Genesys Genesys Foundry Keyforge Grand Star Alliance Gear 2020

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Chris Markham Fantasy Flight Games Genesys Foundry cover image by

Genesys Foundry and formatted by Giri Raman.
Interior art by Chris Markham and Genesys Foundry.

Chris Markham, Wendy Friedemann

Heidi Friedemann, Wendy Markham, Fran

Mason, Randall Mason, and Daniel Nicholson

Chris Markham, Wendy Markham,

and Randall Mason

Chris Markham

Fantasy Flight Games Genesys Foundry,

and Chris Markham.
Chris Markham via Gazrok Games
And thanks to Giri Raman “Archellus” and Scott
Zumwalt for additional design elements

The Grand Star Alliance always seemed like bringing Galaxy Quest and Star Trek to GENESYS. Kind of holier than though
space explorers, with pop-culture doo-dads…I love drawing them as much as I love writing about them, maybe
even a little bit more! I have to thank my wife and my daughter for tolerating me and this rather unhealthy passion
for my geeky obsessions (and sitting in the office to watch TV instead of the living room, so I can still work on my
writing while also being with the family). I love both of them more than they could ever know!

This product was created under license. GENESYS and its logo, and GENESYS FOUNDRY and its logo are
trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games characters
and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games.

This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry. All other original material in this
work is copyright 2020 by Chris Markham and published under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry.
This product is a supplement for the K EYFORGE: SECRETS
OF THE CRUCIBLE setting. Though the supplement explores
the world of the Crucible, it can be converted for use in There are many references in this product that pull from
your own world and campaign. The GENESYS CORE lore previously published in the KEYFORGE card game
RULEBOOK (CRB), KEYFORGE: SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE and even some official fiction. In all of my works, I often
setting (SotC), and either Genesys Dice or the Genesys take inspiration from these previous lore mentions in an
Dice App are required to use this product. effort to offer new creatures and references for the GM.
In addition, this work also references different takes on
space exploration popularized in various mediums but
adapted for the GENESYS system (and yes, Alliance gear
actually does have a lot of little radar-like dishes for
When the Grand Star Alliance arrived on the Crucible, some reason).
they brought their amazing technology, vehicles, and
aliens with them. Since their arrival, they have become a
faction to be reckoned with, though they are still relatively
new to this new world, and still keep to their ideals of
justice and freedom.
• Blast Shielding ……………………………. 4
• Force Field ……………………………….... 4

This work is divided into different sections: Armor,

Weapons, Other Devices, Vehicles, and even some new • Officer’s Blaster ………………….…....….. 5
Alien Archetypes as playable characters! These new • Stunner …………………………………… 5
species are derived from the KEYFORGE card game and • Z-Ray Blaster ………………………………6
converted to GENESYS rules.

• Star Alliance Officers and Crew….…....….. 7

Star Alliance Armory Officer Nel (an Octopoid Alien),
guides you through the various devices used by the Grand
Star Alliance. Later, Nel covers some alien species new to • Book of IeQ……………………….....……. 10
the Crucible which previously signed aboard the ship. • Cloaking Dongle ………..…………...…… 10
• Detention Coil ……………....……...…….. 11
• Disruption Field …………….…...……..… 11
• Matter Maker ……………….………...….. 12
• Observ-u-Max …………….………..……. 12
• Plasma Nozzle ………….……..……..…… 13
• Quadracorder ………….……..………….. 13
• Quixxle Stone ……………...…………….. 14
• Stealth Mode ………………………..……. 14
• Universal Translator …………….......…… 15
• Z-Particle Tracker …………………..…… 15
• Z-Wave Emitter ……………...……...…… 16

• Kartanoo ………………………….….…… 17
• Techivore Pulpate ……………….…...…… 17
Welcome, new cadet! I’m here to get you acquainted with • Æmbertracker………………………………18
some of the Star Alliance-issued gear you may be asked to
utilize during your missions. Please don’t touch anything
until I tell you to! I shouldn’t have to remind you that • Handuhan ………………….……..………. 19
everything I’m about to show you is classified, so don’t • Octopoid ………………...…….……..……. 19
discuss any of the topics we’ll cover with cadets who don’t
have clearance, got it? – Nel

: Keyforge Card MM 319

Star Alliance has the equivalent of different levels of
armor used elsewhere on the Crucible by different
factions. However, they also have some additional armor “Force fields are short-term protective devices added to
devices to assist on extremely dangerous missions. existing armor. They use Æmber to project a temporary
Typically, requests for these items require senior officer protective field around you, but it also prevents you
approvals, but as long as channels are followed, such from being able to attack through the field” – Nel
requests are generally granted. The cost and rarity values
reflect their value on the black market, as the Alliance “Not today!”
does not sell its technology.

