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Multiple choice:

1-We use Present Simple to express…

Future plans likes routines habits possession general truths

2-We use Present Continuous to express…

Facts at the moment facts of the present future plans

3-We use verb TO BE in Present to express…

Professions existence condition sex

4-We use verb TO HAVE to express…

Condition possession

5-We use CAN to express…

Ability volition the need of permission

6-We use Present Perfect to express…

Facts in the present facts in the past that affect the present

7-We use Past Simple to express…

Events in the past events finished in the past events that affect the present

8-We use Past Continuous to express…

Something the person did in the past something the person was doing in the past while

He or she did something else.

9-We use Future Simple to express…

Future plans decitions at the momento

10-The auxiliaries for the Present are: ____________________________

The auxiliary for the Past is: _________________________________

The auxiliary for the Future is: _______________________________

We use them in the ________________ and ____________________ utterances (sentences).

In the _______________________ sentence we use the ______________________ in the

correct form.

Present Simple:

Interrogative: __________________________

Affirmative: ____________________________

Negative: _______________________________

Past Simple:

Interrogative: __________________________

Affirmative: ____________________________

Negative: _______________________________

Future Simple:





Present: _______________________


Future: ________________________

Nota: El verb TO BE se usa CON/SIN auxiliares.

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