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UNIt-T ~ Centre Wate Relations (24S-26¢)- Lo eux Sa wee CONSTITUTIONAL LAW = IT SR armen) CA Repel Pastiamentary Sorm of govt. % Presidential} DNTI- I - formot Govt. A Comparative Study. Fedevation , federal featowus principles Union. €xecutive~ Art 52- 786123) | unio Pantcornent ave $4 “122 ane pen dant Tubes y = Gupeme Court ArtI24- wr): ~~ Juvisdiction of Sc Cavti3t 86) Spectal Leave Pet ion Aro+ 136) Advisong Jurisdicrton of SCC 143) ONIY-D r Diatri button of Powers List <2 —> Umi List List -Th = State Cink - i — Conerrsyern t Liat: Jurisdtetional Aspects Paicnuples toinberpet bite: Do armnefpith % Gubstame. — IqetAamtat. Colorable hegislatien pon qq R anneupetoningying = Repagneney ; Fo rom one toanonious Constsuction Jo veewn de ita nemsisiency Urls Contre & state 40 ee Laut + cont mrKarumaniaht vs O'0'T- Mirneva IAB vijay kamen Shaamars: § oka Fn Re Kaiata CCAR IS Pedip ERomA VE « $100 Janu Bhat Vs: Legiatrue netations CoeeeRye Urtabiens* UNT1~ IV CATE WA BT Lary (Avtar aon Gow}. conteaute ¥ To ie Pc ei Sie, pC hous, a oy Nig oe ' 3) Sov functions nos dun tend ‘ “Thefunctions Broumds -prowessin, Toatekuene Bete King done Fok om onkf ry Nhe eas sur Cinte ofp VS. Cate, Perera cen duals can! atten: ‘the sian™ Pane os Nawigation Corpas ie Mg : cual wf Bate Yrade, Commrereete Intercourse (Ast 201%) pherardte ee Tobast i Johergnee | % Totractate feeo1-30) ] wh eee es ao. Yao oer Pas pot WO no NAY ae Gersas, (Meese 21?) Govtal powerto ynake FALL § ay ve tar’ons perrainin 40 pS a 1 eg Re pow patent fans" Yor ann, uy (HY al fe (ss Renee Lissa and we 2 parton ae gh age Fg (ote Baan GE Done v) woithout ened u ( cay provisions 1 ontr ¥ i Emer gen 4 F oe BBY NL war / Ea d gy Arm cael 356 —7 Se -701 Press Rule son there Sh) Boo» FE Pecan aboitch Tryelected G Gs exinting. 2-Suspencion of FR aad Gene rgenc) Except Art 2082, >This Rotten Ast WMC AR: a-Armendinent to-the Constition Essentials OF 2 Basicseructivce Comttution fmendment Proudure i+) sShont Question From Shankar LRqokalblevs-61 0FN . case | Totalrnajerity & afr presente, Shankar Prasad woking. : CayjanPrasad i fotakNath wlcs (Cave 32i- 324) Powers of the Constitutionot JunuiSaly of ae C Stats of EC cece keg Indira famabe Winer vars he Chandra hand S51 Kumar Padma Prased , TR KohAL Mw WoepryvE Ponviannunt Power tp Make ey Sethon Ponnusw. arn, VS Red Nama kal Br Returning of fier+ , greens ewe ayes yr d Nv er eo) a ~~ fl wv Paviomnenhary Lomet Gout. Pasidential eomet Gove D Legislative Cupremacy -uk vs Legislative Sovere rqnixy ee Portiamentary Coen gre {naran framers wanted 40 have Parlvamentary Form of Govt. - Answerable ~Govt prise tien =) Constitutional 1. Jee & Ly , denves ther oo eee ona HT Ualhatever 40 make oF UnMmake isfinal. Pethee Courts have novight Fo ve hew ) \egist ative > creature of consttitionok'B 4 be equated with “Go SS cane Asserorly * constisudinal AK “House. of ods Louse of Ropsesentatives: Corrente Tod> House of People Z Council of States: auras Nomnadinal) -Ereeuctive «Real exeeubive h wae tee fave, ee pont in Paabiamendnt The a ; Sower og foe Mis ig ng 00 7 Head of tare LeNP a ae a Jorg OG ay wo pany x- Legis lature ‘is the master and execitive I$ Its 4 subordinate ation * Controls ett the ad ininists entive syste Cven for the aurvivalof favt - tothe tunes of keg: €xe ghould dance acc Until tte confidence of leg xe