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Chris Barker Libby Mitchell Olivia Johnston ae MACMILLAN 1 STUDENT'S BOOK TWO MACMILLAN ee ‘ Halgesanes Unit Grammar Vocabulary Communication Skills Workbook Pronunciation Culture Spot Study Tips Project + Present simple + Daly activities: Talking about + Survey: all Vocabulary: for daily goto school, daily activities: about you: WB (Workbook cctivities wateh TY, 1 get up at sports, family, section) Ex. 1, LC + Questions with sTalking about afterschool” (Let's Check! 1-2, ever: Do you frequency: m ities, and P (Practice) 1-2 Pages ever forget never late for bedtime Dialogue work: ee yee school. ! usually WB Ex. 2,15, P34 homework? walk to school. «Ask your Grammar: + Adverbs of + Test? What test? favorite star’ WB Ex. 3-10, frequency: You're in trouble! abouthisher_ LC 3-5, P6 cabways, Well, lets see daily a Reading: usualy, often What's the WB Ex. 11,P5 sometimes, matter? Listening never That's easy. WB Ex. 13 Writing: WB Ex. 14 The sounds /i/ and fd Study tip: WB Ex. 12 16 Games Page 14 Carte Dog’ Lite + can for ability + Animals: Talking about +What do you Vocabulary: +o + adjective olephant, ability: Can you like about the WB Ex. 1-2, 16, duck, dance? USA?: people's LC1,2 “hungry, tied, Talking about attitudes to Dialogue work: cold, hot, feelings and their country WB Ex. 3 mate states: I'm hot. Grammar: WB Ex. 2 + Ofcourse. + Make up an 4-13, LC3, 4 You know. animal quiz Reading: Not really. WB Ex.14 That's fine. Writing: Watch this. WB Ex. 16-17 Listening: “The sounds ay WB Ex. 18 and (a Study ti Page 21 Fun and Games Page 24 Let's Check 1 Page 26 Photo Story:The Letter + Imperative: Places in town: * Siving jabeve ous Vere aftrmative and" brary, movie, tutions age & WBEX. 112,11 Engst theater, Talking about Information Dialogue work WB ec places in a town: sheet about Ex.2, 15, P2-3, pronouns: me Shores ayn. where you ive Grammar: Page 27 yOu him, + Deserbing the WBEK 39, + Prepositions of ene Peg place: on, ite noxtto We ex 10, 1 oppaale «Thief important Reading: Just a minute Ween 13, 4 What ese? Writing Rig Wee 14 Be carefull Study tip: + sressed sylables Wap. 82 ( \ss Unit Grammar + Present continuous. + Demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those Vike these shoes. Page 37 don't lke those ‘sneakers. + one and ones: ike the blue + Present simple compared with present continuous * Countable and uncountable ouns: apple, bread Page 49 Vocabulary * Clothes: jacket, jeans, + Physical ‘appearance: tall, short hait, + Food and drink: breakfast (cereal, milk), snacks (a banana, some potato chips), and sandwiches (ham, tuna salad) Communication Pronunciation + Describing People and clothes: She's of medium height. She has long brown hair. ‘Talking about present actions: Are you doing your homework? + It’s time tor (schoo!) Poor thing, Tim ina bad ‘mood. What's up? +The sound /y/ *Talking on the phone: Hello, is this (Nick)? It's (Ricky) here. + Describing what you're doing: /’m Calling from the plane. + Comparing what you usually do with what you're doing at the moment + Lucky thing! Oh, wow! What about you? Awesome! That's aisgusting! Mmm. Sounds great! Have a great time! See you in (August). The sounds /u/ and /a/ Skills Culture Spot Project * Our trip to Seattle: things to see and do. in Seattle * Design a clothes catalog page + Families around the world: the daily routines and cultural differences of families from the USA, Japan and Brazil + Find some simple recipes on the Internet, Workbook Study Tips Vocabulary: WB Ex. 1, 14, lt logue work: WB Ex. 2 Grammar: WB Ex. 3-12, Le2a Reading: WB Ex. 13 Writing: WE Ex. 15 Listening: ‘WB Ex. 16,17 Study tip: p. 41 Vocabulary: WBEx. 1, LC 1 Pt Dialogue work: WB Ex. 2, 15, P23 Grammar: WB Ex. 3-9, 162-4 Reading: WB Ex. 10,P 4 Writing: WB Ex. 11, P65 Listening: WBEx. 12, 13 Study tip WBEx. 14 ) Listen and match the words to the pictures. b c d e f eMart L armadillo chameleon cheetah chicken, duck elephant kangaroo parrot penguin polar bear ring-tailed lemur monkey spider so 6 I'm thirsty 4. I'm hot. © ' -@ 8 Im wrong, DU 9 I'm angry. anahe 7 See eT 10 I'm bored. Listen and match the correct, 4B) ison and natch te covet pase teach sand to each sound. 