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Milestone Module Name Date Lessons

JavaScript Fundamental - 1

Why and What of JavaScript

Intro to Node.js (Runtime, V8, Libuv)
Values and Datatypes
Variables and typeof
How to use JS in HTMl File
JavaScript Fundamental - 1 13 Feb 2023
What are Conditions, If, If-else, if-else-if
Switch Case
Ternary Conditons
Introduction to Loop
While Loop, Do While Loop
For Loop, Break and Continue

JavaScript Fundamental - 2

What is an Array, Index in array and accessing from array

Array methods
Why and What of Functions and Function Declaration
Function without a parameter and return
Function with a parameter (Single, and Multiple)
Function with unlimited number of parameters
JavaScript Fundamental - 2 20 Feb 2023 Arrow Function
MileStone -1
Anonymous Function
Expression Function
Self Invoking Functions
What was the need of object ?
Creating object and Manipulating values in Object
Object methods

JavaScritp DOM

Visualize of DOM
How we target DOM
DOM and its Working
JavaScritp DOM 27 Feb 2023 Methods of DOM - Part 1
Methods of DOM - Part 2
Methods of DOM - Part 3
Color changer in DOM

JavaScript DOM Assignment

Project 1 - Showing all the Event and How to Target

DOM Assignment 01 March 2023
Project 2 - Background Color Changer

MileStone 1 Exam 05 Mar 2022 JavaScript Foundation Exam

HOF and Functional Programming

What is Higher Order Function (HOF)

Callback, Returning function
Setting time (Setinterval, SetTimeout)
For each, map, filter
HOF and Functional Programming 06 March 2023
every, find, sort
What is regex and Different Character in Regex and importance
Writting regex with example


Creating an empty set and Creating set from array

Adding an element to a set and Deleting an element a set
Checking an element in the set
Clearing the set
Difference of sets
Creating an empty Map and Creating an Map from array
Adding values to the Map and Getting a value from Map
Destructuring 13 March 2023 Checking key in Map
Destructing Arrays
Destructuring during iteration
Object parameter without destructuring
Destructuring object during iteration
MileStone - 2 Spread or Rest Operator
Object parameter with destructuring
Destructuring Object

Error Handling and Prototypes

Try and Catch and Temporal Dead Zone

Use of try catch in real world Application
Defining a classes, Class Instantiation
Class Constructor, Default values with constructor
Class methods and Properties with initial value
Error Handling and Prototypes 20 March 2023 getter and setter
Explanning Prototypes
How prototypes Work
How we manipulate this using Prototypes
Explanning What is Closure ?
First Program in Closure and Understanding Clouser

Callback and Promises

Promise Constructor
Callback and Promises 23 March 2023
Async and Await
Fetch API

MileStone 2 Exam 25 Mar 2023 JavaScript Intermedidate Exam

Working of JavaScript

Scope / Lexical Scope / Black Scope

Single Thread
Execution Context
Call Stack
Working of JavaScript 27 March 2023 Hoisiting
Working of function
Global Space and Global Scope
Lexical Scope
Let, var and Const and Temporal Dead Zone

Git and Github

Introduction to Git and Explanning Version Control System

What and Why of Github ?
Installation and Git Config
Git Initilazation and First Commit
MileStone - 3 Importance of .gitignore
Git and Github 05 April 2023
Creating Branch, Merging Branch and Checkout to main branch
Creating Account on Github and Creating a repo on GitHub
Explanning URL for that Git Repo
Initilazation of GitHub to local system
Push the file to GitHub


OSI Model
Web Socket
Networking 10 April 2023
HTTP 1 and HTTP 2 and HTTP 3
Introduction to OS
Hashing and Encryption
Linux Command

MileStone 3 Exam 16 Apr 2023 Git and Networking Exam

Fundamentals of Database

What is Database ?
What are types of Databases ?
What is SQL Database and its Types of SQL Databases ?
Fundamentals of Database 17 April 2023 CAP Theorem
What is Schema? and Schema Design
Walk through with Database Design (ER Diagram)


RDBMS and all its Concept (Field, Row, Column, Null Values, Constraint, NF)
MySQL and Installation
SQL 24 April 2023 SQL Queries - Part 1 (Show Database, use, Select and Create)
SQL Queries - Part 2 (Insert, update, delete)
MileStone - 4
SQL Queries - Part 3 (Joins)


What is NoSQL and Types of NoSQL Databases ?

