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Annual Professional Growth Plan – PSIII Spring 2023 Meagan Lahoda

Question: How can I differentiate for students who struggle to demonstrate knowledge through written language?
Goal: Explore alternative modes of delivery that limit writing.
Teaching Quality Standard or School Leader Competency Reference:
#3a A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning practices to meet the learning needs of
every student.
Strategies Timeline Resources
1. Make a list of students who struggle to January:
print/write. - List of students
2. Brainstorm alternative assessments to - Experiment with activities
add to planning. - Reflect on successful and unsuccessful
3. Incorporate different modes of delivery lassroom-resources/examples-
(formative and summative February: of-differentiated-instruction/
assessment) in my planning. - research new methods/activities
4. Adjust plans to continue with - try different methods
successful activities & discontinue UDL course U of L
unsuccessful. March
- Reflect on what was successful and why
Indicators of success:
1. What will the successful completion of my goal look like for my Professional Practice?
- Planned activities with alternate activities based on the student.
2. For Student Learning?
- My goal is for students who struggle to communicate through the written language and to have the opportunities
to complete activities without feeling incapable or excluded. If all students were able to complete a task in some
way, whether it's writing, drawing, or speaking, I will have achieved my goal.
End Reflection:
1. How successful have I been in meeting my goal?
I have met my goal by exploring different resources as well as designing my own. I have found that designing my own
resources are easier for that student as it is designed specifically for them. However, making these resources and activities
myself took time which isn’t always practical. To overcome this impracticality, I started making resources that are general
and can be modified depending on the lesson of the day. I mostly stuck to drawing activities and copying sentences and
descriptions. In the future, I would like to research ways for these students to engage with the content so that they are
connecting and remembering information.

2. How has my professional practice improved?

Overall, I have gotten familiar with resources that allow students to be engaged in learning. I now understand time
management with differentiated and I also understand the reward of having that student independent during lessons.

3. How has student learning improved?

I think this differentiation gave this student purpose in the classroom. They may not have retained the information, but they
engaged with words and pictures based on that topic. It was also something that they could complete independently which
was something I found rewarding.

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