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WTS WTS Remova100 - Membuang/menghilangkan tahi lalat, kutil dan ketuat

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13-11-2014, 07:37 AM #331
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Hurm. Boleh caye ke nih... risau jadi lain... mmg ade lah tahik lalat... dulu tahik lalat dia comel ja..skg nih ruang dia makin membesar tapi rata ja kulit dia... nmpk mcm pelik... bentuk
pon pelik.. yg xtahan yer betol2 kat bibir..potong stim betol haha
We preferred only the
best brokers! xtahu ape rase dh skg -_-

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13-11-2014, 10:02 AM #332

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miecs Join Date: Nov 2009

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Originally Posted by diyana roslan
Currency Rates Hurm. Boleh caye ke nih... risau jadi lain... mmg ade lah tahik lalat... dulu tahik lalat dia comel ja..skg nih ruang dia makin membesar tapi rata ja kulit dia... nmpk mcm
pelik... bentuk pon pelik.. yg xtahan yer betol2 kat bibir..potong stim betol haha
EUR / USD 1.19775

Patut la banyak komen ada taik lalat atas mulut rupanya. Heehe.
USD / JPY 109.115

Dah berpuluh org beli kat cg ni ada laa sorang dua ja bg komen
GBP / USD 1.35354

Yg lain ghaib
USD / CHF 0.99988 __________________

WTS REMOVA100 Muka awak cantik tapi banyak tahi lalat,kutil atau ketuat? Whatsapp 01126567976
USD / CAD 1.28595
WTS Beard Oil (Minyak Janggut) HOLD.GROOM.SHINE terkini POMEDATION pastinya MURAHHHH
EUR / JPY 130.693

AUD / USD 0.75389 s 13-11-2014, 10:38 AM #333

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bro pm satu cara jual beli ni...


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13-11-2014, 12:52 PM #334

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diyana roslan Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by miecs

Patut la banyak komen ada taik lalat atas mulut rupanya. Heehe.

Dah berpuluh org beli kat cg ni ada laa sorang dua ja bg komen

Yg lain ghaib

Salah tuh... byk ckp lah lw kat mulut hahahah... lw byk komen byk tahik lalat kat tangan hekhek

Alah yg beli 2 3 ja? Tu lah kamu xpandai nak guna ilmu pukau harap ja siggy ilmu pukau
xtahu ape rase dh skg -_-

13-11-2014, 01:03 PM #335

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cer pm sat..

13-11-2014, 01:33 PM #336

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ada testimoni ketuat tak?

13-11-2014, 01:39 PM #337

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tahi lalat biasa2 pun boleh eh? tp kalau tadak tahi lalat tak manis la plak kn.. hehehe
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Green"]BELI[/COLOR] di bawah.. [COLOR="Red"]JUAL[/COLOR] di atas = [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]TUNAI [/FONT][/SIZE]


[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B][URL=""][SIZE="3"]KAD KAHWIN


14-11-2014, 12:11 AM #338

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Parking parking parking

14-11-2014, 03:33 PM #339

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miecs Join Date: Nov 2009
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Originally Posted by NoobFTT

tahi lalat biasa2 pun boleh eh? tp kalau tadak tahi lalat tak manis la plak kn.. hehehe

Setengah org xsuka ada taik lalat. Boleh la guna produk ni jika berminat.
WTS REMOVA100 Muka awak cantik tapi banyak tahi lalat,kutil atau ketuat? Whatsapp 01126567976
WTS Beard Oil (Minyak Janggut) HOLD.GROOM.SHINE terkini POMEDATION pastinya MURAHHHH

14-11-2014, 04:36 PM #340

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miecs Join Date: Nov 2009
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Originally Posted by acaphani

Parking parking parking

Parking lama2 confirm lupa. Haahaha

WTS REMOVA100 Muka awak cantik tapi banyak tahi lalat,kutil atau ketuat? Whatsapp 01126567976
WTS Beard Oil (Minyak Janggut) HOLD.GROOM.SHINE terkini POMEDATION pastinya MURAHHHH

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