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SECTION.A ‘The dielectric constant for a metallic conductor and ‘of vacuum is at (3) Zero, « (a4 (4) Zero, zoro Choose the correet conclusion writ, a conductor. (1) Electric field lines are perpendicular to the conductor surtace (2) If the charge is placed inside a cavay in conductor then induced charge appears on cavity wall (3) Ifthe chargo is placed outside a conductor with a cavity in a conductor then induced charge does not appear on cavity wall (4) Allof these In the circuit shown below, if a dielectric is removed from capacitor C2, then work done by battery c, [" 7 (2) Will be negative (4) Insufficient data (1) Will be positive (3) Will be zero If an uncharged capacitor of capacitance 4 YF is connected with a battery of 20 volt. The eneroy produced as heat energy in connecting wires til the capacitor is completely charged would be (1) 200 ps (2) 100 wd (3) 800 ps (4) 400 pd The space between the plates of an isolated charged parallel plate capacitor |S filled wath dielectric of dielectric constant K. Based upon Ihe above information choose the correct conclusion ‘Time 3 Hes. 20 Min, [PHYSICS] (1) The capacitance of the capacitor increases K limes (2) The electric field between plates of capacitor dacroases K times 43) The force between plates of parallel plate capacitor decreases K umes (4) Allof nese ‘The ratio of electric field strength to that of electric potential due to a uniformly charged sofid sphere at the surface is (where Ris the rads of sphere) 4 mR @ pe 1 OR Figure shows wee concentric metallic spherical shells. The outermost shell has charge q)and inner most shell has charge qz and the middle shells uncharged. The charge appearing on outer surface of middle shell is (4) \?) \\s @) -a Ba ) -a ‘Asolid sphere having non-uniformly charge density Which varies with distance from the centre as f= Ke, where K is a constant, The elecirc field at (1) R a distance [trom the centre is KR? KR? pci a: SE fon ®) don , KR? KR? Bis 4) © se ® 0 —aaiach Tawar, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi §-1 10005, Phone | 01147623456 iat charges oF ings of oat! petiwoen ter I © Taw metal tobe ca eqn e130 lena Tre eomren ronperant 2 12ken IO “ms rote the earth fen He ange tach sings with tho vertcal 8 oe 3) 90° (4) 60° 10. Choose the graph which represents the variation of resstwity (p) with temperature (7) for semi conductor material of @ @) a (4) ok, 11. A current carrying copper conductor of increasing daameter ts shown in figure 4 Choose the correct statements with respect to the above situation, (1) The electrical conductivity decreases as we move from section A to section B (2) The resistivity increases as we move from section & to section A (3) The electric field is higher at section A as compared to section 8 (4) There is no change in current density however current changes as we move from A to B 12, The internal resistance of a 4.2 V cell which gives a Current of 0.4 A through a resistance of 10 is (07a 2) 060 @) 050 (4) 080 Corporate Office : Aakash Toner, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 19 14 18. 16. 17. 18, Ere ‘gvough the 20 F081" 9 Shy, ont pass" wou c in fguro 20, (2) 28 (4) Zero (3a (3) 5A Ten 60 W, 220V 220 V supply. The power consume (1) 600 W (2) 120W (3) 12.W (4) cow Resistance of the platinum wire of a platinum resistance thermometer al the ice point is 5 © and at steam point is 5.23 9. The temperature coefficient of resistance of platinum wire is : (1) 1.70% 104°C" (2) 4.6 « 104°C (3) 98% 104°C" (4) 32* 104°C: Choose the correct relation among the following. where symbols have their usual meaning, bulbs are connected in paral to ed in circuit is a (vg @ y= SE ne? 3) p= i (4) Both (1) and (2) The correct dimensional formula