rvetams he fore , Senn cons, Res phecourrbabee Govt: T y TE Cre shetorny misiate Fovits actions amner From, Treasury benches or-0 pp benches Can Ceuning parry oF C qrestion athe ive, | Leg—> Keene re sto oust oS people a FT ersnwen Coun at of sraXeS House oF Lords £5 7.0.80, 270 qe Lea G ee - nd OS vir : oe Gal Gone E OEE Res she My ‘ Bb ancble Ae pone —————— Ae pal te Erect ive Tremitiene Mule, Sov gyre wo Opp as Miniter & moto tatature he Soule Set ae mo. Ex Cxternal Minister —SCxbrameniann Saidhantay, ¥ In Pres —> Normero of Laecutive a mermbey sf heq- an be initiated & No _conficlenve motion CA Se Upper Aovst Only in the bower house prot “Gove woes trop ple Sosmno8 Govt a, rang HEE: ~ In pas iarnentary fe Bene nro xi Cham arash hor, Moran Paste, ae sei deur pinsolution of He hower house phe Oower Mowe ue commentators of} Cabinet Cie araso vet Uh Presvaent Not in Presvaun tral Forno of fort: ‘Cx Lise Puss 7 Evbarn—= Midiernn Poll di Lee einoolued a a ny Maj payee 7 we eae ne omy pared Colteeve Pespon eile (e- Cabinet @ Srerive fe Pome ee eae os howe axe 1 ate MH Ey peewee - ‘i iB { " oa a athe agent rs ae HGH get Oe? Sa i) rs 2 8 ne 4- On ge eine” pd eA game eee Catia ort Moretay py C eat Davo exter vd Din teu m ee ges Tr Poway rar peak SG RE oF. a Unwrap perple ee Eset Mer Rite Hee Arne val NERY wer ayne darn ae Sanat aed those’ yb Certs should be dong only mleap an ade TE Pree tm he poe on ot ro pen chok \ 7) & Pregtkemt ial Aosen © JFiis Raced on Theor 44 ot eae of owes, Pro ack ¥ DN ¢ Yo he eo Donericary Cons, LTA TS : eset S "ne pat eh fie yn ke pen aaa ax as Aare Cater aes f Ruse Q the ° su © a By, Som _ neous See aaE Sena oe a se owes w pw? Bian Ae propre ted j ean h® cen anes em tA At A ce ae “4 aftes 204 i files EO ° r Case rem enone ae Larkmanabens, | ye tive ever ede Ty “OE wa Compt lense a Soret Zernenberte : Permanent Wert et Budsjecktot Piarsclictin, : ror powers ™* chambers (asm Lycee rte > ib > Pre Am Kare 2x Se Nae , eon ier : awit Wo ye 0 wn y ; Sake ee xy ot Es spe 7G eS ke ae ion WK et & Oe ie py oe at oe ie ays ao Nolimk Huo txe &Leq: eek ett ey if WV her ¥ Lpsoitted with (avi nee . s i eet Seno keyhole Gey oe Be sider cet is wane prea pec BUSe pavisicaio” One ee ard Fores ie Se pittance.” cadres ating a0 es ecards far eres Hwhen! erwe ae a verona chet thee yor othe cling valet vs d ~utt aise fe itistion sof vemevol vee sng . Srapenchrer oy apie In othe oneal of eAmercam hea ld 236 -Hooduvotdy. on wl ee Feel Segre, “rhe at nen pe we ae yr Indepen dent to each other RSPR een ee Lower Show pre: Mowe melee Pee Shige Not ssabjectto Bapualtinn seg ez The ree aoe en Gente - Leeted for bye - = Pomnart venom J +fLowre + te onl Loh brat. Saat pective of poputation | Saget sends 2 mroumbou ste psen actives a a ssw 9 Bene same ss Raprica of the Vtourent Combunturno? ank Tunsot Rox, vest congo Ragercentsh most vthey tert eed fromthe tfluence of Pree (PS Prexcg,™ dissolve the Jegis ature F S CCongusd ay Poaliement va cannot viemove President For being amember of Pex akinet ->He cannot Pernerbe Bur in’ India he should be member —* : Comon Committee Systern ts there —heq divided — HomeAffaiy, Com on’ Heath Rasen of lotoln mem th et Prod these committee fovrutate er make re, policies ehte las | auws Bs oN patcakan atped amd “Phe ead cll! ne Corrmisttic. enfeldas Hey the ank Preg novel ska attend We Ung Action cover -dirnins™ aft Llecred