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A Soldier’s Diet Mini Assignment


1. Open your Ongoing Word Bank. You will need to add new words to your
word bank and translate them as you read.

2. Go to Content > Assignments > A Soldier’s Diet > Reading, and read the

3. Use correct punctuation, spelling, and capitalization to answer all questions

in the organizer below in full sentences.

4. When you are ready to submit your work, convert this Google Doc into a
Microsoft Word document, and submit it to the dropbox called “A Soldier’s

DUE DATE: February 15, 2023 by 11:59 p.m.

FINAL DUE DATE: February 16, 2023 by 12:40 p.m.*

*Because I will take up the answers in class tomorrow, you must submit
this assignment before tomorrow’s class.

Write at least 3 Source 1:

sentences from each
source that During world war 1 the diet of Canadian
summarizes the soldiers varied depending on the location and
source’s opinion on the circumstances of their deployment however in
quality of the soldiers’ general Canadian soldiers were provided with a
diets during World War I. basic diet that consisted of the following.

Source 2:
Hardtack biscuits: These were hard, dry, and
long-lasting biscuits stapled in soldiers’ diets.
They were made from flour, water, and salt and
were often infested with weevils.

Source 3:

Bully beef: Canned corned beef also known as

bully beef was another staple soldiers’ diet. It
was a good source of protein and could be
easily transported.

Source 4:

Canned vegetables: Soldiers were provided

with canned vegetables such as peas and
carrots to supplement their diet.

For each source, Source 1:

determine who could
have possibly written
that source. Your
choices are:
Source 2:
A. A general
B. A government Source 3:

C. A Canadian soldier

Source 4:

In your opinion, how

would the position of the
author in the Canadian
Army or government
affect what was written
or said about the quality
of food given to troops
during World War I?
Answer this question in
at least 3 sentences.

In your opinion, do you The diet of soldiers on the front lines could be
think soldiers had an meager and soldiers often had to supplement
adequate diet during their rations with foraged food or food that was
World War I? Explain sent from home.
your answer by
providing some
evidence from the
sources. Answer this
question in at least 3

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