“Blast shielding is additional protection added to an

existing armor type. It is a little bulkier, but in very harsh
environments or situations where a lot of firepower is
expected, it’s a good thing to have.” – Nel

Force-fields are an armor add-on. After consuming 1

Æmber, a force field is projected around the armor, with
a soak value of 6. Any damage making it through the
force field is then subjected to any normal armor worn.
The force field lasts for 3 rounds, ending at the end of
your turn on the third round (unless it is turned off
sooner, as an incidental). Adding a force-field has an
Encumbrance of 1 and requires 1 hard point.

Encumbrance: 1, Price: 2000, Rarity: 9

: Keyforge Card WC 310

Blast shielding is an armor add-on. It adds +2 to soak (to a
maximum value of 6 soak) and has an Encumbrance of 2.
Blast shielding for one armor type cannot be used to add
on to a different armor type. The extra shielding pieces are
custom fitted to attach to the specific armor type and
require 2 hard points (if using this option) and have
Electromagnetic Joints.

Encumbrance: 2, Price: 1500, Rarity: 8

: Keyforge Card MM 303

The Grand Star Alliance has some of the most advanced • Communications Officer: Has a built-in
Universal Translator, and database of known
weaponry on the Crucible. Unfortunately, much of it was cultures (adding to social checks).
damaged or rendered inoperable when the ship crashed.
However, even those which remain are still formidable.
The cost and rarity values reflect their value on the black • Armsmaster: Has the Explosive trait (pg. 140)
market, as the Alliance does not sell its technology.
• Chief Engineer: Mechanical diagnostics add-on,
adds to any Mechanics check.

Encumbrance: 2, Price: 1000 base + secondary function,

Rarity: 7
“Don’t be fooled. Though each officer’s blaster looks the : Keyforge Cards WC 345-352
same, different officers have different secondary effects
geared towards their profession.” - Nel

“Sometimes, a mission calls for a target to brought in

alive. In these cases, a stunner can be a very handy piece
of equipment. It’s also typically carried by new cadets like
yourself, so if you do get trigger happy, it doesn’t cause a
war.” - Nel

All officers’ blasters have the same primary weapon

function: Ranged; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range (Extreme).

However, different officers’ blasters have different

secondary abilities. Options include:

• Science Officer: Built-in scanner and database

adds to any Knowledge checks.

• Commander: Has the Disintegrating trait (pg.

A deceptively large pistol type weapon, stunners have the
• First Officer: Has a Rapid trait setting (pg. 140) following profile: Ranged; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
(Medium); Concussive 1, Stun Damage. They are slightly
• Sensor Chief: Has a built-in Threat Indicator (see more powerful than the stunners carried by most law
page 155 of the KEYFORGE: SECRETS OF THE enforcement on the Crucible.
CRUCIBLE sourcebook.)
Encumbrance: 2, Price: 1000, Rarity: 5
• Medic: Can use Æmber for administering
Refreshing or Restorative Æffects (see page 174 of
the KEYFORGE: SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE : Keyforge Card WC 319, MM 330

• Lieutenant: Has a Disruptive trait setting (pg.

“A bit beefier than the standard sidearm, the Z-Ray Blaster This heavier pistol requires a lengthy requisition process.
uses Æmber to fire a beam of antimatter.” - Nel It harnesses the power of Æmber’s “Z-Particle” as the Star
Alliance scientists call it.

Ranged; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range (Long); Antimatter

(+1 encumbrance, consumes 1 Æmber to gain Sunder),
Disintegrating (+1 damage, Pierce 1, Vicious 2).