for electrical potential difference is () (META (2) IMLAY] (3) IMLATAM (4) (MUT2A>y A potential difference of 10 V is applied across a Conductor of length 20 cm. If drift velocity of electrons is 2.5 * 10+ mis, then electron mobility will be (1) 5 * 10 m? y's 2) 3108 meV (3) Zero (4) 5104 meyer gt 110008. Phone | 011-87623456 1 Setles for NEET-2023 10.4 potontomotor EME 3.V gives, balance point ot 72 cm longi of witn, Howe arsine Call of EMF 2 V roplaces the frat cox, the length of iro at which balance point obtained, wit be a) 1:2 * e 42) BEY (1) 60cm (2) 21.6 20. Fo ionic cols each of om E and intonal ; fesislance rare connected in series, Four out of five ioce Hgts sane are, connected in simiar manner whi ono | 28. A potoniomelor wiro of length 100 cm nas a ocean ‘ ©PPosito manner. The equivalent emt resistance of 10 12. It is connected in series with a of combination wit be resistance Rand a cell of emt 10 V having negligible (1) se (2) 2 intemal resistance. The feng at whieh a source of @3€ (4) 4e om 4 V wil be balanced is 21. The magnitude of elec fed due to a unomiy av charged large plane sheet wih surface chore density ois ° 5 A 2 a (2) = oe OV R= 200 (3) Zero 0 () aocm (22. Through a small area A, density of field lines is (G) ahem twice, the density of field lines passing through area (3) 21.6 em 2. The cross sections of A and B are same, Based (4) No sul! pol woukd be obtained on upon the above information choose the correct aaa conclusion ieee, Bi E<& 27. current of 3 A flows rough te 2 a er own in the circuit given below. The power aiene (a) Exner gor 2) shown in the circuit given below. The power ; dissipated in 1 0 resistors 23. When atest charge is brought in from infty along a the axis of an electvc dipole, the work done is ais OE (1) Positive aa 78 (2) Negative (3) Zerc G) Zoro 10 5a (4) May be positive or negative ak eee 24. A point charge q is kept on the axis of an electric dipole having dipole moment p at distance r from its Ly, tential at centre centre as shown in figure. Electric potent (yaw @3w of dipole is (3) 4w (4) 8W eI SnD ae A 28. Awire of resistance 4 £ is compressed to hat of its e original length uniformly. The resistance of m Py (2) Zero compressed wire would be Seer a) 19 (2) 30 9 (4) —? 3) 50 (4) 160 (3) ig ) Tegrt * Satyr @) ‘New Deihi-1 10005. Phone : 011-47623456 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, Ne 2 iva Wa) bet et oe te and fa the ven ay Av 20 eee eta ay ry ay ey aay (ay any 10 two metal wens of kdontcal dimensions oF comected #0 parael Hoos and ay ata te crwctwstes of metal wires respectvoly, ten tion etectve elecbical condhyetinty of combin ans @ 22 A pottery of emt 2 volts and intemal resistance 0.10.49 is being charged with a curtent of 5 A. Tho potential dterence across terminals of battery (1) W82 bo more than the omf of battery (2) Wa be tess than tho omt of battery £3) Wib be equal to the emt of battory (4) Cannot be determnod Si. Ss. Sy ave three concontic shells, S) and S; have charges 4Q and 80 respectively. The electric field at point A just outside shell S23 ” u Ie) t atatornont wth resonet y, Hank bot iNeKdh ONS USI 24 a ct Z LJ ee vay drat Ht dows not pass Cru, argo distribution. in much more useful where the 7 ‘ome symmotry of charge continuous © a) Gast ©) orem ie navn isinbation (4) Ait of theso . , Tho oloctic flux through the circular base ot ma hemisphere Is 1 i> E ‘ W7 (1) 30RE (2) 2nRE (3) 2RE (4) Zero ‘Along charged cylinder of linear charge density 7. 