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Title of Assignment: Old Testament Survey – Session 4

Name: Mark John Paul A. Cabling

Question: What were the main differences between Saul and David? How did these differences

affect the kingdom of Israel?

Answer: The main difference of these two bible characters is, how they respond their sins to God.
David committed adultery while, Saul disobeyed God’s command. Yet, we can see that even doe
you are a sinner, God will still love you and will care for you. Saul respond to his sin is just like
what Adam and Eve do, they pointed out to other, instead they take the charge of committing a
sin, while David respond to God’s to his sin in offering his Life and asking for forgiveness and
restoration to him. It also impacts on the kingdom and reign on the time of Saul and David, it
impacts how the people should react. Instead of admitting that you have sinned you will point to
others, while David impacts to kingdom is some people of them do what David do. They repent
and ask forgiveness to God and restoration too.

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