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Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais

Curso de Licenciatura em Ensino de Inglês

Exame de recorrencia de Didáctica de Inglês 3 Year 4 / Semester 2

Name: Adélia Naftal Lassita

1. a) The grammar or vocabulary my learners will need to know before doing this activity is Prepositions in order to locate places.

b) As a way to prepare and motivate for a pair work i will put the picture on the wall and ask the students to say what they can see on it. After
that i will ask the students to draw one thing from the picture.

c ) At the production or practice stage, i would divide my students in pairs .

1. d) After getting in pairs, i will tell my students: ` take a look at the picture on the poster and try to draw it exactly in the way it appears
following the instructios from a patner. while is giving the instructions, the other one will be drawing the picture accordingly with the
given instructions``.

e) During the activity, i will walk aroud the class motoring the activity and geving the possible clarifications in case of doubts.

1. f) When everyone has finished, i will finish the activity and ask some pairs to fix their work in front for general analysing. After that i will
ask the class to take a look at each fixed wall sheet and say what each group missed or added, that is, i will ask the students to compare the
pictures and shoose the most beautifull.

g) As a follow-on activities i will ask the students to take another look at the picture and say what can they see at top left and right of the picture
as well as the botton right and left of the same picture.
Escola Secundaria de Cumbana
Teacher: Adélia Naftal Lassita. Date: 6th Dec. 2022
Material: learner´s book or handouts, chalk, board. Nr. of students: 45
Unit: The Home. Grade: 8th
Topic: Locations.
Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes
Objectives: by the end of this lesson, leaners must be able to:
Locate things on a given picture;
Draw a picture following given instructions.
Skills covered: speaking, writing and listening.
Stages and Teacher´s activities Students ‘activities Time
Warm- up The students will:
Attendance Asks students attention and say: “I will call the roll” and Answer to the callings
checking starts calling.
will say what the see and draw one thing from
Puts the picture on the wall ask the students to say what they the picture.

can see on it. After that i will ask the students to draw one thing
Ex:i can see some trees, church...
from the picture
Correct the homework on the board
Asks to correct the homework on the board, related to


Elicitation Asks the students to say what they know about prepositions Will say that prepositions are word that we
use to locate things places and beings.
Example: on the right, on the left, in, 15´
Explains that indeed, prepositions are words that we use to
Explanation locate things.

Will pay attention to the teacher’s

Asks the students to get in pairs and take a look at the picture on Will get in pairs and do the given task.
the poster and try to draw it exactly in the way it appears
Free practice following the instructios from a patner. while is giving the
instructions, the other one will be drawing the picture accordingly
with the given instructions.

Asks the students to take another look at the picture and say
what can they see at top left and right of the picture as well as
the botton right and left of the same picture. Will jot down their homework.
Homework start like this: On the left i can see...........


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