TD 2 - Grammar

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I) Interrogative Form : ask full questions

1) she/ (understand)/ her rights?

Does/ did she understand her rights?

2) you/ ever (kill)/ anyone?

Have you ever killed anyone?
Did ….

3) you/ (remain) silent/ (talk) to us? (PREFERENCE)

Do you want to remain silent?
Do you want to talk to us?

4) you/ (have) a girlfriend? (DEPUIS)

Since when do you have a girlfriend?
How long have you had a girlfriend?

II) Conseils/ Reproches : make full sentences

1) You (clear) have/ need to clear your conscience and tell the truth.
2) You (say) shouldn’t have said ‘Yes’: now you have confessed to a double
3) He (open) shouldn’t open his mouth before his attorney shows up.
4) I (take) should have taken the 5 th instead of trusting this inspector, but I was

III) Translate

1) Ce n’est pas parce que j’ai dit « oui » que j’ai renoncé à mon droit au
Just because I said "yes" doesn't mean I gave up my right to silence.

2) Nous voulons éviter les erreurs judiciaires, et assurer un procès juste.

We want to avoid justice’s miscarriages and to warrant/ ensure a fair trial.

3) Les notions de sécurité juridique et d’état de droit sont essentielles en

The notions of legal security/ due process/ legal certainty and rule of law are
fundamental/ essential in democracy
4) Je ne veux pas que sa déclaration soit invalidée sur un vice de procédure.
I don't want his statement to be invalidated thrown out on a procedural flaw.

5) Je prie Dieu tous les jours de me pardonner d’avoir tué ces gens.
I pray to God every day to forgive me for killing these people.

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