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Sooo oooooo @) h nakas io] (a Boote Ge NL MOA KAUSH TET SERS gor Medical Entrance Exam - 2023 National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) ____—— (XII Passed Students) ———_____ enon renew us 8. Each covrect answer cares fo oduct for eachincaroct nse f ge OF nsHer oma eto wontons. 7, Readeach questi” or plue/Back Ball Pint Pen to darken the = ark wit bg manda 1 se eer creet, 21 itis mandatary Se answer 8. Beforohandng ove the ans score propia Sr shoul compel tel, tou check hat ONO, ang Greet He peep cncand shad comoe Poe 19: and Coie cas Malt, 2 Markstein goroan eh si rmorked caret. Coe have por i Roush we. a oe, eM | to, imac ter the rs ec a 2 ces ated oboe. be Jes and calculalorsor any other material versal beretredataig aA eye 1H. Thoreare wosecbonsineschautieys Hh Tee tee ghee gate oquestonsotertStomsechee om SOAR Se ong, be) TOPICS OF THE TEST ‘Thermal Properties of Matler, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Oscillations, Waves Solutions, The Solid State, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, Organic (Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques “Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrion, Photosynthesis in Higher Piants, Respiration inPiants, Plant Growth and Development Chemical Coordination and Integration, Animal Kingdom, Structural Organisation in AnimalsAnimal Morphology (Cockroach only). SECTION-A. The state of Of thermal ¢« ys ‘al equillrium between two lo is determined 5 te equally of (1) Pressure eu ey hae (2) Volume (@) Temperature {he temperature of a body ie increased from 50°F to 800% wats TR® corresponding rise on Kelvin scale (1) 166.7 (@ 200 (3) 927 (4) 300 The density of a solid at temperature tin °Cis given by d= 4.2(1 ~ 3.6 « 10-1) and the density of the Solid is 4.2 gloc at 0°C. The coetfcient of areal expansion of the solid will be (1) 36x 105 2) 24102 (3) 42" 105 Ja i DB FOM ‘mass of steam condensed wil be (1) 109 @) 309 (9) 20g (4) 409 “Two spheres of the same material having radi 1 m ‘and 4m are at temperatures 2000 K and 1000 K respectively. The ratio of energies radiated per second will be (1) 4:4 (2) 4:1 @) 24 ot ‘Tha coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper is four times that of brass. TWO rods of copper and traos having the same length and cross-section are jomed endo end. Tho 29 ord of copparrod i kept soiree and the free end of Brass rods keptin steam ar 00°C. The interface temperature wil bo (1) 20° (2) s0°c @) 40°C (4) 10°6 [PHYSICS] % 10 omic a lied toon ™* ye, the? When heat ais supped eal cman 185 undergoing a therm’ 985 undergoing a thé 0 ‘tne molar SPO the work done by the 995 3° be heat ofthe gas forthe process ™ oF a% 4 5R aa in List | and. adlabatic 15 temperature are snd tick the correct aR a> Nature of gas is given i relations in terms of pressure ant ‘given in List H. Match the entries 2 | List Lista (owns [Pe NEET|"|--# fs frovatmcass lea] 5 pat | () A-R,B-a,C-P Q) A-P,.B-R.C-a (3) A-R.B-P,C-a (4) A-Q.8-R,C~P If te absolute temperature ofthe of aheat engine are inthe rat's SUES 20 sink a tS efficiency (1) 33:39% (2) 20% (3) 25% (4) 40% Consider a boty of area A, net ca emissivity @ and absorptive power gro S has. pes tporae rang (©* 9), in having temperate Te. The init eae! ® room, the voy is gven by (1s Stoang a9! Cooting ane onstant) 2 OF oF o 2) ear Ao a (Fee aT) 4) ag (r* 2 8. 16, =o ame sae cannvartmais endfor. sof samo mass ee mere more nthe ody of rigner specie he «ay Tose ter 8 ra the body of tomer spect nat i smotonoronstze SEEARS areca once goes 2 change of sat0 during which as os ret pied toil, does 40 J work, The ought back tots original state through spe Bergen 40 est released by ho a ad re ob gt Int evr eee er @ e04 @) 120) (4) 1005 try denotes the ratio ofthe two molar specific heats ofa gas, the ratio of the slopes of adiabatic and isothermal P-V curves at their point of intersection 3 1 wy az Bs 4 yt ate @y ee 2% KL work ig done to compress 2Kdomses ofa diatomic gas aciabaticaly, Increase intemperate ofthe gs is (nan (2) 282k le hs (4) 280K FY sam ofa monctomi gsi stig ne ofthe 9 through the origin. The molar heat capacity Sin tis process wl be aR oe aR Fiowe sh () 35R wh he preg’ “@iaton of internal eneroy (U) recess etna (7) 9f 2.0 mole gas in oyelle 3300 oa gae temperature of gas at cand d dhrng tis ps2 The neat absorbed by the gas cess willbe & "orale Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. Test-4 (CodeE) F oP (1) 400R na (2) 200% ina (9) 100R nz (4) 300R Ing {ere met SB Sew meade paler Wintec en Set ancien we aa Te Sam equmn wetdcl Bogert «) @y Ory 4 Four moles of hysragen gas and two moles of helium are mixed. The molar specific heat of the mixture at constant pressure will be ‘The average total Kinetic energy per molecule of an ideal polyatomic gas is (symbols have their usual meanings) aur (1) 247 ee @) jar (@ 3er The temperature of the mixture of one mole of helium and one mole of hydrogen is increased fom °C to 100°C at constant volume. The amount of heat delivered will be nearly (1) 1200 cal (2) 00a! () 1000 cal (4) 60a! ‘The amplitude of a particle executing SHM Is made 2 times Keeping ise period constant fini total energy is E, then final total energy will be BE we ay 3E 2€ 95 " Oe oF 770005, Phone = 011-47625456 22. 