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Statistics and Probability

Third Quarter



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Learning Activity Sheets-WEEK 4

Statistics and Probability


LESSON 1: Understanding Normal Curve Distribution

In Chapter 1, we have learned the Random Variable and its Classification. It
also discussed the Probability Distributions of Discrete Random Variables. While in
this chapter the focus is Normal Probability Distribution. Normal Probability Distribution
is used to determine the probabilities of a continuous random variable.
In this lesson, we will learn the meaning of Normal Probability Distribution and
its Properties. How to construct the normal curve will also be discussed.


1. The total area under the standard normal curve is _________.

A. -1 B. 0 C. 0.5 D. 1

` 2. What is the shape of a Normal Probability Distributions?

A. bar B. bell C. circle D. line
3. Which part of a normal curve is extended indefinitely both directions along
the horizontal axis, approaching but never touching it?
A. center B. tail C. top D. spread
4. Which of the following rule states that almost all data fall within the 1, 2 and 3 of
the standard deviation of mean when the population is normally distributed?
A. empirical rule C. Lottery rule
B. Pascal’s triangle rule D. Sampling rule
5. If the average age of retirement for the population in the Philippines
is 65 years and with a standard deviation of 5 years, what is the
the approximate age range in which 68% of people retire?
A. 60 – 70 years B. 55 – 65 years C. 55 – 60 years D. 60 -65 years

1. Illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics.(M11/12SP-IIIc-1)
2. Construct a normal curve. (M11/12SP-IIIc- 2)

Normal Probability Distribution is a probability distribution of continuous random

variables. It shows graphical representations of random variables obtained through
measurement like the height and weight of the students, the percentile ranks of the
A&E (Accreditation and Equivalency Test result of the ALS students or any data with
the values of an interval scale of real numbers. It is also used to describe the
characteristics of populations and make inferences.

This graphical representation is popularly known as a normal curve. The

normal curve is described clearly by the following properties

Properties of Normal Curve

1. The normal curve is like a bell-shaped

2. The peak of a normal curve is at the center where the three measures of
central tendency such as mean, mode, and median are equal to each other.
3. About its mean 0, the normal curve is symmetrical to the center.
4. The tails are plotted on both directions of normal curve and it is asymptotic
with the horizontal axis. Asymptote means a graph is approaching to the
specific line but it will never touching it.
5. The total area of normal curve is 1.

The shape of a normal curve is based on the two given parameters, the mean
and the standard deviations of the distributions. The following are the three situations
of a normal curve based on the said parameters

a. When the mean are not equal but the standard deviation are equal. (µ 1 ≠ µ2 ;
ơ1 =ơ2 ), the curves have the similar shape but centered at different points.

b. When the mean are not equal but the standard deviation are equal. (µ 1 = µ2 ;
ơ1 ≠ ơ2 ),
The curves is centered at same point but they have different height and

c. When the mean are different and the standard deviations also different
(µ1≠ µ2 ; ơ1 ≠ ơ2 ), The curves is centered at different points and vary in

The normal curve is also described through the equation written below

𝑒 (−1/2)(2

where: Y = height of the curve particular values of random variables

X = any values of the random variables
µ = population mean
ơ = standard deviation
π = 3.1416
e = 2.7183

When the normal probability distribution has a mean µ = 0 and standard

deviation ơ = 1, it is called as standard normal distribution.


In constructing, a normal curve always remember its properties. Check the following
pointers if present.
1. It should be bell-shaped and symmetric about its center
2. Both sides of the tails of a normal curve should not touch the horizontal
3. In the horizontal axis, use 0 at the center where the mean is located and
use 1, 2, and 3 to the right and -1, -2 and -3 to the left. But still remember
there is an integral part between each number However, it is not limited to
the -3 and 3, it is extended indefinitely
4. The distance of number in the horizontal line or the x-axis should always
be proportion.

Refer to the figure below for the illustrative explanation of the pointers to
remember on constructing standard normal curve.


