Raport Cursuri-British Council PDF

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Primary Plus 3

Name: Andrada

Course Outline-Semester 1
This is a summary of the topics, language and projects covered during Semester 1.

Topics: Health and fitness, family, personality food and restaurants, rules, amusement park rides
Language skills:
 Talking about healthy living and fitness  Ordering in a restaurant
 Family members at a party  Talking about rules, experiences and
 Amusement parks, rides and their features breaking rules
 Identifying food, understanding a menu  Reading short texts on the topics above
Language focus
 Healthy habits and warm-up routines  Imperatives to give advice and orders
 Giving advice using if, don’t, always and  Should/shouldn’t – must / mustn’t for rules
should  Family relationships, gender
 Food and ordering in a restaurant using  Possessive ‘s’
‘would like’  Present simple and continuous (questions
 Adjectives to describe food and answers)
 Vocabulary related to rules  Comparative and Superlative adjectives


Attitude and learning skills *Assessment

Has a positive attitude to learning and participates in class Meeting

Demonstrates appropriate classroom behaviour and shows respect towards others Meeting
Cooperates in pair and group activities Meeting
Works autonomously and seeks help when necessary Meeting
Reviews and reflects on own learning and progress Meeting
Language skills
Demonstrates willingness to experiment with and use new language related to the Meeting
Listening: can understand spoken English to achieve simple tasks related to the Meeting
Speaking: can use spoken English to achieve simple tasks related to the topics Exceeding
Reading: can read familiar words and very simple phrases related to the course Meeting
Writing: can write words and simple phrases related to the topics Meeting
*progressing towards the level / meeting / exceeding the requirements for the level

Andrada has made a great start this semester and settled in well to the PP3 group! She has
demonstrated her good level of spoken vocabulary and should make sure that she is reviewing the
written form too when doing class activities. She has shown enthusiasm in IT activities, such as using
padlet and creating a survey, and should review the use of the present perfect tense and past simple
on learn english kids. Great!

Teacher: Anna Taylor

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