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KAS Office Ethiopia/African Union

Selection weekend, Feb12-13, 2022

Please complete this multiple choice test. Circle the correct answer. In some
question more than one answer might be correct. Sometimes , you have to give the
answer instead of choosing one. You have 30 minutes to finish. Write your name at
the top of each page.

Hint : Answer is only the highlighted choice!

Tolera Gudisa
1. Who was not a Chancellor of Germany?
a. Angela Merkel
b. Helmut Kohl
c. Ursulavonder Leyen

2. The capital of Germany is Berlin.Which city used to be Germany’s capital until

a. Cologne
b. Frankfurt
c. Bonn

3. In which year did the Berlin Wall fall?

a. 1945
b. 1989
c. 1993

4. The current President of the European Commissionis:

a. Charles Michel
b. Ursulavonder Leyen
c. Josep Borrell

5. TheKonradAdenauerFoundationisclosetowhichsetofpolitical?
a. ChristianDemocracy
b. SocialDemocracy
c. Marxism

6. What year did the battle of Adwa take place?

a. 1896
b. 1890
c. 1913

Tolera Gudisa
7. In which region is the grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam located?
a. Amhara Regional State
b. Oromia Regional State
c. Benishangul Gumuz Regional State
d. Tigray Regional State

8. Which of the following persons are associated with the Martyrs’ day marked
annually on Yekatit12 in the Ethiopian calendar?

a. Girmame Neway and Mengistu Neway

b. Abraha Deboch and Moges Asgedom
c. Abdisa Aga and BelaybZeleke
d. All of the above

9. True or false : The house of Federation is the Upper House of Ethiopian


a. True
b. False

10. Which of the following s not Ethiopian political party?

a. Prosperity Party(PP)
b. Enat Party(EP)
c. Ethiopian Democratic Union(EDU)
d. Christian Democratic Union(CDU)

11. Which variant of the Covid_19 virus caused a global shock end of 2021?

a. Andromeda
b. Esperanza
c. Omicron

12. That international meeting of COP-26 in Glasgow last year discussed solutions
to which global problem?

a. Food security
b. Terrorism
c. Climate change

13. Over the last twelve months, the African Union suspended four AU member
states following an unconstitutional change of government. Which country as
not among them?

a. Sudan
b. Seychelles
c. Mali
d. Burkina Faso
Tolera Gudisa
14. The 2022 Olympic Winter Games are currently taking place in which Asian

a. Japan
b. SouthKorea
c. China
The game will take place February 4 - 20, 2022 in China. It is not taking place now!
15. Which legendary person from South Africa died a few weeks ago?

a. Nelson Mandela
b. Archbishop Desmond Tutu
c. Miriam Makeba

16. The square root of 289 is:_______17___________.

17. The number 23 multiplied with 6 divided by 3 equals:______46________.

18. Atriangle has three sides. Asquare has four corners. How many corners does
an octagon have?_______8_________.

19. What is a rating agency?

a. A startup that uses blockchain for its services

b. An agency that calculates exchange rates of foreign currencies
c. A company that assesses the financial strengths of companies and countries

20. Which economist was a critic of Keynesiane conomics?

a. Milton Friedman
b. Amarty a Sen
c. James To bin

21. Which of the following are listed incorrect chronology(from earliest to latest)?
a. League of Nations,United Nations Organisation, Organisation of
AfricanUnity,African Union
b. WorldWarI,WorldWarII,ColdWar,OsloAccords,9/11
c. Ethiopian Students Movement,Ethiopian Revolution,Ethiopian civil war
d. All are correct
e. All are correct except B
Tolera Gudisa
22. Which one of the following is not an agency of the United Nations
a. World Health Organization
b. Food and Agriculture Organization
c. World Food Program
d. International Criminal Court
e. None

23. Which of the following countries was not a founding member of the United
Nations Organization?
a. Egypt
b. Ethiopia
c. West-Germany
d. South Africa.
e. Liberia

24. How many permanent seats do African countries have in the UN Security
Council at the moment?
a. One
b. Two
c. None

25. The former UN-Secretary General Kofi Anan came from which country?
a. Ghana
b. Nigeria
c. Senegal
d. SouthAfrica

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