The above diagram shows the representation of 68% - 95% - 99.7% rule. The
68% -95% - 99.7% rule is better known as empirical rule. This rule states that the data
in the distribution lies within the 1, 2, and 3 of the standard deviation of the mean.
Specifically, the above diagram tells the estimation of the following percentage:
• 68% of data lies within the 1 standard deviation of the mean.
• 95% of data lies within the 2 standard deviation of the mean.
• 99.7% of data lies within the 3 standard deviation of the mean.

Illustrative Example 1:
The score of the Senior High School students in their Statistics and Probability
quarterly examination are normally distributed with a mean of 35 and standard
deviation of 5.
Answer the following questions:
a. What percent will fall within the score 30 to 40?
b. What scores fall within 95% of the distribution?

Draw a standard normal curve and plot the mean at the center. Then, add three
times the given standard deviation to the right of the mean and subtract 3 times to the
left. The illustration is provided below:

a. The scores 30 to 40 falls within the first standard deviation of the mean.
Therefore, it is approximately 68% of the distribution
b. Since 95% lies within the 2 standard deviation of the mean, then the
corresponding scores of this distribution are from 25 up to 45.

Illustrative Example 2:
The district nurse of Candelaria East needs to measure the BMI (Body Mass
Index) of the ALS students. She found out that the heights of male students
are normally distributed with a mean of 160 cm and a standard deviation of
7 cm. Find the percentage of male students whose height is within 153 to 174.

Solution: The mean of this problem is 160, it is subtracted by 7 to the left (e.g. 160 -
7 = 153; 153-7 = 146; 146 – 7 = 139) and add 7 to the right. (e.g. 160 + 7 = 167;
167+ 7 = 174 + 7 = 181)

As stated in the above diagram, 153 falls at 1 standard deviation of the mean to the
left of the center and the height of 174 falls at 2 standard deviation of the

mean to the right. Therefore, it covers the whole 68% and 13.5%. of the distribution
and the sum of it is 81.5%
ANSWER: The height 153 to 174 lies on the 81.5% of the distribution


A. True or False. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE, if
the statement is incorrect
_______1. The total area of the normal curve is 1
_______2. Normal probability distribution is used to determine the probabilities of
discrete random variable
_______3. The mean, median and mode have the same value.
_______4. The distance of the number in the horizontal line or the x-axis should
always proportion.
_______5 The normal probability distribution has a mean µ = 1 and standard
deviation ơ = 0, it is called as standard normal distribution.
B. Read the following problems carefully. Use empirical rule to answer each
1. IQ scores of the ALS students in the Division of Quezon are normally
distributed with a mean of 110 and a standard deviation of 10. What percent
of the distribution falls within the IQ scores of 100 to 130?
2. A normal distribution of data with the mean of 78 and standard deviation of 9.
What percentage of the data would measure 87?


1. The total area under the standard normal curve is _________.

A. -1 B. 0 C. 0.5 D. 1
2. What is the shape of a Normal Probability Distributions?
A. bar B. bell C. circle D. line
3. Which part of a normal curve is extended indefinitely both directions along the
horizontal axis, approaching but never touching it?
A. center B. tail C. top D. spread
4. Which of the following rule states that almost all data fall within the 1, 2 and 3
of the standard deviation of mean when the population is normally distributed?
A. empirical rule C. Lottery rule
B. Pascal’s triangle rule D. Sampling rule
5. If the average age of retirement for the population in the Philippines is 65
years and a with standard deviation of 5 years, what is the approximate age
range in which 68% of people retire?
A. 60 – 70 years B. 55 – 65 years C. 55 – 60 years D. 60 -65 years

LESSON 2: Understanding z – scores

This lesson deals with identifying regions under the normal curve corresponding
to different standard normal values. It also includes steps/directions on how to use the
table of areas under the normal curve. We can also apply the competency on how to
construct a normal curve as a springboard to the lesson.
This lesson also unveils the steps on how to find the area that corresponds to
z –value. Knowledge and skills in performing addition and subtraction of decimals are
prerequisite of the lesson.


