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Task One

Here are some sentences for you to complete. The end word is missing each time. Can
you fill in the missing word, thinking about alliteration as you fill it in.

For example:
Twenty terrible tigers.

1. One awful ....... .

2. Two horrid ....... .
3. Three smelly ....... .
4. Four frightened ....... .
5. Five frisky ....... .
6. Six smiley ....... .
7. Seven sickly ....... .
8. Eight evil ....... .
9. Nine naughty ....... .
10.Ten trembling ....... .

Task Two

Can you think up some four-line verses that show alliteration in each line. The lines
do not all have to be based around the same letter. Your verses can be about anything
you like; school, animals, sport etc.

For example:

Big Bad Ben

In the playground he pushes, pinches and pulls people,

He's always naughty and nasty - not nice to know.
He bounces boys back and forth
And burps and belches at bell-time!
See if you can make a few little verses like these.


Can you find examples of alliteration in any of the poems we have read as a class, or
in poems you have read yourself.

Write down a few examples of lines from poems that show alliteration. (Make sure
you write down which poem they are from please.)
Adjectives Names Verbs Nouns
Angry Ant wins apples.
Cheeky Chad chews cheese.
Dirty Emma drops eggs.
Eggy Davey eats dummies.
Funny Henry grabs honey
Giggling Kate flies fleas
Happy Frank juggles geese
Jumping Georgia hates jelly
Kind Liam kicks lollies
Lovely Jay meets kings
Moody Niki likes monkeys
Nice Peter picks noses
Purple Michael nips peas
Racing Sufyan tips rubbers
Slim Robert rolls songs
Tiny Will sings trucks
Wobbly Tom bites wellies
Bendy Billy adds bugs

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