Encumbrance: 3, Price: 2000, Rarity: 8

: Keyforge Card WC 355

Captain Jericho – “Frane, hand me the…” Frane (above) – “Here you go, captain.”
The Grand Star Alliance has higher ranks within the
entire organization. However, Captain Val Jericho is the
highest-ranking officer on the Crucible. Many of the ship The Chief Helm Officer is Leopold “Crash” Muldoon
officers are humans though some aliens are also among (see page 206 of the KEYFORGE: SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE
the ranks. Having an understanding of the different sourcebook). He saved the ship and its crew when he
positions and key personnel within the Alliance should was able to bring down the SAV Quantum in a
provide a more immersive experience for the players and controlled crash to the Crucible’s surface. He’s a young
the GM. (All of these NPCs are derived from the KEYFORGE man with blonde hair which swoops in the front and
cards) has a short, blonde beard.

Captain Val Jericho (see page 208 of the KEYFORGE: Chief Engineer Walls is constantly fussing over the
SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE sourcebook) is the walking repairs to the Quantum. He’s a middle-aged man with
embodiment of the values of the Star Alliance. Val is an dark hair (greying in the front) and a dark goatee
ebony-skinned human with long, curly black hair and an (Keyforge Card WC 293).
athletic build. She is cool, calm, and collected, but known
to flash the occasional wicked smile when danger is afoot.

Sensor Chief Carcia is a young woman with dark,

shoulder-length hair. She is constantly wearing her
Commander Chan is largely in charge of trying to repair goggles (which the rest of the crew swears she hasn’t
the ship and get her space-worthy again. He also manages taken off since the crash). She has a few cybernetics
the team of scientists in the caves, experimenting with which allow her to interface with the ship (Keyforge
Æmber and different technologies to escape from the Card WC 313).
Crucible. He is young, tall, and thin with close cut dark
hair. (Keyforge Card WC 304) “Our mission didn’t end. It
just changed.”
Medic Ingram is probably one of the most well-versed
Commander Dhrxgar is a mutant humanoid with shark- doctors on the Crucible when it comes to the anatomy of
like features in charge of military operations carried out different species. She’s a young woman with long, wavy
by the crew (Keyforge Card WC 337).. “It’s Dhrxgar. It brown hair (Keyforge Card WC 301). “I know I
rhymes with Rmqxyrx.” shouldn’t take off my encounter suit, but they’re so darn

First Officer Frane is the Captain’s right hand and runs

many of the daily routine functions of Quantum City Armsmaster Molina is a large woman with shoulder-
(Keyforge Card WC 298). She’s a tall, thin woman who is length brown hair and a muscular build. She is in
either bald or just always has her hair in a headwrap charge of the weaponry for the Alliance on the Crucible.
covering. Captain – “Frane, hand me the …”, Frane – (Keyforge Card WC 292).
“Here you go, captain.”

Armory Officer Nel is under Molina. Nel is an Octopoid

Lieutenant Khrkhar is a Handuhan alien (see the last alien (see the last section of this book). Nel is tall, with
section of this book). He appears much like a large, tall, blue skin, a puffy fishlike face, an orange fin along the
muscular and furry elf with green and brown fur. He’s head and back, and a total of 8 tentacle-like arms. Nel
directly under Commander Dhrxgar. (Keyforge Card WC often trains new recruits in the use of Star Alliance gear
299). “At last! Honorable combat!” and weaponry (Keyforge Card WC 319).

Lieutenant Commander Trigon is a mutant humanoid with Tactical Officer Moon is a young woman with brown
pinkish, purplish skin, a slightly pointed head, and large hair and an athletic build. She works closely with Lt.
blue eyes. Like Lt. Khrkhar, he reports to Commander Cmdr. Trigon on military matters of the Alliance
Dhrxgar (Keyforge Card WC 324). (Keyforge Card WC 320).
Teleporter Chief Tink is of an unknown alien humanoid Science Officer Morpheus is a shapeshifting mutant.
species. The top of her head is white and looks very human He’s hard to describe since he never looks the same. His
but with a ridge between the white of the head and the main focus is on understanding mutations due to
lower, pinkish skin. Ridges also are present on the top of different planetary conditions and now Æmber.
the head. She is in charge of the ship’s teleporter. When (Keyforge Card WC 318).
the ship is capable of flight, the range of the teleporter
isn’t as much of an issue, but at the current state, the Science Officer Quincan is a Proximan alien (these are
teleporter’s range is limited (Keyforge Card WC 324). detailed in a recent expansion put out by FFG). Quincan
is curious and intelligent. He’s probably one of the most
excited crew members to actually be on the Crucible
(Keyforge Card WC 304).
CXO Taber is a Krxix alien (see page 29 of the KEYFORGE:
SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE sourcebook). He is very outgoing
and makes friends easily (Keyforge Card WC 309).
Ambassador Liu is the most politically astute member of
the crew. The elderly man has orchestrated many of the
standing peace agreements currently in place (Keyforge
Exchange Officers (XOs) are under CXO Taber and they Card WC 335).
are responsible for improving relations with and
understanding of other alien cultures. “I can’t wait to tell
everyone about this!” (Keyforge Card WC 341).
Ensign El-Samra is a mutant though very human in
appearance. She has brown hair and often carries heavy
weaponry (Keyforge Card WC 340).
Information Officer Gray is a polite way of saying he’s the
ship’s spymaster. A very severe-looking man, he has close
cropped, slick-backed black hair and wears tinted goggles.
“Move along. Nothing to see here.” (Keyforge Card WC Doctor Driscoll is dedicated to learning more about the
312). Dis. She has black hair that is usually in a form of pig
tails (with loops at the ends) (Keyforge Card WC 329).