15 surrounded by a co-axial hollow conducting cylinder. The radius of inner cylinder ism wwe that of the outer cylinder is rz. The electric field at 0 distance rwhere 1 tet () monet (4) > bat 72. The intermediate obtained in the Reimer-Tiemann reaction is . a oO 2 ‘O'Na’ eas 0 ” ‘Btatement t Ghicone moence of wvetase word 0 ethanol my ‘Statement Kahana bewran oe woe apt In tho ight of toe nna, sect tho coreaed (1) Statomaot 8 Me ba sateen a tale (2) Statennont 8 faten but statement Hy ae 13) Both statements Hand i are wwe (4) Both statements Hand ao tate Consider the folowing ewacton sequence on pL 5 9 “The major product Bis on coon coocH, Hs, oy @ Goock, ‘ococH, coocH, % “ 75. Match List | with List Ml and identify the correct option. J List fa. |Acrotein i Proaacciae [to [Salicyaldehyde r 1 w) [Cinnamaidehyde (1) abv), D(H. 0.400 (2) ai, ti, ev). 0) 3) afi, lid, ef. 40) (4) atv, BU. £409. cr.ct ® oOo ee oO par ia an Tone an1 10008, Prone 0% (4) cHyorgen 1 77 Pre cmc scare cher co o Ddemninon con coon @ & © Demnon (8) wcoon my ? (9 er00n OJ Scum vod any {2 Sadun sa of pana on hestg VY Wich amang the folowng cannot give Fen wing's: sedalime produce (1) Pepone c CH.CHO (2) Ethane: a © cHene e (3) Properane aM (4) Ethanot NM cHo ty "3 Wmieh among the folowing compounds can ty 5 f ‘tinguished by ladon a " (9) CH—CHcHo (1) CHrCOCHs ang ‘CHCHO cH, (2) CHsCHO ang CHiCHy () Chee 79. 2 te fotowing compounds 'S0blained when 8) CHSCHICOCHS ang CHiCHIOH @) crace Peaungy nmr 2 wih nace |) crcHOMeH, Caucocs, 8) Chace Af 84. Clemmenson ‘edueton of carbonyt ‘compound is () Crue - magn HERE ayo EE 3 88. Consider (1) Ammonica Agno, OH On ch, - hess g Pk, on 2) CH0 ou @) Hooe ‘coon (4) nooe~ ‘CHO. 1 SECTIONS 8. The major product obtained inthe totowin cHOCHO cock, HOW cHLOM HOH coos ‘coon cH.0H Coons coon 87. The products obtained upon reductive ozonolysis of 2-Methylbut-2-ene are (1) CHsCOCHL and CHsCHO (2) CHsCH:CHO and CHscHO (3) CHsCOCHs and CHsCH:OH (4) CHsCH:CHLOH and CHsCH:OH 88. Consider the following reaction LPae, 4 CH, -~C=C-CH,—J L__,5 ‘afig NH, sad, New Deihi-110005, Phone 011-4 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Ro: 0, 81 (0) Land orty ©) Wordiv erly 4) and thy tot long ne non en EO) On coon 9 “, > yer wr: ®) © o oO t “The major product obtained in the following reaction . (ACO, CH, GH CH = CH, + Hr SACO, cH, 8 (1) CH,-CH CHC, cH, Br (2) cH,-C cH, - cH cH, cH, t (3) cH, ~ch.oe ch, 4) CH,~CH~CH, ~CH, Br on [a fz roc en ay * Senor |» [ees lw | CH.coon i | wan > f | | 1) O%-C%-0n (21 cn-dH-on ; fe | — ec The eaaer proc cts ttaned in the folowing fos - ‘Stator (1) bn @) on [reaction | if _ coma (1,0, oo €2) a(n, 4, et, av) ©) sm (3) ali), bai, eG, 64) Bee ©. © cnom £4) a(@, bn, (0,6) 102. aien ¢ “) O-o-Qeous 87. Te product Pin the flowing ceaction ig oes = FRO Bete | On -ot-04 or tery ea oy (1) CHy~CHe~ CH, coon 103. Read thet Dena 2) ch ocean, ee 0) CHE cron, 8) CH= CH-CHe- co ©) Occur on, (4) CH= CH~ CH. CHO oe ia 98 The most suitable ieee 2) one doen "agent for the fotonry (4) Cone, i conversion is (1) @an ono cH, ®) ean Gu cho 4 Selecting (1) Bryopi 2) Water 8) Agave (4) Ginger By @ADITYAS c io vs Nght of above statements, ‘select the correct - fn a (2) Stotementtis tive bit statment fa ce (2) Statement is fate but stalomont ime men »6 (2) Both statoments andi ave tee “yy [BOTANY] SECTION.A, 10%. Choose the correct statement wt. fe span. (1) tts necessarily correlated with size or ‘complexity of organisms, (2) Peepal tree has a much shorter fe span as compared to mango tree. (3) Itis not specific rit of each organism, (4) Itis the period from bith to the natural death of ‘an organism. 