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Neonatology Published online: March 10, 2020

DOI: 10.1159/000506866

Necrotizing Enterocolitis: The Future

Josef Neu
Pediatrics/Neonatology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Keywords in neonatal intensive care. In addition to extremely high

Necrotizing enterocolitis · Treatment · Prevention · morbidity and mortality and high costs, long-term com-
Pathophysiology · Definition plications include strictures and adhesions of the intes-
tine, cholestasis, short bowel syndrome, failure to thrive,
and neurodevelopmental delay [2]. Unfortunately, not
Abstract much progress has been made in its treatment or preven-
Progress in our understanding of the pathophysiology, pre- tion [3]. When examining the literature, one might con-
vention and treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) has sider NEC to be a single, homogeneous entity, but it is
been hampered for many reasons. Included among these is becoming clear that NEC is several different diseases or
the fact that what we are calling “NEC” is likely to represent endotypes [4]. In this review, the pathophysiology of
different disease processes, which need to be delineated be- some of these entities and how they differ from the more
fore evaluating individual pathogenic mechanisms and at- classic form of NEC will be summarized. A better under-
tempting to develop predictive and diagnostic biomarkers. standing of these differences is critical to our ability to
Treatment is also likely to be hampered because not all of the diagnose these entities early with the development of ap-
different entities called “NEC” will respond to the same regi- propriate predictive and diagnostic biomarkers for the in-
men. In this review, some of these entities will be discussed dividual diseases. In addition to improved diagnosis, in-
in more detail, with suggestions for refining our approach dividualized preventative and treatment strategies can be
toward improving methods for their diagnosis, prevention improved. I will then briefly summarize the pathophysi-
and treatment. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel ology of each of these entities, raising some questions and
commenting on how we might best proceed in the future
in terms of improving our understanding, preventing and
treating these entities we now call “NEC.”

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a disease seen pri- Why So Many Studies and So Little Progress?
marily in preterm infants [1]. In some ways, NEC is a by-
product of the successes experienced in neonatology Over the past several decades, there seems to have been
wherein babies of low gestational age who would not have very little progress in our prevention or treatment of the
survived 30–40 years ago are now surviving. NEC has disease we call “NEC” [3, 5]. One argument that can be
emerged as one of the most destructive diseases occurring made is that we are seeing a much greater survival of ex-

© 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel Josef Neu, MD

Pediatrics/Neonatology, University of Florida
1600 SW Archer Road
Gainesville, FL 32610 (USA) neuj @
tremely preterm infants, who are also known to have a dicated without prospective, well-designed and validated
higher incidence of this disease [6]. Another argument is studies [11].
that we do not have a clear definition of this disease and There are other reasons underlying our lack of prog-
the criteria used 40 years ago probably do not fit clearly ress with NEC. As previously mentioned, NEC has been
into the present-day neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) considered a homogeneous entity, but with different
care. For example, Bell’s staging criteria developed in the pathways contributing to its development [12]. This is in
late 1970s include 3 different stages. Stage 1 describes some ways similar to considering all cases of diabetes as
feeding intolerance, abdominal distension, respiratory in- one disease. However, it is now clear that diabetes is het-
stability and several other nonspecific signs that are seen erogeneous consisting of not only type 1 and 2 disease but
in most extremely low birthweight infants in the NICU. also different endotypes within type 1 diabetes [13]. Sim-
Although many of the recent observational retrospective ilar to diabetes, even though NEC is considered under a
studies have avoided including these infants in their data, homogeneous umbrella, there are several different enti-
and state that only stage 2 or 3 are included, problems still ties seen in neonates that can lead to similar symptom-
remain. Stage 2 relies on clinical signs and radiographic atology [4]; however, they require more personalized ap-
criteria which may not be highly specific but are frequent- proaches for prevention and treatment.
ly interpreted as NEC. For example, abdominal radio- In order to make progress in the understanding, ther-
graphic reports state there is a localized “bubbly” appear- apy and prevention of the entities that we call “NEC,” we
ance, which may or may not correlate with clinical symp- will first need to summarize some of the shared features
toms or other laboratory values. The bubbly appearance as well as features that differentiate these entities. We
may be confused with stool in a normal intestine, primar- need to underscore the fact that many of the common
ily the colon. A follow-up film 6 h later is recommended highly regarded databases available to evaluate “NEC” are
to observe changes in position in the case of stool. If this flawed and these shortcomings need to be recognized
radiographic finding persists on repeat radiographs taken whenever retrospective evaluations using these datasets
within the first 24–48 h after the first film, and if this cor- are undertaken.
responds with clinical signs such as abdominal distension
and elevated inflammatory markers, it is likely that this
represents disease. However, this finding is often recorded Diseases Commonly Diagnosed as NEC
on the discharge summary as “NEC.” Other radiographic
markers such as crescentic appearance of air in the ab- Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation
dominal wall and/or portal venous gas, or free intraperi- At one time thought to be a form of NEC [14], SIPs
toneal air (best evidenced on left lateral decubitus radio- began to be recognized as a separate entity approximate-
graphs) are more serious findings and are likely to portend ly 40 years ago [15–17]. A major differentiating factor is
severe disease [7]. Evidence of free air in the peritoneal that SIP is found most commonly as an isolated perfora-
cavity, as mentioned, usually portends significant disease. tion in the terminal ileum in an antimesenteric location,
However, this is not specific for NEC and can represent with the remaining bowel appearing grossly normal [18].
spontaneous intestinal perforation (SIP) or another entity Although the pathophysiology of SIP remains poorly un-
that is not classic NEC. If no laparotomy is done and only derstood, it is clearly a different disease to NEC [19]. The
a peritoneal drain is placed as is now common practice, perforation in SIP has minimal surrounding necrosis or
this may be entered into the patient record as “NEC.” neutrophil infiltrate. The average age of onset of SIP is
Thus, the use of Bell’s criteria based on purely clinical and usually earlier than that of the more classic form of NEC.
radiographic evidence has significant limitations. Although the use of individual agents does not appear to
More recently, abdominal ultrasound has been used increase risk, the combined use of nonsteroidal anti-in-
for the diagnosis of NEC and some authors highly recom- flammatory agents such as indomethacin and ibuprofen
mend it partly because of its sensitivity to detect pneuma- and postnatal corticosteroids have been shown to signif-
tosis [8–10]. However, there are still questions about sen- icantly increase risk [20]. Pneumatosis intestinalis and
sitivity and specificity of this technique based on the fact portal venous gas usually do not precede SIP as often
that it needs to be evaluated against a “gold standard” seen in the more classic form of NEC. There are some
which we likely do not have with the exception of intesti- suggestions that certain biomarkers such as blood levels
nal necrosis seen at surgery or autopsy. Although this of inter-alpha inhibitor proteins may be significantly de-
technique shows promise, routine use may not yet be in- creased in NEC when compared to SIP and matched con-