1. What is the sum of the area that corresponds to the right of 0 and to the left of
A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 1.5 D. 2

2. Where can we find the area of specific region under the curve?
A. Table of Areas of Geometric Figure C. Table of Contents
B. Table of Areas Under Normal Curve D. Periodic Table

3. What is the area between z = - 1.23 and z = 2?

A. 0.0865 B. 0.4772 C. 0.8679 D. 0.8779

4. Find the area of the shaded region of the given figure.

A. 0.0865 B. 0.4772 C. 0.3907 D. 0.8413

5. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?

A .to the right B. less than C. to the left D. below

1. Identifies regions under the normal curve corresponding to different
standard normal values. (M11/12SP-IIIc-3)


In the previous lesson, we discussed the properties of the normal probability

distribution and one of them that we learned is the total area under the curve is equal
to one. Since the standard normal distribution is defined as normally distributed
random variable having a mean of zero ( µ= 0 ) and standard deviation of one (ơ = 1),
the fifty (50) per cent of the region under the curve is below the mean and the other
50% is above the mean. The illustration is provided below.

We can easily identify the area of the regions under normal curve by using the
Table of Areas under the Normal Curve which is also known as z-Table (see
attachment at the last page of this chapter). This table gives an area to any value of z
from -3.99 to 3.99. The value from this table will describe the area of the specific region
of the curve to the left of the given z-value.

How to use the Table of Areas under the Normal Curve?

Example: Find the area to the left of -1.69

Solution: First, split the given z-value into hundredths, we can find the whole number
and the tenths digit (-1.6) at left side of the table while the hundredths (0.09) located
at the upper most of the table. Then the intersection of these numbers will be the area
of the normal curve to the left of the z-value.


Answer: The area to the left of z= -1.69 is 0.0455.


1. Draw/sketch a normal curve and locate the given z-value on the normal curve
2. Shade the region of the curve according to the condition of z-value whether it
is below, above or between.
3. Use the table of the area under the normal curve to find the corresponding
4. Choose the appropriate operation based on step 2 and 3
4.1. When the z-value is to the left or any related terms (e.g. below, less
than) just write the value we obtained in step 3
4.2. When the z-value is to the right or any related terms (e.g. above,
greater than), subtract 1 by the obtained value in step 3
4.3. When the shaded region is in between of the two z-value, subtract the
biggest by smallest value obtained in step 3
5. Label the shaded region.

Example 1: Find the area that corresponds below z = -1.35

Step 1. Draw/sketch a normal curve and locate the given z-value.

Step 2: Shade the region of the curve according to the condition of z-value
whether it is below, above or between.

Step 3. Use the table of the area under the normal curve to find the
corresponding area

The intersection between -1.3 and 0.05 is 0.0885

Step 4. Choose the appropriate operation based on step 2 and 3

4.1 When the z-value is to the left or any related terms (e.g. below, less
than) just write the value we obtained in step 3

Since the shaded region of the curve is to the left of the z= -1.35 and
the intersection between -1.3 and 0.05 is 0.0885. Therefore, the area of
the shaded region is 0.0885

Step 5. Label the shaded region.

Example 2: Find the area to the right of z = -1.35

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3.
The intersection between -1.3 and 0.05 is 0.0885

Step 4.

Since the shaded region is to the right of the z-value, we will subtract
0.0885 to 1. The difference is 0.9915

Step 5

Example 3: Find the area between z = -1.30 and z = 2

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3. The value that corresponds to z= 1.3 is 0.0968 and z= 2 is 0.4772

Step 4. Since the shaded region is within the two z-value, subtract
0.4772 by 0.0968. The difference is 0.8804

Step 5 The area between z = -1.3 and z= 2 is 0.8804


Find the area that corresponds to each of the following z values. Sketch and label
each curve.