102. In which of the following plants male and female reproductive organs are mostly present on same body? (1) Chara (2) Marchantia (3) Date palm (4) Papaya 103. Read the following statements and choose correct cone(s) w..t. asexual reproduction (a) Two parents of opposite sex are involved. (b) Occurs with or without involvement of gamete formation, (6) Involves fusion of male and female gametes. (@) Clones are produced. (1) (a) and (¢) (2) (b) and (c) 108. Read the fotowing correct option (A) Water myacrih i alo enowe Bengal or sconnge of water eins ‘nygen fom the water, whit (1) Only statement A (2) Ont statement 86 (2) Botn te statements (4) Both the statements are incor out, A 106. The period of maturity is called 8 phase in plants Choose the correct option to ln 8 a (1) Vegetative (2) Juvenile (3) Vegetative (4) Juverite 107. Choose the odd one w. ‘and fruiting only once inthe ayn (2) Rice ngo (3) (&) and (9) (4) Oniy (6) 104, Select the correct match. (1), Bryophyta = Tuber (2) Water hyacinth = Offset (3) Agave = Leaf buds (4) Ginger - Bulbil Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8. P {usa Road, New Deihi-1 10005. Prone 0 (3) Bamboo ) Strobilanthes kunthiana oS “1 , é 2) Sphoical 25.50 um i 12) Ove (2) Tegonat 25.30 ym — 6) Foe (4) O86 9009 25.50 un ; rec apn "store 1M State te (1) oF ta80 CF) tor ng, a conc ae tn Sutomonis and selec the correct sgt re 2, Govetes ae rosucegey mets dvison only (a) Peles! Parner can cai pac, n ©) Macc onan 34 chromosomes, (© Fase are Mute, ths av yo 2 10 DOREY ol pane ‘ato 9ametes motie cape 7 We fens sanetew sans (©) Polen aby iS ube 30. mn ee Sets sats Resacoae, Leg : “Fir Solanaceae, * @r fe au ae / ae mrp oy ots @rop yy i stein Pa¥0nt cod os0s ts ton Oe tt #79 dsappean, Cure ase reprodeneay mr oy | | (1 Bonar fasion ie 122. Whig tsett condi Me Bs 123. Reag Corre, Ao an 8) ay 92) ) On 2) On ) Bot (4) Bot — = 8) Oeecous« 0) Avomig st omet option wt * Soop compactly aangee oman Hydhophous plants do not produce tate the ocd ne out wr. male hetoogamety, (1) Only statomont A is coe (2) Oniystatomont B (2) Both the statements ate correct 133 Select he correct option wet ymtote used in (2) Both the statomonts are incorroct 139. Yeh of he Layer of anthor wallis short lived 2) Endothecium (2) Wide layers 140, Select the correct statement ( etosied eas (or gonerative co Consanqumeous mating (1) Bigger in size, nas abunds (2) Mad a torge regula shaped ruclous (9) Wis spindte shaped with dens, (4) Opposte cross 'S and select the 35 Read the fatowing sta (2) Six and tour ©) Chromosomal (1) Ort statement ' Brobabilty of progens (4) Both te statements (1) tras (2) tana ° (1) Ktnke 2) Vainio 8) Kink (4) Autose Which of transmissie some of th O) Sickle (3) Thatas All of the except Q) Eanhy (2) Cockr (3) Leech 4) Spong Consider 1 Vawect oe I te () Thomas Hunt tengan et 534, | anne — (4) Theodore Bove aed : a pores Consider the above pedigree chart and detorm, erin cy es a (2) Yainked dominant wait Sigh ao foto er (3) %linked dominant trait a Occurs due 4 (4) Autosomal dominant trait k Pike - transmission from unaffected (cartier) female to | (1) Site cot anzemia (2) Phenyetoniia ataoaae | (0) Thalassemia ——_() Haemophiia holed imaeaae tale | [ZOOLOGY] ely | iI possessing the a is oy | es Anema possessing he above estes Carcharodon (2) Pavo 151, All of the following are hermaphrodite animals, except (0) Preropus (1) Earthworm (4) Exocootus ’ (2) Cockroach 183, The vital link that ensures continuity of species @) Leech between organisms of ene generation and te next (4) Spongita eye 182. Consider the following features. Ecevit 3. Inlemal fertilisation ai 2yecle 5. Fertsed egos are covered by hardcacareous |) Zyade shell 470005. Phone O11-47623456 Corporate Office :Rakash Tower 6, Pusa Road. Now De Corporate Office ; Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, N ne end of te = o™ ‘ety oO ooos ibs and op i store te onion Tie yy Tae moth See ity Second month ' venules ae reloased by |) perotoneta (8) Hytia fg af requredin a ofthe gion fers, zt ew sie exter wy 3) 10S ) tw neaty A. MTPS are pertorm ” My A. MTPS ore performed in a year at over ' tre word which accounts to B ofthe total nun, fssue eeived