2 Neonatology Neu
DOI: 10.1159/000506866
trols [21]. However, such studies are difficult to interpret more extensive with the use of antibiotics, withholding
unless we have a “gold standard” diagnosis of NEC and of feeds and provision of parenteral nutrition for approx-
SIP. imately a week.
Both NEC and SIP may be suggested by the presence
of abdominal distension and free air in the abdominal Congenital Anomalies of the Bowel That Mimic NEC
cavity. They are often treated similarly with placement of Patients with Hirschsprung disease may develop in-
peritoneal drains [22]. Thus, there is a lack of clarity be- flammatory enterocolitis, an entity that leads to signifi-
cause it is not known if the bowel has undergone signifi- cant morbidity and mortality [30]. The clinical signs of
cant necrosis as seen with NEC compared to simply a this disease include vomiting, rectal bleeding, loose stools
perforation as seen with SIP. This may never be fully clar- and abdominal distention, making it sometimes difficult
ified without a definitive laparotomy. Thus, contamina- to differentiate from classic NEC. Intestinal obstruction
tion of our datasets between NEC and SIP are likely to due to volvulus, intussusception, and meconium ileus
occur and often all these intestinal injuries are reported due to cystic fibrosis may also present with signs and
as NEC. The extent to which this causes problems in symptoms of “NEC” including radiographic features
analyses of these datasets in observational studies is un- such as pneumatosis intestinalis and should be kept in
clear. mind in the differential diagnosis of “NEC.”

Ischemic Intestinal Necrosis “Classic” NEC

Ischemia of the intestine can result from several forms NEC can be a rapidly progressive disease often pro-
of congenital heart disease and should be differentiated gressing from first symptoms to full-blown disease and
from classic NEC. This low flow state is seen in full-term death within 24–48 h. As a result, it is important to diag-
neonates but can also occur in preterm infants [23, 24]. nose it in the earliest stages. Although there is some util-
With ischemic intestinal necrosis secondary to heart dis- ity in terms of staging severity of illness, Bell’s criteria de-
ease, the colon is the most commonly involved site. Hy- veloped in the late 1970s can be misleading. This author
poplastic left heart syndrome, truncus arteriosus, aortic believes that this staging system is outdated. It is more
arch obstruction and aortopulmonary window account informative to simply use the terms “medical NEC” to ap-
for most cases of cardiogenic ischemic intestinal necrosis ply to the condition with well-defined clinical symptoms
[25]. I propose that this disease should be classified as an plus radiologic signs (i.e., portal venous gas and definite
individual entity and not be diagnosed as “NEC.” A more pneumatosis intestinalis), and “surgical NEC” to apply to
apt diagnostic moniker would be “cardiogenic ischemic definitive intestinal necrosis seen at surgery or autopsy.
necrosis of the intestine.”