1. to the right of z = 2.18

2. below z= -1.40
3. above z= 0.57
4. between z = -2.34 and z = 1.57
5. between z = 0.32 and z = 2.42


1. What will you do to find the area between the two z values?
A. Subtract the obtained value from the Z table to 1
B. Rewrite the value obtained from z table
C. Subtract the two obtained value from the z table.
D. Calculate the mean and standard deviation
2. What is the another term of z table?
A. Table of Areas of Geometric Figure C. Table of Contents
B. Table of Areas Under Normal Curve D. Periodic Table

3. What is the area between z = 0.23 and z = 1.99 ?

A. 0.3858 B. 0.3588 C. 0.8239 D. 0.8583
4. Which of the following is the best illustration of the area to the left of z =1?
A. B. C. D

5. Find the area of above z= 2.14

A. 0.052 B. 0.0162 C. 0.0324 D. 0.9838

LESSON 3: Converting Raw Score to Standard z – score

In this lesson, you will learn how to convert a normal random variable a X to
standard normal variable z and vice-versa. Moreover, this particular lesson will enable
you solve real-life problems.
This Learning Activity Sheet is designed to help the students in understanding
the concepts of probability distribution and its corresponding histogram. This will serve
as your guide to better understand the topics in Statistics and Probability.


1. W If the scores in a Probability and Statistics test are normally distributed

with a mean of 25 and standard deviation of 3.5. What is the z-score for a
score of 30?
A. 1.43 B. -1.43 C. 1.06 D. 0.72
2. Gracia, an ALS student, obtained a z-score of 2.35 in an achievement test
that is normally distributed with a mean grade of 83 and standard deviation
of 5. What was Gracia’s grade in the achievement test?

A. 71.25 B. 94.75 C. 85.35 D. 80.65

3. In a normal distribution with a mean of 15 and standard deviation of 3, what
does a z-score of -2 indicate?
A. It indicates that the score is below the mean.
B. It indicates that the score is equal to 9.
C. It indicates that the difference between the score and the mean is 6.
D. All of the above
4. Ronnie and Loida who are best friends took a college entrance examination.
The mean score and standard deviation of the examination are 110 and 15
respectively. If Ronnie and Loida obtained z-scores of 1.25 and -0.75
respectively, what was their scores in the examination?
A. 128.75 and 98.75 C. 130 and 99
B. 120.75 and 88.75 D. 140.75 and 100.75

5. The velocities of cars in express way are normally distributed with a mean of
90 km/hr and standard deviation of 10 km/hr. Jessie’s velocity has a z-score
of 2.5, what was his velocity?
A. 100 km/hr B. 105 km/hr C. 110 km/hr D. 115 km/hr


1. Convert a Normal Random Variable to a Standard Normal Variable and

vice-versa (M11/12SP-IIIc-4).

In solving real-life problems involving the normal curve, it is very important
to convert a random variable x to a standard normal variable or z-score. This
procedure is known as “standardizing” or “standardization” of a random
variable, where a standardized value is called a z-score. A z-score is a measure
of the number of standard deviations (𝜎) a particular data value is away from the
mean (𝜇). Suppose your score on a test in Probability and Statistics was 39 and
the scores are normally distributed with a mean of 33 and standard deviation of 3,
then your score is exactly 2 standard deviations above the mean. If you scored 30,
then it is exactly 1 standard deviation below the mean. All values that are above
the mean have positive z-scores and all values that are below the mean have
negative z-scores. If you obtained a z-score of -3, this means that your score is 3
standard deviations below the mean, that is, 33 – 3(3) = 33 – 9 = 24.
Given any value x from a normal distribution with mean 𝜇 and standard
deviation 𝜎, to convert x to a z-score (standard normal score), you need to;
(a) Subtract the mean 𝜇 from x.
(b) Divide this quantity, x – , by the standard deviation 𝜎.
In equation, a z-score is defined as:
𝑥− 𝜇
z= 𝜎
where: z – standard normal score or z – score
x – any data value in a normal distribution
𝜇 - mean
𝜎 - standard deviation
Example 1.
Suppose IQ scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and standard
deviation of 10. If your IQ is 85, what was your z-score?
The z-score can be computed using the formula;
𝑥− 𝜇
z= 𝜎
85−100 −15
z= = = -1.5
10 10
Example 2.
On a nationwide placement test that is normally distributed, the mean was 125
and standard deviation was 15. If you scored 149, what was your z-score?
𝑥− 𝜇
Using the formula z = 𝜎 ,
z= 15
= 15
= 1.60