Communications Officer Kirby is an ebony-skinned

human with an outgoing personality. He oversees the Nurse Soto is a happy-go-lucky medical specialist. He’s a
efforts towards reestablishing contact with the rest of the young man with dark brown hair and big cleft in his
Grand Star Alliance, but he also manages the chin. His specialty is cybernetics (Keyforge Card WC
communication network used by the Alliance on the 315).
Crucible. “Fleet Command has to be out there
somewhere.” (Keyforge Card WC 295).

Helmsman Spears is usually Crash’s backup (or was,

when they were in space). Now, she typically flies any of
Operations Officer Yshi is a Spirit (see page 35 of the the aerial vehicles used by the Alliance (Keyforge Card
KEYFORGE: SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE sourcebook). He helps WC 311). “And they call ME ‘Crash’…’” – Crash
manage the daily affairs of the Alliance while on the Muldoon
Crucible. He believes in the ideals of the Alliance and sees
them as a kindred spirit to help show the way to
enlightenment (Keyforge Card WC 334).
Navigator Ali is one of the best astronavigators in the
Alliance. Of course, the skill is absolutely useless on the
Crucible. He’s refocused his efforts to understanding the
Psionic Officer Lang is a young woman with dirty blonde Crucible’s everchanging geography (Keyforge Card WC
streaked hair. Her abilities have been enhanced since the 314). “If Ali says we’re lost, we’re really lost.” – Captain
crash and the discovery of æmber’s ability to enhance Jericho
psionic ability. “Lang has been a little off since the crash.
Keep an eye on her.” – Commander Chan (Keyforge Card
WC 337).
Multagenesis Researchers are mutation specialists. Prior to Special Agent “Fingers” is an Elf. The Grand Star
the Crucible, this focus was on mutations due to planetary Alliance is happy to accept the best and brightest from
or cosmic conditions. Now, it includes mutations due to any world and Fingers is no exception. She has short,
dark Æmber and other conditions (Keyforge Card WC choppy dark hair and typical Elven features (Keyforge
325). “I wonder what you’ll turn into.” Card WC 339)

Scout Pete is of an unknown, 4-armed alien species. He Crewman Jorg is a young woman with short, choppy
appears as a somewhat hairy insectoid. Light and fast, he black hair. She’s in espionage training with Fingers
patrols far from Quantum City in search of new (Keyforge Card WC 305).
information, technology, and possible allies to approach
(Keyforge Card WC 311). Hayden Oswin is a young woman with sandy blonde
hair and pixie-ish features. She’s constantly tinkering
with otherwise “standard” equipment (Keyforge Card
WC 322). “I made a few upgrades last night!”
The Grand Star Alliance has their own version of most of
the high-tech gear found elsewhere on the Crucible. The
cost and rarity values reflect their value on the black These devices work in a similar manner as the Shadow’s
market, as the Alliance does not sell its technology. Stealth Emitters (see page 155 of the KEYFORGE: SECRETS
OF THE CRUCIBLE sourcebook).

