-developer will make sure

that the application is effectively working and incase the

user encounters some problems it must be fixed by the

researcher-developer. Enhancing the application and

providing new feature may also apply.


Scope and Limitation

The study entitled “Web-based Information System of

Sorsogon Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office”

deals with the design, development and implementation of an

internet-based working system that will be introduced to the

Research and Planning Section of SPDRRMO and MDRRMO members

and focuses on generating reports such as calamity,

incident, activity, accomplishment report.

In addition, it will have an announcement,

message/notification, and transfer files features. The admin

and client user will have a variant access to the system

depending on their user roles. Whereas, the admin user is

given the privilege to add user per municipality and to

ensure that only the authorized personnel will have access

to the system.

The study will delimit on transmitting of information

of Research and planning section of SPDRRMO and all the

municipalities in Sorsogon Province using internet.

Recording of other operations like accidents action

operation, medical assistance, managing of relief operations,

recovery and rehabilitation are not included to the proposed


Data Gathering Techniques

The researchers are required to have a clear

understanding of all the existing processes and important

information of the project as well as the problems and

demands. Therefore, to gather the needed data the following

manner were done:

Observation. Gathering of the relevant information were

done by observation in the office of the PDRRMO with focus

of distributing information to different municipalities

within the range of the province of Sorsogon. The proponents

came to know the practices of the office in the research and

planning division.

Interview. To further acquire necessary data and

information the researchers interview the assigned personnel

in provincial disaster risk reduction management office

about their processes. The personnel relayed about the

several calamities damages among the different places around

the province of Sorsogon.

Sources of Data

This study derived all the needed and important

information in understanding the core operations of Sorsogon


Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management from the

following stakeholders.

PDRRMO. Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Office is responsible for the coordination and

implementation of disaster management across the planning

incident and recovery phases of the province. The office

provided the researchers all the important and needed data

in developing the project. The data that were gathered here

are the sample reports, organizational chart and the mission

and vision.

MDRRMO. Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Council is responsible for all the disaster related events

in the location, data that was gathered here is the list of

evacuees in times of typhoons.

Employees. The employees of SPDRRMO guided and helped

the researchers to understand the operation of the office.

They are the ones responsible for handling the documents

that the researchers needed.

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