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International Business Course – Management Department

Why should I study international business?

Students who wish to increase their understanding of global markets and various regions of the world
should strongly consider studying international business. The world’s economy is increasingly global.
Studying international business will provide you with insights into the global economic and business
climates. Additionally, many institutions strongly advise (or require) students who major or minor in
international business to study a foreign language and/or to complete an overseas study or internship
experience. Taken together, such a course of study can be particularly beneficial for students who hope
to one day work abroad. 

What are the advantages of studying international business?

To repeat, the world’s economy is increasingly global. As a result, demand continues to grow for
individuals who understand the global context of business: from the logistics of international trade and
cross-border investments to the cultural and ethical issues that are imbued in the practice of business
around the world. By studying international business, you will learn about world cultures and societies,
and be challenged to approach issues from different perspectives. These skills are increasingly valuable
to employers faced with the challenge of opening and integrating multiple markets and achieving
cohesion and collegiality in increasingly diverse workforces.

In what fields will I be prepared to work if I study international business?

Studying international business can prepare students for positions across the public, private, and non-
profit sectors, for example in business, government, and international agencies. Students might expect
their day-to-day work to revolve around international trade, global business operations and planning, or
industrial development, for example. Additionally, international business studies can be greatly
beneficial for students who plan to pursue graduate studies in areas such as law or public policy where a
robust knowledge of international business can be helpful.

How does the subject of international business work with other majors,
such as accounting or marketing?
Typically international business studies touch on courses and topics across a range of business fields,
from finance and marketing to management and accounting. Just as the coursework in those fields is
designed to provide students will in-depth knowledge and skills in a particular field, the same is true of
international business – it is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the global
practices across the spectrum of business fields.

Please note that these are general responses to general questions and do not constitute academic advising or career services advice
at any institution. Students should always speak with advisors at their home institution before making any course selection or
major/minor field decisions. Surce : Global Edge

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