“These are typically only issued to Information Officers,

and the Captain always asks for details about the
request.” - Nel
Books of IeQ are portable access datapads tied into the
main computer and A.I. of the SAV Quantum. The cloaking dongle consumes 1 æmber to operate.
When activated, the difficulty of any Perception checks to
“While wrist datapads are sufficient for most crew notice the character increase in difficulty to Formiddable
members, those on the science team prefer these ( ). In addition, the difficulty of any Stealth
databooks.” - Nel check made by the character is reduced to Simple ( ).
These effects last for 3 turns. If the cloaked character
A character equipped with the book can spend a makes an attack while cloaked, the Perception check
maneuver to search the book for information relative to a difficulty drops to Average ( ).
desired skill check. With such an exhaustive database
(constantly updated since landing on the Crucible), GMs 󲊵 made on the Perception check or 󲊲 on a Stealth check
should determine if there would be information relevant to = The perceptive observer sees the distortions around the
the desired check and grant accordingly (typically from character and can now more easily see the pattern
to added to the check). (reduce the difficulty of future checks to see the character
when cloaked by two to Hard [ ]).

󲊵 made on a Stealth check = effect lasts an additional


Encumbrance: 1, Price: 2500, Rarity: 8

: Keyforge Card WC 294

Encumbrance: 0, Price: 800, Rarity: 7

: Keyforge Card WC 235

This device is typically used in outposts or structures to “While it has a short duration, activating such a device
detain prisoners for questioning. They are typically only can often create a decisive moment in battle or give one
used by Information Officers. the element of surprise.” - Nel

“I leave the unsavory task of extracting information to The disruption field generator affects non-Alliance
Officer Gray’s team.” - Nel electronics within Long range. The device consumes 1
æmber and lasts for up to 5 turns. Inside the disruption
The device produces coils of energy which loop around a field, performing any skill check involving non-Alliance
character laid in the device. The character is Incapacitated technology (or high-tech weaponry) is increased by two
at zero strain and is kept in this state while the device is difficulty levels (to a maximum of Formidable
on. It is a more intense version of the energy bars used for [ ]).
the ship’s holding cells.

Encumbrance: 4, Price: 1000, Rarity: 8

: Keyforge Card MM 321

Encumbrance: 2, Price: 2000, Rarity: 7

: Keyforge Card WC 328, MM 338

The Matter Maker is not a portable device, but it resides in The Observ-u-max is an Extreme range visual and sensor
most larger outposts (and the ship of course). It is mostly aid that can be attached to the R0V-3R ATV or other
used to make equipment, weapons, and replacement parts Alliance vehicles.
for repairs. Of course, it does periodically require the
replacement of raw atomic material to replicate items. “Information can often be the most valuable weapon a
soldier can have.” - Nel
“The fabricators give us all of the comforts of home. It
makes life here much more pleasant.” - Nel In essence, the device can see through walls with a
variety of sensor types such as thermal, x-ray, sonar, and
The device can produce any mundane item up to a host of others. It has a full array of scientific sensor
Silhouette 1 in size. Any larger items would need to be equipment. The user can also see objects at Extreme range
produced in pieces to then assemble into a larger as clearly if he or she was within Engaged range. Of
component. course, the device interfaces with the main Star Alliance
computer banks and records what is captured and can
It should go without saying, but it cannot produce Æmber. reference it against known threats and data.
Creating rarer objects may require a higher security
clearance override (up to the GM to determine). GMs are encouraged to allow use of this device to grant
bonus dice or other advantages where this kind of
information can be useful to a particular check.

Encumbrance: 5, Price: 3000, Rarity: 7

: Keyforge Card MM 309

Encumbrance: 5, Price: 5000, Rarity: 8

: Keyforge Card MM 349

“The plasma nozzle is now calibrating.” “It scans as ‘mostly harmless.’”

This device is usually for powering up the plasma drives of The quadracorder scans the environment to give the user
some of the larger Alliance vehicles, but as nearly half of various information. Functionally, it grants the same
those were cannibalized to repair the other half, some benefits as AR Goggles (see page 147 of the KEYFORGE:
have been turned into a rather bulky gunnery weapon SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE sourcebook). It adds to
spraying out hot plasma much like a fire hose spraying Computers checks and can add up to on Knowledge
water. checks (as it is well-versed in all fields, including
geography, flora and fauna, etc. At the GM’s discretion, it
Gunnery; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range (Medium); Blast 6, may also provide on any check where relevant
Burn 3. information could be useful.

