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South Africa

1. Describe the current population, demographics, language, government, military

strength, political culture, and trading bloc memberships of your chosen country

Officially known as the Republic Of South Africa(RSA), South Africa is in the southern part of
Africa bounded by Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Mozambique. With Pretoria as its capital,
the current population as of 2022 stands at 60.605 million. Black South Africans occupy 80% of
the population with the remaining consisting of Asian (Indian South Africans), Europeans( white
South Africans), multiracial (Coloured South Africans) and Chinese South Africans. Being a
multiethnic society, South Africa has a variety of languages, cultures and religions. The
constitution of South Africa recognizes 11 languages with Xhosa and Zulu being the most

Figure 1: population of South Africa


Every public entity, government department and enterprise is supposed to establish a language
policy and unit as part of nation-building and promotion of social cohesion in South Africa. The
South Africa National Defence Force (SANDF) landward component makes it the largest
government service with a strength of 72 322 and personnel of 36 952 . The SA Air
Force(SAAF) has 9 527 personnel strength and 6 389 marine service members ashore and
abroad(SANDF, 2021)

Figure 2: SA Armed forces personnel

Source: data.worldbank

The culture of SA is being strongly preserved in the rural areas which where a majority of black
South Africans inhabit. Since 13 June 1948 South Africa has been GAAT and a WTO member 1
January 1995 (Overview. World bank, 2022).

2. What are the current geopolitical issues facing your chosen country other than

South Africa had a weak economy well before the Covid pandemic with an income per capita of
5.6% which increased insignificantly by 1% average only between 2012 and 2021. There have
been massive electricity shortages, high unemployment, corruption and income inequality which
led to poverty among the masses. There have been diplomatic tensions from neighboring
countries due to xenophobic violence against foreigners. Tensions also rose due to the land
reform program by the government seeking to redistribute land to the blacks of South Africa.
Being a large contributor to greenhouse gases, South Africa was affected by climatic changes
ranging from droughts, high temperatures, and floods, which disturbed agricultural activities,
public health and water resources. Political tensions between opposition parties and the
government that sought to address corruption disturbed economic activities in South Africa
(Riaz, Jinghong & Siddiqi, 2023).

3. How has COVID affected your chosen country? What is its vaccination rate?

In terms of public health and economy, South Africa was hit severely by COVID pandemic with
over 5 million reported cases and over 120 000 reported deaths. With limited health facilities,
outdated infrastructure, shortage of medical equipment, and medical staff, COVID exposed how
the health system was in shambles. Initially, South Africa had problems in the rolling out of
vaccination programs and in securing vaccine supplies. As of March 2023, it is estimated over
50% had the first vaccine dosage and 35% are now vaccinated fully. Logistics to reach remote
areas, hesitancy to vaccination and inadequate vaccine supplies still poses a threat to the South
African government.

4. How might your chosen country react to the proposition by the G-20 to work to
drastically reduce or eliminate the use of fossil fuels to protect the environment?

As part of the Paris agreement, South Africa has taken steps to reduce its greenhouse gas
emissions, and renewable resources investments such as wind and solar power. Climate change
has affected South Africa which has led to environmental problems such as air pollution,
droughts, and high temperatures South Africa plans to reduce the use of fossil fuels which backs
the South African economy in terms of being a major source of employment, powers up power
plants which emit greenhouse gases in. They are moving towards a low-carbon economy
although it will have major impacts on the economy in terms of job losses.

5. How might your chosen country react to the proposition by the G-20 to greatly
increase money for development and in particular the improvement of food security
around the world?

South Africa is a member of the African Union and is in support of G-20`s policies of improving
food security, increasing development money, poverty reduction and food security. These
investments will have a significant contribution to the global community and the South African
population. Facing challenges of food insecurity amongst low-income citizens, South Africa is
playing a greater role in the formulation of policies and availing development funds that help
alleviate poverty and hunger in the world

6. How might your chosen country react to a proposal by G-20 members to collectively
place further economic sanctions on Russia?

As a member of G-20, South Africa might not support the collective idea of placing sanctions on
Russia because of their historical ties which have monetary gains. Russia and South Africa have
supported each other in terms of trade, defense, energy, and at United Nations forums. Though
they condemn Russia for invading Ukraine, South Africa is committed to human rights
upholding, and respect of the law. Imposing sanctions on Russia will have a significant impact
on the South African economy and it is most unlikely they will collectively support this motion.

Armed forces personnel, total - South Africa | Data. (n.d.). World Bank Open Data | Data.

Overview. (n.d.). World Bank.2022.

SANDF by the numbers - defenceWeb. (n.d.).


Riaz, M., Jinghong, S., & Siddiqi, U. I. (2023). A comparative analysis of capital structure of G-
20 firms on regional basis. Pacific Accounting Review, 35(1), 86-104.

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