Example 3.
The heights of teachers in Sta. Catalina National High School are normally
distributed with a mean of 150 cm and standard deviation of 15 cm. The height of Sir
Victor has a z-score of 3.25. What is the actual height of Sir Victor?
In this example, z-score is given while the normal random variable is unknown.
To solve for the normal random variable x, multiply the z-score (z) by the standard
deviation 𝜎, then add the mean 𝜇. Therefore;
x = z𝜎 + 𝜇
= 3.25(15 cm) + 150 cm
= 48.75 cm + 150 cm
= 198.75 cm

Example 4.
The time it takes for a cell to divide is normally distributed with an average of
60 minutes and standard deviation of 5 minutes. How long will it take for a given cell
to divide if its mitosis has a z-score of -1.35?
x = z𝜎 + 𝜇
= -1.35(5 min) + 60 min
= -6.75 min + 60 min
= 53.25 minutes

Solve the following problems.

1. The mean number of hours a Filipino worker spends on the computer is 3.1
hours per workday. Assume the standard deviation is 0.5 hour and is
normally distributed, how long does a worker spend on the computer if his
z-score is 1.25?
2. Each month, a Filipino household generates an average of 28 pounds of
newspaper for garbage or recycling. Assume the standard deviation is 2
pounds. Determine the z-score of a household that generates 22 pounds of

3. The Candelaria Automobile Association reports that the average time it

takes to respond to an emergency call is 30 minutes. Assume the variable
is normally distributed and the standard deviation is 4.5 minutes. How long
will a call be responded if it has a z-score of 0.75?

4. The average monthly salary for first-year teachers is P21,945. If the

distribution is approximately normal with a standard deviation of P3250.
How much will a teacher earn in a month if his salary has a z-score of 1.15?


1. If the scores in a Probability and Statistics test are normally distributed with
a mean of 25 and standard deviation of 3.5. What is the z-score for a score
of 30?
A. 1.43 B. -1.43 C. 1.06 D. 0.72
2. Gracia, an ALS student, obtained a z-score of 2.35 in an achievement test
that is normally distributed with a mean grade of 83 and standard deviation of
5. What was Gracia’s grade in the achievement test?

A. 71.25 B. 94.75 C. 85.35 D. 80.65

3. In a normal distribution with a mean of 15 and standard deviation of 3, what
does a z-score of -2 indicate?
A. It indicates that the score is below the mean.
B. It indicates that the score is equal to 9.
C. It indicates that the difference between the score and the mean is 6.
D. All of the above
4. Ronnie and Loida who are best friends took a college entrance examination.
The mean score and standard deviation of the examination are 110 and 15
respectively. If Ronnie and Loida obtained z-scores of 1.25 and -0.75
respectively, what was their scores in the examination?
A. 128.75 and 98.75 C. 130 and 99
B. 120.75 and 88.75 D. 140.75 and 100.75

5. The velocities of cars in express way are normally distributed with a mean of
90 km/hr and standard deviation of 10 km/hr. Jessie’s velocity has a z-score
of 2.5, what was his velocity?
A. 100 km/hr B. 105 km/hr C. 110 km/hr D. 115 km/hr

LESSON 4: Identifying Regions of Areas Under
the Normal Curve


In this lesson, you will learn how to apply the z-score in finding probabilities and
percentiles by simply looking at the Table of Standard Normal Distribution. Moreover,
this particular lesson, will enable you to solve real-life problems about probabilities
and percentiles.


1. Which of the following notations indicate the probability of a z value from

the left?
A. P(Z > z) B. P(Z < z) C. P(X < x) D. P(X > x)
2. What is the probability of z value indicated by P(Z < -1.78)?
A. 0.0375 B. 0.9625 C. 0.9633 D. 0.3075
3. The ages of ALS students enrolled at Sta. Catalina National High School
are normally distributed with a mean of 19 years and standard deviation of
3.5 years. If a student is selected at random, what is the probability that his
age is under 22 years?
A. 19.49% B. 80.51% C. 11.67% D. 90.57%

