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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Sunlight hits my face as I wake up. I sit up and put my hair in a messy bun. I
look to my side and I see a message from my boyfriend Charlie. He texted me “Good
Morning Sunshine” I smile as I text back “Good morning babe 💙” I get up and take
a shower. After that, I wear the clothes that I chose last night and I grab my bag.
(The Outfit):

I go downstairs and make my breakfast. As I’m eating I hear footsteps, I look to my

right and see my mom on a business call. “Hey mom, can I-” before I could finish my
sentence she interrupts and says “not now Y/N” I frown. I hear honking outside of
my house I know its Charlie, I rush to the door as I’m opening it accidentally trip
and my face hits the floor. I get up quickly and hear someone laughing like a hyena, I
look up its Charlie.
I blush of embarrassment as I walk to his car. We drove to our school in pure silence.
He parked the car and looks at me with a serious face, he asks “Y/N do you want me
to carry you to class or are you gonna trip and hurt yourself again?” I reply with
“haha you’re so funny.” I rush out of the car and run to the locker so I could talk to
my BFF Roni. As I put my textbooks into my locker, Roni comes behind me and
scares me. “AHH” as I scream in terror, she laughs non-stop. I say “Okay that’s
enough” she smirks and says “okay fine, but did you hear the rumor?” Me being
confused and asks “what rumor?” out of curiosity. She says “there is a new french
boy coming to school today.” I said out of disappointment “I thought it was gonna
be more interesting like the Kardashians coming to school.” Right after I said that
everyone started running towards something. Roni and I started running with them
to see what’s happening. Everyone was gathering around him. I see his smooth hair
and his gorgeous eyes they are like green sapphire. His jawline is so sharp it could cut
diamonds. As he was walking, we made eye contact and he gave me “the look”...

Chapter 2: Bonjour, Nouveau Garcon

The bell rang, Everyone slowly went to class including me. My first period is
French class with Mrs.Vandertramp, as everyone sat down, the new boy walked in.
Our hot principal, Mr. Styles came and said, “Good Morning class, this is our new
student, his name is Timothee Chalamet, he’s from France. Everyone be kind to him
and someone could show him around the school. Who wants to take that important
role?” Every single girl raised their hand beside me. Timothee smirks and looks at me.
He asks me a question with his beautiful French accent, “Would it be a problem if
you showed me around?” “ Suree…” I responded nervously. He said “ Thanks, love”
and takes an empty seat in front of me. He turns around and introduces himself, “
You can call me Timmy if you want to, what’s your name, beautiful?” “ Y/N”,
trying to ignore him and focus in class. Skipping to lunch, Charlie announces that
he’s hosting a party at his house. Roni and I are very excited to go to the party.* Ring
Ring * that was the last bell, I was ready to party after a long week. Someone hugged
me from behind, it’s Charlie. As we were skipping to the car and holding hands I
could see Timmy watching us but I don’t care, it’s not like I have feelings for him or
anything, right? I thought to myself. After I got home, I could hear yelling coming
from my mom’s room. It was my dad who left us after I was born. I only remember
him from pictures. He turned around and said, “ Hi, honey!” I was like, “ Why are
you here?” I didn’t want to know the answer. I just ran and went to my room. I
called Roni and told her I’m not going to the party. Roni insisted that it could be a
distraction and make me feel better. I could hear more screaming and then heard my
mom say, “ GET OUT! I’m going for a walk.” I got up and got ready I’m not going
to let a guy who was never there for me to ruin my day. This is what you wore.
Skipping to the Party, I was dancing like there is no tomorrow. I see Timmy coming
in and I have to admit he looked really good. Roni was just hoeing around like she
always does. Such a Queen. I was looking for Charlie but I couldn’t find him.
Timmy grabbed my arm and took me to the kitchen area of the house. I asked him
what he was doing. He just pointed. As I turned around, I see Charlie smothering his
lips all over a girl. Me absolutely fuming, I stomped there pulled them apart and saw
the plot twist of the century. It was my own mom. I felt like everything was
spinning. Warm tears were dripping down my face. I felt mad, sad and embarrassed.
My mom trying to apologize. I said, “Fuck You, you didn’t have time for me but you
have time to make out with my Fucking boyfriend.” I ran outside and cried. Timmy
followed me and took me to his house.

Chapter 3: Son of Who?

I trusted him weirdly. He sat me down and asked if I needed water. I

screamed,” Why are you being nice to me?” I tried to run because I felt embarrassed.
His eyes turned red like fire and he grabbed me; pushed me against the wall. His
warm breath was hitting my face. He was staring at my eyes and then my lips
multiple times. He leaned in and kissed me roughly. I kissed him back, I couldn’t
help it. He whispered in my ear, “ You don’t know how badly I want you

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