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Párrafo 1: Presentación personal.

1. My name is Geraldine Zamora 2. I am from Colombia 3. I study and work 4. I live in

free union 5. I do have a beautiful daughter; her name is Luz Sofia Calderón Zamora 6. I
am twenty-seven years old 7. I am studying for a Bachelor's Degree in Child Pedagogy 8.
Study, although the vast majority is spent with my family

Párrafo 2: Descripción de su residencia

1. I live in the municipality of Miraflores Guaviare 2. I live with my partner and our
daughter 3. We live in a small house 4. We live in a small house that has three bedrooms, a
dining room and bathrooms, it has a large patio where our daughter plays

Párrafo 3 Descripción de rutina

1. I usually get up at half past five 2. I have breakfast at eight 3. I usually have broth with
arepas and chocolate for breakfast 4. I almost always walk to work 5. I have lunch at half
past twelve 6. Normally rice, grains, meat, salad 7. I come home at seven 8. After work I
rest, then I spend time with my daughter 9. I have dinner with my family 10. Eggs, rice or
bread, and juice 11. Normally at ten 12. I rest and go out I walk with my family and
advance work 13. Very occasionally.

ETAPA 3 - Creación de párrafos

My name is Geraldine Zamora I am from Colombia I study and work, I live in free union
and I have a beautiful daughter, her name is Luz Sofia Calderón Zamora I am twenty-seven
years old I am studying for a Bachelor's Degree in Child Pedagogy, Studying, although the
vast majority is spent with my family

I live in the municipality of Miraflores Guaviare with my partner and our daughter. We live in a
small house. It is a small house that consists of three bedrooms, a dining room and bathrooms, it
has a large patio where our daughter plays.

Normally I get up at half past five, I have breakfast at eight o'clock, breakfast broth with
arepa and chocolate I almost always walk to work Lunch like twelve thirty as usual Rice,
grains, meat, salad I return home at seven After work I rest , then I dedicate time to my
daughter I have dinner with my family Eggs, rice or bread, and juice Normally I go to bed
at ten I take a break and go out for a walk with my family and work on work Very

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