Advantages and Disadvantages of SQL and NoSQL ?
What is Collection ?
Why and What of MongoDB
Why and What of MongoDB
NoSQL 01 May 2023
MongoDB Query - Part 1 (Show, use, Create Select)
MongoDB Query - Part 2 (Insert, Update, Delete)
MongoDB Query - Part 3 (Constraint, Sorting and Aggregation)
Optimization (Indexing and Sequence)

MileStone 4 Exam 07 May 2023 DataBase Exam


Monolithic Architecture
Patterns 08 May 2023 Microservices Architecture
MVC Design Pattern

Fundamentals of Nodejs

NodeJs Architecture
NPM init and Package.json
Path module
Fundamentals of Nodejs 10 May 2023 FS Module
OS Module
Events Module
Http Module

Walk Through with Express

How to Create Server in Nodejs

How to Handle Different URLs
What is Express JS and Why we use ExpressJs
Walk Through with Express 15 May 2023 Different type of NodeJS Frameworks
Basics of Routes
Writting First Hello World using Express
MileStone - 5
Fundamentals of Express

Protected Routes
Fundamentals of Express 22 May 2023 What is ORM (SQL) and ODM (NoSQL)
Connecting to RDBMS using ORM (Link)
Connecting to MongoDB using ODM

CRUD with Express

Rest API (Why, What and How)

HTTPS Methods
Creating Profile (POST)
CRUD with Express 29 May 2023
Fetching Profile(s) (GET)
Update Profile (PUT)
Deleting Profile (DELETE)

Auth with Express

Create a simple login API for SignUp and SignIn

Authentication and Authorization
Auth with Express 5 June 2023
Working with environment varibables using .env
What and Why of CORS ?

MileStone 5 Exam 10 Jun 2023 Backend Exam

LMS (Backend)

Problem Statement and Features of LMS

Project Architecture and Tools
Sign Up API (Admin and User)
LMS (Backend) 12 June 2023 Login API (Admin and User)
Forgot Password (User)
Verification Email (User)
Update Profile API (Admin and User)


Create Course
MileStone - 7 (Part 1) Update Course
Delete Course
LMS (ADMIN) 15 June 2023 Read Course
Instructor Details
Sales / Analytics
Payment Gateway Setup


List all Courses Details

LMS (USERs) 19 June 2023 Buying the Course
View the Purchased Course

Walkthrough With React

Background of React
Starter Project with CDN
Create react app
createRoot() & render() methods of react18
Why JSX?
Walkthrough With React 26 June 2023
Embedding JS expressions in JSX
Conditional Rendering jsx component
createRoot() & render() methods of react18
Composting components - Passing data one way
Extracting components - Getting data from props

Router and Hooks

How to use .map() to render array
Optimizing lists with key arguments
Router and Hooks 03 July 2023 React Router DOM (V6)
MileStone - 6 usePrams and useRouteError

Form Handling

Form Handling and Validation with Formik

Redux - Store Concept
Form Handling 10 July 2023
What are Reducer and Actions
How to Dispatch an Action

React with Tailwind

Tailwind and Its Concept

React with Tailwind Integration
React with Tailwind 17 July 2023 Responsive project with Tailwind
Assignment - 1 (React + Tailwind) (Clone of Tata AIG or Medibuddy)
Assignment - 2 (React + Tailwind) (Password Generator)

FrontEnd (LMS) - 1

Home Page
Login and Sing Up Page
FrontEnd (LMS) 24 July 2023
Forgot Password Page
Profile Page

FrontEnd (LMS) - 2

Course Creation
Course Update/Delete/List
Instructor Page
MileStone - 7 (Part 2) FrontEnd (LMS) 31 July 2023
Course Datails
Buy Course
Course Dashboard

FrontEnd (LMS) - 3

Course Analytics
API Integration with Backend
FrontEnd (LMS) - 3 07 Aug 2023
Hosting Backend
Hosting Frontend

MileStone 7 Exam 15 Aug 2023 Project Exam

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