1 2 © Which phrases are left? Act them out wold > -_ etl(Canyoutap dance? ), - ‘=1(teemes be + adjective ‘Talking about ability ‘Talking about feelings ; nd stat (QJlisten and read aan Listen to Nick answering the questions ‘on the audition form. Write Nick's ers to the first four questions. Nick Can you help me fill in this audition form? Sara Okay. Nick — Thanks! It's from the film company. Ricky Oh, that’s good. Sara Let's see, first question: Can you sing? Nick — Yes, of course | can. Ricky Okay, okay, you can sing. Can you dance? Nick Yes, | can. Look! Sara Hmm. Pretty good. Can you tap dance? Nick Tap dance? Sara Yes, you know, like in the old movies Nick — Well, not really, no. Ricky Oh, well. You can dance, but you can't tap dance. That's fine. Sara Can you ride a horse, Nick? Nick Yes, watch this. @ Sara Areal horse, Nick! Nick — Yes, | can, Listen and write Nick's answers to the remaining questions. IZARD FILM COMPANY | Nick’s My partner's answers answers isten Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you tap dance? Can you ride a horse? Can you skate? Can you swim? Can you speak French? Can you speak Italian? Affirmative Negative I can (swim), \ can't (swim). You can You can't He/Shellt can He/Sheflt can't We can We can't You can You can't They can They can't Questions Short answers Can | (go)? Yes, | can. No, | can't, Can you ...? Yes, you can. / No, you can't. Can he/she/it ..? Yes, he/she/it can. No, he/shejit can't. Can we ...? Yes, we can. / No, we can't. Can you ...? Yes, you can. / No, you can't. Can they ...? Yes, they can. | No, they can't. How do you say these sentences in your language? ean swim. | can't skate. Can you ride a horse? We use can for knowing how to do something. lean swim. Can you tap dance? We also use can for possibility (see Unit 3). She can't come to the party on Saturday. Grammar practice Complete the chart. ef course— Speak ‘Write six sentences about things you can or can't do. (8) Talk time © Listen and repeat the phrases, then complete the dialogue not really. Watch this You know _ That's fine ACan you swim? BYes, of course —_|can. Als that Cameron Diaz? B Cameron Diaz—who's she? A the movie star. A Sorry, | don't have a pen. Here's a pencil B Can you tap dance? BYou bet! ACan you draw? BNo, Now listen and check. og ae * eae) Lconswin | tHe) (she) Gan she swim? Y _Yes, she can. & (We) (They) They can't = (you) X Notcan't _ skate. at (You) You can drive, | (I) (height % (He) (We) (they) OEE wwe (4) Read and listen ® Fead the quiz and choose your answers @ Now listen a check your ans\ Animal Quiz Which bird can swim but can’t fly? uel chicken penguin How fast can @ cheetah run? It can run at fifty kilometers an hour. If can run at a hundred kilometers an hour If can run at a hundred and fifty kilometers an hour. Where do armadillos live? They live in Africa, They live in Australia They live in South America. How far can a kangaroo jump? A kangaroo can jump nine meters. A kangaroo can jump six meters. ‘A kangaroo can jump three meters. Why do chameleons change color? Because they're hungry. Because they're thirsty. Because they're scared or angry Gan a black widow spider kill you? Yes b No, it can't. it can, 7 A parrot can learn to speak. What else can it do? @ play the piano » pecognize colors and numbers © vead 8 How long do elephants live? ‘They live for seventy years or more. b They live for fifty years. ‘They live for thirty years. 9 How do ringtailed lemurs fight? They dance. » They make horrible smels. © They bite, 10 Why do polar bears cover their noses? a Because they don't want other animals to see them, b Because they are cold. © Because they are scared. Comprehension © Complete the Sentences with can or can't 1 Penguins Gon _ swit 2 Kangaroos jump nine meters. 