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Sultan Qaboos University

College of Science
Department of Computer Science
COMP2002, Spring 2011
Week 3 Lab Exercises

Exercise 1:

Write, compile, link and execute a C++ program to calculate and display the linear expansion in a steel
beam as a function of temperature increase. The formula for linear expansion is: l  l0[1   (T f  T0 )] ,
where l0 is the length of the beam at temperature T0,  is the coefficient of linear expansion, and Tf is the
final temperature of the beam. Your program should ask the user to enter and read the values of l0, , T0
and Tf using clear prompt messages. Display the result in the following format:

The linear expansion is:

where represents a field of width 7 including 3 digits to the right of the decimal point.


Exercise 2:

Newton’s law of cooling states that when an object with an initial temperature T is placed in a
surrounding substance of temperature A, it will reach a temperature TFIN after t minutes according to the
formula: TFIN  (T  A)e kt  A , where k is a thermal coefficient for the material being cooled.

a) Using this formula write a C++ program that determines the temperature reached by an object of
initial temperature T degrees after placing it for t minutes in a liquid whose temperature is A degrees.
Your program should ask the user to enter the thermal coefficient k of the object as well as the values
of T, t and A. Use clear prompt messages when reading the inputs and display the result in the
following format:

The final temperature of the object is: xxx.xx

where xxx.xx represents a field of width 6 including 2 digits to the right of the decimal point.

b) Compile, link and execute your program.

c) Name your source file lab3_xxxxx.cpp (where xxxxx is your student ID) and upload it on Moodle
before the end of the lab session.

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