4. The weekly sales of ABM students on their “Go Negosyo” project are
normally distributed with mean of P3,200 and standard deviation of P500.
What percent of their weekly sales are over P4,000?
A. 94.52% B. 77.34% C. 5.48% D. 22.57%
5. To lessen the number of non-numerates in Sta. Catalina National High
School, the Math department implemented Project MEAN (Masterful
Elimination of All Non-numerates). A student is required to undergo with the
program if he/she scored below 20 in the numeracy test. If the scores of the
students in the numeracy test are normally distributed with a mean of 30.50
and standard deviation of 9.5, what percentage of the students needed to
undergo with the program?
A. 13.35% B. 86.65% C. 11.27% D. 14.45%

1. Computes probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal

distribution table. (M11/12SP-IIIc-d-1)


A normal distribution curve can be used as a probability distribution curve for

normally distributed variables. The area under the standard normal distribution curve
can also be thought of as a probability. That is, if it were possible to select any z value
at random, the probability of choosing one, say, at the left of 1.45 would be the same
as the area under the curve at the left of 1.45. In this case, the area is 0.9265.
Therefore, the probability of randomly selecting a z value at the left of 1.45 is 0.9265
or 92.65%. The problems involving probabilities and percentiles are solved in the same
manner as finding the areas under a normal curve.
In finding probabilities, the following notations will be used;
(a) P(Z < z) – Probability at the left of z.
(b) P(Z > z) = 1 – P(Z < z) – Probability at the right of z
(c) P(a < z < b) – Probability of z that is in between two other z values a and
(d) P(X< x) – Probability at the left of a normal random variable x
(e) P(X > x) – Probability at the right of a normal random variable x
(f) P(a < X < b) – Probability of a normal random variable X that is in between
two other normal random variables a and b.

Example 1.
Find the probabilities for each of the following;
(a) P(Z < 1.32)
(b) P(Z < -1.05)
(c) P(-0.75 < Z < 1.56)
(d) P(Z > -0.88

(a) The probability P(Z < 1.32) means to find the area under the normal curve
at the left of z = 1.32. From the table, find the intersection of the row 1.3 and
the column 0.02. Thus, the probability is 0.9066 or 90.66%.

(b) The probability P(Z < -1.05) is the same as the area under the normal curve
at the left of z = -1.05. From the table, the area is 0.1469. Thus, the
probability is 0.1469 or 14.69%.

(c) The probability P(-0.75 < Z < 1.56) is the same as the area under the
normal curve between z values -0.75 and 1.56. To get the area, subtract
the area of z = -0.75 from the area of z = 1.56. Thus, P(-0.75 < Z < 1.56) =
P(Z < 1.56) – P(Z < -0.75) = 0.9406 – 0.2266 = 0.7140.

(e) The probability P(Z > -0.88) is the same as the area under the normal curve
at the right of z = -0.88. To get the area, subtract the area of z = -0.88 from
1. Thus, P(Z > -0.88) = 1 – P(Z < -0.88) = 1 – 0.1894 = 0.8106.

Example 2.
Let X be a normal random variable with mean 𝜇 = 15 and standard deviation 𝜎
= 3. Find the following probabilities.
(a) P(X < 19)
(b) P(10 < X < 19)

(a) To find the probability, convert the normal random variable 19 to a z-score.
𝑥− 𝜇 19− 15 4
Thus, P(X < 19) = P(Z < 𝜎 ) = P(Z < 3 ) = P(Z < 3 ) = P(Z < 1.33).
From the table, the probability at the left of z = 1.33 is equal to 0.9082 or

(a) To find the probability, convert the normal random variables 10 and 19 to z
10−15 19−15
values. Thus, P(10 < X < 19) = P( 3 < 𝑍 < 3 ) = P(-1.67 < Z < 1.33)
= P(Z < 1.33) – P(Z < -1.67). From the table, we have 0.9082 – 0.0475 =

These probabilities can also be applied in real-life problems.

Example 3.
The mean number of hours a Filipino worker spends on the computer is 3.1
hours per workday. Suppose the spending time is normally distributed with standard
deviation of 0.5 hour, find the percentage of workers who spend less than 3.5 hours
on the computer assuming that the variable is normally distributed.

