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Verna - Goa
Department of Mechanical Engineering


Semester: I (RC 19 - 20)

Subject: FE 140 Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Course Instructor: Mr. Gaurak Phaldessai

Instructions: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal weightage. Assume missing data, if
any and justify.
Q1. Define thermodynamic system, boundary, surrounding. FE 140.3 CL2

Q2. Explain clearly the difference between open, closed and isolated FE 140.3 CL2
thermodynamic systems.
Q3. List down differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous system. FE 140.3 CL2
Q4. What do you understand by the terms macroscopic and microscopic FE140.3 CL2
point of views?
Q5. What are the different types of processes in thermodynamics? Draw FE140.3 CL2
PV and Ts plots for each.
Q6. Explain Zeroth, First, Second and Third law of thermodynamics. FE140.3 CL2
Q7. Consider a gas contained in a piston cylinder assembly as the system. FE140.3 CL3
The gas is initially at a pressure of 1000 kPa and occupies a volume
of 0.1 m3. The gas is taken to the final state where pressure is equal to
200 kPa by the following 2 different processes.
i. Volume of the gas inversely proportional to the pressure
ii. The process follows the path Pvn = Constant. n=1.4
Calculate the work done by the gas during each process.

Q8. A piston and cylinder machine contains a fluid system which passes FE140.3 CL3
through a complete cycle of 4 processes. During a cycle, the sum of
all heat transfers is -170 kJ. The system completes 100 cycles per
minute. Complete the following table showing the method for each

Verna - Goa
Department of Mechanical Engineering

and compute the net rate of work output in kW.

Process Q(kJ/min) W(kJ/min) ΔE (kJ/min)
a-b 0 2170 -
b-c 21000 0 -
c-d -2100 - -36600
d-a - - -


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