23, 2s, 26. te maximum acceaton af SAM. «and the maxim vty tan anette of (0) pea _ oe oy ° ° ‘Tho mass ‘ni’ is attached to three Weal springs according 10 the figure. If the frelonal force is absent, then period of horizontal asiitions of the body wit be K (1) an SE [am (9) 2922 Two SM. are alven by y,=Asia( Zt=4) and @ af f= © ae yan Bee(2E144). The phase atrnce vetroen hoe wo oer 26s og a os we ‘A porticle moves on the x28 according to the equation x = A +B sinal. The motion is simple harmonic about (i) x20 eA {A seconds pendulum is fixed on a fi which ha downward acceleration ‘gis ime period is 2 one ade @ we oH 20. 20, 30, 31 2 Two waves are approaching each other, ach having a velocity of 10 mis and frequency 1, form Stansing wave, The cistance between Wo ms oe «2 wt The number of beats produced per second by Wo vibrations 2 sasin(646e0) and sp = ssn( 65202) (2 3 @4 we From a wave equation y ssin& (0at— 2), the frequency of the wave ie (1) Sitz @ tore © 20H © 25H [A set of tones whose frequencies are integral mmutiples of the fundamental frequency are calles (9) Pie @) Harmonies (8) Beat frequency (4) Doppler frequency A thick uniform rope of lenath Lis hanging from @ rigid suppor. A Wansverse wave of wavelength 2618 ‘set up atthe middle of rope as shown in figure. The wavelength ofthe wave ast reaches ta the topmost points é (Y) 2ho 2) V2ig o% os ‘A. m long string has mass of 0.036 kg. if the tension in the string ls 77 N, the speed of transverse ‘weve on the sting Is (1) 10s @) 77m 2) 165 mvs () 102 mis few Delhi T0005. Phone :O1 -ATSESASS ‘All india Aakash Test Series for NEET:2023 33. Which of the following expression represents. a simple harmonic progressive wave? (1) y=Asinat @ (3) y=Asinfot—kx) (4) Y= Acosker 34, When a train is approaching @ stationary obsarvor, the apparent frequency of the Whistle observed by him as 100 He, while when ithas passed away from the observer with same speed, it becomes 50 Hz, Calculate the frequency of the whistle when the observer moves with the train. (Velocity of sound = 330 mis) (1) 93.9 He (2) S0Hz (@) 66.6 He (4) 75H 35. A particle executes linear simple harmonie motion with an amplitude of § om. When the particle is at 3.¢m from the mean position, the’ magnitude ofits Velocity is equal to that of lis acceleration, then its time period is Asinot coske M5 on 2 an Bs @ ® aE @ = SECTIONS 38, The displacement of @ paricle In SHM. is in opposite phase with (1) Welocty (2) Acceleration (9) Frequency (4) Kinetic eneray 87, Vibrations are io be produced in a vertical tube of length 150 cm closed at one end by a tuning fork af frequency 340 Hz. Now, water i filed stouly in the ‘ube. Ifthe speed of sound in air is 940 mis, then the minimum height of water required for resonance (1) 90m (3) 500m (2) 750m (@) 250 I) 98, Statement: The apparent change in frequency of Sound due to reative motion between soureo and Spsorver is known 28 Doppler effect. Statement tI: The Superposition of waves which signi aiferin frequency form stationary wave. (1) Both statement () and (I) are true {@) Both statements () and (I) ae false {@) Slatemont () 5 tte end statement (I) is false {4 Statement (115 false and statement (I) s tue 439, Foran ideal 98s at a temperature T, the root mean ‘square velocly Yow, the most probable speed vr, and he average speed vn. obey the relation (1) ve? i? Yow (2) Yr? YH (0) ve? vr? Ys (8) re? Vira? Vv 40, Anideal gas wit molar specif heat ato y= $ is cnn soe boty vt the inital pressure is P, then the final pressure will be (1) 16° (2) 32° (9) 24P (4) 9p 41. For an ideal gas, graph is shown in figure along -caxis, If work done is represented on y-axis and change in temperature is represented on x-axis, then process will be y x (1) Isobaric (2) lsochorie (9) Isothermal (4) Adiabatic 42, A gas Is compressed at constant pressure of 50 Pa from volume 10 m to a volume 4 mf 100 J orheat added tne ga, thenintersl eneroy (1) Increased by 4 (2) Decreased by 400 J (3) Increased by 200 J (8) Decreased by 200 J Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, PUs@ Rad, New Delhi-t70005, Phone 01147623456 48, An ideal gas having n moles undereous ® CYC | 46. When a body nas ne same temperature as that of Brocess 28 shown in Pv qiagtam. Given, volume surroundings at A = 1m, volume at g = 2 me, temperature at (1) Noes ‘8 = 250 K. The amount of heat released by the gas otradiate none cycle is equal to (Ris universal gas constant) (2) Wragiates same quantity of heat as it receives from the surrounding (9) Ki radiates toss quantiy of heat as it receives trom the surrounding (4) Itradiates more quantity of heat as it receives {fom the surounding 47. TWo metalic rods of langth Land 2L and thermal ‘conductiviies 2k and K respectively, are connected end t0 end, It the cross-sectional areas of the two (aR 260 (re—ty ‘ods are equal, then equivalent thermal conductivity 2) aR x 250 (ne ‘of the system will be 3K 2k a, S (2) 3 (©) 20x 260 (ina 4K 8k 8) = @ = (4) Zero 5 5 44. Ifthe temperature of black body is raised by 2%, the | 48. A simple pendulum of length ls has time period Ty heat energy radiated per unit time would be and another pendulum of length fs has time period ineaned Ts, The time period of simple pendulum having length (+) wll be 4% 22% @) 8% (4) 16% ay Testy 45. Ifthe rate of emission of a body increases 256 times, the wavelength %, coresponding to a @ Th maximum intensity becomes (1) ofthe initial value 49." A standing wave is represented by y = Asin(100) 256 cos(0.01%), where y and A are in milimetre, tin ‘1 , second and xis in mete. Velocity of wave fs 2 J ofthe intial value ay ani © wes 1 (3) 10mis (4) 10° mis i) gi oe nee vane ‘50, The trade winds are due to (1) Scattering (2) Radiation (4) © ofthe inital value onan ia, Commedia [CHEMISTRY] 152. The number of face centred unit cells possible in a SECTION-A 14 ypes of Bravas lattice unit cals is 51. The ratio of octahedral voids to atoms present in 4 hexagonal primitive unit cells SA a4 e : @s @)3 4) a4 53. 