3 Cheetahs run very fast. 4 A parrot can learn to speak, but it play the 5. Other animals when it covers its nose. change color. see a polar bear © Chameleons Learning to learn Reading Read a text two or three times. 1 What sort of text is it? Is it a description? Does it give you facts? Does it give you somebody's opinion? 2 Look at the words or phrases you don't understand. Can you guess what they might mean? Compare your guesses with your partner's. 3. Check your guesses with your teacher. Tip: Note down in your vocabulary book words that you think are useful to learn. @ lrvent your own animal quiz Go to page 107. Grammar practice 0 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be and an adjective 1 Calm down! Can you tell me why you' re angry ? 2 “Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States” “You'___!" 3 Can Ihave a soda? |__ 4. She wants pizza. She_ 5 He doesn't like spiders. Ho__ of them. 6 Open the window. |__ (& Pronunciation * /0/ and /0/ © listen and repeat ef (oh that thirsty there thanks then thing © Put the words in the correct column three this they thirty oe Now listen and check. Grammar focus : Speak - d © Workin pairs be + adjective verb be adjectives A: Give Student B a feeli tm hot, cold B: Mime the feeling, You're hungry, thirsty He's right, wrong She's tired te its scared \ A Were angry You're bored They're Then change roles. Compare Notice how in English you use the verb be with adjectives. Is it the same in your language? re eles ae oS SO ae rS.\| 4 f yi ‘\ Vi Vi Jim Carrey, the Canadian movie stay, is often in movies with animals. He has an unusual pet. What is it? Write the missing letters in the spaces and find out 2 Polar bears an 3No, I'm ary. 4 What |_re you scared of? 5 I'm |_Jot cold. I'm hot. 6 | |re you tired? Yes, | am. Thre oe CULTURE $P@T What do you like about the USA? Read —_ @ Read the opinions about Read the opinions about the USA. Speak out! Ross, 12 “Like lots of things td ee country. But the best thing is there are so many people who come from other places. In my city, there are restaurants that serve food from eleven different countries. Love trying new things! But 1 don't like Thai food—it's too hot!” Cindy, 13 Likes skating “I'm from San Francisco, in California, Our apartment is near Golden Gate Fark. | go there to meet my friends and 40 ekating, The only problem in San Francisco io the weather. In oummer, it can be fogay and cold. So | go south when | want to ourt” Luke, 12 Flight fan “I'm interested in airplanes and space travel. My favorite place to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. My sister and | cometimes go there with my mom and dad. The Smithsonian museums are all free, We have a great time!” Enjoys the buzz “Im Australian, but | love America. Lenjoy the buzz of the cities and the beautiful countryside of Hawaiis six main islands.” “Live in New York, | usually go downtown on Saturdays. I'm never bored because there are lots of shops there. | like shops, especially clothes shops! My cousin lives in a small ‘town upstate. | don't like it there because there's nothing to do.” Comprehension Vocabulary © Mieke sentences from the words in the table likes Thai food doesn’t like / Skating shops trying new things the cities small towns ‘the countryside in Hawé 8 In pairs, try to guess the meanings of the words you don't know, Itean be foggy and cold. Shopaholic a small town upstate enjoy the buzz of the cities. Flight fan Speak © 008 survey about your country, Use the chart below to record your findings. Write @ Write the results of your survey. Everybody likes the sunshine and the beaches. Most students like the mountains and the countryside. Vocabulary check © dieters the animes tothe cu 1 You can ride this animal. horse 2 This bird can sometimes talk 3 This black and white bird can’t fy 4 Itcan run very fast, —_ ct 5 Itlives in trees and likes bananas, 6 Itlives in Australia and jumps. —__ Write your score: 5 implete these sentences using the verb in the corvet f © iors testo rea nace ree See 1 We have @ Math tost today. 