Pictatot > US Prea- 5 Oya cmk Batemey aati No to uate dlerpotic ov artocratic inerninds of Le Ys Pred Vyte unas otal powey mM atresang Hu Purholiney IAL piplomars “4 i 5 Mivrary offriaass, Judge other Cotte rote Masri roadres or Conclugion pf ‘Treated even © exhennor Uf Srmameiat Ark tp ther ent nyo Mradtiadd Potente! Alegations > Ymate found ow a3 md Sevens Finama — Congpen i i * Gemerorial Lurtos a Wee Snore Controt usin Aonate » Power Lith Prez, cratrol hog sith” Velo Power ™ ke ent mae Uaws ant Ob WALL become Cay Dry t 08 Prox He Lom veto i+ but Hine odie | the er pete ‘hon Rae Lo pass Ht & ment ite if heaonit Borne passee vo gar Novrnaley ane Exe din Gover whee Pomed amd ienplemonted thy Prex: Be oriaimatie ot Game —? Pred ton Bor interpre dation ote Bektte He dvnputtar be}? Gent cORT i > ovigen a Si eon 9 se gplaee ce BoD stem gn Par Powey-Howsee ewe Lee oe | Buk woot Ls 4 gousivle ies ae st over cS Lomond 4 tort of HOw “ytd chepesertel S ner Rae Bim okt oy Reo ye ip orton rete 7 ee bre “sf or Ae, a Sate eM ss the Read 5 ce ULL Pee ool oe © is pas now fry Aone 2 , Be onden ny geo eidhak Don ey 0 pect lve Nome yas one poovs Jahon fof DiS. Cons titactiyn—> Briefert heg Soveres, 4 ned Con Ap ond ae us Awl Rem jraduiany , dupaiheny Powsews axe wetted Usui VSL v And U's Cons is—” Conk of Troe Jaletes, - SA ae USPethettion —> DF Prea Aes VR Hee Ve Sw pera te > antnon of Ne But inandhe Aker he ve P os comd usin aogon ane k +0 OT ities - B-menths A Novrnatby anal i a doy) ho UK pasd on tre of kno Prox [Empesvt -Awromima tne i aie ae Theory of Seperation of Powers. Tndian Constituttoy Aero KG Wheare , Quasi Ae Jndian constitutven is Quasi- Federale Potrrical Science State must include —> Tervitor Population : eee pvereignt ch, . International pendent states fecen Wiese ognition Unisn’ of Fomertnide! Latin word- “Foedus" care migrated From Britain ethese Sorefarhers, Urder the leadership won the war Federation Only 18 6Olonies ; vobich colonies > agawst | thelr ot eorge Washin qe Heer Fe deral Fea Convention Drafted the constitution > 1464" Federation Ht) Factors | Feaesel Peinctrlet ee ae Written and Suprema of the Constitution Dual Politi lus er or Swope ort py ove Subordinate +0} Distribution of Powers FekeGoe and creatures of the Const. Independent Jadietory crake Gord: Pual Citizenship. 3) Allocation of powers by Yne Consti USA & Stakes (slakescon ¥ 9 ; ofan Or, Knol Tuvisdiction ilies wish SC 40 Ae subion : AMe the 5 neue sigs ew Cone & Stati: Dr k- Pastiarnent ory Severely ~ keg is supreme yIt canmake untnake the Lawes: : al \ay3 > KB: Case: ° yer’. this2023 ov Art QA Ut SC Apr 2 ya veil become 5: a _ wnouth’ of the Constitution- USSc- . y ri cice’os Lyin | Traian Constitution is supreme Granville Austin» Tt cannot be called as. Perfect federation it ts Quasi- Tn K:B also- constitutional Suprers acy ~ As there voasaclih blw Judiciary and begislature- Cohifn is Sapeme?