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ADMINISTRATION ----------***----------


Module: Business Communication 1

Code: F-01-BUC-01

Grade (in number):
Grade (in words):
Student ID: 2242219028 ………………..
Cohort: K61CA Examiner 1
(Signature & Fullname)
Semester: 1st
Academic year: 2022-2023
Examiner 2
Headteacher: Nguyen Xuan Minh (Signature & Fullname)
Submission date: 10 October 2022 ………………..

Student’s signature:

Ho Chi Minh City, October 2022


Question 1: International business communication..............................................................3

 Abtrast.........................................................................................................................4

I. Introduction: Why is international business communication important?..................4

II. Main Body:..................................................................................................................5

1. The Role of Language and Other Cultural Differences in International Business

2. How to Improve Your Language Skills to be Safer and More Successful in
International Business Communication?.............................................................
3. The Benefits of Effective Global Communication.......................................................6

III. Conclusion: Maintaining Strong Communications Across Borders is Essential

for Successful Trade.....................................................................................................

Question 2: Job application....................................................................................................

I. Introduce a job advertisement you are strongly interested in.........................8

II. Job application letter............................................................................................9

Question 3: Business Letters...................................................................................................10

I. Sponsorship letter..................................................................................................10


Question 1: International business communication

What do you think about this opinion? “It is essential to have good international business
communication in the age of globalization”. Write your answer in no more than 1000 words with
proper citation of research using APA formatting after you have utilized at least 3 research
papers published after 2020 by famous international publishers.


International business communication has become a

key part of doing business in the globalized world.
Understanding the cultural differences and norms of
different countries is crucial for success in
international business.

I. Introduction: Why is international

business communication important?

An international business is ten times more

complex than a local business, but this doesn't have to
be the case. International businesses have to worry
about different cultures and distances, which makes
international business communication essential. It has
been forecasted that there will be a 52% increase in
the number of international business travelers by
2020. The world has changed and so has the way we
communicate internationally. Cre

In my point of view, international business communication is important for international

companies to establish global brands, create cohesive marketing messages and make sense of the
cultural differences. It can be divided into local communication, cross-cultural management,
overseas project work, and global marketing.

Local communication takes on two forms: managing face-to-face and digital

communications. The former involves making decisions about the use of gestures, nonverbal
cues, dialects and cultural differences in speech and body language. Digital communications take
place both in person (e.g., Skype or Google Hangouts) or online (e.g.,
Facebook live video).

Cross-cultural management is a specific type of international business communication
that involves communicating across cultures in a way that preserves both the company's values as
well as the values associated with the culture in question. This strategy can be challenging
because it requires knowledge of different ways of looking at situations, beliefs about appropriate
behavior styles, who should communicate what messages to whom when, how to include people
from many cultures into one conversation etcetera.

II. Main body

1. The Role of Language and Other Cultural Differences in International Business


Language is the most important aspect of international business. Communication is about

getting the message across and you don’t need to be a native speaker to do that, but you do need
to be able to use the language and know cultural differences.

Cultural awareness training provides people with understanding and knowledge of

cultural values, expectations, norms and
customs from other countries or cultures. It
enables them to think about ways of
conducting their communication in ways
that are more persuasive. Trainers also teach
learners how to avoid false assumptions
when communicating with people from
different cultures and languages.

2. How to Improve Your Language Skills to

be Safer and More Successful in International Business Communication?

In the digital age, with globalization and international business connections, people need
to communicate more than ever before. They are constantly interacting with clients, vendors and
suppliers from other countries, other cultures and need to be able to understand their cultural
behaviors in order to get the best results. 

“The sooner you learn how to effectively and confidently interact with others across
cultures, the better it is for your career.”

For instance, if you work for an American

company and need to deal with clients in Japan, you
may need more cross-cultural communications
training than your colleagues who are all American.
This is because one's understanding of cultures
changes as they immerse themselves more deeply in
that culture. This implies a whole set of problems that
must be solved before one can proceed with
international trade. In some cases, there are many
reasons why people speak different languages. They may be immigrants or travelers who want to
communicate with other people who live in the same country. They may work abroad or they
may just be interested in other languages. In order to understand what are the necessary skills for
successful international business communication, one must first know about the levels of cultural
and linguistic differences.

The immediately popular way of solving these issues is by hiring someone who has an
understanding of different cultures and languages, which may not always be possible for every
company due to budget constraints. This is where international business specialists come into
play who can help overcome these challenges by guiding entrepreneurs in international trade
related matters.

In the long run, you must be sure to brush up on your language skills. One of the best
ways to improve your skills in cross-cultural communications is to attend a language course or
cross cultural training. Language courses are designed to teach students about the correct use of
grammar and vocabulary. Cultural awareness training is designed for students who want to be
more successful in international business communication. This helps them avoid mistakes and
promote understanding between cultures.

3. The Benefits of Effective Global Communication (cre: benefits)

Effective global communications help businesses develop without the trade barriers that
come with the global environment. If you have a multicultural workforce, effective global
communication becomes particularly important. Effective communication internationally can:

 Improve business opportunities and boost

demand for products and services.
 Help you forge relationships in a foreign
 Support negotiating mutually beneficial
terms with clients or partners of
different countries, ethnicities,
languages, cultural attitudes, or
 May also improve production capabilities and decrease production costs.

III. Conclusion: Maintaining Strong Communications Across Borders is Essential for

Successful Trade

In conclusion, international companies are becoming more and more complicated. As

companies grow, they go through many changes and expansions globally. This means that there
has to be a plan for communicating
across borders. The most important
aspect of maintaining strong
communications is learning the
international business language of your
trade partners. If you know how to
speak the language then it will be easier
to have successful trade talks and make agreements that benefit both parties, which can lead to
long-term business relationships.  

