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TR Kindergarten Health Science Dental

Grade: Kindergarten
Dental Care

Contributed by: Janell Edward, Saint Lucia
Source: Barney
License: CC BY

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

Make some goal statements relating to dental care and personal hygiene.

Explain practices which lead to the maintenance of good dental health e.g brushing, flossing, visiting the
dentist etc.

Demonstrate proper care of teeth by brushing, flossing etc.

Appreciate the value of good dental care for social acceptance

Doctor’s outfit, toothbrush, toothpaste, water, dental floss
Everyone needs to practice daily health habits such as eating a proper diet, exercising, bathing, sleeping
and caring for our mouth. Cleaning teeth and gums removes a sticky film of plaque. Plaque contains
harmful bacteria that can cause tooth decay. We need strong healthy teeth to help us eat, speak clearly and
have beautiful smiles.

Teacher will dress as a dentist and start her lesson by taking a class picture with her phone. She will
encourage the students to say ‘cheese’ and smile. Students will view the picture and the teacher will
explain that their teeth show when they are smiling so they need to take good care of it.

Activity 1
Students will listen as the teacher states the importance of cleaning their mouth and ways of keeping their
mouth clean.

-Strong, healthy teeth help us chew food, speak clearly, and have bright smiles.

-Brush teeth at least twice a day

-Brush teeth correctly

-Floss teeth

-Visit the dentist

-Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

-Drink water instead of soda

Activity 2

Students will go out to the pipe with their toothpaste, toothbrush and water and will brush their teeth. While students
are brushing their teeth, the teacher will play teeth brushing song.
Activity 3

Students will listen as the teacher discusses food that is good and bad for the teeth. The teacher will inform students
that the food they eat can have an effect in the proper care of the mouth. Starchy or sugary food which stays in the
mouth over a period of time causes decay- causing bacteria. The teacher will tell students that if they eat food such
as chips, pretzels, crackers or cereal they need to brush their teeth or rinse their mouth in water. Students will be
encouraged to eat snacks with crunchy fruits and vegetables which are natural tooth cleaners. Students will be
encouraged to avoid acidic foods such as lemon and pickles because they can erode and weaken tooth enamel.


Happy and sad teeth.

Students will complete a happy and sad teeth template.

They will draw things and food needed for healthy teeth under the happy teeth section and
things and food that are bad for the teeth under the sad teeth section.


Students will recap the lesson by using the dental care word list

Toothpaste , Mouthwash, Tooth dental floss, Tooth, Back of mouth, Front of mouth,floss, smile, mouth, cavity,
gum, candy, soda, celery, chips, everyday, dentist, crackers

Development 2

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