Biophilic Interview

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Question 1: what do you think about Biophillic stress healing center and its


From an evolutionary perspective, Biophilic designs have a significant healing impact on

individuals, because being in contact with nature is a primary basic need that ensured
survival. Biophilic stress healing center provides significant relief to stressed individuals
from a psychological, cognitive, and physiological aspect.

In terms of psychological wellbeing, laboratory experiments as well as field experiments

have shown that biophilic designs tend to reduce anxiety and tension, while also
improving the mood. For example, Roger Ulrich (1994) reported that subjects who were
experimentally exposed to a stressor, tended to recover at a faster rate when they were
shown nature scenes or urban scenes with nature. Research has also shown that
biophilic designs reduce the psychological symptoms of ADHD in children (Faber et al

Research has shown that biophilic design tend to enhance cognitive processes such as
creativity and attention. It also allows the mind to restore its cognitive resources
especially if it has been performing a higher order thinking task for a prolonged time.

Biophilic designs also play a significant role in physiological health. That is, laboratory
experiments and field studies have shown that biophilic interior spaces reduce the
stress hormone cortisol, reduce blood pressure, and induces muscle relaxation.
Empirical evidence has also shown that residents in biophilic friendly neighborhoods
tended to show a better overall health profile (Greowegen et al. 2006).

Question 2: what facilities you suggest to add to stress healing process?

Anxiety and stress cannot be solely removed by biophilic stress healing centers,
therefore it is essential that there is a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist that can be
reached within the healing center so that they can provide psychotherapy or medication
when necessary. It may also be beneficial to provide family therapy, because in many
cases, stressed individuals tend to feel pressured from their surroundings (i.e. family
members), thus, involving the partner or family may teach them how to handle and
reduce the stress of their loved one.

Question 3: what factors effect a stressed human in an interior space?what to

avoid and what to add?

It is essential that confined spaces are avoided as they can trigger anxiety within
stressed individuals. Clutter should also be avoided because a stressed individual
needs a calm and orderly space to sooth them. Finally, it is crucial that the artwork sets
a positive tone rather than a violent or sad theme, as this can trigger anxiety in the
individual. Avoid placing coffee, tea, or red bull within the stress healing center, as
research has found that these are stimulants that trigger panic attacks.
Sunlight plays a central role in the physiological and psychological wellbeing of
individuals, let alone stressed individuals. Thus, it is highly important to ensure that
interior space allows a generous amount of sunlight in, through large windows and
smart glass walls. For, Figueiro et al. (2002) reported that bright daylight enhances the
mood and alertness, and more importantly it entrains the circadian rhythm (sleep
system of your body). Similarly, Walch et al. (2005) found that patients in hospital rooms
with bright light, tended to recover from their illness at a significantly faster pace and
experienced less pain levels, in comparison to patients in dimly lit rooms.

The Japanese Kansei engineering suggests that the biophilic interior space should
encompass multi sensory space and rhythmic space that mimics nature, because an
interaction with nature (whether it is active or passive) will ameliorate stress both
psychologically and physiologically. Accordingly, Ulrich et al. (1994), suggested that a
facility that seeks to reduce stress should contain “rich foliage, flowers, a water feature,
congruent nature sounds (bird songs, moving water), and visible wildlife, particularly

Question 4: what is the requirements in talk therapy rooms? chairs, beds or


A fundamental factor of a therapeutic counselling room revolves the colors of its walls
and furniture. It is highly recommended to foster warm and light colors such as blues
and greens, so that a patient feels welcomed and safe rather than fearful and detached.
Several plants should be incorporated within the therapeutic room, and if possible, a
view to a serene garden. Moreover, there should be open windows that allow natural
sunlight so that the room is not dim and threatening.

In terms of furniture, it is recommended that the chair or couch are soft and comforting,
yet at the same time provide support and can be easily adjusted. The chair of the
patient should always be at a comfortable distance from the therapist, and more
importantly, facing the door so that they can psychologically feel safe to leave as they

Finally, the use of serene artwork, soothing toys (when the patient is a child), or room
accessories that mimic nature (e.g. fountain top) can all maintain a warm and safe vibe,
especially when an emotionally sensitive topic is being discussed.

Question 5: what other nature therapies can be added?

Research has shown that animal interaction can reduce symptoms of different
psychological disorders from anxiety and autism to and schizophrenia. Therefore, an
effective addition to the stress healing center is to incorporate animal assisted therapy,
whereby individuals will be encouraged to interact with horses, dogs and other animals.
For animal therapy can regulate stress, improve the mood, and reduce psychological
symptoms particular to certain disorders.

Question 6: how can i make this center more effective?

Manipulating the background music can place a significant impact on the mood and
stress levels of an individual. Classical music for example has been found to alleviate
pain and reduce stress. Background music that mimics nature sounds such as birds
chirping has also been found to play a role in mood enhancement.

Include a room or class that trains individuals on mindfulness meditation (this is a more
cognitive type of meditation that influences gamma waves), as research has shown that
meditating reduces stress, improves the mood, reduces relapse of depression, and
improves sleep patterns.

Question 7: what does a stressed person expect from stress healing center? 

A stressed individual tends to have difficulty controlling his/her racing and paranoid
negative thoughts to a point where they can no longer function in their daily activities. In
many cases untreated stress can lead to panic attacks that further impede the overall
wellbeing of the individual in terms of sleeping, eating, and focusing on tasks.
Therefore, a stressed individual expects that the center can provide a soothing and
calming space, that does not add to her/his stress (be it from clutter, or too many
individuals confronting him/her). More importantly, the center should provide
professionals who can handle a panic attack and reframe the negative cognitive pattern
of an individual with anxiety. Furthermore, a stressed individual expects complete
privacy, meaning that they should feel safe and free enough to enter and leave the
facility as they please, and more importantly discuss their worries in a safe and private
space. They should also feel complete agency, whereby they have control over even
the small things such as adjusting the lighting, or the chair height, or the noise level of
the background music. In the end, it is essential that the stress healing center contains
professional psychotherapists who can work in conjunction with the biophilic stress
center, as solely focusing on natural therapies will only work for a short term period (or
only when they are in the center).

Layal Hmaidi,
M.A. and B.A. in Psychology (from the American University of Beirut)
IB DP Psychology Teacher

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