58. 57. Do ‘An element exists in af00® Centred cubic structure, itis atomic radus fs 210 PM. then the edge length ofits unit cell is (1) 593.9 pm @) 339.4 pm (@) 427.8 9m (4) 480.2 pm Formula of Nickel oxide with metal deficienay defect is Nios. The ralo of Ni existing as Ni to Ni ions in the esta is (47:2 2) 2:47 @) 2:49 (4) 49:2 Match the erytal systems given in column | withthe relation in their edge lengths and axial angles given in column land choose the correct option. Column Column i a. | Cubic crystal | () system ’. | Onthorombic | (i) cxystal system ©, | Trictinic crystal system i) azbecand 90" asbeeand @Lpay ese 4. | Trigonal erystal system (wy (4) ap; BG, et), AC (2) ai, Bes 1, 4) (8) afi), BG), ct), dima(@) aE), BU, eH, A) In CCl, the coordination number of Gs* fon and Cl ion respectively are (1) 4ande (2) Band4 (3) Bande (4) 6 and The following solutes are dissolved in @ kod ‘amount of solvent. 1:20 go glucose: 209 of urea Iil:20g of sucrose ‘The correct order of boiling points oftheir solutions 's 1) n> mad (2 Wim (3) M>u>1 (Iona 58, 69. 60. 6. 2.0.1 mola! aqueous solution of HorCh freezes at i asic. The percentage dissociation of Hg2Cls is ‘early (Krfor water 181.86 K kg mot) (a) 70% (2) 80% @) 90% (4) 60% 1148 g of a non-electrolyte and non-volatile solute is Giesoved in 117 9 of benzene and the vapour pressure of the solution Is reduced 0 80%, then the trolar mass ofthe solute is (1) 549 (2) 949 @ 489 (4) 249 Statement |: Mixture of acetone and benzene shows positive deviation from Raout's Law. Statement Il: For postive deviation, Ani G as well 238 Bou H are negative. In the light of above statements choose the most appropriate answer fromoplions given below. (1) Both statefiént land statement Il are coméct (29(Béth statemeft | and statement Il are incorrect @), Statement, | is incorrect but statement II is “correct 44) Statement | is correct but statement Il is Incorrect If the total vapour pressure of @ mixture of two liquids A and B is 520 mm Hg, then the mole fraction of the component A in solution Is (Px" and Pa are 600 mm Hg and 400 mm Ho respectively) (1) 07 (2) 06 @) 04 (4) 03 The density of 2 M aqueous solution of NaCl 1.42 g/cm. The molaly ofthe solution Is (1) 1.99 m 2) 280m (9) 1.58 m (a) 214m For aero order reaction, the inal concentration 15 0.1 M and the half fe period ts 10s. The rate ‘onstant for tho reactions (1) «102 mol L's! (2) 8% 103 mol Lie (8) 2% 10 mol Lis" (4) 2% 104 mot ts orporate Office "Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Rood, Now DelhciT0006. Pane /0/T-ATSDS4S6 65, 66, 67. Product Reactant Reaction Progress —> ‘Thi activation energy (keal mol) for the forvard reaction is (are @e-a baa Me ‘Statement I A catalyst catalyses the spontaneous Feactions but does not catalyse non-spontaneous reactions. Statement i: A catalyst decreases the activation ‘energy of the reaction and provides an alternate pathway. ln the light of above statéments, Choose the correct ‘answer from options given below. (1) Statement | is correct but statement II is inconect (2) Statement | is incorrect but statement Il is correct (@) Both statement | and statement I are correct (4) Both statement | and statement il are incoroct Forthe reaction, A+B + C -> product, itis observed that {@) On doubiing tho intial concentration of A ony, the rate ofthe reaction becomes 4 times. (0) On doubling the inital concentrations of both A and B keeping concentration of C constant, the rate of reaction becomes 8 times. (©) On doubling the concentrations of the both B and C keeping concentration of A constant, the rate of reaction becomes 2 times. The rate equation of the reaction will be (1) Rate = KAIBRIC (2) Rate= KIAIBFICP (3) Rote =KIAFIBIC] (4) Rato= KAFIBICP For a zero order reaction, with every 10° rise in ture, the rate of reaction is doubled, If the temperat temperature Is Increased by 30°C, the rate of 68, (1) 32times (2) 8tmes. ©) 16times (4) Atimes. ‘Which of the folowing fs the correct concentration OF Feaetant (R| vs time (!) graph for zero order reaction? fy me > .-——— ae > xu eg > t | > Consider the following statements. |. Ifactivation energy fora reaction is 0 then rate Gonstant is independent of temperature, I. For Arrhenius equation, the slope ofthe graph evs 1 is ofinkys tS IIL, Collision frequency is the number of calisions per second per unit volume of the reaction mixture. Correct statement(s) among the followirig isiare (1) Fonly (2) Mand tt only (3) Land Il only (4) 1. tang reaction becomes , arpa OG hak Toer, 8 Puta Road, New Deli OOIS, Phone OT ATBzSA5G———— 70. n n. ‘Match the types of coloids given in column | wth their examples given in columa I Caton slam 3 | Sor (| Smoke | Aerosol (| Paine | Emulsion (i) | Cheese a. |Get (i) | Buter {) aG@. 66, HN, AC) 2) AH, BED, ef), a) (3) a(), ti, 4) (4). a,b,c), Which mixture of the solutions will lead to the fomaton of positively charged colloidal. sol AAG"? (1) 20m of 0.1 M'AgNOs + 20 mL of 0.1 M KI {2) 20mL of 0.1 M”AGNOs + 20 mL of 0.2 M Ki {@) 20m of 04 MAGNO: + 20 mL of 04 MIKI (4) 20 mL of 0.2 M AgNO: + 20 mL of 0.1 MK Incorrect statement among he followings (1) One enzyme cannot'catalyse more than one reaction (2) The rate of an enzyme-cataysed reaction Is ‘maximum at optimum pH (9) The enzymatic activity is decreased in the presence of certain substances called coenzymes (4) Enzymes are so ecient that one molecule of an enzyme may transform one milion molecules of the reactant per minute Consider the folowing Freundlich adsorption isothorme + R t ale os The correct order of temperatures (T, Tas Ts) forthe ‘above graph is () Tr Te> Ts @) Tete @) eT Te (a) Tee Tor Te 7m, 75. 