Encumbrance: 0, Price: 300, Rarity: 5

Encumbrance: 5, Price: 2000, Rarity: 8 : Keyforge Card WC 316

: Keyforge Card WC 336

The Quixxle Stone is the first piece of Æmber discovered “It worked!”
by the Quantum’s crew. It is kept on the ship and is
constantly being studied as it is of an unusual color from “What do you mean ‘it worked’? There was a chance it
most Æmber. The one fact the crew has ascertained from it wouldn’t work?!”
is it is potent. A half-sized piece of it has the same power
as a full-sized piece of Æmber. Very few vehicles in the Alliance (on the Crucible) have
stealth mode. The experimental innovation was made
possible when the cloaking dongles were adapted to use
Æmber. Vehicular stealth mode requires 1 æmber per
Silhouette of the vehicle to activate it. Once activated, any
kind of skill check to detect or target the vehicle is a
difficulty of Formidable ( ) during the
encounter. Note: the vehicle can’t fire any weapons in
stealth mode without it being deactivated.

󲊵 made to detect or target the vehicle means the stealth

mode has malfunctioned and will need to be repaired
(Hard [ ] Mechanics check) before being

󲊲 made on any Piloting or Driving checks while the

vehicle is in stealth mode means the stealth mode has
malfunctioned just as above.

Encumbrance: 0, Price: Priceless, Rarity: 10

: Keyforge Card WC 338, MM 351

Encumbrance: 5, Price: 10,000, Rarity: 9

: Keyforge Card WC 306

Many would consider a translator a vital piece of gear. The Alliance scientists devised this device to detect Æmber.
Star Alliance version of this tech has the added ability to The device allows a character to make a twice upgraded
adapt and “learn” new languages instead of simply the Knowledge (Æmber) check (typically at a Hard [ ]
ones it is programmed with. Shortly after arriving on the difficulty) to determine the nearest source of raw Æmber
Crucible, the Captain ensured all of these devices were within Extreme range. The character may spend 󲊵 to
updated with the most comprehensive translators the determine the distance as well. Very few of these exist
officers could find. and are typically only granted to key personnel and ship
Like other translators, its AI has failed to decipher the Dis
language, but it is reliably dependable in ascertaining the
“mood” of a Dis when encountered and uses an indicator
for this.

Encumbrance: 1, Price: 500, Rarity: 6

Its bulkier than most universal translators which can be Encumbrance: 0, Price: 3000, Rarity: 9
purchased elsewhere on the Crucible, so many scouts
don’t use the Alliance standard issue for this piece of : Keyforge Card MM 354

: Keyforge Card WC 332, MM 332

A Z-Wave Emitter consumes 1 Æmber to generate an Melee; Damage +1; Critical 5; Range (Engaged);
energy shield. It is similar to a physical, large shield in Defensive 2, Deflection 2, Knockdown. – when used as a
many ways (but disappears with a button and weighs shield add on (as below), increase Deflection to 3.
Encumbrance: 0, Price: 500, Rarity: 5
(Seen here used by Operations Officer Yshi with a physical
shield as a base unit) : Keyforge Card MM 356
The Grand Star Alliance has collected flora and fauna
from hundreds of planets prior to coming to the Crucible.
Some of them have been adapted to perform different roles This jelly-like alien creature can eat nearly anything,
within the Alliance. Two of these creatures are given slowly dissolving items over a period of time after it
below. absorbs them. It isn’t sentient. It’s often used now as a
disposal system (though kept in a secured part of the
ship). Some Tactical Officers have suggested various ways
to use the creatures for combat purposes. One of the
novel abilities of the jelly is it can be split and then grow
into two separate jellies, eventually reaching the same
These odd creatures look like part reptile and part squid. size as the original. Indeed, this is the reason the ship now
They are remnants of one of the ship’s last missions prior has 4 such specimens.
to coming to the Crucible. The egg sac was under an alien
plant collected and added to the sample greenhouse.
When it hatched, nearly a dozen Kartanoos started
roaming the ship. Now, they are about the size of a dog
and delight in kleptomaniacal behavior. Some of the crew
have had a degree of success training some of the
creatures to retrieve objects. Their uncanny ability to
climb up sheer walls can prove valuable if the training

Skills: Brawl 3 , Perception 2

Talents: None

Abilities: Amorphous (as an incidental, the jelly may

increase or decrease its silhouette by 1)