'm _neryous . Er Shot Athirsty hot 1 | get home at four o'clock, My sister get's home 21'm Can | havo my lunch? at haf past four Abunary — Bwrong seared 2 You your teeth after breakfast. My brother 3 Kateis_____. She wants a soda ___ his teeth ater school angry Bright C thirsty 3 You ___your room every day, My mother _ 4 "Goto bed, I's very late’ “But I'm not 2° myroom. Atot Biied C right 4 You soccer ster school, My brother 5 8+ 8= 16.¥es. Thats vidoo games. Awrong Bright Chot 5 |___ gymnastics on TV. My father __ football 6 “tm __F Have a cold shower? 6 You the dog for a wal in the morning Ascared Bwrong Cot My brother the dog for a walk after school Robs Whoro's his jackot? 7 1___my homework in the living room. My sistor Acold Bright C thirsty her homework in her bedroom aim Lot's go out 8 |___ toed at nine o'clock. My brother_to Atitod Bhored right bed at ten, 9 Lets be quiet The teachor is 9 |___toAmerican pop music on the rao. My Ahungry — Bangry hot friond to Branian music. 109+9%12No.Thats 10 1___up late on Saturday night. My dog nover Awrong Bright cold up late 11 “Holp! Thoros a spider in tho bathroom!” “Why are 11'|___broakfast inthe kitchen. My sistor__ you____?Itisn't very big? breakfast in bed. Accord —-Bwrong tired amperes 5 Write your score: 10 Grammar check © Write the corect option: A,B, or Ben Lyons is twelve, ‘swimming star. Ben (1) GETS up at 6:00 every day 10 his swimming club. “I 3nd he's Plymouth’s new and : for two hours, then |) home for breakfast” he says. "| in trouble because {Im late for school” Ben's schoo! at 8 and 3:80. After school, he is) _his. homework for an hour. He says, “1 like homework, but I 10) ___it"Then he 1 his dog Misty for @ walk, “Misty is a cute dog? Ben says. “She like swimming, but she 3 music, Robbie Williams is her favorite pop star. She sits on my bed and (1s) _CDs. Misty and I 5 up late, 16) __in bed at9:00" Write your scor Ns © Bearrange the words to make sentences and questions don't / my live / schoo! / near /1 don't live near my school, 2 weekends / are / bored / you / on / ever /? Page ome lees 2 Agoes Boo C plays Bare tetaay stant anise sah sawn 4 Atake Bhave Cgo 5A Laima SI antes Sl iernctinen te ¢ ame) Geet) cean 1 Anes i Aas Ae hae ae C does Bi Acco Seabret C dort 10 Aalways do Bdo always C always does 11 take Tdcwute Saree 12 Anet Bdoesn't dont 13 Ath Cis ke 14 Alistens Clistens to don't never stay C We're always 15 Astay never 16 AWe always @© Wake semences with can and cant. 1 Penguins (iy / swim) 2 Parrots (swim / learn to speak) 3 ever / your / does / homework / your | do / mother /?, 3 Cheetahs (run very fast / fly) 4 games / am / usually /| before / nervous 4 Chameleons (dance / change color) 5 the / always / my /in /is / cat / hungry / morning 5 Horses (fly / swim) often { bed / do / music / in / listen /to / you /? © Spiders (bite / fly) your score: 15 Write your score: 5 Write your total score: ___ / 60 Cg sears Now answer the questions Who wants to see Nick? Does Nick think he's in trouble? What does the Principal have? | What is the letter about? Where is the audition? When is the audition? MACMILLAN —secetrte tat einen Megatrends Each level includes: with a high photographic appeal, Culture Spot and Skills Development spreads, regular reviews and a Workbook section. with clear lesson notes for every Student's Book page and regular extras providing ideas for additional activities. containing presentation dialogues, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation models and listening comprehension activities. The course also includes a Test Disk with a range of evaluation materials and placement tests. es 180m 978-1-4050.2346.7 mn MACMILLAN oe

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