That Traiterous Baron in His Keep PDF

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During medieval sieges attackers would often allow the defenders to send word to their liege to see if
help was coming. If no relief was coming, they would surrender the castle peacefully in exchange for
their lives. But sometimes the defenders did not keep their word.
If such was the case, the attackers faced two options; waste a lot of time to starve out the defenders – or
take the castle by force. Since the latter is far more exciting, this scenario is about storming the castle.
Yes, this scenario is the excuse you were looking for to show your friends your pretty models of walls
and siege engines.

In this scenario the defender is holding a castle’s walls and prepares for the onslaught of the attacker.
The wall should comprise of sections about 4’ wide and able to hold a few models on top. The wall
should stretch from one side of the table to the other, it is assumed the castle is bigger but the attack
concentrates on a single key position of the wall. Finally a gatehouse should be in the middle of the
wall with a gate that can open and close (any model with a removable/openable gate will do just fine).
The defender deploys all of his forces on top of the walls or behind them. The attacker deploys all his
forces at least 18’ from the walls.

The following rules apply in this scenario:

* To represent the numerical superiority of the attackers in a siege, the defender only gets 16 points to
build his army.
* This scenario includes siege engines the players can use. The attacker gets a battering ram and a
catapult/trebuchet. The defender also gets a catapult/trebuchet (perhaps they built it while stalling for
time when they waited for the messenger!).
* All siege engines require a non-cavalry unit who is above half strength to be within 3’ of it in order
to use it. If an enemy unit is also within 3’, the siege engine cannot be used. If only an enemy unit is
within 3’ of the siege engine, it becomes destroyed and cannot be used anymore.
* Siege engines can only be activated once per turn. Failing to activate a siege engine does not end the
turn, but the unit that tried to use it cannot be given another order this turn.
* Battered units cannot use siege engines.
* All siege engines are activated on a roll of 7 and above.
* All siege engines have armor 5.
* The battering ram starts 18’ from the gatehouse and can only move 6’ forward towards it every turn.
* When the battering ram reaches the gatehouse, it automatically makes an attack against it. The attack
is made like a regular unit with 12 dice. The attack value of the battering ram is 4+ and the armor of the
gate is 5. All further attacks require a successful activation (7+).
* The battering ram is immediately pulled 6’ backwards when the gatehouse is breached. Any unit
models that stand in its way must immediately stand aside while maintaining unit cohesion.
* The battering ram does not block line of sight but any non-cavalry unit within 3’ of it gains +1 to its
armor vs missile attacks.
* The battering ram cannot attack units, it can only attack the gatehouse.

* The catapult/trebuchet has a range that covers the entire map and a shoot value of 5+.
* The catapult/trebuchet cannot attack units, it can only attack the gatehouse, wall sections or other
siege engines. All of these targets have armor 5.
* The catapult/trebuchet can shoot over units and obstacles but it requires line of sight of at least one
friendly unit to the target.

* The attacker gains 2 ladders to give to any non-cavalry unit he has. A unit can only have 1 ladder at a
time and it cannot pass it to another unit. If the carrying unit is destroyed or routed, the ladder is put on
the ground where the unit was and any other non-cavalry unit can pick it up by simply touching it with
a move order.
* Ladders allow the carrying unit to assault a wall section by using an attack order.
* Wall sections not occupied by enemy troops can simply be climbed on top by using a move order.
The normal rules for unit cohesion and distance between units (3’) must be kept while on the walls.
* Once a ladder is used to climb on to the wall, it remains in place for other units to use. The ladder
cannot be removed even by enemy troops on top of the walls. Siege ladders are secured in place using
spikes, so no they cannot just be pushed over and dropped from the top of the walls. Sorry hollywood.
* Attacking enemies on top of walls by climbing with ladders is attacking a defensive position so the
defenders gain +1 to their armor.
* To make things easy, unit models don’t have to be on top of the ladder itself when attacking a wall
section. Simply put the models of the attacking unit as close as possible to the ladder when an attack
takes place against a wall section. If the attack fails, the unit does not need to retreat half its movement
as normal, It simply remains next to the ladder.
* The ramparts provide great protection from missile attacks. Any unit manning the walls gain +2 to
their armor against missile attacks.
* Wall sections have armor 5 and can only be attacked by catapults/trebuchets. If a wall section is
destroyed, any models on top are destroyed too and the remaining models must immediately regroup to
maintain unit cohesion.
* Destroyed wall sections are simply removed from the table. The new gap can now be moved through
* The gatehouse acts as a wall section but it cannot be completely destroyed, only have it’s gate
* Any unit on top of the gatehouse can automatically open or close the gate without needing to use an
activation test. But such a unit cannot carry out any other order that turn.
* The gate can only be opened or closed once per turn, it cannot be opened and closed in the same
* Battered units cannot open or close the gate.
* If any unit models stand on the opened gate when its opened or in front of it when its closed, the gate
cannot be opened or closed.


Play until the defender’s leader has been killed or half of the attacker’s force has been killed or routed.

If the defender’s leader has been killed, the garrison surrenders and the attacker wins the game. If half
or more of the attacker’s forces have been wiped out, the attack has proven too costly and the
remaining army retreats. The defender wins the game.

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