Silhouette 2

Gelatinous (halve the damage dealt to the jelly before

Skills: (Group only) Athletics, Brawl, Skulduggery applying soak, unless the attack is from a blunt object,
energy weapon, or fire). Note: large edged weapons or
Talents: Wallcrawler (see page 81 of the KEYFORGE: energy beams may divide the jelly in half (with each
resulting jelly having half the wound threshold).
Equipment: Pseudopods (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3;
Abilities: Silhouette 0.
Range [Engaged]; Burn 2 [acidic]).
Equipment: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Ensnare 1). : Keyforge Card AoA 170

: Keyforge Card MM 348

These large-earred chicken-like creatures were
domesticated by the Alliance because of their unique
ability to detect Æmber. Of course, trained is probably a
better word than domesticated, as they can sometimes
prove to be a handful. They aren’t very dangerous aside
Skills: (Group only) Brawl, Knowledge (Æmber),
from their venom.

Talents: Æmber Dowser (as found on page 81 of the

however for the æmbertracker, it is an Average ( )
Knowledge (Æmber) check to find it within Long range
(instead of Extreme).

Abilities: Silhouette 0.

Equipment: Beak (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 5; Range


: Keyforge Card WC 334

The Grand Star Alliance welcomes different alien species • Starting Skills: A Handuhan starts with one
rank in Brawl, plus one rank in Melee. They
and the crew of the SAV Quantum is no exception. While obtain these ranks before spending any
many species are already available in the KEYFORGE: experience points, and these skills may not be
SECRETS OF THE CRUCIBLE sourcebook as well as the increased higher than rank 2 during character
Proximan in the MUTANT INVASION expansion, there are a creation.
variety of aliens working for the Star Alliance as depicted
in the KEYFORGE card game. Two of those species are
• Special Ability: Taunt (Opponents trying to
presented here as new playable archetypes!
target the Handuhan’s allies within short range
must make a Hard ( ) Discipline check as
an out-of-turn incidental or target the
Handuhan instead.
“To a Handuhan, honor is everything.” – Nel
• Thick-Skinned: A Handuhan adds +1 to soak
The few Handuhan crew members are noted for their due to its naturally thick skin.
strength, size (still Silhouette 1, but towards the upper
limit of this size), and sense of honor. While no longer : Keyforge Card WC 299 – Lieutenant
affiliated with their home world, these aliens have honor Khrkhar
as simply part of their identity. They are definitely one of
the brawniest species of aliens in the crew and often serve
in security roles. For a pop-culture reference, they are
basically the “Klingons” of the Star Alliance. Some describe
them as large, hairy elves. Of course, those same people
“If I hear one more joke about me being an “ARM-ory
are typically missing a few teeth after doing so.
Officer”, I’m going to wring some necks…” – Nel

Octopoids are rare among the crew, but not as rare in

the universe (or on the Crucible). This amphibious
Handuhans are fierce and honorable warriors. People tend species’ native world is mostly water with scattered
to trust that a Handuhan isn’t trying to be deceitful and islands. A common thread among the species is they are
depend on their loyalty. known as consummate taskmasters. Those in the Star
Alliance are extremely career focused and tend to be
very “by the book.” Octopoid society is very regimented
and generally peaceful. Thus, those that leave the
homeworld are generally those who have a knack for
some kind of combat and cannot exercise it well on their
home planet.

Octopoids are smart and strong. Equally at home on

land or in the water, Octopoids can often be the brains
and the brawn of a group or squad. They are highly
regarded within the Alliance.

• Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

• Starting Skills: An Octopoid starts with one
rank in Discipline, plus one rank in a chosen
Combat skill. They obtain these ranks before
spending any experience points, and these skills
may not be increased higher than rank 2
during character creation.

• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn • Special Ability: Aquatic (an Octopoid never
treats water as difficult terrain and can breathe
• Starting Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower underwater).

• Starting Experience: 100 • Tentacles (add the Ensnare 1 quality to all

Brawl and Melee attacks)

• Dark Vision: When making skill checks,

Octopoids remove up to 󲊸󲊸 imposed due to

: Keyforge Card MM 319 – Armory Officer

Look for more Keyforge titles coming soon from Gazrok Games!

Thank you for purchasing this product, and I sincerely hope it adds to your Keyforge experience!

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