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The digestive(дайджестив) system is a marvel(мавел) of evolution(ивелюшен).

The NIH(ен
ай ейч) provides(провайдс) a helpful overview(овер вью) on its different parts and how they
all work together. If you want more detail(дитеил) on the individual(индивиджуал) organs,
see these sources(соо сес) about the gastrointestinal(гастроинтестинал) tract(чракт), the long
organ that incorporates(инко перейтс) the esophagus(есофегес), the stomach, the small
intestine and large intestine, anus and rectum. Then there’s also the pancreas(панк риас),
liver(лива), and gallbladder(гол блада), each playing their vital(вайтал) parts in breaking food
down. You can also learn more about the recently distinguished(дестингвишд) mesentery(ме
сентери) organ, which acts(актс) as a scaffold(ска фелд) for the various(ве риес) parts of the
digestive system.

And of course, don’t forget your mouth--the gaping(гейпин) hole through(сру) which all food
enters in the first place! The mouth is a fascinating organ in and of itself, not least(лист)
because its internal salivary(са ливери) glands(глянс) produce so much saliva(селайва) on a
daily(дейли) basis(бей сис), which moistens(мо исенз) the food and acts(актс) as a
vehicle(виекл) for the enzymes(ензаймс) that break it down.

Here(хии) you can read about all of the enzymes(ензаймс)--and their(зеа) different
roles(ролз)--in the whole(хол) digestive process. You may also be interested in learning more
about the fascinating green liquid(ли квид) known as bile(ба ел)--and what it means when you
vomit(вомет) it up when you’re ill.

The digestive system’s main role is to provide your body with nutrients(нью триентс) in an
absorbable(ебзо бабел) form: here’s how it does that and here's another source(сорс) that
explains the small intestine’s starring(старрин) role in that process(проусес). You might want
to go a step further(фе за) and understand how the body uses the nutrients given to it through
digestion, and what kinds of foods provide the different types of nutrients.

If you’re in the mood to watch more videos, consider this one about how the food you eat
affects(ефектс) your brain, or this one about how your body makes the distinct(ди стинкт)
calculation(кал кюлейшн) that tells you when you’re full.

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