pregnancies in a year low elect the option that correctly identifies A and 8 L a 8 ewe (1) 451050milion 15 451250miion va wrmusc (3) 451050bion 115 (4) 451050 bition 1a 4 172 Al of the following STIs are not curable even i ! detected early and treated property, except | (1) Hepattis-B (2) HIV infections (3) Gental herpes (4) Gonorthowa ever: 173. Contraceptives like injections or implants under the ‘skin have their mode of action similar to that of (1) Baier methods (2) Surgical methods (3) Periodic abstinence (4) Contraceptive pills 174. Read the given features w.r.1. contraceptives ation adatior Non-steroidal, b. Taken once a week c. Few side effects with high contraceptive valve Above features are applicable (0 (1) Implants (2) LNG-20 (3) Sahel (4) Mutioad-375 5, or. 8, Pus - Corporate Office : Aakash Tower ar 3 Road, New Deiti-1 10005 Select opton that is correetty (1) Spermialjaies (2) Cervical eaps 2) Pas (©) 10s 178, Secretons of whch accessory glands chet factate hbeeaton of peres? (1) Urewwa (2) Seminal vesiies (2) Prostate (4) Suboureral glans 179. The part of oviduct. whichis closest to the uterss @) Arpula (4) Intuit (1) Fimbsiae (3) Isthmus 180. Which contraceptive method one Widely accepted metnod in Inia? (1) Periodic abstinence (2) Cotus interruptus {@) Lactatonal amenorthea (4) 1wDs 181. Select the correct option to complete the analogy wrt. 28 days menstrual cycle in humans Ovulatory phase | 14% day: Men 5-10 days 1) 15-25 days Qi (3) 35 days (4) 12-16 cays. Phone 011-37623456 2) Pasma memevane of onan eee © Arc oko are atoms of Ds orcept (9) 21 doy (3? Mate the cone hosts ne sperm (2) 24 days tbo fr iploration (3) 204 10 ain the eapacty of sperms a) 26eays Statements and select the gy, 190. Read the given ‘Chromosomes in a meooyte is ©! chromosomes ina gamete ot option Statement : In human female, blastocy: Won ‘panied in myomotrum by the trophabast cas ae @) 190 ond maturation division, 9 Statement B: The seco ree 2 ‘human sperm occurs only after the nucieys sf S Reveneraton of endomeiney of uterus isa part of ‘ovum has fused with that ofthe sperm, “th chase of vienne eye (1) Both statements A and B are correct (2) Both statements A and B are incorrect (3) Only statement A is correct (4) Only statement 8 is correct 191. The ST! caused by bacteria is () Genital wans 2) ios 8) Syphiis (4) Trichomoniasis 192, The surge in which hormone induce Sraafian otic in (1) Fostetar phase 12) Proiforaive phase (4) Latoat phase SECTIONS ©) Secretory phase 188. Owing ectopic poy So besnany.imptntaon may occur 8. except jae ” 4 (4) Same Tantty of cytoplasm a, ai 7/990 but ess amount a Ona.” Weleave "er. 8. Pusa Ro; =m ey 3456 Pi cnoose the correct Human beng 46 © Dog () 78 @) 39 @) 76 (4) 34 es Select the incorrect. su ° tatement for biological process called reproduction an cones similar to ts parent, Rt enables sm gives tise lo young | es, | | discontinuity of the sp ion after generation 3) Based on whether ther her there is participation of one ‘organism or two in the process of reproduction, itis of two types. | ‘Asexual reproduction is common among single celled organisms. Select the incorrect match. (1) Menstruation - Bleeding through vagina (2) Human male - 200-200 billion ejaculates sperms/ejaculate (3) Uterus — Inverted pear shaped (4) Interstitial — Immunclogicalty space of testis. competent cells, a For Answers r webs Please visit ou (3) Prostate gtar (2) Ejacutaion (4) Spermiog 199. The alveot of ‘open into mammary tubules an tobe join to form ymmary glands (1) Mammary duct (2) Mammary 2 (@) Lactterous duct (4) 200. If duration of menstrual cycle m a hur fof 32 days, then at which day ovulation wil ta place? aye (2) 16" day (3) 18" day (4) 12> day & Solutions ite:

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