The percentage of workers who spend less than 3.5 hours is the same as the
area under the normal curve at the left of normal random variable 3.5 hours. Convert
3.5 to a z value. That is, z = 0.5 = 0.8. From the table, area at the left of z = 0.8 is
0.7881. Thus, the percentage of workers who spend less than 3.5 hours is 78.81%.

Example 4.
To pass in the accreditation and equivalency (A&E) test , ALS students must
score in the top 15% on general abilities test. The test has a mean of 200 and a
standard deviation of 20. Find the lowest possible score to pass the test assuming the
test scores are normally distributed.

The lowest possible score is the normal random variable corresponding to a z
value occupying an area of 0.15 from the right of the normal curve. To solve for the
required variable, find P(Z > z) = 0.15
P(Z > z) = 0.15
1 – P(Z < z) = 0.15
P(Z < z) = 1 – 0.15 since it is right tailed
= 0.85 from the table, look for the z value corresponding to this area.
Thus, z = 1.03 then convert this to a normal random variable x
x = z𝜎 + 𝜇 = (1.03)(20) + 200 = 220.6

Therefore, the lowest possible score to pass the test is 220.

This time, it’s your turn to shine. Answer the following problems.
Solve the following problems.
1. Use the Table of Standard Normal distribution to find the probabilities of the
(a) P(Z < -1.45)
(b) P(0.5 < Z < 2.33)
(c) P(Z > 1.78)

2. X is a normally distributed random variable with a mean of 60 and standard

deviation of 8. Find the probabilities indicated by using the table.
(a) P(X < 52)
(b) P(48 < X < 64)
(c) P(X > 57)

3. The average number of calories in a 1.8-ounce chocolate bar is 230.

Suppose that the distribution of calories is approximately normal with a
standard deviation of 10. Find the probability that a randomly selected
chocolate bar will have less than 200 calories.

4. The average monthly salary of 500 teachers of Candelaria East district is

P26,500. If the monthly salaries of the teachers are normally distributed with
standard deviation of P2,500, approximately how many teachers in the
district are earning more than P30,000 monthly?


1. Which of the following notations indicate the probability of a z value

from the left?
A. P(Z > z) B. P(Z < z) C. P(X < x) D. P(X > x)

2. What is the probability of z value indicated by P(Z < -1.78)?

A. 0.0375 B. 0.9625 C. 0.9633 D. 0.3075
3. The ages of ALS students enrolled at Sta. Catalina National High
School are normally distributed with a mean of 19 years and standard
deviation of 3.5 years. If a student is selected at random, what is the
probability that his age is under 22 years?
A. 19.49% B. 80.51% C. 11.67% D. 90.57%

4. The weekly sales of ABM students on their “Go Negosyo” project are
normally distributed with mean of P3,200 and standard deviation of
P500. What percent of their weekly sales are over P4,000?
A. 94.52% B. 77.34% C. 5.48% D. 22.57%
5. To lessen the number of non-numerates in Sta. Catalina National
High School, the Math department implemented Project MEAN
(Masterful Elimination of All Non-numerates). A student is required to
undergo with the program if he/she scored below 20 in the numeracy
test. If the scores of the students in the numeracy test are normally
distributed with a mean of 30.50 and standard deviation of 9.5, what
percentage of the students needed to undergo with the program?
A. 13.35% B. 86.65% C. 11.27% D. 14.45%

Printed Materials:
Belecina, R. R., Baccay, E. S. and Mateo, E. B. (2016). Statistics and Probability.
Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store Inc.
Altares, Priscilla S. et al. (2005). Elementary Statistics With Computer Applications.
Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store Inc.
Freund, John E. and Smith, Richard M. (1986). Statistics: A First Course, 4th Ed.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc
Bourne, Murray (2020). Interactive Mathematics. Normal Probability Distribution from
Chen, James (2020). Normal Distribution from (2019). Normal Distribution from
Westgard QC (2019). Table of Areas Beneath Normal Curve from
PERC Learning Portal (2019). Statistics and Probability – Quexhub from


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