4 - Sleep and Marriage

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Sleep and Marriage

Lack of sleep can ruin a marriage

Arguing with your spouse is bad for your health. Research shows fights inc
rease inflammation in your body. Not getting enough sleep also causes infl
ammation. High inflammation levels can make you sick. You can get diabe
tes, cancer and heart disease. Scientists from Ohio State University did a 
study. They wanted to know if a couple bad nights of sleep was enough to 
increase inflammation. The scientists studied married couples.

They invited fortyf.three married couples to their lab. They took blood tests. T
he tests measured inflammation levels. Scientists thought people who slept le
ss had more inflammation. That was not true. The scientists also asked the co
uples to talk about an issue. Money was one issue. Inflammation in people wh
o fought and did not get enough sleep was higher. The risk comes when peop
le do not sleep enough and are stressed.

According to the study, who had higher inflammation levels?
A. Couples who fought.
B. Couples who fought and did not get enough sleep.
C. Couples who did not get enough sleep

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