Lower Secondary Screen Time Will Shock You

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Lower Secondary Screen Time will Shock you

Screen time

Written by Stella Pettersen

Do you think you spend too much time on a screen? Well, there is a lot of different reasons
to be on a screen. For example, entertainment, communication and studies. After a long day
you might want to come home and just scroll endlessly on your phone. You might not think
so much about how long you are on your screens, but the OIS post does. Here is how long
some of your classmates are on their screens, and what their spending time on.

Early in March multiple lower secondary students in OIS have been interviewed about their
screentime. The reason for this is to see how long our students spend on their screens, and
what they are doing. The OIS post thought it would be interesting for you to be able to see
your classmates screen times, these were the results.

Screen time is time spent using your phone, your computer or watching tv. There was a big
variation of screen time OIS student spend on their screens. Some spend up to 6hours and
30minuets a day. As others who spent around 1hour and 40minutes a day. Well what douse
one spends so long on their screen for? Most students said they were mostly on Tik Tok and
Snapchat. Magnus in year 10 said his parents put a screentime limit on his phone “they
believe its distracting and it takes your attention away from better things you could be doing
its unhealthy to spend too much time on your screen.” Most students say their parents care
about their screen time. According to OSF healthcare most children from age 11-14 spend 9
hours on a screen per day. They are negatives and positives with screen time. For example,
you can communicate with your friends. You can use apps like quizlet for schoolwork and
flash cards. A negative about screentime is it can take your focus away from your work. A
Pakistan journal of medical science said, that 68% of students get distracted by their
screens. Students screentime changed from the years there in. Year 10s screen time was
more significant than a year 7s. This also depends on what time you get be on your screen. If
you have a lot of schoolwork. You are more likely to have less time to spend on your screen.

In conclusion, the lower secondary students of OIS all have different reasons as to why they
are on their screens. If you feel like you spend too much time on your screen. You can do
what a few students did as to set a screen limit, for yourself. This will restrict you from
spending so much time on your devices. The best thing to do is to balance the time you are
on your screen. You should be able to just want to sit down and watch something, to relax.
“Yes, kids love technology, but they also love Lego, scented markers, handstands, books,
and mud puddles. It's all about balance." - K.G first grade teacher

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