76. 17. 78, 78 Four electrolytes A, B, C and D are used to romrte seme 201 in 2 Routs Separately. Ther centred amounis OF coagulation. are (in rumatestiire) 0.001, 4, 1 and 0.04 respectively The correct order of Coagulation power of the lecrovies is (y BecrArd (a a>07 Bee @ B>e>poa () A>v>c>8 Coneet set of themodynamic relations for adsorption (1) aH>O (2) Heo AG>0 aG>0 520 ra (3) aH>0 (4) aH<0 560 acco 28<0 aso Correct order of - effect ofthe substituents Is () -F>-CN>=NOx>- COOH (2) ~NOz>-COOH>~cN>—F (@) -NOz>-CN>—COOH>—F (6) ~CN>-NO2>-COOH>—F During estimation of nitrogen present in an orgie compound by Kjeldah!s method, the ammeria evolved from 0.2 9 of organic compound, neuiraizes 10 mL. of 0.5 M HeSOs. The percentage cf nitrogen in the compound is (1) 70% @ 28% (@) 58% (4) 84% ‘Tha technique which is used to separate the mture Cf chloroform and aniline is (1) Grystalization —_—_(2) Distillation ©) Sublimation (4) Chromatogrerty In which ofthe following compounds, all atoms are coplanar? cH-cN ‘Corporate Office "Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Daifi-t 10008 Phono “01 TATEIIIGS eyes DURE wa. hepatica a ponent present in which of the following orbitals? (1) sp (2) 0° (3) sp (4) 2p 81. Identity the incorrect match br ty A 18S AS encost scton Br Reaction & @) 7K soma) > AS 9 HO oN 6) Re snen >< seecroptite adaion reaction a + ag KOH—> Nucleophitle aT Te Nae a OH feaction 82. Which of the following molecules can exhibit tautomerism? ° ° Ph OL sete o 0 (1) Woniy (2) tnd tt only (3) lllonly (4) |. tland ih 63. The correct statement regarding nucleophile is. (1) Nucleophitles can be negatively charged specios which can form a bond by accepting @ pair of electrons (2) Nucleophiles can be positively charged or neutral species, which can form a bond by donating one elebtron {@) Nucleophiles can be elther negatively charged or neutral species which can form a bond by donating @ pair of electrons (8) Nucteophiles canbe ether neutral or negatively pecies, which ean form 2 bond by charged | of electrons: accepting @ P’ Cor 84, 85 86. 87. 88. 89. o 9 e i] H—C—oWcH, and CH,—C—OH are "lated as (1) Postion isomors (2) Chain isomers (3) Functional isomers (4) Metamers Which ofthe following compounds is Prussian blue in colour? (1) fFetsony> (2) Pos (3) [Fe(CN)snos}+ (4) Fes[Fe(CN)sjaxH20 SECTIONS Statement | : During Schottky defect, electrical Conductivity as well as density of the solid decreases. ‘Statement Il: Schottky defects are shown by solids having comparable cationic and anionic radi In the light of above statements, the correct option is (1) Statement | is correct but statement is incorrect (2) Statement | is incorrect but statement I is correct (3) Both statement | and statement Il are corract (4) Both statement | and statement Il are incorrect In NaCl crystal, the shortest distance between two Cr ions is fia a 0 > aa a a > Oe IF KCI is doped with 10? mole % of AIC, the ‘concentration of cationic vacancies will be (bh, = 6.0% 10 mol) (1) 12 10%mor! (2) 1.2% 10%moHt (8) 6.0% 10%mor? (4) 1.8» 10% mop Which ofthe following aqueous solutions is isotonic with 2 M MgCle (Assume compete ionisation)? (1) 25M NaCl 2) 1M KaFe(cn)s, @) 1SMKIFe(CN 4) 125 Mach, -poraa Ofco Rakesh Tower, 8, Pisa Road, New Debi-110005. Phone O71 A7623I56 cu 90. a 93. 95, for NEET-2023) ro "AL 298 K, Henry's Law constant forthe four gases A,B, C and D are 486, 889, 348 and 75.4 respectively. ‘The correct ordér oftheir Solubilly in water at the ‘same temperature is (1) c>Aa>B>0 (3) AvB>C>D Specific reaction rate for 8 fist order reaction is 4606 x 10 s The time taken to reduce 40 g of tho reactant to 2.5.9 Will approximately be (1) 75s (2) 458 (3) 60s (4) 308 For the reaction, Ha0a(aq) + 3F(aq) + 2H"(aq) > 2H20 + 15 (aq) ‘The rate of disappearance of is equal to @) B>D>Asc (@) C>A>0=8 cay 0S (2) 1ae2a) 3 dt a) 2a) 2 a 2a} © 3a If the half life period is independent of the intial concentration of the reactant, then the order of the reaction is, ao Qi @)2 3 Which of the following enzyme converts starch into maltose? (1) Invertase: (2) Diastase @) Maitase (4) Uroase Incorect characteristics of chemisorption Is (1) Itis caused by chemical bond formation (2) Itis highly specific in nature (3) lis ireversibie (4) It results into multimolecuiar layers on ‘adsorbent surface under high pressure Puse Corporate Office : Rakesh Tower ere 96. In Carius method of estimation of halogen, 0.2 9 of ‘an organic compound gave 0.15 g of AgBr. The percentage of bromine in the compound is neerly {itomic mass of Ag = 108 u, Br = 20 u) (1) 46% (2) 32% (3) 38% (4) 22% 97. Inthe organi¢ compound ° onag-G-gHe-gN Megs aes ‘The hybridization of Cs, Co and Cs respectively are (1) sp, spend sp? (2) 9p, so? and so" (9) 0% so? and sp (4) sp, sp? and sp 98. Most stable carbocation among the following is (1) CH EHH, (2) Hy —CH—OH (3) Ch —GH—No, (4) cH, —GH—cl 99, The IUPAC name of the given compound is. 9° os (1) S-methyt-4-ethyinexa-2, Sdienoic acid (2) 4-ethenyl5.methy! hexanoic acid (2) 4-ethyl-5-methytnexa- (4) S-carboxy-d-ethynexa- 4-dlene Electomeric effect is not observed in (1) CHy~ CH=CH (2) Cy-HO=cH—cth 8) Clh—c=cH (4) CHs—~CH2~ Cs -dienoie acid 100. New Delhi-710005, Phone :011-47620450 EI COE ase [BOTANY] SECTION.A 101. If two plant cells A and 8 are interconnected and their Ye Values are —9 pars and -68 bars respectively, then (1) There will be movement of water from B to A. {2) Both the cells surely nave zero solute potential (8) Both the cells are sae to bein aquirium at aiven time (4) There will be no movement of water, only solutes will move from cell 8 1 A. 102. Apoplast pathway of water movement (1) Consists oftving parts of the plant body (2) Is slower than symplast (8) Is interrupted by casparian tips of endodermal calls (4) Does not depend on the water gradient. 