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Alamat : Jln.Pendidikan kec: Hoat Sorbay Kab: Maluku Tenggara



Nama : …………………………
Kelas/Sem. : IX/Ganjil
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 23 September 2021

The following text is for test item 1- 4

First of all, I want to say congrtaluations! I am so proud of you and amazing accomplishment. I know how hard
you,ve worked the last four years to get here, and watching you grow into an awesome, smart and funny adult has
been so much fun. You are one of the kindest people I have the pleasure to know and you care so deeply about otyhe
people. The fact that you continue to see the good in people is a rare and special quality.

I hope you got everything you wanted to out of your high school years. I hope you made friendships that you will keep
forever. I hope you learned lessons that will carry you into your next phase in life. I hope that you developed skills
that will help you to be successful in college. Knowing you did everything you were given the opportunity to and are
happy with how it turned out. You should be, you did an amazing job.

Being an adult can be absolutely terrifying. I get it. But you are so capable and smart; I just know this is going to be a
breeze for you, as long as you can learn how to get up with your alarm the first time. Mom won’t be there to wake you


1. What is dinar’s intention of writing the letter?

A. To give Diana advice on how to live a collage life
B. To motivate Diana to be study more independently
C. To thank Diana for keep supporting her during the study
D. To show her support and appreciation for Diana,s accomplishment

2. “First of all I want to say congratulations!”

That sentence is an example of…………

3. Match the sentence in column A with its meaning in the column B !

1. Congratulation (….) A. berharap semoga kamu mendapkan segalanya.
2. I’m proud of you (....) B. selamat
3. I hope you got everything (….) C. saya merasa bangga kepadamu

4. The following are included in the expression hope except……

A. I hope you learned lessons that will carry you into your next phase in life
B. I hope you made friendships that you will keep forever
C. I am so proud of you and amazing accomplishment
D. I hope that you developed skills that will help you to be successful in college
The following text is for test 5-9

Dear ester


Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of singing contest of FLS2N.
I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish
you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer some day.

Chairperson of Class 9 A

5. The text above shows that . . .

A. The writer is one of the contestants
B. Esther is the best student
C. Esther is the best singer
D. Rudy is Esther's special friend

6. The text is for . . . of FL2SN.

The best student

The best teacher
The best singer
The best graduate student

7. Match the words with its meaning!

Words Meaning
1. Winner (....) a. Menyanyi

2. Singing (....) b. Mimpi

3. Dream (....) c. Juara
4. Popular (....) d. Terkenal

8. There are 2 kinds of expressions contained in the text above. mention it! ……………….

9. Which sentence contains the expression of wish?…………………………..

10. Who is the winner of singing contest of FLS2N?……………………………………………

The following text is for test 11 - 13

Jessica: “Hey, look at this cake. It looks so yummy”

Chrystal: “You are right. Let’s try one” Jessica: “Ok”

11. The expression “I don’t think so. I think it’s perfect” express . . . .
A. Asking agreement
B. Asking fact
C. Eskpresing disagreement
D. Giving fact

12. Match the words with its meaning!

Words Meaning
1. Delicious (....) a. Kue

2. Flavour (....) b. Sempurna

3. Perfect (....) c. Rasa
4. cake (....) d. Enak

13. The expression “What do you think?” express . . . .

Asking agreemet
Eskpresing disagreement
TGiving agreemen
Giving fact
Asking fact

The following text is for test 14 - 15

Indra : ”Hi, Fajar, My father asks me to pick my

brother, Ismail, in his school, but at the same time I have a promise
to accompany Heri to buy a new jacket. What do you suggest? I am
Fajar : ”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you
can go to accompany Heri. I think that is the good solution for you.”

Indra : ”That’s good suggestion, thanks.”

14. Fajar says ”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to accompany Heri.
I think that is the good solution for you.” It means that he ….
A. give a suggestion
B. ask a suggestion
C. reject a suggestion
D. accept a suggestion

15. Who asks Indra to pick Ismail in his school?…………………………..

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