Food Protein Intolerance Enterocolitis Syndrome Pathophysiology of “Classic” NEC

Primarily recognized as a problem seen outside of the
neonatal period during infancy, food protein-induced The following factors are considered important ante-
enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) can also occur in the cedents in the pathophysiology of “classic” NEC.
neonatal period, presenting with abdominal distension,
bloody stools and flank discoloration, which improve af- Intestinal Immaturity and Inflammation
ter being treated with hydrolyzed formula [26–28]. A Barrier function, circulatory regulation, motility, diges-
cow’s milk challenge and even breast feeding (if the tion and absorption as well as immune defenses are imma-
mother is exposed to certain proteins) may result in re- ture in preterm infants. In addition, the balance between
lapse. FPIES is a non-IgE-mediated disease which re- effector and tolerizing immune response may not be fully
mains poorly delineated, especially in neonates. Diag- developed [31, 32]. Classic NEC appears to be related to ex-
nostic biomarkers for FPIES that may help differentiate cessive inflammatory responses, with serum cytokines and
this disease from NEC are not yet available but recent chemokines, especially IL-8 significantly elevated [33].
case reports suggest that this entity may be underreport- Other factors that are elevated and could potentially be used
ed in neonates [29]. It is important to differentiate FPIES as biomarkers for NEC include claudin 3 (a tight junction
from NEC because the treatment is different: in FPIES, protein), intestinal fatty acid-binding protein which is pro-
removal of the offending antigen and symptomatic sup- duced by the epithelial cells and fecal calprotectin which is
port may be sufficient, whereas in NEC, the treatment is the product of inflammatory cells [32].

Necrotizing Enterocolitis Neonatology 3

DOI: 10.1159/000506866
Microbial Colonization and Interaction with the 30 mL/kg/day does not increase the likelihood of develop-
Immune System ing NEC compared to infants who have feeds advanced
An imbalance of the usual, healthy microbial ecosystem more slowly [35]. Antibiotic use in preterm infants in the
of the gastrointestinal tract, termed “dysbiosis,” is also first few days after birth is very common and not based on
thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of NEC [34]. Re- clear evidence. However, data are emerging that dysbiosis
cently studies using non-culture-based techniques have in- may be caused by the use of antibiotics and this can affect
terrogated the intestinal microbiome prior to the onset of the developing immune system and lead to intestinal in-
NEC. There appears to be a shift of microbes with an in- flammation and NEC [32]. Studies are currently underway
crease in the phylum Proteobacteria and a decrease in the to evaluate this issue.
phylum Firmicutes [33]. A highly speculative hypothesis There has been significant excitement about microbial
suggests that an exaggerated host inflammatory response therapeutics such as pre-, pro-, post- and synbiotics for
causes this microbial shift and may be at least partially re- the prevention of NEC. Although meta-analyses suggest
sponsible for triggering NEC. Further studies are required benefit to the routine use of probiotics, they offer little
to address this hypothesis and its possible mechanisms. guidance in terms of which probiotics should be used,
their dosage, which age group they provide the greatest
Diagnosis benefit for, whether they should be used in conjunction
The clinical presentation of what has been termed with a prebiotics preparation, and how long they should
NEC can be highly variable, with signs and symptoms be given. Furthermore, not all probiotics are the same. It
that are indistinguishable from sepsis. It is the presence is this author’s opinion that these agents should undergo
of pneumatosis intestinalis and/or portal venous gas or prospective trials with the same rigorous criteria for safe-
direct visualization of necrotic bowel at the time of sur- ly and efficacy as other therapeutic pharmaceutical agents,
gery that clearly differentiate NEC from fulminant sepsis. with regulatory guidance [36].
Laboratory tests commonly performed when the diagno-
sis of NEC is suspected include a complete blood cell
count, electrolytes and inflammatory markers such as C- Disclosure Statement
reactive protein. These have poor sensitivity, specificity
1 Principal Investigator Research Study with Infant Bacterial
and positive predictive value for the diagnosis of NEC and
better biomarkers are clearly required. 2 Scientific Advisory Board Medela
3 Scientific Advisory Board Astarte

Management and Prevention

Funding Sources
Once the disease starts, it is difficult to stop. Withhold-
ing of enteral feedings, gastric decompression, broad-spec- None.
trum antibiotics and parenteral nutrition are mainstays of
treatment. It is frequently difficult to decide whether a lap-
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