103. In plants, maximum water absorption (1) Requires energy in the form of ATP @) Is passive (2) Is symplastic (4) Is by root pressure 4104. The factor which decreases rate of transpiration is (1) Blue ight (2) High temperature (0) High wind speed (4) High relative humiity 105. Read the following statements and select the correct option. ‘A. Phloem is associated with translocation of fod: 8, Translocation of photosynthates occurs inthe form of sucrose. (1) Oniy statement Ais correct {2) Only statement Bis correct (3) Both the statornents A and Bere corect (4) Both the statements Aand Bare icorect 106. Atthe moment when sugars are loaded in the sieve tubes (1) Its osmotic pressure decreases (2) Its turgor pressure remains unaffected (3) Hypertonic condition is developed in sieve tubes (4) Its solute concentration decreases 107, State true (7) or false (F) for the following statements and select the correct option. ‘A. Transpiration helps in maintaining the shape ‘and structure of the plants by keeping their cells in turgid condition, BL Transpiration supplies water needed for photosynthesis. A wT QF aT wr 108, Select the incorrect match (1) Zn—Requiced for auxin synthesis a44ne (2) S ~ Defciency causes accumulation of ‘anthocyanin (3) K = Helps in closing of stomata but not in ‘opening (4) Ma ~ Plays major role during photosynthesis, 409, Sulphuris a component ofall, except (1) Methionine (2) Thiamine (3) Cysteine 110. The element which helps in maintaining the structure of ribosome is (4) Adenine (1) Nickot @ Magnesium (3) Potassium (4) Cotcium 411. Macronuttiants whose doficlency causes chlorosis (1) NUK, Fe and 2n (3) Mo, Zn, hn and N (2) N,K, Fe and Mn 2) NK Ma ana § —pakash Tower 6, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10008. Phone : O11-A7623485- ————— Corporate OFfcw All 412. 113. 114 118. 116. a7. rR mo Deficiency symatomsafuich element st appears inthe young tissve8? (1) ca (Nn (@P @) « Dentifcaton s caried out by (1) Rhizobium (2) Frankia (@) Thiotacitus (4) Nirobacter During transaminalion, which of the following is neithor required nor produced? (1) acketoglutare acd 2) Ghtamic act (@) Glutamate dehydrogenase (4) Glutamate aspartate aminotransferase InHatch and Stack pathway, the frst stable product (1) PEP, (2) OAA (3) PGA (4) RUBP In Calvin cycle, fixation of 6CO2 molecules to produce 1 lusose molecule requires (1) 20ATP + 12 NADPH (2) SATP + 2NADPH (8) 18ATP +12 NADPH (®) SATP + 2NADPH Resd the folowing stalements end select the correct option. ‘A. Catboxylation i the fist step of Calvin cycle ®. ‘Shield pigments prevent oxidative destruction of chlorophyl pigment by ight, (1) Only statement is correct (2) Only statement B is correct (8) Both statement A and 8 are correct (4) Both statement A and B are incorrect 118. 119. 120. 121, EIR tate twe (1) OF false (for ay sttemants ord SO he correc op AA. Most of the Pholosithoss takes piace in the blue and red regions ofthe spectrum, 12 following ion, 8. Dark reaction of Photosintets occu in stroma, () @ 8) ar Select he incorrect statement about bundle sheath calls. (1) They have large number of chloroplasts (2) They have large amount of gran in their chloroplasts aay n4470 (@) They have thick walls impervious to gaseous ‘exchange (4) They have no intercelular spaces Mark the incorrect statement about photorespiraton, (1) Occurs usually when there igh ‘concentration of oxygen. (2) This process does not produce ATP or NADPH. (3) is a wasteful process. (4) It fixes atmospheric COz with the help RuBisco Which of the following factors islare sutble fot ‘optimum rate of photosynthesis in C3 plans? Low light intensity ; b. High coz concentration, approximately 480 ML, © Temperature at 20-25°C (1) Only a 2) Only (3) Only b and c (4) Alla, bande Corporate Oe hakash Tower, 8, Puss Road, New DelntTTO008, Phone Ot TATEOSIBE oz 122 123. 124. 126. 126. o86-E) Double carboxylation for photosynthesis a fealure (1) Tomato (2) Bol penper @) Sugarcane (4) Wheat Respiralory quotient for fats and proteins are respectively (1) 07 andos @) 142nd07 The fi (2) tango (4) 09 ané0.7 Fst step of glycolysis that is formation of slucose-6-phosphate from glucose is catalysed by (1) Pyruvate kinase @) Aldolase (@) Hexokinase (4) Phosphofructokinase Match the following columns and choose the correct option (Column 1 [eotumn i NADH (). Receives reducing | (dehydrogenase jivalents via FADHe [ubiquinone (i) [Transfers electrons "en complex Il nd iV keytochrome ¢ {i xidises electrons roduced from NADH. yytochrome ¢ [¥) idase complex ontains cytochromes beand as (1) atid, BAD, ct), ai 2) afi), BG, of), 6, @) ain, BAD, 6(9, div) 4) afi, ba), ett), att) Acetyl CoA Is a 2C compound. It is a raw material for synthesie of which of the following phytohormones? (1) Auxin (2) Cytokinin (3) Ethylene (4) Gibberelins res 127. Tissues formed tnrough rediferentiation ise 3 Cork . Secondary phloem © Secondary cortex 4. Intertascicular vascular cambium 1) Only a @) only @) Only ands (4) Only a, band ¢ ‘Aurin, tke 24-0 is widely used to (1) Remove cereal crops (2) Induce parthenocarpy in tomatoes (8) Remove broad leaved woeds (4) Induce root formation in aquatic plants entity the phytohormone on the basis of given statements, 128, 129. 2. Millor ot al. discovered it. 