- feasts: Consti¢ustion Federation i¢ a combination ov ascociation: OF independent states : Tmportant feature of Federal) Structure ss, CS a8 atl organs devive fs power from Const > Quen Polity woo types of Govt t , ae tle is Shake Govt. Federal Union Headed by b v Central Govt Pres Govern? Ast 214/22 6,224, — - - : Sear UREA Unnien bs State Le 1 ad ad Bligh Court ’ Tud Jud o %. Distribation of Powers Distyibation URRY ath Scho List T > eae ws Union — Sxore Te mente: y LIodependent Jud ican Art (Zu Avt bet ' c cthexe are some imp deviations Because they ha ve their existence constitutional provisions in Adominant Nature From the that’s, wh, there Tolare deviations , departure Federal states a Some state c's Stating nat Disparity is there in allocation of Funds xo tne states “the Disintegr ation of seperate ctates paved ane voay for Lhe British we br Padabhat Naovoj: ot framers of Corstfiutio tect Indian people From Strong Cenie, by she Prain *heor sn: To have intege seperation deviating From Jr te ty the ands led mation, *° pe 4ne! inyended +0 have federal psinciples’ Appointment Sh Sxeitrnn Ps re aa ; WS % People elect: Governs: ¥ 2 oink Governor > — ‘Ihe Tnd> Pes Ident OFP Pa Re precematives of Cente: Cc ) t ave not Independent enero ataiate pountar jeg? on PUBS Cenkre Govt. isemmpowered to divide [se oe | seperale anh atlocatr certam arcasto other Mates Cris Teleens what isthe sanuiity of State Govts? U- Pave Whims and Fancies of Central qovt Hey have, Feteval> Tndependent States. CiRime then. aa SA 244 - WO RS passes aresolution with/r4 authorising — the - of Ind to Make laws on State Fos 7 eee Cen cial ee Council of Atates Can make the Same 24s 2ys> 4 ists ath Sch ax 66 ust ‘ : j tT q Wy Liat Art 2y8- Residuary Powers Awe vested with Centre: Doctime of REP Ag Dense RAR Treonsissant [ confiret Plus Centre and State Laws - ernany of Laws roads 4 Central 4ovt dup Vie Cuma Shawna ¥S Gare of Karnataka ouer the dbase Laws: ral General, hau Pe ‘gua Mphe contol Laur } ¢ apnats efose af ter athe EOS gt ate) “ PtBo2- Wy 35 623560 PTs pres basa oneonet War Prasthunt'e Rule adm with akvisiors Lah ‘ the dipeuier ova es chia grate, Ron devia Kapoor ¥5' Ghats of Puna President vecommerded by the Council o+ Cabinet prinisvers: 3). py be Residuary Powers —» Avt 246 (Short tore) Powers which have; nor Peen enumerated in the conshudion which Bi (ap uuprad Federal Govt’ has tapadune of the eon’ alt the sates: Te has no spot rrentioned o> Sirfin unete freq Cerner dove An qaatan Chinen he acgarees he cuter Traian Coal zensbip fick NaS stir ae Pet 5-7 Citensip 2 pe eentradictor aspect cffederat principles aan atrmagi] erg indian Citinenship Act Ito5- al Beth Yo Deseemt ~ Pog fehationY Naturaliaation v : reer poration of termreyerte reads | Nor & petted tedoratton : A , + B01- hich Boek pts 304-307 yw sore Ly [>-00, 88285 2H SN Pano Zeon g emo. ad useat arate part ¢ l -— Central Contrabergeutnt Un 12 SE _—w WEAN 1) Pres — Nominal t¥ 20 Merapnoy omnarnent * 2D Councivot min otteaheh ay P Me Reattrecutye Arter 7 There shall peatsasite* ot pnd’ | pet 52 sine. tx POWeS ot the union, verte ; = ahaube , Aug! » aod aciwrSed bY acoM Weaded ee PM Pres 0% India tte chek Hobie AY vesnes pooper vores ey means of ange at ) ate nus be atttinen of Ind + 5) Musk have completed soy oh ge 5) te mat OE aguatctied fo" arcs 4, Trem ob wtowse of Pee ve yo coed by an electoral oil fb enw erd OF ebOie house s oF Partiennd 24 pied ae Lot pu rtnethhag? is Lastoe-hasem 4 gy rarapenseron wal (Noqueot ‘ eons «leer Seetioh e ee OP Raat “indians ae je tn bee yrumbor pt oh “Tor at poplation of he state Anvespot Parlianne aaiak val Heer al line Soe” (By ateptin wt proceduss?) ; cay otr ly = Value of yoreot sore mmennbes Arp of Pat rember of POLE ern bor of PAALinannt (448...) pete) for nomination of Pres Bo Bent eet AROULK We ME ra_ Pe: west | secon tek usith oho, SOmmenwkeers