If you have a multicultural workforce, effective global communication becomes particularly

important (
business-communication )
This form of communication allows individuals to adapt their skill set to meet the intercultural
collaboration needs that global businesses value. (
intercultural-communication-training-to-the-global-workforce )

 In international business, we have to communicate with the foreign people and we have to
communicate the other party with their own language to expand our business (
FJ69N354P6 )

Question 2: Job application

Introduce a job advertisement you are strongly interested in and write your application to
the position mentioned in that advertisement as you are so qualified.

I. Introduce a job advertisement you are strongly interested in

Job title : Content Creator

About : Nike has received the "Best Place to Work" title for the past five years, and we want to
keep doing so. We provide our staff with growth opportunities and training programs, and we
only promote from within for management roles.

Job Description: responsible for creating high

quality and engaging content for the company.
This includes everything from media to written
content, videos, social media posts, and more.


1. Write blog posts, articles and other forms

of copy to be published on the company's
blog or website
2. Create graphics for blog posts, articles or
other forms of copy to be published on the
company's blog or website
3. Develop content strategies that are
engaging, relevant and consistent with the
company's values and goals
4. Execute social media campaigns in a way
that is engaging, relevant and consistent
with the company's values and goals
5. Requirements

Benefits of working with us : Nike is a big company that rewards its employees for their hard
work and dedication. While working at Patty Burgers, enjoy these perks:

 $15 per hour wage.

 2 hours break
 Paid time off.
 Free meal every shift.

Qualifi: While we are proud to offer on-the-job training for all positions, we prefer you start with
these characteristics:

 Ability to work as a team.

 Experience in customer service.
 Ability to stand for extended periods.
 Desire to learn new things.
 Positive attitude.

II. Job application letter

Job Application Letter

HCMC, 8 oct 2022

Subject: Job Application


Hiring Manager

15 - D5 street, ward 25, Binh Thanh Districts, Ho Chi Minh city

With Regards,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to apply for the content creator role as advertised
on career network. I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your company. I am a
skilled observer and have spent years absorbing the world around in order to create my own
writing, sketches, and paintings that are largely based on my surroundings. I would love the
chance to display my work in your publication and contribute to it is mission.

My experience as an observer has also given me insights into reading comprehension skills and
creative thinking. I have lead successful campaigns for a wide range of products and services

- Marketing for apps.

- Marketing for ebooks.

I am now pursuing a career as a content creator and am drawn to your company because of your
mission to inspire others through storytelling. I am committed to delivering content that tells an
engaging story and engages readers, which is so important for your business.

This internship is of great interest to me as it will require the use of my education, experience and
skills and is in line with my long-term career goals. I appreciate your time and consideration and
welcome the opportunity to meet with you. If there is any further information that you require,
you may reach me at I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Thao Tran.

Question 3: Business letters

Your class is going to organize an event with participation of domestic and international
companies in Hochiminh City. Please write a letter to companies to invite sponsorship for that
event. Don’t forget to enclose necessary materials so that companies can consider and decide to

I. Sponsorship letter

Sponsorship Letter
HCMC, 8 oct 2022
Subject: Job Application

Dear, Mr.Xuan Minh

15 - D5 street, ward 25, Binh Thanh Districts, Ho Chi Minh city

With Regards,

Recently I had the opportunity to meet a few of your marketing professionals at a

conference in Ho Chi Minh City and I was impressed by the way you all managed to stand out
from the crowd. As you know, one of the key challenges today is finding sponsors for events and
as an organizer, it can be difficult to find companies that are a great fit for our event goals. 
As a event organizer,  I am gearing up for our upcoming event of the K61CA
International Event Organizer and I am writing to you on behalf of K61CA class to invite your
company for sponsors for our next big event that will be taking place on October 10th. Moreover
many companies in the field have found that sponsorship is a great way to connect with young
professionals and stay in touch with their potential customers. Would be honored to have a
company to sponsor event: "Ottawa Welcomes". 

The K61CA International Event Organizer (KIEO) is a not-for-profit organization

that provides services, resources and opportunities for newcomers to integrate into their
communities. KIEO has been providing programs about feature keynote speakers, workshops,
and offers an excellent opportunity to connect with the entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the
industry. We have a diverse panel of speakers who will inspire you with their insights and
success stories. The event will be attended by over 5000 people including CEOs, CMOs, CTOs,
CIOs, founders and top executives from many participants of domestic and international
companies in Ho Chi Minh City. It is also an excellent opportunity to network with the like-
minded professionals.

We are looking for a $5,000 donation or any amount of your choosing as our
sponsor. We offer many sponsorship levels with benefits that include:

- Logo placement on all marketing materials.

- Logo placement on all printed materials.

- Logo placement on all digital materials.

- Logo placement in the program book.

- Logo placement in the event app.

I know this is a lot to ask and that we're coming out of nowhere, but as an avid
supporter of our cause or community, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
We can even meet in person or speak over the phone to discuss possibilities.

Thanks for your time and consideration. If you have any questions please do not
hesitate to contact me on 0937728814 or email at

Please respond by Monday October 10th if you are interested in partnering with us.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours faithfully,

Thao Tran

1. Abdul Aziz, I., 2022. Globalization and International Business Communication: The
understanding of the matter of globalization and the global market. [online]
ResearchGate. Available at:
global_market> [Accessed March 2022].
2. Simon & Simon. 2022. How Has Globalisation Changed Business Communication?.
[online] Available at: <
changed-international-business-communication> [Accessed 17 June 2022].
3. Betina Szkudularek, Joyce S.Osland, Luciara Nardon, Lena Zander. 2020.
Communication and culture in international business – Moving the field forward. [online]
ScienceDirect. Available at:



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