'b. Occurs in the region where rapid cell division occurs, ©. Chemicaly itis modified purine 4. Delays sonescence. (1) Auxin (2) ABA (8) Cytokinin (4) GA Which of the folowing hormones act synergistically {0 promote cel division? (1) ABA and ethylene (2) Ain and eyoknin (3) ABA and GA (8) GA and cytokinin Select the fong day plant rom the flowing (1) Soyabean (2) Racish (3) Tobacco (4) Tomato In plans, he ste of perception ofighldarkis (1) Embryo: (2) Leaves (8) Seeds (4) Shoot apex 130. 131 132, UE 133, 134, 135. 136. 137, During geomavie growth, th rate of growth fe very slow in (1) Log phase (@) Lag phase (3) Exponential prase (2) Stationary phase ‘The hormone which induces stem elongation in rosette pants (1) Decreases the size ofthe apple @) Induces seed germination {@) Decreases malting process in brewing industry (4) Enhances ripening Exposure 10 ethylene causes. epinasty in plants, ‘which means (1) Drooping of feaves and flowers (2) Abscission of flowers and fruits (@)- Thinning of towers and inits (4) Development of adventitious roots: SECTIONS ‘olive transport dflers from faciltated difusion es former (1) Requires membrane proteins (2) Is the case in which transport saturates (@) Requires energy inthe form of ATP (4) Helps in movement of neutral solutes across the membrane ‘The water potential and solute potential of pure water at standard temperature, which is not under any pressure are respectively A_ and _B_ ‘Choose the correct option to fil in the blanks A and B a B (1) Zero Zero (2) Zero one (@) One Zero (4) One One Corparale Office + Aakash Tower, memes J 438, Read the following statements and select the correct option. ‘A. The immediate cause of opening and closing of the stomata Is a change in the turgidty of the duard cells. B.. Guttation Is result of root pressure. (1) Only statement Ais correct (2) Only statement Bis correct (3) Both statement A and B are correct (4) Both statement A and B are incorrect Which of the following is a trace element? (1) Mn (2) Mg oc (4) ca Select the incorrect statement about nitrogenase. (1) Found in prokaryotes (2) Sensitive to oxygen {3) Its action requires input of eneray (4) Itis capable of reducing ammonia to nitrate Nitrosomonas and Nitrecoccus 199, 140, 14, (1) Fix nitrogen inte ammonia (2). Oxi¢ise ammonia to nitrite (3) Reduce nitrite to nitrate (4) Reduce nitrate to gaseous nitrogen. Calvin cycle takes place in a. Csplants, b. Ce plants 142, ©. Xerophytic plants ‘The correct one(s) islare (1) Onlya @) Only bande PS land PS II, both (1) Are found on stroma lamellae (2) only (4) Alla, bande 143. (2) Liberate 0: during photosynthesis (@) Are involved in photophosphoryiation (4) Are involved in cyclic flow of electrons during light reaction of photosynthesis. Psa Road, New Delhi 10005, Phone / 01 -4T623456 144, 148. 146. var. 161 182. Primary COs fixation product in Cs eycle i8 (1) OA (2) Malic acid (@) PGA (4) PEP Succinate dehydrogenase is found a @) @ In mitochondrial matrix Atlached to inner mitachoneral membrane Im the space between two membranes of chloroplast (4) ‘Which ofthe following steps involves substrate level phosphorylation? Inthe stroma (1) Isoctric acld + Oxatosuccinic acid (2) «-Ketoglutaric acid -+ Succinyi CoA (8) Succiny! CoA + Succinic acid (4) Malic acid > Oxaloacetic acid uring ETS in mitochondria, the terminal electron acceptor is arena Es "48. The only gaseous hormone in plants (1) Prevents ripening of (2) Promotes senescence of plant parts () Increase the number of male flowers in cucumber (4) Induces dormancy of seeds and buds 149. Apical dominance (1) Is explained as a phenomenon by which presence of lateral buds does not allow the nearby apical bud to grow (2) Is due to eytokinn at he tip (9) Counteracted by auxin (4) Decrease the yield of leaves inte plants 180, Select the pair of auxin in which both ere not synthesleed in plats (1) Cytas 2) Cytber (1) 188 and 1B (2) 24-D and NAA {3) Ubiquinone (4) Oxygen: (3) IAA and NAA (4) IBA and 2,4-D [ZooLocy] SECTION-A 488. Choose the Incorrect. statement. hypothalamus Which of the following 's mot ‘a property of hormones? (1) They are non-nutrient chemicals. (2) They act as intracellular mossongers, {@) Hormones are produced in traces. (4) Mejony secreted by organised endocrine lands. Select a proteinaceous hormone which is synthesized by an organised endocrine gland of the body. (1) Growth hormone (2) Erythropoietin (3) Atria! natriuretic factor (4) Secretin (1) Hypothalamus contains neurosecretory cells Which are responsible for secretion of ‘hornones. (2) Hormones originating in the hypothalamic neurons, pass through exons and are released fom their nerve endings. (3) Adenohypophysis is under lrect neural regulation of hypothalamus. (4) Roleasing end inhibitory hormones of, hypothalamus reguiste secretions of pars distal. Which ofthe folowing hormones acts on the central neural system and influences the male libido? 184, (1) Testosterone (2) Estrogen (@) Progesterone (4) GnRH ___—jaxash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Daihi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Gorporate OF ice awash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Dal 155. All of the following classification of animals, except (1) Nature of eoelom (2) Body symmetry (3) Patter of organisation of cells (4) Habitat “The bilateral symmetry refers to the symmetry when the body of an organism can be divided into 186. 