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Example 1

pH= 7.3

HCO3- = 14mEq/L

PCO2= 30mmHg

P02= 95mmHg

1. What is the osis?

2. Cause of osis?
3. Compensation?

Example 2


HCO3- +20mEq/L

PCO2= 20 mmHg

PO2= 95mmHg

Example 3


HCO3- = 30mEq/L

PCO2= 80mmHg

PO2= 70 mmHg

Example 4


HCO3- = 44mEq/L

PCO2= 52mmHg

PO2= 70 mmHg

Example 5

HCO3-= 20mEq/LPCO2= 55mmHg

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