ah pnakecemiral were ont aes uid he ROCA Move amon so’ |- oF vote” Temurt- SY no edernbackion oF M0 cof Corrtest Paso Powsers oP Pre > Pte eae = [rp Eae Power > - beg Post BAT rtangy POE ur Pan bain power S- Jub poset Lee Pousee D Ramat at apr’ ays of 400 ab- ge obety snaking bog vt abou Nios tat Aco in pus he veal power fe vesred wih —lapatl Ye ade d Ut Pree Mt Natronaliaation of TBS ge ae Hho occasien ty Tytangre® alt Wo beet. wBeosing Ane private entsepromuact foOps ob TE Jaton pomiarton from Le: wren she tee ipematan at, Anene 18 mene Ap take Additional Leo Peer MeASURL * Svemtho: & VS Dor the own of BikL, frvs SH valid no mecanasty 10 pase seperate bist} ag me an ove to Incualke txpendt mse « Lea Powers Powers art Surnmons Borh- he houses Ochs fas + sage aoe UAL 00% SS ey Povrporvayert po Dicsolves > b'S but not RS RPpwunnn ont Not bunked \ D) He addsentes pot The Ukewes of parliament.’ 5) (4 Ay TT ALS LIN Orhe RS —> Cour of Sts 5 On, the Policies, Achievements , exhibitiont ot futivee , chrthefovt wetommendodion of Cabinet Rs Conc: of Stackeg, Oppertdowar , € Veg Houre introduced Usithout the peiow approval WD No money bill wil ve i of the president of India action [ Alteration of Boundaries of stakes Alp 8) Reorgani® ‘i or Bifurcation veq WET Petes Approval piherwise qvaldor the bills passecl by Legislature givin 1 approval Published inthe othrdal Gazette , it will come into eh fect Porn 2 official echinal Point ed as mentioned in th Av 2000 os specifi Razerte qasette Pub > olual Publication of Govt. €ven xrnough a wav 1S an enactment also, it has Hs efbek only after i was published in of 4) Diplomattc Powers ‘as head of the state ,he receives all the embassies Diplomat He receives all the credentials of diplomats, ete ‘abbas ae + with be one a where diplomats Seapets there + thelr credentials, Submi: 8) sivitary, Powers heh of manttony Jorces af Head of the Commander-in- cl akote” He can declare war @, cencbrde ft | peate aster franwatme & Rajiv fanahi flys Ayan Janbingh Tabu" hey A a) eanet dese iiPouies E Failure of Conduttonat Machine yoithout ‘ evenSaine secommendations ob Gove’! aden pO union Cabinet: Basing on he yecormmendations of IS) Ordinance Powers Avi 123 — Ordinamer Power oF Fes islarton made 4 Pres uohen the Leg. Ordinane — Temp » leg aniser to meetthe movin Sexton When rartinganey fanaa Ime Avatelyy ge chaos Ute Of Sanents after the Commencement 0% We ate of) cormencareeyt.of He semen 6 weeks efter the vom Buin” Lver hwnd Ahouls be notified: Came ust Gov Art 213 Pek tauy Ce |Gewe vaVSeay) al Beouwsr Bonds Act Speci To Unearth Blak mn y et owt pence whoever, VoWenPat’ sissaess ‘nets propesty. there Cuper baetial TOK one Lei be Uernoved This (was clnallenged ubravives to Fit saecrenee wane renpeten he arnbt ubliavines % fat, Lorinin “tne f pereny of of Power of Pree’ L National Security Ordinate isan MISA Trcontravention *° Ast 14” aoe Sc Tris vated! aADA DIDS Wadleawa vs State of Bihaw ScoteerergtTy Supoctiong of Constitution - "I Paikoning Power Phar steak tl ¥ Pre tow Cam oureten Respite Rem feo? coundt of Ministe8 Rarn evige Powers oh Anan sher Seng Kapoor ve: State of Pung dh, Greeuarve + ines Si vse Ervecudive ee BOR ; Que Povoerc o 810 Conmmnut atton totoigare Unter vowal y Porconrng Power» Lronenasing lov cee aM Pes \eaving nee he rec Paes wwrvntted : amet rg

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