4160. Which of the following is correct representation of Tee a leivaerb sengan? Fi, Onan 3 Spengocnl + Gla ¢) outa» Coad» Spogocl Mater (te) > Osta» Spogocol a ener Osculum sspongocoe! > Ostia -> Oscuium water outsde)——] ‘All of the following features are common between 161. (1) Twounequalhaives bya plane passing tvough |" noylostoma and Fasciola, except 7 imal saighcabel te (1) They are triplobiastic animals. (2 Two Het tar tates once | yp ar praia show sexta dmorphism. (8) Two equal halves passing through any plane 2) Mey - (4) Thoy exit lateral symmetry. (@) Two unequal hakes passing through any in ‘dlc! plne 162. Match items in column I with those in coli and choose the correct option 187. In Hycra, an undifrentiated layer is_ present = between ectoderm and endoderm which is called feotumn 1 olumn ft (1) Mesoglea [celular level of {i PPresentin (2) Mesoderm rganisation liploblastic. Oyen, coclomates (4) Coelom |Tissue level of (ii) (Organs have: ganic sociated 0 frm 158. choot he correct pon to complete the nso. ne pctonal syste Fasciola: Tipobastc acoelomate i: Asal - - an tevel ais are ara (1) Diploblastic pseudocoelomate aa . 3s loose cell * (2) Trploblastic coelomate sggregates (2) Tripioblastc pseudocoelomate gavaystem vel fo) xibnod by (4) Triploblastic acoelomate ‘organisation smbers of phylum 180. Choose the incorrect statement Prayheiinines ©) Meare semenin acne! | 6 a. a a om 2) aliv), BG), ct), (2 Nemcterd i neeicoraty dios wasmn'| fy an hn oO Structure, present in all chordates during their 1), i), Sill) embryonic development. (2 ati, BAD, et), ai) 163. Cockroaches are considered as pests because (8) Echinoderms exhibit radial oF bilateral symmetry depending on the stages of their Ife oye. (4) Incomplete digestive tract |s present in flatworms. (1) They are insects (2) They spoil food and contaminate it (3) They thrive around human habitat (4) There is development through nymphal stages Corporate Offce Aakash Tower, 8, Puse Road, New DeihiA T0005. Phone O11 -ATEISA56 on (A): Glucagon inereases blood glucose level and 'S Considered as a hyperglycemic hormone, Reason (R): Glucagon stimulates glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and reduces the cellular glucose uplake. Inthe light of above statements, choose the correct option. (1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (2) Both (4) and (R) are true but (R) Is not the correct explanation of (A) (9) (A)is true but (R) is false (4) (lis false but (R) is true 165, Choose the correct statement w.rt features of cockroach, external (1) Body of cockroach is segmented and divisible into four distinct regions head, neck, thorax ang abdomen. (2) Dorsal scletites of body segments are called tergites and ventral sclerites are called stemites. (3) Dorsal sclerite of head is called pronotum. (4) Anal styles are segmented, structures present only in male. throad-tke 166. Read the following statements A and B. Statement A: Among mouth perts of Periplaneta, labrum is considered as upper lip that has grin {and incising regions. Statement B: The alimentary canal present in body cavity of cockroach is divided into tree regions ‘esophagus, crop and gizzard Choose the correct option. (1) Baty statements A and B are incorect {@) Both statements A and B are correct (3) Onyy statement Ais correct (4) Only statement Bis corect RUE 167. The hormone wich regulates gene expression by the interaction oF hormone receptor complex with senome i (1) Ter (2) Melatonin: (3) Thyroxine (4) Insulin 168, (Choose the hormone which regulates development ‘end maturation of central neural system, ‘metabolism, erythropoiesis and menstrual cycle. (1) Melatonin (2) thymosin (@) Thyroxine (4) Ter 169. Select the correct antagonistic pair of hormones. (1), Insulin and renin wrt. blood pressure (2) FSH and LH wart. gonads (@) Renin and aldosterone wrt. GFR (4) Parathormone and thyrocalcitonin wrt. blood calcium 170. All of the folowing diseases are caused due to hyposecretion by endocrine glands, except (1) Diabetes insipidus (2) Addison's disease (8) Graves' disease (4) Dwarism 171. The animals which have sof body surounded by a calcareous shel are placed under phylum (1) Arthropoda (@) Motusca (@) Hemichordata we 172, Which ofthe folowing s not an exclusive feature of chordates? (1) They possess a notochord either throughout or dung early embryonic. {2) They possess dorsal and hallow nerve cord (3) They alt possoss jw. (4) They possess paired pharyngeal gil sits odermata Comorate Offeo 70005, Phone: 07747623055 ‘All lndia/Aakash Test 173, Choose the ineorract match, (1) Torpedo - Electric organ, (2) Trygon = Poison sting (3) Pile - Radula (4) Exocoetus Bear claspers 4174, How many of he animals given below in the box are aquatic and viviparous? ‘Omithorhynchus, Pteropus, Canis, Delphinus Equus, Balaenoptere, Felis a7 Qs @2 a3 175, Which ofthe following is a common feature between Periplaneta and Columba? (1) Presence of air sacs connected to lungs (@) Absence of chitinous wings (3) Presence of crop and gizzard (4) Presence of scales on hind limbs 4176. In which of the following the genus name, its two Characters and its class/phylum are not correctly matched? [Poona name 1) letonoptana (wo characters elass/Phylum ‘Shows bioluminescence Ftenanhora Cate com plates 2) [Teens Dowewvertaly Platyheminthes ftatoned boy Bears necks and PPeeopnyium fp. Presence of air Pisces ‘adder Gite eovered by “Teed amphibian tympanum represents he [a [Semana Ty 177. Identify the parts of the hindgut of cockroach in correct sequence and select the correct option, (1) tleum -» Colon — Rectum (@) Colon -» Rectum - tum {@) lium + Rectum -> Colon (4) Rectum > Colon > Hleum 178, Choose the correct match wrt. cockroach, (1) Malpighian = tubules Present at the junction of foregut and midgut (2) Hepatic caecae — Present at the junction of midgut and hindgut (3) Spiracles. -~ 10 small holes present on lateral sides of the body (4) sternum — Boat shaped in females 178, Choose the incorrect statement w.:t blood vascular system of cockroach (1) Cockroach has an open type of blood vascular system (2) Blood vessels are poorly developed and open into haemocoe! through blood capillaries. (8) Visceral organs located in the haemocoe! are bathed in haemolymph (4) Muscular tube like heart lying along mid dorsal line of thorax and abdomen. 