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1 Specify the factors that causes image degradation.

Blur due to camera misfocus

Sensor noise
Relative object camera motion
Random atmospheric turbulence
Thermal noise etc
2 Write the equation for converting wiener filter into inverse filter.

If noise is zero, i.e Sɳ(u,v)=0

3 Classify order statistic filter.

Median Filter
Min and Max Filters
Midpoint Filter
Alpha-trimmed mean Filter
4 Mention the need of image restoration.
The purpose of image restoration is to "compensate for" or "undo" defects which degrade an image.
5 Identify the drawback of inverse filtering. How it can be overcome?
If the degradation function has zero or very small values, then the Noise could easily dominate
the estimate F(u,v)
It overcome by limiting the filter frequencies to values near the origin
6 What do you understand by Mexican Hat function?
7 Define blind image restoration.
Estimating undegraded image and point spread function simultaneously using partial or no
information about the imaging system
8 List two applications of image restoration.
Application area of image reconstruction from projections.
Computed tomography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
9 Why the restoration is called as unconstrained restoration?
In the absence of any knowledge about the noise ‘n‘, a meaningful criterion function is to seek an
f^ such that H f^ approximates of in a least square sense by assuming the noise term is as small as
possible. Where H = system operator. f^ = estimated input image. g = degraded image.
10 Classify the noise models involved in image restoration.
Gaussian noise
Rayleigh noise
Exponential noise
Uniform noise
Impulse (salt-and-pepper) noise
Gamma noise
11 List the various spatial restoration filter.
Mean filters
Order-statistics filters
Adaptive filters
12 Sketch the image restoration model.

13 Differentiate between Enhancement and Restoration.

Enhancement technique is based primarily on the pleasing aspects it might present to the viewer.
For example: Contrast Stretching.
Where as Removal of image blur by applying a deblurrings function is considered a
restoration technique.

14 Enumerate the various mean filters.

Arithmetic mean filter
Geometric mean filter
Harmonic mean filter
Contraharmonic mean filter
15 Summarize the Max and Min filter transfer functions.

16 Categorize spatial restoration filters.

Mean filters
Order-statistics filters
Adaptive filters
17 State the types of frequency domain restoration filters
1. Band reject and Band pass filter
2. Notch filter
3. Invers filter
4. Wiener filter
18 Write the types of Order statistics filters
Median Filter
Min and Max Filters
Midpoint Filter
Alpha-trimmed mean Filter
19 Introduce the three types of image degradation estimation models.
1. Observation
2. Experimentation
3. Mathematical modeling
20 Obtain the band pass filter transfer function from band reject filter.
21 Brief about Gaussian noise model.

22 Outline about Rayleigh noise model.

23 Express the PDF expression for uniform noise.

24 How the arithmetic and geometric mean filters are differ?

Arithmetic mean filter - Each restored pixel is simply the arithmetic mean computed using the
pixels in the subimage. A mean filter smooths local variations in an image, and noise is reduced
as a result of blurring
Geometric mean filter - Each restored pixel is given by the product of the pixels in the
subimage. This filter achieves smoothing comparable to the arithmetic mean filter, but it tends to
lose less image detail in the process

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