Taking Medical History

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Nurse-patient conversation describing themedical history

Nurse : Assalamualaikum wr. wb., good morning Mrs.

Patient    : Good morning nurse.

Nurse : Introduce i’m nurse fara, you can call me nurse Fara. I will check on the madam
from 7am to 2pm. May I know the name of the Mrs?

Patient    : My name is hani.

Nurse : Mrs, what do you like to be called?

Patient    : Just call me Mrs. hani, nurse.

Nurse : Okay Mrs. hani, if I may know what are you feeling?

Patient    : I feel my stomach hurts, heartburn, flatulence, easy feeling of fullness, and often
nausea and vomiting, nurse.

Nurse : where exactly is the pain?

Patient : the pain is in the upper abdomen, nurse.

Nurse : Ok Mrs, oh yes, how many times have you been in the hospital with ulcer

Patient    : I was admitted to the hospital with a case of ulcer disease which was the second
time the nurse had.

Nurse : Well, I want to invite Mrs. to discuss about the ulcer that Mrs. is suffering from.
The time is approximately 30 minutes. Is Mrs ready?

Patient    : Yes, I am willing

Nurse : Mrs, do you know what ulcer disease is, if you know, can you explain what ulcer
disease is?

Patient    : As far as I know, ulcer disease is a disease of the stomach caused by late eating.

Nurse : Mrs, you are right, but I need to add something that ulcer disease is the damage
to the lining of the stomach wall caused by excessive gastric acid secretion by something.

Patient    : Oh I see.

Nurse : Do you know the cause of the ulcer.

Patient    : As far as I know, the cause of the ulcer is because of late eating, isn't that right,

Nurse : Yes, Mrs. In addition, ulcers are also caused by irregular eating times, if you
don't chew gently, work too hard and don't get enough rest, and your mind is too tense or
psychologically stressed.

Patient    : Oh, I see. Then how to avoid stomach ulcers?

Nurse : Get used to eating regularly, don't eat too much food that is too spicy and sour,
and avoid all factors that can lead to stress and mental stress,

Patient    : Ok, nurse, I understand now

Nurse : When Mrs. has an ulcer, what do you do? ?

Patient    : I only take the nurse's ulcer medicine.

Nurse : Actually, the Mrs action is correct, but that's not all and needs to be considered
because in giving ulcer medicine if the dose of medicine or type of medicine is not in
accordance with the cause of the ulcer, it will not stop or treat the ulcer but can cause the
disease to get worse, so if you don't understand It's true, don't try to treat yourself, you should
take treatment to a health center, hospital, or practicing doctor.

Patient    : Oh, that's right, nurse.

Nurse : Right, Mrs, do you understand or do you need to ask more questions about this
ulcer disease?

Patient    : I understand and for now there are no more questions.

Nurse : Because miss hani already understand how to treat ulcer disease and there is
nothing more to ask, Let's end the discussion for now.

Patient    : Thank you nurse, if next time I have a problem that I don't understand about the
treatment of my illness, can we discuss again?

Nurse : Oh sure, I will gladly help Mrs, good morning Mrs.

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