180. In cockroach, the anterior end of head bears _A forming 8 type of mouth parts. Choose the option which correctly fils the blanks. A B (1) Antennae sSponging @ Sdrites Piercing and sucking (@) Ocett Siphoninig (4) Appendages Biting and chewing Tapparata Offes {Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delica 10008. Phone? oTra7ens456 182, 183. 184, 186. 8 ere aletneetong Cor enophre hrsenc ot concent stem (2) Caleareous osscies as endoskaes (9) Thee germ ayers and cose (4) Exteralferlisaion (1) Water vascuta Phamys is perforated by gists in (1) Amphioxus @) Pla @) Prawn (4) Nereis Read the following features, 2. Wormlike marine animals Body is diferente into probosts, color and ©. Circulatory system is of open type Allthese features are present in (1) Pleurobrachia (2) Balanogiossus (8) Taenia (4) Ancylostoma Read the following statements Aand B. Choose the correct option. A. All vertebrates are chordetes but all chordatos, are not vertebrates. B. All urochordates are protochordates but all protochordates are not urochordates. (1) Both statements are incorrect (2) Only statement A is incorrect @) Only statement 6 is incorrect (4) Both statements are correct Choose the incorrect match wart. structures in Paripianeta and body segments in which they are present. = Jointed structure found ‘attached with 10% ‘abdominal segment (1) Anal core = Lying on each dorsal side in 4107" ‘abdominal segment @) Testes Al ilarAakae og aerotvi 2 (©) Ovaries ~hyea eT _ present in 6” segment era opens into te genital chamber (4) Spermathecae ‘SECTION-B 188, Choose the incorrect statement (1) MSH i secreted by endocrine fdenohypophysis. (2) Pars distalis of adenohypophysis is considered 2 anterior lobe of pituitary. (8) Oxytocin and vasopressin are synthesised by hypothalamus and transported axonally to neurohyponhysis (@ In males, FSH and aridrogens from anterior pituitary regulate spermatogenesis. 187. Which ofthe following hormones is not synthesized by ovary? ells of ee (2) hPL (3) Relaxin (4) Inhibin vm mice ne he cane by Fieri (2) Cretinism (3) Acromegaly a cee ‘cockroaches. “ pares eo cee sehen ant as 2 han tate me yar Fens abit 4. excrotion in by thin flamentous 20 tic hi (ome Uwicose stands aso help in exer pos on, cid whieh ang 190. 191 192. 193. 194, folowing hormones promote(s) nich of the narrow of Our body? cenytropeiasis 9 ‘a. Erythropoietin b. Thyroxine ©, Cortisol 4. Testosterone ‘croose the correct ans below. (1) On) (2) Only (a) and (b) (3) Only (a), (b) and (©) (4) (©) (and (2) Bats ae included in same taxonomic group (class) as fer from the options given (1) Parcot (2) Butertes (0) Tree fog (3) Whe Pneumatic bones of birds increase the (1) Respiratory rate (2) Hear beat ate (3) Carbon doxide output (4) Buoyancy which helps in the fight Wich one ofthe following categories of animals is ‘correctly described without any exception in it? (1) All mammals are viviparous and possess diaphragm for breathing and mammary glands foreedig their newborns. (2) All reptiles possess scales, have a thres- ‘chambered heart and are cold-blooded. (8) Al bony ches have four pais of gils and an ‘perculum on each side. (4) All sponges are marine, diploblastic and have choanocytes for Nagetlar movements, 'n which ofthe folowing animals, digestive system 's complete with mouth on the ventral side and anus fon the dorsal side? (1) Scafiodan @) Asteiias (2) Patromyzon (4) Pheretima Corporate Office = Aakash Tower 195. 196. 197, 198, Identity the animal ven below and ch correct option W-rt. it 1086 the (1) Gil sits are separate without operulum (2) Presence of scales {@) Presence of paired fins (4) Circular mouth with jaws Match items. in column! with those in columa Choose the option with each eorrect match, column-t Column a. Pristis () Placed in ess Mammalia b. Equus (i) Pouched mammal cc. Myxine (fi) Heterocercal caudal fin 4. Macropus (wv) Cyclostomata (1) af), be, ef, ) (2) atid, b(, of i) ©) ali, dG), et, ©) ai, bai, cA, a4 Which of the following features Is used for sexu dimorphism in cockroach? (1) Antennae (2) Anal cerci (9) Anal style (4) Number of abdominal segments Choose the incorrect statement 4 Gonapophyses presentin Perplanel. it (1) They are considered as external 99” ‘cockroach, (2) Their number is same in b cockroach, (2) Gonapophyses are also known a8 (4) Tititator and pseudopenis are. pats Phallomere in male. ja in oth male and fe? phallomeres oe Pusa Road, New Delhi-1 10005, Phone : 011-47629456 Test (Code:e) as TO ductive 199, Assertion (A): Po, nt wet TOPteF brain is damages, 279 becomes bind when its | 200. Choose the correct sateme Foeece (Ro system in cockroach geet {RB} Supra oesophageal gangon suples (1) Thore are cight ovaries prosent i 82" nerves to compound eyes, On the basis of assertion and reason, choose the oe \ red cores anever fom tne open ger Seam WiescpoWro pocket of sperms forme Correct explanation of (A) Ce! (8) On an average, females produce 14~ ga nd ar poet Bok cxthecae, each containing $-10 6998 explanation of : ipuurn together ety) ee ) Pasa wee constitute the gota ouch it aoa

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